Sean E. Russell's Blog


(2023-01-12T07:03:14-06:00) "Adding a Tree-Sitter to Helix"

(2023-01-09T09:07:09-06:00) "Yearly Wayland Survey"


(2023-01-09T09:07:09-06:00) "Yearly Wayland Survey"

(2022-12-07T09:50:51-06:00) "Bad Interface Design"


(2022-12-07T09:50:51-06:00) "Bad Interface Design"

(2022-11-21T09:18:52-06:00) "fuzzing and proofs"


(2022-11-21T09:18:52-06:00) "fuzzing and proofs"

(2022-11-01) "The problem with the anti-systemd attitude"


(2022-11-01) "The problem with the anti-systemd attitude"

(2022-10-21) "Arch, Artix, and Systemd"

(2022-10-28) "Mercurial thoughts"

(2022-10-03) "claptrap opts lib: very small, much features, getoptish"

(2022-09-07) "todo.txt and fzf"

(2022-08-31) "Parallel jobs on the command line"

(2022-08-01) "BSPWM Quake"

(2022-03-28) "Legume, a distributed ticket tracker"

(2021-11-06) "The Compatability Guarantee is Go's \"Killer Feature\""

(2020-09-07) "Earbuds (a not-quite review)"

(2020-06-23) "Intermittent Fasting"

(2020-06-16) "The Joys of Having a Role Model"

(2017-07-10) "Abandoning Scripting Languages"

(2017-01-12) "LetsEncrypt and email"

(2013-01-09) "Fixing degraded RAID array problems"

(2012-11-13) "Why I Loved Living In Europe"

(2012-10-02) "The power of ad-hoc interfaces"

(2012-06-27) "Now *this* is interesting"

(2012-06-25) "Programming satisfaction"

(2012-03-11) "Go and Java"

(2012-03-02) "Go revelations"

(2012-02-14) "Ruby vs. Go... FIGHT!"

(2012-01-26) "Mozilla's Rust Language"

(2012-01-17) "Schedules and productivity"

(2011-10-27) "The cult of technology personality"

(2011-10-06) "Universal truths"

(2011-09-07) "Incremental backups with btrfs"

(2011-09-01) "tmux magic"

(2011-06-27) "Now we get to the annoying aspects of Go"

(2011-06-25) "More Golang adventures"

(2011-06-10) "Go, Vala, and benchmarks"

(2011-06-05) "Parallels between Aikido and Wing Chun"

(2011-06-03) "Kung Fu seminars"

(2011-04-22) "I'm a Slidy convert"

(2011-03-18) "Erlang's limitations in module encapsulation"

(2011-02-04) "The superiority of base-12"

(2011-01-24) "My shocking Erlang discovery"

(2011-01-22) "Running a code server in erlang"

(2010-11-30) "Erlang + TokyoTyrant / TokyoCabinet / medici"

(2010-11-25) "Taco Bell Programming"

(2010-11-22) "Linux and the Mimo 710S"

(2010-11-08) "Our new media streamer"

(2010-11-06) "Success!"

(2010-06-17) "Erlang vs. Haskell"

(2010-01-31) "The Intersection of Distributed Bug Trackers and End Users"

(2009-11-12) "NoSQL, and the Zone Of Pain"

(2009-09-25) "Quality is not optional"

(2009-09-15) "More on VCS, branching, merging, etc."

(2009-09-14) "Multitasking and Software Development"

(2009-07-18) "GNU Make"

(2009-07-15) "Mercurial Rebase"