This module has no docstring.
authenticate_additional_data(self, data: bytes) -> None Authenticates the provided bytes.
finalize(self) -> bytes Returns the results of processing the final block as bytes.
update(self, data: bytes) -> bytes Processes the provided bytes through the cipher and returns the results as bytes.
update_into(self, data: bytes, buf: bytes) -> int Processes the provided bytes and writes the resulting data into the provided buffer. Returns the number of bytes written.
authenticate_additional_data(self, data: bytes) -> None Authenticates the provided bytes.
finalize(self) -> bytes Returns the results of processing the final block as bytes.
finalize_with_tag(self, tag: bytes) -> bytes Returns the results of processing the final block as bytes and allows delayed passing of the authentication tag.
update(self, data: bytes) -> bytes Processes the provided bytes through the cipher and returns the results as bytes.
update_into(self, data: bytes, buf: bytes) -> int Processes the provided bytes and writes the resulting data into the provided buffer. Returns the number of bytes written.
authenticate_additional_data(self, data: bytes) -> None Authenticates the provided bytes.
finalize(self) -> bytes Returns the results of processing the final block as bytes.
update(self, data: bytes) -> bytes Processes the provided bytes through the cipher and returns the results as bytes.
update_into(self, data: bytes, buf: bytes) -> int Processes the provided bytes and writes the resulting data into the provided buffer. Returns the number of bytes written.
tag = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e2dba0e0> Returns tag bytes. This is only available after encryption is finalized.
with_traceback(...) Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
args = <attribute 'args' of 'BaseException' objects>
with_traceback(...) Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
args = <attribute 'args' of 'BaseException' objects>
key_size = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e2db9840> The size of the key being used as an integer in bits (e.g. 128, 256).
key_sizes = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e2db97e0> Valid key sizes for this algorithm in bits
name = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e2db9720> A string naming this mode (e.g. "AES", "Camellia").
finalize(self) -> bytes Returns the results of processing the final block as bytes.
update(self, data: bytes) -> bytes Processes the provided bytes through the cipher and returns the results as bytes.
update_into(self, data: bytes, buf: bytes) -> int Processes the provided bytes and writes the resulting data into the provided buffer. Returns the number of bytes written.
with_traceback(...) Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
args = <attribute 'args' of 'BaseException' objects>
Mode = +Mode