Linux Is on the Rise For Business

2010-10-12 09:06:57

Tue Oct 12, 12:00 am ET

Large companies are planning to increase their reliance on Linux over the next

five years, both in terms of the number of Linux servers run in their

organizations and in terms of the mission-critical nature of the work they're

used for.

Linux servers over the next 12 months. By contrast, only 41 percent plan to add

Windows servers, while 44 percent say they will be decreasing or maintaining

the same number of Windows machines over the next year.

Looking out over five years, the difference is even more marked: A full 79

percent plan to add Linux servers over that time, while only 21 percent will

add new Windows servers.

"If I were going to sum it up in one sentence, it would be that these are good

times to be a Linux vendor," Amanda McPherson, vice president of marketing and

developer programs at The Linux Foundation, told me on the phone yesterday.

Migrations at Microsoft's Expense'

To understand Linux trends among the world's largest companies and government

organizations, Yeoman and The Linux Foundation focused in particular on

responses from a subset of close to 400 respondents representing organizations

with annual revenues of $500 million or more or greater than 500 employees.

Participants included members of The Linux Foundation End User Council and

other select organizations.

Sixty-six percent of the planned Linux deployments mentioned by respondents are

for brand-new applications or services, while 37 percent are migrations from

Windows, the survey found.

"We are seeing more migration at Microsoft's expense than the industry analysis

might lead you to believe," McPherson noted.

While part of that is inevitably due to the fact that this survey involves some

sample bias, since respondents were chosen by the Linux Foundation, another key

factor is that the data isn't tied to server sales the way so much industry

data is, she added. Since Linux is free, sales-linked estimates tend to

underestimate its adoption considerably.

More Mission-Critical Workloads

Perhaps even more telling than migration plans, though, is that a full 60

percent of respondents said they're planning to use Linux for more

mission-critical workloads than they have in the past. And whereas typically

the most common driver for adopting the free and open source operating system

is thought to be cost, the current survey found total cost of ownership was

cited as the No. 2 reason; rather, in first place was technical superiority.

Security, not surprisingly, followed as the third most common reason cited for

adopting Linux.

Lack of vendor lock-in and openness of the code were other frequently cited

drivers, each noted by 50 percent, as were the long-term viability of the

platform, noted by 46 percent, and the choice of software and hardware, cited

by 38 and 36 percent, respectively.

In cloud contexts, meanwhile, Linux led far and away, with 70 percent naming it

as their primary platform, compared with 18 percent citing Windows and 11

citing Unix. A full 36 percent said they're using Linux on the desktop as well.

"The days of a uniform, universal desktop for companies may be coming to an

end," McPherson said.

Finally, some 87 percent of respondents said Linux is continuously improving,

and 58 percent said it's become more strategic to their organizations.

Bottom line from all this? There can no longer be any doubt--whatever

detractors might claim, Linux is increasingly the best choice for business.