~flavigula - Kennedy Mentions Index

Mentions of ~flavigula appear on 542 pages in gemini space.

All patrons

Tuesday morning with the shades drawn


Split septum

I can only write whilst...

Personally, I don't know enough

The frigid air expects me


The Black Swan

Cycle Part VI


Nightmares of blueberry cobbler

Evening in Bracknell

The fungus grows in my soul

Ambient noise

Kerby Lane sports a grue cut

So says the ramblin' man

A Patch Cable Makes A Fine Garrote

Waving Wands of Wisdom at the Well Cared For Wino

Silence struck by spendthrifts

Slag, ruffians and patches of white dust

Dorian spanky mode

Two dimensional stochasticism

My urinary habits

Oxen in smallish corridor

Elaborating the Bender

Illicit Andel

The Gaarden of Hearthly Delights

Damage (not the Album)

The Lower Fee, Us

Perhaps Chris Is Right

Horizontal horizon

Correspondence with Christopher Part I

Correspondence with Christopher Part II

Children of Men

Authentication systems

Correspondence with Christopher Part III

Similar feelings - different age

I'm Having A Mid-Life Crisis

How untrue, how untrue your feelings that guide you are

Justin says....

The IT Crowd

Ruby has found a Clojure.

The vector is indexable, eh?

The Altruist in Me


Plucked until no feather is left

That pesky subconscious

Jacob and Esau

Burning bridges

1988 - The year of the parting

I float in 11/8

Clojure and its smirkless tetrahedron

Here we go round the mulberry bush

Cashews, Mennonites and Estonian

The dreaded and leprous lethargy


New topic problem

The missing Parts of The marten Blog

Puritanical flying machines

How I love to suffer

Prancing to Magma in my Daydreams

The words' footsteps patter to Heroku

When you are the Aceman, you must have a God complex to be complete

I'm removing one of your NAND gates

I shaved my ego with a straight razor

All Extroverts Must Be Drawn And Quartered

The comfortable path to oblivion

The 1000 Spittoons At The Abandoned Bar

I Ate Every One Of My Friends' Souls

The Architects of the Brave New World

Snooty morning penguin emulsion

Corpses in the rain - thought to be sweating

I must break the lethargy

A stab in the thigh for the month of July

The Exterior Exhibits the Interior

Wastelands of Sleep

People lost then resurfaced

The horror of the environment

Sagging psyche

I'll take my identity from the next card in the deck, baby

Please implant a bulb in my sternum

Tangible shadows

Humid homophones

Celestial the Queen

Going Thru The Motions

I Love The Night


The immediate future


Get that snapping, drooling thing away from me!

Your ex's snatch will gobble your soul

Can one fall in love with one who lacks imagination?

Chemical irritation

Lumps and stumps

A silent sipping

Cool drafts in an attic full of ghosts


The God of Perpetual Change

Giving == Parasite Education

A humming in my head

Let's define ourselves by the things we hate

I am beating myself about my ears instead of using my brain

Childhood values as the basis of the future

Another black/white

Somewhere during the intermission between the 24th and 25th

Ill nightly pliflerings

Sumless configuration


Fireworks coming out of my head

Angelic voices needling my uvula

Working on this here blog thing

Possible musics

Italian Zeuhl oozes up the wall

The pattering feet of unfortunate souls

Sunlight filtered by clouds pricks my naked neck

To rise before sunrise

A barnacle's ambition

I bought my flayed face at an auction

Nightly, I yearn for morning bed sores

Procrastination is the worm in the eye of the tulip

God wants good. God wants bad.

The fall of the hedonistic software firm

One of the seven draperies

The rancid web of memory

Bleary Bobbus Berieved of Babylon

One who has the final leg severed suffers - a bit

Nashville scurrying oxen

If it is small, it deserves torture

Spinning in a void forever now in my mind

I salute the day by removing the trousers of a nation

I salute the day by removing the trousers of a nation

Oh, you squirrely javascript!

Budding boils on a gaunt grimace


Scrub the javascript from that old, mouldy boot, please

Dust and nightmares in flatland

Deafening drumbeats undulate my colon

The fire that burns half as long melts my hypothalamus

Truth is dangerous in high doses

I bow to pesky pattern recognition

That opaque skin of yours doesn't fool me, Herr Principal

I believe I'll need some sort of image representation

Humans interact. I interact with this book.


Oh! The anticipation

The thrilling tale of coffee filter bacteria

Treading in bootsteps to places one should never again visit

I cut my eye on the diamonds in your draperies, dear

Is it my karma for this to be my dharma with you?

Goading the Schleimscheisser on

Sweltering afternoon in someone else's stolen homeland

Apparently none

HTML is for the weak

Hot DAMN, ladies and fishmongers


A bottle of rum and the bleakness that follows

Well into tomorrow night, lucid one

Strychnine for Christmas

Shithouse literature

Kick my teeth in

Gape while you can, guillotined man

The one sentance every 10 minutes entry

Fickle women

Don't make a fool of Sylvestr

Vete a freír espárragos

Decrepit body

Ululating embryo

¿Tengo siempre mala leche?

The smile under this skirt could move continents

Please do not kick me there, sir

Torpid Monday morning

Grating on my mother's prowess

Eyeless in Donostia

I hate when my pulse rate is 130

I see no fortune in your face

In the memory of sweetness

Instant Karma

I love television

Glutenous morning

Budu velmi znudenej BRZY

Light here stifles the darkness :*(

It's only meant to repress and neutralize your brain


Nefim nic. A lidi jsou absurdní

Y que?

Blink and you'll piss yourself

I'll give you fifty bucks if you snort this

Fly United

A pocket of solace in a weedy desert

Betimes my pen should be eternally empty

Cataclysms in the embossed godhead

Today's special word: WAD

Armed with scantiness

Choose one: a bear trap or a stoat

Sitting on the diseased stump, monitoring the pasture

Don't call me an IN-LAW or I'll freak a big one

An ink filled uvula

Conjoin with this, Mr Pustule


Ratgut wires vibrato

Food is the antithesis of creativity

Jsem mladej

The blunderbus shot the jukebox guy. May he rot in hades

I'll motivate you with this razor blade, sonny

It's the details that matter, Mr Schtick

All of your friends are tastier than mine

Slice me up

Music for writing


When Sylvie opens a discussion, we all become translucent

Blind drunk and creative

I fossilized sloth bladder inebriated with swirling smoke

Beings from fog

Shambal decides to sit on the opposite bench

Bagels are dense enough to be your step-niece

Survival as a ritual

Abject scheduling

A dainty breakfast for Shambal on a cold February morning

The Desert Music (Well, that's about to be the soundtrack)

Swan Lake

Glimpses of a pseudo-childhood

My uterine bulkhead is damaged (and also translucent, of course)

Red ink / Dander in my dreams

The curling tendrils from your unshaven nostrils

A letter to Creature

Your consistency is for the weak

I still have the power to accept defeat

The descent into madness

Kde je Kapija?

Starless (and lost the knack)


Internal changes external

Don't go for the golden promises / Don't go for the easy way

I really should have shagged Eva

Would you kill for a pint of methane?

You hear that Arp Odyssey? It's coming for YOU

To Hang Like A Mug On The Hook Of Fate

Yuppie Watering Holes Toot My Muffin

Tvaroh Is Streaming From Three Of Her Orifices

My true love pouts steadfastly at the bottom of a well

Oppression and the resultant personality disorders


There is no subject

Christopher y su pies antiguos

Sweet Entropy hooks me by the testes and deposits me thither

Today's Special Despicable Human Feature

For those about to die the flame death, we salute you

You are what eats you

Let's talk about continuations

Rays of Xmas Scent Eke from my Pores

I Scrape the Dried Blood from under my Toenails

Santo Domingo Was Squelched Along The Sacred Mud Trail

Almost with You

Paul is dead, but Felix is still alive

If Torla Doesn't Kill Me, The Inferno Surely Will

The Počitač Tilts On A Matress With Unwound Springs

I Punctured Her Lung And Quenched My Thirst With Leaking Instant Coffee

Abject alienation in a village from which are is no escape

Un monton de agua

The nimble ants nibble my fetoid brain

The wolf howls in mock delight (on a Tuesday, no less)

I prefer sparse matrices

Once you remove his liver, the chicks will snub him

Business Woman

Ambient noise is a fog in my brain

A long line of insects are awaiting your fly swatter

I stared at at the fissure in her eye-pit until I was color blind

Though my dreams were of his swift demise, this prolonged suffering is more satisfying

Scrub all the fuzz off with lye

I'd like to stab you in the nameday

Sitting in a Pool of Congealing Orange Marmalade

The Scent Of Cumin and Bacon from her Flesh

Stare the other way, fair maiden, for my navel is rancid

An opera singer walks into a bar with a flute jammed into one nostril and an accordion into the other

Relationships can be like water

When you and I are young again


All introverts shall be consumed by fire

When you're a boy, you are forced to perpetually relive the prime of your life

Guarda tus cojones dentro de esta caja hermetica en la alma

All my friends, one by one, rub on the vanishing oil

Constipation skips a generation


Oolong warms my trembling tail feathers flapping in the hurricane

I ejected the soul from her body and sent it tumbling to heaven

You have a glop of id running down your cheek

Is that a crustacean in your pocket or are you just an asshole?

That Croat Chick Has Plans to Saw Off Your Libido, Dick-Boy

It's too early in the morning to put my penis inside of a goat

She rammed that thing right into his tug-boat!

Her hoofbeats always get lost in tomorrow's dusty day

Horizontal forms crane to imbibe illusions

I snigger at your severed appendage

Song in Space

Her cleft caterwauls from her postured reticence

Misogynist rant

Shattering an opponent's testicles is as a decisive move as belching at the next sorority reunion

Every third day, he encountered the stick in the mud

I subsist peacefully by earning nothing

Were I able to move my finger that quickly, I'd have bitten the dust by now

All bow down to the oily patch of earth

Terra Nova Cain

Her dessicated cadaver shall be an excavation treasure

Someone clean her brains off Christián's boot

I am of the cosmos as peasants are of the soil

The restless void between the stars

Shambal and his religion fetish

Why we don't cater to the raging voices of the servants

You don't want to know what happened to the wife

What claim have I that you exist?

Your inner dialogue is spilling into my soup

I'll just nail myself to the sinking boat, thank you


For those who wish to die, go right ahead

The flaccid membrane encasing the crone's legs to my left is congealing

The healing of the hooved one

Friction eventually produces a featureless stone

The devil snatched away her ovaries

Your pellucid eyes clearly display your recent lobotomy

I share my inner rot with my fellow rodents

Please spend your time doing a number of more less satisfying and anti-intellectual activities

Cut yourself loose from the manic day

That goat of yours isn't getting any yonger, ya know

Winter eve


Beauty seared the eyes from Shambal's pocked face

I kicked the rotten, wooden bucket and it crumbled

The leaves are falling in autumn's absence

A synchronised ant dance for your second best friend's wake

I'll quash your spindly, groping self-assertion with a stern glance

Humanity underrates spins

You piss in my trousers once more, you're filed away


What I'll wear to your burial

Just what are BRANCH TABLES and why would you want to use them in your current project?

The Disillusionist

Sleep while we pray for our lives

I lived in the soundbox of Thelonious's sweet and lovely nightmare for 17 days

Worry not, child, for your line will be cut

Monophonic, crepuscular and half-glimpsed

Fronds littered the garden, masking her unruly tongue

Filling the spaces between notes, where silence floats, is not obligatory

My shoulders were crushed by perished social climbers

Remember that a melody slides over a shifting rhythm leaving only a thin residue

A weary magnetic lax

Soy un Pesado


I fan through their faces

The Horrors of a Sunspot Winking Out

Preforations in the Partition of Tradition

The muddy sound of fluid frequencies

Ever a slave to the worn out grooves

Take the bool by its greyhorn

Appease your own Gods

My Dirigible is the Centre of the Universe

The Patter of Envelope Controlled White Noise Generators

Discreet Chunks of Coloured Quanta

You Took

Decaying in Sweet Dissonance

Perish, Miss Commie Skag

Beat Borrowing

The Menhir of Pueblo Culture

An Ever Expanding Cage

What is the Distance between Stagnant and Fossilized?

Abandon My True Eidolon in Yonder Convenient Abyss

The Meat Locker of Earlthly Desires

Every Contextual Greyness Fading from an Edge You Are

A Life Less Meaningful

Monday Morning

The Artifact that Diluted a Species

How I Ruptured my Cerebrum Implementing Activity Pub

My Collection of Originalities is Thinning

A Task for my Pet Tardigrade and its Multitudinous Foals

A Murderous Flash

The Denial of Immediacy

The Buddha Goes for Target Practise, Part IV

Musical Black Box

Rambler's Ranch

Repetition is not a form of change (in this case)

Cut In Two

The Tentacles of the Ruling Class

Familial Disease

A Dim Room, Cracked Ceiling

Stabbing through the Bulwark

What Fact of Life Can We Discard?

Obsequious Arrogance

Platonic Form 3


Iron Maiden and Castellano

I Sucked Her Brain Out With My Spinach Salad



If You're Feeling Groggy, Feed Yourself a Doggie

Beer Spawns Ideas

Mám Rád Jatrovou Paštíku

Survey Silliness at 5.32 in the Morning

This is a good thing to do whilst waiting for the plane to Tejas

Autumn Dies

Rannost je strašná

Somewhere during the Intermission between the 24th and 25th

100 Things About Me

Peter Gabriel

Red Ashes Fly in the Desert

Happy Saturday

Juicy Chocolate Krusli on my Desk

Bare Footsies

Mám Rád Lilek

Today's Special Quote

An automatically updating beastie

Odd Dreams

(bez předmětu)


Here is an Interesting Curiosity

Nuances Sucking Away Your Soul

The Ache to be the Center of the Cosmos

A Part of Everyone is a Narcissist Asshole

The Chasm Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory

Waffles for Tea Leaves

Slaves to Absurd Future Remembrance

Suspended Ambiguity May Get Over Itself Now

The Oblivious Rule the Earth

Lucid days

Let It Reign


Coffee Cups Made From The Skulls Of Marketing Men

Connectives Are for the Weak

The Translucent Backdroop of the Age

There Is No Discussion Of Geese In This Entry

Obsessive-compulsive Spurts

A Metaphor for Listlessness

A Mundane, Tech-Oriented Entry

Czech radio surprises

The clouds graze my day

A Better Way to Drift Through a Day

Wacky Tuesday

The Semblance of a Sex Site

Rhetorical Dribble

The Primal Urge to Question the Validity of Primal Urges

A Cubic Light Year of Rubber Cement

This Elaborative Mishmash of Words

Sinew and Gadgets

Minimalist Loops Using the Smallest Apparatus Possible

The jingle jangle of home

Kicking Google in the Teeth

Not Every Being Can Be A Dependent Being

The Beating of the Bedraggled Brain

The Vanishing of Things Already Disappeared

Flasks or Rectangular Lasagna Dishes

After All the Meandering and Longevity

A Weapon or a Piece of an Artistic Mélange

These Connections are Incidental

A Few Items that Resonate

Perhaps I Should Simply Make a Sandwich

Scraping the ice from the forebrain

Kapr with its Close Companions

A Gentle Solipsism

Roger Trigaux and the Canal of Fumbling Forms

Go Visit Your Local Baptist Student Union

My Thoughts Mearly Drift Among the Oddities

Lost in their Opulence

A Feeble Sheep in Mental Anguish

Having Grown Up Pains

Disassociation by Abstraction

Whatever Gushes from my Hara

She'll come back for you tomorrow

An Ambience of Blighted Nostalgia

On the Lip of the Agonizing Drop

Dissolving Beams from a Dying Sun

The Gluey Mystery

Four in the Morning Ate Breakfast with my Hara

A Sentinel Glanced Over But Never Considered

Semi-organised Hubbub

I did not choose - it chose me

An Abstract Living Strategy

Eggs Just Aren't The Same Without Cumin and Coriander

Far Away (So Close)

A Silently Widening Rift

Hollow Tentacles Reach Out Amid The Galaxy

A Goat Headed Into the Void

I've Looked Directly in Its Cyclops Eye

Universes within Universes

Many Ideas Lounge About

The base JOCK

Outer and Inner Bustle

A man without a moral code

A Jumble of Tendons

An interesting quote

The Dying Man Inside This Little Boy

The Answer They Reveal - Life is Unreal

Uncontaminated by the current cynicism

Behold the Hallucination

Those Consigned to the Pit Will Toast Their Vociferous Ways

English Breakfast with a Dollop of Leche de Cabra Semidesnatada, Por Favor

The Mauve Shroom Assembly

Historical or Cultural Bindings

The Myth of Shared Common Knowledge


Deep in the heart of the South, baby

I am not fond of cataracts

Dreaded lethargy

Part one is done

Tuesday morning

Tis the season for relationship desolation

I Dislike You

Staggering deafly

The fluff of the beard on the face of the seal

I wanna put the Psi back in Psychosis

50 miles of elbow room

Drugged and left for dead in Montana

Project fucking Euler #254

Die, Puccini! Die!

More Project fucking Euler

I was the primer for the first universe

Pipe wrench, smouldering corpse, floor

The disintegrating guitar in my left ear is beguiling

The Circles Of Horus

Enjoy What I Do, Bastard, Or Die

A Sealed Womb




An Infinity To Nudge You Along

Gretel and the Ferret

If I'm Suffering, Then Everybody Must Suffer

Semi-tone Progressions and Your Recent Favourite Hare Soup

Practical cannibalism

Anger in my left earlobe shining

Pinch my habitat

Droplets of mercurial thought

Cycle Part V

Bring out your dead mellotrons

I bumped off the sheriff

El Nombre

Martenblog - The musings of a mustelid


Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth

Flavigula Releases

Z Galaktického Jádra


