Is there a good way to post to Station from the command line, e.g. from a shell script? Let's say I want to post to Mastodon from toot and to Station with the same command. How would you go about it?
1 year ago
I use gemget to post to Station whenever I add a new tinylog entry. This is the script I use, with username and cert fingerprint bytes removed:
Gemget is here:
If you've got the inclination and ability, there's also a Bash-based client which could probably have client certificate support added with little effort:
(You could also just adapt its way of using OpenSSL to run Gemini requests, I suppose.) ยท 1 year ago
AV-98 is a command line client. Ifyou want to try it without installing use ssh ยท 1 year ago
Try the gmni client, it can be used like curl to send single requests. You'll need to feed it a valid client certificate for your Station user. ยท 1 year ago