with no s or , which would be something like a "pure" item
type 1 gopher menu. But they would both actually be the same kind of
thing: HTML documents. The browser would request them both in the
same way, the server would serve them both in the same way, and they'd
get parsed in the same way - and all in exactly same way as you could
do something which was half way between these two extremes. There is
no conceptual distinction between content and navigation to be had,
there is only HTML.
This difference between gopher and the web is *much* more deeply
engrained in the actual protocol specifications than the plain-text
vs HTML difference which is so salient to the end user.
Now that we've uncovered the true spirit of gopher, the natural
question, for those participating in the on-going discussions about
new gopher-inspired protocols, is whether or not this idea is one that
the gopher community really cherishes and which should be preserved in
the Ultimate New Protocol of Truth and Glory.
I would argue that, in fact, the not-at-all-enforced-by-protocol
community norm of using only plain-text is *much* more precious to
most modern gopher users than the content-vs-navigation distinction.
The proof of this is that nowadays so many folks are deliberately and
unapologetically erasing that very distinction by using item type 1
for their entire gopherhole, serving all of their actual content as
item type i menu lines. Anybody who has read RFC1436 will tell you
that this is a flagrant semantic abuse of gopher; there's just no
wiggle room on that question. Anybody who has tried to write a gopher
client which treats items types 0 and 1 "too" differently (like very
early versions of VF-1) will tell you that this eventually causes
problems if you don't want to play hard ball and declare that
gopherholes doing this won't be properly viewable in your client.
But at the end of the day, building type 1 only gopher holes pretty
much just works, and it *does* offer a nicer user experience by
letting you embed immediately usable links right in the middle of your
phlog posts. So people do it, and that includes well-known and
well-loved gopher users and advocates like Tomasino, who is
unquestionably a great force for good in the gopherverse. There's
plenty of evidence out there that a lot of Gopher enthusiasts don't
actually *want* a protocol that divides sharply between navigation and
content. They just want to be able to serve plain-text with
hyperlinks anywhere they like, via a bare bones protocol that doesn't
support tracking and other unpleasantries. Something like "HTML with
only the tag, over HTTP/0.1". I think that's all *I* want.
But it doesn't exist, and gopher does, so we use gopher and the hard
line between menu and document comes along with it. Some people learn
to live with that hard line, some people fight against it, and some
people embrace it *too* much, creating overly-hierarchical,
user-unfriendly gopherholes where things live deep in
phlog/year/month/ sub-sub-sub menus which are inconvenient to casually
browse. Very few of us, I suspect, come here *for* this hard line.
Most probably don't even actually give it much thought.
Arguably, a protocol without this hard line has a stronger claim to
being minimalist and simplistic than one with it, all else being
equal. What could be simpler than everything being the same kind of