Super Quest (version 5.51 fixed bug) ref: SuperQuestv551.sdk (ShrinkIt 5.25" whole-disk archive) ref: SuperQuestv551.dsk (.dsk disk image file) In this maze adventure your goal is to reach the fabled Mega Crown and, thus, restore the balance between Science and Magic. Read the on-disk Introduction for the full scenario and directions. (To Save and Quit, you select 'N'o when asked if you wish to enter the maze or, when leaving the maze, if you wish to enter the bazaar.) This version should run on all Apple II's. Users of 8-bit machines with accelerator chips or boards should set speed to about 1MHz. (On a IIgs, the game should automatically set speed to Normal and set the correct screen colors. It should restore settings when play ends.) Super Quest was originally released in 1983 by SoftSide. Let me know it you hit any snags. Have fun! Rubywand, 1 Jan 2000