Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables

System Functions & Variables


⎕A Alphabet, Upper Case
⎕a Alphabet, Lower Case
⎕AF Atomic Function
⎕AI Account Information
⎕AT Object Attributes
⎕AV Atomic Vector
⎕B Backspace
⎕BOX Vector to/from Matrix
⎕C Control Characters
⎕CALL Call external static method
⎕CC Console Control
⎕CHART Draw Chart
⎕CL Current Line
⎕CLASS Class hierarchy for object
⎕CLASSES References to user-defined and external classes
⎕CONF Configure APL
⎕CR Canonical Representation
⎕CS Compatibility Setting
⎕CT Comparison Tolerance
⎕D Digits
⎕DBR Delimited Blank Removal
⎕DISPLAY Display Array Structure
⎕DL Delay
⎕DR Data Representation
⎕EA Execute Alternate
⎕EC Execute Controlled
⎕EDIT Edit fn/op/var
⎕EM Error Matrix
⎕ERM Error Message Vector
⎕ERS Error signalling
⎕ERX Error trapping
⎕ES Error Simulate
⎕ET Error Type
⎕EV Event record
⎕EVA Event Arguments
⎕EVAL Evaluate external expression
⎕EVN Event Name
⎕EVT Event Target
⎕EX Expunge
⎕EXPORT Export APL array to file in specified format
⎕FAPPEND Append component to file
⎕FC Format Control
⎕FCREATE Create a new component file
⎕FCSIZE Read component size information
⎕FDELETE Delete component from file
⎕FDROP Drop components from start or end of file
⎕FDUP Duplicate component file, reclaiming wasted space
⎕FERASE Erase component file
⎕FERROR Return operating-system error
⎕FHOLD Hold/Release component files for exclusive access
⎕FI Convert formatted input
⎕FLIB Return names of component files in directory
⎕FMT Formatting Function
⎕FNAMES Return names of currently-tied files
⎕FNUMS Return tie numbers in use
⎕FRDAC Read component-file access matrix
⎕FRDCI Read component information
⎕FRDFI Read file information
⎕FREAD Read component
⎕FRENAME Rename component file
⎕FREPLACE Replace existing component
⎕FRESIZE Set maximum file size
⎕FSIZE Read file-size and component-range information
⎕FSTAC Set component-file access matrix
⎕FSTIE Tie file for shared use
⎕FTIE Tie file for exclusive use
⎕FUNTIE Untie file(s)
⎕FWRITE Append, replace or insert component
⎕FX Fix function/operator/class
⎕GETCLASS Get reference to named class
⎕HC Hard Copy
⎕HOST Command to Host
⎕I Idle Character
⎕IC Insert into Class
⎕ID ID Number
⎕IMPORT Import data from file in specified format
⎕INSTANCES Instances of a Class or Descendants
⎕IO Index Origin
⎕L Linefeed Character
⎕LC Line Counter
⎕LE Last Exception
⎕LER Line Error Report
⎕LIB Return directory contents
⎕LX Latent Expression
⎕M Months
⎕MC Missing Character
⎕MOUNT Allocate Libraries
⎕N Null Character
⎕NA Define External Function
⎕NAPPEND Append data to native file
⎕NC Name Classification
⎕NCREATE Create native file
⎕NERASE Erase native file
⎕NERROR Get last native file error
⎕NEW Create new instance of class
⎕NL Name List
⎕NLOCK Lock/Unlock native file
⎕NNAMES List names of tied native files
⎕NNUMS List native file tie numbers
⎕NREAD Read data from native file
⎕NRENAME Rename native file
⎕NREPLACE Replace data in native file
⎕NRESIZE Resize native file
⎕NSIZE Get size of native file
⎕NTIE Open native file
⎕NTYPE Set native file type (MacOS)
⎕NULL Return reference to null object
⎕NUNTIE Close native file
⎕NWRITE Write data to native file
⎕OV Overlay
⎕PFKEY Set up Function keys
⎕PP Print Precision
⎕PR Prompt Replacement
⎕PROFILE Performance profiling
⎕PW Print Width
⎕R Carriage Return
⎕RECLASS Change class of objects
⎕REPARENT Change parent of user-defined class
⎕RL Random Link
⎕SETUP Set up external environment
⎕SI State Indicator
⎕SQL Interface to External Database
⎕SS String Search/Replace
⎕STOP Stop List
⎕SVC Shared Variable Control
⎕SVO Shared Variable Offer
⎕SVQ Shared Variable Query
⎕SVR Shared Variable Retract
⎕SYMB Return Count of Symbols Used/Total
⎕T Tab Character
⎕TC and ⎕TCxx Terminal Control Characters
⎕TF Transfer Form
⎕THIS Reference to current object
⎕TIME Time/Date Text
⎕TR Translate text to/from External
⎕TS Timestamp
⎕TT Terminal Type
⎕TRACE Trace
⎕UCS Convert text to/from Unicode
⎕UL User Load
⎕VI Verify formatted input
⎕W Weekdays
⎕WA Workspace Available
⎕WARG Argument to event callback function
⎕WE Wait for event
⎕WI Windowing interface
⎕WSELF Callback object
⎕WSSIZE Size of Workspace
⎕XML Convert to/from XML

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Functions & Variables