Central banks - When the chips are down

2012-06-26 11:35:32

The European Central Bank has unlimited firepower and limited inclination to

use it. The first of two articles on central banks explains the ECB s thinking

Jun 23rd 2012 | Frankfurt | from the print edition

IN 2008 and 2009, policymakers impressed markets with decisive action. Central

banks moved swiftly to slash interest rates and extend liquidity, beefing up

balance-sheets in the process (see chart). Governments launched big stimulus

programmes. The G20 meetings were a signal of a concerted determination to act.

Things are different now. At this week s G20 summit in Mexico, more fingers

were pointed than backs slapped. Many governments are intent on tightening

policy, not loosening it. Central banks retain the capacity to act: the Bank of

England announced new liquidity programmes on June 14th, and on June 20th the

Federal Reserve decided to extend a programme to hold more longer-term bonds

(see article). But, maddeningly, the institution that needs to do most the

European Central Bank is hanging back even as the pressure on countries like

Spain, whose sovereign-bond yields rose to euro-era highs this week,


The politicians are casting around for solutions of their own. One approach,

mooted in Mexico, would be for the zone s bail-out funds either the permanent

European rescue fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) due to start in

July, or the temporary European Financial Stability Facility to purchase the

bonds of struggling countries like Spain and Italy, driving down their yields.

Such intervention has previously been conducted by the ECB via its Securities

Markets Programme (SMP), which now holds over 200 billion ($250 billion) in

government bonds.

The snag with using the ESM is that its firepower is limited to 500 billion

(of which up to 100 billion is already earmarked for Spanish banks). By

contrast the ECB s resources are potentially unlimited. Yet Mario Draghi, the

ECB s president, has made clear that any use of the SMP should be temporary and

limited. No purchases have been made over the past three months. Mr Draghi

knows that bond-buying alarms the Germans, who regard it as close to monetary

financing of states, which is banned by the European treaty establishing the


And even if the ECB did start buying bonds again, the intervention might be

less effective than its proponents hope. Financial markets are now gripped by

fears of subordination being pushed down the pecking order of creditors. The

ECB s insistence on being excluded from the Greek sovereign-debt restructuring

in March, which resulted in bigger losses for private bondholders, has set a

worrying precedent. Investors now worry that any official rescue, whether by

the ECB or the ESM, will claim a similar privilege.

Another way in which the ECB could calm things down would be to prime its Big

Bertha again and to fire off a third round of long-term funding for European

banks, maybe providing loans for even longer than the three-year term on those

made in December and February. Those two LTROs (longer-term refinancing

operations) were successful in cowing the markets, at least for a time. And the

ECB feels on much safer ground when it lends to banks (even if they then lend

to governments) than when it steps into the swamp of sovereign-bond markets.

Yet the case for another LTRO is less compelling than before. The funding

drought that prompted the first two has largely been quenched thanks to the big

take-up of those earlier offers, which amounted to just over 1 trillion of

three-year money. Mr Draghi said on June 15th that constraints on the supply of

bank credit had been removed. As with the policy of quantitative easing pursued

in America and Britain, there may be diminishing returns to unorthodox

policies: having banks load up on even more domestic government debt is not

ideal, for example.

That leaves more orthodox approaches. There are certainly compelling reasons

for the ECB to ease monetary policy. The euro area may have managed to dodge

recession in early 2012 (when output remained flat after declining by 0.3% in

late 2011), but GDP seems to have slipped back in the second quarter. A clutch

of business surveys, including the latest ZEW indicator of confidence among

German investors, paint a dismal picture of the rot spreading from the

periphery to the German core. The second quarter started wretchedly: euro-zone

industrial output contracted by 0.8% in April from March; the monthly fall in

Germany was 2%.

To counter this weakening, the ECB looks likely to cut interest rates when its

governing council meets on July 5th. Its benchmark rate has stood at 1% since

December. If it were to be cut to 0.5% (similar to the rate in Britain), this

would affect not just new lending by the ECB but the rate charged on the LTROs

(for which banks will be charged the average interest rate over the three

years). Any reduction would probably occur in two quarter-point steps, as

happened late last year when the ECB brought down the rate from 1.5% to 1%.

Such a move may bolster Germany and other solid northern economies, but it will

do little to help the euro area s foundering southern economies. The

fundamental problem that Mr Draghi faces is the acute divergence within the

euro zone as capital flight sucks funds out of the periphery and into the core,

making monetary conditions simultaneously tight and loose. In Germany, despite

recent gloom, businesses and households can borrow readily at cheap rates. In

southern Europe, banks are restricting the supply of credit; those loans that

are available are expensive.

Mr Draghi has long argued that the solution to the euro crisis lies in the

hands of politicians. If European leaders fail to deliver when they meet for

yet another summit in Brussels at the end of June, the ECB will remain in a

quandary. Trying to implement a common monetary policy for the euro zone was

always a tough task. But in a rapidly fragmenting currency area, it is

well-nigh impossible.

from the print edition | Finance and economics