Boomers Miserable, Seniors Happiest

2008-04-17 09:18:20

Robert Roy Britt

LiveScience Managing Editor

LiveScience.comWed Apr 16, 1:11 PM ET

While Baby Boomers struggle with rising mortgages and kids who barely know

their hard-working parents, senior citizens are apparently having a ball.

About half U.S. residents in their late 80s report being very happy, while the

figure for younger age groups plummets to a third or less, a new study finds.

Another recent study found depression peaks at about age 44 around the globe.

But things are looking up for anyone planning to hang around: Americans, at

least, grow happier as they age.

The new study also found that baby boomers are not as content as other

generations in other eras. Other findings:

African Americans are less happy than whites. Men are less happy than women.

Happiness can rise and fall between depending on economics of an era.

With age, the differences narrow.

"Understanding happiness is important to understanding quality of life. The

happiness measure is a guide to how well society is meeting people's needs,"

said lead researcher Yang Yang, assistant professor of sociology at the

University of Chicago. The study is published in the April issue of the

American Sociological Review.

The study

The research used data from "happiness research" - responses to questions about

contentment with overall life gathered in the General Social Survey of the

National Opinion Research Center.

Since 1972, the GSS has asked a cross section of Americans the same question:

"Taken all together, how would you say things are these days-would you say that

you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?" The question was asked in

interviews of population samples that ranged from about 1,500 to 3,000.

Yang charted happiness across age and racial groups and found that among

18-year-olds, white women are the happiest, with a 33 percent probability of

being very happy, followed by white men (28 percent), black women (18 percent)

and black men (15 percent).

Differences vanish over time, however. Black men and black women in their late

80s both have just more than a 50 percent chance of being very happy, while

white men and white women are close behind.

Middle-age misery

It's no secret that life hasn't lived up to the expectations of boomers, many

of whom can't even get a decent vacation. The key to happiness seems to involve


And middle-age misery is not limited to the United States. In a separate study

released in January, researchers in the United States and the UK looked at data

on 2 million people from 80 nations and found most people are miserable in

middle age. The probability of depression peaks around age 44, they found.

"Some people suffer more than others but in our data the average effect is

large," said University of Warwick Economist Professor Andrew Oswald, who

participated in the global study. "It happens to men and women, to single and

married people, to rich and poor, and to those with and without children.

Nobody knows why we see this consistency."

In the United States, Oswald and his colleagues found, unhappiness peaks at

around age 40 for women and 50 years of age for men.

"With age comes positive psychosocial traits, such as self-integration and

self-esteem," figures Yang. These signs of maturity could contribute to a

better sense of overall well-being. Also, differences between groups decrease

with age due to the equalization of resources that contribute to happiness,

such as access to health care, Medicare and Medicaid, and the loss of social

support due to the deaths of spouses and friends, Yang added.

Other keys to happiness based on previous research: Give away money, be

religious, be a Republican.

The Baby Boom generation (born from 1946-1964) were the least happy among those

surveyed in Yang's new study, too.

"This is probably due to the fact that the generation as a group was so large,

and their expectations were so great, that not everyone in the group could get

what he or she wanted as they aged due to competition for opportunities. This

could lead to disappointment that could undermine happiness," Yang said.

The 33 years of data revealed upticks in happiness when the nation flourished

economically. For example, she found that 1995 was a very good year on the

happiness scale.

Top 10 Immortals Keys to Happiness and Why We Don't Use Them 10 Things You

Didn't Know About You Original Story: Boomers Miserable, Seniors Happiest