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馃懡 kevinsan

馃憢 I lie a lot. Also, I was actually born in a field.

馃實 A field in Surrey

馃棧 Followers 23 路 Following 9 路 Logs 77 路 Docked 2 years ago



馃憢 Join Station


馃懡 kevinsan

Turns out I have a total of 362 tabs open in Firefox. Does anyone know a good therapist?

馃挰 12 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Lucky Bag Links now has a section for Awesome-* curated links. There are currently around 4k links in the pool. gemini://gemini.susa.net/lucky_bag_links.gmi

馃挰 0 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Why doesn't the BBC make a TV program on Ad Blocking and Tracking. They show so much shit these days, nothing genuinely useful or helpful.

馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Being forced to watch Eurovision atm, the only time of year I contemplate divorce. Eurovision is like the musical equivalent of an in-flight magazine!

馃挰 4 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

So, who buys the freenode drama and has moved to irc.libera.chat?

馃挰 6 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

https://github.com/mininet/mininet Software Defined Networks simulator

馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

"Ok kids, you have no choice. Just leave the XBox to update the game and hate Microsoft with all your heart while you're waiting."

馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

I can read Gemini stuff just as well with Lagrange, Geminaut, Amfora, or *netcat* in Bash! That's the beauty of simple gemtext markup.

馃挰 1 Reply 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Just installed an LXC container running Debian 10, on a KVM guest running Debian 10, on a Debian 10 Intel server. It's Debian all the way down. I feel something is wrong with the world.

馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Anthem to the Ad-Tech industry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrwjiO1MCVs

馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Anthem to twitbooks defectors - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWd9mqC80BU

馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Anthem to Silicon Valley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejU5YAHN3vQ

馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

My lucky bag of links - gemini://gemini.susa.net/cgi-bin/links.lua You do have to forage a bit, it's quite fun.

馃挰 4 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Working through last year's Masterchef, it feels weird watching any TV after so long. Kind of comfy.

馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Thumbs-ups are nice, friendly, supportive. All good things, and I'll probably use them too. My point is that (on the twitbooks), they satisfy ego or commercial gain. My ego feels the need for validation, and while I recognise it, I don't like it. I should write my opinions regardless of popularity.

馃挰 4 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

Thumbs Ups brings the popularity-contest gaming that twitbooks do into Gemini. I don't think it belongs here.

馃挰 6 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 kevinsan

It's too late to be thinking up first posts. As my dad liked to say when I was a kid: GET TO BEDDDDDDD!!!

馃挰 1 Reply 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago

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