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Bisection algorithms.
bisect_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.
The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= x, and all e in
a[i:] have e > x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(i, x) will
insert just after the rightmost x already there.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
bisect_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.
The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in
a[i:] have e >= x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(i, x) will
insert just before the leftmost x already there.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
bisect_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.
The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= x, and all e in
a[i:] have e > x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(i, x) will
insert just after the rightmost x already there.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted.
If x is already in a, insert it to the right of the rightmost x.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
insort_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted.
If x is already in a, insert it to the left of the leftmost x.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None)
Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted.
If x is already in a, insert it to the right of the rightmost x.
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.