Charles T. (Dr. Tom) Turley, Ph.D. Cofounder - Executive Coordinator - 1WSW Graphic Artist - Virtual Audio Music/Sound Designer (Researcher Scientist - disabled and retired) Age 49 115 Santa Clara St. Brisbane, CA., 94005 USA Tel. (415) 468-1609 Internet - GEnie - C.TURLEY2 This NTV.30 disk, its graphics, music and design are a re-released version. It's Copyright (c) 1994 by 1WSW and OSRL. It's a FreeWare. Please distribute it as it is and only pack it as an 800k disk archive - SDK file. All music files are Copyright (c) 1994 by OSRL. If you wish to use the music in anything you do, all you need to do is ask my premission to do so, FIRST ! If you have any questions or comments, please address them to me, as noted above, via; e-mail, snail mail or voice phone. -END OF FILE-