� Area: FidoNet - Marijuana Chat ��������������������������������������������� Msg#: 1685 Date: 06-09-93 22:23 From: Northcoast OH NORML Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: Fairbanks Comp. #1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ The following is being offered for the education and enlightenment of all, through Amiga University BBS, by the Northcoast Ohio NORML Chapter. The following book was written in 1829, and is very instructive about the use and cultivation of Cannabis. This book is being offered to all for reading in several installments. Please enjoy the reading... ****************************************************************************** COMPILATION OF ARTICLES RELATING TO THE CULTURE AND MANUFACTURE OF HEMP IN THE UNITED STATES SELECTED PRINCIPALLY FROM NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALS DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF AGRICULTURE BY E. FAIRBANKS. St. Johnsbury: printed at The Farmer's Herald Office, by Jewett and Porter -!!!!!!!!!!!!- 1829 PREFACE Although the following Articles have most of them been before the public, very few, it is believed, gave them at the time of publication, that attention which their importance deserved; and many who NOW feel a deep interest upon the subject, have not the means of readily obtaining the information they desire. The attention of the Agriculture Public has of late been much excited in relation to the culture of HEMP, but there are few whose EXPERIENCE enables them to engage in the business with confidence of success. The information contained in the articles here selected is valuable, embracing the result of experiments relating to the adaptation of our soil and climate to the growing of Hemp -- the method of preparing the Land -- the time and manner of Sowing and Harvesting -- preparation for the Market, & c., &c. These articles have been cut from different Newspapers, without any view to the present compilation, some of them are unavoidably inserted without giving credit to the Authors; but those embracing the most important information are under the signature of Gentlemen well known, and whose integrity and judgment entitle their communications to the highest confidence. The insulated situation particularly of the Northern and Middle sections of Vermont, must for a long time to come, render most kinds of surplus produce of comparatively little value. hemp will be an exception -- And it is believed that no country, for soil and climate is better adapted to its culture. Aware of the importance of this branch of Agriculture, a respectable proportion of the Farmers in Franklin, Orleans and Caledonia counties have commence the business with a spirit and enterprise much to their credit. Establishments for cleaning it are in a state of forwardness at Barton, in Orleans County, Hardwick, in Caledonia County, and Waterville, in Franklin county; and one of Hines & Bain's Machines will be put in operation in each of those places the present season. At St. Johnsbury in Caledonia County, a Company has recently been formed for the purpose of putting one in operation early next Summer. These Machines are built at St. Johnsbury, by E. & T. Fairbanks, and warranted good. The following facts from the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the imports and exports of the U. States for the year ending 30th Sept. 1828, will illustrate in some measure the extent of the market for hemp. It should be remembered that "the articles imported into the United States, are in all cases valued at their actual cost, or the value which they sustain in the foreign port from whence they are imported into the United States, are in all cases valued at their actual cost, or the value which they sustain in the foreign port from whence they are imported into the U. States, free of any subsequent charge whatever." The aggregate, therefore, paid in our ports for hemp and flax, and for manufactures of hemp and flax, may be safely estimated at Ten Millions of Dollars, annually. It is a rational presumption that the consumption of hemp will be greatly increased; not only from the consideration of an increased population, but from the fact that the recent improvements in spinning and manufacturing it will render hempen goods a cheap and comfortable article for domestic use -- superseding in great measure the use of cotton sheetings and shirtings in the Northern States -- and probably, at no distant period, a profitable article for exportation. It may not be improper here to remark, that of the article entered as "Linens", a large proportion of those not exceeding fifty cents per yard, are manufactured from hemp. -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- HEMP AND FLAX, AND MANUFACTURES OF HEMP AND FLAX IMPORTED INTO THE U. STATES DURING THE YEAR ENDING SEPT. 30, 1828 {Manufactures subject to duties ad valorem.} [Hemp] Sail Duck $ 678,483 Ticklenburgs, Osnaburgs, & Burlaps 604,674 Russia Sheeting -- Brown 306,833 do. do. -- White. 45,650 All other manufactures of Hemp excepting Cordage, 43,052 [Flax] Linens, bleached and unbleached, 2,471,352 Checks and Stripes, 48,336 All other manufactures of Flax, paying a duty of 25 per cent, 724,856 {Paying specific duties} Sail Duck, 1,515,584 square yards 413,266 Cordage, Tarred, & Cables, 2,164,096 pounds, 109,454 " Untarred & Yarn, 81,629 " 6,744 Twine, Pack Thread, Seine, &c., 424,029 pounds, 86,302 Hemp, raw, 161,604 cwt. 1,075,243 Flax, manufactured, 6,488 " 46,686 -!!!!!!!!- $6,655,926 St. Johnsbury, August, 1829. [Continued on next posting...] Help Fight Back - Support Your Local NORML Chapter! Northcoast Ohio NORML Chapter Contact: John Hartman Phone: +[1]-216-521-WEED -!- ! Origin: Amiga University +[1]-216-637-6647 [Cortland, OH] (1:237/533.0)