This is a list of Big Finish audios I've heard last update: 23/01/2023 Main Range * Phantasmagoria * Whispers of Terror * The Land of the Dead * The Fearmonger * The Marian Conspiracy * The Spectre of Lanyon Moor * Winter for the Adept * The Apocalypse Element * The Fires of Vulcan * The Shadow of the Scourge * The Holy Terror * The Mutant Phase * Storm Warning * Sword of Orion * The Stones of Venice * Minuet in Hell * Loups-Garoux * Dust Breeding * Bloodtide * Project: Twilight * The Eye of the Scorpion * Colditz * Primeval * Invaders from Mars * The Chimes of Midnight * Seasons of Fear * Embrace the Darkness * The Time of the Daleks * Neverland * Spare Parts * ...ish * The Church and the Crown * Jubilee * Doctor Who and the Pirates * Creatures of Beauty * Project: Lazarus * Omega * Davros * Master * Zagreus * The Wormery * Scherzo * The Creed of the Kromon * The Natural History of Fear * Arrangements for War * Medicinal Purposes * Faith Stealer * The Last * Caerdroia * The Next Life * The Juggernauts * Three's a Crowd * Unregenerate! * Terror Firma * LIVE 34 * Singularity * Other Lives * Pier Pressure * Night Thoughts * Time Works * The Kingmaker * Something Inside * The Nowhere Place * The Gathering * Memory Lane * Circular Time * Exotron * Son of the Dragon * 100 * Absolution * The Mind's Eye * The Girl Who Never Was * The Condemned * The Haunting of Thomas Brewster * The Doomwood Curse * Brotherhood of the Daleks * Forty-Five: The Word Lord * The Raincloud Man * The Judgement of Isskar * The Company of Friends * Patient Zero * Castle of Fear * The Eternal Summer * Plague of the Daleks * Legend of the Cybermen * Cobwebs * The Whispering Forest * The Cradle of the Snake * A Death in the Family * The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories * The Crimes of Thomas Brewster * Heroes of Sontar * Kiss of Death * Rat Trap * Recorded Time and Other Stories * The Silver Turk * The Witch from the Well * The Emerald Tiger * The Jupiter Conjunction * 1001 Nights * The Wrong Doctors * 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men * 1963: The Space Race * An Eye For Murder * The Rani Elite * Last of the Cybermen * Aquitaine * The Peterloo Massacre * Vampire of the Mind * The Memory Bank and Other Stories * Time in Office * Kingdom of Lies * Muse of Fire * Tartarus * Interstitial * Feast of Fear * Warzone * Conversion * Blood on Santa's Claws and Other Stories * The Lovecraft Invasion * Time Apart * Thin Time * Madquake * The Grey Man of the Mountain Bonus Releases * The Maltese Penguin * Return of the Krotons * An Earthly Child * The Five Companions Doctor Who Magazine Free Gifts * No Place Like Home * Living Legend The Legacy of Time * Lies in Ruins * The Split Infinitive * The Sacrifice of Jo Grant * Relative Time * The Avenue of Possibility * Collision Course Short Trips * Rise and Fall * The Deep * The Wings of a Butterfly * 1963 * Sock Pig * The Doctor's Coat * Gardens of the Dead * A Full Life * Forever Fallen * How to Win Planets and Influence People * A Heart on Both Sides * All Hands on Deck * O Tannenbaum * Erasure * Trap for Fools * I Am The Master * The Last Day at Work * #HarrySullivan * The Best-Laid Plans * Deleted Scenes * The World Tree Short Trips Rarities * The Toy Subscriber Short Trips * The Monkey House The Companion Chronicles * Mother Russia * Ringpullworld * Find and Replace * The Perpetual Bond * The Cold Equations * The Rocket Men * The First Wave * The Time Museum * The Library of Alexandria * The Beginning * The Elixir of Doom Lost Stories * The Nightmare Fare * Mission to Magnus * Farewell, Great Macedon * The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance * The First Sontarans The Early Adventures * An Ordinary Life * Daughter of the Gods Novel Adaptations * Love and War * Damaged Goods * Theatre of War * All-Consuming Fire * Original Sin * Cold Fusion The Fourth Doctor Adventures -Series 1 * Destination: Nerva * The Renaissance Man * The Wrath of the Iceni * Energy of the Daleks * Trail of the White Worm * The Oseidon Adventure The Fifth Doctor Adventures * Psychodrome * The Lost Resort The Seventh Doctor Adventures * The New Adventures: Volume One The Eighth Doctor Adventures -Series 1: * Blood of the Daleks * Horror of Glam Rock * Immortal Beloved * Phobos * No More Lies * Human Resources -Series 2: * Dead London * Max Warp * Brave New Town * The Skull of Sobek * Grand Theft Cosmos * The Zygon Who Fell to Earth * Sisters of the Flame * The Vengeance of Morbius -Series 3: * Orbis * Hothouse * The Beast of Orlok * Wirrn Dawn * The Scapegoat * The Cannibalists * The Eight Truths * Worldwide Web -Series 4: * Death in Blackpool * Situation Vacant * Nevermore * The Book of Kells * Deimos * The Resurrection of Mars * Relative Dimensions * Prisoner of the Sun * Lucie Miller * To the Death The Tenth Doctor Adventures * Out of Time * The Gates of Hell Excelis Saga * Excelis Dawns * The Plague Herds of Excelis Classic Doctors, New Monsters -Volume One: * Fallen Angels * Judoon in Chains * Harvest of the Sycorax * The Sontaran Ordeal I, Davros * Innocence * Purity * Corruption * Guilt * The Davros Mission Gallifrey -Series 1: * Weapon of Choice * Square One * The Inquiry * A Blind Eye -Series 2: * Lies * Spirit * Pandora * Insurgency * Imperiatrix -Series 3: * Fractures * Warfare * Appropriation * Mindbomb * Panacea -Gallifrey IV: * Reborn * Disassembled * Annihilation * Forever -Gallifrey V: * Emancipation * Evolution * Arbitration -Gallifrey VI: * Extermination * Renaissance * Ascension -Series 7: * Intervention Earth -Series 8: * Enemy Lines -Time War: Volume One: * Celestial Intervention * Soldier Obscura * The Devil You Know * Desperate Measures -Time War: Volume Two: * Havoc * Partisans * Collateral * Assassins -Time War: Volume Three: * Hostiles * Nevernor * Mother Tongue * Unity -Time war: Volume Four: * Deception * Dissolution * Beyond * Homecoming Bernice Summerfield -Series 1: * Oh No It Isn't! * Beyond the Sun * Walking to Babylon * Birthright * Just War * Buried Treasures * Dragons' Wrath -Series 2: * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Secret of Cassandra * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Stone's Lament * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Extinction Event * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Skymines of Karthos -Series 3: * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Greatest Shop in the Galaxy * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dance of the Dead * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Mirror Effect -Series 4: * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Bellotron Incident * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Draconian Rage * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Poison Seas * Death and the Daleks -Series 5: * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Grel Escape * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Bone of Contention * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Relics of Jegg-Sau * Silver Lining * Professor Bernice Summerfield in the Masquerade of Death -Series 6: * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Heart's Desire * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Kingdom of the Blind * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Lost Museum * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Goddess Quandary * Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus -Series 7: * The Tartarus Gate * Timeless Passages * The Worst Thing in the World * Summer of Love * The Oracle of Delphi * The Empire State -Series 8: * The Tub Full of Cats * The Judas Gift * Freedom of Information * The End of the World * The Final Amendment * The Wake -Series 9: * Beyond the Sea * The Adolescence of Time * The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel * The Diet of Worms -Series 10: * Glory Days * Absence * Venus Mantrap * Secret Origins -Series 11: * Dead and Buried * Resurrecting the Past * Escaping the Future * Year Zero * Dead Man's Switch -Epoch * The Kraken's Lament * The Temple of Questions * Private Enemy No. 1 * Judgement Day -Road Trip: * Brand Management * Bad Habits * Paradise Frost -Legion: * Vesuvius Falling * Shades of Gray * Everybody Loves Irving -Many Happy Returns * Many Happy Returns -New Frontier: * A Handful of Dust * HMS Surprise * The Curse of Fenman -Missing Persons: * Big Dig * The Revenant's Carnival * The Brimstone Kid * The Winning Side * In Living Memory -The Story So Far * Ever After Happy * The Grel Invasion of Earth * Braxiatel in Love * Every Dark Thought * Empress of the Drahvins * The Angel of History The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield (all) -The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield * The Revolution * Good Night, Sweet Ladies * Random Ghosts * The Lights of Skaro -The Triumph of Sutekh: * The Pyramid of Sutekh * The Vaults of Osiris * The Eye of Horus * The Tears of Isis -The Unbound Universe: * The Library in the Body * Planet X * The Very Dark Thing * The Emporium At The End -Ruler of the Universe: * The City and the Clock * Asking for a Friend * Truant * The True Saviour of the Universe -Buried Memories: * Pride of the Lampian * Clear History * Dead and Breakfast * Burrowed Time -Lost in Translation: * Have I Told You Lately? * The Undying Truth * Inertia * Gallifrey Torchwood -Main Range * The Conspiracy * Fall to Earth * Forgotten Lives * One Rule * More Than This * The Victorian Age * Zone 10 * Ghost Mission * Moving Target * Broken The Lives of Captain Jack -Volume 2 * Piece of Mind Class -Series 1 * Gifted * Life Experience * Tell Me You Love Me -Series 2 * In Rememberance Iris Wildthyme (all) -Series 1: * Wildthyme at Large * The Devil in Ms. Wildthyme -Series 2: * Iris Wildthyme and the Sound of Fear * Iris Wildthyme and the Land of Wonder * The Two Irises * Iris Wildthyme and the Panda Invasion * Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa -Series 3: * The Iris Wildthyme Appreciation Society * Iris Rides Out * Midwinter Murders -Series 4: * Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme? * Iris at the Oche * A Lift in Time -Wildthyme Reloaded: * Comeback of the Scorchies * Dark Side * Oracle of the Supermarket * Murder at the Abbey * The Slots of Giza * High Spirits * An Extraterrestrial Werewolf in Belgium * Looking for a Friend Unbound * Auld Mortality * He Jests at Scars * Deadline * A Storm of Angels Doctor Who auf Deutsch * Der Tod und die Königin No range? * Love Songs for the Shy and Cynical