%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %GS#011 % % "Why most 'Anarchy' modemers are Weenies" % % a Philosophile by % % Guido Sanchez % % % % Greetz: Baron, Erasmus, Ginger, Clyde, Ninja, Exorcist, WL, etc. % % % % You gotta problem/compliment with this phile? % % Call my Voice Mail Boxes at: % % % % 1-312-839-3196 1-312-839-SEGA More to Come Later % % to talk to me! new warez % % % % Want a Voice Mail Box? Ask ME how!!! Or Erasmus, who i think is % % making a phile about how to get them... % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This phile is for informational purposes only, and may be used for BLaH without the written consent of the writer, Guido Sanchez. Later!! ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ This Phile!!!! This phile is a Philosophile, or a ZAN phile about Philosophy. I encourage everyone to write them, cause it's always fun to spread your opinion about. For more info about joining ZAN, leave me a message at one of the above numbers, or on the ZAN hotline at 1-312-839-BLAH. This particular philosophile is about the large amount of anarchy tfiles about that make everyone believe that a person is an anarchist if they have collections of them. This could be considered an AnarchyPhile, or both types. Influences on this phile: Trojan Man's phile, and every single Tfile every made, including Ripco's. ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ "Hey dude, i'm a TOTAL anar�H�sT" Ever been NewScanning the message bases, and see one of these messages posted by some pre-pubescent slime ball? Yeah, these messages and others like it are some of the most annoying and hippocritical ones i've seen, and i don't see why these should count towards a kids PCRatio. They're stupid, ambiguous, and VERY counter-productive to the cause of Anarchy. They're counter- productive because anyone who reads these messages will assume the person posting it is a typical run-o-the-mill anarchist, and will assume that ALL anarchists are as arrogant and stupid as this particulare yuppie slime. See what i mean? What exactly is considered an Anarchist? Well, as Trojan Man so blatantly defined it, it is one who tries to overcome a major government with ideas, the trademark of the SMART anarchist/bolshevik, or with bombs, the trademark of the terrorist. So, clearly neither of these two types have time for BBSing, so no one on a Board can truly call themself an anarchist (except for me, of course hehe). So, what does the average teenage modemer who looks like they could use Ninja's ZITCURE.ZAN file consider anarchy? Simple. An anarchist to them or us for that matter (i shouldn't be acting holier than thou) is one who likes fire(worx) and blowing things up. Or, if you have a collection of Anarchy files (like Baron does), you're considered an Anarchist. What about RIPCO? People generally consider them an Anarchy Board (BTW: They've been busted, but are back! Go there for your Tfile 'needs'.), but do they really house ideas for the overthrow of this government? I don't think so, Guido Don't play that. What frauds these Mortal Anarchists be In addition, not only are anarchists named that because they blow things up, most of them are all just talk and just like to read the files and "phantasize" about doing them. Fr'instance: Do you know ANYONE who has ripped off Automatic Teller MAchines? OR anyone who's ripped off Radio Shack? OR how about people who ACTUALLY use flourescent lightbulbs as javelins? Gimme a break. I've never heard of anyone using the XMODEMX file to phry someone's modem. Hardly ANYBODY does any of this stuff in these tfiles, they're just things that probably don't work, but they seem to work, but nobody would dare try them. All of these people are WEENIES!!!!!!!!!!! ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Howdya like it? I know it was short as opposed to my 19k philes, but i think that it was poignant (sp?) enough to stop a few 13 yr olds from making fools of themself and other "anarchists". Call me if you've got comments, and don't forget to dial 1-312-839-SEGA for the latest updates of New Warez. SOON TO COME: IS anyone out there interested in a ZAN 900 number? or 976? something to look into, specially if it's phree (note the spelling). Well, cya later, and remember: Didja ever notice how every doctor is forced to take a hippocritical oath? hahaha Live long an BLaH, Guido Sanchez Minister of Philosophy MoPZAN ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Call the: Baron's Bistro at 708-869-1501 (12/2400) (ZAN mosque) Ying Yang BBS at 708-679-1279 (12/2400) (ZAN Promised Land) Melting Point_RA BBS at 708-698-1774 (12/14.4) (ZAN mosque) Far Side BBS at 312/465-5488 (24/14.4) (ZAN mosque)