(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (*)HT#002 _______Zhit_Axis_Nation_______ (*) (*) How To (*) (*) Make Your BBS Crash Proof! (*) (*) By Cockrowch (*) (*)Greets to: Tiamat, Snare, EightBall, Warlok, Erasmus, Ronnieman, (*) (*) Slasher, Rest of ��, and everyone else I have forgotten(*) (*) (*) (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) PissClaimer: If someone still crashes your BBS after you have done everything in the Text File, than TOO BAD!!! I've done my best! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= ������������������������������������������������������������������������� -:[ HOW TO MAKE YOUR BBS CRASH-PROOF ]:- 1) Read your TeleGard Docs, so you know what I'm talking about. Done? Good. Let's begin. First off, delete your Archive Menu. A three-year old can crash your BBS with it. If you don't want to delete it, just make available to "s255u1b0" which is the sysop, user one, at Baud 0. (At the computer). 2) Go to your Archive Setup, and change "PKZIP -aex @F @I" to "Drive:\Path\To\It\PKZIP -aex @F @I" and then change the other lines there too. Now no one can upload a Batch file called PKUNZIP.BAT and format your Hard Drive. 3) In the File Configuration Menu, and change the "Dos Re-Direction Device" to 'CON' so no one can "ext command" from your MiniDos. 4) Add a command to the beginning of your FIRST menu that has no Descriptions, and the key-to-be-pressed is "FIRSTCMD" and make it access "!u1s255" and add anyother people you TOTALLY trust to the '!u???' part. The CMD letters should be "HI" and the Info should be "Nice Try Fucker" or something to that effect. This command will hangup on ANYONE that logs onto your BBS and has 255 access that isn't approved in your "!uWHATEVER." 5) Make sure you System Configuration Menu is only accessable from the sysop menu by "u1s255b0" so no one can mess with anything. 6) If you're like me, and you only have one Full CoSysop, just change passwords every week or so. 7) Install a zip-tester that checks for Viruses. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional: (for the truely paranoid) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Add another password to the Sysop menu. (under 'password') 2) Lock Everyone but "s255u1b0" out of everything in the sysop menu. 3) Make most of the high-access ranges in the System Access Config read "s255u1b0." With this, people can't even do anything in Mini-DOS. 4) Add a command after that first one I told you to add that works for "s255u1!b0" that will ask for ANOTHER password. ==================================================================== Next Step: Making sure crashers don't mess with TeleGard's Mind. While you're LOCAL (NOT REMOTE!!!) add the following as offline files to your sysop directory: NUL. COM1. COM2. COM3. COM4. LPT1. LPT2. LPT3. LPT4. AUX. CLOCK$. CON. Then, (if you Run Dos 5.0) run 'Mem /d', and read everything under I/O and add those as offline entries too. Like so: 000700 IO 000AC0 System Data //** got it> CON System Device Driver //** got it> AUX System Device Driver //** got it> PRN System Device Driver //** got it> CLOCK$ System Device Driver //** add these> A: - D: <**// System Device Driver //** got it> COM1 System Device Driver //** got it> LPT1 System Device Driver //** got it> LPT2 System Device Driver //** got it> LPT3 System Device Driver //** got it> COM2 System Device Driver //** got it> COM3 System Device Driver //** got it> COM4 System Device Driver 0011C0 MSDOS 0013F0 System Data 0025B0 IO 002E10 System Data EMSDRVR 0005C0 DEVICE= //** add this> EMMXXXX0 <**// Installed Device Driver HIMEM 0004A0 DEVICE= //** add this> XMSXXXX0 <**// Installed Device Driver QRAM 000040 DEVICE= //** add this> \MMXXXX0 <**// Installed Device Driver SETVER 0001B0 DEVICE= //** add this> SETVERXX <**// Installed Device Driver LOADHI 0000A0 DEVICE= //** add this> PC$MOUSE <**// Installed Device Driver LOADHI 0000A0 DEVICE= //** add this> CON <**// Installed Device Driver LOADHI 000100 DEVICE= //** add these> E: - F: <**// Installed Device Driver RAMDRIVE 0004A0 DEVICE= //** add this> G: <**// Installed Device Driver 0004B0 FILES= 000100 FCBS= 001200 BUFFERS= 000270 LASTDRIVE= 0053D0 MSDOS 000040 System Program Now, you're pretty much done. Happy safety. -:] C0CKR0WCH [:- =================================================================== Look for my next installment: 'How To Crash a TeleGard BBS' ===================================================================