Topic: APLX Help : Interfacing to other languages : Custom interfaces
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Custom interfaces

Specifying a call a custom object-oriented interface

If the environment string (left argument) for ⎕NEW, ⎕GETCLASS, or ⎕CALL is not one of the standard options described in previous sections, APLX will attempt to load a shared library to implement the interface. The name of the shared library it tries to load will be aplxobj_XXX.dll (under Windows), or aplxobj_XXX.bundle (under MacOS), where XXX is the environment string supplied as the left argument.

This makes it possible to extend APLX to interface to:

  • Other modern object-oriented languages which support reflection, such as Python.

  • Custom libraries or application interfaces which can be called from a shared library and where an object-oriented interface makes sense. For example, a class library written in C++ could be packaged up is this way.

If you would like more information on writing custom interfaces, or if you would to commission MicroAPL to write an interface on your behalf, please contact MicroAPL.

Topic: APLX Help : Interfacing to other languages : Custom interfaces
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