





flashsort.h (5310B)

     1 #pragma once
     3 /**
     4  * \file
     5  *
     6  * type safe flashsort implementation
     7  *
     8  * flashsort is in the classification sort category (no string compare) and sorts numbers (int, uint, float, ...).
     9  *
    10  * struct and pointer elements in the input array are supported
    11  *
    12  *
    13  * the performance depends on how uniform is the distribution,
    14  * the more uniform the better (high variance).
    15  *
    16  * adjust the m parameter (number of classes) to change the performance/memory usage ratio.
    17  *
    18  * when the variance is high, a m/size ratio of 0.1 gives good performance and low memory usage.
    19  *
    20  * an array of size m * sizeof(size_t) is allocated the heap and then freed
    21  *
    22  *
    23  * Example:
    24  *
    25  * // declare an array
    26  * typ struct {
    27  *   i32 key;
    28  *   i32 value;
    29  *   } elemt;
    30  *
    31  * elemt array[1000];
    32  *
    33  * // define flashsortGet
    34  * #define flashsortGet(ptr) (ptr)->key
    35  *
    36  * // call flashsort
    37  * flashsort(array, ARRAY_SIZE(array));
    38  *
    39  * // or call flashsortM to be able to set the number of classes
    40  * // flashsortM(array, ARRAY_SIZE(array), 0.43 * ARRAY_SIZE(array));
    41  *
    42  * #undef flashsortGet
    43  */
    46 /**
    47  * flashsort with predefined m/size ratio for high variance distributions
    48  *
    49  * the flashsortGet macro or function has to be defined before calling flashsortM
    50  * flashsortGet takes an address in parameter and returns a key
    51  *
    52  * \param
    53  * arr array to sort
    54  * \param
    55  * size number of elements in the array
    56  */
    57 #define flashsort(arr, size) flashsortM(arr, size, size / 16 /* m classes */)
    63 // ********
    64 // internal helper macros
    65 #define flashsortSubKMacro(num)\
    66   if (num > 0 and min < 0)\
    67     k = c * ((toUnsignedType(num))(num) + (toUnsignedType(num))(-min)) + 1;\
    68   else\
    69     k = c * ((num) - min) + 1
    70 // end internal helper macros
    73 // ********
    74 /**
    75  * flashsort with predefined m/size ratio for high variance distributions
    76  *
    77  * the flashsortGet macro or function has to be defined before calling flashsortM
    78  * flashsortGet takes an address in parameter and returns a key
    79  *
    80  * \param
    81  * arr array to sort, this parameter is evaluated multiple times,
    82  *     it cannot be a value returned by a function that changes during the flashsort execution
    83  * \param
    84  * size number of elements in the array
    85  * \param
    86  * m number of classes
    87  */
    88 #define flashsortM(arr, asize, mc) do {\
    89     size_t UNIQVAR(size) = asize;\
    90     size_t UNIQVAR(m)    = mc;\
    91     if (UNIQVAR(m) < 2) {\
    92       logE("number of class m is too low: %zu", UNIQVAR(m));\
    93       break;\
    94     }\
    95     /* Phase 1*/\
    96     var min = flashsortGet(&arr[0]);\
    97     var max = flashsortGet(&arr[0]);\
    98     /* added { to isolate variable definition in range */\
    99     {rangeFrom(i, 0, UNIQVAR(size)) {\
   100       min = MIN(flashsortGet(&arr[i]), min);\
   101       max = MAX(flashsortGet(&arr[i]), max);\
   102       /*logVarG(i);\
   103       logI("v %u %d", flashsortGet(&arr[i]), flashsortGet(&arr[i)]);\
   104       logI("min %u max %u", min, max);\
   105       logVarG(flashsortGet(&arr[i)]);\
   106       logVarG(arr[i]);\
   107       logVarG(flashsortGet(&arr[i]));*/\
   108     }}\
   109     \
   110     /*logVarG(min);\
   111     logVarG(max);*/\
   112     \
   113     if (min == max)\
   114       break;\
   115     \
   116     /* Divide to UNIQVAR(m) class */\
   117     /* c could be float instead of double, but the performance is better with double (intel skylake cpu) */\
   118     double c;\
   119     /* avoid overflow */\
   120     if (max > 0 and min < 0)\
   121       c = (double)(UNIQVAR(m) - 1) / ((toUnsignedType(max))max + (toUnsignedType(min))(-min));\
   122     else\
   123       c = (double)(UNIQVAR(m) - 1) / (max - min);\
   124     /*logVarG(UNIQVAR(m));\
   125     logVarG((double)c);*/\
   126     \
   127     size_t *L  = callocArray(L, UNIQVAR(m) + 1);\
   128     /* added { to isolate variable definition in range */\
   129     {range(i, UNIQVAR(size)) {\
   130       size_t k;\
   131       flashsortSubKMacro(flashsortGet(&arr[i]));\
   132       /* L[k]: the number of class K */\
   133       L[k]++;\
   134     }}\
   135     /* added { to isolate variable definition in range */\
   136     {rangeFrom(k, 2, UNIQVAR(m)+1) {\
   137       /* L[k]: upper bound of class K */\
   138       L[k] += L[k - 1];\
   139     }}\
   140     \
   141     /* Phase 2 */\
   142     /* number of move */\
   143     size_t move = 0;\
   144     size_t j    = 0;\
   145     size_t k    = UNIQVAR(m);\
   146     /* Only move UNIQVAR(size) - 1 step */\
   147     while (move < UNIQVAR(size) - 1)\
   148     {\
   149       /* flashsortGet(&arr[j]) is in right class */\
   150       while (j >= L[k])\
   151       {\
   152         j++;\
   153         flashsortSubKMacro(flashsortGet(&arr[j]));\
   154       }\
   155       /* temp to hold the value */\
   156       var flash   = flashsortGet(&arr[j]);\
   157       var flashEl = arr[j];\
   158       /* stop when flashsortGet(&arr[j]) is changed */\
   159       while (j < L[k])\
   160       {\
   161         flashsortSubKMacro(flash);\
   162         /* swap */\
   163         var tmpEl = flashEl;\
   164         flashEl   = arr[--L[k]];\
   165         arr[L[k]] = tmpEl;\
   166         flash     = flashsortGet(&flashEl);\
   167         move++;\
   168       }\
   169     }\
   170     \
   171     /* Phase 3
   172        Use Insertion sort for every class
   173        Don't sort the UNIQVAR(m) class,
   174        Because the UNIQVAR(m) class is all max */\
   175     rangeFrom(k, 1, UNIQVAR(m)) {\
   176       for (size_t i = L[k] + 1; i < L[k + 1]; i++) {\
   177         var key   = flashsortGet(&arr[i]);\
   178         var keyEl = arr[i];\
   179         i64 j   = i - 1;\
   180         while (j >= 0 and flashsortGet(&arr[j]) > key)\
   181         {\
   182           arr[j+1] = arr[j];\
   183           j--;\
   184         }\
   185         arr[j+1] = keyEl;\
   186       }\
   187     }\
   188     free(L);\
   189   }while(0)
   191 // vim: set expandtab ts=2 sw=2: