The MSDS Chemical Information File Collection
Short Biographical Sketches of Deceased Astronauts (February 1992)
Astronaut Birthplaces by State (February 1992)
Alphabetical List of Astronauts (February 1992)
Background on the Astronaut Program (Astronaut Fact Book, February 1992)
Astronauts with more than 500 Hours in Space
Requirements for Becoming an Astronaut
What should be our motivation behind athletic activity? by Inge Oestmoen, Norway
NICAD Batteries: Facts and Fallacies (Radio Communications, 1988)
Black Holes in Space: A Scientific Overview
Black Holes in Space: An Overview
Questions and Answers About Breast Lumps
Signs you might be experiencing chemical burns
Choosing a Cat by R. Roger Breton and Nacy J. Creek
A Test to Determine your Circadian Rhythm
The Cold Nuclear Fusion Bibliography (March 1, 1992)
The Consequences of Clean Cold Fusion (1989) by Martin L. Buchanan
Scanning Masers for Information Retrieval
Dark: Rewritten by the Quantum Mechanic
Neuropsychological Bases of Educational Disabilities, by Robert Zenhausern, Ph.D
The Circumstances of Minor Planet Discovery, by Frederick Pilcher
A Quick Primer for Homeowners on Electricity
A Review of Zero Point Energy and Free Energy Theory, Progress, and Devices (September 19, 1992)
Rene Caisse and the Calling of an Angel (Anti-Cancer Formula) (April 10, 1993)
The Making of the Cat, by R. Roger Breton and Nancy J. Creek
The Evolution Chart, Heavily Aimed to Cats
Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Fusion of Deuterium by Martin Fleischmann (March 20, 1989)
Will Food Become Illegal Under the FDA? By Bob Paddock (September 6, 1991)
The Infinite Element Method: A Four Article Series by Steve Roensch
What is the Current Status of Fermat's Last Theorem?
A Simple Explanation of Nuclear Fission (1994)
A Very Large Collection of Pre-Flight Launch Preparation for the Space Shuttle
Answers to how Fluxgate Compasses Work (September 4, 1992)
Food Additives: Know What's In Your Food and Why It's There
Astronomical Formulae (Various)
FAQ: Transitional Fossils FAQ, by Brett J. Vickers (January 25, 1993)
Mathematics of the Fractal Types
France: A Leader in Space (July, 1990)
Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in Condensed Matter
Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in Condensed Matter (March 23, 1989)
Background for the Nuclear Fusion Seminar (March 31, 1989)
One Solar System? What Good is That? GURPS Commentary by John M. Ford
The Lore of Gloranthan Gems and Near-Gems by Martin R. Crim (1992)
The Lore of Gloranthan Gems and Near-Gems by Martin R. Crim (1992) Part II
The Lore of Gloranthan Gems and Near-Gems by Martin R. Crim (1992) Part III
The Lore of Gloranthan Gems and Near-Gems by Martin R. Crim (1992) #4
Patenting New Forms of Animal Life: Is Nature Just a Form of Private Property? By Jeremy Rifkin
Genetically Engineered Organism Release Illegally in Argentina
Feline Genetics, by R. Roger Breton and Nancy J. Creek
Rockets are Doomed, says New York Times, 1920
Creating a U-238 Neutron Gun (Fusion Weapon) (1994)
Go Ahead and Cross Your Eyes: The Health Myth (June 16, 1994)
A Glossary of High Energy Weapons Terms (1994)
Hot Water Freezes Faster than Cold! by Richard M. Mathews
A One Minute Course on How to Do TV, by Richard Freeman
Tension Testing of Four Different Twines by Derek Voll (April 30, 1992)
The Humble Telescope, by David Daye of Columbus, OH
Information on an Implosion Weapon (1994)
High Tech: The Industrial Style and Source Book for the Home
The Properties of Infinity by Mark William Hopkins
Solar Radiation Data for Various American Cities
Introduction and Charter of the High Energy Weapons Archive (September 19, 1995)
Inventions of the Early Nineteenth Century, by Big Brother of The Works
Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in Condensed Matter (March 23, 1989)
Introduction and Charter of the High Energy Weapons Archive
An Explanation of Why the KA Band Photo Radar Units are So Hard to Pick Up, and Avoidance Techniques
Information on the John F. Kennedy Space Center
Shuttle Landing Operations (January 2, 1989)
Information on the Larsonian "Reciprocal System" (December 3, 1992)
Launch Summary for NASA in 1992 (January 13, 1993)
An Overview of NASA Launch Vehicles
Fact Sheet for the Magellan Spacecraft
Information for Building Capacitors
A List of Conversions of Measurements
Medicine and the Human Machine (Examples of Bad/Outdated Medical Things)
Memetics: The Nascent Science of Ideas and Their Transmission by J. Peter Vajk 1989
How Many Bytes in Human Memory? by Ralph C. Merkle (1988)
The Brain is a Computer (Energy Limits) by Ralph Merkle
Information on Palladium: One of the Metals Used in Cold Fusion, by Eric N. Simons
Radio Waves and Life by Tom Jaski, Electronics, September 1960
Computerized EEG Analysis of Subjects Undergoing Synchro-Energization for Relaxation
What's New on the Moon by Dr. Bevan M. French
NASA Media Guide and Public Affairs Contacts (April, 1993)
Nuclear Information and Resource Service List of Publications
Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography
UFO Information Service of Seattle Washington: Acute Exposure and Levels of Radiation Sicknesses
NASA Educational Briefs: Space Shuttle Statistics
The Origin of the name "Space Shuttle"
Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in Condensed Matter (March 23, 1989)
NASA Mixed Fleet Manifest (August, 1991)
The Mathematics Behind Perspective, by Max Pandaemonium
The Occasion of the Indiana Legislature Trying to Change PI (March 27, 1991)
How We Get Pictures From Space
The History of the Discovery of Pi (July 25, 1989)
The Diversionary Tactic of Plant Pain by Ted Altar
Information on Magnet Wire Coatings
1992 Putnam Problems and Unofficial Solutions by Dan Bernstein (December 7, 1992)
A Very Tough Mathematical Puzzle from Richard Pavelle
Evidence Supporting Quantum Information Processing in Animals, by James A. Donald
Collection of Sources of Tesla Coil Information (January 10, 1995)
Relativity and FTL Travel, by Jason W. Hinson (February 2, 1995)
Relativity and FTL Travel, by Jason W. Hinton (December 18, 1992)
Confidential Rife Report, by Lyks Sieger, M.D.
The F9 Factoring Result (June 27, 1990)
Time Jitter in Rotary-Gap Tesla Coils by Robert M. Jamison (1991)
Experiments with an Electrical Counterpoise and The Function of RF Grounding In Helical Resonators
Information on a 10 Kilowatt Tesla Coil, by Richard Quick (October 15, 1993)
The Frequently Questioned Answers (sci.skeptic FAQ) 93/07/23
Richard Feynman's Report on the Shuttle (March 16, 1988)
Shuttle Mission Frequencies by TOPOL
Space Shuttle Information, up to 1985.
Silvering Telescope Mirrors, by Don Barry
The Soviet Space Progem: The Next Five Years
Review of Soviet work in quantum nonlocality and SDI super weapons
1992 Seen as NASA's Most Productive Year for Science Discoveries (December 23, 1992)
Self-Sustained Electromagnetic Propulsion
Condensed Guide to SI units and Standards by Drew Danies
Classifications of some Asteroids
Taxonomic Classifications of Asteroids, by David J. Tholen
Teller-Ulam Construction (November 24, 1995)
How to Build a Tesla Coil by Steve Gantt
Wireless Transmission of Power: Resonating Planet Earth, by Toby Grotz
Trigonometric Functions and Equivalents
The Unified Field Theory (A Poem)
Charles Ginethal on The Surface of Venus (January 12, 1993)
Voyager Juputer Science Summary
Voyager Neptune Science Summary (1989)
Voyager Saturn Science Summary
Voyager Uranus Science Summary
Information on the Space Shuttle Waste Collection System