A limitation of the duckling proxy is actually trying to do web searches through a gemini client. So today I worked on a little bash script to input user queries and output those queries in a search engine url format. Might make a full gemini post about it but for now you can view the script source here:
The ultimate goal is to create a CGI service that processes a users query and redirects you to the corrisponding search engine url.
7 months ago 路 馃憤 superfxchip, mfoo2
@smokey def gna play w/ the browser proxy, but you j gave me a nice fun task that'll help me prepare running apps outta my own linux instance w yr local proxy guide. thx for the resources! Bookmark'd 路 7 months ago
@superfxchip tldr: If you are using lagrange just go to file>preferences>network>HTTP proxy
and put in
to try it out. Check the other supported clients list if your using something else 路 7 months ago
@superfxchip The duckling proxy was actually invented by marmaladefoo, but thank you for the kind words!
you can read more about the duckling proxy at its home page: gemini.marmaladefoo.com/blog/1-Sep-2020_The_Duckling_Proxy.gmi
Acidus was nice enough to release a public instance of the duckling proxy just yesterday morning. You can read more about the public instance over at: gemi.dev/gemlog/2022-06-28-public-proxy.gmi
Finally for a bit of self promotion, I have a guide to setting up the duckling proxy on your local computer if you would rather self-host. gemini://tilde.team/~smokey/logs/2022-05-24-duckling-guide.gmi
Hope this all helps you! 路 7 months ago
that still sounds very interesting if you get that working, i'd love to be able to sift through blogspots and forums off http via gemini 馃憖馃捑 路 7 months ago
@smokey ooooh. I see now. so the way a gem2http proxy will take the gemtext markup converted into html, your proxy takes an html page stripped to a gemtext output.
I'd love to give that a shot! I'll check that mozz proxy out too btw thx, i been using vulpes. 路 7 months ago
A problem with using the duckling proxy is that you cannot natively query web search engines within the gemini client. Searching for things on the web through your client is not possible.What I am trying to do is build a simple CGI script which you can send a search query (like you would typically to google or whatnot) and have it redirect you to that search page rendered in gemtext with links to indexed websites. 路 7 months ago
@superfxchip I believe what you are talking about already exist, mozz.us has a gemini-to-http proxy which works the way you think. for example you can send your friends this link to share https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/superfxchip.cities.yesterweb.org/Items/superfxchip_ynos_cc_by_3.0.mp3
The duckling proxy is the reverse of that. Instead of bringing gemini content to your web browser, it brings web content to your gemini client by stripping out everything but the text (and optionally links to media). For example https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ works remarkably well rendered in gemtext. 路 7 months ago
Bookmark'd! Can't wait to see progress on this program. I'd love to link ppl geminispace audio search results via a proxy. 路 7 months ago