馃懡 discrust

::: I would like to try Clockwork DevTerm A04... it would be my "portable" Debian instead of usual smartphone (for calls/SMS I want to use an old-school cell phone).. I think DevTerm would be good stuff for XMPP, IRC, Tox communication, with i3wm for example, and good platform for Gemini using... What do you think about the idea?

6 months ago 路 馃憤 discrust


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11 Replies

馃懡 discrust

@kelbot, thank you very much! 馃憤 路 5 months ago

馃懡 kelbot

@discrust Well I wouldn't describe it as "good" but I did some things to make the amount high volume typing mostly unnecessary. I too mostly use the terminal and I setup my environment with tmux configured to do all the common things in few keystrokes. I also use a little launcher program that makes nice buttons for launching programs/scripts/whatever via mouse/touchscreen. I use the same basic setup now on my Pinephone with keyboard. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 discrust

@kelbot, tell me something about your feelings with typing on PocketCHIP's keyboard! I would use (in 80-90%) only CLI apps, so lots of typing.. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 kelbot

The DevTerm is pretty awesome but it kind of sits in between the types of devices I would buy. It's actually a lot smaller than it looks and the keyboard is reportedly too small and hard to touch type on. But it's too big to fit in a pocket. I have had a PocketCHIP since they were released and I really enjoyed it and used it a lot. Now my primary portable computer is a Pinephone with the keyboard attachment. Significantly larger than a smartphone but still fits in my pocket and has an acceptable physical keyboard. 路 5 months ago

馃懡 discrust

@freezr, I have Dell with Debian testing/sid, but I don't want a smartphone anymore. I want usual oldschool cell phone without internet connection and additionally something smaller than laptop, stuff I could take to my bag, use in a pub, train, any other travel. something only for 5-10 CLI apps for communication and gemini-editing... PocketCHIP would be great solution, but even 100$ is too much for me (at least right now). maybe someone will put up for sale his small cyberdeck, maybe in 5-6 months we will see some portable "linux terminal" with phisical keyboard.. I have no experience to build the stuff on my own... 路 6 months ago

馃懡 freezr

If you are willing to jump a lot of hoops, a good deal would be recovering a decent Chromebook on EBay for less than $40 bucks and installing you favorite Linux distro on it... 路 6 months ago

馃懡 freezr

The pinebook looks great, but it hasn't had a clear interface yet, plus is super expensive... There is also the GDP-Pocket but all those devices are pretty pricey for my pocket. So far I've satisfied my needs of having a small-factor computer with an old netbook that I got for free. With a bunch of money I updated RAM & disk but it looks so underpowered that often drives me crazy. To upload a bunch of GMI files with rsync are required 5 minutes... 馃槺 路 6 months ago

馃懡 discrust

@freezr, I love PineNote design and fuctionality, I'm reading lots of books on inkBOOK reader, so I like e-ink screens, but I'm not sure how's a work with linux console on e-ink... I mean the refreshing and speed... 路 6 months ago

馃懡 discrust

@freezr, I calculated the DevTerm A6 price with delivery to Poland - 421$! it's horrible! for sure, I'll no buy! it's sooo expensive for me! maybe later, when I'll find an used one on ebay, or something... but not 421$, never! ::: ChipPocket is a good alternative, I saw many reviews.. perfect for me, when I want to use there only CLI apps (IRC, XMPP, Tox, elinks etc.). but the keyboard is terrible :D 路 6 months ago

馃懡 freezr

Not sure if this seller is reliable but the old CHIP Pocket is sold at $99.

https://shop.pocketchip.co/collections/frontpage/products/pocket-c-h-i-p-new 路 6 months ago

馃懡 freezr

I found it pretty expensive, for the same price you can get a Pinebook Pro and having a functional Arm laptop. 馃 路 6 months ago