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James web just fucking broke our understanding of the universe.

5 months ago


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6 Replies

馃懡 zero

yeah I also find it interesting. If you have links or anything to broaden my understanding I would be delighted. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 comatoast

@Cobradile94 There's some buzz going on right now because some galaxies appear more mature than they should be according to estimates over the big bang and infaltion and our predictions. Some people think it's a big deal some people don't. Some people also are christians trying to use this to say the big bang was disproven, but, not quite. I dunno it's interesting 路 5 months ago

馃懡 cobradile94

Wait, what happened? 路 5 months ago

馃懡 comatoast

@Ruby Yeah but what we are seeing isn't in alignment with the standard model of cosmology. If I understand correctely. The galaxies we are finding are far to old to be as mature as they are. Basically the math doesn't add up with inflationary theory and it doesn't match wartch we predict we should see during that period. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 ruby_witch

@moddedbear The Big Bang is the reason that the James Webb was designed and launched in the first place. Because of the nature of the early universe, we can only see so far back in time with visible light (Hubble) so we launched an infrared telescope (James Webb) to see a further. But it, too, is limited by the physics at the beginning of the universe, so again we can only see a certain amount more.

So I guess the James Webb should be some pretty good evidence for those people who were questioning the Big Bang, even though it does give us a good sense of the infinite size of space. It's still infinitely large, but we can only see so far back in time. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 moddedbear

Pretty sure I saw a headline recently saying that some were starting to question the big bang. Infinity used to be such an abstract concept but now we're able to take pictures of it. 路 5 months ago