Mika Feiler


Trans girl polyam enby. Fulltime-employed software dev.

Gemlog - the long posts (at least these days)

tinylog.gmi - reverse stream of lines

Fragmlog - too short for gemlog, too long for tinylog [almost empty]

[outdated] a /now.gmi page on how i've been

[almost empty yet] chaoticlog.gmi

[almost empty yet] interestslog.gmi

caproll - nice capsules to follow [pending revival]

gemfavs / bookmarks [pending revival]

Nascent writeups - my barely readable freewriting on topics one can take over

re:log - replies to others' posts, sometimes chaotic [almost empty]

See what books I've been reading and had read [pending revival]

An attempt at a list of my interests [outdated]

The Usenet newsgroups i'm reading [pending revival? almost empty]

a bunch of weblinks to my friends' small sites, on my website [pending revamp]

If you're in Poznań and with aligned interests, I may gladly meet you, open for friendship.

(You pretty obviously have aligned-enough interests if you're here on my Gemini capsule.)

As well as for dating (polyamorous, again). And I sure can crush on a girl who's 30.

Send me an email



This here what you're at now is my home gem-capsule.

My home web-site (pics page! not much else)

I also have a wiki at https://wiki1.mikf.pl