I compile a zine, a "per-zine" (personal zine) every so often. Usually every couple of months, and it always is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I do when I am online. It's a creative initiative, it's motivating, it's 100% *BY* me, and I am glad to keep it going.
It's also a direct response to a *lack* of motivation and creativity I succumbed to when I was on social media for all those years (10 years). Everything was a "do X in order to arrive at the same result as anyone else who 'does X'", which was to: gain attention > try to gain followers > try to get reaction/engagement, etc. - when all I ever wanted to do was to feel *personally* satisfied/fulfilled with whatever I was doing. Not need to run it through a vanity filter to vindicate/justify that, "yes, I DO need to feel significant, needed, wanted, fulfilled and satisfied". So the zine offers that personal gratification.
Blogging is a good thing to do, too. But the zine definitely continues to be a creative outlet that isn't really present in blog format. It's a "set" and static THING, as where my blog is more ephemeral and ongoing. Both are good/fun, though.
Hope everyone is well :)
feel free to reach out, if you wish - log.head.2600@pm.me - or stop by the main bloggo, write.as/tmo