1 This repository has 2 simple clients and a simple server for the spartan protocol written in C. 2 3 About the spartan protocol: 4 [Spartan on the web]( 5 [Spartan on gemini](gemini:// 6 [Spartan on spartan](spartan:// 7 8 To build this, you need a shell and the GCC C compiler and run: 9 ``` 10 apt-get install gcc 11 ./ 12 ``` 13 14 `spartserv.c` is a server handling one request at a time and serves static pages. The configurations for the hostname and server root are on the top of `spartserv.c`. 15 16 By default, `spartserv` opens port 3000 and serves on hostname `localhost`. 17 18 Start `spartserv` with: 19 ``` 20 ./spartserv 21 ``` 22 23 `spartclient.c` is a client that downloads one page (maximum 8kb) and exits. It doesn't take a URL as argument, run it like this: 24 ``` 25 ./spartclient hostname port path 26 ./spartclient localhost 3000 / 27 ``` 28 29 The `sparline.c` client takes a URL as argument and is able to browse in the terminal. The default port is 300 when no port is specified. 30 31 ``` 32 ./sparline spartan://hostname:port/path 33 ./sparline spartan://localhost:3000 34 ``` 35 36 Each link on the page gets a number, enter the link number to open the link. 37 Enter 'b' to go back to previous page. 38 39 The line type `=:` is not supported, to upload data run `sparline` with the URL on the `=:` line and the `--infile` option: 40 ``` 41 ./sparline spartan://hostname/path --infile afile.txt 42 ``` 43 44 # Running on port 300 45 The default port for spartan is port 300 and in general only root processes can open a listening socket on port under 1024. 46 47 `spartservPrivDrop` starts as a root and open port 300 and then chroot and drops the privileges. 48 49 Only necessary syscalls are allowed. 50 51 Create a user `spartserv`, the server will run as this user: 52 ``` 53 # as root 54 adduser spartserv 55 ``` 56 57 In `spartservPrivDrop.c`, set the hostname and the chroot directory, this is the directory being served. 58 Compile and run: 59 ``` 60 gcc -std=gnu11 -g3 spartservPrivDrop.c -o spartserv 61 ./spartserv 62 ```