Death, Aging, and Vegetarianism by sud0nim
I hate to say this about a post that somebody clearly spent a good amount of time thinking about and writing, but this is one of the most asinine things I’ve ever read.
Vegetarianism and veganism aren’t incompatible with death positivity. We are all going to die; that doesn’t mean we have to actively contribute to other beings’ deaths. Nobody would argue that since we’re all going to die, it’s foolish to abstain from murder and cannibalism. Cows, pigs, and other creatures we as humans farm and eat? Those are sentient creatures with emotions. That’s why I don’t want to kill them. Not because I believe in any rubbish about immortality or eternal youth.
sud0nim also commits the all-to-common fallacy of equating veganism with “only eating one thing”. I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous, and even an omnivore can see that. Plants and meat are not “two things”, they are a wide variety of things! Apples are as different from lentils as beef is from shrimp.
I’m not here to try to change anyone’s mind, because I know that arguing doesn’t work. But the things people say about veganism are just so *ignorant*.