The 微phlog (Weiphlog)

Tidbits and notions.  Stuff and blither.  News and snooze.  
This little gmiphloglet be short and more mirth than matter.


Snow. Wet, gloopy, biting snow. 春天在哪裡呀?在夓季!

5 - Charming

4 - Vexing

3 - Frightening

2 - Help!

1 - Alberta


Kilauea livestream. Bubbling lava!

USGS monthly lecture (they provide a free public lecture each month!) on the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700.

I sometimes think about woman who wrote a book about her 6 months alone in the desert. She made the rounds. I heard her on NPR or CBC, I think. Oh, ye sweet summer babe. There’s a whole cottage industry of such Waldennabes: eat, pray, live in a tiny home, cash in. I’m not interested in joining that brigade of fame entrepreneurs. But when I do meet townies or make my necessary calls via tenuous radio links to the mainstream human world, the incredulity my casual explanations generate give me pause. Yes, I say, I am calling from a remote mountain and I’m quite snowed in. Many say they want to live in a cabin in the woods. But the thrust of society gallops in the opposite direction. I did not resolve to go Walden out of desire so much as by needfulness; it was finding a livable level. QED, the needful level of most humans today is an apartment complex. It makes me wonder for the seriousness of wistful primitivism, and just how much ecogenerative good such sentimental societal currents can do.


Good pure smol tech: a page scanner to braille display. Thunk it on a page of visual text and then read by finger. More of this, please.

Watching several videos by Case Western university on recent mitochondrialcentric theories, the camera operators flick back to show random audience members for no reason related to the talk. Why is this done? It’s more than a pet peeve: often the information on projection is needful to study, cut short by distracting cutaways to some schlump picking his nose. Is this some kind of allistic reassurance? Because when in audiences I don’t see people constantly checking to make sure other humans are still watching too. It’s difficult enough when videographers cut to focussing on the presenter. They really need to just set up a camera and knock it off. Put a small inset screen with the presenter’s face if humans need that irrelevance. But the main screens should present the chatauqua diagrams, pics, and charts.


Reich - A Tale of Two Subcontinents (Invidious)

A fascinating look at recent hominid paleogenetics by comparison of two similar subcontinental populations: Europe and India. Both are formed from recent amalgams of 3 divergent populations - autochthonous foragers, Neolithic farmers, and the steppe nomads. But these were very different populations, save the ANE/IE. “Western Anatolian farmers were as different from Ancient Iranian farmers as Europeans are from East Asians to-day”. Recent millennia mostly enabled a breathtaking amalgamation of Mesolithic genetic diversity.

Notable is what Reich is too politically tactful to explicitly state: the confirmation of a correlation between male replacement & relative diversity decline (due to mass sex slavery of native women by elite invaders), wealth inequality, rigid caste formation, absolute warfare, and the spread of the Indo-Europeans. (I don’t blame him for wanting to avoid headlines.) Institutional mass rape / polygyny was a recent innovation, a tool of genocidal warfare which assured the IE supremacy. In Iberia, rates of Y chromosome replacement approach 100% in a population now 40% ANE ancestry by genetic totals. The NHG invented total war, but the ANE/IE steppe people perfected it - by literal rapine. In India, where the steppe invaders faced a larger subject population, there is a strong 4.5ky long maintenance of steppe genes with higher caste, with steppe people’s genes between 30-70% depending on caste-population. The Laws of Manu represent the ideological justification for calcification of ethnic subjugation as a form of unequal armistice.

My major takeaway is strong support for the idea that after perhaps millions of years of sexually egalitarian hominid band cultures, technological development and population concentration in recent millennia has mostly enabled ruling gangsters to increasingly infest our gene pool with their demoniacal, psychopathic tendencies.

Snows are ablating and deflating slowly. I’m praying for a good blast of climate karma to melt the roads down. I ought to have gotten snowshoes this past year. I shall cut greenwood for some DIY variety to-morrow, likely. I’m alright holding out to spring per se, but meds begin a rationing countdown starting now, thanks to city slicker insurance bean counters. The lesson is: “self reliance” is only a state of slightly more organized dependence - on others, on conditions, on Heaven, on Earth.


I am in deep snow. I have food and water, but wood depends on being able to trek the snows. The snows are already a real grind to trek, up to my knees. Starting to think about evacuation and how to proceed from there. I am praying the snows do not continue to pile, and that

Mother Earth sends a dash of climate karma to melt what is on the ground. It’s already pushing winter on-the-dirt records here. My meds are on backup, 30 days starting now. I shall be rationing that down on next magazine fill up. Serious times. My mood is faltering under the Cascadian drear. Winter humbles when it doesn’t kill. I’m hoping to avoid the latter possibility another year or 30.


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