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This is the FIRST GaNjA GuIdE that has been officially released.. We are small as hell now but with the support of YOU, we will grow. The old writers of the 'zine printed it in the computer rooms in their college and distibuted it throughout the city.. They have passed ALL editing over to me and let me write and do whatever the fuck I want to with the 'zine.. They found it becoming too popular in this town to keep the responsibility.. If you would like to voulenteer to write articles for GANJA GUIDE, just leave mail to EVILIVE on MARY JANE bbs, or on my BBS which is going to up un a VERY short time. Also this mag is going to be distributed hopefully once a week... If you have a BBS that would like to become a subscriber, the cost for the 'zine is FREE. All you have to do is leave me some e-mail on MARY JANE bbs or my BBS which is going to be up shortly.. CoNtEnTs............. FBI Released Area Arrests...........1 How To Grow Some Good Shit..........2 How To Send Weed Through The Mail...3 Homemade Dope.......................4 Its small but what can you say, it comes out EVERY week! PIGS Area Busts..........................1 The local Tucson pigs have announced that they have plans to bust 9 crop growers this month in the towns of Marana, Rillito, Cortaro, Moblie Red Rock, Mammoth, Picacho, and the Black Mountian area.. These Results Came From some off the wall TV News brodcast today.. So if you live in ANY of these areas, I would suggest that you either 1. take your stash, and STASH it is a nice tidey spot. Or 2. Have a Hash bash and get really fucked up.. it good How go grow some good shit..............................2 I have seen this method done MANY times, I have yet to be upset by the plants resulting from this method.. People say it works best if you use high grade SKUNK #1 seeds which are fairly easy to come by. Foolproof steps to grow some good shit ______________________________________ 1. Get some seeds (Skunk #1 preferably) 2. Get a LARGE tuperware container (with lid) 3. Take some paper towels and wet them with distilled water 4. Take the seeds and space them fairly even apart on the wet towel. 4. Cover them with another wet paper towel. 5. put the cover on them and check them every week or so, until they get about 2 inches in length. 6. Trasfer them to a place that has lots of light and very damp warm soil. 7. Put 1/8 of a teaspoon of maricle grow on them.. If you want to take a risk use DRAINO.. It makes them grow purple but they are potent as hell if you can get it to grow. 8. when they get about 6 inches tall and start to get a thick stem, plant them in a bigger pot but under the same conditions.. 9. When youthink they are strong enough to grow on their own, plant them in a good spot that has very good soil and not very many weeds. 10. Watch them grow grow grow and pick thebuds off when they are nice and fat and filled with flowing juices! Get high and have some fun in jail! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 How to send weed through tha mail With todays security on mail systems, it is hard as hell to send your best friend a sample of your "CHOICE" weed without the pigs knocking on your front door. So I have complied a little section on how to SUCCESSFULLY send you stash through the mail!.. 1. get a video tape 2. take out the screws and throw the tape inside 3. put your stash in a plastic baggy and spray it with perfume. 3. take the bagy put in INSIDE the VIDEO casset cartrage and put the screws back in.. 4. Tell the braindead postal guy that you got to ship a VIDEO TAPE to your buddy, and he wil put a STICKER on there saying DO NOT X-RAY VIDEOTAPE. 5. then when the dogs sniff it (yes they use those fuckers for smelling out dope. they wont smell the weed, only the perfume. 6. Let your friend kick back with some choice shit as you go out to get laid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 MAKING SOME GOOD SHIT!! HOMEMADE DOPE!!! Well you want to get high but cant afford it, and plus you dont want to take the risk of getting nailed by some pig so you decide to make your own shit!. Well if you fit this description Then this article is for you!... This weeks HOMEMADE article deals with BANNANNA PEELS Yes Yes Yes you have heard it before but have never gotten it to work...Well I am going to tell you how to GET IT TO WORK! since I have done this 20+ times and It beats alot of the shit out there since this is TOTTALY LEGAL!! 1. Get some bannan's 2. Take the peels and chuck the insides at your neighbors house. 3. Peel off the INNER part of the bannana peel until you are down to a NICKLE THICK skin.. 4. Throw the yellow skin save the rest 5. Take the white shit and boil it for at least 35 min. 6. Take it and put it on a cookie sheet . 7. Turn the over on to 400 degrees and cook the shit until it is HARD AND BLACK 8. Let the shit cool and smoke it through a bong.. 9. It will take you like three bowlfuls the first time before you get SO MESSED YOU CANT TALK! 10. After that a 1/2 bowl will get you thrashed!! THANKS GO OUT TO... MARY JANE BBS FOR THE ANSI HIGH TIMES MARY JANE GANJA MARIJUANA CANNABIS SATIVA REEFER DITCH WEED WILD ROSE 'CID NOTHEREN LIGHTS SKUNK #1 SOME TV NEWS STATION THAT IS RETARTED NORML CYPRESS HILL WILLIE NELSON GALIANO SLAYER THE FRINGES LOST COLONY ANGELA SACRED RIECH DR. DRE BEASTIE BOYS BLACK SHEEP AND ANY OTHER "TOKERS" THAT i DIDNT MENTION ----CaNaBlE cOrPsE ----EVILIVE NEXT ISSUE HOMEMADE SHIT WITH NUTMEG HOW TO GET 'SHROOMS MAILORDER THE BEST BONGS AND WHERE TO GET THEM PRICES OF THE CURRENCY IN NY,LA,SF,AZ