��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ݱ18 Nov 89��������������������_ROR_-_ALUCARD_������������������������� ް � � A ް � Amazing Pyramids PYM-1 � ް � The Power Of The Pyramids A ����߰ � Tfile ް � Written By: Doctor Murdock Distribution ް ����� Centere ް � � - RoR - ް � A �_____________________________________________________________________ް � � Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.����������������������������������ް ��������������������������������������������������������������������������ް ���The�Pirates'�Hollow�-�415/236/2371��The�Electric�Pub�-�415/236/4380���� PYM-1 The following involves the strange unscientific, so-called phenomena known as "power of the pyramid". As we all know, pyramids first came into the light as gigantic monuments and tombs for the final resting place of the ancient Egyptian Pharohs. The two most famous were built about 5000 years ago by CHEOPS and GIZA as giant mausoleums in honor of their afterlife. These mammoth stone structures at first seemed extremely elementary in construction, however, for some unknown reason there exists a mathematical relationship to the height of them to their perimeter that is the familiar.....Pi=3.1416.....Why is construction in such a way as to be common to a circle? The CHEOPS pyramid contains two and one-half million stone blocks weighing from 2 to 70 tons each. It's base square to .00038% and it is 400 plus feet in height. The blocks fit closer than .02". This precision was accomplished by a "primitive" civilization. Soon after this startling information was known claims were made that their geometry was also related to the circumference of the earth, records of the positions of the stars and planets true north and many important predictions such as the fall of Rome, birth of Jesus, etc. Pyramids have obviously also gained their mystical powers from the near perfect preservation of the Egyptian mummies that was formerly attributed to ancient embalming methods. Several experiments happen to discover that mummification appeared to be the result of containment in these triangular solid shapes. Soon after that razor blades were found never to dull, flowers lasted longer, food stuffs took longer to perish, meat became tender, wine tasted better, tobacco remained fresh, bad coffee became good, water became purer, could cure certain ills, sleep better, improved sex life, and last but not least, preserved dead bodies! The power of pyramids, if it does exist, is no doubt being exploited by charletans, sooth sayers, witches and fast buck promoters. If there is anything to these seemingly mystical powers, you can bet that it will be completely discounted owing to the obvious false and ridiculous claims. Many, no doubt, legitimate, real mystical accounts of power and strange occurrences are dumped into the toilet due to hard core type exploitation, never to be properly scientifically investigated. A test pyramid can be constructed referring to the following sketches: 1. Cut a square base of rigid cardboard or plywood 10" by 10" (or Feet..) 2. Cut four pieces from plastic, stiff cardboard, wood, etc. Preferably use clear transparent plastic, etc., (do not use metal). Fasten together with tape, RTV, etc., and note that height from peak at top to midsection of base equals 6" (or feet). 3. Place experimental object to be influenced by pyramid in exact center up two inches/feet from the base. Make a small platform placed on a spacer or wooden dowel to properly position test object. This position inside the pyramid is the volume midsection or sort of focal point. Position pyramid so that one side runs true north/south. Experiment using magnetic north/south. Your experiment pyramid can be proportionately built much larger or smaller, supposedly producing equally good results. . /\ . PYRAMID / \ . / \ . / \ H / \ e / \ i 6" (or feet) / \ g / \ h / Object ---> () \ t / ------ \ . / | | \ . / 2"(feet) Dowel -->| | \ . / | | \ . /____________________________________________________\ ........ Base 10" (feet)........ Good luck! X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X