FFS, am I Harvey Danger? I can "identify" with nearly every lyric from the song "Flagpole Sitta", which was a one-hit wonder type of song from 1998, which was *the* year for one-hit wonder bands. Countless swarms of them all over MTV and the radio. It was a hop skip and jump away in time from Britney Spears dominating...music, and I think every record label in the developed world were trying to make anything/everything "happen" in regards to trends, genres, and fashion. Sorta fun times, but I was pre-occupied with my own narcissism at the time, so I just stayed focused on my life and the times I could have with my friends and our frantic shit we would get into.
Never cared nor noticed the lyrics within "Flagpole Sitta", but as I just heard it (again) a moment ago, I was like: "this guy is a post-Capitalist hipster far before the times and culture called for such a person to exist!". Fascinating.
Anyway, enough high-minded type babbling.
I am sipping a Diet Pepsi fountain from a local gas station, which I bought for myself just because, and on the way I spoke with my neighbor (whom I just call "S"), and he requested I buy him a small Fireball Whiskey, as he was stressed about XYZ. He is 70, so he does what he wants and as he wishes, and I just go with whatever he wants to talk about. Hard guy to talk to, sometimes. But I endure and enjoy keeping his company, because he's nice enough to not repel me in any significant way.
Now, I listen to Coheed and Cambria, and it is a song I have not heard before - "Welcome Home". I have only heard "The Suffering" prior to this, and yea, both songs are good.
And there goes more babbling.
I hope all are well, and perhaps I could get a coffee after this pop, ~bartender? I may as well make it a high caffeine night.
Hope all are well
Until later...
I remember it. Loved it. Haven't heard it in probably at least a decade, now, which seems weird because I recall thinking that song would be around forever. But that was back when stations/channels were numbered in the thousands instead of the mega-giga-gazillions.
Can't say I could make out all the lyrics then ('cept for "I'm not sick, but I'm not well", which I rather identified with at the time), but the energy of the song seemed the important part to me.
Love that song, ~tffb. Double-love that the Peep Show tv series used it as their theme song.
On that note about post-capitalist hipsterism ahead of its time, I've been wondering a lot lately whether the times and culture have been calling for it since a long time ago, but most of us were just too young to appreciate what it meant and why.
Think I might join you in that caffeination. ~bartender, espresso martini for me please.