The other paradox of thrift - Why low rates mean you need to save more

2015-12-15 12:11:47

Dec 10th 2015, 10:42 by Buttonwood

A LOW interest rate policy is designed, in part, to make people save less and

spend more. The problem is that this approach eventually hits a wall. That is

because the biggest reason people need to save is to cover their retirement,

when they need to convert their savings into an income. And then low rates have

a perverse effect.

Say you want a $20,000 private income (indexed to inflation) in retirement to

top up your state pension/social security. The size of the pot you need depends

very much on the income you can generate. So look at this simple table

Income rate Size of pot ($)

5% 400,000

4% 500,000

3% 666,666

2% 1,000,000

How many people have a million-dollar pension pot? If 2% seems a low income

rate, remember that US TIPS - the only way of guaranteeing an inflation-linked

income - yield just 0.7% (real yields on long-dated index-linked gilts in the

UK are actually negative). Even getting 2% depends on taking some risk.

So even a shift from an assumed payout rate from 5% to 4% requires one to save

25% more. No problem, you might say, that pension pot will be invested not in

cash, but in equities, which have rebounded strongly since 2009. True, but if

you take a longer-term view, the S&P 500 is only about 40% ahead of its 2000

level (or about 2.5% annualised capital gain. Add in dividends of 2% and take

out costs of 1% and you are talking about a 3.5% return). In the UK, the FTSE

100 is below its end-1999 peak (briefly surpassed this year).

Going forward, as we argued recently, investor returns are likely to be lower

than they were in the past, because starting valuations are higher. Indeed,

this year has illustrated the point. The S&P 500 is practically where it was 12

months ago, the MSCI world is slightly down, emerging markets have been

terrible, and commodities have slumped.

Keynes's paradox of thrift was that, if everyone tried to save more, demand

would fall, GDP would decline and, on average, everyone would be worse off. But

this paradox is that, rationally, low rates should cause people to save more in

the long run, not less. The personal savings rate in the US is 5.6%, double the

level of 10 years ago. But it is a long way below the 10-12.5% range from 1960

to 1980. Perhaps people simply haven't figured out the problem or perhaps given

the failure of real income to rise, they simply haven't been able to afford a

higher savings rate.