馃懡 basil_mori

I have far too many games I've started and haven't finished. I wonder how effective it would be to disallow myself from buying/picking up any other games until I've finished or fully given up on the ones I already began.

2 months ago 路 馃憤 astromech, digbat, ruby_witch, turtlebard, astroseneca, ivanodin, bavarianbarbarian


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6 Replies

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Everyone has the pile of shame.. and it grows and grows and grows since epic/prime are releasing very good games for nothing. And, shame on me, i havent played games for a long time, even had to buy a new box for CP77.. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 astroseneca

I have the same problem, but a little more consistent. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 turtlebard

I have a similar issue. I rationalize it by convincing myself life is too short to play games that aren't fun. I tend to immediately bounce off of games if there's a ton of grinding. Sometimes I bail during the tutorial. Instead I've been exploring a lot of itch.io games lately because they tend to be shorter (and cheaper). Some of them only take a few hours to complete so you can play through a story or a cool concept in an evening. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 ruby_witch

I have far too many games that I haven't even started yet! But the Steam Fall and Winter sales are coming up... Then I'll have even more. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 digbat

EU4: before i manage to finish: new patch, rules changed, not save compatible - not my fault, start again:-) 路 2 months ago

馃懡 astromech

It's super effective! 路 2 months ago