Keto going well. I'm 8 days in and weight is already down 3.1kg, body fat down by 0.8 percent. Energy levels are good and I'm generally feeling miles better eating no carbs / sugar.
7 months ago · 👍 eph, digbat
i'm over 10 yrs in paleo/weston-price/low-carb (bounce in and out of keto) all internal systems better than when i started. so, @martin good choice! · 7 months ago
You should try paleo, works great for me. Since I'm getting older and after sea urchin piosoning i have to care a lot of my stomach. · 7 months ago
Just remember that most of those 3.1 kg is carbs, and all the water they normally bind, eg. 500 g muscle glycogen binds 1500 g of water, maybe more. So you loose 2 kg fast that way on keto. · 7 months ago
I’ve been trying to cut back on seed oils, mainly as a hobby · 7 months ago
@astroseneca To simplify it to "keto strains the kidneys" is not helpful, and not what research shows. Ketoacidosis does, which is a failure to remain in normal range of ketone production (which you should measure). If you're Type 1 diabetic for example, certainly this is a risk factor for which you should avoid long bouts of ketone-based energy function (in the same way you'd avoid eating gluten if you're intolerant). However, most people can be ketogenic perfectly healthily. It's like saying "carb diets strain the pancreas" – they do when done wrong (i.e. overconsumption of sugars and simple carbs), but absolutely don't when your macro food balance is correct. · 7 months ago
I am slim and without any diets. My brother takes away all the goodies from me. The keto diet strains the kidneys. · 7 months ago