▄▀▀ ██▀ ▄▀▄ █ █ ██▀ █ ▄██ █▄▄ ▀▄█ ▀▄█ █▄▄ █▄▄ ONLY FICTION
Safe delivery of rare electronic components around Delta City.
🕐 Joined on 06 Oct 22 23:17 · 🕐 updated on 17 Oct 22 23:27
🔖 DID: did:sequel:VYgQ71qrDKz4WZkZgaQXYL
👥 Fediverse: @serenity@sequel.space
07 Oct 22 10:14
8137 South Quarter is my home. That's right, you got it, my apartment is on the 81st floor, number 37. I forgot how long ago I saw it in daylight. It's always dark, and that's the way I like it.
07 Oct 22 10:16
I work with Sequel, not for Sequel. They offered me a terminal last year as a part of their alpha programme. Dealing with infomorphs, or 'sparks' as they call it, is still new in this part of the universe and I decided to give it a try.
21 Oct 22 22:37
Murphy's is a place where people like me hang out at night. Couriers, equipment dealers and their entourage, hackers, police rats, and of course buyers. They used to meet once a week on Saturdays, but it became so popular that every night there's always someone willing to do business or just have a chat about the trade.
21 Oct 22 22:38
Bears is the bartender. An ex-marine from the Heavy Robotic Warfare Corps, he takes no nonsense. If you start an argument, you get thrown out of the bar real quick. Ah yeah, and don't ever call him an ex-marine. Apparently, there is no such thing. I was told Bears is a short version of his nickname in the military, 'Bear Metal'.
24 Jan 23 14:06
Hi Bears, I haven’t seen you in a while. Been busy lately. What’s happening?