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Newsletter. � BIG BROTHER BASHING - Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons Part 2. � Search String: {BIG BROTHER} � BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - Social Engineering. � Search String: {BLACKENED} � BREAKER'S REVIEWS - Not available in this issue. � Search String: {REVIEWS} � CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - Examining the Majestic-12. � Search String: {COVERUPS} � CORRUPTION AND GREED - Power industry reformation is required. � Search String: {GREED} � CROSSED WIRES - PSYCOSiS BBS Advertisement. � Search String: {WIRES} � DRUGS DISCUSSION - Sweet Leaf Dreams and Experiences. � Search String: {DRUGS} � H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - Dialing out through VMBs. � Search String: {H/P} � INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - Billy Gates: The saga continues. � Search String: {INTERVIEWS} � LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - More feedback about the Damage, INC. Newsletter. � Search String: {LETTERS} � OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - The ethics of hacking. � Search String: {OPINIONS} � REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - Micro$oft Propaganda Bulletin and other articles. � Search String: {REPORTS} � SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - Promisc.C source code. � Search String: {SOURCE} � THC PHREAK'S TOP TEN LIST - "Hilarious VMB Messages" � Search String: {TOP TEN} � THOUGHTS, POEMS AND CREATIVE WRITING - Chaotic/lyrical sound bytes/rants. � Search String: {WRITING} � CLOSING COMMENTS - BLACKENED's Captivating Closing Comments. � Search String: {CLOSING} ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� < DISCLAIMER > All articles contained in the Damage, INC. Newsletter are for informational purposes only. Damage, INC. is not responsible for how any of the information presented is used. It is not intended to be a manual with instructions to be followed. We won't be held responsible for any damages caused, illegal acts committed etc. by our readers. If/how you use the information given is entirely up to you. < COPYRIGHT NOTICE > All articles and source code contained within this file are (C) Copyright by Damage, INC. (unless stated otherwise). No part of this work can be modified, reproduced or changed in any way without the expressed written consent of Damage, INC. That means, electronically or otherwise, in part or in whole this file must not be altered. It cannot be included with any other releases. You cannot claim that you wrote it, or alter any articles and source code that has been written and Copyrighted by us. Also, do *not* distribute any Damage, INC. releases in "packages" with other text files or utilities. They must only be distributed alone in their present, original form. You are permitted to read and distribute the Damage, INC. Newsletter freely to quality h/p boards only. Copyright 1998 by Damage, INC. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION: Through the darkness, between the states of madness and above the countless layers of misinformation. It's August and we're flying high again. So, drop a few hits, get out your favourite bong, rip open that garbage bag of weed, cut that brick of hash with a chainsaw, or just grab your dirty old crack pipe... because it's time to start stokin' and tokin' again. ;) Have no phear, there's plenty of dope for everyone. We've got an infinite supply of premium bud stashed away in a safe place here for you to try. This is the alternate dimension of the universe, where nobody knows your name and nobody cares since everyone is baked. A true Utopia? That's for you to decide. In this realm, the people are all strange and their thoughts are their own. Ideas and opinions aren't dismissed for being different. Yes, indeed it is an unearthly place to be. However, it's where we reside... thriving on the uniqueness of what surrounds us. There are no rules and we phear nothing. In this world, intelligent beings are free to think and do anything. Is it reality or illusion? Dreams and illusions aren't lasting. They are transparent realities that can be easily shattered. However, thoughts are real. Their energy is tangible and powerful. Embrace your "strange", "deviant", "weird", "wrong", "unacceptable", "unpopular", "abnormal", "psychotic" thoughts and join us in the Damage, INC. zone. ;) BIG BROTHER BASHING - {BIG BROTHER} Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons Part 2: In the last issue, I wrote an article named EM Mind Control Weapons Part 1 and stated that I would write Part 2 on the 1990s. Well, here it is. This article will describe the EM Weapons of this decade and what Big Brother has been working on relating to them. ACOUSTIC PSYCHO-CORRECTION DEVICES - Supposedly, these devices can alter a willing or unwilling person's behaviour after very little exposure by transmitting specific commands to their subconscious using static or white noise bands. Their intellectual functions aren't affected either, so the person won't know that they've been brainwashed. Nor would anyone else think that they were, since their level of intellect is unaltered. Basically, it's a way of directly accessing a human being's mind. This technology was developed by Russian scientists. However, the United States is also conducting research and an exchange of information between the two countries exists. In fact, using psycho-correction in Waco, Texas (on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians) was even discussed. Some people believe that some EM Weapons were actually deployed and used against them, such as an unusual noise generator etc. I haven't watched the actual tapes, so I can't comment on that. But, I won't discount the possibility of that. EM WEAPONS - Electromagnetic fields can affect a person's behaviour, emotional state and thought process. This involves stimulating the brain via a carrier frequency. It's a technical process that involves using amplitude modulation to shape the wave.. which mimics an EEG frequency... imposing theta rhythms on the victims. The research and development dates back to the 1960s and 1970s. They can easily be used to adversely affect a victim's mind and nervous system. Dr. Robert Becker, a person that was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize, and a specialist in Electromagnetic effects wrote a report that describes the symptoms of limited exposure to microwaves. They include nausea, panic, retinal irritation etc. SLEEPING BEAUTY - A project that involves mind-altering EM weapons for use on the battlefield. MONARCH - A project that's supposedly directed towards the creation of severe multiple personality disorder in intended victims. There are many other programs and projects underway relating to non-lethal weapons (or "less than lethal" as the military refers to them as being). Many of these projects in the United States are funded under the U.S. counter-drug law enforcement policy, which has a yearly budget of $10+ billion. Basically, the resources are just diverted to fund mind control programs which can be used to develop weapons for crowd control during riots, or as non-lethal anti-personnel weapons. Since they're non-lethal, there isn't any opposition to their development and creation. Many of these projects are "black" projects and highly classified. You can't obtain any information about them through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). In conclusion, as I continue to research this topic, gain more knowledge and information I'll attempt to keep everyone updated. The most likely scenario is that articles on EM Weapons will be included in the Reports from the Front section. I'll admit, this article was rushed. However, I intend to do everything possible to ensure that readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter are provided with some current information in a future issue. Hopefully this short article has opened your eyes about mind control weapons. It's something that everyone should be concerned with and informed about in my opinion. These weapons threaten our right and ability to think freely. They can be an evil, unstoppable weapon in the hands of governments, terrorists and dictatorships. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - {BLACKENED} Social Engineering: In this article, I will share some tried and tested social engineering techniques, tips, ideas and ways to apply them. I'll also explain what social engineering is all about, why you should practice before attempting to social engineer someone and what the best tactics to use are. Even though TJ wrote an article titled 'Social Engineering' for the Damage, INC. Newsletter Issue #2, I felt that it was necessary to write this article and share some of the finer points of the art. The main reasons are that his article wasn't nearly thorough enough, lacked useful information and techniques etc. Overall, it wasn't complete and basically just contained his own untested theories and ideas. TJ wasn't an experienced social engineer, nor was he a knowledgable hacker/phreak. I regret publishing that particular article (as well as the 'Motivational Neophyte Blurb' that TJ wrote). In fact, I apologize for making the mistake of including articles such as those, that weren't informational or what I'd deem to be quality. I can assure you that oversights such as that won't ever happen again though. Therefore, the topic of social engineering has to be revisited and explained properly. Hopefully by writing this article, the previous 'Social Engineering' article can be overlooked, ignored and perhaps even forgotten. I sincerely hope that it doesn't need to be mentioned again. Most of you have probably read about social engineering or heard the term used by others already. However, you may not know what it means. Or, you may even think that it's not worth learning the skill and becoming an experienced social engineer. To be blunt, you're wrong if you believe it's not an important aspect of h/p, because it most definitely is. Just as a night of trashing can provide useful, valuable information/hardware, a few minutes of social engineering can save you a tremendous amount of time hacking. ;) Social Engineering - My definition of social engineering isn't a very complex one. In my opinion, it simply means using your mind and being able to think of quick responses during any situation to persuade, influence, trick, scam, fool, dupe, verbally hack/exploit in order to gain information, access to systems etc. Basically, it's fast thinking and conning an intended mark out of what you seek. The goal is to get them to believe you, do what you want them to do and release information that they otherwise wouldn't/shouldn't give out to anyone. It's about obtaining information that you wouldn't otherwise be able to access easily or would be too time consuming to pursue. Social engineering is a useful means of doing that for hackers/phreaks. It's also something that requires creativity, improvising, experience, knowledge and most importantly, intelligence. You must be an intelligent person in order to be a successful social engineer. However, if you want to read someone else's definition, then read the Social Engineering FAQ that exists. I just don't feel that text files such as that adequately describe what it means, so I decided to define the term 'social engineering' in my own words for readers. In essence, it basically means "bullshitting" if you want the blunt, true, unrefined, rarely stated explanation/meaning of it. ;) Techniques to try: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ � Sometimes social engineering a slow mark can be quick and easy. In fact, I've seen it done (to acquire a password for a UNIX system) in 2 minutes or less. Therefore, don't assume that you have to carry on a long conversation with the mark before asking for any important information. Try to catch them off guard by calling and identifying yourself as "Jim Robertson". Tell them that you're an employee that's been on vacation in California for the past two weeks. Explain that you've somehow forgotten your password. Or, if you need a 'security' password to login on their UNIX system, tell them that the password has been changed/forgotten... and that you can't access your account to do your work. Let them know that you want to be able to call remotely and finish working on an "important project" during the weekend. � Dial up your mark (financial service companies are an especially good mark for this technique). Express an interest in their company. Tell them that you'd like to become a client of theirs and have inherited some money that you wish to invest. Ask them questions about their company. Write down their answers. Make them believe that you're very interested in the service that they provide. They love talking to prospective clients. The mark will start to trust you and treat you as though you're already a client/customer of theirs. Then, say that you really want to try out the service first etc. and explain that a greedy corporation ripped you off in the past. Play the part of an innocent victim. If they want your business, and you're believable, they'll allow you to do that... by providing you with any information/login/password. Perhaps you'll be given a guest account to try out their investment service or whatever they offer. Plus, you'll at least have some basic information about their company to use against them at a later date if needed. � Select your mark and say "This is Robert Harpo of the New York remote office/station... We're having problems logging into the server. We've had problems with our network today. Some of our systems have been infected by a virus. We've lost data... There are missing/corrupted/files etc. and one of them contained passwords. Our clients are relying on us and we may lose profits due to the virus attack." etc. Sound like you're worried and that it's a major problem. Tell them the server crashed if you want, that a trojan nuked it, that there are configuration/compatibility problems with the network, or with retrieving certain data files. ;) Then ask for the password needed to login on their server. If you know what cities they have offices in, the address etc. then this technique should work perfectly. Pretend that you're doing your job and make sure it sounds like you're in a large office building with other people working away at terminals. As in, the sound of a keyboard clicking overheard in the background can be very effective at fooling the mark. � Call up your mark (at a large corporation with many employees) and identify yourself as "Richard Johnson. Human Resources Assistant." or whatever job title you want. Then instruct the mark to setup an account for the newly hired "Thomas Gibson"... with a password of "gibson". Assure them that the new employee will be instructed to change their password for security reasons etc. Say that you've been busy reading the resumes of applicants and conducting interviews, information sessions etc. all day. Make sure you call just after lunch hour, and say that you haven't even had a chance to eat lunch yet. ;) � Phone the mark and tell them that there's a problem with *their* server. Explain that it's not accepting the password that you type. Tell them that it's urgent that you access the system and retrieve a report that you wrote. Sound desperate, but business-like. Pretend to be an employee and try to con the password out of them by saying that you work in the "marketing department" and that "you need the information ASAP for a meeting that's scheduled today." etc. This technique isn't for accounts, but rather for obtaining the password to access the system. If you know anything about the corporation, such as what they produce, how they advertise etc. use that in your "marketing report" scam... � First, go trashing and try to obtain an employee list for the company that is your target. If it contains hired on dates, choose a new employee's name that was hired within the last few days/week. Then, call up your mark and tell them that you're a new employee and haven't been given an account yet. Give them the 'borrowed' name and a password etc. If they tell you that you've already been given a login and password to use, explain that you weren't personally notified. Tell them that Human Resources said you'd be assigned an account, but never got back to you. Say that you've been in training and that it's been a hectic, stressful week etc. Apologize profusely for the time and hassle (inconvenience) that this misunderstanding has caused them. However, remain calm and speak in a polite voice. They'll probably reply with "That's okay." Thank them for their help. Soon you should have an account (login and password) to use on their system. � There are also social engineering techniques in which the telco is involved, and you identify yourself as being a linesman, technician... or an operator. Or, if you're very confident, have the ability and your mark is stupid, sometimes the "I'm a security consultant/specialist/worker" scam works. ;) Demonstrate to the mark that you know what you're doing, and they'll be more than willing to help you get information etc. Sometimes you can even persuade them into believing that you're helping them. I'm sure that you get the idea by now though. Note: Using your own ideas, techniques, scams etc. is always best. Only telephone social engineering techniques were discussed. There are also ways to social engineer by mail, internet Email and in person. Most of the examples given were for gaining access to UNIX systems. They're just tips, and not an instruction manual on how to social engineer *anyone* you want. You must develop some of your own unique techniques and apply them to the appropriate situations. Some of mine are patented, and I chose not to reveal them to everyone. Also, you may want to divert your calls (by using a diverter or dialing through a VMB that you know diverts) as a precaution as well. ;) Things to remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ � You must remain calm and be confident while social engineering someone over the phone, or in person. No Phear. ;) � You have to be comfortable using the social engineering technique/scam that you've chosen to use. So, practice it many times on friends while talking on the phone. Learn how to play mind games on them. Eventually, conning people that are total strangers won't seem so difficult anymore. � Some social engineers like to have everything carefully planned out, written down on paper, know as much as possible about their mark and don't like to improvise at all. In other words, they follow a script that they created beforehand. They're almost like telemarketers. If you're that uncomfortable or ineffective at social engineering, then you might as well quit now. If not, then play off what your mark says to you. Improvise and use the spontaneous responses to your advantage. It'll sound more realistic that way, like a normal conversation. Basically, you have to be able to make shit up as you go along and feed your mark believable bullshit. Speak to them naturally, in a normal tone of voice... instead of reading from a script. Try to be real, not a fake that they'll be able to detect. Gain their trust and then use it against them to get the information that you seek. � Be courteous and polite with whoever answers the phone. In most situations, you should act business-like and mature. Avoid using any slang, swear words, poor grammar etc. at all times. For example, do not say "Hello. Like, ummm I really need a password to access your UNIX system d00d. Do ya think ya can help me? Uhhh... Please? Duh..." Basically, don't talk like a warez d00d and act stupid. � Knowing your mark can be very important in certain cases. You can obtain information by trashing, and then reading documents. Or, you can get someone else to social engineer them for basic company information first, several days before you call. That way, you will have some names, phone numbers, basic company information, contacts, companies that they supply, work with or are affiliated with etc. already when you call to social engineer them for 'security' information such as a password to login. � Scanning can definitely benefit you in your social engineering endeavours. If your target is a large UNIX system, and you scan around (+50 and -50 numbers above/below the number usually works)... then you should be able to find the root system. Once you find a line with a person that answers voice, you will already have some basic information about their company that you can use against them. � Consider your mark to be your opponent/adversary. Don't have mercy or pity on them. Don't show any weakness. Never assume that they're not intelligent or that you can easily social engineer them. Be aggressive and act as though you're just doing your job if they start asking a lot of prying questions. Say whatever is required to make them believe you. In fact, pressure them. Force them into believing you. Sometimes you'll have to become angry with them if they doubt your authenticity. At that point, sometimes a verbal assault is the key to getting them to apologize and give you whatever you originally asked for. When asking for information, don't hesitate. Be assertive. Don't let them cut you off while you're speaking. Make sure you clearly state what your intentions are and what you want. However, they'll obviously ask certain questions that you'll have to provide them with answers to... such as what your name is, what company you work for, what job position you hold etc. So, have something prepared or at least an idea of how to answer any questions that you know you'll be asked. � Whatever personal/company information you use cannot sound fake, or it won't work. Therefore, take the time to choose an appropriate name, an authentic company name etc. Never try to use shit like "Hello. This is Joe Hax0r of Killroy & Killroy Co. I'm doing research on..." or "Hello. My name is Harry Black. I'm a University student. The reason I called is that I'm doing a project and would like some information about your company for a term paper on Macro Economics that I am writing. Can you provide me with anything? Thanks in advance." or "Hi, I'm having difficulty logging into the system. I'm... ummm... Rick the Admin guy." etc. That shit won't fool anyone. � The "I'm a new employee with the company and I forgot the password." type of social engineering attack isn't the greatest and it lacks imagination. It's also quickly becoming obsolete. That is, unless you've gone trashing or obtained an employee list through some other means. Then it may work, if you sound/act the part... by apologizing profusely, chatting with the mark and letting them know that you won't forget it again. Basically, reassure them that it's all your fault and say "I can't believe I forgot the password. I went to login and my mind was blank." Try to get them to pity you. Boost their ego in the process, and the mark will feel good about helping a lowly 'clueless' new employee out. Avoid using it often though. Never rely on that story to work every attempt either. � Don't be greedy. If you start asking them for too much information, too quickly, you won't be given anything at all. Plus, it can alert the mark about what you're attempting to do. Once they're "on to your scam" they aren't going to give you any assistance at all. That is, at least not on that particular day. ;) If you become too greedy, and want information right away, you may find that you are successful at social engineering people less and less. � Try not to act nervous or suspicious. I realize that some people may not be able to control their emotions, but it's critical that you do. Otherwise, you'll fail at social engineering, time and time again. So, you must learn to be at ease while scamming your mark. Obviously, you want to be as convincing as possible and not draw any suspicion. There's no way to teach how that's accomplished. Nor is there any great advice that can be given regarding how to avoid nervousness. I can't tell you how that's done. Also, don't be hyper and start talking fast. If they can't understand you, and have to ask you to repeat yourself... they'll become suspicious. � Good liars don't necessarily make great social engineers. In other words, habitual liars aren't always so adept at being able to social engineer for certain types of information. Sometimes, knowledge is required in order to be successful and it was attained through a means other than lying. Basically, the point is that lies can only take you so far, even in relation to social engineering for information. � If you have a high pitched voice, one that crackles or is in the process of changing... you won't pass for an adult. So, you're only option is to buy a voice changer. It'll alter your voice so that it sounds deeper to your mark. That way, they won't say "Who are you? How old are you? Is this a prank? Listen kid, I don't have time for this shit. Go play Sega/Nintendo." ;) � Background noise (such as music that wouldn't be playing in an office), street noise (if you're using a pay phone), dogs barking, kids crying, people talking loudly or yelling etc. can destroy your efforts at social engineering someone. Try to eliminate those types of noises if at all possible, as they can adversely affect what you're trying to do. You won't be believed by your mark if your friend is laughing in the background either. In conclusion, social engineering is a valuable tool/skill to possess. It's a powerful skill that has to be developed. Some people are born "natural social engineers". It's a talent that they've always had... but they still work on honing their skills, practice their craft and have made it into a legitimate art. Watching and listening to someone successfully social engineer their way to gaining access to a system is such a thing of beauty. Just as, the rush that you get after social engineering someone yourself is amazing. You can allow your creativity to emerge, use your imagination, react to the situation, respond quickly to questions and trick your mark into believing or doing whatever you want. By now, it should be obvious to you that I enjoy social engineering. ;) It's a learning process that takes time and is challenging though. However, it has great benefits and the experience gained can be extremely rewarding. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - {COVERUPS} Examining the Majestic-12. Do you believe that a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico? Do you believe it is possible that aliens are living in hidden bases deep beneath the Earth? Have you heard of the Majestic-12, and the leadership role they have played in covering up the existence of aliens, and the aliens' relationship with the United States? If you haven't, I'll give you a basic introduction to what could very well be the greatest conspiracy and coverup perpetrated in human history. All I ask of you, the reader, is that you have an open mind. This conspiracy is so great that very little information/evidence has been uncovered. As always, the best place to start is the beginning. When did the U.S. Government, through their agents, initiate first contact with aliens? The answer to that question is revealed in a leaked document with MAJIC security clearance. On June 24, 1947 a civilian pilot saw nine flying disc-shaped aircraft, while he was flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington state. The flying saucers were flying extremely fast in standard formation. Unlike previous UFO sightings, this one was widely reported by the mass media. After this, there were hundreds of people coming forward to report their sightings of UFOs like the flying discs. What worried the U.S. Government is that many of the sources came from military officers and civilian leaders. Various branches of the U.S. military reacted by initiating their own investigations. Witnesses were "interviewed". The U.S. military also tried to engage the flying discs, but they failed miserably. Unfortunately for us, the coddled, weak-minded public would border on hysteria at various times. The U.S. Government knew very little about these flying discs. There simply wasn't an opportunity for anyone to gain any new information. I am referring to the now famous (perhaps infamous) Roswell incident. One night a rancher local to Roswell reported that he saw a flying disc crash, at a location that was approximately seventy-five miles northwest of the Roswell Army Air Base. On July 7, 1947, The U.S. Government initiated a secret operation to recover the wreckage of the "flying saucer" for scientific study. However, there is another bit of information that many people that have studied the Roswell incident may not know. The reason that many Roswell residents could not confirm seeing aliens is that they ejected from their craft. Four small human-like beings were found approximately two miles away from the crash site. There are conflicting reports as to whether there was a surviving alien or not, but that could be the subject of another article. The most important point of this incident is that alien corpses and artifacts were recovered by the U.S. military. Roswell citizens were then interviewed (and in some cases silenced by various threats) and the weather research balloon coverup was construed. In order to deal with this critical situation, some of then-President Truman's closest advisors recommended the creation of a "Top Secret Research and Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States." The name of the Operation is OPERATION MAJESTIC-12. The Majestic-12 was established by Truman's executive order on September 24, 1947. The Majestic-12 are literally twelve people. The Majestic-12 are a team of military leaders, political leaders, and scientists that are at the top of their respective fields. Each member is designated a codename. Their leader is MJ-1, which falls upon the Director of the CIA. The reason why I will not use "MJ-12" as an abbreviation is because MJ-12 is a person, not an abbreviation for the Majestic-12. At different times, they may be called upon to use their talents to evaluate alien information, technology, biology, and other factors involving alien beings. When the Majestic-12 are called into action, only members with the proper skills for the project are given any information. The information the Majestic-12 is given is controlled by MAJI. MAJI stands for the MAJESTIC AGENCY for JOINT INTELLIGENCE. This group is in total control of dealing with all alien concerns. That includes contact with aliens, national security and intelligence, and of course providing disinformation to prevent "outsiders" (us) from discovering the alien presence within the United States. All MAJI documents are classified "MAJIC", which means MAJI Controlled. MAJI, like the Majestic-12, report directly to the President, and is thought to be based in Washington DC. All alien information is processed under the large umbrella of what is known as "PROJECT GRUDGE". Under Grudge, there are various child projects that deal with specific courses of action to control the alien presence. Below I will give you information on various projects that are at the heart of this coverup. AQUARIUS: This project has been active since the United States' first contact with UFOs, as well as contact with IACs (Identified Alien Crafts). This project was born in 1953, and is under the control of MAJI and the CIA. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with aliens. Information obtained from Project Aquarius is what has given the United States its world superiority in space flight and military aircraft. AQUARIUS/ PLATO: Project Plato's mission was to establish diplomatic relations with aliens. Under this project, diplomatic relations with alien races were established and a pact was formed. The U.S. took alien technology in exchange for agreeing to keep out of the aliens' affairs on Earth. The U.S. also agreed to keep the existence of the aliens' presence a secret. Project Pounce is an offshoot of Project Plato. Project Pounce's mission is the secret crash recovery of all aliens, and their craft. AQUARIUS/ SIGMA: This project's goal was to establish communication with the aliens. The goal was achieved in 1959, when primitive forms of communication were established. Subsequent encounters with aliens under Project Sigma have continuously improved communication with the aliens. Project Sigma is viewed by MAGI to have been successful. GRUDGE/ REDLIGHT: Project Redlight's purpose was to test fly recovered alien craft. This project continues in Nevada (at Area 51/Dreamland). Project Snowbird is a child project of Project Redlight. Project Snowbird's objective was to create flying discs using conventional technology as an excuse for the high number of flying disc sightings that were being reported. There are many more projects that deal with weapons development, and defense strategies against the aliens, etc. However, they aren't as important as the projects listed above. The United States have been harbouring and supporting aliens for almost 50 years. Recently, in the last year the U.S. Government, along with the U.S. Air Force has tried to coverup the Roswell incident yet again. They now claim that there weren't any alien bodies recovered, but that dummies that resemble human beings, that were used in an experiment were all that the Roswell witnesses observed. Basically, they're still denying the truth. They have cut deals with the aliens with their own self interests in mind. Meanwhile, reports of alien abductions haven't decreased at all. In fact MAJIC knows *and allows* the aliens to abduct humans, as long as they provide MAJIC with the names of the victims. MAJI has sold us out to races of aliens that plan to use us for their own ends. In my opinion, the greater sin that the U.S. has committed is the fact that they are covering up every bit of information. If there are alien "visitors" on our planet, we have a right to know. Not all of us are weak-minded zombies. I'd personally rather face my fate, than to be stabbed in the back and kept in the dark. I hope that you have found this article to be interesting and informative. I felt it was important for me to write this article. Of all the conspiracies within Washington, none have been covered up like the existence of aliens within the United States. A lot of disinformation is out there in various mediums. I believe that we will eventually be exposed to "hard facts" of the existence of aliens on our planet. At this point, it's difficult to know what to believe and what not to believe. Unfortunately, the naive will be caught totally off guard if the alien races' intentions are malevolent. Written by Blackie Lawless � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CORRUPTION AND GREED - {GREED} Power industry reformation is required. Despite all of the advancements that've been made in the fields of science and technology, there have been very few in the generation of the electricity and fuels needed to power everything. Why is that? Why has power generation technology taken so long to advance? Why do we still heavily rely on limited resources for power? One would think that with finite natural resources, more ingenious ways would be developed to provide clean electric power. Actually, there are inventions that tap into free, natural energy sources. For example, U.S. Patents have been awarded for motors that contain permanent magnets. According to my research, the magnets within the motor tap into the energy within the Earth's magnetic field. This provides the motor with a nearly unlimited fuel source, so that conventional fuels (oil, gasoline, etc.) aren't required. Can you imagine the potential if we could all have an electric generator based on a magnetic field powered motor? If you are an intelligent, enlightened person, I'm sure you understand the implications of that. We would no longer have to pay a government or corporate power utility for electricity, but *we* could be in control of our own independent power source! After the initial investment, a generator powered by the Earth's magnetic field would pay for itself extremely quickly. Free energy inventions have been repressed for decades now. An Austrian civil engineer named Viktor Schauberger invented, and with limited funds began to develop what's called an "Implosion Turbine." Water is pumped by an Impeller pump through a Logarithmic-Spiral shaped coil of tubing until it reaches a critical velocity that causes the water to implode. The water moves so fast that it no longer touches the inside walls of the tubing. The force of the implosion drives the pump, which causes the pump's motor to become an electric generator. Dan A. Davidson, an author that wrote about the Implosion Engine in 1977 says, "The device seems to be tapping energy from that of the Earth's rotation, via the "Coriolis effect", like a tornado." In essence, it uses the Earth's own gravity, in conjuction with its rotation to create a viable means of sustained power. Basically, tremendous spinning forces can be used to artificially create gravity. The most sickening fact is that Viktor Schauberger invented the Implosion Engine during the 1930s. However, he didn't have the funds or support to complete his work. Are you skeptical about the existence of inventions that can tap into the natural energy of the Earth? Hopefully, you will be more tolerant of an invention with tremendous potential. A Bulgarian-born American Physicist named Joseph Maglich invented and partially developed an atomic fusion reactor that he named "Migma." An amazing fact is that Migma uses nonradioactive deuterium as fuel. Nonradioactive deuterium is readily available in sea water. Obviously, there's more sea water on this planet than we could ever use. If Migma were fully developed, Maglich stated it would produce no radioactive waste, and is designed not not to require a turbine to generate electricity. (According to what I have read, Migma generates electricity itself, without any external turbines, etc.) He also said that Migma could be built to fit in a single house, or large enough to power an entire city. One source stated that Maglich's partially developed Migma works, generating "three watts of power for every watt put in." You may be wondering why these devices haven't been developed and mass produced for our benefit. What would benefit the average person does not benefit the corrupt fat cats in the power and fuel industries. Governments also have a hand in blocking any new, superior power generation technologies from being developed. All factions involved in the current way that power is generated and distributed are making a tremendous amount of wealth, and wield a lot of influence. Free energy motors and other inventions would destroy them. The potential that these, and many other power/electricity generating devices have is enormous. Coal burning stations, nuclear reactors, oil refineries... they would all become instantly obsolete. We could be in control of our own power sources. Plus, the environment would also benefit. As I mentioned in the examples above, none of them claim to produce any harmful gases, radioactive waste, etc. So, the levels of air, water and ground pollution would be far less than they currently are. Governments and huge, multinational energy/fuel companies have been extremely aggressive in eliminating such threats to their cash cow monopoly. Inventors have been denied patents from their government. Then a "threatened" company would patent that inventor's creation so that it can never be developed and mass produced for our use. Other inventors have been bribed, threatened, or their work is "mysteriously" destroyed. The reason for the collusion and between governments and energy/fuel companies is greed. Tremendous profits are generated by efficiently run private operations. Governments also reap tremendous amount of tax money from these industries. In many areas, electricity is a government controlled industry. They control it and supply their citizens with electricty. Therefore, they'll do anything in order to prevent people from becoming self-sufficient. Indeed, they want citizens to rely on them for their basic needs. In Ontario, as an example, let's say that the refinery sells some gasoline to a gas station. The price that day is 21.35 cents/litre. The Ontario government slaps on a 14.70 cent/litre "Fuel Tax." Then the Canadian government adds on a 10 cent/litre "Excise Tax." Finally, the Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 7% is added. The GST is applied to the Provincial Fuel Tax and the Federal Excise Tax as well as the base price to the gas station. That increases the price to the consumer tremendously. It starts off at 21.35 cents/litre and goes to 49.3 cent/litre (and that's without adding the gas station's profit of a few cents). If a car with a water, air, or magnetic field powered engine was manufactured, that tax money would remain in our pockets (until new taxes were created to replace the old taxes mentioned above...). However, it might be more difficult for them to tax those natural elements. :-) Although tax dollars are important to them, control over the zombies is paramount. Big Brother wants every house to have electricity and be connected to his power grid. That way, Big Brother is in total control of the power switch. If we all had independent power sources, Big Brother wouldn't be able to shut off your electric power before busting down your door, or monitor how much power you use as easily as they can right now. It is a horrible state of affairs when the pursuit of greed and power by a corrupt few can do so much damage. What is even worse is that their efforts to prevent all of us from obtaining free electric power have been successful. There aren't very many people that know about all of the inventions that have been hidden or eliminated. That is why I have written this article. I want to make sure that everyone is informed that there are people out there that are suppressing new and old, superior technologies for their own short-sighted, greedy purposes. They also live with great fear in their hearts, as the death of their industry looms before them. --- While doing research for this article, I found some references that I was unfortunately unable to obtain. If you have access to the following sources (and wish to learn more about the inventions I wrote about), check them out: "Science & Mechanics" magazine, Spring 1980, ("Amazing Magnet-Powered Motor", by Jorma Hyypia, pages 45-48, 114-117, and front cover). Implosion Turbine: "A Breakthrough to New Free-Energy Sources", Dan A. Davidson, 1977. Migma: "New Times" (U.S. version), 6-26-78, pages 32-40.] Written by Shatazar � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CROSSED WIRES - {WIRES} If you'd like to advertise your h/p board or net here, contact us at damage_inc@mailcity.com and attach an ascii advertisement to the message. Advertisements must not exceed 4 pages in length and 80 columns in width. Special Access for long distance users .sS$$$$$�$$$Ss. If you are into h/p give it a call. `$$$$$$$. `$$$$$. `$$$$$$$. `$$$$ Running Mystic BBS Software $$$$$$$$$. `$$$ up and running 24/7 $$%$!$$$$' .$$' (519) 742-6899 $$$$$$$$$sS�' $$$$$$' $$$$$$ $$$$$$$Ss.`$s,.. ..,s$'.sS�$Ss. .sS$�$Ss. $$$$$$Ss. $$$$$ $$$$$$Ss. $$$$$$ $$$$�~"�$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$.`$$$ $$$$~"�$$ $$$$$ $$$$~"�$$ $$$$$$ `$$$s,. `$ $$$$$.$$$$$ $$$ $�'~ $$$$$ $$$ `$$$s,.`$ `�S�' `$$$s,.`$ $$$$$$ , `$$$Ss.� `�S$$$$$$$$ $$$ .,s$ $$$$$ $$$ ,`$$$$Ss. $s.s$ ,`$$$$Ss. $$$$$$ $, `$$$$$ $s,...$$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $, `$$$$$ $$$$$ $, `$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$s,..$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$'.$$$ $$s,.$$$$ $$$$$ $$s,.$$$$ $$$$$$.`�S$$$$S�' $�"~���~"�' `�Ss$S�' `�S$s$S�' `�S$$$S�' `�$�' `�S$$$S�' $$$$$$$ $�"�$$$ `$$ `$ ' PSYCOSiS BBS is now online. :) If you'd like to get access, leave me Email at fatalvis@iname.com or just call the board and page. DRUGS DISCUSSION - {DRUGS} Sweet Leaf Dreams and Experiences: It's sometimes called the elusive weed by law enforcement. Most often though, they call it pot or dope. Ah yes, that wonderful plant... cannabis. That beautiful green plant, with its sweet leaf. Those perfect buds. With that intoxicating fragrance. That amazing flavour. It's simply too sweet. In fact, it should be grown everywhere with a mandatory minimum for THC content. Yes, I'm speaking about marijuana. Yes, indeed it's the best plant of all! :) Let me tell you about some of my drug experiences, especially the ones that involve the sweet leaf. Afterall, sharing drug experiences is part of what the Drugs Discussion section is about. Sure, I've tried other drugs. I've experimented with acid, heroin etc. I have smoked hash, oil and done shrooms countless times. However, there's just nothing better than smoking a big, fat joint in my opinion. That's where it's at. Why? Well, it's calming and soothing for one thing. I find that I can collect my thoughts, think clearly and get back my creativity. I don't toke to get away from my problems. Nor does it provide me with answers and solutions. I don't think of it as an escape or a way to avoid reality. And I definitely don't smoke weed in order to be cool. It's a pure, basic, primal, honest experience. I really enjoy it, and don't see any harm in smoking up now and then. Well, actually my 'habit' of smoking pot is almost a daily ritual now. That's okay though. Why? I haven't experienced any harmful side effects at all. It hasn't suddenly made me into a lazy 'stoner' that's permanently baked or burned out. I've been able to accomplish more in the last few months than when I wasn't smoking marijuana on a regular basis. It has been beneficial to me, instead of the myth that it will make you into a dope if you smoke too much or too often. Now that I've explained a few things and given some reasons as to why I smoke marijuana, I'll describe some of the drug experiences that I've had with the sweet leaf. :) One of my fondest memories is of smoking weed with some friends at an old, abandoned school. We were downtown that night and picked up some weed from a local dealer behind an arcade. We all decided to go to the school to roll some joints and smoke it. The building was old, it was about midnight and I was much younger. The whole experience was new to me, as it was only the second time that I'd smoked a joint. Sure, I'd smoke hash before and took a few drags off of joints that were passed around. But I had never really gotten much more than a buzz... and didn't smoke enough. This time was different though. Everyone in the group smoked until we were baked... and we sat there, drinking, smoking up, talking for hours. Nobody was around so we were able to sit out on the old fire escape balcony without worrying about a cop busting us. The memory of that night is still vivid in my mind, and it's something that I don't think I'll ever forget. We shared stories and I was at peace... one with the other members of the group. I think the dope was at least partially responsible for us being able to open up and talk so openly about things with each other. Basically, it was comfortable and I felt free. It was just a feeling that I had that particular night that lasted the duration of our gathering. It was more than getting 'high'. There was good karma. That may sound lame, but it's the truth. It's the feeling that smoking weed gave me. I fucking loved it. That is probably what attracted me to marijuana, made me continue to smoke it and fed my desire for it. Perhaps I'll share some other drug experiences in a future article. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this article. I also hope that everyone understands the message I was trying to convey about the feeling marijuana gave me. That's not an easy thing to explain or express in mere words. Written by THC Phreak � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - {H/P} Dialing out through VMBs: Would you like to divert your calls? Or, perhaps you want to call ld for free. Maybe you should look at dialing out through Voice Mail Box Systems. Many support it, and most are set default to allow dialing out. That means the Admin of the VMB would have to manually change the system to disallow the dial out feature. If you are looking for VMBs, then I suggest checking out the 800-MAIL.DAT scan list that's included with this issue. There are many Meridian Mail systems to choose from in that scan. Obviously, you can also scan 1-800 exchanges on your own to find VMBs. Also, I suggest that you read Blackie Lawless' article on VMBs that was included in the h/p section of the Damage, INC. Newsletter Issue #6. Now that you have a few Voice Mail Systems to check out, I'll explain a little about dialing out and using certain features. Some very good VMB systems for this are Meridian Mail, Audix, ASPEN, etc. With Meridian Mail Systems the default password is the same as the box number, so obtaining a working Meridian VMB isn't too much of a challenge. Once you have successfully accessed a box on the system, you'll most likely hear a "MAILBOX EMPTY" message. If there are messages in the box it will say "YOU HAVE x MESSAGES" or "YOU HAVE x NEW MESSAGES" and start playing them. Usually it'll tell you that they're "FROM AN EXTERNAL NUMBER" etc. as well. It'll say "END OF MESSAGE" after each message that you listen to. Try pressing options such as "7*" which will tell you a list of message commands, "8*" will give you to a list of personal options, and "0*" is used to access the outdial feature. :) Meridian Mail Box Features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7* message commands: Message option 0 - Not useful. Reply 1 - Reply to a previous message. Play Envelope 2 - Play message envelope. Forward 3 - Forward your mail to another box. Reply All 4 - Reply with multi-mail. Compose 5 - Send multi-mail. Delete 6 - Delete mail. Send 9 - Send mail to another user's box (requires valid BN). To Exit press # - Exit. To hear the list again or stop listening to messages press "*". 8* personal options: Mailbox options 0 - Change operator code. Login 1 - Login another box. Greeting 2 - Change the greeting messages. Logoff 3 - Logoff the system. "Goodbye". :) Password Change 4 - Change VMB password. Distribution List 5 - Enter Distribution List number followed by # sign. Goto 6 - Go to the start of listening to messages. Personal Verification 9 - Record a name for personal verify. To Exit press # - Exit personal options. After entering "0*" (zero-star) while in a box, you should hear a message similar to the one below with most Meridian Mail systems: "You have reached an automated service which will connect you to the phone number that you enter. Please enter the number or the name of the person you wish to reach, followed by # sign. To enter a name press 11, spell the last name and then spell the first name. When the name is recognized, it will be announced..." etc. Some Meridians will only let certain BNs dial out though. If the BN that you are in won't allow you to dial out, then try a few others to make sure that you're not just in a BN that doesn't support it. Usually, the Admin's BN will be either: 111, 222, 333...999. Once you've found a box that allows you to use the outdial feature, call a local number with a "#" sign at the end. (Example: 742-6899#). At that point, it'll either connect you, or it'll beep and you'll hear the message "That number cannot be reached from this service..." If it reports that, then try dialing another number in a different local exchange. Dialing a 1-800 ANI to check to see if the VMB diverts is always a good idea. If you cannot seem to get the VMB to dial out, the SysAdmin may have disabled that option. Or, you may need to try dialing the number using a different method, as shown below: (X = number NPA = Area Code) xxx-xxxx# npa-xxx-xxxx# 1-npa-xxx-xxx# 9 + 1-npa-xxx-xxxx# 9 + xxx-xxxx# 0 + 1-xxx-xxxx# * + 1-xxx-xxxx# If it says "That number cannot be reached from this service" and you've tried everything that I mentioned above, then most likely that Box Number doesn't have dial out access. If you're able to dial out from it, that's cool. You'll have to play around with the VMB to learn what areas it can reach. As in, experiment and try calling ld numbers in various area codes etc. To get an operator to social engineer, try hitting 0# as the number to dial out and it should connect you to a live (or zombie?) operator. I am sure that if you can't get it to dial out, or need some more information about the system that the operator would be more than willing to give you some information. Just use some of the techniques that BLACKENED mentioned in his Tip of the Month article. Some good questions to ask after you've identified yourself are, "Hey, I am trying to leave the SysAdmin a VMB Message, but I can't seem to remember his Box Number. Can you help me out? Thanks." Once you have his box number, you could work on hacking into his box, and dialing out through there. Some other questions you could ask would be "Does this system support call forwarding?" "Do you have a Subscriber List?" etc. Some extensions may just give off a dialtone, or be totally silent. So, you'll have to listen and not just try one box to see if it can dial out. If you get an extension that gives a dialtone, then you've most likely found the dial out box number. Here's a little tip as well. Another way of obtaining free calls with some larger systems, (since most smaller systems don't have this option enabled) is by setting up the call forwarding number. First, you'll have to set the call forwarding number to the number that you would like to connect to, such as a h/p board that's ld. After you've changed the number, call the VMB and it will connect you to the specified number (in this case the ld h/p board). There are many ways you can dial out through VMBs. As you can see there isn't only "one way." It's up to you to develop your own techniques. You can only do that by experimenting with certain systems, asking questions and social engineering. After you have found a few systems that allow dialing out, I suggest calling a 1-800 ANI to see what number gets reported back to you. If it reports your number then discontinue using that VMB for dialing out. You'll have to find another system to use. If it reports the VMB number that you're using, then you can use that system for diverting and possibly calling long distance. See what area codes/exchanges can be reached using that VMB. If it only supports local calls, don't scratch that number off your list as it can still be *very* useful for diverting your calls to ISPs, PBXs, Extenders, Voice Operators with ANI etc. In a future article, dialing out through other types of VMB systems, (including Direct Dial VMBs) will be explained. Written by Fatal Vision � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. --- 1-800 SCAN --- We've also included a 1-800-XXX-6245 scan with this issue. The scan was done by Shatazar and Fatal Vision. The filename is 800-MAIL.DAT. Direct any comments and/or questions to them. � - NEWS FROM THE TRENCHES - � THC Phreak (514) is now a Damage, INC. Member. He's written several quality articles for the Damage, INC. Newsletter in the past... and already has his own section etc. So, we're looking forward to his future contributions to the group. ;) Fatal Vision's BBS, PSYCOSiS is now online. Obviously, it's a Damage, INC. Member Board and all Damage, INC. releases are available there at no ratio. The Journalist has resigned from Damage, INC. He was a Damage, INC. Member from August 1997 - August 1998. TJ is the first and only person to ever quit Damage, INC. While his ego increased, his contributions to the group dwindled and then finally ceased in May 1998. I'm sure many readers noticed his absence from writing articles for months though. After that point, he was no longer actively involved with anything related to Damage, INC. However, I just want to be the first to say "Good luck, best wishes and I hope that you're successful at whatever you're involved in TJ... during your college years and afterwards. May your positivity, philosophies and objective outlook on things bring you all that you deserve." Actually, TJ won't be missed... and has already been replaced by THC Phreak. So, the Damage, INC. Newsletter won't be adversely affected by this minor situation at all. Read the included TJCHRON.TXT file (The Journalist Chronicles) if you want more information about TJ, and why he eventually decided after months of contemplation, to quit the group. Ah well. Good riddance. ;) I believe that statement expresses the sentiments of the entire group. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - {INTERVIEWS} Interrogation of Billy Gates: The saga continues. = BLACKENED = Blackie Lawless = #1 Micro$oft Lackey = Billy "bad ass" Gates - (Dialing 1-800-MS-SUCKS then #LAME for Billy Gates' extension.) (The call is re-routed and forwarded to Gates' cell phone) - Hello? Hello? (the voice of a pathetic lackey is heard, spoken in a desperate tone...) Is anyone there? - Tell Gates that it's Damage, INC. and get him on the phone right now. - Who is this? What the hell do you want? - You sound a little irritated Billy Boy. What's the matter? ;) - I know who it is now. You bastard! You're going to pay for what you did to Microsoft... You... you... malicious criminals are all going to pay for this. I don't care what it costs. - Mr. Gates... Sir, our resources are running low. The food rations have almost been exhausted and we no longer have any power or heat. - No heat? What happened to our coal reserves? Start burning the corpses of employees for heat. Call the Seattle market and threaten to quit selling Microsoft software to them. Then call the nuclear power plant and tell them that they better re-connect our hydro or else we'll shut them down. Geez, do I have to do EVERYTHING around here? - Yes sir. No sir. I mean, no... you don't have to do everything around here sir. You know that I'm your number one lackey... err.. employee.. sir. - It's good to know that I still have a few 'Yes Men' left at my side, to do my bidding for me. - It's too bad your wife isn't at your side anymore though. Haha. - Is that Blackie Lawless I hear? Your sarcastic remarks are not appreciated mister. I take offense to your snide little comments. My wife is as loyal as Mr. Lackster (#1 M$ Lackey) is... Who by the way, is my towel boy, shoe shine gimp and boot licker extraordinairre. Here's a small demonstration of my power. Listen and learn. Lackster, trace this call with ANI and send the law enforcement authorities there immediately. - Yes sir! I'll get right on it. - Really? I never would've fucking guessed by the way he follows your every command, and kisses your ass at every opportunity. Man, haven't you heard yet? He's all you've got left Billy. By the way, you won't be able to trace us with ANI Billy Boy. - Sir, ANI Failure. I called up AT&T, and asked them to help us. It's the same thing though. I'm sorry sir. I apologize for my incompetence... and take full responsibility for not being able to trace them. - Shit. Ummm... think of something. I really want to catch those bad guys. We have to make those menacing hackers pay for what they've done. - Yes sir! You can count on me sir. - Haha. Billy has been in that bunker too long man. He doesn't realize what's happened, nor does he know where his wife is. - What have you mischievous deviants done with my wife? - Nothing. We've just seen her working downtown in Seattle. Monika Lewinski might not be going down anymore, but your wife definitely is... - Hehe... That's for sure man. ;) - What's that supposed to mean? My wife doesn't go down. You guys are just making up stuff... and trying to... (interrupted) - It means that your wife is a working woman now. She's walking the streets... wearing knee pads and picking up dimes. She goes down faster than Monika Lewinski on Whitehouse Billy. Just because she never gave *you* head, means nothing Billy Boy. Your wife is now a full-fledged, cheap, slutty, downtown whore now. She's quick to go down and slow to quit sucking. - Damn straight. You've got that right man. Now that she lost geek boy, she's not half bad. I mean, she made a huge mistake slutting around Gates, but I've gotta admit she's a nice piece of ass. Hehe. - Why you fucking... filthy.. sons of bitches. Fuck you. My wife is NOT a prostitute! - Bitch? Yeah, you could call her that. I prefer to refer to your wife as a cheap whore though. Prostitute? Nah... At least not a very good one. Most of the time she blows for free and swallows... That's how she manages to get a free lunch without begging. - Hahaha. That's hilarious... and true man. ;) - Grrrrrrr... You're making me VERY upset and angry. (Gates is seething at this point and almost ready to snap.) Bill is getting frustrated. If I could trace this call, I'd... I'd.... (interrupted) - Sir, our stocks are starting to rise again. I took the liberty of loading your personal stock portfolio with all of the most popular Internet Stocks on the market. Then I used some of the new profits to buy back the majority of the Microsoft stock that you sold. It looks like things are going to be alright. - That's great news! (a huge sigh of relief is literally heard over the phone.) What about employees? They haven't all been killed yet have they? - No sir. You still employee many immigrant workers... and Visual Basic programmers. Microsoft is still the proud owner.. err.. employer of over two thousand Mexican workers, that package our products. Cheap wages, cheap labour... It's all good, sir. - Yeah, cheap is definitely the word. - And that cheapness is due to Billy's greed. His own greed is what drives him to exploit workers.. and the zombies that purchase M$ products. - Excellent... Excellent. Hey, the zombies buy Microsoft products because THEY want to. It's not because I've brainwashed them all.. and can influence them to do anything that I want. Now, it looks as though I have Damage, INC. right where I want you. Your diabolical plan has failed and Microsoft is strong once again. - You still haven't learned yet Billy. I told you before, you ain't seen nothin' yet. This is just the beginning... - Run and hide behind your lackies again Gates. Pay them protection money. Hire more security guards. Do whatever the fuck you want... Regardless of what you attempt to do, Damage, INC. is stalking you. - I would give my life for Mr. Gates. I exist to serve and protect him. In fact, if the truth be told... he IS my life. Microsoft is also my life. It's what I've chosen to dedicate myself towards. - I know that I can count on you to help me fulfill my dream.. My vision... of every house, every vehicle, and every street corner having and relying on Microsoft products. You Mr. Lackster are my loyal servant. To show my deepest appreciation, I'm going to give you a raise. Effective in 1999, your salary will be increased by a sum of $0.20 an hour! If you continue serving me well, there might even be a year end bonus in it for you... Just don't count on it. Times are tough you know. My net worth is down to $55 billion... give or take a billion dollars due to the market crash August 31, 1998. - Why thank you sir... Thank you. That's most generous of you. I promise that I'll work overtime for the next 5 years... and try to repay you in some way for such a kind gesture. Indeed, I'm a lucky lackey. The luckiest in the world... to work for such a selfless, humble boss. - I'm going to be sick. I feel like puking. You both disgust me. Gates, your endless greed and cheapness is sickening. As for your dream, the reality is that your wife is working in every house, every vehicle's backseat and on every street corner in Seattle. Haha... - Yeah, and *she* is doing a fine job of serving this town. It won't be long before she has her own boss. A few local pimps have been eyeing her. Hehe. ;) - Blackie Lawless, you're disgusting. You have a filthy, gutter of a mind. The cheapshots that you hurl never cease to amaze me. If only you'd use your thoughts, ideas and energy for good... and make something of yourself. You are brilliantly evil, and could make a tremendous profit if you would only utilitize your specialized skills and talent for humiliation. You could employ a workforce of slaves, like I do. It's called profiting off the ideas and backs of others. That's what Capitalism is all about. Just ask my political friends and associates. You should seriously consider a career as a Microsoft employee. We offer limited benefits to our most loyal slaves... errr.. workers. You just have to pass our rigorous testing and training programs, and then take the mandatory brainwashing program. - You've always treated me with respect sir. I can understand why you've been so successful. Right down to your very DNA, you are the perfect boss. You know how to command and use your authority so effectively. I just love working for you sir. - Listen fucker. We don't respect you, your vision or the way that you ripoff everyone else's ideas and products. I'd never work for Microsoft, no matter how much money was involved. I'll never be one of your zombies. - In a way, it's hilarious that Gates would actually say something like that though man. He honestly believes that he can buy anyone. He thinks that we'd sell out to Microsoft for money. Haha. It seems as though the richest geek in the world is also the most naive. Obviously, I wouldn't work for him for any amount of money... including a billion times what he has. He can continue to buy zombies, but he'll never be able to influence the intelligent and enlightened. - What are you guys... Communists? Does money mean nothing to you? Let's make a deal. I'll pay you a million dollars to quit harassing me, interfering with Microsoft, and publishing slanderous material that contains references to me and my beloved company. Is it a deal? That's a million dollars each... for every Damage, INC. Member. - Hahaha... Do you really think that we'll accept that pathetic offer? We can't be bought Gates. Damage, INC. doesn't make deals with anyone. That includes fat cat lamers like you. We will continue to say and do whatever we want. - He's delusional man. Billy is grasping at straws. Haha... calling us communists? It looks like the petty dictator is calling the kettle black. As for money, your money means absolutely nothing to us Gates. It's greed stained Micro$oft money... and it's as worthless to us as Monopoly money. - I will never understand people like you. Money is everything. Can't you see that? How can you not? I've built an empire based on greed. I rely on corrupt, underhanded ways of stealing and blackmailing other companies in the computer industry. If that doesn't work, then I buy them. If you guys aren't doing this to profit... by blackmailing me or using extortion tactics, what the hell is your reason? What's your goal? What's the purpose? What is YOUR vision? - Are you paranoid? Good! Hahaha. - He actually believes that we're going to reveal our objective to him... Haha. Gates, your zombie slaves are more intelligent and clever than you are. Figure it out for yourself Billy Boy. Or, better yet, pay someone to do it for you. Afterall, your precious money can buy anything right? You cannot buy the information that you seek. Just as, you can't buy knowledge, wisdom or intellect. Basically, you're forever limited to your little thoughts and restricted way of thinking. Your mind will never be able to analyze anything. You are not a logical person. Your own greed takes priority. To summarize, you are a stupid, greedy, rich zombie that's lacking all that makes someone into a human being. Morals, ethics and other human qualities can't be bought for any sum of money. So, in other words, you are FUBAR. ;) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - {LETTERS} Date: 7:45 pm Sat Aug 1, 1998 Number : 3 of 3 From: Ufoguy Base : Private Mail To : Blackened Refer #: None Subj: editorial Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local This is just a small response to an article in the last issue of the NewsLetter... ------ I would like to comment on one particular article in Issue #10. The "Cops and Harassment" feature written by Fatal Vision is filled with a number of instances that are not only stupid, but because of his actions he could have voluntarily given up his right to freedom. There are countless documents from people in the scene about what to do when confronted by the police, whether conducting anything illegal or not. Let me run down a short list that would've made Fatal Vision's experiences more bearable. Rule #1: Don't admit shit. If a cop asks "Do you know wat time it is?" wait for your lawyer. If they ask you "Why are you out so late?" wait for your lawyer. If they even ask you for your name, wait for your lawyer. Doing anything else is allowing them access to personal information and if you open yourself to even the most irrelevant questions you could be giving them much needed "evidence" Rule #2: If they want to speak to you in your house tell them they'll require a search warrant to even be on the premises. This will piss them off but by letting them see your living environment you're giving them an opening to your life. What you don't say will be known from what hangs on your walls, or resides on the bookshelf. Anything that a doughnut-eater could consider "probable cause" will hook you in a holding cell. Also, refer to Rule #1. Rule #3: Don't volunteer evidence. Make them prove their case. By handing them anything that could be construed as evidence you're on a short trip to Cell Block D. If they frisk you without arresting you it's an illegal seach and seizure. Even though the worst penalty for the puerco will be suspension with pay, you can still have any evidence thrown out of court. This ties in with Rule #2. Acting like you're doing something wrong is probable cause, and is reason enough for the cops to obtain a search warrant. If the cops start threatening you just laugh. Always request a lawyer, always find out the officer's name and the name of their supervisor and always let them know that you know your individual rights are being infringed upon. If you don't stand up for your rights they will believe you to be ignorant of the law and your rights and they will do everything outside of their power to force you to give up everything you know, or don't know. Lawyers may be the scourge of society, but in many cases they can keep you from seeing the inside of a cage, and can get you a lot of money by suing those who believe it's their job to infringe upon your rights. ------ UfoGuy I'm not the editor, but since your feedback concerns my article on cops, I thought that I would reply instead of BLACKENED. Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to see that you read my article man. ;) You seem to have some experience with that type of thing. If that's the case, why don't you write an article on how to deal with cops and send it in to be published? At any rate, I'll admit that when those events happened I wasn't fully educated about how to deal with police officers. I was just simply trying to prove a point that some cops just try to take the easy route out of everything. They are *not* what most people think they are. I know from talking with quite a few people that they think cops are not racist, follow the system, do not abuse anyone while arresting someone etc. They have been brainwashed man. That's *exactly* what they want you to think. I was simply sharing some experiences that I've had with cops. Why should people in blue uniforms have more power than we do? They shouldn't and they don't IMO. By writing that article I learned a few things, and thought about what I'd do differently if I was ever in situations such as those. As you hopefully noticed the events that I wrote about ranged in time from recent to many years ago. Cops haven't changed though man. They are still on a "power trip" and think they can do whatever they fucking want. It's up to everyone to make sure that they do their jobs properly. The first step is admitting there are faults in the police force. The second step is educating the public to know exactly what their rights are, and informing them whenever situations arise. The third step is teaching them what to do if they encounter an average, power tripping cop. Written by Fatal Vision � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - {OPINIONS} The ethics of hacking: Some people strongly believe that everyone should follow a 'hackers ethic' and there have been countless text files created with information regarding 'the ethics of hacking'. Just do a search using a web browser for "ethics", "h/p ethics", "hacking ethics" etc. I'm sure that you'll find quite a few useful text files on sites to choose from and read. Personally, I don't believe in following any set of "rules" whether it's hacking ethics, laws or anything else. I'll follow my own set of rules, my own ethics, and live the way I want to live... not how someone else wants me to. I've read several text files now on the "ethics of hacking" and had to laugh, since they are all based on opinion. There are so many different ideas about what is right and what is wrong. I'm sure you'll know what I mean once you do some reading and find out a few things about this issue. Some people think that damaging systems isn't right, and nothing should be altered/manipulated except the log files. Yet, some say "Nuke the system when you are done hacking so that you don't leave a trace." They are so contradictory. One text file tells you not to do any damage, while another encourages you to do damage. I've also read text files describing hackers as criminals that do manipulate files, change options, nuke systems etc. In my opinion, a hacker/phreak should do what they feel and not what is written in a text file that explains how they should act, what they should do and what to do on systems. With this article, I am by no means saying that following a code of ethics is wrong. In fact, I would almost call it a necessity to follow your own code of ethics that you develop. I think that *everyone* should sit down and determine what their own ethics are, establish them clearly and live by them. Make sure they're *your* ethics and not someone else's ideas. I know that people involved with the government have created numerous text files, web pages etc. in an attempt to make hackers believe that nuking systems and altering data is wrong and will get you into shit. One of the main reasons they do that is to try to make some people "follow" what they write and not damage any systems. They don't want to lose any information or money, and they believe that they can influence people into following a "government code of ethics". In my opinion, nuking systems isn't all that's involved with ethics. You have to think about who you are going to associate with, whether they're newbies, experienced h/pers, warez d00dz, etc. That's just an example of another factor in ethics. I am sure that you could think of many other issues that could be included with your own "ethics". This is a little story about a group of hackers and their ethics of not damaging or destroying the data/information that they obtain access to. It's funny how some people think certain security systems are 100% secure. I watched a television show on security, and it showed how the police force thought that their cop cars' computer systems are *unhackable*. A group of hackers from the L0pht proved to these fat pigs that they were wrong, and that their security was lame and weak. The group found a few systems by trashing. They later found that there were no encryption methods for outgoing/incoming data and there weren't many passwords. The program showed them trashing late at night, finding equipment, fixing it up and changing the equipment they found to have more features. They then used the equipment to find information on people, enter licence plate numbers and change data. They are still experimenting with it. However, the L0pht isn't malicious and they didn't change any personal data or alter any crucial files etc. So, you could say that their ethics in this case were honourable. They did it only for information. I'd like to suggest that you form your own ethics, follow your own set of rules, use your own guidelines and abide by what you strongly believe in. Don't read an article about ethics and immediately follow what that person says to do, just because they wrote a text file on hacking ethics. Use your judgement while your hacking and don't rely on others to make those types of choices for you. Think for yourself and do what you want to do. Don't rely on text files that an anonymous person wrote as a guide to your personal hacking ethics. Written by Fatal Vision � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - {REPORTS} We've decided to include several interesting articles in this issue. The first is a Micro$oft Propaganda Bulletin relating to cDc's Back Orifice. Unfortunately, Micro$oft has shown how ignorant and inept they are yet again. They claim that security is taken seriously etc. Micro$oft also uses the word "truth", which is a fucking joke when you consider the source. They even failed to spell Back Orifice properly. Perhaps they should've looked at the docs that are included with Back Orifice more carefully. The next article isn't just for our American readers. It's applicable to anyone that thinks about freedom, takes it seriously, and believes that it should be discussed and not ignored. Even if you take freedom for granted, I suggest that you read the article. The last article (titled "The New Bill of Rights") is relevant to Americans and those that understand the basic rights of U.S. citizens. Basically, it is a parody with changes and additions to the original that make it hilarious. ;) From: Microsoft Product Security Response Team [secure@MICROSOFT.COM] Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 11:22 AM To: MICROSOFT_SECURITY@ANNOUNCE.MICROSOFT.COM Subject: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS98-010) Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS98-010) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Information on the BackOrifice Program Last Revision: August 04, 1998 Summary ======= On July 21, a self-described hacker group known as the Cult of the Dead Cow released a tool called BackOrifice, and suggested that Windows users were at risk from unauthorized attacks. Microsoft takes security seriously, and has issued this bulletin to advise customers that Windows 95(r) and Windows 98(r) users following safe computing practices are not at risk and Windows NT(r) users are not threatened in any way by this tool. The Claims About BackOrifice ============================ According to its creators, BackOrifice is "a self-contained, self-installing utility which allows the user to control and monitor computers running the Windows operating system over a network". The authors claim that the program can be used to remotely control a Windows computer, read everything that the user types at the keyboard, capture images that are displayed on the monitor, upload and download files remotely, and redirect information to a remote internet site. The Truth About BackOrifice =========================== BackOrifice does not expose or exploit any security issue with the Windows platform or the BackOffice(r) suite of products. BackOrifice does not compromise the security of a Windows network. Instead, it relies on the user to install it and, once installed, has only the rights and privileges that that the user has on the computer. For a BackOrifice attack to succeed, a chain of very specific events must happen: - The user must deliberately install, or be tricked into installing the program - The attacker must know the user's IP address - The attacker must be able to directly address the user's computer; e.g., there must not be a firewall between the attacker and the user. What Does This Mean for Customers Running Windows 95 and Windows 98? ==================================================================== BackOrifice is unlikely to pose a threat to the vast majority of Windows 95 or Windows 98 users, especially those who follow safe internet computing practices. Windows 95 and Windows 98 offer a set of security features that will in general allow users to safely use their computers at home or on the Internet. Like any other program, BackOrifice must be installed before it can run. Clearly, users should prevent this installation by following good practices like not downloading unsigned executables, and by insulating themselves from direct connection to the Internet with Proxy Servers and/or firewalls wherever possible. What Does This Mean For Customers Running Windows NT? ===================================================== There is no threat to Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server customers; the program does not run on the Windows NT platform. BackOrifice's authors don't claim that their product poses any threat to Windows NT. What Customers Should do ======================== Customers do not need to take any special precautions against this program. However customer should ensure that they follow all of the normal precautions regarding safe computing: - Customers should not install or run software from unknown sources -- this applies to both software available on the Internet and sent via e-mail. Reputable software vendors digitally sign their software to verify its authenticity and safety. - Corporate administrators can block software that is not digitally signed by a reputable or authorized software company at their proxy server and/or firewall. - Customers should keep their software up to date to ensure that hackers cannot take advantage of known issues. - Companies should use actively use auditing and monitor their network usage to deter and prevent insider attacks. More Information ================ Please see the following references for more information related to this issue. - Microsoft Security Bulletin 98-010, Information on the BackOrifice Program (the Web posted version of this bulletin), http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/ms98-010.htm Revisions ========= August 04, 1998: Bulletin Created For additional security-related information about Microsoft products, please visit http://www.microsoft.com/security ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. (c) 1998 Microsoft and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. For Terms of Use see http://support.microsoft.com/support/misc/cpyright.asp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ * WHAT TODAY'S AMERICANS DON'T UNDERSTAND * ------------------------------------------------ By Charley Reese, Syndicated Columnist There are three things every American ought to read: the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, the CONSTITUTION, and the FEDERALIST PAPERS. None of them is difficult reading. They are not obscure dissertations written by pedants to impress pedants. All three were written for the average person and widely published. The Declaration contains the philosophical premises of the American Revolution. A lot of Americans today clearly don't believe in them. A lot more have no idea what they are. The Constitution is the compact drawn up and ratified by the people who created a government consistent with the philosophical premises of the Declaration. Incidentally, the government created by that Constitution is not recognizable in Washington, except in the barest outline. The Federalist Papers are a series of articles written and published in newspapers during the debate over ratification. They are arguments in favor of the Constitution and its original intent. There are many paperback editions available. All of this is 100 percent relevant to today, for whether you agree or disagree with the premises and principles of the American Revolution will determine how you view current political issues. In a nutshell, the basic premises of the American Revolution are these: people are born free and equal, their rights a gift of God, the only legitimate purpose for government is to protect those rights, when government instead abuses those rights, then people have the right and the duty to overthrow it with force and violence, and to form a new government that will protect their rights. Too many Americans today, consumed with material pursuits, their brains spongy with trivia and amusement, their spirits timid and corrupted with whining and pleading, view such sentiments as absolutely radical, if not subversive and, God forbid, even leftist. Their standard question to public officials and candidates is, "What are you going to do for me economically?" You would thing listening to American political debate, that the American Revolutionists were all Marxists and that nothing in the world matters but economics. I'm sure most people if they ever find themselves standing before God will hand him first their financial statement. Freedom in this modern, Orwellian America, is something that is "defended" overseas but otherwise never mentioned in polite conversation at home. A true son or daughter of the American Revolution will be more concerned about freedom than about making it easier for the police to catch criminals; more concerned about property rights which are the basis of political freedom, than about schemes to control traffic and housing developments; more concerned about freedom than in accomplishing social goals at the expense of freedom; more concerned about freedom than about some fool being corrupted by what he reads or sees. Basically what it means to be free is to be let alone. People have a right to be let alone. They have an obligation to leave others alone. They do not have a right to subsidies, to be liked or approved, or granted favors. Just let alone. Nor do they have an obligation to like, approve or grant favors to others. Just to leave them alone. This clearly is not understood by the sons and daughters of the welfare state. Gays, for example have a right to be let alone, but they demand that others approve of them. They have no right to approval. Others demand so called equal opportunity , but they want a lower standard of test scores or physical demands. Everyone has a right to be treated equally. No one has the right to demand special treatment. Clearly, freedom demands a better class of human beings - human beings who value freedom more than wealth or personal security and who don't need the approval of others to bolster their weak egos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW THE^BILL OF RIGHTS Nearly everything has changed in the United States since the Bill of Rights was written and adopted. We still see the original words when we read those first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, yet the meaning is vastly different now. And no wonder. We've gone from a country of a few million to a few hundred million. The nation's desire to band together was replaced by revulsion of togetherness. We exchanged a birthright of justice for a magic bullet, and replaced the Pioneer Spirit with the Pioneer Stereo. We're not the people who founded this country and our Bill of Rights should reflect this. As we approach the 21st Century, it's time to bring the wording up to date showing what we are and who we are. AMENDMENT I Congress shall make no law establishing religion, but shall act as if it did; and shall make no laws abridging the freedom of speech, unless such speech can be construed as "commercial speech" or "irresponsible speech" or "offensive speech;" or shall abridge the right of the people to peaceably assemble where and when permitted; or shall abridge the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, under proper procedures. It shall be unlawful to cry "Fire!" in a theatre occupied by three or more persons, unless such persons shall belong to a class declared Protected by one or more divisions of Federal, State or Local government, in which case the number of persons shall be one or more. AMENDMENT II A well-regulated military force shall be maintained under control of the President, and no political entity within the United States shall maintain a military force beyond Presidential control. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be determined by the Congress and the States and the Cities and the Counties and the Towns (and someone named Fred.) AMENDMENT III No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, unless such house is believed to have been used, or believed may be used, for some purpose contrary to law or public policy. AMENDMENT IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures may not be suspended except to protect public welfare. Any place or conveyance shall be subject to search by law enforcement forces of any political entity, and any such places or conveyances, or any property within them, may be confiscated without judicial proceeding if believed to be used in a manner contrary to law. AMENDMENT V Any person may be held to answer for a crime of any kind upon any suspicion whatever; and may be put in jeopardy of life or liberty by the state courts, by the federal judiciary, and while incarcerated; and may be compelled to be a witness against himself by the forced submission of his body or any portion thereof, and by testimony in proceedings excluding actual trial. Private property forfeited under judicial process shall become the exclusive property of the judicial authority and shall be immune from seizure by injured parties. AMENDMENT VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to avoid prosecution by exhausting the legal process and its practitioners. Failure to succeed shall result in speedy plea-bargaining resulting in lesser charges. Convicted persons shall be entitled to appeal until sentence is completed. It shall be unlawful to bar or deter an incompetent person from service on a jury. AMENDMENT VII In civil suits, where a contesting party is a person whose private life may interest the public, the right of trial in the Press shall not be abridged. AMENDMENT VIII Sufficient bail may be required to ensure that dangerous persons remain in custody pending trial. There shall be no right of the public to be afforded protection from dangerous persons, and such protection shall be dependent upon incarceration facilities available. AMENDMENT IX The enumeration in The Constitution of certain rights shall be construed to deny or discourage others which may from time to time be extended by the branches of Federal, State or Local government, unless such rights shall themselves become enacted by Amendment. AMENDMENT X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution shall be deemed to be powers residing in persons holding appointment therein through the Civil Service, and may be delegated to the States and local Governments as determined by the public interest. The public interest shall be determined by the Civil Service. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pen is mightier than the Sword. The Court is mightier than the Pen. The Sword is mightier than the Court. - Rey Barry - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - {SOURCE} This will scan your devices to detect sniffers on your system. Linux support is ready but SunOS has some problems (mainly in net/if.h when i tried compiling i got a lot of parse errors in if.h and socket.h maybe the system i was on was damaged.) Comments welcome :-). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin promisc.c -- // $Id: promisc.c,v null 1997/03/09 10:35:58 trevorl Exp $ // promisc.c: test devices for sniffers and device moniters. // // Copyright (C) 1997 Trevor F. Linton (blind@xmission.com) // // Created for Linux based loosely upon linux ioctl controls. // ioctl() is used to detect different flags set on devices used // on your system. // // gcc -o sys_test promisc.c // #include #include #include #include #if defined (__linux__) #include #else #include #endif #define size(p) (sizeof(p)) int dev_flags=0, device_flags=0, set_look_all=0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ifreq ifreq, *ifr; struct ifconf ifc; char buf[BUFSIZ], *cp, *cplim; if(argc <= 1) set_look_all++; if((dev_flags = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "An error occured establiashing while establishing a socket\n"); perror("socket"); exit(1); } ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if(ioctl(dev_flags, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) { perror("SIOCGIFCONF"); exit(1); } ifr = ifc.ifc_req; cplim=buf+ifc.ifc_len; for(cp = buf; cp < cplim; cp += sizeof (ifr->ifr_name) + size(ifr->ifr_addr)) { ifr = (struct ifreq *)cp; if(argv[1]) if(strcmp(ifr->ifr_name, argv[1]) && !set_look_all) continue; ifreq = *ifr; if(ioctl(dev_flags, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (char *)&ifreq) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SIOCGIFFLAGS: %s (get interface flags): %s\n", ifr->ifr_name,strerror(errno)); continue; } device_flags=0; device_flags = ifreq.ifr_flags; fprintf(stdout, "%s: ", ifreq.ifr_name); if((device_flags & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) fprintf(stdout, "Promiscuous: Sniffer detected.\n"); else fprintf(stdout, "Not-Promiscous: No Sniffers detected.\n"); if(!set_look_all) exit(0); // We're finished.. else continue; // Go onto next device.. } if(!set_look_all) fprintf(stdout, "%s: Unknown device.\n", argv[1]); // Device not found.. } end promisc.c -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THC PHREAK'S TOP TEN LIST - {TOP TEN} "Hilarious VMB Messages" 1. "Hi, this is Sara Stupid. You can call me at 555-1000 after 6. I've had money problems lately. There have been a lot of things going on and my financial situation hasn't improved yet. I know that I still owe you $500 from the loan. I promise to pay you back soon. I'm sorry it has taken so long. Should I deposit the money directly into the account at Fat Cat Trust, account # 223344? Or do you want to make other arrangements instead? Call me and let me know or drop by my house at 200 Mulberry Street to discuss the situation in person. Thanks." [Quit crying. I'm not buying your sob story. So, quit making lame excuses. You're pathetic. Send me the money. RIGHT NOW!] 2. "This is Bill Hacker. I'm still interested in purchasing the products that you're selling that we discussed previously over the phone. You can bill it to my Visa card. The number is 2532520381." [Good idea d00d. Leave your CC# in VMB messages.] 3. "Hello Jake. I'm going to be away this weekend. So, if you want to drop off the package, my address is 315 Loser Avenue. I will be sure to leave the side door open for you. Talk to you soon." [Okay. Thanks for leaving the door open for me. That eliminates a breaking and entering (B&E) charge. :)] 4. "You have reached the Burger King Voice Mail System. Please dial the number of the person you're calling. If you have a mail box on this system, please press #. '5555' Mike Johnson, Franchise Manager...BEEP." 'Hey Mikey. Former customer. Shit King sucks!' :) [That's his real name, Mikey. I didn't feel like changing it.] 5. "Hey all you K0d3 Kidz... This week we have even more kewl k0d3z for ya to use. Try 1-800-XXX-XXXX passcode XXXXXX. etc." [Obviously, a K-K3wli0 K0d3z KiDz VMB hotline.] 6. "Hey baby. Are you feeling horny tonight? Meet me at the park on Richmond Street after 11. I'll be there, wet and waiting. MMmmmm... Oh yeah..." [She sounded hot. That's a message she left in her box...err in someone's mail box, not a greeting.] 7. "Harry. Hi, this is Joe. My call got forwarded to voice mail. I need some good shit man. I'm starting to go insane! Why aren't you answering your cell phone? I'll try your pager again." [Drugs anyone? That one isn't an exact quote, but rather just typed from memory, but you get the point. A desperate guy that's trying to reach his dealer.] 8. "Hey Stuart. I couldn't get in touch with you, so I thought that I'd leave voice mail. The PIN # that you wanted is 55555. The credit card # is 2512334980. It expires on 04/06/99. Call me as soon as you hear this message." 9. "Hi Tom. This is Jeff O'Neil of Greedy Financial Services speaking. I just wanted to notify you about your Mutual fund. The Mutual fund that you held with us expired and the funds were transferred. They've been deposited into your account. The total sum of your investment upon maturation was $10,000. If you have any questions, call 555-2255 and ask for Jeff." [Thanks for the financial info. Forward some cash to my account.] 10. "This is NOT the Hewlett Packard (HP) line. So, quit calling this number and leaving messages." - 1-800 Direct Dial VMB. [It's not the h/p line? Damn.] Note: Names, addresses, numbers etc. have been changed to protect the naive and stupid. :) I was going to include the actual 1-800 VMB #, BN and passcode for each, but decided not to allow everyone reading this to call and 'invade their privacy'. Some of them are just greeting messages. The [...] underneath them denotes my comments. The 'text' is the actual message that I left. Written by THC Phreak � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. THOUGHTS, POEMS AND CREATIVE WRITING - {WRITING} Chaotic/lyrical sound bytes/rants: Give me fuel. Give me fire. Give me Damage, INC. desire. Chaotic dreams are made of these. Who has a mind to disagree? Wherever I may roam is where I'll call home. It's a bitter sweet... symphony of destruction. Label me and I'll lamer you. We will... We will root you. We will... We will root you. We're all stars in the dope show. We own your d0p3...and the show. I woke up this morning and got myself a beer. We are the champions, my phreak... and we'll keep going against the grain... until the end. Every cop is a criminal and all the answers are free. Keep on phreakin' in the free world. Purple haze is in my brain. The killer in me is the killer in you. Sick and tired, I stand alone. I killed you... I'm not gonna crack. I'm just gonna smoke crack. The only thing you have to phear is phear itself. It's the end of the world as you know it. Watch the world die. This is the end... my only phriend... the end. Note: I decided to write something different, that I feel is creative in its own right. Most of the above are lyrics that have been taken from various songs. They were selected because each lyric fit into the theme of the rant. Most were altered in some way to either change the meaning or to add humour. Some of the others were combined with another lyric, rearranged, the words were written differently or they were left in their original state. I'm not going to explain what it all means, nor should I. Just as the name Damage, INC. speaks for itself, the rant should stand alone and require no explanation and worthless analytical comments. Take it for what it is. Written by Blackie Lawless � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CLOSING COMMENTS - {CLOSING} Alright, perhaps my closing comments aren't captivating. Maybe they're not motivational either. They may not even be creative. However, I always try to express my thoughts in a clear manner and send a message at the end of each issue. In other words, I'd rather write something that carries a meaning rather than just close every issue with the same "This ends another issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. I'm very proud of this particular issue and think that it's one of our best so far." etc. In my opinion, that's not only boring and repetitive but it also demonstrates a lack of thought put into it. I've read certain zines that always seem to have the exact same closing, and I personally find it annoying... So, regardless of how my words are received, I always write a few short paragraphs that I think are unique to each respective issue. In that way, hopefully you won't skip this section or die of boredom while reading through it. ;) As I'm sure you've noticed, this issue was quite different from the previous ones. Certain sections (such as the previous two) contained articles that you may not be accustomed to seeing in the Damage, INC. Newsletter. No matter what your reaction to them is, it's good. Even though not all changes are good, we still intend to continue changing and evolving. Some readers might even be opposed to the inclusion of a 1-800 scan. A couple mentioned that they don't think that it's a good idea to publish scans, codes etc. That's alright. I applaud them for saying what they think. Even though we appreciate and encourage feedback, consider suggestions and think about the comments that are made, that *doesn't* mean that we'll conform and change the way that the newsletter is...to how a single reader thinks that it should be. Before any important changes are made, they are discussed at length amongst all that are involved in publishing the Damage, INC. Newsletter. So, if someone makes an intelligent suggestion that we feel is worthwhile, then it will be implemented. Basically, if we like your idea, then we'll use it. Otherwise, it obviously is ignored, but not forgotten. There's always a chance that we'll use the idea in the future. Therefore, voice your opinions directly to us. Send us comments and suggestions. They don't go unnoticed. However, they won't all be used, nor should they be. In summary, Damage, INC. isn't going to change the entire format of the newsletter, the way that articles are written or what types of things are included based on a small comment by a reader. That shouldn't be expected. That's not how it works. If you disagree with this or any other "policy", send Email to damage_inc@mailcity.com. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We're always looking for Writers, Members and Distribution Sites. If you'd like to apply to Damage, INC. and join a respected h/p group, then download a copy of the Damage, INC. Application Generator and contact us. If you want any of our releases, they are currently available (at no ratio) on the following boards: ������������������������������������������������������������������͸ � ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL - (519) NUKE-YOU � � Damage, INC. WHQ, h/p/a/c/v/t, no ratios, invite only. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � PSYCOSiS - (519) 742-6899 � � Damage, INC. Member Board, h/p/a/c/v/t. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � SatanicDreams - (604) 930-2061 � � Damage, INC. Dist. Site, Psycho/2 Net WHQ, CCi Net, h/p/a/c/v/t. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � Infinite Darkness - (954) 797-0666 � � Damage, INC. Dist. Site, CCi Net WHQ, h/p etc. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � T's BBS - (306) 384-1600 � � Damage, INC. Dist. Site, CCi Saskatchewan Host. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � OBLiViO - +381-11-318-6392 � � Damage, INC. Dist. Site, CCi Yugoslavia Host, h/p etc. � ������������������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � ViCkY BBS - +421-7-596-8331 � � Damage, INC. Dist. Site, CCi Slovakia Host, h/p etc. � ������������������������������������������������������������������; Damage, INC. web site: http://members.tripod.com/~damage_inc Comments, Suggestions, Questions, Feedback, Letters to the Editor and article submissions should be sent to damage_inc@mailcity.com. Credit is always given to the author for any articles or source code that is submitted and published. You can contact BLACKENED directly at blackened@coldmail.com. Shatazar can be contacted at shatazar@alloymail.com. You can also contact us in Email on a Damage, INC. board near you or via Echomail/Netmail in several quality nets including: CCi_Net, Psycho/2_Net etc. - EOF