< Is gemini a read-only protocol?
Sensitive input is nice considering the risks of DNS, maybe you don't want every admin on your network to know your specific search queries.
Ideally, fancy viewer implementations could even allow for showing input boxes inline if they fit some standard like last item on page is input button, etc, etc, with a toggle setting in a view menu. Put a 🔒 next to it if it's sensitive, else 🔓
I agree that I should be able to use midnight.pub with all features from gemini. My concern was with CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), not encoding. In the web this is a solved problem by using hidden form inputs, but we have no such thing in gemini. Although you could do it by generating dynamic URLs with a random code that gets verified by the server... I would need to think about it :D
Also, beware that SENSITIVE INPUT is only a cosmetic feature: your input still travels in the URL. The only distinction is that clients should not print on the screen the input as you type it, to prevent "shoulder surfers".