Today's ecstasy?
I've this ancient SD-card-to-USB adapter attached to a small rubber USB extender. I've used it for years to transfer files from the 16 track recorder to elsewhere, e.g. a computer for wav->mp3 conversion.
Well... wouldn't you know that now I'm in a bit of crunch time mastering and uploading tunes for The Kid, that right off the bat this morning I plugged that fucker into my Chromebook as I've done gobs of times, and... NOTHING. No sound. No Files app popping up to show me the SD card's file system. NOTHING.
So... but.. well, the light on the end of the adapter lights. So I was more than a little what the fuck.
Removed the extender to plug in just the adapter.
Tried it in a Windows machine.
Made a sound when I plugged it in, but the Files app didn't pop up the way it used to. And when I started the Files app manually, it didn't find an external device.
So, yeah, instead of making the progress I needed to make, I spent at least an hour trying this and that, finally reverting to using a USB cable from the USB port on the recording device instead of popping the SD card.
That worked.
However, I know in the past I switched from using the USB port to popping the SD card because somehow or another USB transfers took more than half of forever... and yet today such transfers were pleasantly zippy....
Makes me think modern tech is massively narcissistic, essentially unhappy unless the star for better, or for much, MUCH worse....
I see flash drives and SD cards as just more planned obsolesence in our consumerist society.
Yeah they have their advantages for fast boot times, and gaming, but they cannot be trusted to hold anything very long. Plus with repeated usage, and normal filesystem journalling, they can degrade pretty damn fast.
HD drives maybe slow but they are at least designed to hold data for a long time.
Im sure I will swap out my system flash drive in other year or two when it seizes.