HEMP TIES IT ALL TOGETHER Compiled by the Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH). International Business Bonanza: "The Commodity of the Nineties" � Renewable natural resource for manufacture of paper, fiber & pulp, oils, paints, sealants, fuel, food, medicine, etc. � Hemp industries will save American jobs � Underdeveloped potential for multi-billion dollar profits � Income generated could save the Savings & Loan industry � Hemp seed is among the most nutritious of food sources � Replaces trees as a source of housing & construction material � Biomass fuel will permanently cut dependence on fossil fuels � Hemp can be used for plastic or as a biodegradable replacement � Hemp is a standard fiber for fabrics, cordage, etc. � Generates a self sustaining, de-centralized economy � Offers a wealth of untapped sources of tax revenues A Healthy Environment "Earth's Premier Renewable Resource" � Saving millions of trees for paper & construction � Reducing acid rain by using biomass energy � Less chemical pollution in our rivers � Generating free oxygen to reverse the Greenhouse Effect � Conserving soil & preventing erosion � Using less pesticides & fertilizers for cultivation � Replacing whale oil with Hemp seed oil � Providing food for people & animals � Leaving fully biodegradable waste products Sustainable Agriculture: "Hemp: The Cash Crop of the Future" � Best source of biomass for energy self sufficiency � Versatile enough to financially rescue family farms � A viable, profitable crop that uses less pesticides & fertilizers for high yield � Related economic gains in spin-off industries � Marijuana is already America's biggest cash crop � Commercial hemp strains have virtually no THC Common Sense Crime Reduction: "Liberty & Justice for All" � Prohibition breeds crime & violence (remember all the gangs, guns & Al Capone of the "Roaring Twenties?") � Smoking cannabis reduces tension & prevents violence � Prohibition is itself unconstitutional � Marijuana reform will unclog the courts by reducing case loads � Re-legalization frees-up police resources for serious crime & will increase respect for all law � It will remove hard drugs & the criminal element from the marijuana market to protect casual users Effective Medicine: "Nature's Remedies" � Indicated for: Asthma, Emphysema, Glaucoma, Tumors, Nausea (Cancer & AIDS therapy), Rheumatism, Arthritis, Stress, Sleep & Relaxation, Multiple Sclerosis & Spasms, Epilepsy, Migraine Headaches, in Antibiotics, Antibacterial CBDs, Corn Plasters & Poultices, as Expectorant, Appetite Stimulant, Saliva Reducer, has hundreds of therapeutic uses � Non toxic, self-administrable medication � Remarkably few side effects � Affordable health care & maintenance Civil Liberties & Free Choice: "Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness" Inalienable American rights since 1776 � Freedom of choice & right to privacy � Law has history of racist enforcement � Freedom of religion is being violated � Forfeiture laws deny us due process of law and violate our basic right to private property � "War on Drugs" attacks our Constitutional rights as citizens � Police spying & surveillance are rampant; corrupt secret police buy & sell drugs to lure people into breaking the law � Low-intensity war of oppression waged on growers & users � Marijuana offenders are political Prisoners of Conscience A Proud Part of Our History: "An Industry as Old as Pottery" � Presidents Washington, Jefferson, etc., grew hemp on their farms when they formed the new Republic & Bill of Rights � 10,000 year history of human cultivation � The sails of Columbus' ships were hemp � Turkish smoking parlors: centuries of tradition � Declaration of Independence & U.S. Constitution were both originally drafted on hemp paper � Hemp outlawed in the anti-trust conspiracy of 1937 � 50 Years of prohibition are finally coming to an end Promising A Brighter Future "A Freer, Safer, More Prosperous America" � As the day ends, you put away your report written on hemp paper, drive home in your hemp fueled car down hemp-lined highways to your house built, plumbed & painted with hemp. You change your hemp clothes & fix a nice dinner of seasoned hemp tofu, turn on some music & light up a pipeful of . whatever you want. � Business opportunity, more competitive products & prices � Private enterprise, not police bureaucrats & spies � Personal freedom, the right to know & the right to grow