PVGSLAPTOP.SHK is a ShrinkIt archive that contains an ASCII text file named PVIIGSLTCS.txt. Solar Powered Apple IIGS Laptop Friday, March 9, 2001 7:47:50 AM Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley Copyright � 2001 Distribution Status: Freeware - with no restrictions SEE: PIC.SGSLT.GIF (Which shows everything for this system displayed on the steps of the cabin.) I've included five GIF graphic files: PIC.SGSLT.GIF (16 Color) MODULE.A.GIF (16 Grayscale) PVPS.GIF (16 Grayscale) PVSC.GIF (16 Grayscale) RBD.GIF (16 Grayscale) Each of the above GIF files are in binary file format. Most any IIGS can display all the above GIF graphic files just fine - as I've converted the originals to 16 colors and Grayscale. There are many GIF display graphic programs for use with the Apple IIGS. You are welcome to redistribute and/or convert this text file and the GIF graphics to any other media format you wish. It should be fairly easy to create a multimedia stack file from this using Hypercard IIgs or HyperStudio. You could even put it all on a web site as an html document page. Cheers, Tom