~media - Kennedy Mentions Index
Mentions of ~media appear on 9 pages in gemini space.
I solemnly swear that on this April Fools' Day I will not post a fake engagement photo on MyFaceGoogleBookPlusSpace like some kind of asshole. Nor will I perpetuate a celebrity death hoax. Because that makes people sad. In fact, I will not play any practical jokes. And if I see someone planning a prank, I will say to them: “Hey, you're being a dick right now. Stop being a dick. Stop being a dick. Seriously, stop being a dick.”
No Reservations in Narnia this fine Ēostre day
Ch-ch-ch-changes for the mobile web
Gemini Typography
[PATCH mygit] add dark colour scheme
[PATCH mygit 1/3] use Solarized colour scheme, dark mode
CSS de jour comme de nuit
Windows Mobile 6.1 setup notes