install'gtkide' ctrl-d exit cursor up/down scroll through history ; the verb link =. local assignment =: global assignment 'hello world' prints hello world text =. 'hello world' store string in text +/1 2 3 sum the numbers 1 2 3 */1 2 3 multiply the numbers 1 2 3 4%2 divide 4 by 2 4*2 multiply 4 y 2 5 + 10 20 30 add 5 to 10 20 30 avg=: +/ % # program to calculate average, e.g. avg 1 2 3 4 5 returns 3 m=: ?. 4 5 $ 50 create a matrix 4x5 with random numbers <1 0 0 1 0 boxed data 6!:0 '' current time 6!:1 '' seconds since the start of session v =. green apple dog set array v to green apple dog a =. 1 2 3 4 set array a to 1 2 3 4 a+1 returns 2 3 4 5 a%2 returns 0.5 1 1.5 2 ;: '2 + 3' load 'convert' toupper 'testing 1 2 3' +/i.11 sum the numbers 0 to 10 sum=: +/ assign sum to sum b =. 1 2 3 4 5 sum b #b return number of elements of b ( # also returns the number of characters in a string t =. 'text' ~. t return unique characters of t sort t returns the characters of t sorted i.10 return numbers 0 to 9 2^3 returns 2 to the power of 3 ? 20#100 generate 20 random numbers from 0 to 99 0! zero factorial returns 1 !x: i.5 returns the factorials from 0 to 4 (e.g. 1 1 2 6 24) scores =: 45 67 89 12 34 55 77 90 /:~scores sorts scores 6 +. 10 returns greatest common divisor between 6 and 10 v=: ?. 10 $ 10 generate 10 random numbers from 0 to 9 *: 4 calculate square of 4 *: 1 2 3 4 calculate squares of 1 through 4 2 | 7 returns 2 modulo 7 (e.g. 1) 1 + (u =: 99) assign 99 to u and add 1 table =: 2 3 $ 5 6 7 8 9 10 assign a 2x3 matrix to table $ table lists dimensions of table (e.g. 2 3) gerbil =: 'maximus' # gerbil returns 7 gerbil i. 'x' returns 2 a =: 'The answer is' ; 42 a contains The answer is 42 inside a box 0 { a returns The answer is 1 { a returns 42 a =: 7 b =: 7 a -: b -: is match, a matches b so it returns 1 3 3 $ 'xo' create a 3x3 matrix from characters xo 3 3 $ i.9 create a 3x3 matrix with the numbers 0 to 8 3 3 $ i._9 create a 3x3 matrix with the numbers 8 to 0 a =: 3 3 $ i.9 $ a returns shape of a which is 3 3 (< 1 ; 2) { a returns row 1, column 2 which is 5 in this case 3 >. 5 returns ceiling of 3 and 5 (e.g. 5) 3 <. 5 returns floor of 3 and 5 (e.g. 3) 'a' ,~ 'b' returns ba b =: (i.10) +1 b equals the numbers 1 to 10 _1 { a returns last element of a s =: 'pasta' # s returns 5 z =: 8 {. pad out s to 8 charactes (with spaces) |. 'cat' returns tac load '~/j701/addons/ide/jhs/demo/jdemo1.ijs' list v =: i.10 v contains 0 to 9 p: v returns first 10 prime numbers