������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �� ���Zhit Axis Nation presents��� W () W �� �� Milk Bombs \||/ �� �� || �� �� Written by: Last Call _/ \_ �� �� Dated: 11/14/91 �� �� �� �� �� �� The Melting Point BBS The Baron's Bistro �� �� ZA/\/ HeadQuarters ZA/\/ Mosque#001 �� �� SysOp: Adam Dada SysOp: The Baron �� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ThisClaimer: This is for educational, destructional, and anarchial purposes.. If anything happens to you, I AM responsible... but remember I KNOW where you LIVE!!! You can distribute this in any way (ZIP, by hand), but DO NOT EDIT THIS file!! If you happen to pull out your EDIT prog and work on this, PLEASE leave the opening screen, and add your additions at the end of the file... ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Milk Carton Bombs have been the joke of the past. All text file typers, when they had nothing to do, tried to reinvent the wheel, and constantly wrote about how to make the BEST Milk Bomb. This, my friends, is THE text file for Milk Bombs, from an expert on the subject. Now friends, the Milk Bomb: ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ A milk carton bomb is NOT a bomb by the definition of a bomb: something that blows up so hard that it causes damage in the adjacent areas through a strong force of small objects (shrapnel, etc). A milk bomb has ONLY ONE PURPOSE - to make more noise that anything. Another great aspect of a milk bomb is that the necessary ingredients are VERY simple to get - you can basically get everything from the corner drug store (my corner drug store is a Walgreens, so I can just pick the stuff up for free (grin) ). First of all, you need an excess of lighter fluid - get the charcoal grill kind. Next, get some wonderful push pins - the little ones with the pretty colored BIG tops. With those pins, you have to remove the plastic tops and leave JUST the pins. These pins are short, and sharp on BOTH sides. Fill a paper milk carton up with the pins, maybe up to 1 tenth of the carton. Fill the next � of the carton with some lighter fluid. Seal the carton with a rubber band or something that will hold it tight, and light it (usually a wick helps, but if you get bad enough cartons, the lighter fluid will seep through the milk carton (for some reason - milk holds, but lighter fluid doesn't??? Anywaysd...). Then, well, RUN! The carton will light quick, and make a huge POP! (more than that actually). When you return, look where the pins went. We've seen pins go up to 15 feet, and I've been poked by enough in my day.. Oh, btw, don't stand too close when it goes off... You get pretty black ash on your nice yuppie suits... Talking about yuppies, read my ZA/\/ file on why yuppies are scum! Last Call (c)1991 ZA/\/ Associates. (eof) ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[