._______________________________________. ______|___ ________ ______/\____ ______ |_____ \_______ \/ _____\/\/ ___/ / /__\___ \/ ___/\ : . \__/ / _/. ___/ / /__ / / _/ / / /__ /\/ . / // / / / / / / / / / / | . / / / / / / / // / / / // / : : /__/ /___ /___ /___ /__/ ./_ /__/ /___ ./ / . | \_/__/\___\/\___\/\___\/\_/__/\_\/\_/__/\___\/ /[Sk!n] : \__\/ \/ \/ \/ \__\/ \/ \__\/ \/ . |_______________________________________| -- -[+---!R.E.D.S.K.|.N.S!--S.H.A.D.E.S--H.Q.-+]- -- UplOadER : Malcom oN SuPeR NoDE 1 -O-----------:---[ SySoP: ]--[ VaNgUarD ]---:-----------O- Call: +49-216-332-226 Brings you: Death to The AT&T Ever since the begining there has been roumers going around about the so called risk by using (abusing) credit cards and bellcards from your home phone. The roumers about ANI (automatic number identification) made the phreak society trumble of fear. Fear no evil. ANI is a good weapon against dumb fuckers but if you know what the fuck you're doin'. There will be no problems, what-so- ever. "scare the motherfuckers alittle and they'll leave our system alone" is a common pharse and we belive that it kinda includes our thoughts of the AT&T security department. If they really wanna stop the phreakers from abusing the system. They can do that. But i guess they are to dumb to figure out a really smart way. The best way would be to generate a small beep about ten secunds after that the call has been connected. The beep would not anoy the normal voice calls but you can be sure that it would anoy the 14 teen years old trader who'll get a lost carrier. How can i be secure when i abuse a bellcard? Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that smaller LD companys like DIAL and TELEDATA can not offord to get ANI. So it's pretty safe to abuse them until they grow bigger. AT&T, SPRINT and MCI are big companys and they can offord to spend alot of money on bounty hunters and ANI. My advice would be to leave them alone. The old collect-call method to a loop is still pretty safe thou. What about those guys who got busted for abusing CC's and Bell's? "Fame went to his head" or "Greed will kill you" are old pharses that kinda explain why they get busted. If one phreak is pissed at another phreak, he'll call up the cops and tell'em that his so called friend is abusing CC's or (and) Bell's. When this phreak get busted he spell out everthing he knows to the FEDS. He'll not go down himself. A serie of phreaks will go down, thanx to a little fight betwin two phreaks. The secret service knows how to make you spell out everything. But if you keep your friends clean, they'll remember you like Robin Hood. What happens if the secret service calls me? The secret service are very good pretenders. They will say things like "your friends are allready busted and they have told us all about you" or "we have proofs that indicates that you are a criminal, and we will bring you down". If they really had proofs or your friends looked up. They would not be calling you first. They would be knocking at your door. What happens if the secret service knocks on your door? If they ever knocks at your door. Let me tell you one thing. YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT. If you got the time. Destory or hide any proofs that the SS will find when they get in. Make sure that you don't keep records of any friends and make sure that you behave good when they get in. Make no attemps to kill them (even if this probbly would help you alot). They will ask you things like "Do you have any black friends", "Tell us about your friends" and "Have you ever transfered any founds?". What ever you do, answer polite to all their qustions and make them belive that you know nothing what-so-ever about computer. This might work for you. Pretend to be dumb. Will my mom and dad kill me if the secret service knocks on your door? YES, they probbly will. Or at least make you feel really bad. "You're grounded for 99 years, son." Will your girlfrind leave you when you goto jail? She will probbly not leave you. Girls love bad boys like you. She will probbly love you more than she used to do before. Will your boyfriend leave you when you goto jail? Yes, he will probbly do that. he knows that there are alot of bad boys in jail. And he also knows that you like badboys. Can I make money while i'am locked in? Yes, you could sell your ass or become a advisor to the biggest criminal boss. What will happen with my unpayed phonebill while i'am in jail? This is the best thing about jail. You don't need to pay any bills! Thats all folks!! MR.X -O-----[ THiS FiLe WaS DoWNLoaDeD FrOm ]-----o- ._______________________________________. ______|___ ________ ______/\____ ______ |_____ \_______ \/ _____\/\/ ___/ / /__\___ \/ ___/\ : . \__/ / _/. ___/ / /__ / / _/ / / /__ /\/ . / // / / / / / / / / / / | . / / / / / / / // / / / // / : : /__/ /___ /___ /___ /__/ ./_ /__/ /___ ./ / . | \_/__/\___\/\___\/\___\/\_/__/\_\/\_/__/\___\/ /[Sk!n] : \__\/ \/ \/ \/ \__\/ \/ \__\/ \/ . |_______________________________________| -- -[+---!R.E.D.S.K.|.N.S!--S.H.A.D.E.S--H.Q.-+]- -- -O-----------:---[ SySoP: ]--[ VaNgUarD ]---:-----------O- ___________________________ ___ _ ._______ |\__. |\__. /+-- - \ .\ \ .X \ / \ |/ \ \|+-`| |+-`| //| -\\ \\ \\ \\ \X \\ __ / \\ \\! | |! | \ : ___________/ // \// _ // \ \\ \\ / \ / //_ //: | |: | \ \|| \_/ / \_/ \_/ |\ \\ // \\ // \_/|. | __|. | __ _\___ \|! .____/ _/__ _/_| | \ .\_ ./ _/__| \/ \ \/ \ /. /|: | | -+\ -T\ |_/ ./ /\ // --\\ \\ \\ \\ |. l_| // // //\ / \\// / \\ \\ \______/| /\_______/_____/______/ \/ \/\_______/\_________/_______/ |___/ |\_______ __. ___.___ .__ __ OPERATOR: |+-_ \`\\/__|/ `\ `\\| `\ | SYSTEM: SPEED-MAN || .__//\\\__ \ \/ /\\\ \!| 68030-40MHz | |_| \| | .\/\ \ \| | \ .| 520 MB ONLINE CoOp |___/|____|__|\___/____|__\__| WHQ REGISTRED /X 3.xx JANX 0-2 DAY WAREZ LOBSTER AND PC - AMIGA ROCKETEER ____ ____ ___________/\__________________ CONSOLE \__/ / \/ __ .__/ \___/ \ .__/ / \/ _ \ \/ l / \/ _ \/ lWHQ / \ l /\ \ l/ \ l / l \____/__l /_____/__l_______/__l /_____l \/ \/ 16.8DST NODE0 +49-221-599-5932 - 14.4DST NODE1 +49-221-599-3735 Lots of Stuff in Hack-Phreak Conference and Free D/l for /X Tools >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok guyz, this is a translation of an article that a guy wrote who got busted by AT&T. I can't say if this informations are 100% true, it's possible that someone who is payed by AT&T wrote this but if it is true then we are in the shit! SKINHEAD/ICS Hi freaks! Short time ago I got a call from an AT&T Operator! First, I didn't understand what this guy wanted, but I got a terrible shock. I thought this was maybe a joke from some of my friends, but the Operator connected me further to some blabla security (didn't understand what he said). This guy then told me that they had traced me and that I'll be prosecuted. I said: "Touch my ass!" and hung up. I wanted to call my friend and tell him all that, but the security guy was still in the line and gave me a number in the USA that I should call immadately! As I was in panic, I called there. The guy at the other side of the line was very friendly and could even speak a little bit german. He said I should give him the adress of my card supplier (that's what he said to me!!!), otherwise they would prosecute me for all the fraud that was done with the card that I used. This is now easier since the Telecom (Skinhead quote: German Telecom,don't know about other countries) now works very close together with AT&T. But the Telecom wouldn't prosecute me for anything, because it was AT&T who lost the money. This was what the security guy said to me! A few days later I got a call from a german lawyer that works for AT&T. He said that he already started my prosecution! Now I got real frightend because a few weeks later I got a letter from the judgement in which I was accused for the following things: *Credit Card fraud *heavy intervention into the Telecom *obtain service by trickery I told them my card supplier, and can await a very low punishment. I tell you: DON'T USE CARDS! (Skinhead quote: What an asshole!!!). The Telecom has,after the installing of digital lines in nearly whole germany, started a new system, that makes it very easy to trace. This can even work (but not perfect) on analog (!!) lines. Till the last OVS it is no problem, after that guys from a private company will be payed by AT&T to trace back your call. In 100% digital lines (digital till your room) it is too late anyway. AT&T has a new controlsystem at which they can read YOUR number, so not only the country you're calling from, even YOUR number! This number will be with begin of this month (June) printed onto the bill of the cardowner. So if the cardowner can prove that he wasn't, and nobody else who is allowed to use was, in germany at that time, than he can prosecute the owner of this number (YOU!). Nobody knows yet if this is possible with the judgement laws, but it seems that already a few persons were busted that way. To really destroy these phreakers, AT&T will give cards a much bigger limit so they will work for longer, even if you already used them very much (Many days of european calls etc...) they will still work. Trash these cards, this is a trap! Ok, I hope I could help some of you with this article! Cheers! Dual/Independent Ok, here's Skinhead again, down here follows the original article for the guys who won't believe the translation. So get a german dictionary and translate it yourself! Hallo Leute! Vor kurzem bekam ich einen Anruf von einem AT&T-Operator ! Ich hatte erst garnichts verstanden, was los war bekam aber einen tierischen Schock. Ich hielt dies erst f�r einen Scherz von meinen Freunden, aber der Operator verband mich weiter zu irgendwas mit blabla-Security (hab ich nicht genau verstanden!). Dieser kl�rte mich auf, dass ich getraced wurde und eine Anzeige zu erwarten h�tte! Ich sagte ihm, "leck mich doch" und legte auf. Ich wollte bei meinem Freund anrufen, und ihm das erz�hlen, aber der Typ war noch in der Line (kennt man ja). Dann gab er mir eine Nummer in der USA, und sagte, ich solle dort sofort anrufen. Da ich die absolute Panik hatte, tat ich dies auch! Der Herr an dem anderen Ende der Line war recht freundlich, und sprach auch etwas Deutsch. Er meinte, ich solle meine Card- Supplier (wortw�rtlich) preisgeben, ansonsten wolle man mich f�r den enstandenen Schaden verantwortlich machen. Dies sei jetzt einfacher, seitdem die Telekom mit AT&T enger zusammen- arbeitet. Die Telekom w�rde allerdings keine gerichtlichen Schritte einleiten, da Sie sowieso kein Geld bek�me, und ihr das so ziemlich egal w�r. Dies war eine private Meinung, so sagte er mir! Nach einigen Tagen bekam ich einen Anruf von dem deutschen Anwalt von AT&T. Dieser sagte, er h�tte gerichtliche Schritte eingeleitet!! Nun bekam ich es mit der Angst, denn einige Wochen sp�ter kam wirklich ein Schreiben vom Gericht, in dem wurde ich angeklagt: Kreditkartenbetrug, schwerer Eingriff in das Fernmeldewesen sowie Erschleichung einer Dienstleistung. Ich habe meinen Card-Supplier preisgegeben, und bekomme nun eine geringere Strafe! Ich rate euch: LASST DIE FINGER VON CARDS!!! Die Telekom hat mit Hilfe der digitalisierung der deutschen Netze ein neues System in Betrieb genommen, das es sehr einfach macht, zu tracen! Dies ist auch bedingt (!) in Analogen Systemen m�glich! Bis zur letzten OVS ist es kein problem mehr, danach werden dann Leute eines Privat-Unternehmens eingesetzt, die im Auftrag von AT&T den Anrufer zur�ckverfolgen. Dies geschieht dann in der alt bew�hrten Weise! In 100% digitalen Netzen (bis zur Dose hin mein ich) ist es eh zu sp�t. AT&T hat nun ein neues Kontrollpult, auf dem ist die Nummer ablesbar, also nicht mehr nur das Land, sondern auch die Nummer. Diese Nummer erscheint mit beginn dieses Monats (Juni) auch auf den Rechnungen der Kartenbesitzer!! Ihnen ist somit die M�glichkeit gegeben, wenn sie nachweisen k�nnen das sie die Person nicht kennen, an einem anderen Ort waren etc. die Person die bei der Telekom f�r diesen Anschluss angegeben ist, anzuzeigen. Ob dies Gerichtlich durchsetzbar ist, wei� noch keiner, aber es scheint als ob schon einige Personen auf diese Art dran glauben mussten! Um diese "Phreaker" auch wirklich dingfest zu machen, lockt AT&T die Leute damit, das die Cards nicht so schnell kaputt gehen, also sie halten unwahrscheinlich lange, obwohl man die Karte schon zu stark belastet hat (Tagelange Europa-Calls). WERFT DIESE KARTEN WEG!! DIES IST EINE FALLE!! Ok, ich hoffe ich konnte einigen Leuten damit helfen! Cheers! Dual / Independent