IdlePhysicist's Gemini Capsule



Caving Logs

About Me


Blog posts

August 12, 2022: Topics for learning & improvement

July 24, 2022: Emacs

January 20, 2021: Navigation by paper >> Navigation by app

November 1, 2020: WorldWideWeb Emulator

October 10, 2020: Night to Day: Twilight

July 14, 2020: Self-hosting Gitea on Amazon Lightsail

May 16, 2020: Homebrew Formula for Therion

April 22, 2019: Pandoc + Latex Template

April 8, 2019: Screen Cheatsheet

April 8, 2019: Mounting Macintosh Drives

February 2, 2019: Why do I descend faster the further I get down a pitch?

September 29, 2018: Cloghleagh Mine, 1862-1868

September 1, 2018: The Nokia 3310 3G

August 12, 2018: Plotting in Julia (using Python)

May 27, 2018: Compile Scripts

May 27, 2018: Verifying...

February 9, 2018: The Sea Interferometer at Dover Heights, NSW

June 3, 2017: What the hell is with Simultaneous Equations?

May 15, 2017: Les Paul Jimmy Page Wiring

May 12, 2017: Stratocaster Wiring

© Eoghan 2021