Hej Gemini!
I've recovered from whatever illness I had before. Perhaps it was food poisoning, or some side-effect of jet lag, or some virus or bacterium. Whatever it was, it's done.
I'm taking a couple days vacation with my family in The Windy City before I start working for the nonprofit. We drove here 2 days ago and spent yesterday at a car dealership looking at folkloric shirts (it's a long story). Today we're going to visit museums.
I have the core rulebook for this sci-fi RPG called Numenera on my computer, and I've been reading through it. In the setting of the game, there are these "magical" technological devices called numenera that people use without understanding anything about them. Using numenera can be risky, but it's also usually very rewarding. I've been thinking about how I use my phone and how I use the internet — which is basically like they're numenera, i.e. I know how to use them to do what I want, but I don't really know how they work. They're too complicated to grok completely, which is a good thing in this case. It means they're interesting, and that I can avoid being such a know-it-all 😂
I think of things in sets and in relationships; I blame my syntax professor lol.
📧 Email me!
caustic.talus.0q (at) icloud.com