[ Article crossposted from comp.windows.ms ]
[ Author was Kevin Routh ]
[ Posted on 19 Apr 1993 12:35:55 GMT ]

For your information:

I hooked up my ImageWriter I to my COM1 serial port and used the C-Itoh
8510 driver in Windows 3.1.  The cable I am using is a straight-thru
cable connected to a Null Modem Adapter I got at Radio Shack (catalog
#26-1496a) for $4.95.  It seems to work fine with both DOS and Windows.
I used the following command in DOS

        C:\DOS\mode COM1:9600,n,8,1,p

and set up the port the same way in the Windows Ports setup.

the Null Modem connections are as follows:

        1       to      1
        2       to      3
        3       to      2
        4       to      5
        5       to      4
        6+8     to      20
        20      to      6+8
        7       to      7

I printed from several applications and all seems OK.  

Kevin C. Routh                     Internet:    krouth@slee01.srl.ford.com
Ford Electronics                   IBMmail (PROFS):               USFMCTMF

Date:     Mon, 8 Mar 93 10:06:54 EST
From: Brinton Cooper <abc@BRL.MIL>
To: Daniel Demaggio <dmag@engin.umich.edu>
Subject:  Re: IWII on a PC

Last year, you wrote enquiring about a Windows driver for the Apple
ImageWriter.  Here's what I learned; I hope that you find it useful.

 The answer is that the ImageWriter is a C. Itoh 8510 in an Apple box.
Windows has a driver for the 8510, so you should just be able to hook it
up.  Also, I was told the following:

Cal the Itoh BBS at 714-660-1656 and download the following:

        PROEPSIM.COM - Makes your Imagewriter (Itoh) emulate an Epson

        PROIBM.COM - lets you emulate an IBM Proprinter (which is
                        in GRAPHICS.COM).

I hope that this is useful and not too late.  I just learnt about it a
week or two ago.
