Updates from the last two weeks

It's been almost two weeks since I last wrote, and I have lots of ideas for posts but all of them are too short for their own entire article. So, this is everything that seems worth mentioning from the last two weeks, combined in one post.

Short updates and thoughts


my public website

Follow-up on my last post

My last post was about how I'm trying to change my content consumption and general Internet usage habits, especially with services that try to keep me hooked:

Trying to have a healthier relationship with the Internet

It's going pretty well so far, but I have a few notes about it:

Working on rebuilding Lessbroken

A long time ago, I operated a group of services (IRC bouncer, Git hosting, possibly a few others that I'm forgetting) under the "Lessbroken" umbrella, but that infrastructure has largely decayed and now only the IRC bouncer component is functional. I've wanted to rebuild a robust architecture for shared services with common authentication and management for the past year or so (and have a friend interested too!), but have been having trouble moving past the design phase of some of the components. While there are still a lot of decisions that need to be made about the project, I've finally sketched out a rough design for the authentication / authorization services that should let it function as a mostly-standalone component. This means I can actually start working on getting Lessbroken off the ground again.

The key insight I had was this: LDAP authentication is required for many of the services I'd like to provide, but administering OpenLDAP is hard and annoying. I can instead run glauth (a lightweight LDAP server supporting declarative single-file configuration) on systems that run services that need LDAP, then sync that configuration file from a central authentication service. As a bonus, this enables service-specific passwords, so you don't have to store your main account password in, for example, your IRC client configuration (for bouncer authentication).


Closing thoughts

I think it would be beneficial for me to commit to writing (mostly) nontechnical flight logs every x days or every week, or something. It's nice to be able to write relatively freely about my personal life in long form, especially since I'm usually very unorganized. No promises yet, but if you enjoy reading this sort of post and would like me to write more often, send me a note on IRC/XMPP or via email, it would be very motivating :)


Please email me at tris@tris.fyi if you have any comments on this article. If you'd like your comment published, please let me know and include how you'd like to be credited (name, and if you've written a gemlog in response to this, a URL to that), if at all.